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My Top Posts in 2021
Do you have any advice for dealing with a sin that you don’t want to repent of until you go to Confession and then fall right back into, sometimes full swing with the only repentance you can manage as “sorry that I’m not sorry” until you start the cycle again?
Oh boy. This is a heavy one.
This is something I struggle with. At college I had one sin that I kept falling back into. Without going into details it was a big one. I've moved past it, by the grace of God, but I'm persisting in other faults, and by the end of this answer I think I'll need to take some of my own advice.
So my main piece of advice: pray, and don't just leave prayers for yourself in your own hands. Turn to the Church. Not just your priest, but also someone you trust with your soul. I'm glad that you've started this step with me, but I don't know who you are (and that's fine! I'm a stranger on the internet!) I don't know what you've been through, why you're here. But as in my case, the Church Militant also struggles with sin. We're on earth, living in a world that puts no value on grace. Ask your confessor. Ask a friend. It's okay to be uncertain, because we are not yet in perfect bliss. So turn to the Church Militant, even and perhaps especially those who know you.
But not just those on earth. Remember that the Church Suffering - the souls in Purgatory - can also pray for us, just as we do them. Pray for them, and pray for their intercession. They're in Purgatory as penance. They know the struggle you're going through perhaps better than anyone in the Church Militant.
And, obviously, the Church Triumphant sits in the very presence of God. Their intercession is a powerful force. Our Lady - our Mom - will gladly intercede even if you believe yourself the most wretched sinner. Find a saint who underwent the same struggles as yourself, or if you find no one specific, St. Augustine is a great intercessor for general unrepentance. Christ Himself is merciful, especially Christ in the confessional; however, sometimes it's easier to turn to a mutual friend and ask for them to speak with Him about you, rather than bear the weight of turning to Him yourself.
In addition: make sacrifices elsewhere. You should, of course, be distancing yourself from the source of your sin (avoiding the near occasion), but human nature is fragile. Discipline yourself elsewhere instead. Fast and abstain, don't listen to that song you like for a day, force yourself to read something religious. Say a rosary - either one third part, or the whole fifteen decades, depending.
However, I do feel the need to say two things that are less reassuring. If you find yourself in a state of constant mortal sin (which deliberate and knowing wrongdoing is in most cases), do not go to communion. You need the grace of the Blessed Sacrament, but remember that that is Christ. Make reparation, make a spiritual communion, but to receive God into yourself unworthily is to condemn yourself (St. Paul). The other issue, more personal, is to not allow yourself to fall into despair. Not presumption, either, but if you are like me despair is more likely. God loves you. God will forgive you if you return to Him, and if you seek help in doing so. You are worthy of God's Love no matter what, because He made you to be loved and to love Him in return. Cling to that hope like a lifeline. Do not despair of Christ's love for you, His love and willingness to suffer death, even death on a cross, for you individually. It is a great and terrible truth, but to despair is to let Him die in vain; despair is the sin of Judas, and the only one that is not forgivable. You are loved, and you have people to reach out to. Remember that.
I hope this helps. I'm praying for you, and God bless and keep you safe!
79 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 19:32:41 GMT
It's kind of a shame that people today see "teaching your kids these things I genuinely believe to be moral and good for their salvation" is seen as indoctrination and "teaching your kids that they're inherently racist, not for any real reason just because they're white Raphael, of course they are" isn't seen as indoctrination at all
83 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 17:28:30 GMT
Can people pray for my friend E who's considering converting to Catholicism please
105 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 00:37:20 GMT
Hey, just a general prayer request. Can I get some Hail Marys for peace in my family and a sign for my future? Thanks in advance and God bless
132 notes • Posted 2021-04-17 17:27:26 GMT
very based 😌
Based? Based on what?
187 notes • Posted 2021-07-18 20:06:59 GMT
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