#berrychan answers
berrychanx · 2 months
do you or any other fans know if tokyo mew mew is less or more popular in japan than other countries? going to visit japan this year and just curious if i’ll be able to find/buy merch with ease ^-^
Maybe @hikayagami can answer that
TMM and TMMN was extremely popular during its airing time, to the point that merchandise on shops and warehouse would run out of stock in one day (tmmn) and the manufacturer could only supply them one week later. Nobody was expecting the high demands on merchandise
Now, all colllab event shops and cafes are closed since the anime stopped airing, but you can try your luck on second hand shops like
Mandarake, Suruga-ya, AmiAmi
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berrychanx · 2 years
I don’t comment much or add to reblogs, but I love the analysis and commentary you do for Tokyo Mew Mew’s different iterations. Thank you for helping to feed my Tokyo Mew Mew addiction now that we have to wait for season 2!
Thanks :3
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berrychanx · 2 years
Hello! I hope you don't mind me asking as I can't really find anyone else, but would you happen to know where I could find a high quality scan of Mint from the Tokyo Mew Mew X chara dri!! Collab? I've found all the others I'm just missing Mint! Here's a pic to be specific. Thank you for your time and I'm sorry to bother you!
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Hi, usually Kuro93 or Neko-Tokyo scan Tokyo Mew Mew Acrylic's If they don't have it, then it's because they weren't able to buy the whole set or are missing Minto
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berrychanx · 2 years
Okay, so TMM anime (2002, not the 2022 reboot) has filler, but it makes up 30% of the entire anime, and it's actually good. Why is that the case?
Because (unline the manga) the fillers develop its characters, while the manga focus only of devloping Ichigo and a bit of the plot, the anime fillers devolp's everyone, world buidling etc
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berrychanx · 2 years
I know you're a Tokyo Mew Mew fan, but did you think about why the 2002 anime (and some of the "popular" magical girls) only got one season (51 to 52 episodes only) that didn't get a second season (or more) to continue the story, instead of getting a reboot ? (I don't much like anime get rebooted)
But some of the magical girls anime (NOT includes Salior moon and Pretty Cure franchise) do had season 2 (or more)?
Nowadays the og tokyo mew mew would be considered a 3 season cour anime / split into 3 seasons if it was to have 52 episodes.
Sailor Moon has multiple seasons because during its airing time the manga was still in development, so the studio and the author had to come up with original / fillers episodes to fill in airing time... While the TV aired this original episodes, Naoko would work on the Manga. And then each arc was split into different seasons (nowadays its still the same).
When tokyo mew mew aired most of the Manga was already completed (when the Anime aired the Manga was entering the last volume/ climax chapters) so the studio had lot of material to adapt and didn't need to create that many fillers in order to let the manga develop.
Why no S2?
Why TMM never got a season 2 is probably because how A La Mode was received, Kodansha request Mia Ikumi to create a new short story (which is they commissioned to be 2 volumes) since it was so short and rushed there was no time for development, reviews and sales were ok... Which meant it wasn't profitable for any studio to grab the project or animated.
Besides the anime had already did its job, which was to help sell the Manga and toys/merchandise (this can be seen with a lot of mahou shoujo's aimed for kids, like precure or even shounen's like beyblade - their main objective is to sell merchandise to kids, that's another reason why so many seasons pop up... To keep younger viewers interested and to profit from their parents money).
Reboots tend to happen cause of the series anniversary, usually they're made as a way to commemorate the franchise X birthday or to finish adaptating the full story without original content (fruits basket) and be faithful to the source material (fruits basket, sailor moon crystal).
Usually they're a goods way to capture new audiences, since new generations are more used to modern anime style, they'll more quickly will watch the reboot in a style their familiar with than to watch a 20 year old version with XX episodes (for example, I love the franchise legend of the galatic heroes but I know 112 eps + movies + ovas can be very tiresome for some viewers... Despite having lot of episodes focused on world and character building the plot sometimes drags on for too long, usually to those type of people who can't stand more than X episodes, I recommend the reboot, although more condensed it does a decent job without dragging on for too much, plus Hirayuki Sawano soundtrack is a plus).
Pre-cure & Co - why so many seasons?
For example the author/director of Ojamo Doremi is also the author of the precure franchise and he directed some seasons.
Since both shows are original studio creation, the author (usually the studio director or project director) can make up as many seasons, movies, ovas as he/she wants because the project belongs to them and it's not based on anything. - This also applies to Princess Tutu which is a studios original.
In short as long it's a studio original and seems to be profitable on sales and viewers ranking it will spawn a lot of seasons.
Like I also mentioned before... Toys...
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berrychanx · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering if you know where I can watch Tokyo mew mew
The original you can watch completely subttilted at youtube, for TMMN i recommend the website animepahe.com
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Did you think the MMAqua story would go this way? Just my thought
TBH I didn't expected nothing, I was and still aren't a big (or even) a MMPP Fan, I love the musics but that's all, TMM has caught my heart first, i know I shouldn't do a comparasion but both were pretty popular at the time overall TMM has a better plot, characters and development than MMPP, even in the manga, so when I read about the sequel I already excepted a HUGE dissapointment because... all of Hanamori's previous solo works were meh, the stories are/were weak, the characters design and personalities were copy paste of Luchia and Kaito so ..... I expected MMA to be the same, BUT NO ON THIS LEVEL. The MC is so DUMB, her daugther puts herself in high risk EVEN KNOWING KNOW the dangerous that wait her.... I bet Kaito and Luchia will be left speachless when they know Rukia got kidnapped, if the characters were relalistic and with a bit of common sense like Hanon they or he would bash Luchia for being a bad mom.
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