#best dog company in singapore
yodoggo · 7 months
YoDoggo pet foods | AAFCO fresh dog food Singapore
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Looking for the best pet food options for your furry friend? Check out YoDoggo, the ultimate destination for fresh and nutritious dog food in Singapore! With AAFCO-approved recipes and a commitment to quality, YoDoggo is the perfect choice for pet owners who want only the best for their beloved dogs.To read more, visit www.yodoggo.com/blog/
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milflewis · 5 months
ok but mob au
“You really didn’t know who I work for?”
When Yuki found out that Pierre’s boss is the Sebastian Vettel, the Lion of Singapore, and the unofficial heir to Schumacher & Co., he had only raised his eyebrows. Pierre took that to mean he had already figured it out.
Yuki blinks at him. “No.”
“But.” Pierre frowns. “Why did you — I always have so many knives on me! Is this not weird to you?” He gestures at his jacket which hangs open, showing four different perfectly sharpened blades tucked into the lining.
Yuki shrugs. “You are French, yes? You like to cut things. Like cheese.”
Pierre mouths wordlessly. Cheese.
“Anyway,” Yuki adds. “You are weird, so. This would not be weird.”
The first time Sebastian meets Lewis, his runners are wet with Michael’s blood and Lewis’s hands are pressing his head into the glass door. His face aches, nose throbbing.
“Can I help you?” he says, or tries to say. It comes out vaguely smushed.
He pushes back a little just to see. Lewis lets him move half an inch before shoving him back.
“Jesus, Hamilton,” Sebastian hears Michael say. His voice cracks roughly. Sebastian nearly cried when the doctor told him Michael survived the surgery, that they got all the bullets out and he was in recovery. He swallows thickly, as the relief makes him all dizzy even now. “I know you got out today but c’mon, let him go. This is Sebastian — I talked about him.”
The hands on Sebastian’s neck disappear and he’s rubbing at his jaw when he turns around. “Ow,” Seabastian tells Michael. His cheeks are pale and his chest is wrapped in white bandages but his eyes are alert and he is grinning.
“Sebastian, this is Lewis Hamilton. Lewis, Sebastian Vettel. Mika says we are all friends here.”
He pats Mika’s ankle that is propped up on the bed beside his hip. Mika’s eyes stay closed, arms folded in his chair, chin on his chest. There are dark bruises under his eyes under now.
“Right. If Mika says so.”
Lewis steps back towards Michael’s bed, grabbing the duffle bag from where it was leaning against the wall. Sebastian looks at his bare arms, the tattoos that go all the way down to his fingers, the rings there. His jeans sit low on his hips. He needs a shave. Sebastian recognises him from his mugshot, even of his hair is longer now and his face is more lined.
They hadn’t had the time to arrange for Michael to share a cell with someone affiliated with them, and when they had got in contact with him, a week later, he had settled in well enough with his cell mate. By Michael standards at least.
Does not talk much, Michael had told Sebastian over the phone. Likes his fucking singing though. Stares at the picture of his dog. Do you think he is lonely?
When Sebastian had brought it up with Mika, the best person for this kind of thing when Corinna is away, Mika had only shrugged, and told him that he doesn’t think it is just Hamilton that is lonely, and that of fucking course anyone who could survive nine weeks in solitary with just Fernando Alonso as company in the next cell over is someone that Michael would find interesting.
Sebastian looks away from the breadth of Lewis’s shoulders in his white tank and pulls a face at Michael’s waggling eyebrows.
“How old do you think I am?” Jenson asks, as Alex adjusts his long-rifle until it sits comfortably against his shoulder, supported by the flat roof they are lying on. 
Alex doesn’t answer, because he knows exactly how old Jenson is, and the fact that people continue to tell Jenson to his face that he looks ten years older than his actual age will never stop being funny.
“Ollie, how old do you think I am?” Jenson calls.
“Jen, leave the kid alone,” Alex says. “You could dye your hair.”
“Do I look like a man who would dye his hair solely to stave off questions about his age?”
“Yes,” Alex sweeps the street below them, marking the buildings bracketing the shop they are surveilling. “Ollie, how are you doing over there?”
He can hear him scramble around for a second before a burst of static. “Radio ready for orders, sir.”
Alex grimaces, still not used to that, as Jenson only laughs beside him.
“Michael? We got him.” Eddie leans back against the closed door.
Michael hums, closing his leather notebook. He leaves his fountain pen tucked into the middle so he remembers what month of intakes he was going over.
“Send him in.”
The kid’s hair is long and dirty, falling into his eyes and around his ears. His knees are all busted up under his baggy shorts. His face is drawn and thin, and he is glaring at Michael, jaw clenched.
He goes all pale when he sees who sits in front of him. Seems like he didn’t know whose car it was.
“Jesus,” Michael says. “You’re tiny, how did you reach the pedals?”
This morning, the kid — Sebastian Vettel, Michael had asked around — had hot wired Michael’s car in under two minutes and driven away. Michael had watched from the restaurant’s window, amused and impressed.
Mika had been decidedly less so when Michael told him, ten minutes later, that they were going to have to order a cab.
“I’m not that short!” The glare intensifies. His eyes are kind of freaky, Michael thinks. Very big and bright.
Michael holds out a hand, level with his chest, and squints. He lowers it considerably. Sebastian looks like he wants to bite it.
“Of course not,” Michael tells him soothingly. Eddie gives him a reproachful look. Michael holds back his eyeroll but takes his hand out of reach of Sebastian’s mouth.
“I have a job for you,” Michael says, watching Sebastian’s eyes sharpen. He smiles thinly. “If you’re up for it.”
“A job. For me? What kind of job?” Sebastian tilts his head to the side, making his eyes wide. His curls tumble across his forehead. The whole effect is rather sweet, Michael considers, delighted. This will be interesting.
Mika has been nagging at Michael to stop picking up strays but he thinks he will agree with Michael on this one.
Michael stretches out his back, legs interlocked at the ankles, until something clicks along his spine. He exhales slowly, sinking back into the shitty mattress.
They called for lights out fifteen minutes ago. Lewis is still in the bunk above him. Michael looks at the scratches across the metal rods. He had a good workout today, no interruptions, and his arms are nicely sore.
Seventeen minutes.
Lewis moves in his bed, rolling over to the right and for a moment, Michael thinks he will roll right off the edge, but then he is swinging down, silent. Michael holds himself very still.
"I am not interested in fucking."
"Yeah," Lewis says. "I heard."
Michael swallows. The sharpened edge of Lewis's plastic spoon presses into his throat. Lewis is dense and solidly heavy, knees on either side of his hips, one foot digging into his knee.
Michael has seen him fight. In an enclosed space like this, and unarmed, he isn't sure who would come out the better. His fingers itch with excitement.
"I found the picture you left," Lewis says quietly. The spoon doesn't move an inch. His eyes gleam in the dark like an animal.
"Okay," Michael says, not bothering to pretend not to know what he is talking about.
Lewis was fine this morning. He hummed to himself the entire way to breakfast, and he spotted Michael in the gym without even being asked. It wasn't until after dinner that he went all weird and still in himself.
Lewis presses down, just a little. Michael raises an eyebrow.
"Is he alive?" Lewis asks like he doesn't want to show his hand but is doing so anyway. His mouth trembles at the corners. Michael frowns at him. He has seen Lewis hustle in the yard at card games enough times to know that his poker face is better than this.
"Is he."
Oh. Jesus.
Michael laughs. It is too loud of a sound for where they are. He laughs anyway.
"You have issues," he tells Lewis, who only sends him a cutting look.
"That was supposed to make you feel better! Stop crying and all. You miss him, yes? Thought I could help."
Lewis stares at him. Blinks those animal eyes.
Michael makes a frustrated sound in the back of his mouth. He misses Mika. He never has to talk when Mika is around.
"He is being taken care of in that shelter you put him in. I had my people check. I was being nice! Friendly too!"
"We're friends," Lewis says slowly as if he expects Michael to say no.
"Obviously. You are being ridiculous," Michael says. "You think I would kill a dog? No!" He is a little hurt.
"You are the chief suspect in fifteen open murders," Lewis says, flat.
"Not of dogs!"
Lewis looks at him for a long moment before rolling his eyes. "How are you still alive, man? For real? I thought it was a threat."
He pushes off Michael and pulls himself up onto the top bunk, as silent as he climbed down at the start.
"No one else would see this as a bad thing."
He can hear Lewis roll his eyes.
"Literally every other person here would think you were sending a message. And not a good one."
"I was being nice!"
There is a clang of metal against metal, and their cell bars rattle. "Oi! You two! Shut the fuck up. Save the fighting or fucking for the morning."
"Gross, man," Lewis says, and Michael kicks at the underside of his bunk. "You are gross."
Maybe Mika was right when he said that Lewis might not take his generosity in the way he wanted it, Michael considers. He decides not to tell him. He would be too smug if he did.
He palms the sharpened spoon that Lewis had held to his neck and left on his pillow, beside his cheek. It is small and narrow. Michael presses his thumb against the slice, feeling it. He smiles, and tucks it under his sheet. He had needed a new one.
Sebastian had been small when Michael met him. All eyes and bony knees and dirty hair.
Then he opened up his mouth and his personality crawled out.
Michael has never looked back.
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authorhjk1 · 1 year
Duck Season
Song Yuqi X Choi Yena X Male Reader
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During the night, the apartment is usually quiet and dark. But now, it's not as quiet as you might think. All three bedrooms are dark. But in one of them, one of the occupants isn't sleeping. Quite the contrary, actually. Lying on her bed, she lets out a never ending series of quiet, muffled moans. Her left hand covering her mouth, while her right is trapped between her full thighs.
When the girl in the other bed shifts around, the younger one whimpers, trying to quiet herself as much as possible. There is no need for her band mate to know, that the maknae is knuckle deep inside one of her most intimate places. After what happened the day before, she wasn't able to sleep, like the rest of the girls.
As the young girl tries to satisfy her longings, she lets out a frustrated groan. It just doesn't feel the same. Reaching for her phone with her left hand, she makes sure that the blonde is still sleeping.
The light of the screen illuminates her gorgeous features as she hastily puts a familiar name into the search engine on her phone.
Scrolling through a couple of pictures, she picks up, where she left off. Her moans are a little louder now, her hand occupied with holding the phone. An idea flashes through her lust clouded mind as she changes the word in the search bar.
Opening another tab, she puts in the same name as before, but this time, she writes the word "suit" as well.
A smile appears on her face as she sees the pictures she was looking for.
From this point onwards, the journey towards inevitable pleasure begins. Switching between the two tabs, the young girl feels the heat in her body rising. Her memories come back to her as if she is reliving that day. Closing her eyes, she climbs the hill of her slowly approaching orgasm.
You groan. Luckily no one hears you. You paint like a dog as you stare up at the ceiling. Drenched in sweat, it feels like every part of your body is either numb, or hurting. Both arms give out, when you try to sit up and you can't move your legs either.
Although it hurts, it's still a good feeling. It's not the type of workout you prefer, but it's efficiency outweighs the pain.
You decide to keep lying on the floor for just a minute longer, trying to recover. The muscles in your shoulder protest as you reach for the bottle of water next to you. Taking a mouthful, you remember what happened two nights ago vividly.
Staying over at Sohee's place turned out to be one of the best nights you ever had. You couldn't believe it, when Ahin and Sohee wanted to go for another round in the morning. Although you felt tired and drained afterwards, you felt like one of the happiest guys alive.
You are thrown out of your memories by the ringing of your phone, signaling you, that you got a message. It's clear who it is. You send her a text before you started working out, which means it must have been one of the first things she saw after waking up.
Unfortunately, you placed your phone on the bench at the door. Groaning once more, you are barely able to change position. Slowly crawling towards the bench, you pray, that Ahin hasn't woken up yet. You don't know what would happen if she would see you like this. It's embarrassing.
It takes five minutes, until you are on the other side of your small gym, which you build in your basement. Unable to sit on the bench, you just lie on the floor, while opening your phone. A smile appears on your face. Just as expected.
"Good morning, too. I can't wait to see you again. I will be back home at 2pm."
You didn't expect her to show how needy she is. She is currently in Singapore, if you remember correctly.
When your company searched for the right model, they suggested her, because of her popularity.
"Tonight. At eight."
You send the text. You don't need to explain what you mean. She knows what happens, when you come over.
You met her at the airport a couple of days ago, while waiting for Chaewon to meet her fans. The two of them are friends, apparently. She knew, who you were, before you even said hello. You should scold Chaewon for being unable to keep her mouth shut, but you are afraid, that it would make her do it even more.
Honestly, you don't even remember her name. Did she even mention it? You are not sure anymore. You only saved her number under "princess".
At first, you were worried about Ahin. But when she saw the name by accident, she didn't mention it. The blonde just took your phone and changed her name to " Mine❤". You are not really into emojis, but you do want to make sure, that Ahin is special.
When you met the woman at the airport, she seemed flirty, but still shy. It was obvious that she wanted the same thing that Chaewon has with you. While texting yesterday, it turns out that she has never been with someone before. Similar to Yuna, although the older girl still has more experience.
While waiting for Chaewon, you were able to get the girl's number. She seemed like a really innocent person. But when the two of you were standing in a less crowded corner of the airport, her true colors seemed to show.
You made sure, that no one was paying attention as you sneakily let your hand glide over her back side. You could see her tremble a little at your touch as your hand moved between her thighs. Rubbing the fabric of her jeans, her eyes closed and she let out a quiet moan.
You stopped your advances afterwards. She is a celebrity after all. And the two of you being seen in public won't help her and probably you neither.
You should have known that this was coming. After working out, you went to take a shower and saw that Ahin was making breakfast. When you got back, you saw her sitting in her chair, waiting for you, while scrolling through her phone. When she looked up, she bit her lip, her gaze starting to cloud with lust.
She really liked seeing you after working out, since she likes hard working people, but now, your hair is still wet and your suit looks really nice on you.
Ahin can't decide, which of these two options turns her on the most.
Either way, she is now sitting in your lap. Your shirt, which she threw on earlier, is hiked up around her waist, while one of her shoulders is exposed. Your pants are on the floor. One of her hands is holding her swaying hair back, while the other is grabbing your tie.
You can't believe how horny Ahin is sometimes. It feels like every morning and every night you spend with her results in the same thing. But it's always different. Never boring. New places, new positions, everything is new, everytime.
Like right now.
"Was she riding you like this?"
Ahin bounces on top of you, her voice shaky.
"Similar. Yes. But she had her head on my shoulder."
"Oh fuck!"
It feels weird to tell Ahin, how Chaewon rode you a couple of days ago, but it seems to turn her on. Her pace increases, her pussy tightens around you.
You can't be sure, but you think Ahin gets off on this, because she knows, that there are women, who want to be with you, but you chose her over anyone else.
"Where did you cum?"
"Inside. I came in her pussy."
Ahin's eyes are shut tight as she impales herself on your cock, while listening to how you fucked another woman. Attacking her naked shoulder, you kiss her vanilla skin. Her perfume smells like vanilla as well. You realized, that whenever you see, or smell vanilla ice cream, or something else with vanilla, you think of her.
Her long blonde hair flowing over her shoulders. Her flawless skin. Her dark orbs, which look at you with care and appreciation in one moment and with lust and desire the next. Her cute lips, which you like to kiss, while you hold her.
Ahin's body has been made only for you. And you can feel yourself growing closer and closer to her.
The ringing of her phone interrupts Ahin's wild riding. She loses her rhythm and you can feel her slowly coming back to reality. Gone is her lust clouded mind.
You can't believe she picked up. While she is sitting in your lap. Your cock filling her completely.
"Ah, yes. I really liked it. The two of you look gorgeous."
There is no way, you will let her get away with this. At least not without punishment.
You focus on her shoulder once more, but this time it isn't just kisses. You give her skin small bites, making her hiss in slight pain. She doesn't tell you to stop.
"I-I would love to."
One of your hands sneaks under the loose white shirt she is wearing, cupping her right breast.
"T-Tomorrow sound good."
Ahin's head falls back as you play with her chest, while licking her neck.
"Great! I w-will be there."
You move your mouth to her ear.
"Hang up. Now."
You feel her shiver at your dangerous, dark tone.
"I gotta go. See you."
She hangs up immediately.
"I-I'm sorry. But I wanted to-"
You bite her neck. Ahin stops mid sentence. Too shocked to speak. You haven't hurt her badly and it won't leave a permanent mark, but it achieved the desired effect.
"Don't pick up the phone, when we fuck."
Ahin nods vigorously, her eyes wide open.
You doubt, she is actually scared.
"When I claim your body, the only thing you are allowed to do is cum."
An almost inaudible moan escapes her lips at your words.
You squeeze her right breast a little harder, emphasizing your point.
"Y-yes, daddy."
Ahin doesn't call you that often. But when she does, you know that she has given up all control. It's an unspoken request to have your way with her.
"You just talked to a woman?"
She nods, while pouting, probably hoping she will get out of this without much punishment.
"Show me."
Ahin already has a hint about what's coming next as she shows you a picture.
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You look into her eyes, before whispering.
"She is hot."
You feel Ahin getting goosebumps.
"Her name is Yuqi. She is in the same group as Miyeon and Soyeon."
"Give me her number, once I'm done with you."
The blonde nods her head. You can feel how much she likes the idea by the way her pussy clenches around you. It's walls wrap themselves tight around your shaft, reminding you, that neither of you has cum yet.
Breakfast was supposed to be a quick meal, before heading out. It turned into a long, passionate sex session with Ahin. As usual.
The egg fried rice must be cold already as you keep nailing the young blonde against the kitchen wall.
The shirt she was wearing has fallen off her body for a while now. The buttons flew everywhere and are now partially covering the floor. Her hair and face is a mess as you press her right cheek against the white wall.
"Daddy! I need to! Please!"
You fuck her harder. Ahin is close to collapsing to the floor.
"No. You don't get to cum today."
Her whines turn into moans as you don't stop nailing her against the wall.
For the last 30 minutes or so, you kept Ahin on the verge of her orgasm. With only one word, you could make her see starts, so much, that she won't be able to keep talking.
But you are punishing her. She usually isn't very rebellious, so you don't have to do it often. But maybe that's why you are enjoying it right now.
Her voice has been reduced to a whisper. Her focus completely on making sure not to cum. You can see how bad she is holding it in. How bad she is fighting her own body.
When you see a tear roll down her cheek, you know that you have reached her limit. Ahin is still moaning, but it's getting weaker.
"You only get one chance."
Her eyes light up in gratitude.
You keep thrusting into her depth, until you can't keep it inside any longer yourself.
Grabbing a fistful of blonde hair, you pull out of her and force Ahin onto the ground. You are just able to tell her to keep her mouth closed, before you cum all over her pretty face. She doesn't close her eyes, they are focused on you. Some of your cream gets into her dark orbs, but she still keeps them open. Her right cheek is painted in warm cum as well. Ahin's lips are stained too as if she just ate a glazed donut.
"Get up."
You command her immediately, after you regain all of your senses.
Pressing her shoulder against the wall with your left hand, your right finds her pussy.
"Only once."
Ahin nods her head. It looks cute. Even with a cum stained face.
You finger her fast and without much playing around. You want her to feel, like you are just doing it out of generosity. As if you don't care about it.
You actually love making women cum. Especially Ahin. It somewhat shows how well you are doing and how much she is enjoying herself.
Some of her cum dribbles down your hand as her pussy becomes wetter.
"Are you punished enough?"
Ahin nods her head, not wanting to let your cum fall off her lips. Her left eye is glued shut, due to your sticky semen, while the other is half open. And a little red.
You lean in closer as you watch Ahin hold back her orgasm as long as she can.
With a loud shriek, the blonde cums all over your hand. She squirts violently, drenching the tiles and parts of the wallpaper. You hold her shoulder, while she leans against the wall. Her shaking is almost concerning. It feels like Ahin can't stop for a whole minute. But maybe your sense of time is just messed up as you are witness to a wonderful sight.
You smile as you reach a certain district in Seoul. The joke Ahin told you during breakfast was really funny and you try to come up with a better one for the next time you see her.
After parking your Ferrari in the parking lot, you put on your sunglasses and get out of the car. You want to make sure that no one can recognize you. It only takes her a couple of minutes to appear outside of the building.
Yuqi was it?
She is dressed in the same outfit as in the picture, which Ahin showed you.
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Her orange tinted sunglasses make her look somewhat like a famous actress as she walks out of the building and in your direction.
It didn't take long to set up a date, while texting with Yuqi. She knew what Miyeon and Soyeon were doing. And she seemed interested in the same thing.
When the young woman is halfway there, you see another person run towards her.
"Yuqi! Wait!"
As she comes closer, you can see more of her, until she reaches her friend.
She looks very cute. Even from a far. She is wearing a short white skirt, which looks like it's made of lacey. She is wearing torn stockings or a pantyhose underneath. Her orange crop top shows off her toned stomach. What seems to be a yellow scarf is decorating her neck. Her pink hair is tied into a ponytail.
"Take me with you."
They are just close enough for you to listen.
"Please. I saw your phone, when you went to the bathroom."
Yuqi looks in your direction, obviously surprised.
"Is that him?"
The pink haired girl follows her gaze.
"He looks better than the picture."
"I don't think he is gonna say no."
The cute girl's face forms a smile and the two walk up to you.
"You might have heard, but she would like to join us."
You greet her as you check her out again.
"Nice to meet you."
She gives you another cute smile.
"What's your name?"
"Choi Yena."
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"My car only has two seats."
"No problem. We can share one."
Yena doesn't seem to mind Yuqi's idea.
"After all, we are going to share you as well."
A little surprised at their straightforwardness, you remember that they both know Ahin. You should really tell her and Chaewon to keep quiet. At this rate, every female singer in Korea will know who you are.
You didn't exactly plan for this to happen. Of course you can't refuse a threesome with two gorgeous girls, but you still have someone waiting for you tonight.
"Get in. I booked a room."
Opening the door for them, you watch as Yuqi gets in first. Yena follows, sitting on the older girl's lap. You fasten their seatbelt, before shutting the door and walking to the driver's side.
As soon as you get in, you realize that Yuqi has already started without you. Her hand is underneath Yena's skirt, while the girl on top has her eyes closed.
"You better hurry up. This little duck needs a lot of attention."
Is that a nickname?
"Look at her."
You drive out of the parking lot.
"It's obvious that she is a duck. Right?"
The question is directed at Yena, who can only humm in response.
The ten minute ride was quite uneventful, although Yuqi kept fingering the younger girl with slow deep thrusts of her hand. They behaved like normal people, while you got the key card for your room. But as soon as the elevator doors closed, they were both all over you.
Yena takes your left hand and forces it between her thighs. You have no other option, but to continue Yuqi's work. The girl's wet pussy becomes tighter as you curl your fingers upwards inside of her.
The older woman is standing on her tiptoes, trying to kiss you. Leaning down, you kiss her back.
Her lips taste like strawberries as your tongue invades her mouth with ease. Your right hand is already roaming her exposed back. Feeling her soft skin underneath your fingers, you move downwards.
Luckily no one gets onto the elevator, until the three of your reach your floor.
Yuqi doesn't want to let go of you, so you have to pick her up. Still kissing, you place your hand on her butt, before pulling her up. Slinging her legs around your waist, she keeps herself in place, still busy with her tongue.
Yena doesn't want to stop either as she keeps your hand trapped inside of her. Because of Yuqi's lips, you can't tell Yena to stop. Eventually you can free your hand and as the younger girl pouts, you push her through the doors and towards the room. She really looks like a duck.
You let Yuqi fall onto the large bed, before crawling on top of her. Enjoying Yuqi's body, you mark her with kisses. From her lips to her cheekbones, over her naked shoulders, towards her clothed chest. Realizing she isn't wearing a bra, you feel her nipple underneath her top, before biting it playfully. Yuqi moans, her hand grabbing your hair.
"What about me? Eat me up, too."
Looking up, due to her whiney tone, you see Yena standing next to the bed. Her arms crossed and an angry pout on her face.
Standing up, you take her waist and spin her around. When the back of her head hits your chest, you feel her pink ponytail brush against your chin. She is way smaller than you. Not that you are surprised, since all the Korean girls you have been with so far are small. Ahin isn't much taller than her either.
Holding her waist with your left hand, you kiss her cute cheeks from behind, before letting your right hand rest on her toned stomach. It only lingers there for a short while, before it begins its journey downwards.
You see Yuqi work on her short jeans, while you let your hand slide inside Yena's white skirt. Her snatch welcomes you as you dip a finger inside once more.
"Oh, yes."
Yena sighs as she leans against you.
By now, Yuqi got rid of her shorts. Her white skimpy thong might as well not exist as she rubs her clit above the fabric. The wet spot becomes larger, slowly. In sync with both girls' moans.
You feel yourself harden, at the sight of Yuqi pleasuring herself, while you finger Yena. The younger girl is still leaning against you and is now rubbing her butt against your crotch.
"You feel so big already."
She sighs as she feels your length through the fabric. Unable to hide your smile, you increase your pace a little.
"Now, you are only caring about her. What about me?"
You turn towards Yuqi. By now, she is lying on the bed. Her thong halfway down her legs.
"You don't like Chinese?"
As she shows off her shaved pussy, you watch her dipping a second finger into her honey pot.
"Trust me. I have had Chinese."
You slowly leave Yena's snatch, earning a small whine, before walking towards the bed.
"And she tasted delicious."
Grabbing her ankles, you pull Yuqi towards you in one swift motion. When her hips meet the edge of the bed, you kneel down, while lifting her waist.
Without any further delay, she worked hard enough already, you start to devour her pussy.
Yuqi moans as you eat her out, letting her slightly husky voice echo through the room.
"Fuck, yes."
It's no surprise anymore to you, that only a second later, you have another woman, who is complaining.
"What about me, daddy?"
You are turned on by the way that nickname leaves her lips. But at the same time, you know you can't keep up with them alone.
"I'm not the only person with a tongue in here. Use Yuqi."
The Chinese girl seems to like the idea as her thighs wrap around your head, forcing you further towards her.
Yena, as quick as a flying duck, jumps onto the bed and positions herself over Yuqi's face. You don't see much else, since you are busy and her thighs are holding your head in place. But you can hear Yena's cute moans as Yuqi seems to start to eat her out as well.
You take your time to become familiar with Yuqi's body. Enjoying the taste of her pussy, you let your thumb graze over her clit occasionally. It sends a shiver down her spine, which makes her moan into Yena's cunt. The younger girl moans in return.
Deciding to switch it up a little, you focus on Yuqi's clit. Taking it into your mouth, you suck on it, while flicking your tongue against it slightly. It makes her buck her hips towards you further. Inserting a finger into her pussy makes her moan louder.
Yena faces the consequences of your actions as Yuqi moans into her pussy, before picking up her pace. The two girls' sounds fill the room and you feel your desire to fuck them getting stronger.
Stepping up your game, a second finger joins your first, before you curl both of them upwards.
"Oh, shit!"
Yuqi gasps as you reach her g-spot. Looking up for a second, you see that Yuqi can't keep up with her own pleasure. She isn't able to keep her grip on Yena's waist. The pink haired girl has to ride her face to be able to satisfy her desire for pleasure. Her back is turned towards you, but the whines and sighs, which escape her mouth, are evidence enough for how good she is feeling.
Yuqi's moans grow in volume as you pick up the pace. Continuously rubbing her sensitive spot, you feel her pussy clench around your fingers. You know it's only a matter of time-
Yuqi squeals as she cums hard around your fingers. It feels like her thighs almost crush your skull as she flexes them unconsciously. Her hands, curled up into fists, are tugging at the sheets of the bed.
While Yuqi comes down from her high, you watch Yena, who is still riding the older girl's face, not caring that she just came. Her pink ponytail is swaying from side to side. Her hunched over shoulders indicate, she is holding onto the sheets as well. Her moans became louder already, too. It seems like Yena isn't far behind Yuqi.
You decide to take advantage. Getting off your knees, you walk around the bed, hoping she doesn't see you. Luckily, Yena is too drunk in the feeling of Yuqi's tongue in her pussy.
You count to three in your head, before you attack the little duck. Grabbing the back of her head, you push her forward into the mattress. Yena yelps in surprise, but her sounds are muffled as soon as she hits the sheets underneath her. When her pussy leaves it's place atop Yuqi's face, you plunge two of your fingers inside her snatch.
She is now in doggy position as you finger her cunt, just as fast as Yuqi's before. Yena squeals into the sheets at your unexpected roughness. Her legs tremble visibly and her hands hold onto the headboard.
Accompanied by another cute shriek, Yena cums around your fingers. Your surprise attack caught her off guard and the way you dominated her in her last seconds before her orgasm, makes her squirt. Yena's juices flow over your hand and onto the sheets. But most of it lands in Yuqi's wide open mouth, who's head is still lying underneath her.
Yuqi drinks the squirting duck's juices, until she finally rode out her orgasm. The shaking of her legs stop and you let go of her head. For a moment, you didn't even realize, that you were still pressing her into the mattress.
As Yuqi smacks her lips as if she just drank a delicious beverage, you bring Yena's shoulders upwards, before capturing her lips with yours. Invading her mouth with your tongue, you make her taste Yuqi, who's taste is still lingering on your lips and tongue.
"Oh my good."
Yena sighs into the kiss.
Suddenly feeling a hand rubbing your crotch, you break the kiss to look down. Yuqi is already opening the zipper and unbuckling your belt.
You are drawn back into the kiss by Yena, who is slinging her arms around your neck. She makes the kiss sloppier, while you feel Yuqi pulling down your pants and underwear. She shifts around underneath the two of you and a second latter, you feel her warm lips touch your tip.
Yuqi kisses your tip, while Yena kisses your lips. It feels like the two are working in sync even without communicating. The Chinese girl's kisses begin to travel along the length of your shaft. Yena on the other hand, lets you mark her as you break the kiss to get a taste of her exposed neck. Her small scarf is already lying on the floor. She forgot about it a long time ago.
The pink girl's hands find themselves in your hair as you keep kissing and licking her skin. She moans and you can feel the vibration through her neck.
"You want more?"
Suggestively, you let your hand rest on the waistband of her skirt.
While Yuqi starts to take your cock into her mouth, you slip your hand past Yena's waistband, reaching her core.
"Oh, yes."
Yena moans as you begin to rub her clit. She is still sensitive due to the orgasm from before. As she leans against you, you feel Yuqi's tongue glide along the length of your shaft. Her warm mouth is sealed tightly around your cock by her lips.
Yena's moans increase in volume. Entering her snatch with two fingers again, you feel her tremble already. The pink duck's head rests on your shoulder as she moans into your ear.
When Yuqi takes you further into her mouth, you use your free hand to hold her hair.
"How am I cumming again?"
Yena's question is answered by herself as her pussy pulsates around you. And for a second time, in just a matter of minutes, Yena orgasms once more. She whines into your shoulder as her cunt squeezes your fingers tight.
At the same time, Yuqi is starting to take your cock down her throat. Her muscles work your shaft as you hear her gag. You have to hold onto her hair tighter, trying to hold it together as Yuqi is suddenly almost inhaling your cock. She takes all of it into her throat at once.
Her throat massaging your shaft is hard enough to resist already, but when Yena starts to tiredly whisper into your ear, it takes even more effort to keep yourself composed.
"It's mating season for ducks. And I'm really horny."
Her cute face is at odds with the words, which leave her mouth.
"I need a big load from you, daddy. This little duck needs to be bred."
For some reason it turns you on even more. Imagining to cum in Yena's pussy. Maybe even getting her pregnant. It's just imagination. You wouldn't let it get this far, but still....
"Breed my pussy, daddy. Cute ducks like me need to get fucked."
As hard as you try to find a flaw in those words, you can't. Her offer is too good to pass up on.
You are barely able to tell Yuqi to stop, when you are about to cum. It was close, you almost unloaded inside her tight throat. But you know, that you need to cum somewhere else.
As soon as your tip leaves Yuqi's lips, you turn Yena around, who is still on her knees, and push her upper body towards the mattress. When she finds herself in a similar position like before, you hear her moan into the sheets.
"Is daddy going to breed his little duck?"
No words are needed as you line up your cock with her soaking wet pussy. After having orgasmed twice already, Yena is more than ready to take your shaft.
Seeing Yuqi watch with jealousy in her eyes, you push inside Yena's tight snatch. The younger girl moans as your hands on her waist push her face further into the sheets.
She had been fucked a couple of times before, but this is different. She can feel, how you push inside of her, waiting for her to adjust to your size. And once she does, you start with slow deep strokes.
It makes the pink haired girl sigh, your dominance over her makes her extremely turned on. No one has ever been like this with her before. Since she is an idol, everyone treats her with respect and kindness. Even in the bedroom.
But as soon as you made her cum on your fingers, she realized, that you don't care about who she is. That you are only using her for yourself. That she is just another cute girl on the list of women you have slept with. Her success doesn't mean anything to you. Only how tight her pussy is.
Before Yena can tell you to fuck her harder, you have already picked up your pace. Pushing against her lower back, you make her upper body rest on the bed. Her ass is even higher in the air now. The white lacey skirt doesn't cover up anything anymore as you squeeze the cheeks of her butt. Yena moans louder, when you squeeze harder.
"Fuck her harder. Make that little duck cum on your cock."
Looking over at Yuqi, you see her kneeling on the bed. Her fingers are deep inside her own snatch as she watches you fucking her best friend.
"Yes, please. Make me cum on your cock."
Yena whines into the mattress.
A surprised yelp escapes her mouth as you spank her right cheek.
She has never been spanked before. Not once. The pain only dominates her feelings for just a second, before the pleasure takes over. And after delivering a slap to the other cheek, you have the little duck begging for more.
"Please, daddy! Spank me harder. It feels so good."
You do as she says, while you try to fuck her harder as well. The echoes of your palm hitting her flesh fill the room.
"I need it too. Please, daddy."
Before you can even react, Yuqi has already positioned herself on top of Yena. Her ass is resting on hers, while her small tits press against the younger girl's back.
You slap Yena's ass one last time, before you surprise them both. Instead of spanking Yuqi's gorgeous, full ass, you pull out of Yena and penetrate Yuqi's snatch. She is just the right hight as you enter her.
Yuqi moans as Yena did before. This time, you don't wait for her to adjust. From the start, you pound Yuqi hard into Yena's body. The pair getting rocked back and forth by your thrusts. You give both of them equal attention as you fuck Yuqi, slapping their asses respectively.
"Please, more!"
Yuqi is way more vocal than Yena, while she is getting fucked. You see a few drops of her juices dribble onto Yena's cheeks. The little duck underneath her hums, when you fuck Yuqi on top of her and squeals in delight and slight pain, when you spank her hard.
After just a couple of minutes, you change it once more. Now, Yena is the one who is getting fucked from behind, while Yuqi moans on top of her.
By now, both of their asses are bright red as you keep spanking them over and over again.
"Oh, daddy!"
Yena moans into the sheets, her face pressed into the soft fabric by Yuqi's weight on her back. The two of them whine, whenever you leave their pussies to fuck the other girl.
At one point, you finally have to admit, that you can't hold on for much longer. Having to fuck both of them, drains you more than you thought. You hope you have still enough left for tonight.
Just when you are about to cum, you stay put inside of Yena. You feel the walls of her pussy messaging your cock, trying to convince you to breed her, just like she wants. Almost climaxing right then and there, you have to use a method, which you don't use often. Math. Distracting yourself, helps you prevent your orgasm.
You do some basic calculations as you slowly pull out of the pink girl's pussy. Trying not show a sign of exhaustion, you push Yuqi off the younger girl.
She falls onto the bed next to her. Turning her around by her waist, you see the surprised expression on her face.
She isn't able to finish her question, before you reach down for her pussy. Yuqi's eyes widen, when she feels two of your fingers enter her snatch. It's a little embarrassing for you, but you have to wait for a few seconds, before you are confident enough, to fuck one of them without cumming.
Yena is still in the same position as before. Her eyes closed, a smile on her face. She seems satisfied enough for now.
Yuqi on the other hand, is now moaning loudly at your fingers inside of her. Her heart beats faster, when you increase your own pace as well.
Curling your fingers upwards, you find her g-spot and rub the rough small patch. It makes Yuqi's eyes fall shut. One of her hands in her hair, while the other is holding onto yours. It looks like she is trying to push you away and pull you in further at the same time. As if she doesn't know what she wants. As if she doesn't know if she can take another orgasm.
It's not like she has a say on the matter though.
"I'm gonna cum!"
When you finally make her fall over the edge, Yuqi cums hard on your fingers. Her hips lift off the bed as she shakes. Her legs kick wildly and you are glad she doesn't hit you. Her deep moans fill the room.
"That looked so hot."
Yena rubs her clit very slowly as she is kneeling next to the breathless Yuqi. You can barely see her finger move as she touches herself. But she still seems to get pleasure out of it. She bites her lip and gives you her best fuck me eyes.
"Daddy. Ducks need cum to be breed. And I want your cum. You need to breed me."
You can't comprehend how it's possible for this cute girl to spill such lewd words.
"Make me your little breeding duck. Shoot your cum deep into my pussy."
You hold her waist, before you push her into the bed, making her fall on her back. It's not like you can refuse her words. She is now lying next to Yuqi. Yena spreads her lips a little, showing off her cute pink pussy.
"Fuck me hard, daddy."
You grab her thighs and pull her towards you. As soon as she is close enough, you penetrate her pussy with your cock.
"Oh fuck."
Yena sighs as her head falls back. You push inside of her completely and as soon as you can't go further, you start to pound her. She feels so good around your shaft. So wet. Her pussy lets a few drops of her juices spill onto the sheets.
Yena's thighs start to become red as you realize, how hard you are holding her. Your handprints are on her skin as you remove your fingers. Needing something to hold her in place, you reach forward.
Yena moans even louder than before, when you grab a fistful of her pink hair. It makes her lift her head. Almost as if she is doing half a sit up.
The duck's scalp starts to burn a little as you use her hair to keep her in place. It makes her even wetter. How rough you are with her.
"Holy fuck!"
Her moans have changed to light screams as she feels like you are pounding the air out of her small body.
With your free hand, you press onto her stomach at her waist, while you lean forward.
"You want me to paint your insides white, huh?"
Yena needs a couple of seconds to comprehend what you just said. Her mind isn't able use it's full capacity anymore. She is too focused on the pleasure, which is rushing through her veins.
Her words are cut off by your thrusts, which rock Yena's body.
"Please. Fill me up."
"Don't you think Yuqi deserves something as well?"
You see her brain working as if she is trying to remember, who Yuqi is.
"Should I just cum in her?"
Yena immediately reacts. She would shake her head, but she can't. Your grip on her hair is too strong.
"Cum in me. I'm your duck. You can only breed me."
"You want me to breed you?"
You pretend like you just heard it for the first time.
"Yes. Give me a lot of little ducklings. Breed me good."
Biting your lip, you try to hold on longer. Yena's words make it hard to stop yourself from cumming. But you don't have a choice. Her pussy is too tight. Too wet. You don't want to pull out.
"I'm gonna cum, Yena. I'm going to breed your pussy."
"Yes! Please, daddy! Fill my womb with your cum. Breed this slutty duck."
You let go of her hair and Yena's head falls back onto the mattress. She is to tired to keep it up. Her eyes close as she feels, that there is no way out for you anymore.
You squeeze her thighs hard once more. Your thrusts become faster for the last time. Her pussy becomes tighter. It wants to milk your cock.
You groan as you finally unload inside of Yena's tight cunt. Your cum floods her insides and she can feel the warmth spreading through her body.
"So good."
She sighs tiredly as her body goes limp. You feel as exhausted as she looks.
Having fucked Ahin earlier didn't increase your stamina for today. And knowing, that you will be visiting a certain princess tonight, makes your head spin.
You stay inside of Yena as you enjoy the feeling of her warm pussy around you.
"At least let me suck your cock."
You look to the right, seeing Yuqi slowly getting up.
Earning one last whine from Yena, you pull out of her. The older girl begins to clean off your cock, trying to get as much out of it as possible.
You see your cum slowly leaking out of Yena's pussy. The pink haired girl is too tired to scoop it up. Her eyes still closed.
Ringing the doorbell, you check the time. 8:37
You are more than half an hour late. Most of the time, you are very punctual, but some complications hit you out of nowhere, after you left the hotel. You had to take care of them for the whole afternoon.
But as soon as the door opens, all of the stress and thoughts about work are out of the window.
"H-Hello, daddy."
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
15 minute read
An overhaul of medical care for transgender minors is exacerbating bottlenecks in England, Reuters found, leaving thousands of patients in limbo and adding to years-long treatment delays. The crisis comes amid a broader debate on appropriate care for rising numbers of teens seeking help in Europe and the United States.
DOVER, England - On an October morning in the living room of a modest family home in this coastal town, Miles Pitcher, 17, received a message that would change his life.
It came from GenderGP, a private online health service that treats people suffering from gender dysphoria – the distress of identifying as a gender different from the one assigned at birth. The doctors had reviewed his case, the message said, and would prescribe the testosterone that would help Miles develop the facial hair, deeper voice, broader physique and other characteristics aligned with his gender identity. It would put an end to the menstrual periods he dreaded.
Miles gestured at his phone, speechless. He shook his head, and, beaming, showed the message to his mother as their pet dog Moose bounded around the room.
"Finally," he said. "Something being done."
Miles, assigned female at birth, has identified as male since he was 14. Yet until he got that message, he was stuck in limbo for three years, one of at least 8,000 young people in England and Wales waiting to receive gender care from the state-funded National Health Service (NHS) as of October, a Reuters review of NHS documents shows.
The UK government has promised to overhaul the youth gender care system, after it was deemed inadequate by England's regulator of health and social care. Some clinicians had complained that England's only state-run youth gender clinic was too quick to offer medical treatments to young people. And many families protested over the distressingly long wait for a first appointment – an average of nearly three years, a Reuters analysis of the clinic's records found.
In July, the NHS said it would close the sole clinic, known as the Tavistock, next year and replace it by spring 2023 with regional centers to better accommodate a fast-growing patient population. Its plan calls for the centers to operate under new treatment guidelines, informed by the best available medical evidence for treating transgender adolescents and the most in-depth review of care conducted by any country.
But the reality is already falling short of those ambitions, creating new delays and uncertainties, according to Reuters interviews with transgender teens and their families as well as physicians and government officials involved. They described a deeply flawed system that is now hobbled by a toxic political climate around gender care.
Young people like Miles say their only option is to turn to private providers such as GenderGP, which is registered in Singapore and thus operates beyond the supervision of the NHS. The company says under-18-year-olds make up a growing portion of its UK patient population, with about 800 youth currently on its books.
"I wish we didn't have to exist," said Dr Helen Webberley, who founded GenderGP with her husband. Both once worked for the NHS. "But we are years away from the NHS pulling themselves together on this."
The NHS's proposed new treatment guidelines were altered after they were reviewed earlier this year by a Conservative government wary of medical interventions for transgender adolescents, Reuters found. Gender clinicians say the proposals now depart from international treatment protocols, which support gender-affirming care. Pioneered more than 20 years ago in the Netherlands, such care can include everything from supporting a social transition – using a person's preferred pronouns and name – to counseling and medical interventions, including drugs that pause puberty.
The Tavistock, based in London, continues to see existing patients. But first appointments for people who have been on its waiting list since 2019 have slowed to a trickle as staffing and morale drop ahead of the closure, according to NHS data and four people involved in the reorganization. More than 1,500 young people recently referred with gender dysphoria are being kept on a separate list for the future regional centers, with no clarity on when or how they will be treated, three NHS sources told Reuters.
Once assigned to a waiting list, young people have been effectively locked out of state-provided mental health counseling and other specialist support related to their gender dysphoria, because those services were offered only through the gender care system they are waiting to join. Delaying medical treatment also means young people mature in bodies that don't align with their gender identity – changing that in later life is more difficult.
The NHS said in a statement to Reuters it is expanding healthcare services for young people with gender dysphoria in line with recommendations from the review, and working on better supporting those on the waiting list. It has previously said it "strongly discouraged" families from turning to private or unregulated providers.
"These have been an exceptionally challenging couple of years for our patients and their families, with a lot of toxicity in discussions around their care and chronic uncertainty about its future," Dr Polly Carmichael, director of the youth gender clinic at the Tavistock, said in a statement to Reuters.
The Department of Health and the Prime Minister's office declined to comment for this story.
Both sides in the polarized debate are turning to the courts: patients who say they've waited too long, and others who say the NHS moved too fast. At the end of November, transgender rights advocates challenged NHS England in the High Court over long wait times for both youths and adults seeking treatment. In 2020, a young woman who had detransitioned from being a transgender man challenged the Tavistock's use of puberty blockers in the same court.
Long wait lists are common within the NHS, but its statistics show the three-year wait for transgender youth is extreme. Most young people with a "non-urgent" eating disorder get specialist help within three months of being referred, the figures show. On average, young people seeking mental health support wait just over a month for a first appointment, according to a government analysis of NHS England data.
One mother shared with Reuters a letter she received from the NHS in February after she followed up on her daughter's October 2021 referral to determine when she might receive attention. The letter said a decision would be made at some point from early 2022 on whether the child "is likely to meet the access criteria" for gender care. She has heard nothing since and suspects her child isn't even being considered for NHS help.
"We are on a waiting list for a waiting list," said the mother, Rose, who asked to be identified by her first name only to protect her daughter's privacy.
"She basically feels suicidal every single day." The NHS declined to comment on the case.
Miles plans to study archaeology at university and is a keen rugby player. He has felt like a boy for as long as he can remember, but recalls a moment of delight at the start of a new school year when he was around 9.
The teachers were handing out colored notebooks and lanyards based on gender: blue with wizards and astronauts for boys, pink for girls. He was given blue books – "and wizards and astronauts over everything," he said.
"It was not like 'I'm trans,' but just this amazing sense of joy within myself, 'This feels amazing, and I don't know why.'"
By age 11, as puberty began, Miles entered an all-girls' secondary school. He was bullied by classmates for not wearing a bra or conforming to female norms. To fit in, he tried to be ultra-feminine, wearing skirts and make-up, having his eyebrows threaded, wearing false nails.
"My mood really dropped," he said. After about a year, "I realized, I can't do this anymore. I hate this." Miles was barely leaving his room. He began cutting himself, over a period of four or five months. "In my mind, it was just easier to deal with physical pain than mental pain."
His mother, Connie Pitcher, noticed the regular, precise lines on his arms. When she asked why he was distressed, Miles said he was struggling to understand his sexuality.
"I said, 'I don't care if you're gay, straight, or whatever – I just want you to stop hurting yourself,'" Connie said. The family considered seeking mental health help, but worried about long waiting lists.
"We saw him really, really dip," she said. "We were struggling with what to do. Because there is really no support."
The World Health Organization, which informs health policy worldwide, does not have detailed guidelines for this area of healthcare for youth. It says it works closely with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a U.S.-based non-profit that has drawn up the most widely adopted standards of care.
These say a young person's exploration of gender should be respected and supported, and that medical interventions for young people at or after puberty should be one option, after a comprehensive assessment.
Research from the Netherlands paved the way for that medical treatment, establishing a model requiring adolescents who sought care to be assessed for about six to 18 months. If they had persistently expressed gender dysphoria since early childhood, lived in supportive homes, and had no other complicating mental health diagnoses, they could be offered puberty suppression, followed by hormones, and later, in some cases, surgery.
Since then, the number of young people seeking gender care has surged in parts of Europe and the United States, supported by greater awareness and the availability of professional treatment. They continue to face threats of violence and discrimination, as well as political efforts in some countries to block that care.
At the same time, some gender-care professionals have questioned the lack of definitive evidence on the long-term impact of puberty blockers or hormones on minors. Puberty blockers are not licensed in the United Kingdom or United States for treating gender dysphoria and the NHS says it is not known how they may affect brain development or long-term bone health in young people. Hormones, only available for older adolescents, cause potentially irreversible changes such as a deeper voice, and can cause infertility. Other changes, including breast development, are reversible only with surgery.
Those professionals are also concerned that as the number of pediatric patients has surged, so has the number of youth whose main source of distress may not be persistent gender dysphoria. Some may have mental health problems that complicate their cases.
While not all English youths with diverse gender identities seek medical help, for those who do, a doctor or professionals including social workers or teachers are the first port of call. Any one of them can refer a youth for gender care, which so far has only come through the Tavistock – formally known as the Gender Identity Development Service, or GIDS – run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.
The clinic became a focal point for opponents of youth gender care in the UK in 2018 when an internal report compiled by Dr David Bell, a former senior psychiatrist and staff representative at the Tavistock, was leaked to national media. Bell, who did not treat young people, cited accounts from 10 unidentified colleagues who were working with transgender youth and came to him with concerns, including that some patients were "rushed through" to medical treatment without proper evaluation when they finally got an appointment.
"It was not just the wait," Bell told Reuters. "It was also a wait for the wrong treatment."
Bell now advocates against starting a gender transition before adulthood. He is at the fore of a group of mental health professionals who argue that accepting a child's new gender identity without exploring other underlying issues is clinically irresponsible, and puts them on a track to potentially irreversible changes that they may later regret.
The Tavistock has consistently defended its methods of treatment. Subsequent inquiries by outside investigators into care at the clinic did not raise concerns about patients being referred too quickly to medical interventions. However, they did criticize a lack of standardized assessments, adding that "it was not possible to clearly understand from the records" why care decisions had been made, according to a 2021 report from the regulator of health and social care, the Care Quality Commission.
The report rated the clinic as "inadequate" on these grounds, on the long waiting lists, and on concerns that teams treating patients did not always include the full range of experts required.
Another major challenge came in the 2020 lawsuit. Keira Bell, a young woman who detransitioned after what she said was improper care at the Tavistock, asked the court to rule on whether youths should receive puberty blockers. She alleged that the information provided by the Tavistock was not adequate, and said youths under 18 were not able to give informed consent to treatment. The High Court effectively banned their use for under-16-year-olds, a ban that was overturned last year on appeal. Bell did not respond to a request for comment.
The Tavistock told Reuters its current protocol requires meeting patients at least three to six times over some months before any recommendation for medical treatment. The timeline would be longer in complex cases. If the clinician, parents and the young person agree, puberty blockers may be prescribed from the onset of puberty, usually after the age of 10 or 11. The clinic only introduces hormone treatments after 16. Surgery is not an option before age 18 under NHS rules.
The clinic estimates that its staff referred only between 10% and 20% of young people for medical interventions, indicating what team members have described as its cautious approach. This year to August, 125 adolescents received referrals for either puberty blockers or hormones, the clinic told Reuters.
An ongoing review commissioned by the NHS highlighted another problem. Led by Dr Hilary Cass, a prominent pediatrician, the review found that practitioners across the country might be referring patients with gender concerns to the Tavistock without first addressing mental health issues such as depression, according to an interim report released in February. Such practices may have contributed to the clinic's fast-growing waiting list, the report said.
Annual referrals to the clinic have surged from 210 a decade ago to 5,234 in the financial year that ended in March 2022.
According to NHS documents seen by Reuters, there were 7,696 minors on the waiting list for a first appointment as of July. Just over 1,000 young people were referred to the Tavistock from April to October and are awaiting attention, the clinic says.
In 2019, a 13-year-old Miles began exploring his relationship with his changing body, wearing baggy clothes. He cut his hair short and began sampling videos from transgender teens on YouTube.
At first, "it was denial – those guys are cool, but I'm not like them," he said. "Then slowly, I thought, 'what they're talking about is exactly what I feel. So maybe I need to actually look at this.'"
He came out to his close friends, who were supportive. In February 2020, Miles left a letter on his bed for his parents, just before heading to school.
"Dear Mum and Dad," it read. "I am transgender. I identify as male. I'm still your child."
His mother was taken aback. "I was a little bit fearful, because I didn't understand it," Connie said. She texted Miles at school. "We'll talk about this in a few days," she wrote. "We love you."
That November, an NHS doctor referred Miles's case to the Tavistock. Miles was excited, hoping to receive puberty blockers but realizing that, given the long waiting list, he was likely to be too mature for them by the time he was seen.
As he waited to hear from the clinic, he began his social transition, dressing like a boy and using male pronouns. He started to wear a binder to conceal his breasts and, on occasion, padding known as a packer inside his underwear to give the look of male genitalia. He took a contraceptive pill to limit the frequency of his periods.
Last year, he legally changed his name – his parents paid, as a gift for his 16th birthday. Miles now studies at school in a co-educational class. He is attracted to boys.
By July this year, Miles was uneasy, having heard nothing from the Tavistock clinic. He contacted them to ask about his referral. They had no record of it.
"That was a crash and burn," Miles said. "I've had two years of my life thinking it was happening, for nothing. It sounds extreme, but it feels like the NHS has failed me as a trans person. Because I'm just left in limbo. No-one really knows what to do."
Miles's doctor referred him a second time. But a few weeks later, when he checked with the clinic again, it still had no record of him. Neither his doctor nor the Tavistock would comment on his case.
Other young people and their parents across England are also at a loss. Waiting "isn't an option when you've got a child in distress," said Rose, whose daughter has been on a waiting list since October 2021.
Her daughter's case shows how hard life for young trans people can be - even when they do get care.
Assigned male at birth, Rose's daughter told her parents how unhappy she was in her changing body at age 12, two years ago. A few months later, knowing about the NHS waiting list, Rose sought help from family members to pay for private care from Dr Aidan Kelly, a clinical psychologist now in private practice who worked with youth at the Tavistock for five years.
Kelly diagnosed their daughter with gender dysphoria in August 2021, and she socially transitioned a month later. Now 14, she is taking puberty blockers prescribed overseas by a registered pediatric endocrinologist whom Kelly declined to identify. Kelly remains involved in her care.
In June this year, Rose's daughter tried to take her own life, cutting herself and attempting to drink bleach. She had previously been referred for NHS mental health care, but did not receive attention until she tried to kill herself, Rose said. The NHS then prescribed antidepressants.
A different private practitioner has also recently diagnosed the teen as autistic. Rose declined to make her daughter available to Reuters for comment due to the teen's distress.
"I'm just trying to do things to keep my child here," said Rose. The treatments are helping, she said, but her daughter is still struggling.
Another mother, Liz, said her teenager has been on the Tavistock waiting list for three years after being referred by their family doctor. Assigned female at birth, the child came out as a transgender boy at school, but Liz and her husband do not use his chosen pronouns. Instead, they use a gender-neutral nickname, saying that they want to keep their child's options open.
Liz said the child has autistic traits, depression and childhood trauma, and has experienced years of severe homophobic bullying. Liz declined to make the child available for comment.
She worries that the teen, now 16, could receive gender medication without taking into account these other issues. The family has received no NHS gender care or mental health support since the referral, she said. The family is also frightened to entrust the teen to a system that is set to be replaced because it has been judged to be failing young people.
Most of all, Liz is afraid of her child making a mistake.
"If I knew this was the route" for the child to grow "into a healthy well-adjusted adult, that would be a different question," she said. "But I don't have that kind of information."
In a statement to Reuters, the NHS's Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch said the "incredibly distressing" wait for gender care "created a significant patient safety risk for young people."
In April, the investigation branch released a report into the death of a young transgender man before his 19th birthday, outlining how he had complained of the long wait for care before committing suicide. He was first referred to the Tavistock at 16. The clinic itself referred the incident to the investigators, saying it was "vital" that services worked together to better protect vulnerable young people.
There is evidence that transgender youth face a higher risk of suicide, but whether that risk has increased for adolescents in England who are waiting for care is not well understood. The Cass report said in February that many young people's mental health deteriorated while in a holding pattern.
For young people already in the system, the NHS has said care at the Tavistock clinic would continue unchanged ahead of its closure. NHS documents reviewed by Reuters show only a few dozen appointments are available for new patients each month, down from between 75 and 120 for most of last year, despite the growing waiting list.
Staffing has also dipped as several psychologists have left or, like Kelly, entered private practice. The Tavistock said in board documents that staff morale is low and told Reuters it does not have the capacity to meet demand.
The deadline for shuttering the clinic has also slipped, to late June 2023 at the earliest, two people familiar with the plans said, although the NHS is still aiming to open two new sites in spring next year, with up to seven more to follow. People who have been waiting the longest will be prioritized.
The NHS is also working on a system to cope with the backlog and improve support for those on the new list, a spokesman said.
But clinicians say polarized views around gender care will make finding staff challenging.
"The people who have gender-critical views call you child abusers and monsters, and then there are a lot of angry families accusing you of gatekeeping. And you're just drowning in the middle of it all," said Dr Laura Charlton, a clinical psychologist who left the Tavistock in 2020 after six years and now only treats adults.
The gender-care revamp became further entangled in political upheaval after Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned in September. Both his successors, Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, voiced their opposition to the use of what they described as "irreversible" measures for transgender young people earlier this year.
Neither Truss nor Sunak's office responded to a request for comment for this story. Sunak has said under-18s should be protected from "life-altering treatments."
A few weeks into Truss's tenure, in September, the NHS briefly posted a draft of its proposed new treatment guidelines on its website, then removed them. The guidelines were re-released on Oct. 20, the night Truss resigned.
A Reuters review of the original draft shows key passages were changed by the time they were re-released.
Both versions of the guidelines say only medical professionals may refer young people for gender care, and call for a meeting between clinicians before a child is added to the waiting list. New clinics will be led by medical doctors rather than psychologists, they say.
The guidelines also say young people who, like Miles, obtain medicines from providers that are not regulated in the UK should be referred to local authorities – such as police and social services – once the NHS takes on their case.
The NHS has said separately it would only prescribe puberty-blocking drugs for transgender teens "in the context of a formal research protocol." It has not specified how gender-affirming hormones would be prescribed, although it also suggests enrolling young people into a clinical trial in the future.
However, the revised guidelines say adolescent patients would require a gender dysphoria diagnosis from a specialist clinician before their social transition would be supported by the NHS, rather than, as at present, relying on the statements of an adolescent.
The changes around social transition appeared after the draft was sent through government approval processes within the Department of Health and the Prime Minister's Office, rather than the NHS or gender experts, two people involved in the process said.
For government employees to not recognize a young person's preferred gender identity without a medical diagnosis would run counter to the way gender-affirming care has been practiced both in England and globally. The proposed requirement was not endorsed by the doctors involved in the Cass review, said people briefed on the matter. There was no such requirement around social transitioning in the original draft.
The draft plan has been criticized by medical groups specializing in transgender health around the world.
"This represents an unconscionable degree of ... intrusion into ... everyday matters such as clothing, name, pronouns, and school arrangements," WPATH, along with a number of allied regional and national groups, said in a statement in late November.
"We've spent 20 years trying to reduce barriers to care. And now we're seeing barriers put up," Dr Marci Bowers, president of WPATH and a gender surgeon in the United States, told Reuters in response to the NHS guidelines.
Spokespeople from the Health department and the Prime Minister's office declined to comment. The government is considering public feedback on the proposals and expects to publish final guidelines early next year.
England is not the only country in Europe that is changing its approach.
In Finland and Sweden, healthcare officials are limiting access to puberty blockers and hormone treatments, citing concerns that the risks may outweigh any benefit for adolescents, particularly those struggling with mental health problems.
Until 2020, adolescents expressing gender dysphoria in Finland could generally access puberty blockers and hormones, but that year its national healthcare council released guidelines for transgender care. These recommended supporting "identity exploration" and mental health treatment as the first steps to ensure that any psychological issues are addressed. The council said medical intervention for transgender minors "is still an experimental practice."
Health officials in Sweden changed course after finding many adolescents seeking treatment had diagnoses beyond gender dysphoria.
In February, Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare revised its recommendations on puberty blockers and hormone treatment for adolescents. It recommended the treatments be given within a clinical trial. Until a trial is in place, it said, the drugs should only be given to people who fit the original Dutch model of persistent gender dysphoria with no mental health issues.
"It's not an easy decision," Thomas Linden, a director at the board, told Reuters. "Some people are in great need of medical attention. Others are at risk of being harmed if they are given the same treatment. We really need better precision in the diagnosis."
Kelly, the former Tavistock clinician, said even as knowledge changes and governments review policies, clinicians must not deny young people care.
"We need to practice within an evolving evidence base – and that doesn't mean do nothing," he said.
It took just one week after Miles's first full online appointment for GenderGP to agree to prescribe testosterone. The company, which operates in more than 40 countries, says its practices are consistent with WPATH and other international care guidelines.
GenderGP has no age limits to care, or minimum time periods before recommending prescriptions, including puberty blockers, to young people, co-founder Helen Webberley told Reuters. Its usual time-frame is within four to six weeks, she said, although complex cases take more assessment. Parental consent is not always required.
Miles said he hesitated about turning to GenderGP. The Webberleys have both been sanctioned by official medical tribunals for gender care they have provided since setting up their online clinic in 2015. The General Medical Council (GMC), the national watchdog that sets standards for doctors and maintains a register of those deemed fit to practice, referred both cases to the tribunals after concerns were raised by other doctors involved in caring for the same patients as the Webberleys.
Founder Dr Michael Webberley was struck off the British medical register this year after the tribunal found he had failed several patients by not conducting proper tests or assessing them robustly enough, both before and after recommending hormones or puberty blockers. The tribunal concluded that he was working outside his specialty as a gastroenterologist.
His wife, Helen, is currently suspended from practice after a separate hearing found she did not adequately explain the potential fertility impacts of medical treatment to a patient seeking help with gender-related distress.
Both deny that they failed their patients and appealed, although Michael Webberley's appeal was dismissed by the High Court in early December. They told Reuters that they currently do no clinical work for GenderGP.
There is little NHS or independent data available on how many young people seek care privately. GenderGP says the share of under-18-year-olds among its more than 8,000 UK patients is rising, which it attributes to the lack of care offered through the NHS.
The Webberleys transferred their ownership of GenderGP to a Hong Kong-based company, Harland International, in 2019 to avoid the controversy associated with them, they said. The company is now registered in Singapore as GenderGP PTE Ltd, with Dr Helen Webberley as a director. Harland could not be reached.
The clinic's prescribing doctors are all based overseas and regulated within their home countries – from the United States to European Union countries. EU-based doctors can prescribe to UK patients under rules drawn up after Brexit. Some GenderGP therapeutic counselors are UK-based.
Miles's parents say they are happy with GenderGP, but worry that the lack of NHS care will lead young people to unscrupulous online providers or even to self-medicate.
The NHS doesn't cover the cost of Miles's private treatment Read full story. He is paying for his care with his wages from working at a local restaurant, and can recite the company's charges by heart. He says he had reservations about using testosterone but decided to go ahead.
"I know it can affect fertility," he said. "And it sounds weird, but baldness, because it runs in my family."
He applies a testosterone gel to his arms every morning, normally before heading to school. The gel dries and then cracks, like a face mask, when first applied, he said, then sinks in.
Miles has not told his co-workers that he is transgender. To them, along with his friends at an archaeology group that he digs with in Dover, he is just a young man. Yet he still plays for a girls' rugby team, until the effects of the testosterone kick in.
"I'm going to be able to start living my life as I want to," he said. "I want people to see that just because I'm trans, that doesn't affect who I am. I'm still a normal teenager."
The Tavistock, based in London, continues to see existing patients. But first appointments for people who have been on its waiting list since 2019 have slowed to a trickle as staffing and morale drop ahead of the closure, according to NHS data and four people involved in the reorganization. More than 1,500 young people recently referred with gender dysphoria are being kept on a separate list for the future regional centers, with no clarity on when or how they will be treated, three NHS sources told Reuters.
O nce assigned to a waiting list, young people have been effectively locked out of state-provided mental health counseling and other specialist support related to their gender dysphoria, because those services were offered only through the gender care system they are waiting to join. Delaying medical treatment also means young people mature in bodies that don't align with their gender identity – changing that in later life is more difficult.
The NHS said in a statement to Reuters it is expanding healthcare services for young people with gender dysphoria in line with recommendations from the review, and working on better supporting those on the waiting list. It has previously said it "strongly discouraged" families from turning to private or unregulated providers.
" These have been an exceptionally challenging couple of years for our patients and their families, with a lot of toxicity in discussions around their care and chronic uncertainty about its future," Dr Polly Carmichael, director of the youth gender clinic at the Tavistock, said in a statement to Reuters.
The Department of Health and the Prime Minister's office declined to comment for this story.
Both sides in the polarized debate are turning to the courts: patients who say they've waited too long, and others who say the NHS moved too fast. At the end of November, transgender rights advocates challenged NHS England in the High Court over long wait times for both youths and adults seeking treatment. In 2020, a young woman who had detransitioned from being a transgender man challenged the Tavistock's use of puberty blockers in the same court.
Long wait lists are common within the NHS, but its statistics show the three-year wait for transgender youth is extreme. Most young people with a "non-urgent" eating disorder get specialist help within three months of being referred, the figures show. On average, young people seeking mental health support wait just over a month for a first appointment, according to a government analysis of NHS England data.
One mother shared with Reuters a letter she received from the NHS in February after she followed up on her daughter's October 2021 referral to determine when she might receive attention. The letter said a decision would be made at some point from early 2022 on whether the child "is likely to meet the access criteria" for gender care. She has heard nothing since and suspects her child isn't even being considered for NHS help.
"We are on a waiting list for a waiting list," said the mother, Rose, who asked to be identified by her first name only to protect her daughter's privacy.
"She basically feels suicidal every single day." The NHS declined to comment on the case.
M iles plans to study archaeology at university and is a keen rugby player. He has felt like a boy for as long as he can remember, but recalls a moment of delight at the start of a new school year when he was around 9.
The teachers were handing out colored notebooks and lanyards based on gender: blue with wizards and astronauts for boys, pink for girls. He was given blue books – "and wizards and astronauts over everything," he said.
"It was not like 'I'm trans,' but just this amazing sense of joy within myself, 'This feels amazing, and I don't know why.'"
By age 11, as puberty began, Miles entered an all-girls' secondary school. He was bullied by classmates for not wearing a bra or conforming to female norms. To fit in, he tried to be ultra-feminine, wearing skirts and make-up, having his eyebrows threaded, wearing false nails.
"My mood really dropped," he said. After about a year, "I realized, I can't do this anymore. I hate this." Miles was barely leaving his room. He began cutting himself, over a period of four or five months. "In my mind, it was just easier to deal with physical pain than mental pain."
His mother, Connie Pitcher, noticed the regular, precise lines on his arms. When she asked why he was distressed, Miles said he was struggling to understand his sexuality.
"I said, 'I don't care if you're gay, straight, or whatever – I just want you to stop hurting yourself,'" Connie said. The family considered seeking mental health help, but worried about long waiting lists.
"We saw him really, really dip," she said. "We were struggling with what to do. Because there is really no support."
The World Health Organization, which informs health policy worldwide, does not have detailed guidelines for this area of healthcare for youth. It says it works closely with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a U.S.-based non-profit that has drawn up the most widely adopted standards of care.
These say a young person's exploration of gender should be respected and supported, and that medical interventions for young people at or after puberty should be one option, after a comprehensive assessment.
Research from the Netherlands paved the way for that medical treatment, establishing a model requiring adolescents who sought care to be assessed for about six to 18 months. If they had persistently expressed gender dysphoria since early childhood, lived in supportive homes, and had no other complicating mental health diagnoses, they could be offered puberty suppression, followed by hormones, and later, in some cases, surgery.
Since then, the number of young people seeking gender care has surged in parts of Europe and the United States, supported by greater awareness and the availability of professional treatment. They continue to face threats of violence and discrimination, as well as political efforts in some countries to block that care.
At the same time, some gender-care professionals have questioned the lack of definitive evidence on the long-term impact of puberty blockers or hormones on minors. Puberty blockers are not licensed in the United Kingdom or United States for treating gender dysphoria and the NHS says it is not known how they may affect brain development or long-term bone health in young people. Hormones, only available for older adolescents, cause potentially irreversible changes such as a deeper voice, and can cause infertility. Other changes, including breast development, are reversible only with surgery.
Those professionals are also concerned that as the number of pediatric patients has surged, so has the number of youth whose main source of distress may not be persistent gender dysphoria. Some may have mental health problems that complicate their cases.
While not all English youths with diverse gender identities seek medical help, for those who do, a doctor or professionals including social workers or teachers are the first port of call. Any one of them can refer a youth for gender care, which so far has only come through the Tavistock – formally known as the Gender Identity Development Service, or GIDS – run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.
The clinic became a focal point for opponents of youth gender care in the UK in 2018 when an internal report compiled by Dr David Bell, a former senior psychiatrist and staff representative at the Tavistock, was leaked to national media. Bell, who did not treat young people, cited accounts from 10 unidentified colleagues who were working with transgender youth and came to him with concerns, including that some patients were "rushed through" to medical treatment without proper evaluation when they finally got an appointment.
"It was not just the wait," Bell told Reuters. "It was also a wait for the wrong treatment."
Bell now advocates against starting a gender transition before adulthood. He is at the fore of a group of mental health professionals who argue that accepting a child's new gender identity without exploring other underlying issues is clinically irresponsible, and puts them on a track to potentially irreversible changes that they may later regret.
The Tavistock has consistently defended its methods of treatment. Subsequent inquiries by outside investigators into care at the clinic did not raise concerns about patients being referred too quickly to medical interventions. However, they did criticize a lack of standardized assessments, adding that "it was not possible to clearly understand from the records" why care decisions had been made, according to a 2021 report from the regulator of health and social care, the Care Quality Commission.
The report rated the clinic as "inadequate" on these grounds, on the long waiting lists, and on concerns that teams treating patients did not always include the full range of experts required.
Another major challenge came in the 2020 lawsuit. Keira Bell, a young woman who detransitioned after what she said was improper care at the Tavistock, asked the court to rule on whether youths should receive puberty blockers. She alleged that the information provided by the Tavistock was not adequate, and said youths under 18 were not able to give informed consent to treatment. The High Court effectively banned their use for under-16-year-olds, a ban that was overturned last year on appeal. Bell did not respond to a request for comment.
The Tavistock told Reuters its current protocol requires meeting patients at least three to six times over some months before any recommendation for medical treatment. The timeline would be longer in complex cases. If the clinician, parents and the young person agree, puberty blockers may be prescribed from the onset of puberty, usually after the age of 10 or 11. The clinic only introduces hormone treatments after 16. Surgery is not an option before age 18 under NHS rules.
The clinic estimates that its staff referred only between 10% and 20% of young people for medical interventions, indicating what team members have described as its cautious approach. This year to August, 125 adolescents received referrals for either puberty blockers or hormones, the clinic told Reuters.
By July this year, Miles was uneasy, having heard nothing from the Tavistock clinic. He contacted them to ask about his referral. They had no record of it.
" That was a crash and burn," Miles said. "I've had two years of my life thinking it was happening, for nothing. It sounds extreme, but it feels like the NHS has failed me as a trans person. Because I'm just left in limbo. No-one really knows what to do."
Miles's doctor referred him a second time. But a few weeks later, when he checked with the clinic again, it still had no record of him. Neither his doctor nor the Tavistock would comment on his case.
Other young people and their parents across England are also at a loss. Waiting "isn't an option when you've got a child in distress," said Rose, whose daughter has been on a waiting list since October 2021.
Her daughter's case shows how hard life for young trans people can be - even when they do get care.
Assigned male at birth, Rose's daughter told her parents how unhappy she was in her changing body at age 12, two years ago. A few months later, knowing about the NHS waiting list, Rose sought help from family members to pay for private care from Dr Aidan Kelly, a clinical psychologist now in private practice who worked with youth at the Tavistock for five years.
Kelly diagnosed their daughter with gender dysphoria in August 2021, and she socially transitioned a month later. Now 14, she is taking puberty blockers prescribed overseas by a registered pediatric endocrinologist whom Kelly declined to identify. Kelly remains involved in her care.
In June this year, Rose's daughter tried to take her own life, cutting herself and attempting to drink bleach. She had previously been referred for NHS mental health care, but did not receive attention until she tried to kill herself, Rose said. The NHS then prescribed antidepressants.
A different private practitioner has also recently diagnosed the teen as autistic. Rose declined to make her daughter available to Reuters for comment due to the teen's distress.
"I'm just trying to do things to keep my child here," said Rose. The treatments are helping, she said, but her daughter is still struggling.
She worries that the teen, now 16, could receive gender medication without taking into account these other issues. The family has received no NHS gender care or mental health support since the referral, she said. The family is also frightened to entrust the teen to a system that is set to be replaced because it has been judged to be failing young people.
M ost of all, Liz is afraid of her child making a mistake.
"If I knew this was the route" for the child to grow "into a healthy well-adjusted adult, that would be a different question," she said. "But I don't have that kind of information."
In a statement to Reuters, the NHS's Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch said the "incredibly distressing" wait for gender care "created a significant patient safety risk for young people."
In April, the investigation branch released a report into the death of a young transgender man before his 19th birthday, outlining how he had complained of the long wait for care before committing suicide. He was first referred to the Tavistock at 16. The clinic itself referred the incident to the investigators, saying it was "vital" that services worked together to better protect vulnerable young people.
There is evidence that transgender youth face a higher risk of suicide, but whether that risk has increased for adolescents in England who are waiting for care is not well understood. The Cass report said in February that many young people's mental health deteriorated while in a holding pattern.
F or young people already in the system, the NHS has said care at the Tavistock clinic would continue unchanged ahead of its closure. NHS documents reviewed by Reuters show only a few dozen appointments are available for new patients each month, down from between 75 and 120 for most of last year, despite the growing waiting list.
Staffing has also dipped as several psychologists have left or, like Kelly, entered private practice. The Tavistock said in board documents that staff morale is low and told Reuters it does not have the capacity to meet demand.
The deadline for shuttering the clinic has also slipped, to late June 2023 at the earliest, two people familiar with the plans said, although the NHS is still aiming to open two new sites in spring next year, with up to seven more to follow. People who have been waiting the longest will be prioritized.
The NHS is also working on a system to cope with the backlog and improve support for those on the new list, a spokesman said.
But clinicians say polarized views around gender care will make finding staff challenging.
"The people who have gender-critical views call you child abusers and monsters, and then there are a lot of angry families accusing you of gatekeeping. And you're just drowning in the middle of it all," said Dr Laura Charlton, a clinical psychologist who left the Tavistock in 2020 after six years and now only treats adults.
For government employees to not recognize a young person's preferred gender identity without a medical diagnosis would run counter to the way gender-affirming care has been practiced both in England and globally. The proposed requirement was not endorsed by the doctors involved in the Cass review, said people briefed on the matter. There was no such requirement around social transitioning in the original draft.
T he draft plan has been criticized by medical groups specializing in transgender health around the world.
"This represents an unconscionable degree of ... intrusion into ... everyday matters such as clothing, name, pronouns, and school arrangements," WPATH, along with a number of allied regional and national groups, said in a statement in late November.
"We've spent 20 years trying to reduce barriers to care. And now we're seeing barriers put up," Dr Marci Bowers, president of WPATH and a gender surgeon in the United States, told Reuters in response to the NHS guidelines.
Spokespeople from the Health department and the Prime Minister's office declined to comment. The government is considering public feedback on the proposals and expects to publish final guidelines early next year.
England is not the only country in Europe that is changing its approach.
In Finland and Sweden, healthcare officials are limiting access to puberty blockers and hormone treatments, citing concerns that the risks may outweigh any benefit for adolescents, particularly those struggling with mental health problems.
Until 2020, adolescents expressing gender dysphoria in Finland could generally access puberty blockers and hormones, but that year its national healthcare council released guidelines for transgender care. These recommended supporting "identity exploration" and mental health treatment as the first steps to ensure that any psychological issues are addressed. The council said medical intervention for transgender minors "is still an experimental practice."
Health officials in Sweden changed course after finding many adolescents seeking treatment had diagnoses beyond gender dysphoria.
In February, Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare revised its recommendations on puberty blockers and hormone treatment for adolescents. It recommended the treatments be given within a clinical trial. Until a trial is in place, it said, the drugs should only be given to people who fit the original Dutch model of persistent gender dysphoria with no mental health issues.
"It's not an easy decision," Thomas Linden, a director at the board, told Reuters. "Some people are in great need of medical attention. Others are at risk of being harmed if they are given the same treatment. We really need better precision in the diagnosis."
Kelly, the former Tavistock clinician, said even as knowledge changes and governments review policies, clinicians must not deny young people care.
"We need to practice within an evolving evidence base – and that doesn't mean do nothing," he said.
It took just one week after Miles's first full online appointment for GenderGP to agree to prescribe testosterone. The company, which operates in more than 40 countries, says its practices are consistent with WPATH and other international care guidelines.
GenderGP has no age limits to care, or minimum time periods before recommending prescriptions, including puberty blockers, to young people, co-founder Helen Webberley told Reuters. Its usual time-frame is within four to six weeks, she said, although complex cases take more assessment. Parental consent is not always required.
Miles said he hesitated about turning to GenderGP. The Webberleys have both been sanctioned by official medical tribunals for gender care they have provided since setting up their online clinic in 2015. The General Medical Council (GMC), the national watchdog that sets standards for doctors and maintains a register of those deemed fit to practice, referred both cases to the tribunals after concerns were raised by other doctors involved in caring for the same patients as the Webberleys.
Founder Dr Michael Webberley was struck off the British medical register this year after the tribunal found he had failed several patients by not conducting proper tests or assessing them robustly enough, both before and after recommending hormones or puberty blockers. The tribunal concluded that he was working outside his specialty as a gastroenterologist.
His wife, Helen, is currently suspended from practice after a separate hearing found she did not adequately explain the potential fertility impacts of medical treatment to a patient seeking help with gender-related distress.
Both deny that they failed their patients and appealed, although Michael Webberley's appeal was dismissed by the High Court in early December. They told Reuters that they currently do no clinical work for GenderGP.
There is little NHS or independent data available on how many young people seek care privately. GenderGP says the share of under-18-year-olds among its more than 8,000 UK patients is rising, which it attributes to the lack of care offered through the NHS.
The Webberleys transferred their ownership of GenderGP to a Hong Kong-based company, Harland International, in 2019 to avoid the controversy associated with them, they said. The company is now registered in Singapore as GenderGP PTE Ltd, with Dr Helen Webberley as a director. Harland could not be reached.
The clinic's prescribing doctors are all based overseas and regulated within their home countries – from the United States to European Union countries. EU-based doctors can prescribe to UK patients under rules drawn up after Brexit. Some GenderGP therapeutic counselors are UK-based.
The Tavistock, based in London, continues to see existing patients. But first appointments for people who have been on its waiting list since 2019 have slowed to a trickle as staffing and morale drop ahead of the closure, according to NHS data and four people involved in the reorganization. More than 1,500 young people recently referred with gender dysphoria are being kept on a separate list for the future regional centers, with no clarity on when or how they will be treated, three NHS sources told Reuters.
Once assigned to a waiting list, young people have been effectively locked out of state-provided mental health counseling and other specialist support related to their gender dysphoria, because those services were offered only through the gender care system they are waiting to join. Delaying medical treatment also means young people mature in bodies that don't align with their gender identity – changing that in later life is more difficult.
The NHS said in a statement to Reuters it is expanding healthcare services for young people with gender dysphoria in line with recommendations from the review, and working on better supporting those on the waiting list. It has previously said it "strongly discouraged" families from turning to private or unregulated providers.
"These have been an exceptionally challenging couple of years for our patients and their families, with a lot of toxicity in discussions around their care and chronic uncertainty about its future," Dr Polly Carmichael, director of the youth gender clinic at the Tavistock, said in a statement to Reuters.
The Department of Health and the Prime Minister's office declined to comment for this story.
Both sides in the polarized debate are turning to the courts: patients who say they've waited too long, and others who say the NHS moved too fast. At the end of November, transgender rights advocates challenged NHS England in the High Court over long wait times for both youths and adults seeking treatment. In 2020, a young woman who had detransitioned from being a transgender man challenged the Tavistock's use of puberty blockers in the same court.
Long wait lists are common within the NHS, but its statistics show the three-year wait for transgender youth is extreme. Most young people with a "non-urgent" eating disorder get specialist help within three months of being referred, the figures show. On average, young people seeking mental health support wait just over a month for a first appointment, according to a government analysis of NHS England data.
One mother shared with Reuters a letter she received from the NHS in February after she followed up on her daughter's October 2021 referral to determine when she might receive attention. The letter said a decision would be made at some point from early 2022 on whether the child "is likely to meet the access criteria" for gender care. She has heard nothing since and suspects her child isn't even being considered for NHS help.
"We are on a waiting list for a waiting list," said the mother, Rose, who asked to be identified by her first name only to protect her daughter's privacy.
"She basically feels suicidal every single day." The NHS declined to comment on the case.
Miles plans to study archaeology at university and is a keen rugby player. He has felt like a boy for as long as he can remember, but recalls a moment of delight at the start of a new school year when he was around 9.
The teachers were handing out colored notebooks and lanyards based on gender: blue with wizards and astronauts for boys, pink for girls. He was given blue books – "and wizards and astronauts over everything," he said.
"It was not like 'I'm trans,' but just this amazing sense of joy within myself, 'This feels amazing, and I don't know why.'"
By age 11, as puberty began, Miles entered an all-girls' secondary school. He was bullied by classmates for not wearing a bra or conforming to female norms. To fit in, he tried to be ultra-feminine, wearing skirts and make-up, having his eyebrows threaded, wearing false nails.
"My mood really dropped," he said. After about a year, "I realized, I can't do this anymore. I hate this." Miles was barely leaving his room. He began cutting himself, over a period of four or five months. "In my mind, it was just easier to deal with physical pain than mental pain."
His mother, Connie Pitcher, noticed the regular, precise lines on his arms. When she asked why he was distressed, Miles said he was struggling to understand his sexuality.
"I said, 'I don't care if you're gay, straight, or whatever – I just want you to stop hurting yourself,'" Connie said. The family considered seeking mental health help, but worried about long waiting lists.
"We saw him really, really dip," she said. "We were struggling with what to do. Because there is really no support."
The World Health Organization, which informs health policy worldwide, does not have detailed guidelines for this area of healthcare for youth. It says it works closely with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a U.S.-based non-profit that has drawn up the most widely adopted standards of care.
These say a young person's exploration of gender should be respected and supported, and that medical interventions for young people at or after puberty should be one option, after a comprehensive assessment.
Research from the Netherlands paved the way for that medical treatment, establishing a model requiring adolescents who sought care to be assessed for about six to 18 months. If they had persistently expressed gender dysphoria since early childhood, lived in supportive homes, and had no other complicating mental health diagnoses, they could be offered puberty suppression, followed by hormones, and later, in some cases, surgery.
Since then, the number of young people seeking gender care has surged in parts of Europe and the United States, supported by greater awareness and the availability of professional treatment. They continue to face threats of violence and discrimination, as well as political efforts in some countries to block that care.
At the same time, some gender-care professionals have questioned the lack of definitive evidence on the long-term impact of puberty blockers or hormones on minors. Puberty blockers are not licensed in the United Kingdom or United States for treating gender dysphoria and the NHS says it is not known how they may affect brain development or long-term bone health in young people. Hormones, only available for older adolescents, cause potentially irreversible changes such as a deeper voice, and can cause infertility. Other changes, including breast development, are reversible only with surgery.
Those professionals are also concerned that as the number of pediatric patients has surged, so has the number of youth whose main source of distress may not be persistent gender dysphoria. Some may have mental health problems that complicate their cases.
While not all English youths with diverse gender identities seek medical help, for those who do, a doctor or professionals including social workers or teachers are the first port of call. Any one of them can refer a youth for gender care, which so far has only come through the Tavistock – formally known as the Gender Identity Development Service, or GIDS – run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust.
The clinic became a focal point for opponents of youth gender care in the UK in 2018 when an internal report compiled by Dr David Bell, a former senior psychiatrist and staff representative at the Tavistock, was leaked to national media. Bell, who did not treat young people, cited accounts from 10 unidentified colleagues who were working with transgender youth and came to him with concerns, including that some patients were "rushed through" to medical treatment without proper evaluation when they finally got an appointment.
"It was not just the wait," Bell told Reuters. "It was also a wait for the wrong treatment."
Bell now advocates against starting a gender transition before adulthood. He is at the fore of a group of mental health professionals who argue that accepting a child's new gender identity without exploring other underlying issues is clinically irresponsible, and puts them on a track to potentially irreversible changes that they may later regret.
The Tavistock has consistently defended its methods of treatment. Subsequent inquiries by outside investigators into care at the clinic did not raise concerns about patients being referred too quickly to medical interventions. However, they did criticize a lack of standardized assessments, adding that "it was not possible to clearly understand from the records" why care decisions had been made, according to a 2021 report from the regulator of health and social care, the Care Quality Commission.
The report rated the clinic as "inadequate" on these grounds, on the long waiting lists, and on concerns that teams treating patients did not always include the full range of experts required.
Another major challenge came in the 2020 lawsuit. Keira Bell, a young woman who detransitioned after what she said was improper care at the Tavistock, asked the court to rule on whether youths should receive puberty blockers. She alleged that the information provided by the Tavistock was not adequate, and said youths under 18 were not able to give informed consent to treatment. The High Court effectively banned their use for under-16-year-olds, a ban that was overturned last year on appeal. Bell did not respond to a request for comment.
The Tavistock told Reuters its current protocol requires meeting patients at least three to six times over some months before any recommendation for medical treatment. The timeline would be longer in complex cases. If the clinician, parents and the young person agree, puberty blockers may be prescribed from the onset of puberty, usually after the age of 10 or 11. The clinic only introduces hormone treatments after 16. Surgery is not an option before age 18 under NHS rules.
The clinic estimates that its staff referred only between 10% and 20% of young people for medical interventions, indicating what team members have described as its cautious approach. This year to August, 125 adolescents received referrals for either puberty blockers or hormones, the clinic told Reuters.
By July this year, Miles was uneasy, having heard nothing from the Tavistock clinic. He contacted them to ask about his referral. They had no record of it.
"That was a crash and burn," Miles said. "I've had two years of my life thinking it was happening, for nothing. It sounds extreme, but it feels like the NHS has failed me as a trans person. Because I'm just left in limbo. No-one really knows what to do."
Miles's doctor referred him a second time. But a few weeks later, when he checked with the clinic again, it still had no record of him. Neither his doctor nor the Tavistock would comment on his case.
Other young people and their parents across England are also at a loss. Waiting "isn't an option when you've got a child in distress," said Rose, whose daughter has been on a waiting list since October 2021.
Her daughter's case shows how hard life for young trans people can be - even when they do get care.
Assigned male at birth, Rose's daughter told her parents how unhappy she was in her changing body at age 12, two years ago. A few months later, knowing about the NHS waiting list, Rose sought help from family members to pay for private care from Dr Aidan Kelly, a clinical psychologist now in private practice who worked with youth at the Tavistock for five years.
Kelly diagnosed their daughter with gender dysphoria in August 2021, and she socially transitioned a month later. Now 14, she is taking puberty blockers prescribed overseas by a registered pediatric endocrinologist whom Kelly declined to identify. Kelly remains involved in her care.
In June this year, Rose's daughter tried to take her own life, cutting herself and attempting to drink bleach. She had previously been referred for NHS mental health care, but did not receive attention until she tried to kill herself, Rose said. The NHS then prescribed antidepressants.
A different private practitioner has also recently diagnosed the teen as autistic. Rose declined to make her daughter available to Reuters for comment due to the teen's distress.
"I'm just trying to do things to keep my child here," said Rose. The treatments are helping, she said, but her daughter is still struggling.
She worries that the teen, now 16, could receive gender medication without taking into account these other issues. The family has received no NHS gender care or mental health support since the referral, she said. The family is also frightened to entrust the teen to a system that is set to be replaced because it has been judged to be failing young people.
Most of all, Liz is afraid of her child making a mistake.
"If I knew this was the route" for the child to grow "into a healthy well-adjusted adult, that would be a different question," she said. "But I don't have that kind of information."
In a statement to Reuters, the NHS's Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch said the "incredibly distressing" wait for gender care "created a significant patient safety risk for young people."
In April, the investigation branch released a report into the death of a young transgender man before his 19th birthday, outlining how he had complained of the long wait for care before committing suicide. He was first referred to the Tavistock at 16. The clinic itself referred the incident to the investigators, saying it was "vital" that services worked together to better protect vulnerable young people.
There is evidence that transgender youth face a higher risk of suicide, but whether that risk has increased for adolescents in England who are waiting for care is not well understood. The Cass report said in February that many young people's mental health deteriorated while in a holding pattern.
For young people already in the system, the NHS has said care at the Tavistock clinic would continue unchanged ahead of its closure. NHS documents reviewed by Reuters show only a few dozen appointments are available for new patients each month, down from between 75 and 120 for most of last year, despite the growing waiting list.
Staffing has also dipped as several psychologists have left or, like Kelly, entered private practice. The Tavistock said in board documents that staff morale is low and told Reuters it does not have the capacity to meet demand.
The deadline for shuttering the clinic has also slipped, to late June 2023 at the earliest, two people familiar with the plans said, although the NHS is still aiming to open two new sites in spring next year, with up to seven more to follow. People who have been waiting the longest will be prioritized.
The NHS is also working on a system to cope with the backlog and improve support for those on the new list, a spokesman said.
But clinicians say polarized views around gender care will make finding staff challenging.
"The people who have gender-critical views call you child abusers and monsters, and then there are a lot of angry families accusing you of gatekeeping. And you're just drowning in the middle of it all," said Dr Laura Charlton, a clinical psychologist who left the Tavistock in 2020 after six years and now only treats adults.
Miles's parents say they are happy with GenderGP, but worry that the lack of NHS care will lead young people to unscrupulous online providers or even to self-medicate.
T he NHS doesn't cover the cost of Miles's private treatment. He is paying for his care with his wages from working at a local restaurant, and can recite the company's charges by heart. He says he had reservations about using testosterone but decided to go ahead.
"I know it can affect fertility," he said. "And it sounds weird, but baldness, because it runs in my family."
He applies a testosterone gel to his arms every morning, normally before heading to school. The gel dries and then cracks, like a face mask, when first applied, he said, then sinks in.
Miles has not told his co-workers that he is transgender. To them, along with his friends at an archaeology group that he digs with in Dover, he is just a young man. Yet he still plays for a girls' rugby team, until the effects of the testosterone kick in.
"I'm going to be able to start living my life as I want to," he said. "I want people to see that just because I'm trans, that doesn't affect who I am. I'm still a normal teenager."
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The hiring criteria for lecturers to teach in Singapore is quite stringent with my ex-employer. Mostly they hire lecturers with doctorates to teach at all levels. Those with master's but without much relevant industrial experience are seconded overseas like moi and are never heard of within the company. Even then it would take three master's degrees to get rid of me. That is unless you had some mean background, such as an expert in the appropriate field, a ceo or a director of some fortune company or someone with political affiliation. They do hire top dogs like that. And I'm talking about some twenty over years ago when the school didn't come with the tag Institute of Management™. Even the gaffer himself must possess a doctorate or an honorary doctorate as an exemplary. You can't be a bigggggy educational boss without holding a doctorate, cuz you'd have to be seen mingling with professors, chancellors, dignitaries and all of those smart pompy characters. It would be a tremendous shame lobbying them if you ain't got a doctorate just an MBA. Do you concur? No you cannot buy one cuz everybody will know. If you got no doctorate you're not up there with the best. It is an indication of how others perceive your contributory worth when they decide to bestow a title to you
Some other private schools that come with superscale buildings do scrounge on the teaching quality. Such lecturers there usually possess just one master degree but undertake teaching duties at the postgrad level, or others that hold two fake doctorates seemingly commanding a skimmers wage
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logicthink9999 · 6 months
Finding the Charming Chipoo Puppies for Sale in Singapore
Could it be that you're searching for a playful and affectionate partner to enhance your life's charm? You just have to check out the Chipoo puppies for sale in Singapore! These charming puppies are a delightful hybrid of the Poodle and Chihuahua breeds, incorporating the most desirable characteristics from each. We at Tiara Pets SG are glad to give you premium Chipoo puppies that will fill your home with affection and happiness.
Features: These puppies are ideal for families with sensitivity victims since they have their Poodle parent's intellect and hypoallergenic coat. They also have the fiery and spicy nature of a Chihuahua, which makes them continually energetic for entertainment and experience. Chipoo puppies are famous for their loving attitude and unwavering steadfastness toward their folks, which helps them assemble cozy associations with their families and give them limitless consideration and company.
You will love choosing to bring a Chipoo dog into your family. Their endearing demeanor, light-hearted disposition, and tender nature empower them to secure themselves as esteemed relatives quickly. Whether you have owned pets before or are a first-time dog parent, a Chipoo from Tiara Pets SG is certain to satisfy you. Investigate our accessible little guys on our site right now to get everything rolling on your quest for the best pet companion.
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apacbusinesstimes · 6 months
Leo Wein: Pioneering the Use of Insects Across Industries
Every living organism on this Earth contributes to the betterment and the continuous cycle of the food chain in the environment. As a part of it, insects play an important role in maintaining the food cycle. They are used as decomposers either primarily or in secondary modes, they are very useful in breaking down waste, animal bodies, and plants followed by decomposition. Without this balanced process in the environment, there would be an accumulation of waste and unwanted material which would harm and pollute the surrounding and nature.
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Insects play a vital role in the food web as well, as they account for a large part of the food to animals, fishes, birds, etc. This helps to maintain the balanced food chain of the environment, they are also the source of protein for species like fish, and poultry animals. Apart from all these, they are the best catalysts for pollination in plants, maintaining nutrient-rich soil, crop growth, and pest control. With all these activities they contribute greatly to maintaining the balanced ecosystem. In this article, we are discussing the journey of an innovative entrepreneur Leo Wein who has started the business with a different approach and makes use of insects as a main resource for multiple sectors.
Leo Wein: Founder & CEO
Leo Wein is a tech entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of a company called Protenga founded in the year 2016, which is an insect-based product manufacturing sector. Leo is a Singapore-based entrepreneur, he completed his Bachelor’s in International Business Administration at VU Amsterdam and Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts and Sciences from Amsterdam University College. During his college days, he worked as an Associate intern at Child and Youth Finance International, where designed and developed a website and maintained an online community platform along with many other works. After that, he was a Product Management Inter at TNG Technology Consulting and also worked as an intern for many other roles and companies. Then he was a Product Director for around 2 years at The Stakeholder Company and later worked part-time as a senior UX Consultant at the same time he was also CEO of Protenga.
Brief about Protenga
Protenga is an insect-based product manufacturing company that deals with making different products using insects. They developed a technology that is data-driven and which is based on insects that can be used in food for pets, feed for animal livestock, and as a nutrient-dense material for the better growth of plants.
The smart farm process of Protenga provides a smart solution to convert food waste into nutrition that is sustainable and high in quality. The key feature of this technology is to maximize the opportunity for food waste by using their fully developed material handling for electricity usage to manpower for the Sustainable Development Goals. The process involves the seedling from Protenga, a Smart Insect Farm with biomass, and finally the larvae along with fertilizer from Protenga. The Black Solider Fly Larve is used as the main source in the initial step.
The products from Protenga make the insect work for multiple uses like poultry, sustainable food products, and in helping the farmers. The Hermet protein is a meal for pets with high protein and quality, which is produced by processing The Black Solider Fly larvae. Hermet Oil is an insect oil that is for animal nutrition and helps in providing easy digestion of lipids for piglets, shrimp, and chicks. Hermit Frass is an organic fertilizer made from insects that helps resort and regenerate the soil to produce nutritional and healthy crops. YumGrubs is a pet food made from Hermet Protein and oil by blending with Asian-soured ingredients. It is the first product for dogs and is available in retail stores and on their website.
The goal of Protenga is to make the planet and people healthier by providing an SDG framework using insects and working toward sustainability for the food system, consumption, and production. Mr. Leo has made an innovative approach that makes products with a blend of technology and insects by realizing the value of insects in the food system and making potential use of them.
Visit More : https://apacbusinesstimes.com/leo-wein-pioneering-the-use-of-insects-across-industries/
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tiarapets · 7 months
Uncovering the Charm of Imported Little Dogs: An Outline of Your Most Current Family Member
Welcome to the universe of imported little guys, where each paw print has an enduring impact on your heart and each sway of the tail gives joy. We are excited to present to you our assortment of Imported Puppies for Sale in Singapore; everyone is brimming with character and appeal. Set yourself up for an excursion that will be brimming with adoration, satisfaction, and extraordinary encounters as you welcome your most current relative.
Our imported doggies are ensured to have the best hereditary qualities and wellbeing since they come from solid raisers everywhere. We have a broad determination of breeds to suit each taste, going from enthusiastic Brilliant Retrievers to modern French Bulldogs. To guarantee a smooth and safe transition into their new home, each dog goes through broad wellbeing assessments and immunizations before joining your loved ones.
Visit Tiara Pets SG to find the appeal of imported little guys and find your ideal creature companion at the present time. Our commitment to greatness and client delight implies you should rest assured that your new dog will fill your existence with never-ending joy and company.
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dogfoodstore · 7 months
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Best Quality Raw Dog Food Suppliers - Annie's Pantry!
Annie's Pantry, a distinguished company based in Singapore, is renowned as one of the premier suppliers of top-quality raw dog food. With a commitment to excellence, Annie's Pantry sources only the finest ingredients, ensuring optimal nutrition for your beloved canine companions. Our dedication to quality extends to every aspect of our products, from sourcing to packaging, guaranteeing the highest standards of purity and freshness. Trust Annie's Pantry for premium raw dog food that promotes health and vitality in every wag of your dog's tail.
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maetanna36 · 8 months
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Best Kibbles For Dogs In Singapore
The Best Kibbles For Dogs Singapore emphasize premium ingredients that are suited to particular breeds and sizes for the finest possible nourishment for dogs. Well-balanced solutions are provided by companies like Wellness, Orijen, and Canidae, which support robust immune systems, glossy coats, and general wellness. For delicate puppies, think about selecting hypoallergenic or grain-free options.
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japanguiding · 1 year
-Shibuya/Yamashita Park/Harujuku/Meiji Jingu/Yoyogi (Nearby)
-Shimokitazawa Rojiura samurai curry is the best curry, desserts at Captains Donut and Shirohige Ghibli cafe
-Kichijoji Go Inokashira Park and Ghibli museum
-Mount Takao Get nature see monkeys
-Kamakura and Beach
-Yokohama and Chinatown (Close to Kamakura)
-Saizeriya (italian)
-Hub (british pub)
-Torikizoku (izakaya/wetherspoons style)
-Mos Burger
-Hamazushi (sushi)
-8 Pizza
-Pizza Slice
-Mori Art Museum Roppongi
-National Art Center Tokyo Roppongi

-Ghibli Museum Kichijoji / Kichijoji Park
-Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum
-Team Lab Odaiba
-Team Lab Planets
-Gyle art gallery harujuku
-Scai the bath house
-Anagra art gallery
-Ohara el greco
-Oath shibuya
-A Life
-Hainan Jeefan Shokudo (singapore chicken & rice)
-Chinese Cafe 8 (cheap lunch)
-Blue Papaya (cheap lunch)
-Afuri healthy ramen restaurant
-Ebisu Bahn Mi sandwhiches
-Falafel Bros
-Yebisu beer museum (500 yen includes 2 beers)
-Tokyo Photographic Museum
-Parasitological Museum (free)
-Ta-im (Israeli food)
-Nakame no teppen honten Izakaya (expensive)
-Onibus Coffee
-Fukuho Gyoza (very cheap)
-Kiyosugi standing bar
-Colloseo Italian restaurant
-Baja Mexian Take out (cheap)
-Junakdelic Mexican Food (3000 yen)
-Breakfast Club (american breakfast)
-Bells Hotdog
-8 Pizza
-Hatos BBQ meat (expensive)
-Berry/ Just Another Space (cool secret gaijin bar 3rd floor)
-Locale Tokyo (organic)
-Niigata Sanpō-tei Tokyo Lab Nakameguro
-New new york club deli
-Sunny Boy Books (zines)
-Higuma Doughnuts
-DooWop Daikanyama (chicken burger)
-Pizza Slice
-Tsutaya T-Site magazine shop
-Log Road shop road
-Mina Perhonen fancy clothes
-Okura traditional clothing
-Maison Kitsune clothes
-Commune Takobar Parco Mexican food
-Risotto curry restaurant
-Shibuya Crossing
-Mandarake manga
-Loft department store
-Miyashita park
-Eggs n things
-World breakfast
-Harrys Sandwhich Company
-Takenostuka (bar diner)
-3 Coin Bar (cheap)
-Beat Cafe bar (THE ONE)
-Tasu Ichi bar
-DJ Bar Oath
-Hanbey izakaya
-Ko Chan izakaya
-Bar Trench
-Nondoko 209
-Wayback Burgers
-Swig Bar
-The Nuts Exchange (vegan)
-Taro Okamoto museum (620 yen)
-Sama Curry
-SmokeHouse BBQ
-Takeshita Street shop road
-Kiddy Land
-Purikura Land Noa photo booth
-World breakfast
-MOMA art design shop
-Dog cafe
-Yoyogi park
-Meiji Jingu temple
-Sakuratei okonomiyaki
-Jins Glasses (glasses shop)
-Menchirashi (udon)
-Shinjuku Gyoen park
-Sekaido art supply shop
-Fukuho Gyoza (very cheap)
-Alley tapioca
-Gong Cha tapioca
-Momo Paradise sukiyaki restaurant (3000 yen)
-Mannen Ya fashion
-8 Bit Cafe
-Shot Bar zoeotrope
-Vagabond shinjuku
-Nene Chicken (Korean chain)
-Mash Bros (pie shop)
-Ueno Park
-Ueno Zoo (600 yen)
-Ueno National Museum
-Tomato fabric shop
-Asakusa local burger
-Soul food house
-Sukha Latin food
-Manga shops
-Sex shops
-National museum MOMAT (500 yen)
-Imperial Palace
-Hainan Jeefan Shokudo (singapore chicken & rice)
-Mori art museum
-Tokyo Tower
-Brew Dog bar
-Mercer Brunch (expensive)
-Havana Cafe (diner bar)
-Geronimo (shot bar)
-Falafel Bros
-Gon Pachi (Kill Bill bar)
-Kagari ramen
-Team Lab (3000 yen)
-Rojiura samurai curry restaurant
-Ghibli Cafe
-Captain’s Donut
-Flippers pancakes
-Bio ojiiyan restaurant
-Trouble Peach bar
-Marvel bar
-Waffle cafe orange tea
-Good Heavens british pub
-El Caracol mexican food
-Miyoshino sake bar
-Umeshu bar
-Stick up (clothes)
-Grizzly (clothes)
-Desert Snow (clothes)
-Anda Gyoza restaurant
-Commune Press zine shop
-A Bridge restaurant
-Dar Roiseau
-Seatagaya art museum
-Saigon Kamimachi
-Ghibli museum (must book in advance)
-Inokashira Park
-Inokashira Park Zoo
-Cafe Russia Restaurant
-Cave Frog Shop
-Cat cafe
-Avril No Mise yarn specialist
-Home Planet restaurant
-Ramen Maji
-Manga district
-Taco Che Alt Manga Shop
-Bar Speakeasy
-Faith Koenji Gallery
-Hattifnatt cute cafe
-Sound Studio Dom Koenji
-Jirokichi Live House
-Sunshine City
-Aquarium (2000 yen)
-Pokemon Center shop
-Snoopy Charlie Brown shop
-Arishiyama Monkey Park
-Ki Kyoto (Lebanese food)
-Muraya Kyoto (cool bar)
-Nakagawa Liquor Store
-Public Tavern Tsubame Hall 大衆酒場つばめホール
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yodoggo · 9 months
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The right nutrition for a puppy is essential for their strong and healthy life. YoDoggo provides the right quantity and the right feeding protocol, which is the key to an ideal diet for your puppy. Read more visit-  https://yodoggo.com/puppies/the-ideal-puppy-diet/
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rediron4568 · 1 year
Custom Rubber Fabric Bellow Protecting Machine Covers Silicone Rubber Provider In Singapore
We found the set up to be intuitive, and the quilt stays safe with headrest straps and built-in openings that enable access to seat belts and buckles. When positioned as a hammock, a mesh panel allows humans and dogs to see each other which may help ease anxiety for riders on each side. The cover is on the equipment covers market in two sizes and is machine cleanable, nevertheless it's also very straightforward to wipe clean. The K9 Ballistics Tough Rip Stop Dog Back Seat Cover is made with K9's proprietary ripstop material that's woven to guard while offering a snug space for your canine.
By simply including all of the ingredients and pushing a few buttons, a bread machine does the rest of the work for you—actually making the bread—rendering the method faster and easier. Bread machines right now are loaded with options and come in all sizes and shapes, so we found the most popular models available on the market right now and examined them. The finish result was an total rating for every supplier, with the insurers that scored essentially the most points topping the list. 'As a service' refers to the way IT assets are consumed in these choices - and to the essential difference between cloud computing and traditional IT. In cloud computing, the cloud service provider owns, manages and maintains the property; the shopper consumes them via an Internet connection, and pays for them on a subscription or pay-as-you-go basis.
Serves the food, beverage, OEM, pharmaceutical, medical, aerospace, protection and chemical processing industries. We present high quality custom-made cover options with a variety of UV-resistant fabrics for out of doors use. We provide waterproof covers in a selection of colours for a year-round protection for nearly any merchandise. We researched and bought 18 of the most recent and top-reviewed canine automobile seat covers in a selection of types to handle different wants and automobiles. Each car seat cover was given to a tester with a dog for use in their car for 3 weeks. While testing in a Mazda CX-5 we found the length of the seat belt buckle made it slightly tough to access, but we do not equate that to the design of the automotive seat cover.
Because consumers depend on us to offer goal and correct information, we created a complete rating system to formulate our rankings of the best car insurance coverage companies. We collected knowledge on dozens of auto insurance suppliers to grade the companies on a broad range of rating components. After 800 hours of research, the top outcome was an total score for every supplier, with the insurers that scored probably the most points topping the listing. The reply can change, but full protection normally includes legal responsibility insurance coverage plus comprehensive and collision insurance coverage. Because minimum-coverage pointers range by state, a full-coverage coverage could include other forms of insurance based mostly on the place you live.
Durable and easily washable supplies are priorities for pet-friendly seat covers, as is easy set up (so you can exchange or remove for simple washing). There are additionally rear-seat cover methods designed for pets that do not make seating attainable when put in. These forms of seat covers shall be featured in a separate article. Depending on the material the car custom equipment covers seat cover is made from, you would possibly be ready to merely remove the seat cover and throw it into the washer. If doubtful, or if directions are not obtainable, hand-washing with a gentle soap could be the safer alternative. If the directions say that the seat covers may be positioned in a dryer, then you’re good to go.
Comprehensive insurance pays to restore or substitute your automobile after it’s damaged in an incident other than a automobile accident. Running right into a stationary object, encountering golf-ball-size hail and being the victim of theft or vandalism fall into this category. Like collision protection, complete insurance covers an amount up to your car’s market worth. IBM has a broad menu of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS choices to satisfy your company’s wants up and down the stack.
We additionally supply quick delivery for just-in-time supply, in addition to discounts and different freight options for qualifying orders. Our tasks vary from commerical equipment covers to boat tops to gazebos & screened porches. We can present a wide range of canvas Products on your private or business needs. Please contact us for quotes on particular person objects or runs of products. Both Farmers and Elephant have apps to make the buyer experience extra friendly.
The only addition we might make is a pocket or pouch— which is on other automotive seat covers that made our list—to maintain canine necessities like a leash, a frisbee, or a couple of tennis balls. Steel Guard’s industrial equipment covers and tarps are custom designed to suit round 5-sided designs or even odd shapes. Standard 5-sided machine dust covers with 18 oz coated FR vinyl can be ordered on-line or name considered one of our inside sales reps to design a custom cover in your utility. Last, with powerful equipment cover materials that may withstand most kinds of harm. “We seen a gap in the best way individuals used to cover their equipment, machinery, furnishings and every thing that needed common maintenance. These covers are made with specially manufactured materials that may stand up to any climate condition corresponding to snow, rain, mud and heat.
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halloumie · 1 year
June 17 2023
Sitting by the window; the air is crisp and comfortable — 12 degrees, has an almost tropical scent to it. No pain when the air is cool, but during these hot early summer afternoons I get headaches. So I was right. It really was the weather in Singapore that was disagreeable. I was also told by my specialist my ears would also get better in cooler weather, and they haven’t bothered me since coming here.
I met another potential career coach today, as well as Ian. Before she mentioned her eye watering rates she said that perhaps interviewers could subconsciously sense my disinterest, compared with another candidate who was highly passionate.
And talking with her really made me realise with some horror that maybe the most suitable thing for me isn’t the common thing. Do I not know this already, why can’t I let myself be? I feel constantly like Hesse’s Siddhartha. Why do I deny that I am this, when I’m so clearly this?
If a friend was in my situation, I’d encourage them to do this, that I want to do. Why do I not have the same kindness towards myself. I’m so incredibly harsh and self-flagellating, dismissive of my own inclinations and personality.
And the knowledge that I want to bake. I like the physical, repetitive motion and the predictable chemistry. To be in control of my schedule. Have no colleagues, no office politics. And I know bread, can control it. (That already I shred my hands kneading fabric in worry.)
Then I spoke with Ian, who helped me feel more confident despite my lack of software engineering credentials. I had a small breakdown looking at the requirements page on his company’s site (cs majors only) and went back and forth over the university of Kent’s computer science conversion course. Ian is kind; he sees the best in people and I feel my lack of optimism sorely.
It’s so boring to be this catastrophizing person always. To get up, read the doom and gloom sites I always do and reread anonymous voices in the void of those stuck in the same rut. The week of my birthday when I turned off my phone to take a break felt best.
So I’ve been thinking about the microbakery some more. This is just a day’s work. I already have some idea of sequence. To complete my driving lessons, get my drivers license. In the meantime, read the gov docs on legal and best practice. Write out expenses and approach. Have contingency plans (yes it may fail, and then what?) Read more about bread — those books I downloaded then skimmed. Still apply for jobs, since I’m still eligible for graduate schemes for a while yet. Move out. Prep the new kitchen for inspection. Acquire necessary tools. Build up the site and its credibility. Be able to drive, have access to a car and deliver. Start telling locals.
I look forward to being able to drive. I could drive to wales, or to the sea late at night. If I can’t sleep in the future as I do now I could drive. I could get a dog and drive it to the vet.
It takes time and I just have to be ok with that; not let fear, anxiety and catastrophizing determine my next course of action.
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doglistenerconsult · 1 year
Be a leader not an enforcer.
Having a dog at your home does not makes you a good dog parent but dog who respects you, protects you, care about your well-being, sees you as their true master makes you a true parent. Such things can’t be enforced upon them but can be taught through a series of technical approach. Thus, the need of a dog consultant is absolute in our society.
The dog listener consultancy is a locally owned and operated company that provides you with a very adept and efficient trainer that helps your pet to understand you and makes a bridge that connects both your emotions. Unlike others we don’t us such drastic approach of harsh punishment and atrocious behavior towards your dog but we are much patient and positive reinforcement so, that your dog happily accepts our teaching and improves his behavior without any hesitance. With the presence of one of the best consultant Ricky Yeo the things become much exciting and the training becomes more effective. His methods of training is unique and efficient because he is not only AVA accredited trainer but also served on the AVA’s panel for a significant number of years. We focus on each and every problem of your pet so we too have health and nutrition consultant, home consultations, workshop and events scheduled for rehabilitation, training classed in facilitated grounds, a platform for online shopping for your pet and the list goes on and on.
We too have an online portal that is easy to use and provides all the necessary information about our services and enables you to book your appointment in one click 0of your cell. Now avail the best dog training in Singapore. For more information, please contact us online at http://www.doglistenercounsult.com/ 
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logicthink9999 · 11 months
"Discover Unmatched Cuteness: Pomchi Puppies for Sale in Singapore"
Are you ready to add a burst of happiness and adorable charm to your life? Look no further than www.tiarapetssg.com because we are thrilled to introduce our enchanting Pomchi puppies for sale in Singapore! These delightful crossbreeds are the perfect addition to your family, bringing joy and companionship into your home. TIARA PETS provides adorable premium puppies from Japan! Please book an appointment to view them at our pet shop in Katong.
A Pomchi: The Best of Both Worlds
The Pomchi, a blend of the Pomeranian and Chihuahua breeds, is a small yet mighty dog that combines the best characteristics of its parent breeds. These pint-sized pups have a ton of personality and charisma packed into their tiny bodies. If you're looking for a loyal and loving companion, the Pomchi is your perfect choice.
Adorable and Affectionate
Pomchi puppies are renowned for their sweet and affectionate nature. They adore being the center of attention and will quickly become your best friend. Whether you're cuddling on the couch, going for a walk in the park, or simply relaxing at home, your Pomchi will always be by your side, providing unwavering love and companionship.
Perfect for Apartment Living
Living in a cozy apartment in the heart of Singapore? Pomchi puppies are an excellent choice for urban living. Their small size makes them ideal for smaller living spaces, and they adapt easily to apartment life. Just be prepared for lots of playtime and cuddles in your snug space!
Low Maintenance Grooming
Pomchi's have a beautiful, fluffy coat that requires minimal grooming. Regular brushing to keep their coat in top shape and occasional baths are all it takes to keep your furry friend looking their best. You'll have more time to enjoy their company and less time dealing with grooming hassles.
Training and Intelligence
Pomchis are incredibly intelligent dogs, and they love to please their owners. This makes them relatively easy to train and a great choice for first-time dog owners. Teaching them tricks and commands can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your new Pomchi companion.
Your Trusted Source for Pomchi Puppies
At TiarapetsSG, we are dedicated to bringing you the healthiest and most well-adjusted Pomchi puppies in Singapore. Our puppies are raised with love and care in a clean and safe environment. We work closely with experienced breeders who prioritize the well-being of their dogs, ensuring you receive a happy and healthy puppy.
Adopt a Pomchi Today
Don't miss the chance to add a bundle of joy to your life! Our Pomchi puppies for sale in Singapore are waiting for their forever homes. If you're ready to experience the unconditional love and happiness that these charming companions bring, visit our website at www.tiarapetssg.com and explore our available Pomchi puppies.
You'll find detailed information about each puppy, their characteristics, and their personalities. Contact us today, and let us help you find the perfect Pomchi to make your home complete. Welcome these lovable little furballs into your life and experience the enchanting world of Pomchi puppies.
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