newageoffeminism · 4 years
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Hello friends! It’s Wednesday, I hope you all enjoyed today for what it was! It was so nice and warm where I am, I soaked up as much of it as I could! 
Today we will be talking about COVID-19 and how you can use the recommendations set by the CDC and WHO to show empathy in a real way. Let’s get into the reasons why the above recommendations are using empathy. 
I want to focus here on the last two visuals shown above. One depicts the essence of “being kind” during COVID-19 by checking in with your loved ones, either those working from home or essential personnel. We are all going through a life-changing experience and it is sometimes hard to remember that we are not alone in this. 
Try to find time (haha right?) to call or text your friends and family to make sure they are coping well with life. Think about asking if they have had any new hobbies pop up or what shows they have been watching. This will allow for some distraction as well as let your loved ones know you truly care about them. 
The other important aspect right now is how to keep others from getting sick. This is a huge topic right now with several recommendations on how to practice social distancing, how to properly wash your hands, the frequency of hand washing, etc. All of these actions allow you to start thinking in an empathetic way by trying to help others as much as or more than you would help yourself. 
Think about this time as a way to help others recognize this too. We are all in this together, we just have to remember that. As always thank you for reading and have a great evening!
Check the CDC and the WHO for more information (see below):
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