#best ayurvedic doctor near me
brainlabsai · 1 year
mayura gastric problems ayurvedic hospital in hyderabad
Gastric issues refer to a range of conditions that affect the digestive system, including bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, acid reflux, and abdominal pain. Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine that uses natural remedies and lifestyle modifications to treat various health conditions, including gastric issues
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Chronic Kidney Disease, Symptoms & Ayurvedic Kidney Specialist Doctor
9 out of 10 people with kidney disease are unaware that they have it, & half of those with severely reduced kidney function (but not yet on dialysis) do not know they have kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) develops when the kidneys become damaged & over time they may not clean the blood like healthy kidneys. When kidneys do not work well then the toxic waste & extra fluid accumulate in the kidney which can further lead to heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure & even early death. Despite this, the kidney specialist doctor – at Surjit Ayurvedic Clinic knows how to cure this disease in a safe, precise, affordable & effective manner.
Who are Susceptible to Kidney Disease?
Unfortunately, anyone can develop kidney disease but certain or the following people are more susceptible than others those are as follows:
Heart patients
Diabetic patients 
People having a history of renal illness in their families
High blood pressure or hypertension patients
People who are over the age of 60 are more likely to develop kidney disease.
What are the Early Symptoms or Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease?
Following are the early symptoms of signs that can help you to detect kidney disease:
You may experience frequent urination or blood in the urine.
Reduced kidney function can lead to a buildup of toxins in the blood that causes you to have a lack of energy & feel overwhelming tired.
Dry & itchy skin may be a sign that you have an imbalance of nutrients & minerals in your blood due to kidney disease.
Electrolyte imbalances like low calcium levels or high phosphorus brought on by impaired kidney function may result in muscle cramps.
When your kidneys aren’t draining enough fluid, extra fluid might build up in your lungs, which may make you feel out of breath.
When your kidneys aren’t working properly, protein might enter your urine.
Kidney dysfunction can result in excessive fluid and sodium buildup that can lead to high blood pressure.
Do Men & Women Experience Different Kidney Disease Symptoms?
Evidently, chronic kidney disease (CKD) may progress differently both in men & women where Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) & kidney infections may cause kidney disease to develop in women. However, both men & women can prevent or lower the risk of kidney disease by maintaining healthy body weight, controlling blood sugar, & living a healthy lifestyle. Above all, you can book a consultation or take affordable treatment at the best kidney specialist doctor in Kapurthala – Dr. Surjit or Surjit Ayurvedic Clinic.
Why Should You Consider an Ayurvedic Kidney Specialist Doctor in Kapurthala?
Ayurveda is ancient science or 5000 years old practice of treating the mind, body, & soul. Even if you suffer from any kind of disease triggered in the body by the blockage of certain specific channels named doshas, are effectively treated by an Ayurveda doctor in Kapurthala. Not only this but we also know, ” Ayurveda has side-benefits, no side-effects.”
For these reasons, you should consider the best ayurvedic kidney specialist  in Kapurthala – Dr. Surjit, who has gained sound experience in treating chronic kidney disease (CKD) purely with Ayurveda. Our treatment has successfully treated thousands of patients in India & around the world. 
Book an appointment now!
For more information, visit us today.
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gaurayurveda · 2 years
Ayurveda: The Key to A Healthy, Side-Effect-Free Life
If you are always on the lookout for best ayurvedic clinic near me, best local allopathic doctor etc., it should be clear to you what kind of medical care you want. Visit us: https://gaurayurveda356564988.wordpress.com/2022/09/29/ayurveda-the-key-to-a-healthy-side-effect-free-life/
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Dr. Jyoti Monga -Best Piles Treatment in Delhi/Best Piles Pilonidal Sinus & Fistula Clinic & Piles Doctor Lajpat Nagar Delhi
Dr. Jyoti Arora, renowned as the best female doctor for piles in Delhi NCR, is a ray of hope for those who seek relief from the constant pain caused by fissures and fistulas. With her exceptional expertise and compassionate approach, Dr. Arora has become a trusted name in the field of women's health care. His gentle demeanor immediately puts patients at ease, creating an environment where they feel comfortable discussing their most intimate concerns. Equipped with extensive knowledge and years of experience, she uses innovative techniques to accurately diagnose and treat piles with utmost accuracy.
Address: 20, National Park, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110024
Phone: 080109 31122
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Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Ahmedabad | Maharshi Ayurvedic & Skin Clinic
In the heart of Ahmedabad, Maharshi Ayurvedic & Skin Clinic is your go-to place for skin solutions. Whether it's pesky pimples or stubborn skin issues like psoriasis, this clinic has got you covered.
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What makes this clinic special is that they really get you. They take time to understand your skin, not just the surface stuff but what's going on underneath. It's not just about fixing what you see but getting to the root of the problem.
People love how their treatments work like magic. They use natural stuff like herbs, special diets, and other cool tricks to make your skin happy. If you're tired of dealing with acne or want to slow down the aging process, they've got a plan for you.
But it's not just about the treatments; it's about how they treat you. The team at Maharshi Ayurvedic & Skin Clinic cares about more than just your skin – they care about you. Dealing with skin stuff can be tough on your feelings too, and they get that. So, they make sure you feel heard and supported throughout the whole journey.
So, if you're in Ahmedabad and dreaming of having awesome, happy skin, give Maharshi Ayurvedic & Skin Clinic a shot. It's not just a clinic; it's like a skin spa that brings together ancient secrets and today's smart ideas. Get ready to say hello to your skin's new best friend!
Address: G-1, National Handloom, Samrath Complex, bhavsar Hostel Road, nr. Nava Vadaj, Nava Vadaj, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380013
Call Us To Book Appointment: 094287 31475
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sureshotherbals · 9 months
Best Acne Doctor in Yamunanagar
Acne, a common skin condition, affects millions of individuals worldwide. It not only impacts physical appearance but also takes a toll on self-esteem and confidence. In this post, we will discuss causes and symptoms of acne, as well as explore Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatment options. We are proud to introduce Dr. Garg - Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic), who specializes in providing holistic solutions for managing acne.
Understanding Acne:
Acne is a skin disorder that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. It predominantly affects areas with a high concentration of oil glands, such as the face, chest, and back. While it is most commonly associated with adolescence, acne can persist into adulthood, causing discomfort and emotional distress.
Causes of Acne:
Several factors contribute to the development of acne:
Excess Sebum Production: Overactive oil glands produce more sebum, which can clog hair follicles and lead to acne.
Clogged Pores: The combination of dead skin cells and excess oil can create blockages in hair follicles, resulting in blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples.
Bacterial Infection: The bacterium Propionibacterium acnes can thrive in clogged hair follicles, causing inflammation and breakouts.
Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, particularly during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, can trigger acne.
Diet and Lifestyle: Certain diets high in dairy, refined sugars, and processed foods, as well as high-stress levels, can exacerbate acne.
Symptoms of Acne:
The symptoms of acne can vary in severity:
Blackheads: Small, dark bumps that form when hair follicles become clogged and the top remains open.
Whiteheads: Similar to blackheads, but covered by a thin layer of skin, giving them a white appearance.
Papules: Small, red, raised bumps caused by infected or inflamed hair follicles.
Pustules: Red bumps with white or yellow centers, often referred to as "pimples."
Cysts: Large, painful, pus-filled lumps that form beneath the skin's surface.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Acne:
Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system, offers natural approaches to managing acne:
Herbal Cleansing: Cleansing herbs like neem and turmeric help purify the blood and detoxify the body.
Dietary Changes: Avoiding excessive spicy, oily, and junk foods, and incorporating fresh fruits, vegetables, and water can promote clear skin.
Herbal Supplements: Herbal supplements like guggul, amla, and manjistha can balance hormones and promote skin health.
Homeopathic Treatment for Acne:
Homeopathy addresses acne by considering the individual's constitution and symptoms:
Sulphur: Used for acne with intense itching and burning sensations on the skin.
Pulsatilla: Prescribed for acne worsened by rich, fatty foods and hormonal fluctuations.
Hepar Sulph: Suitable for acne that is extremely painful and sensitive to touch.
Meet Dr. Garg - Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic): Best Acne Doctor in Yamunanagar
Dr. Garg is a renowned practitioner at Umeedhom (Scientific Clinic), specializing in holistic approaches to acne management. With years of experience, Dr. Garg offers personalized Ayurvedic and Homeopathic treatments to address the root causes of acne and promote clear, healthy skin.
Acne is a common skin condition with various underlying causes. While it can impact self-confidence, effective treatment options are available. Dr. Garg Your Skincare Expert (Scientific Clinic) offers personalized Ayurvedic and Homeopathic solutions that address acne's root causes, providing hope for those seeking clear and radiant skin. Remember, achieving healthy skin requires patience and consistency in following the recommended treatments.
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adyantayurvedawe · 9 months
Best Ayurvedic Clinic – Adyant Ayurveda
Welcome to the world of traditional Indian medicine – Ayurveda, the most effective ancient healthcare medical system. In Bangalore Adyant Ayurveda is the best Ayurvedic Clinic where the best ayurveda doctor Bangalore will provide you the best ayurvedic treatment. Consult Now! We have 24+ years of experience in ayurveda also provide the assured result to our clients. With our vision of “सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः” which means “may all be bestowed with good health and be free from illness”, at Adyant Ayurveda, the best Ayurvedic Clinic we focus on preventive health care and holistic healthy living, by utilising the experience and knowledge of appropriate diet and lifestyle practices from the best Ayurveda Doctor Bangalore. 
We aim to provide an authentic experience, through a range of wellness and rejuvenative therapies including traditional Ayurveda and Yoga that replenish, nurture and balance the body and soul. We also specialise in traditional treatments to tackle specific health problems such as weight management, back pain, spine & joint pain, skin problems, infertility, stress symptoms, etc. with the help of Ayurveda.
Adyant Ayurveda is also providing best Ayurvedic treatment for Cancer with proper Panchakarma treatments and internal medications. We are the Best Ayurveda Treatment centre or Ayurvedic Clinic in Bangalore to treat your ailments.
At Adyant Ayurveda – Best Ayurvedic Clinic in Bangalore
All treatments are designed keeping in mind the traditional ayurvedic methods.
Our Practitioners assess health by combining the concepts of traditional knowledge of Ayurveda, individual body constitution and seasonal specifications that adheres to the classical methods.
We offer physical treatments/therapies from an array of holistic healthcare systems of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy.
We Strictly adhere to scientific Ayurvedic principles.
All Ayurveda Medicines and oils are scientifically crafted in our own labs by experienced practitioners or top ayurveda doctor bangalore.
Adyant Ayurveda, the best Ayurvedic Clinic in Bangalore providing the best Ayurvedic treatment at Home like Ayurvedic body massage at home etc.
Adyant Ayurveda HOME CARE SERVICE : Best Ayurvedic Clinic
Adyant Ayurveda is providing HOME CARE SERVICE where we offer authentic Ayurvedic treatments and therapies right at your doorstep. We have our own vehicles which come fully equipped to carry out all treatments in the comfort of your home with the help of experienced therapists. 
Along with ayurvedic treatment you can avail of free online consultation from our team of experienced Ayurveda Doctor Bangalore of Adyant Ayurveda, the best ayurvedic clinic in Bangalore. Along with rejuvenating treatments like Ayurvedic body massage at home, we are providing curative treatments like Ayurveda treatment for back pain at home, Hypertension, diabetes, Panchakarma Virechanam at home, joint pain, weight management, elderly care, pre and postnatal care etc. 
We are providing all Ayurvedic treatments at home. Adyant Ayurveda Home Care is Providing a complete solution for your all health issues.
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Dr. Smita Goel Homeopathy Clinic
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of the urinary system. Generally urinary system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract (bladder and urethra).
Comparison a man, a woman has at greater risk of developing a UTI. If an infection is limited to the bladder, it can be painful and annoying. But serious health problems can result if a UTI spreads to the kidneys.
• A strong urge to urinate that doesn't go away
• A burning feeling when pee/ urinating
• Urinating often and passing small amounts of urine
• Urine that looks Cloudy, dark, bloody and strange-smelling pee
• Feeling tired or shaky
• Pelvic pain, in women — especially in the center of the pelvis and around the area of the pubic bone
• A frequent or intense urge to pee, even though little comes out when you do
• Pain in the penis or rectum (men)
• Mental confusion (mostly older people)
• Wetting the bed (children and older adults)
Types of urinary tract infections
Each type of UTI may result in more-specific symptoms. The symptoms depend on which part of the urinary tract is affected.
Kidney - Patient feel back or side pain, high fever, shaking & chills, nausea and vomiting;
Bladder - Pelvic pressure, Lower belly discomfort, Frequent, painful urination, Blood in Urine;
Urethra - Burning with urination, discharge.
UTIs typically occur, due to bacterial infection in urinary system. It can spread to kidney. But the defenses sometimes fail. When that happens, bacteria may take hold and grow into a full-blown infection in the urinary tract.
Women tend to get them more often because their urethra is shorter and closer to the anus than in men. Because of this, women are more likely to get an infection after sexual activity or when using a diaphragm for birth control. Menopause also increases the risk for a UTI.
The most common UTIs occur mainly in women and affect the bladder and urethra.
• Infection of the bladder. This type of UTI is usually caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli). E. coli is a type of bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. But sometimes other bacteria are the cause.
Having sex also may lead to a bladder infection, but you don't have to be sexually active to develop one. All women are at risk of bladder infections because of their anatomy. In women, the urethra is close to the anus. And the urethral opening is close to the bladder. This makes it easier for bacteria around the anus to enter the urethra and to travel to the bladder.
• Infection of the urethra. This type of UTI can happen when GI bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra. An infection of the urethra can also be caused by sexually transmitted infections. They include herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia and mycoplasma. This can happen because women's urethras are close to the vagina.
Risk factors:
UTIs are common in women. Many women experience more than one UTI during their lifetimes.
Risk factors for UTIs that are specific to women include:
• Female anatomy. Women have a shorter urethra than men do. As a result, there's less distance for bacteria to travel to reach the bladder.
• Sexual activity. Being sexually active tends to lead to more UTIs. Having a new sexual partner also increases risk.
• Certain types of birth control. Using diaphragms for birth control may increase the risk of UTIs. Using spermicidal agents also can increase risk.
• Menopause. After menopause, a decline in circulating estrogen causes changes in the urinary tract. The changes can increase the risk of UTIs.
Other risk factors for UTIs include:
• Urinary tract problems. Babies born with problems with their urinary tracts may have trouble urinating. Urine can back up in the urethra, which can cause UTIs.
• Blockages in the urinary tract. Kidney stones or an enlarged prostate can trap urine in the bladder. As a result, risk of UTIs is higher.
• A suppressed immune system. Diabetes and other diseases can impair the immune system — the body's defense against germs. This can increase the risk of UTIs.
• Catheter use. People who can't urinate on their own often must use a tube, called a catheter, to urinate. Using a catheter increases the risk of UTIs. Catheters may be used by people who are in the hospital. They may also be used by people who have neurological problems that make it difficult to control urination or who are paralyzed.
• A recent urinary procedure. Urinary surgery or an exam of your urinary tract that involves medical instruments can both increase the risk of developing a UTI.
When treated promptly and properly, lower urinary tract infections rarely lead to complications. But left untreated, UTIs can cause serious health problems.
Complications of a UTI may include:
• Repeated infections, which means you have two or more UTIs within six months or three or more within a year. Women are especially prone to having repeated infections.
• Permanent kidney damage from a kidney infection due to an untreated UTI.
• Delivering a low birth weight or premature infant when a UTI occurs during pregnancy.
• A narrowed urethra in men from having repeated infections of the urethra.
• Sepsis, a potentially life-threatening complication of an infection. This is a risk especially if the infection travels up the urinary tract to the kidneys.
With help of following little steps, we can prevent from UTIs:
• Drink plenty of liquids, especially water;
• Try cranberry juice;
• Wipe from front to back;
• Empty your bladder soon after having sex;
• Avoid potentially irritating feminine products;
• Change your birth control method;
Homoeopathic point of view of the disease:
Considering Hahnemann’s classification of disease, UTI can be a miasmatic disease too. Miasms are psora and sycosis. Homoeopathic medicines are personalized for the person suffering with UTI based on the individual totality of symptoms few are listed below. Homoeopathic remedies which can be prescribed after detailed case study.
Some Homoeopathic medicines (Cantharis, Nux vomica, Sarsaparilla, Aconitum napellus, Apis mellifica, Belladonna, Berberis vulgaris, Borax, Chimaphila umbellate, Lycopodium, Sepia, Staphysagria etc.) are very effective in UTIs. But that should be as per symptoms and guidance of qualified homeopathy doctor.
Hence, Homeopathy is efficient in treating UTI with holistic approach and considering the patient as a whole with individualisation. UTI is not merely a local disease. In Homoeopathy we treat an individual but not just the disease which is the result of deranged vital force. Therefore, it should be treated as a constitutional problem.
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avntreatment · 1 month
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ritusatkartar · 3 months
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Are you tired of dealing with the discomfort and pain of piles or hemorrhoids? Seeking relief from this common yet bothersome condition can often lead to a myriad of treatment options, but many individuals are turning to Ayurvedic medicine for a natural solution , With the help of best ayurvedic medicine for piles in Ayurveda, you can cure this problem without any operation or side effects with to know more about us click on the given link
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bestsexologistdoctor · 3 months
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Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Patna, Bihar India | Dr. Sunil Dubey - About Best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Patna, Bihar India (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1431765330-best-ayurvedic-sexologist-in-patna-bihar-india-dr?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=bestsexologist Are you in search of the best Ayurvedic doctor in Patna? Actually, you are a sexual patient and want to be treated under Ayurvedic treatment and medicine. It is really good that you know the importance of Ayurveda and its powerful medicines. If you search for the best Ayurvedic Sexologist in Patna which will provide you filtered data of senior and experienced sexologist doctors near your location. By the way, we are coming to your headline that is related to your best Ayurvedic Doctor in Patna in connection with your sexual or skin disease treatment and medication. The world famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey is India's most senior and Bharat Gaurav Awardee Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar. He practices at Dubey Clinic every day. He is also a gold medalist and International Ayurveda Ratna Awardee who has achieved this top-level award in his Ayurveda and Sexology medical science profession. He treats all types of sexual patients including skin disease patients at Dubey Clinic. Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science Clinic- Dubey Clinic: Dubey Clinic is the first Ayurveda and Sexology medical science clinic of Bihar that is located in Patna and provides A to Z treatment and medication privileges to married and unmarried sexual patients. The specialty of this world famous Ayurvedacharya is his researched Ayurvedic medicines. He has researched on various sexual dysfunctions of men and women. After five years of his research, he has discovered the most authentic Ayurvedic medicines to them. In today's time, more than thirty sexual patients are availing of this clinic medicine every day. If we discuss about the total number of sexual patients who have benefited from the clinic, the data is clearly more than six lakhs. More than hundred sexual patients from all over India contact Dubey Clinic over the phone and one third come to clinic after taking their appointments.
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Best Ayurvedic Doctor near Me
Surjit Ayurvedic Clinic in Kapurthala, Sultanpur Lodhi. Best Ayurvedic Doctor near me . For Appointments, Call at 9872323444, 7587676761"
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gaurayurveda · 2 years
Find for Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Panipat - Gaur Ayurveda
Gaur ayurveda is always at the forefront and the best ayurvedic doctor in Panipat to help you with all kinds of health problems. Our treatment is organic medication based and free from any kind of side effects.
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sushainwellness · 4 months
Looking for the best homeopathic doctor online consultation? Just Book online to Consult Homeopathy Doctors from the comfort of your home: Consult Homeopathy Doctors Online at Sushain Clinic who are providing online services to consult Homeopathy doctors.
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ayurvedicconsultant · 4 months
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Piles Specialist Doctor in Delhi Call 8010931122
Are you experiencing pain and bleeding? Contact Dr. Monga Clinic to get relief from pain and itching.
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For more information about your Piles treatment, contact our expert @+91-8010931122 or visit https://drmongaclinic.com/
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sureshotherbals · 9 months
Best Face Care Ayurvedic Doctor in Yamunanagar
 It's great to hear that Dr. Garg is highly regarded as one of the Best Face Care Ayurvedic Doctor in Yamunanagar.
A healthcare provider's quality of service may be determined by their reputation in the community and by the positive referrals they receive from pleased patients. Dr. Garg could be an excellent choice to think about if you or someone you know is looking for Ayurvedic therapy or care in Yamunanagar. To be sure that the doctor's training matches your own medical needs, it's always a good idea to do your own research, read reviews, and chat with the doctor. To book an appointment with Dr. Garg
Get in touch with us +91 93-55-150-150 [email protected]
Dr.Garg's - UmeedHom (Expertise Scientific Clinic) NH73, Sure Shot Herbals, Between Petrol Pump and Bus Stand JAGADHRI, Umeedhom Complex, Ganpati Palaza Building, Above Dominos Pizza, First Floor, Adjacent Jagadhri Bus Stand-135003 YamunaNagar, Haryana - India
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