#best ayurvedic medicine for long lasting in bed
arayurvedafitness · 2 years
सभी तरीके की यौन समस्याओ को कैसे करे जड़ से ख़तम?
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आजकल लोग अपनी सेहत को लेकर ज्यादा चिंतित रहते हैं। इसी लिए बॉडी को फिट रखने के लिए, एनर्जी और स्टैमिना बढ़ाने के लिए जिम जाते है। (how to increase stamina naturally) और अगर हम जिम जाते है तो उसके साथ हमे खाने में एक डाइट चार्ट देते है उसके हिसाब से हमारा हर रोज का खाना होता है, लेकिन आज कल लोग खाने पिने के इतने शौखिन हो गए है की खाने पिने में हैल्थी खाना तो बिलकुल भी पसंद नहीं है और इसी वजह से हैल्थी खाना नहीं खाते है और अपनी हैल्थ पर बिलकुल भी ध्यान नहीं रखते है। आपको तो पता ही होगा की हमारी डाइट का और खाने पिने का सबसे ज्यादा असर हमारी सेक्सुअल हेल्थ पे होता है। आज कल ऐसा खाना पीना ज्यादा हो गया है जिससे हमारे देश में सेक्सुअल समस्या से पीड़ितो की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है। इसके आलावा मानसिक तनाव, कम नींद लेना, पारिवारिक परेशानिया, शारीरिक अस्वस्थता आदि से भी सेक्सुअल समस्याए हो सकती है।
आज के समय में 100 पुरुषो में से 70 पुरुषो को सेक्स से जुडी कोई न कोई समस्या होती है जैसे की शीघ्रपतन, ढीलापन, डिसइन्फेक्शन, इरेक्शन, सेक्स के दौरान थकान महसूस करना, कम कामेच्छा, हार्मोनल बदलाव, स्टैमिना की कमी।  इसे कम करने लिए लोग इंटरनेट पे देख कर कई अलग अलग तरह के घरेलु नुस्खे आज़माते है।(natural supplements for male stamina) और कुछ लोग इसे जड़ से मिटाने के चक्कर में कई तरह की दवाइयाँ भी लेते है। लेकिन कई बार ऐसी दवाइयों से उन्हें साइड इफ़ेक्ट भी होते है।
यहां हम आपको कुछ ऐसे तरीके बताने जा रहे हैं जो वैज्ञानिक रूप से सिद्ध हो चुके हैं। जिससे आपको अपनी सभी यौन समस्याओं में आराम मिलेगा और उसे जड़ से खत्म करने में मदद मिलेगी।
योग और एक्सरसाइज:
अपनी सेक्स ड्राइव को सही रखने के लिए और सेक्सुअल टाइमिंग और स्टैमिना बढ़ाने के लिए कार्डियोवैस्कुलर व्यायाम कर सकते है। यह आपके रक्त परिसंचरण को तेज करता है। और आपके सेक्स करने के टाइम की बढ़ाता है।  सेक्स के दौरान सहनशक्ति को भी बढ़ता है।  इसके आलावा आप अपनी कामेच्छा बढ़ाने के लिए 75-150 मिनिट तक ऐसी एक्सरसाइज कर सकते हो जिससे ज्यादा से ज्यादा पसीना आये। जैसे की तैराकी और दौड़नाजैसी गतिविधियाँ आपकी कामेच्छा को बढ़ाने में चमत्कार रूप है।
सही डाइट और फ्रूट, वेजिटेबल:
खाना आपको आपके सेक्सुअल लाइफ पे बहोत ही ज्यादा इफ़ेक्ट करता है। आज कल के समय में लोग खाने पिने में इतने शौखिन है की लोगो को बहार का मसालेदार और फ़ास्ट फ़ूड कहते है जो सेहत के लिए बिलकुल भी सही नहीं है। जिससे खाने से हमारी एनर्जी कम होती है और कोई पोषण भी नहीं मिलता है। अपनी सेक्स ड्राइव को बढ़ने के लिए और यौन सहनशक्ति बढ़ाने के लिए आप अखरोट, स्ट्रॉबेरी, एवोकाडो, तरबूज और बादाम इसका सेवन कर सकते हो।
आयुर्वेदिक उपचार:
आप अपनी यौन समस्या को जड़ से ख़तम करने के लिए आयुर्वेद का भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हो जिससे आपको कोई भी साइड इफ़ेक्ट का भी डर नहीं रहेगा और आपकी सभी समस्या जड़ से ख़तम हो जाएगी। आप अश्वगंधा, शिलाजीत, शतावरी, कौचा, गोक्षुरा जैसी जड़ीबूटियों का भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हो।  इसके आलावा आप इन उपचार को भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हो। योहिम्बाइन एक पेड़ की छाल का अर्क है जो लिंग में रक्त के प्रवाह को बढ़ाकर बेहतर स्तंभन कार्य को बढ़ावा देता है। एक अध्ययन के अनुसार, एथलेटिक गतिविधि से पहले कैफीन का सेवन करने वाले पुरुष अधिक शक्ति पैदा करने में सक्षम थे। कैफीन के उत्तेजक प्रभावों ने भी उनकी सहनशक्ति में वृद्धि की। जिनसेंग अपने संपूर्ण शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को बढ़ाने के इच्छुक लोगों के लिए सबसे लोकप्रिय हर्बल उपचारों में से एक है। यह यौन क्षमता को भी बढ़ा सकता है।
आयुर्वेदिक और नेचुरल उपाय:
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इन सभी के आलावा आप “Horse Fire Tablet” का भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हो। यह मेडिसिन पूरी तरीके से आयुर्वेदिक हर्ब्स से तैयार की गई है। इसमें अश्वगंधा, शिलाजीत, शतावरी, कौचा, स्वेत मसूली, मकरध्वज जैसी 9+ जड़ीबूटियों से तैयार किया गया है। इस सभी जड़ीबूटियों का सही मात्रा में मिश्रण करके यौन पीड़ित पुरुषो के लिए तैयार की गई है। जिससे यौन सम्बंधित सभी तरीके की समस्या को जड़ से ख़तम करने में मदद करता है। । इससे कई सारे यौन पीड़ित पुरुषो की सभी समस्याओ को जड़ से ख़तम किया है और इस दवाई को गवर्नमेंट ने मंजूरी भी दे दी है। यह दवाई आरोग्य विभाग द्वारा प्रमाणित है तथा साथ ही इस कंपनी को GMP और ISO द्वारा स्वीकृत प्रदान किया गया है। इसके इस्तेमाल से किसी प्रकार की दुष्प्रभाव का खतरा नहीं है।
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Content Source By: https://ayurvedichealthind.wordpress.com/2022/09/29/natural-remedies-for-remove-sexual-problems/
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arayurveda99 · 1 year
Horsefire tablet is an ayurvedic medicine to boost men's stamina. It can make you able to stay longer in bed and does a long-lasting performance. It is prepared with a blend of excellent herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Shatavari, Kaucha, Shwet Musli, Vidari, Gokshura, Kesar, and more. These herbs contain natural medicinal properties that have long been known to increase strength, power, and stamina by eliminating disease.
It helps to increase power, stamina, vigor, and vitality by eliminating the weakness of men. Shilajit increases the men's hormones that help in the betterment of performance, Because we all know very well about Shilajit, it is also the greatest ayurvedic stamina booster. Shatavari and Safed musli helps to eliminate problems like premature ejaculation and improve the timing of your performance. It also helps to get a stronger erection during intercourse and fulfill excitement with your partner. 
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russelmarking · 2 years
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robingentile01 · 2 years
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stphns3311 · 2 years
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peterplautz1 · 2 years
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sunjaynath-blog · 2 years
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The Timeless Benefits of Using Sandalwood Incense Sticks
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Sandalwood incense is one of the most famous incense types in the world. It is known for its aromatic qualities and offers many benefits, from spiritual to physical and mental. Aroma lovers like sandalwood incense because of its pleasant fragrance and because it helps them feel calm and peaceful. 
In today's blog, we will discuss how adding sandalwood incense to your daily routine can make a world of difference and where you can find the best agarbatti online.
What is sandalwood incense?
Sandalwood (Chandan) incense is made from a tree called the Santalum Genus, also known as Indian Sandalwood. The Santalum tree is generally found in tropical forests or in countries like India, Australia, and Indonesia. 
Burning the sandalwood incense stick releases a warm, earthly, and woody aroma that is slightly sweet. Unlike other incense, which has a sharp and overwhelming aroma, sandalwood has a gentle and soothing smell. 
History and Origins of Sandalwood Agarbatti 
The use of sandalwood can be dated back to 4000 years ago. In ancient India, sandalwood incense, in particular, was widely used in ritual ceremonies and during morning and evening aarti. Apart from being extensively used in temples and ceremonies, sandalwood was also used in Ayurvedic medicine. 
Sandalwood was also used as the main product to carve statues of deities in olden times. Even in modern times, a piece of sandalwood is used to make Chandan paste (sandalwood paste) to treat conditions like acne, pimples, and rashes. It can also be used as a skin mask. Sandalwood became the most valuable trade item because of its rich and long-lasting fragrance. 
Sandalwood's uses and benefits were first recorded in Hinduism and Buddhism. Buddhists started to incorporate sandalwood into their daily lives and use it in meditation. 
Later, sandalwood was spread to other Asian countries, such as China, Japan, Indonesia, etc. Because of its aesthetic and spiritual qualities, it has not taken long to become one of the critical parts of local traditions.
By middle age, sandalwood was also exported to the East and Europe, where Europeans started to use it as perfume. Also, because of its high cost and rarity, sandalwood became a symbol among the elites. Luxurious products like combs, beds, tables, boxes, and mirrors carved using sandalwood were used for gifting royal and affluent families. 
Benefits of Sandalwood Incense Sticks
Sandalwood incense offers a wide range of benefits that have been cherished for many centuries. Sandalwood incense is primarily known for its soothing aroma. Here are some other benefits of sandalwood incense you could get.
Spiritual benefits of sandalwood incense
Some of the Sandalwood spiritual benefits include:  a calming and soothing effect, and also helps in focus.  Sandalwood incense is used in the purification and cleansing process. It is believed that burning sandalwood incense could purify the air and help cleanse negative energies.  It is also said that sandalwood incense smoke can help connect souls in spiritual realms. Sandalwood incense is also associated with devotion and purity, key pillars of Hinduism. 
In many parts of India, sandalwood incense is used in Pooja, temples, special festivals, and ceremonies. 
Emotional and mental benefits 
The soothing fragrance of Sandalwood helps relieve stress and anxiety, relax the mind and body, and lift the mood. Studies have also shown that being in a room with sandalwood incense can do the same. 
Promotes sleep 
Sandalwood has healing properties and acts as a natural sedative. When you inhale it, it automatically helps your mind and body relax, which leads to falling asleep. Sandalwood incense is very effective in dealing with insomnia. Its soft, woody fragrance also helps you fall asleep quickly, acting as a signal to your mind to sleep. 
It helps with focus and concentration. 
Buddhists mainly used sandalwood incense to focus and concentrate. Simply, when you inhale the smoke of Sandalwood, it stimulates your brain and is responsive to focus and memory, which helps you be more focused. Another reason why sandalwood incense is used by many is it can alleviate mental fatigue. 
Acts as an air purifier and freshener
Sandalwood is one of the few incense fragrances that can last 2 hours, depending on the size you use. Its pleasant smell also masks the unpleasant aroma. 
It boosts immunity and acts as an anti-inflammatory solution. 
Since Sandalwood has therapeutic properties, they help boost immunity and reduce inflammation. As we already know, Sandalwood has a calming effect on our mind and body. This could help reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn would lead to a better immunity system. Sandalwood paste also has a practical impact on swelling and skin disease. 
From ancient to modern times, sandalwood incense has been and will always remain a timeless classic known for its scent and beneficial effects on the mind and body. Made from a soothing Santalum tree, it not only gives off a pleasant scent but is also beneficial for promoting better sleep. 
Furthermore, sandalwood is used in rituals and daily routines. When it is blended with other fragrances like jasmine or cinnamon, it could help you transform your space into a little tranquil haven. 
Whether you want to calm your mind, purify your space, or simply enjoy a moment of tranquility, sandalwood incense is a natural choice. Buy the best agarbatti or incense sticks online and enrich your daily life with the timeless scent of sandalwood.
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healthsante · 7 months
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35 Potent Home Remedies For Insomnia
Dr Susan Zuzurnetra
Insomnia is a prevalent sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty in falling and/or staying asleep through the night.
Insomnia could be a transient condition that goes after a few days (acute insomnia) or it could be long-lasting (chronic insomnia). Insomnia can hamper both your quality of sleep and how much sleep you get.
Causes of insomnia include; disruptions in sleep environment, poor sleep habits, anxiety, stress, breathing challenges, physical pain or discomfort, psychotic disorders, use of stimulants such as caffeine, heavy smoking, consumption of alcohol, and sleep apnea.
Common symptoms of insomnia include; difficulty in falling asleep at night, waking up several times while sleeping, waking up too early, feeling weak when you wake up in the morning, and feeling tired at daytime.
Here are some tips and good practices, to consider, when dealing with insomnia;
Have a regular sleep time.
Avoid consuming alcohol in the evenings.
You could practice relaxation techniques to improve your sleep quality.
Eliminate the use of caffeine from your everyday life.
Endeavor to sleep in a quiet, dark room.
Avoid smoking.
You could engage in light exercises during the daytime.
Avoid watching TV and using your computer or mobile phones well into the night.
You could listen to relaxation music before you sleep.
1. Green Tea Green tea contains theanine amino acids which help reduce stress and promote restful sleep. Sip some tea 2 hours before going to bed. Since the high caffeine, in green tea, may outweigh its calming benefits, you should only take the decaffeinated varieties.
2. Valerian Root Valerian is widely known for its anti-anxiety capabilities. It works by increasing the gamma-aminobutyric acid in your brain which promotes sleep. Unlike many sleeping pills this herb has no side effects. Valerian root works best when combined with lemon balm.
To make valerian tea, put one teaspoon of valerian root powder in a cup of hot water. Cover for a few minutes, strain and then serve. For extra flavor, add honey or milk. If the tea is quite strong, you can take the herb in capsule form.
3. Saffron Saffron has been used for decades in treating sleep disorders. Saffron has sedative properties that induce sound sleep. Furthermore, saffron aids in the production of serotonin which makes it an effective antidepressant. Saffron can also calm your mood leading to undisturbed sleep. To use this remedy, steep two strands of saffron in a cup of hot milk for 10 minutes and drink before going to bed.
4. Lettuce When you have a healthy diet, there is a high tendency to have a healthy sleeping pattern. Lettuce is rich in magnesium which plays a major role in your sleep. Lettuce also contains lactucarium which works as a natural sedative. Simply make a decoction by boiling two tablespoons of lettuce seeds in a cup of water. You can also boil a handful of lettuce leaves in a pot of water. Drink one cup of the solution 15 minutes before going to bed.
5. Chamomile Tea Chamomile contains apigenin compounds which help to relieve anxiety. To make chamomile tea, dissolve one tablespoon of chamomile powder in a glass of water, steep for a few minutes and then drink one hour before bed. You can as well sweeten it with some honey.
6. Nutmeg Nutmeg is a spice with natural sedative properties. It’s rich in magnesium which helps to eliminate nervous tension. Not only that, nutmeg aids in the production of serotonin which induces sleep. For this treatment to work, add one teaspoon of nutmeg powder in a cup of hot milk and drink before bed. You can add some Indian gooseberry juice to make the treatment more effective.
7. Cumin Seeds Cumin is widely used as a spice in different cultures. It works as an anti-depressant in Ayurvedic medicine. To induce sleep, grind some cumin seeds and then add to a cup of water. Drink this tea before going to bed. Alternatively, you can add some powder on a mashed banana and then eat before going to bed.
8. Fenugreek Fenugreek is rich in niacin, vitamin C, and potassium. It also has active compounds like lysine, alkaloids, and steroidal saponins which make it effective in treating insomnia. When you drink fenugreek tea or juice every day, you’ll have a good sleep at the right time. Extract two tablespoons of the juice from the leaves and drink once every day. You can also soak the seeds in a glass of water and let them stay overnight. Then, chew the softened fenugreek seeds before going to bed.
9. Warm Milk There is scientific evidence that when you drink a cup of warm milk, you increase the body’s level of tryptophan which induces people to sleep. When you take cow milk, your body will produce more melatonin hormone which regulates the wake-sleep cycle. For optimal results, add some cinnamon powder in a cup of milk. Drink thirty minutes before going to bed.
10. Hot Water Bath Hot water helps your body to relax and, most importantly, it keeps your body in a pre-sleep state. Ideally, a hot bath diverts the blood from the head to other parts of the body. When the brain activity reduces, you’re likely to fall asleep. To get your body into a pre-sleep state, take a hot water bath one hour before bed. You may also want to add a few drops of essential oils like rosemary, chamomile, and lemon balm in your water.
11. Bananas Bananas are rich in magnesium and potassium which helps your muscles to relax. Bananas are also a good source of tryptophan amino acids which helps your body to produce serotonin hormone. If you’re experiencing some sleeping problems, grab a banana a few minutes to bed. Best of all, this nutritious fruit has no side effects. You can also make a banana smoothie.
12. Peppermint Tea Peppermint has a soothing and calming effect on the body due to its menthol. A simple cup of peppermint tea would help you relax. To brew peppermint tea, take a handful of peppermint leaves and boil in a cup of hot water. Let the solution steep for half an hour and then drink. Do not use this remedy during the day since it can interfere with your body’s ability to respond fast.
13. Apple Cider Vinegar ACV is not just a natural antibiotic but also triggers the release of tryptophan. ACV also helps to eliminate any fatigue. To ease your insomnia, mix two spoonfuls of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water and then add some honey. Drink the solution thirty minutes before going to bed. Follow this process every day until your sleeping cycle is back to normal.
14. Drink Tart Cherry Juice Cherry juice is packed with tryptophan amino acids which trigger the production of melatonin hormone. The hormone helps to balance the sleep-wake cycle by lowering the body’s temperature. If you want to drift off to sleep, take one cup of cherry juice one hour before bed. While the results may not be immediate, you’ll see some positive results in a few weeks.
15. Acupuncture This is a non-drug therapy commonly used in Chinese medicine. Acupuncture involves stimulating specific points in your body by inserting thin needles. In return, your brain is calmed to go to sleep. At the same time, your body releases tryptophan which helps you to fall asleep. Unlike other remedies, the acupuncture method must be done by a professional.
16. Take Melatonin-Rich Foods Our bodies cannot produce melatonin naturally, so we must get it from outside sources. Foods like cherries, bananas, oatmeal, and milk are a perfect source of melatonin. They synchronize your biological clock to calm the nerves. According to dieticians, you should take melatonin-rich foods a few minutes before bed. You can also take in pill or supplement form.
17. St John’s Wort This perennial flowering plant has been in use for many years in combating depression. St John’s Wort contains hypericin which raises the level of serotonin in your brain. To prepare the tea, take two tablespoons of the herb and add to a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10-15 minutes. Drink the tea 45 minutes before going to bed. You can also add some lemon or honey for taste.
18. Turmeric Turmeric works as an anti-inflammatory agent, not to mention it has an amazing soothing effect on your nerves. Mix two cups of coconut milk with one teaspoon of turmeric and then heat until it starts to bubble. Strain with ginger and then add some honey. This secret mixture also helps to ease your digestive problems. To increase its effectiveness, you can add some cinnamon. Drink 2-3 hours before bed.
19. Catnip Catnip belongs to the mint family. Catnip promotes better sleep by producing nepetalactone compound. To make the tea, mix one tablespoon of catnip powder in a cup of water. Steep for 30 minutes and then add some honey to taste. Drink the tea one hour before bed. You can also add other calming herbs. If you don’t like the tea, you can take catnip capsules. This treatment is not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers.
20. Take Some Carbs The easiest way to treat insomnia is by increasing your carbs. Studies have shown that when you take foods such as oatmeal, you raise the serotonin level in your brain which makes people feel sleepy. To stimulate tryptophan, take some carbs 20 minutes before bedtime. This is also a natural method of helping the body to produce more insulin. Just take a sizeable portion to ensure you don’t pump your body with lots of calories than the body requires.
21. Aniseed Aniseed works by relaxing the nervous system. To make the tea, add aniseed in a three-quarter pint of hot water, cover for 15 minutes, strain it, and then add some honey. Drink immediately after meals or, preferably, thirty minutes before going to bed. This treatment should not be used by children.
22. Magnolia Bark Extract If you have a problem with waking up in the middle of the night, magnolia herb can easily solve the problem. This Chinese medicine is more effective when combined with other herbs. Magnolia bark works by increasing the GABA receptors in your brain which reduces the time to fall asleep. To get the most out of this herb, add one tablespoon of powdered magnolia bark in a glass of water and let it steep for a few minutes. Drink the decoction a few hours before going to bed. Pregnant women should avoid using this remedy.
23. Exercises When you exercise every day, you can improve the quality of your sleep. For this reason, you should engage in activities such as walking, swimming, aerobics, or any other light exercises. Several studies suggest that exercises help to eliminate stress by increasing the production of endorphins in your body. Furthermore, exercise improves your mood by reducing the symptoms associated with stress and anxiety. Avoid lifting heavy weights to ensure you don’t exercise beyond the usual. Otherwise, you might end up activating the stress-responsive systems.
24. Yogurt Some of the common symptoms associated with insomnia include irritability, fatigue, digestive problems, depression, and headache. That’s why drinking some yogurt right before bed can help to treat occasional insomnia. Just like milk, yogurt contains tryptophan which aids in the production of serotonin and melatonin. This treatment works well when combined with carbs. However, you should avoid yogurt with high sugar. Furthermore, taking yogurt would get rid of all gastrointestinal problems which can hinder your sleep.
25. Turkey While most proteins contain tryptophan amino acids, turkey has slightly more. Besides that, turkey is a good source of calcium, B vitamins, potassium, and magnesium. Once the serotonin slows the nerve activities, sleep would be induced. To make a sleep-inducing snack, add some turkey to your wholemeal bread.
26. Almonds Almonds contain large amounts of calcium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and iron. These nutrients help to relax the muscles and regulate the brain activity. Furthermore, almonds contain 14 amino acids which help to synthesize melatonin and serotonin hormones. Additionally, almonds regulate the blood sugar by keeping your glucose at an optimal level. If you want to have a restful sleep, eat almond nuts a few hours before bed.
27. Poppy Seeds Poppy seeds work as a natural sleep aid. They are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve stress and anxiety. Boil two spoonfuls of poppy seeds in cup of water for a few minutes, and then sweeten the concoction with honey. While there is no conclusive evidence on how the seeds treat insomnia, they are worth trying.
28. Hops Hops are natural herbs native to Europe. Numerous studies have shown that hops have sleep-inducing properties. Although they are commonly used in making beer, they help to curb anxiety which is one of the contributing factors to insomnia. Moreover, they have sedative effects on your body. You can take hops in form of tea or tincture. You could add valerian root to the hops tea to make it more potent.
29. Grapes Grapes help to induce the sleep-regulating hormone (melatonin). Grapes are also packed with antioxidants and magnesium. For a restful sleep, you should incorporate grapes into your daily diet. Although you can still get the same benefits from wine, it’s recommended that you take the fruit in its natural form.
30. Kava Kava promotes relaxation and calmness. It would put you in a sleepy state a few hours after taking. However, only the root part is used. Just take two tablespoons of kava root in a cup of hot or warm water, strain and then drink two times a day. As a cautionary measure, you should not take kava with alcohol. Also, don’t take the herb if you have liver problems.
31. Passionflower This herb is appreciated for its unmatched healing abilities. Passionflower is known for treating insomnia, anxiety, and hysteria. In addition to that, it’s a powerful relaxant that helps to suppress the nervous system. It’s more effective when combined with valerian root. To make passionflower tea, put passionflower tea bag in a cup of hot water, let it strain and then enjoy the hot beverage.
32. California Poppy This flower helps to alleviate anxiety and restlessness that is associated with insomnia. California poppy contains protopine compound which promotes better sleep. Furthermore, if you’re experiencing joint pains, California poppy would help alleviate your pain. You can either use the flower as a tea or tincture. To make the tea, boil the herb in a cup of water for 10 minutes; steep it, then, drink one cup before going to bed. Likewise, you can prepare some paste by mixing one tablespoon of white poppy powder with water. Consume the paste a few minutes before going to bed.
33. Lavender If you have trouble sleeping, lavender essential oil could be the solution to your problem. Lavender oil induces the feeling of relaxation by calming the nervous system. To enjoy the therapeutic benefits of this essential oil, add a few drops of lavender oil in an essential oil diffuser and then place it in your bedroom.
15 Home Remedies Alternatively, you can add a few drops of lavender in your bathing water. Bathing, with a few drops of lavender oil, is the best way to calm and relax your brain before going to bed. You should never take the essential oil orally.
34. Bottle Gourd Before you take any sleeping pills, you should try the bottle gourd. Although it’s one of the most ignored fruit in our kitchens, it’s rich in vitamin C, sodium, iron, and potassium. If you’ve had a hectic day that is interfering with your sleep, you should extract the bottle gourd juice and then apply it in your scalp or hair. For optimal results, you may consider adding one tablespoon of sesame oil.
35. Celery This may sound like a surprise cure for insomnia, but it works. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help to alleviate depression and anxiety. Also, it contains magnesium which aids in calming the nervous system. To keep insomnia at bay, crush some leaves to extract the juice, and then add some honey. Take the mixture thirty minutes before bed.
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dubeyclinic · 9 months
Upmost Sexologist in Patna for PE Diagnosis | Dubey Clinic
Are you afraid to go into the bedroom? It is your female partner who is unhappy with your poor sexual performance. She wants to stay with you for a long time but you do not maintain your sexual activity and discharge early.
You also want to last longer but whenever you go to bed with your female partner, your control and ability becomes absolutely zero. What to do now because, you have used allopathic medicines to aggravate your timing related problems. The medicine worked and you spent a lot of time under the influence of the medicine but it was not permanent. Your partner also makes the same demands that you made after using those medicines.
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Actually, those medicines also have some side-effects which affect the health of your kidney, liver, brain and heart. That's why; you want natural medicine and treatment to avoid this rapid discharge sexual problem. That's right; your idea of medicine through naturopathy is evaluation.
Best solution to prevent fast discharge through naturopathy remedy:
Dr. Sunil Dubey is one of the most experienced and senior sexologist doctors in Patna who is specialized in Ayurveda and sexology medical science. He is also the high-demanding sexologist in India because of his successful research on sexual medication in the profession of Ayurveda Medicare.
He said that 40-45% of people are affected with this fast discharge sexual dysfunction. Some of them have temporary fast discharge and they get quick solution for this sexual problem. Most of people are affected with this problem have long-time sexual problem for this quick discharge.
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Dr. Sunil Dubey checks up and treats all those sexual patients who are suffering from this fast discharge sexual problem. He practices at Dubey Clinic and mostly sexual patients from Bihar always visit this clinic and get their permanent solution for this sexual dysfunction. He provides them Ayurvedic medicines, Natural Bhasma, Effective Oil, and Home Remedies to overcome from their sexual problems.
Precautions and health-related issues:
Dr. Sunil Dubey, Best Sexologist in Bihar says that if a fast discharge sexual patient wants to fix his problem permanently, then he should follow the following instructions strictly.
Follow all the suggestions and instruction to the sexual healthcare taker or sexologist doctor
Do exercise daily, eat healthy natural diet, and drink enough water
Try to take deep breath during working, exercising, and sexual activity
Try to quit smoking, drinking, certain medicines, and bad habits
Encourage your lifestyle and try to utilize the behavioral therapy
Switch things up in bedroom and spend enjoyable time before sexual intercourse
Just consult Dubey Clinic to get permanent solution to your premature ejaculation sexual cum psychological problem. Make an appointment over the phone. Go to the clinic on time and get treatment and cure. Ayurveda Medicare has permanent solution for any type of sexual dysfunction.
With best wishes:
Dubey Clinic
A Certified Clinic of India
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 93340 58336
Venue: Subash Market, near Globe Time Telecom, Dariyapur Gola, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna, Bihar 800004
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gA7AQTiNTzscfi2v7
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triadbell · 2 years
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arayurveda99 · 1 year
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Horsefire Tablet - Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Stamina and Timing
Horsefire tablet is an ayurvedic medicine to boost men's stamina. It can make you able to stay longer in bed and does a long-lasting performance. It is prepared with a blend of excellent herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Shatavari, Kaucha, Shwet Musli, Vidari, Gokshura, Kesar, and more. These herbs contain natural medicinal properties that have long been known to increase strength, power, and stamina by eliminating disease.
It helps to increase power, stamina, vigor, and vitality by eliminating the weakness of men. Shilajit increases the men's hormones that help in the betterment of performance, Because we all know very well about Shilajit, it is also the greatest ayurvedic stamina booster. Shatavari and Safed musli helps to eliminate problems like premature ejaculation and improve the timing of your performance. It also helps to get a stronger erection during intercourse and fulfill excitement with your partner. 
Most men are unable to enjoy the pleasures of their life due to low levels of testosterone, low stamina, and vigor. The Horsefire tablet is the simplest and most natural way to increase male strength and stamina. It may controls premature ejaculation and helps in getting a hard erection at the time of penetration. This product is certified by the Department of Health and this company has been approved by GMP and ISO.
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kennelrock · 2 years
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livmuztangofficial · 2 years
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What is the best ayurvedic medicine for sex?
Livmuztang is the best ayurvedic medicine for sex that is good for boosting immunity and stamina. It solves the problem of premature ejaculation, men’s difficulties, low energy, and endurance issues. Our website livmustang has a very informative blog related to the top 15 Best sex positions, best food to increase sexual power, and what is the best ayurvedic medicine for long lasting in bed in India. if you are interested to read about these informative blogs, you can visit to our website and read about these blogs.
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coachloriwagner · 2 years
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keithstone828 · 2 years
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