#best hospital for Cervical cancer in Gurgaon
miracleshealthcare · 3 months
Cervical Cancer Awareness: Screening, Prevention and Treatment - Miracles Apollo Cradle 
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Cervical cancer is a global health concern affecting women. Despite medical advancements, it continues to be a leading cause of distress and mortality. Knowing the symptoms, screening tests, causes, risk factors, treatments, and preventive measures can help protect you from this life-threatening disease. 
Miracles Apollo Cradle is recognized as one of Gurgaon's top cervical cancer screening centers. We are committed to raising awareness, providing education, and offering expert assistance. Our experienced team of the best cervical cancer doctors in Gurgaon is here for you. In this fight, you are not alone. If at risk of cervical cancer, consult our best gynaecology experts for guidance. Timely diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer can save lives.
Read more at - https://www.miracleshealth.com/blog/cervical-cancer-awareness-screening-prevention-and-treatment
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The Different Types of Treatments and Surgery Available at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
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If you are looking for quality healthcare in India, you can consider Medicity Hospital Gurgaon. There are many treatments and surgeries available on offer at this world-class hospital at very reasonable prices. The following paragraphs provide details on the different treatments and surgeries that are available at this hospital.
Arthritis Treatment at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
A number of arthritis treatments are available at the medicity hospital to help patients suffering from pain, swelling, and stiffness in their joints. There are many options for treating arthritis, including medication, injections, physical therapy, and surgery.
Depending on your symptoms and the severity of your arthritis, your doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment. There are different types of arthritis, so there are different treatment options. A DMARD is used for rheumatoid arthritis, while an injection and surgical treatment are used for osteoarthritis.
A number of highly skilled surgeons at The Medicity Gurgaon are capable of performing various procedures to treat arthritis, including arthroscopy, joint replacement, and spinal surgery.
Spleen Removal Surgery at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
The Medicity Hospital Gurgaon offers spleen removal surgery The treatment is intended for patients who suffer from spleen problems. A damaged, enlarged, or cancerous spleen is removed during surgery.
In this procedure, laparoscopy is used to perform minimally invasive surgery. An abdominal incision will be made and the surgical instruments will be guided with a telescope by the surgeon. These incisions are then used to remove the spleen.
There are a few risks involved with this surgery, but it is generally a safe procedure. Infections and bleeding are some of the risks associated with this procedure.
Hernia Surgery at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
If you are consideringhernia surgery, The latest minimally invasive techniques are available at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon. In other words, you’ll spend less time in the hospital, feel less pain, and be able to get back to your regular routine much quicker.
Together with you, our professionals will develop a treatment strategy that is tailored to your needs. In order to provide you with the best care, we use the latest technology and equipment.
AtThe Medicity Hospital Gurgaon, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality care.
Bladder Removal Surgery at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
As a leader in bladder and kidney surgery, Medicity Hospital Gurgaon might surprise you. Medicity Hospital Gurgaon offers a variety of bladder removal treatments, ranging from traditional surgeries to minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures.
An entire bladder is removed, or a part of it is replaced with an artificial bladder, when a patient has a complete bladder removal surgery, also known as a cystectomy. Urine flow is maintained by reattaching a segment of the ureters, the tubes between the kidneys and the bladder.
Our hospital in Gurgaon An experienced team of physicians and nurses ensures a successful operation, including some of the best surgeons in India. The postoperative care they provide includes pain relief and a personalized diet plan so that the patient heals as effectively as possible.
Cervical Pain Treatment at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
What can you do about chronic neck pain if you’ve had no luck alleviating it? There are a number of cervical pain treatments available at Medicine Hospital Gurgaon. Cervical Pain treatment plans can range from medications to therapies and surgeries to help reduce discomfort.
NSAIDs and muscle relaxants are commonly prescribed medications for this condition. A physical therapist can help strengthen and stretch neck muscles, while massage therapists can reduce neck muscle tension. The body’s natural healing process can also be stimulated through acupuncture. Combining these treatments is also an option.
Surgical intervention may be necessary in extreme cases when other treatments have failed. It may be necessary to perform vertebroplasty, an artificial disk implantation, or even a fusion procedure, depending on the underlying cause of neck pain.
The doctors at Our Hospital in Gurgaon are highly experienced in cervical pain treatments and can help you get the relief you need in no time!
You can get a wide range of treatments at Medicity in Gurgaon, which is a world-class hospital with expert surgeons. Among our many treatments, we offer arthritis treatment, spleen removal surgery, hernia surgery, bladder removal surgery, and cervical pain treatment. You can rely on us for any health needs you have.
Source:- https://medicity.hospital/2023/06/the-different-types-of-treatments-and-surgery-available-at-medicity-hospital-gurgaon/
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drarunsaroha123 · 2 years
Best Spine Surgeon in Gurgaon
Spinal surgery is a surgical procedure that involves repairing problems in the spinal column. It’s also known as back surgery. There are several types of spinal surgeries that you can undergo depending on your problem. For instance, if you need to fix a bulging disc in your neck, you will likely require a cervical discectomy and fusion (CDF).
It’s important to note here that this type of operation is not recommended for everyone.
Why You Should Consider This Option
Spinal surgery can be very effective for relieving pain caused by spinal injuries. However, many patients choose to go through with the procedure after trying other methods of treatment. This article explains why people make that choice.
In order to understand how spinal surgery works, you need to know a little bit more about the spine. The spine is made up of bones, discs, ligaments, and muscles. There are actually three different sections in the spine.
These include the cervical region, thoracic section, and lumbar section. Each of these regions contains individual vertebrae. In fact, there are thirty-three separate vertebrae in the entire human body.
The first thing that happens when you injure your back is that one of the discs breaks. As a result, the disc becomes loose, causing the nerves to become pinched. When this occurs, you will feel severe pain. Spinal surgery can help relieve the symptoms, but it won't cure the problem.
There is also another type of injury known as spondylolisthesis.
The Benefits of Choosing the Best Spine Surgeon
Spinal surgery is one of the most important procedures that a patient can undergo. However, when you choose a doctor who isn't qualified to perform this type of operation, you could end up with serious complications.
If you're considering getting spinal surgery, you should know that there are two main types of doctors who specialize in performing these operations.
1. General surgeons: General surgeons have extensive training and knowledge in general medicine. This means that they can treat a wide variety of conditions. However, it also makes them less experienced at treating certain medical issues. For example, they may be unable to properly diagnose a condition such as an infection or cancer.
2. Spine specialists: Spine specialists are trained to handle all types of back pain, including scoliosis, kyphosis, and other deformities. They can also help patients recover from injuries that occur to their spines.
When you decide on the type of doctor who will operate on your spine, make sure that he or she has the right qualifications.
In conclusion, the spine is a complex structure that requires proper care. If you have back pain, then it's important to seek treatment from a professional. This way, you'll be able to get rid of your problem quickly
Website : https://drarunsaroha.com/
Address: Max Hospital, Director & Unit Head of Spine and Neurosurgery B Block, Sushant Lok 1, Near Huda City Centre Gurugram- 122001 
Ph: +91 9810778811
Tagline: Best spine surgeon in gurgaon
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drneelkanth1 · 3 years
Cervical cancer is a tumor or cell overgrowth that occurs at the lower end of the womb or uterus. These tumors are formed by rapid changes in cells by undergoing abnormal changes during reproduction at the beginning of the womb. These abnormally changed cells can be easily screened for and removed from the body by a good oncologist and best gynecologist in gurgaon, Neelkanth Gurgaon.
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digiadsposts-blog · 5 years
What are the problems faces by OBGY?
Best Obstetrics and Gynaecology Treatment Hospitals in Gurgaon: OBGY stands for Obstetrics and Gynaecology. These are two different specialties in the medical world. They have little similarity because they both deals with the infants and the problems infants faced. Obstetrics is the field of study focused on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Gynaecology is the field regarding the medical practice of the female reproductive system and the breast. As a medical practice, obstetrics is combined with gynaecology known as Obstetrics and Gynaecology or OBGY. The goal of the Origin clinic is to provide the best medical care to pregnant ladies and infants. We have better instruments and a good bedding facility because we believe in comfort.
The common procedure they both do:
1) Colposcopy
2) Loop Electrosurgical Excision and Procedure (LEEP)
3) Endometrial Biopsy
4) Ovarian Cystectomy
Colposcopy: Colposcopy means a pap smear screening. A Pap smear also called a pap test, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women. A Pap test involves collecting cells from the cervix-  the lower, narrow end of your uterus that’s the top of the vagina. If the result of a Pap test comes back as abnormal, they will go for finding a solution or cure the problem.
Loop Electrosurgical Excision and Procedure: A procedure to quickly removed abnormal vaginal tissues within the cervix. A local anesthetic and a solution to enhance the points of removal visually will be administrated during the process. You can experience the watery, pinkish and brownish discharge, and mild cramping.
Endometrial Biopsy: a procedure that collects a tissue sample from the endometrium lining of the uterus. The sample will be tested and checked under a microscope for abnormals cells or indicators of cancer.
Ovarian Cystectomy: the removal of a cyst that either has a solid appearance, larger than 3 inches in diameter, can become cancerous, or causes constant pain. The cyst can be removed without removing an ovary. Women who don’t take birth control produce small cyst every other month but can disappear on their own.
Best Gynaecology in Gurgaon: Outside medicine, the term gynaecology means “the science of women”. The most common operations has done by the gynaecologist in the Origin clinic are:
1) Dilation and curettage: removal of the uterine contents for various reasons, including completing a partial miscarriage and diagnostic sampling for dysfunctional uterine bleeding refractive to medical therapy.
2) Hysterectomy: Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. It may also involve the removal of the cervix, fallopian tubes, and other surrounding structures.
3) Oophorectomy: Oophorectomy is the surgical removal of the ovary or ovaries. The surgery is also called ovariectomy, but this term is mostly used in animals.
4) Tubal ligation: Tubal ligation also called tubes tied. Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure for female sterilization in which the fallopian tubes are permanently removed or blocked. This prevents the fertilization of eggs by sperm and thus the implantation of fertilized eggs. Tubal ligation is considered a permanent method of sterilization and birth control.
The emergencies faced by the obstetricians:
1) Uterine rupture: This situation occurred during obstructed labor and endanger foetal and maternal life.
2) Shoulder dystocia: In this situation, one of the fetus’s shoulders stuck during vaginal birth. These are many risk factors and also some risks are unexplained.
In the Best Obstetrics and Gynaecology Treatment Hospitals in Gurgaon, we have a specialized team that is well trained and can handle any situation. We give every patient’s priorities because patients and their problems are important for us. We provide them friendly nature and suggest a regular visit to us to know their problems better.
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What are hysterectomy and obstetrics and gynecology treatment in Gurgaon
The uterus is surgically removed during a hysterectomy. At the same time, different parts of the uterus and other organs can be removed. Schedule your appointment at obstetrics and gynecology treatment in Gurgaon at Neelkanth hospital.
Reasons for having a hysterectomy
The following are some of the potential explanations for hysterectomy:
Fibroid tumors are benign tumors that develop in the uterus. Non-cancerous tumors may develop and become massive, putting pressure on other organs and potentially causing heavy bleeding or pelvic pain.
Endometriosis is a form of endometriosis. Endometrial cells can develop outside of the uterus, bind to other organs in the pelvic cavity, and bleed every month in sync with the ovarian cycle. This can lead to persistent pelvic pain, sex pain, and heavy or prolonged bleeding.
Endometrial hyperplasia is a form of endometrial hyperplasia. This over-thickening of the uterine lining, a source of abnormal bleeding, is often caused by the presence of persistent estrogen without progesterone. This is normal during perimenopause when hormone levels fluctuate.
Cancer is a disease. Around 10% of hysterectomies are performed to treat cancer, which may be cervical, ovarian, or endometrial.
Obstruction of the bladder or intestines. If the uterus or growth is obstructing the bladder or intestines, a hysterectomy may be performed.
What are the various kinds of hysterectomy?
Total hysterectomy The entire uterus is removed, including the fundus (the portion of the uterus above the fallopian tube openings) and the cervix, but not the ovaries. This is the most commonly performed method of hysterectomy. Bilateral oophorectomy and hysterectomy Include the removal of either or both ovaries, as well as the fallopian tubes and uterus.
Radical hysterectomy. The uterus, cervix, top portion of the vagina, much of the tissue surrounding the cervix in the pelvic cavity, and possibly the pelvic lymph nodes are removed. This is seen in some cancer cases.
Supracervical hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus from the abdomen (partial or subtotal hysterectomy). The uterus's body is removed while the cervix remains intact. Schedule your appointment at the best gynecologist in Gurgaon at Neelkanth hospital.
What are the steps in performing a hysterectomy?
An abdominal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus from the abdomen. The uterus is removed via the abdomen with a six to eight-inch surgical incision. When the ovaries and fallopian tubes are removed, the uterus is bloated, or disease has spread to the pelvic cavity, as in endometriosis or cancer, this procedure is most widely utilized. The primary surgical incision can be made vertically, from the navel to the pubic bone, or horizontally, along the top of the pubic hairline.
Vaginal hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the uterus via the vaginal The uterus is extracted through the vaginal opening. This procedure is most commonly used to treat uterine prolapse or when vaginal repairs are needed for other conditions. There is no actual incision, but there is no noticeable scarring.
Vaginal hysterectomy using a laparoscope (LAVH). A laparoscope, a small, flexible tube containing a video camera, is used to perform a vaginal hysterectomy. Thin tubes are inserted into the abdomen through tiny incisions near the navel. The uterus is then removed in parts through the laparoscope tube or vagina.
Your physician will decide the type of hysterectomy performed and the method used to conduct the operation depending on your specific circumstance. For women who have not yet achieved menopause, having a hysterectomy means that menstruation will cease and reproduction will be impossible. Schedule your appointment at the best gynecologist in Gurgaon at Neelkanth hospital.
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seowebhelp · 3 years
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Although the number of young people is much higher than the elderly in India still, elderly people are quite significant. Urological problems are quite common in elderly people and with the rise of pollution and unhealthy lifestyle, more and more people are diagnosed with urological problems in the country. Diseases like urinary tract, urinary bladder infection, prostate cancer, impotence, vasectomies, kidney stones, and many more diseases have seen a significant increment in the past years. Dealing with them requires the proper care and facilities along with expert help. These problems can be life-threatening.
The same goes for Gynecology problems in India. Diseases like pelvic organ prolapse, leiomyoma, ovarian tumor, adenomyosis, chronic pelvic pain, and others have been recorded to be increasing in a woman. Dealing with them becomes quite a situation for people in cities and rural areas alike.
Both urological and gynecological problems need proper treatment with all the latest information about the treatment and care to save lives and eradicate the root of the problem. Finding a multispeciality hospital becomes quite difficult in the pressure of disease.
If you are dealing with any kind of urological or gynecological problems and need assistance with the treatment, you need to find the best urologist hospital around you immediately. For people living in Gurgaon and looking for a top-quality hospital in their vicinity, Sai Siddhi hospital is the answer.
Sai Siddhi hospital is India’s one of the best multispeciality hospitals providing the most specialized and advanced treatments for any kind of health condition. We have been regarded as the best urologist hospital in Gurgaon and the best Gynaecologist hospital in Gurgaon many times.
Equipped with the world-class facilities in treating the most complex problems like a kidney stone, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, tumor, and many more diseases we offer excellence in everything we do; from the simple checkup to in-hospital treatment. Our urological and gynecological experts are always at your service and cover all aspects of your treatment at affordable rates.
Offering a multidisciplinary team for treatment of prostate cancer and cervical cancer consisting of world-class medical oncologists, surgeons, radiation oncologists, palliative care experts, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, oncology nurses, social workers, dieticians, and others makes us the best multispeciality hospital in Gurgaon especially in the treatment of urology and gynecology diseases.
You can always book an appointment with our doctors through the website or calling and discuss your problem to get uncompromising services and an unparalleled commitment to care. We offer the most effective consultation, diagnosis, and treatment options related to kidney, bladder, urinary tract, uterus, pelvic reason, and many more organs.
We have a single goal to make our patients healthy so that they can enjoy life to the fullest and that too without any burden on your pocket. We are with you from day one and offer continuous assistance with any health-related issue even after the treatment.
As we always say, ‘health’ is more than a term for us and we believe that healthy living is possible and is the most accurate way of life. Come and live a healthy cum happy life with us.
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Learning To Identify About Normal Vaginal Discharge
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Vaginal discharge is a liquid secretion from a female reproductive system, which is also known as leucorrhea. Generally, its character examination is observing the color and the character. But in fact, the vaginal discharge examination in the hospital is also the routine examination of leucorrhea. These inspection items are common in the gynecology department. By conducting the 5 tests mainly the vaginal PH value, vaginal cleanliness, vaginal microbial, amine test, clue cells, we could determine whether women are getting abnormal vaginal leucorrhea that attacks physical health.
We Should Pay Attention To The Following Abnormal Vaginal Discharge Before The Period
1.     Bloody vaginal discharge is a very common symptom and most likely to confuse. Some of the common causes are cervical disease, gynecological tumor, gynecological inflammation, besides, the intrauterine contraceptive ring is placed in, the leucorrhea is also mixed with some blood.
2.     Water-like vaginal discharge occurs in the vaginal bleeding and outflow with a large number of Purulent stink leucorrhea. And the causes are late cervical cancer and possibly fallopian tube cancer.
3.     Tofu-like leucorrhea is the result of mold infection, which is accompanied by vulva itching. And the common cause is a vaginal yeast infection.
4.     Black leucorrhea is drawn our attention because it is a serious one in abnormal leucorrhea. And the common causes are gynecological inflammation, cervical diseases, such as cervical erosion, vaginitis, endometritis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.
5.     Yellow or yellow-green purulent leucorrhea is viscous or foamy, smelly, mostly due to the vaginitis, trichomonas vaginitis is the most common symptom and with vulva itching. And common causes are chronic cervicitis, vaginitis, endometritis, uterine effusion or vagina eye winker, etc.
6.     Vaginal discharge is caused by some form of urination disorder is a typical gonococcus infection sickness that causes leucorrhea and the urethra secretion increasing, which shows as yellow purulent state and has a fierce inflammatory reaction. Chlamydia caused by cervical inflammation that is a low viscosity, and the white size cervix of the uterus secretion increases.
Vaginal bleeding is a very critical condition, and thus one has to make sure that the condition doesn’t gets worsen up. The woman may feel different and might even get nervous due to unwanted vaginal bleeding, but it is highly recommended that she must visit an expert gynecologist. There are some important symptoms been discussed above, to make her aware of her own body. Women in India are usually unaware of these issues and often find themselves in such a vicious cycle. It becomes the need of the hour for an hour so that further blocks of the mind get flown away. The expert gynecologist, Dr. Neeru Thakral at Thakral Nursing Home in Gurgaon, makes sure the women get holistic treatment, followed by counseling. Dr. Neeru holds a rich experience in her field, has an expert hand in treating, counseling, surgically operating the women so that complete care is provided for the same.
Meet the best gynecologist in Gurgaon, Dr. Neeru Thakral. She can be seen at her clinic- Thakral Nursing Home, Gurgaon.
Content Source : https://ivfcentreingurgaon.home.blog/2020/01/13/learning-to-identify-about-normal-vaginal-discharge/
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spineandbrainindia · 5 years
How to Find Best Brain Tumor Treatment Hospital in India ?
Treatment for a brain tumor differs depending on several factors such as a person's age, general health, and the size, location, and type of tumor. Treatment of brain cancer is usually complex. Most treatment plans involve several consulting doctors. Surgery to remove the tumor is typically the first option once a brain tumor has been diagnosed. The purpose of surgery is to confirm that the abnormality seen during testing is indeed a tumor and to remove the tumor. If the tumor cannot be removed, a sample of the tumor will be taken to identify its type. Radiation and chemotherapy are other modalities may also be used.​  Spine and Brain India directed by Dr. Arun Saroha offers one of the best brain tumor treatment in India.
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Delhi is a hub for medical tourists flocking in from all corners of the world to receive superlative treatment from the best in the field. Dr. Arun Saroha is a noted neurosurgeon available in Delhi and Gurgaon with over 20 years of experience treating a wide variety of neurological conditions varying from acute pain to the most complex spinal deformity in both adult and pediatric patients. He has successfully performed over 7000 procedures with patients from different parts of the world. He is one of the best brain tumor doctor in Delhi who has the highest expertise in treating different types of brain tumor in adults as well as pediatric patients. He is well known for recommending the most effective and safest treatment options, delivering expert care tailored to the needs of the individual patients.
Dr. Arun Saroha is the Director of Neurosurgery at Max Hospital, Saket New Delhi and Gurgaon. Max Hospital is one of the top hospital in India offering the best brain and spine treatment using the latest technologies that increases the precision of the surgeon’s work and thereby improving the outcome of the treatment. In addition to the advanced technologies being utilized, correct diagnosis is the key to effective treatment. Doctors in India are known for their accurate diagnosis and best treatment at affordable rates as compared to Western countries.
The best brain surgeon in Delhi and Gurgaon, Dr. Arun Saroha, is also one of the very few in the country who treats pediatric neurosurgical conditions, including hydrocephalus, chiari I malformations, a rachnoid cysts, spine disorders including tethered cord, spinal tumors, vascular malformations, head and spine trauma. The particular types of brain conditions that arise in children differ in important ways from those found in adults. For children, particular risks and benefits correspond to particular treatments in ways that may be different than for adults.
Most of the hospitals in India are internationally accredited, thus enhancing customer’s access to better healthcare services and meeting their expectations. The accredited healthcare organization practices and delivers continuous quality services and functions in the best interests of all patients giving importance to access, affordability, efficiency and quality healthcare services.
Spine and Brain India headed by Dr. Arun Saroha, one of the best brain surgeon in Delhi and Gurgaon is dedicated in providing comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for all types of brain and spine conditions including Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Disorders, Disk Herniation, Spinal Stenosis, Spondylolisthesis, Spondylotic Myelopathy, Brain and Spine Trauma, Brain Tumors for both adult and pediatric patients. 
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The Different Types of Treatments and Surgery Available at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
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If you are looking for quality healthcare in India, you can consider Medicity Hospital Gurgaon. This world-class hospital offers a wide range of treatments and surgeries, which are available at very reasonable costs. You can check out the different treatments and surgeries available at this hospital in the paragraphs below.
Arthritis Treatment at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
Medicity Hospital Gurgaon offers a wide range of arthritis treatments, a condition that can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. Treatment options include medication, joint injections, physical therapy, and surgery.
Your doctor will help you choose the best treatment based on your symptoms and degree of arthritis. Treatment options can vary depending on the type of arthritis you have. For example, rheumatoid arthritis is treated with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), while osteoarthritis is treated with pain relievers, joint injections, and surgery.
If you’re considering surgery to treat your arthritis, Medicity Hospital Gurgaon has several highly skilled surgeons who can perform various procedures, including arthroscopy, joint replacement, and spinal surgery.
Spleen Removal Surgery at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
The Medicity Hospital Gurgaon offers spleen removal surgery for patients who are experiencing problems with their spleen. This surgery removes the spleen if it is damaged, enlarged, or has cancer.
The surgery is minimally invasive and is done using laparoscopy. This means the surgeon will make a few small incisions in the patient’s abdomen and then use a telescope to guide the surgical instruments. The spleen is then removed through these incisions.
This surgery is generally safe, but there are some risks that patients should be aware of. These risks include bleeding, infection, and damage to other organs.
Hernia Surgery at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
If you are considering hernia surgery, you should know that at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon, we offer the latest minimally invasive techniques. This means that you will experience shorter hospital stays, less pain, and a quicker return to your everyday activities.
Our professional staff will collaborate with you to create a personalised treatment strategy that addresses your specific requirements. We use the latest technology and equipment to ensure you receive the best care possible.
At The Medicity Hospital Gurgaon, we are committed to providing you with the highest quality care.
Bladder Removal Surgery at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
You might be surprised that Medicity Hospital Gurgaon is at the forefront of bladder and kidney surgical treatments. From traditional surgeries to minimally invasive laparoscopic surgeries, Medicity Hospital Gurgaon provides top-notch treatments for bladder removal.
Patients often come to the hospital for complete bladder removal surgery, also known as cystectomy, where either the entire bladder is removed, or part of it is replaced with an artificial one. During this surgery, a segment of the ureters — or tubes connecting the kidneys and bladder — is reattached to maintain urine flow.
Our hospital in Gurgaon has some of the best surgeons in India, supported by a team of experienced physicians and nurses to ensure a successful operation. In addition, they provide postoperative care that includes pain relief and a personalized diet plan that ensures optimal healing.
Cervical Pain Treatment at Medicity Hospital Gurgaon
Have you been suffering from chronic neck pain and have no idea how to alleviate it? Medicity Hospital Gurgaon offers a range of treatments to help relieve cervical pain. From medications to therapies and surgeries, they can provide you with a customized Cervical Pain treatment plan to help reduce discomfort.
Medications typically involve non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or muscle relaxants. Therapies include physical therapy, which focuses on strengthening and stretching muscles, and massage therapy which helps reduce tension in the neck muscles. And acupuncture which helps stimulate the body’s natural healing response. You can also opt for a combination of these treatments.
Surgery may be required in extreme cases when other treatments are ineffective. The type of surgery recommended will depend on the underlying cause of the neck pain and may involve vertebroplasty, an artificial disk implantation, or even a fusion procedure if necessary.
The doctors at Our Hospital in Gurgaon are highly experienced in cervical pain treatments and can help you get the relief you need in no time!
If you’re looking for a world-class hospital with expert surgeons who can offer you various treatments, Medicity Hospital in Gurgaon is the place to be. We provide a range of treatments for arthritis, spleen removal surgery, hernia surgery, bladder removal surgery, and cervical pain treatment, among others. So whatever your health needs, we can provide the perfect solution.
Source:- https://themedicityhospital.com/blog/the-different-types-of-treatments-and-surgery-available-at-medicity-hospital-gurgaon
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Best Obstetrics and Gynaecology Treatment Hospitals in Gurgaon
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Best Obstetrics and Gynaecology Treatment Hospitals in Gurgaon : Gynaecology is the branch of physiology and medicine which deals with the functions and diseases specific to women and girls, especially those affecting the reproductive system. Gynaecologists are doctors who specialize in women’s health, with a focus on the female reproductive system. An obstetrician is a kind of gynecologist who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth. Our Best Obstetrics and Gynaecology department provides medical and surgical solutions for different types of gynaecological problems like infertility, menstrual abnormalities, fibroids, prolapsed uterus, other tumors of the uterus and ovaries. Our Gynaecologists also expertise in teenage menstrual cycle issues, counseling support, and consultation for hormonal issues such as thyroid, polycystic ovarian disorders, etc. Our team of gynaecologists can efficiently perform laparoscopic surgeries and minimally invasive surgical techniques.
Best Obstetrics and Gynaecology Treatment Hospitals in Gurgaon : Origin Clinic is the leader in providing exceptional care and treatment to women of all age groups. The conditions and treatments handled by our experts include:
Fibroid uterus
Ovarian cysts
Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS)
Tubal Ligation
Menstrual problems
Prolapse uterus
Teenage problems- hormonal imbalances, menstrual issues, vaginal discharge
Tumors in the uterus and ovaries
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Cervical Cancer
Minimal Invasive Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy
Laparoscopic Gynecology Surgeries
Prenatal Care
Ante-Natal Care
Fetal Medicine
High-Risk Pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancies
Early deliveries and premature births
The best gynaecology & obstetrics specialists in the department help people who are unable to conceive by treating them at an infertility clinic, which has facilities for accurate diagnoses, careful monitoring of ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (IUI The goal of IUI is to increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes and subsequently increase the chance of fertilization.). The unit also conducts hormone estimations, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, which is a procedure to inspect the uterine cavity for infertility, excessive bleeding, and absence of menstruation during the reproductive period.
Best Obstetrics and Gynecology Treatment Hospitals in Gurgaon : If the fertility problem is diagnosed over the individual it is advised to have concern over these individuals and start treating this infertility. Thus these fertility treatments refer to have the medications that would stimulate these sperms as well as egg production which would be stimulated as a result of this treatment for infertility. Thus this infertility would also move over the fertility treatments. This infertility would be treated by interventions by surgery, treatment over certain other medications, and change over the lifestyle and loss of weight. Thus these infertility treatments would depend on the causes of infertility irrespective of the gender whether infertility may lie over the men as well as women or both. The Origin Clinic also lets you know about the proper medication that is used for fertility to stimulate the ovulation which would trigger sperm production over the cases of male infertility. The reason behind moving towards the fertility medicines would be ovulation disorders where most of the female tends to lie over these disorders.
Best Obstetrics and Gynaecology Treatment Hospitals in Gurgaon : The Origin clinic deal with a wide range of issues, including obstetrics, pregnancy and childbirth, menstruation and fertility issues, hormone disorders, and others. Modern operation theatres and surgical intensive care units enable them to perform complex gynecological operations including laparoscopy and the patients with excessive menstrual bleeding and help them to return to normal work in two days. Pregnancy is the sensitive period where excessive care of the best gynaecology in Gurgaon will give you the best care and concern during the times of your delivery. Pregnancy is the best period in the life of the women which could be made even better with the doctor who is about to treat her during pregnancy. Nurses and other staff are 24/7 available to help patient. Best facilities are also provided for the one who stays with the patient.
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anupsingh11-blog · 5 years
IUI Centres In Bangalore | ElaWoman
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is an easy process that places sperm without delay internal your uterus, which allows healthful sperm get in the direction of your egg.
How does IUI work?
IUI stands for in intrauterine insemination. It’s additionally once in a while referred to as donor insemination, opportunity insemination, or artificial insemination. IUI works by means of setting sperm cells without delay into your uterus around the time you’re ovulating, helping the sperm get closer to your egg. This cuts down the time and distance sperm has to tour, making it simpler to fertilize your egg.
Before having the insemination process, you can take fertility drug treatments that stimulate ovulation. Semen is collected from your accomplice or a donor. It goes through a process called “sperm washing” that collects a focused quantity of wholesome sperm from the semen.
Then your doctor places the sperm proper into your uterus. Pregnancy happens if sperm fertilizes your egg, and the fertilized egg implants in the lining of your uterus.
IUI is a simple and low-tech technique, and it is able to be less highly-priced than different kinds of fertility treatment. It will increase your probabilities of being pregnant, but anybody’s frame is specific, so there’s no assure that IUI will work.
What are the risks of IUI?
The threat of becoming pregnant with multiples is elevated in case you take fertility medicine while having IUI. There is also a small threat of contamination after IUI.
How successful is IUI?
The fulfillment of IUI relies upon on numerous elements. If a pair has the IUI manner accomplished every month, success charges may attain as high as 20% according to cycle relying on variables along with girl age, the reason for infertility, and whether or not fertility tablets had been used, amongst different variables.
While IUI is a less invasive and less steeply-priced choice, pregnancy rates from IUI are decrease than those from IVF. If you believe you studied you'll be interested by IUI, speak with your health practitioner to talk about your options.
Some couples want to explore more conventional or over-the-counter efforts before exploring infertility procedures. If you are attempting to get pregnant and seeking out sources to support your efforts, we invite you to test out the fertility product and useful resource manual supplied through our corporate sponsor.
Janani Clinic
Janani Clinic in New Palam Vihar has installed the clinic in 2000 and has received a faithful clients over the past few years and is likewise often visited via several celebrities, aspiring models and different honourable customers and international patients as properly. They also plan on expanding their enterprise further and offering services to several more sufferers attributable to its fulfillment during the last few years. Janani Dr. Ankitas Gynae Clinic is a Gynecology/Obstetrics Clinic in Palam Vihar, Gurgaon. Some of the services provided by using the Clinic are: Marital Problems,PCOS/PCOD & girls related problems,Pap Smear,Fertility Treatment and Vaccinations and so forth. Click on map to locate guidelines to reach Janani Dr. Ankitas Gynae Clinic and it is one of the best IUI Centres in Bangalore.
Janani Clinic is Gynecology and Women Clinic located at JP Nagar 6 Phase, Bangalore. The center became installed in 2012 with the challenge to offer best fertility and maternity services. The center is capacitated to render an extensive variety of services such as Cervical Cerclage, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Mirena (Hormonal Iud), Quad Screen, Caesarean Section (C Section), Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), Unilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy, D&C (Dilation and Curettage), Tubectomy/Tubal Ligation, Laparoscopic Surgery, Cervical cancer screening and so on.
Dr. Radha S Rao
Dr. Radha Rao has finished expert training in all elements of obstetrics and gynaecology from prestigious establishments in India and UK. With more than17 years of rich experience in treating girls with all styles of gynaecological worries and high threat pregnancies, Dr Radha Rao strives to help women of all ages cope with the changes in their frame even as ensuring their protection, comfort and care.
Dr. Radha S Rao is an obstetrician and gynecologist in Bangalore who finished her MBBS from Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences in 1999 and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute in 2006. She has also received MRCOG certification from Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2006. Dr. Radha specializes in Gynecology Laparoscopy, IUI approaches, Dilatation and Curettage in addition to Hysterectomy at Janani Clinic, J P Nagar Phase 6, Bangalore. For more statistics, check out elawoman.Com
Cogent Care
Cogent Care in Whitefield, Bangalore is known for offering exceptional patient care. The health facility is located centrally in Whitefield, an outstanding locality in the town. It stands close to Opposite Four Point Sheraton Hotel,Above Coffee Day which no longer best makes it convenient for people from the region to consult the health practitioner however also for those from different neighbourhoods to are seeking for medical steerage and it is one of the best IUI Centres in Bangalore.
Cogent Care is a Multi-Speciality Clinic based totally in Whitefield, Bangalore and turned into established in 2015 with an aim to offer the exceptional healthcare offerings. The health center is well-known for it is in residence Gynecologists and ENT Specialists. The medical institution serves its sufferers with the treatment related to Infertility management, Gynecological services, Pregnancy care, Endoscopic DCR, Sleep Apnea, Sinusitis, Foreign Body in Eyes, Orbital and Optic Nerve Decompression, Laser Surgeries for Head and Neck Lesions. These are some treasured services provided via the medical institution at an inexpensive fee.
Mannat Fertility Clinic
Mannat Fertility Clinic in Marathahalli, Bangalore is a pinnacle player inside the category Infertility Clinics inside the Bangalore. This well-known status quo acts as a one-prevent destination servicing customers each neighborhood and from different components of Bangalore. Over the path of its journey, this business has established a company foothold in it’s enterprise. The belief that patron pleasure is as vital as their services and products, have helped this status quo garner a tremendous base of clients, which continues to grow by using the day and it is one of the best IUI Centres in Bangalore.
Mannat Fertility Clinic is a reputed IVF Clinic located in Marathahalli, Bangalore, It changed into mounted in 2010 to offer the best treatment services to ladies and infertile couples. With nearly a decade of experience, they're imparting unequalled fitness-care treatment to their patients. They are geared up with the contemporary era which includes ICSI, surgical sperm retrieval, embryo freezing, embryo biopsy, laser assisted hatching and blastocyst transfer, using the fine system and disposables.
Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre
Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre has been offering first-rate IVF care with across the world similar services and successes quotes. Our center electricity lies in our potential to present to our patients complete ART and allied services from primary diagnostic paintings-up to advances fertility-improving endoscopic surgical procedures and In Vitro Fertilization strategies all below one roof.
Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre is an IVF Centre in Banaswadi, Bangalore. It is a standout a few of the hospitals in imparting treatments at par with the global requirements on account that 2015. Strikingly, the consequences are quite remarkable and fruitful with a super wide variety of glad patients when it comes to infertility treatment. The distinctiveness of Vardhan Fertility can be witnessed in their ability to provide the whole variety of ART and associated services. Starting right from the diagnostic facilities to the most contemporary fertility enhancing surgical procedures in addition to latest IVF techniques, everything is effortlessly handy at the identical area.
Elawoman gives you options to Book Your First Appointment FREE. Check Reviews, IVF Cost, IVF Success rates, Fees, Address, Contact Number for all treatments Elawoman offers.
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zeevaclinic · 5 years
The Complete List  of Top 5 Cancer Hospital in India
Cancer is a dreaded disease that takes up a person’s entire attention leaving not much for him to do. Undergoing a Cancer treatment can be extremely painful and mentally draining. You cannot compromise with the treatment and keeping this in mind, we bring you in contact with the best Cancer Hospitals in India.
Here, below is the list of a cancer hospital in India :
1.      Zeeva Healthcare
At Zeeva Healthcare, they believe in providing authentic, supportive, and efficient care to their patients. They operate in the three departments which are Oncology, IVF/Infertility, and Women Care. It is a leading cancer treatment hospital in Delhi. Dr. Vikas Goswami is a highly experienced Medical Oncology Senior Consultant at Max Healthcare (Patparganj Vaishali and Noida). Before joining Max Hospital, he was associated with the Fortis Group of Hospitals & Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital, New Delhi. He is a well-trained medical oncologist with a great reputation and recognition at national and international level. He has received a lot of appreciation for his ethical and professional clinical approach. He is one of the best cancer specialists in Delhi.
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2. BLK Super Speciality Hospital -
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Established by Dr. B.L. Kapur in the 1950s, BLK Super Speciality is a private hospital situated in Delhi. They have the facility of separate cancer treatment of all forms of malignancy. The hospital has highly trained staff for treating all types of cancers. It is equipped with modern treatment facilities and advanced technology.
3 Max Healthcare, Delhi:-
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This is one of the leading cancer treatment hospitals in Delhi. It has branches in Punjab and Gurgaon. It provides treatments for lung cancer, head cancer, neck cancer, blood cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and gastrointestinal cancer. They have remarkable experience in research, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. They have experienced oncologists and staff & draws patients from all over the world.
4.  Medanta The Medicity
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The Medicity is one of India's largest multi-super specialty institutes located in Gurgaon, a bustling town in the National Capital Region. Founded by eminent cardiac surgeon, Dr. Naresh Trehan, the institution has been envisioned with the aim of bringing to India the highest standards of medical care along with clinical research, education and training.
5. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital:
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Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi is a multi-specialty tertiary acute care hospital with over 710 beds and one of the most sought after destinations in Asia for healthcare. A state-of-the-art modern facility in the heart of the capital.
The above list of Cancer Hospital in Delhi should help you to choose the best one for your near and dear ones.
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IVF Centres in Lucknow | Elawoman
IVF Centres in Lucknow
Fertility stories are constantly full of emotions, uncertainty, and controversies. Childless couples who would make great dad and mom search for the first-class IVF centres in Lucknow that may help them conceive a healthful baby. Due to the upward push in infertility cases in Lucknow, provisions for personalised care and treatment for Infertility control have improved in nearly all IVF centres in Lucknow.
The affected person care and counseling personnel's excessive morale and nice electricity may be felt as soon as you first stroll inner any infertility treatment centres in Lucknow. They keep in mind that for couples, the issue of infertility is a touchy one so they treat every patient in particular consistent with the man or woman’s issues. Apart from presenting particularly a hit treatment, In Vitro Fertilization hospitals in Lucknow additionally try to make every affected person bodily and emotionally relaxed for the duration of the whole manner.
The IVF centres in Lucknow are noticeably maintained to provide enough area for couples at the side of handy parking offerings and pleasant approach. The heat, easy and welcoming surroundings of these centres with skilled medical doctors make the most favorite destination for infertile couples.
Below are the Top IVF Centres in Lucknow with options to book your first appointment FREE. Check Reviews, IVF Cost, Success fees, Fees, Contact Number and Address for all In Vitro Fertilization treatments. Also discover low-cost test tube baby expenses.
1. Javitri Hospital Lucknow
Javitri Hospital is an IVF Centre placed in Telibagh, Lucknow was started in the year 2000. Javitri hospital Lucknow affords some of services which comprise of Infertility evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Surrogacy, Freezing of Eggs and Sperms, Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET), Blastocyst Transfer, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, and DNA Fragmentation Test. The infertility professionals at the medical institution provide best and personal care to the patients which make certain that the desired effects is done at the right time. Dr. Rajul Tyagi practices on the Javitri Hospital. Click on the link to realize about the directions to Javitri hospital Lucknow.
Javitri hospital Lucknow has been functional because last 18 yrs started in its gift area in 1990. Now it's far absolutely prepared clinic with specialised unit of ICU, NICU, dialysis & Trauma. It is famous for its infertility unit that is of global requirements and protocol. The medical institution is positioned in Telibagh at Lucknow on the bank of Sharda canal on Raebareli Road. It is set 10 km from Charbagh Railway station and 11 Km from Hazratganj the center of Lucknow. Hospital has installation some other infertility unit (Javitri Test Tube Baby middle) at Badshah Nagar Lucknow. The IVF lab is a modular lab following strict global elegance parameters.
The contemporary equipment affords develop offerings like freezing, laser hatching and availability of Embryoscope. With Embryoscope now it's miles viable to peer your Embryos growing and pick out the excellent ones for implantation. Now with blastocyst culture in Embryoscope we are capable of supply a hit result upto 80%.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF,FET
Location:- Telibagh, Lucknow
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Rating :-  4.4 / 5
2. C N S Hospital
C N S Hospital is a Multispecialty centre located in Indira Nagar, Lucknow. The health facility offers quite a number clinical treatment services which incorporates Infertility Evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA), Hysteroscopy, Semen and Egg Freezing, Surrogacy, Testicular Biopsy, DNA Fragmentation Test. Dr. Pratibha Sachan who is properly skilled in treating sufferers with infertility troubles practices at CNS Hospital. Click at the link to discover the directions to CNS Hospital.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF,MESA
Location:- Indira Nagar, Lucknow
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Rating :-  4.2 / 5
3. Sarthak Test Tube Baby Center
Sarthak Test Tube Baby Center is a Gynecology Clinic placed in Kanchan Market, Lucknow. Apart from gynecological services, the Clinic additionally gives professional ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) offerings which include Infertility Evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Freezing of Sperms and Eggs, Laparoscopy, Abdominal and Vaginal Hysterectomy, Normal Vaginal Delivery procedures. Dr. Saraswati Patel and Dr. Niharika exercise at Sarthak Test Tube Baby Center.
Sarthak Test Tube Baby Centre is a Multispecialty Medicare unit devoted to healthy wellbeing. It has been rendering administrations to its benefactors because the 12 months 2003. SMC makes development toward the entire soundness of psyche and body. In a confined ability to recognition, consciousness has made a strong point for itself as an incorporated restorative workplace in which humans are handled with customized consideration in an professional manner. The board of specialists at SMC supply finish statistics approximately the disease and treatment choices to its clients. SMC gives consultancy in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Cardiology, Clinical Medicine, Cosmetic Dentistry, Hair Grafting Surgery, Trichology, Nutrition Science, and Dermatology.
Aside from the same old healing registration and examinations we additionally run sure novel great centers for pre-marriage mentoring, pre-origination mentoring, contraception mentoring, infertility mentoring, immature wellbeing registration and grin define dental tasteful centers within the premises. SMC esteems every consumer and capacities in a moral manner amongst distinctive branches of prescription and dentistry. A middle with social cognizant SMC gives concessional bundles and freed from value treatment to financially weaker regions and senior residents. The internal holds speedy and responsibility in the direction of serving every stratum of society in a faithful and invigorating way.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:- Kanchan Market, Lucknow
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Rating :-  4.3 / 5
4. Devishiv Hospital
Devishiv Hospital is a Multispecialty centre placed in Mahanagar, Lucknow. The offerings supplied on the sanatorium encompass Infertility Evaluation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Testicular Biopsy Sperm Aspiration (TESA), Surrogacy, High-threat being pregnant care, Laparoscopy, Normal and Cesarean delivery strategies. Dr. Renu Lakhtakia practices at Devishiv IVF Hospital.
Devishiv Hospital is located in Mahanagar locality of Lucknow . It was set up within the 12 months 1998.
It is a bedded setup with fully equipped with ultramodern operation theaters having most state-of-the-art and specialized Equipments such as Multipara tracking facility , c- arm , defibrillator and a surgical ICU. It has indoor centers for well known and personal ward patients with properly appointed rooms and hygienic surroundings. There exists an In house backup of diagnostic facilities - ultrasound inclusive of TVS , higher and decrease GI Endoscopies , Doppler Echocardiography , Pathology , X-Ray , ECG.
The essential disciplines catered by the Hospital include obstetrics and gynecology which includes infertility management , surgical gastroenterology , fundamental and advanced diagnostics.
In the year 2009 Devishiv Hospital started out its IVF unit . The sanatorium has a nicely ready IVF lab with all cutting-edge instrumentation . It has recently entered into a tie up with Neelkanth Hospital, Gurgaon which has been doing exemplary paintings within the field of infertility underneath the management of Dr Bindu Garg.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Location:- Mahanagar, Lucknow
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Rating :-  4.3 / 5
5. Welcare Hospital
Welcare Hospital is a Gynecology and Infertility Clinic in Jankipuram, Lucknow. Some of the offerings furnished by means of this sanatorium are Confidential Counselling, Hormonal Assessment & Manipulation, Follicular monitoring, Hysterosalpingography, Sonosalpingography, Semen Processing, IVF - ET with egg Donation, Cesarean Operation, Early Detection of Genital Cancer, Cervical Vaccination, Colonoscopy, Cryosurgery, Testicular Biopsy, IMSI, ICSI, and TESA. Gynecology and infertility department in Welcare Hospital is guided with the aid of Dr. Archana Kanodia. The hospital aims to serve infertile sufferers with the modern day advance era in medical technological know-how.
Welcare Hospital is a Gynecology/Obstetrics Clinic in Vyttila, Ernakulam. The medical institution is visited through gynaecological endoscopist like Dr. Marina Varghese,Dr. Pooja Purushothaman and Dr. Gokul E D.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,IVF, Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Location:- Jankipuram, Lucknow
Timing:-    Monday - Saturday, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Rating :-  3.9 / 5
For more information, Call Us :  +91 – 7899912611
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dr-ritu-sethi · 3 years
Attaining Good Gynecological Health!
Dr Ritu Sethi is a top gynecologist in Gurgaon who states that poor gynecological health can trigger many health concerns. After being a part of many maternity hospitals in Gurgaon she has come to the following conclusion!
Many women are uncomfortable discussing problems about their sexual health, but poor gynecological health can lead to various health issues. It can disrupt your sexual life, cause needless pain, and raise your risk of contracting a severe illness like cancer. Being a top gynecologist in Gurgaon who is experienced, Dr. Ritu has a lot to say to women. Ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancers were the three most prevalent gynecological cancers, accounting for about 10% of all new cases. The three most pervasive gynecological cancers — ovarian, cervical, and uterine — accounted for nearly 10% of total new cancer cases for women, of which 37% of them will succumb to the disease.
Accept and value your body:
Knowing and respecting your body is the most important thing you can do for your gynecological health. All women should have an optimistic, respectful attitude toward their procreation. They must have a respectful attitude toward their reproductive system and sexual organs. They are an integral part of their lives, a good part of their lives, and deserve to be well cared for.
Dr Ritu Sethi's (best gynecologist in Gurgaon) tips for good gynecological health:
Get a gynecological checkup every year and routine Pap tests, which can help detect suspicious cells early and reduce the risk of cervical cancer. Get a top gynecologist in Gurgaon consultation with Dr. Ritu for the best experience.
A doctor who conducts your gynecologic test and questions you about your sexual health in great detail has to be good. For the relationship to work, you must be absolutely at ease with this individual. Most patients find it easy to share and deal with Dr. Ritu Sethi who is a gynecologist doctor in Gurgaon; they believe they can place their entire faith in her because she is so easy to open up to!
Make sure you're having safe sex. There are more than 20 sexually transmitted diseases known. AIDS, which impairs the body's ability to combat infection and enhances susceptibility to illness and cancer; Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs) raise the risk of cervical cancer; and gonorrhea leads to pelvic inflammatory disease ectopic pregnancy, and infertility.
Maintain a healthy body weight by eating a healthy diet. Your weight strongly influences your menstrual cycle; women who are too slim or too overweight can experience issues such as missing periods or experiencing excessive or irregular flow. Constipation can be avoided by eating a balanced, high-fiber diet and consuming plenty of water, minimizing period discomfort.
Keep the pelvic floor solid by doing Kegel exercises. A poor pelvic floor can lead to bladder problems, such as urinary loss when coughing or sneezing, as well as sexual issues.
Exercise daily and in moderation. Include exercises that are effective for reducing pelvic pain, such as yoga.
Make a maternity plan. It becomes more challenging to become pregnant once a woman reaches her mid-30s, and the risk of miscarriage rises. Preconception health is helpful to both you and your baby; a preconception checkup will help decide whether you are at risk of any medical complications, allowing you to handle them before becoming pregnant and reducing the burden of pregnancy and childbirth.
Your gynecologist will provide you advice on birth control and pregnancy difficulties after learning about their feelings on the subject. You won't have to cope with an embarrassing circumstance if they have a different point of view than you. Keep your mind straight and know what to do at all points in time! For online fertility consultation in Gurgaon contact Dr Ritu Sethi today!
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curzonurde-blog · 5 years
Best Gynaecologist in Delhi at Elawoman
Best Gynaecologist in Delhi Ncr Dr. Anita Gupta is a reputed Gynecologist and Obstetrician founded in higher Kailash, Delhi. She is famous for her vast knowledge in Depo-Provera, excessive-danger being pregnant Care, normal Cycle IVF, Gynaecology Laparoscopy and Intrauterine Insemination (IUI). Dr. Anita has additionally specialised in advanced systems of Gynecology Laparoscopy as good as Hysteroscopy strategies. She has over 3 many years of expertise in the field and has helped 1000s of ladies and couples come to be proud moms and dads.
Dr. Anita Gupta accomplished her MBBS and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from GSVM medical university Kanpur in 1984 and 1987. She passed out with high ranking results and went on to train in the excellent hospitals within the metropolis. She bought fingers-on coaching in infertility medication from the famend gynecologist and later labored as Senior guide at Escorts hospital, Fortis well being-care.
She makes use of state-of-the-art contraptions and incorporated new procedures in her practice to gain a positive outcome. Many of the sufferers in the state discuss with her as she places her complete effort with precision and care to support females and couples. Because of her great experience and contribution in this field, she is registered under 4442 of Delhi scientific Council, 2000. Dr. Anita is at this time practising as a Senior advisor at Fortis La Femme.
Fortis La Femme is well-known ladies and children health center headquartered in better Kailash section II, Delhi. It's a dedicated IVF and Infertility core with specialties like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Endocrinology, cancer Detection, common surgical procedure, Maternity offerings, Neonatology, hospital diet and Dietetics, inner treatment, Obstetrics, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Hysterectomy and Laparoscopic surgeries and Radiology. The patients are offered with comprehensive care and healing. It's a modern-day health center with good-prepared clinical departments like Birthing, Gynecology, beauty surgical procedure, basic surgical procedure, and Infertility.
Dr Anita K Sharma is an IVF and Infertility specialist in Delhi. She is presently working towards at Max sensible tremendous specialty clinic, Saket, Delhi. She is a proficient in Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), high-chance pregnancy Care and Polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD) treatment. She has labored in lots of hospitals and also has her possess hospital at Sector 20, Noida. She completed her MBBS degree from King Georges clinical university, Lucknow university in 1979 and MD in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from King Georges scientific university, Lucknow institution in 1983. She has effectively treated over 5000 cesarean supply cases with her abilities in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She has been a member of Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI), Lucknow Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of India and Noida Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of India. She has received about 4 decades of expertise in this subject.
Dr. Bharti Minocha is a good-friend gynaecologist and has been practising for more than 4 many years which arms her with the knowledge to offer the nice cure in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She holds her skills in PCOD treatment, thyroid management, gynae-endocrinology and infertility. She is a reputed surgeon for infertility problems and has numerous high-hazard pregnancy instances to her credit score. 
Dr. Usha M Kumar is an infertility professional and gynecologist focusing on IVF, IUI, Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Laparoscopic Myomectomy and Surrogacy system. Dr. Usha completed MBBS, MS in Obstetrics and Gynecology and MRCOG from G R scientific school, Gwalior in 1989, 1992 and 2007 respectively. 
Dr. Nikita Trehan is one of the fine Gynecologists and Obstetricians centered in Hari Nagar, Noida. She is one of the most secure Gynecologists in the city as she put all her expertise and efforts to attain a positive effect. She has over a decade of experience and has helped many couples grow to be proud mothers and fathers. She is an expert in Laparoscopic surgical procedures, Fibroid medication, Laparoscopy- Hysterectomy, stomach Vaginal Bleeding, Cervical cancer, Endometriosis treatment, Recurrent Miscarriages, Postmenopausal Bleeding, and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding. Many sufferers from neighborhood states also decide on to discuss with her as she not only has the requisite competencies to handle a various set of health ailments and stipulations but in addition has the perception to avert them. She bought her educational experience from quite a lot of famous institutions.
Dr. Nikita Trehan pursed her MBBS from school Of Bombay in 1999 and DNB from national Board Of Examination in 2006. Her compassionate technique, special evaluation, and comprehensive medication have significantly contributed to again and again attaining very excessive success rates. Because of her enormous knowledge and competencies, she is registered below 13944 of Delhi Medical Council, 2001. She has also received an award for the pleasant Gynae Laparoscopic health care professional in Delhi in 2014. Right now, she is practising as a Gynae Laparoscopic surgeon at dawn hospital.
Dawn hospital is among the high Infertility hospitals centered in Hari Nagar, Gurgaon. The health facility helped many infertile couples in enjoyable their dreams of becoming a parent by using delivering an array of valuable treatments and offerings. 
In vitro fertilization (IVF) helps with fertilization, embryo development, and implantation, so that you would be able to get pregnant.
How does IVF work?
IVF stands for in vitro fertilization. It’s some of the more greatly recognized types of assisted reproductive science (art).  IVF works with the aid of making use of a combo of medicines and surgical tactics to help sperm fertilize an egg, and support the fertilized egg implant to your uterus.
First, you take medication that makes a couple of of your eggs mature and ready for fertilization. Then the health care professional takes the eggs out of your body and mixes them with sperm in a lab, to support the sperm fertilize the eggs. Then they put 1 or extra fertilized eggs (embryos) immediately into your uterus. Being pregnant occurs if any of the embryos implant within the lining of your uterus.
IVF has many steps, and it takes a few months to whole the whole approach. It repeatedly works on the primary try, but many folks want greater than 1 round of IVF to get pregnant. IVF surely increases your possibilities of being pregnant if you happen to are having fertility issues, however there’s no warranty everyone’s body is extraordinary and IVF won’t work for all people.
If you have any doubt about Related Best Gynecologist in Kolkata.  You Can confirm with us.
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