#best 90&039;s comedy movies of all time
mihirscreenstories · 1 year
"Watch and Fall in Love: The Best Six 90's College Love Stories"
The 90s served as a golden era for the silver screen, where captivating movies beautifully depicted the essence of youthful love and self-discovery. Among the wide array of genres that graced the Hollywood landscape, the college love stories of that era struck a special chord with audiences worldwide. These films not only highlighted the joys and trials of romantic relationships but also…
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
01. What did you have for breakfast this morning? A banana and granola bar.
02. Are you planning to go see a movie anytime soon? No.
03. Do you ever look at your old school pictures when you were little? Sure.
04. When’s the last time it rained? Yesterday.
05. Where are your siblings right now? My sister is at work.
06. What is your favorite animal? Pandas, bats, and kitties.
07. Do you sleep with your door closed or open? Opened. We don’t really have an actual door on our bedroom, its more of a crappy accordion thing. We leave it open so the AC in the living room can get into the bedroom.
08. Did you ever have to share a room? No. I mean I guess I technically share one now?
09. If you could change your hair color, what would you change it to? Purple.
010. Do you often use hair scrunchies? Hair ties, sure.
011. Or do you call them something different? ^
012. Have you ever swam while it was raining? Yes.
013. Have you jumped in a pool with all your clothes on? Yes.
014. Do you go out on the boat often? "The boat” like I own one or something...
015. When did you last go outside? 9:30am to go get Starbucks.
016. Can you draw hearts or stars better? I mean, both are pretty simple.
017. Do you take your time opening envelopes or do you just rip it open? I basically just rip ‘em.
018. Is your house a one story or two story? I live in  3-flat. We are in the basement.
019. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older? Nah.
020. Do you know that song and like it? Yes, I know the Beach Boy’s song and I do like it.
021. Do you like the song ‘I’m Like A Bird’ by Nelly Furtado? I do.
022. Have you ever gone on Quizilla.com? Yeah, I used to.
023. What do you usually do during summer? Swim! Hang out outside a lot.
024. When you were little, how did you usually dress? I was the queen of leggings. The 90′s/early 2000s were a wild time.
025. Is your hair a lot different from when you were little? Yeah. I dye it, for one. And I’ve changed my part recently.
026. What color are your speakers for the computer? They’re built into my laptop.
027. What color are the doors in your house? White.
028. Do you have a separate laundry room? The shared laundry is in the basement right outside our door.
029. How many windows are in the room that you’re in? One.
030. Did you cry when you watched ‘Titanic’? Nah.
031. Would you rather watch a comedy or a chick flick? How about both?
032. Is your family mad at you at the moment? I don’t think so.
033. Do you sweat easily? Yes.
034. Have you ever gotten stung by a stingray or a jellyfish? No, thankfully.
035. Do you know what ‘Discovery Cove’ is? It sounds familiar.
036. Have you ever said ‘Dang, Baby!’? Probably.
037. What was the last thing you said aloud? Something about cheese curds.
038. Are you currently signed on AIM? I haven’t used AIM in several years.
039. When’s the last time you drank Gatorade? I have no idea. It’s been a long time.
040. Do you sometimes need help opening water bottles, Gatorade bottles, etc.? Sometimes, sure.
041. When was the last time you had a sleepover? This past weekend was like a giant sleepover.
042. Who do you wish you could hang out with right now? I’m okay right now.
043. What’s the first letter of your boyfriend’s/crush’s first name? M.
044. Do you know someone who hates the beach? Yeah. 
045. Is one of your friends a hypocrite? I guess everyone can be sometimes.
046. Do you know how to do laundry? Yes.
047. How good are you at cleaning? I’m pretty good at it.
048. Should I make more surveys? Sure.
049. What are you doing today? This and work and relaxing at home. Gunna get back to my gym routine next week.
050. How was your weekend? IT WAS SO AMAZING. Mark and I went to the Wisconsin Dells to an indoor waterpark resort. We stayed there from Friday-Monday in a cabin with a bunch of our friends. It was seriously the best time everrrrrrrrr and we are already planning on going back in December or January.
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