kingmeshacklebolt · 5 years
cupids for hire
Kingsley didn’t mind this ball, not really. For once he didn’t have to work the event. It’d been proper ages since he’d had a night on the town with his boyfriend and friends without having to run patrols or check IDs. Though he did miss working with Valka. The Ministry had to take her off babysitting duties eventually, right? For the moment it didn’t do to dwell on it. Best to turn his attentions to happier things.
Like, say, hiring a cupid to follow Benj around and sing completely true and accurate compliments about one of his best friends. Merlin knows Benjy got down on himself about things like these big parties full of dressed up people. Kingsley got it, he really did. 
When Benjy, followed by his intrepid working cupid, met him on the edge of the dance floor with a flush on his cheeks, Kingsley gave him a beatific smile. “Hullo there, Benj. I see you’ve got yourself a nice seasonally appropriate hanger-on.”
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
Book Club
Daisy hadn’t been sure if she’d be able to find Benjy again easily, and she let out a sigh of relief as she caught sight of him sitting at a cafe table near the bookstore where they’d first met. Daisy hurried down him, slipped a book out of her bag, and slammed it down on his table.
“I need you to read this travel story. It sounds so fantastical, even for a wizard’s adventure. I want someone else to tell me if I’m crazy or the author is.” She paused, realizing she hadn’t actually said hello. “Well, if you’d like to. Obviously I wouldn’t expect you to humor me by reading something you had no interest in. It’s, ah, good to see you again.”
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staygoldengilderoy · 5 years
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
my muse’s last text to your muse
ha ha sorry about last night? i got snot all over your shirt
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frcnked · 5 years
It was too soon. Only a month before Frank himself had been lying in a hospital bed, recovering from the attack in the Ministry, and now it was Kinglsey. A jumble of thoughts bounced around inside his head, impossible to sort through and leaving him confused as he slowly navigated the streets. Guilt was the most evident presence in his brain, once again he’d failed at his job and people had gotten hurt. And Kinglsey none the less, one of the most capable Aurors in the department.
Then there was the feeling of chaos. Screams and panic still fresh in Franks's head from what should have been one of the happiest days for their friends. No matter how long it had been and how many attacks Frank had witnessed he still couldn’t quite shake off the screams. He kinda hoped he wouldn’t.
After a little more time Frank trying to sort through his brain, he spotted the outside of a familiar flower shop, the outline of Benjy Fenwick standing outside. “Sorry for taking so long,” Frank said, walking up to the other man and trying to push his complicated thoughts out of his head. “Hope you weren’t waiting forever I got a bit lost.”
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oskaralmstedt · 4 years
          Oskar would never have been allowed to step foot in a shop like this if he was home. HIs dad would have forbidden it. Though it probably would have never crossed his mind that a shop like this existed. The muggle apothecary shop was clearly different than an actual wizard one. Looking at rows of different ingredients, he wondered what they were used for. The only reason he’d found this shop was because he’d been exploring muggle London, a place that was... well intriguing to say the least. Pausing as he reached a different aisle, he once again wondered at why there were crystals completely lining the shelves of half this aisle. 
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upinsmoke-gossip · 5 years
Have you heard any rumours of new hookups?
This is a good question, always a source of juicy gossip. I can’t swear to any of these, but trust me when I say there are hints.
We all know that Sofiya Nott is a romantic disaster whose mother put out an ad trying to get her a date, but it seems to me that she should have been watching her daughter’s eyes. It looks to me like she’s been making heart eyes at Vanja Novak, and I think his pedigree might match to Ms. Nott’s mother’s standards… even if his fashion doesn’t.
Are Benjy Fenwick and Gilderoy Lockhart a thing yet, or are they still making puppy faces at each other? I know they broke up, but they strike me as a pair of lonely guys that just found that old, soft jumper you should have tossed and didn’t stashed away in the back of their closet. Comfort can be seductive at times.
And then there’s Nathan Chastain and Cassidy Runcorn. From what I’ve heard, Cas gets around as much as the common cold, so maybe it’s nothing, but the hand on Nate’s ass says that it was probably something for at least one round.
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@nottsofiya @vanja-novak @benjy-andthejets @staygoldengilderoy @nathan-chastain @casruncorn
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casruncorn · 5 years
“It’s not that bad, just had a little misunderstanding with someone.” Cas said as the other pointed out the injury under his eye, skin still bruised. “And by misunderstanding, I mean the guy I was having a drink with forgot that he had a boyfriend. His boyfriend took offense at that when he happened to show up. Obviously.” 
A glance away like he was embarrassed he didn’t know, a shrug as if to pretend he didn’t care and he wasn’t bothered by it. Truthfully, he didn’t care and he wasn’t bothered, it wasn’t like he’d never broken up a relationships by chasing a nice piece of ass, but it was important to play the victim. Be a sad, abused boy and people tended to want to be nice to you.
“It doesn’t hurt that much, just don’t touch it, you know?” There was a faint ripple to the end of his sentence, accent curling around the words as Cas made it sound like he was trying to tell a joke. “I don’t suppose you’re any good at playing doctor, are you?” @benjy-andthejets​
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kingarthur-weasley · 5 years
The evening had gone splendid and Arthur was pleased with the company he had been with. People were so generous with their comments towards his work and his future child that Molly was baring. It was a comfort to be surrounded by warmth and well connections in a place that he had missed tremendously. The school had done so much to him in his youth and hoped that it would do the same for Bill and the others who followed. During the last half of the evening, Arthur heard whispers of some Order members tasking themselves with following through a vision by Trelawney and Arthur offered his assistance. He didn’t know Benjy well enough, but he was partnered with him which was the only thing that mattered. There were people missing around the Great Hall now and Arthur didn’t want to be conspicuous but if there were death eaters in the castle then he wanted to help in any way to eliminate that threat. 
Arthur had not been on the school grounds for almost a decade now and while some members gathered around the base of the tree and were able to slip inside, there was another error of surprises. The short stroll that should have been expected was interrupted by a swing of a branch that Arthur nearly dodged, but the vines had slapped him in an unforgiving place on his face. 
“Watch out-” Arthur managed through a tense breath over his shoulder at Benjy. If the other man saw what happened then he would know what Arthur would be warning about. He had his wand in his before he could manage another word, but this didn’t seem as much a disarming thing as it did balancing himself which Arthur surely lacked in. “The tree is vicious. I can’t fathom how we will get inside.”
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beaterjones · 5 years
LATE MEME || @benjy-andthejets  || not accepting
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smokehqs · 4 years
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The following accounts have vanished into the smoke:
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msdaisymacnair · 5 years
Typically when Daisy left the castle on the weekend, she was either spending it at home with Walden or running to Hogsmeade for very specific supplies. Today, though, was a casual day. Walden was at working, planning logistics for the string of guard executions he had coming up next week, and while they had plans that evening, Daisy hadn’t wanted to sit at home all day. Instead she ended up in Diagon Alley purely for fun for the first time in ages.
As she walked down a row in Flourish and Blotts, Daisy spied a travel memoir she’d been meaning to pick up for some time. She reached for it, not expecting anyone else to do the same.
“Oh!” she exclaimed as she pulled her arm back. “I’m so sorry. Please, take it if you had your eye on it.”
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msdaisymacnair · 4 years
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staygoldengilderoy · 5 years
☎ Benjy
“Maman, where on earth did you hear that? No I don’t have a new boyfriend.”
“Laurette is a liar don’t listen to her.”
“What no there’s nothing wrong with Benjy he’s very lovely, he’s kind and gorgeous and sweet I’m just not dating him—“
“Maman no do not invite him over for dinner!”
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staygoldengilderoy · 5 years
☎ nic
(Conversation entirely in French)
“Laurette don’t be silly of course I’m safe with Matthieu.”
“He’s got that broody look you’re so fond of, you know.”
“Oh it’s hardly my fault you left before you got to meet him!”
“You wouldn’t dare, Laure Angelique, you wouldn’t tell my parents about him—”
“It’s bad enough you told them about Benjy!”
@nicholas-chastain (honorable mention: @benjy-andthejets )
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kingmeshacklebolt · 5 years
☎ benjy
“Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean he’s not invited to my birthday party, Emm.”
“It’s possible to have more than one best friend, honey.”
“Do I need to call Maura for back-up?”
(honorable mention @mauramulciber)
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upinsmoke-gossip · 5 years
Seems like Gilderoy is moving on from Regulus a bit fast if you ask me...
Is he? Seems to me like Emmeline Vance was quicker when it came to replacing a glitter covered twink model for a newer version. Do you think she has a type or that models just have a think for mommy kink? Someone get hold of Henry Fawley and ask for me.
As for Gilderoy, I assume this is about Benjy Fenwick and if I’m right, then I wouldn’t call it moving forward as much as it’s moving backwards. Sounds like a recipe for disaster that’s going to blow up in his face… or maybe it will be Benjy that blows up, considering what happened to Reg. Better get the popcorn.
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@advance-emmeline  @fawley-en-face @staygoldengilderoy @benjy-andthejets
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