#best nephrologist in bangalore
krishnakirti · 9 months
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"Atreum Multi-specaility Hospital is one of the best hospitals for kidney stone removal. Our specialists are expert in managing problems related to kidney and urinary system
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bluebliss1 · 1 year
Managing Dialysis – Common Challenges and Solutions
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Kidney diseases are commonly observed globally. According to renowned Kidney doctors in Bangalore working with Blue Bliss Hospital, managing a chronic kidney-related ailment like End Stage Renal Failure can be difficult. The most commonly advised treatment to begin with is Haemodialysis or just Dialysis as it is more widely known.
However, well-known Nephrologists in Bangalore explain that though Dialysis is a strong treatment, the challenges associated with it could be difficult to sustain over a long time. Hence a long-term plan needs to be made before taking up the treatment.
This article is aimed at creating awareness about Dialysis, some of the common challenges associated with it and how to overcome these challenges.
What is Dialysis?
Best Dialysis Specialists in Bangalore explain that Dialysis is treatment recommended for those patients whose kidneys are failing or are suffering from End Stage Renal Failure. Dialysis is of two types:
In this process, the blood is removed from your body with the support of a machine, filtered and then rerouted back into your body.
Peritoneal Dialysis
This process sees tiny blood vessels present inside the abdominal lining filter out the blood with the help of a solution.
However, whatever the type of Dialysis, doctors associated with Blue Bliss Hospital, trusted as the best dialysis centre in Bangalore, indicate that the treatment has its share of challenges which people need to be aware of.
Challenges and Solutions
Kidney specialists in Bangalore share a few thoughts for the benefit of patients.
Side Effects
Every type of medical treatment has some side effects as it varies from patient to patient. Dialysis is no different. Since Dialysis is a repetitive treatment and can have more than one cycle, it is common to feel to experience discomforts like fatigue, nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, dizziness, muscle cramps and sleep disorders.
However, these discomforts can be controlled if brought to the notice of your nephrologist immediately.
Weak Immune System
Kidney doctors working with Blue Bliss Hospital, well-known for Dialysis management in Bangalore explain that the treatment can result in a weak immune system, depending on the overall health condition of the patient. However, before taking up the treatment, feel free to communicate with your doctors regarding any previous ailments to make matters easy.
Managing Dialysis Appointments
Since dialysis involves multiple sittings, booking your slots well in advance can save you a lot of stress and agony. In case you are unable to keep up your appointment for a particular sitting, inform your doctor’s office early so that an alternate slot can be arranged for you based on your and your doctor’s convenience.
Repeated sitting means you are talking about repeated expenses. No doubt this can get stressful. You have to plan in advance to suit the cost of your overall treatment. Speak to your doctor with respect to payment options available so that it does not hamper your treatment.
Dietary Restrictions
Dialysis can call for some dietary restrictions based on your medical history. Discuss with your doctor and seek the advice of a dietician on what is the best diet for you when you are under a long-drawn dialysis program.
Mental Health
Dialysis can be mentally draining with not just the treatment but many more associated challenges to be worried about. This is not uncommon. However, feel absolutely free to speak to your Nephrologists and discuss even your slightest of concerns to enable them to make you feel comfortable through a suitable solution.
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sugunahospital1 · 25 days
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nishiyohannan · 1 month
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"Atreum Multi-specaility Hospital is one of the best hospitals for kidney stone removal. Our specialists are expert in managing problems related to kidney and urinary system. "
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sugunahospital · 3 months
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Seeking expert kidney stone treatment in Bangalore? Look no further than Suguna Hospital, a leading urology hospital in Bangalore. Our specialized urologists offer advanced care and innovative treatments for kidney stones, ensuring effective relief and improved kidney health. Schedule a consultation today for personalized care at Suguna Hospital.
Visit https://sugunahospital.com/urology/
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wahidabdul · 5 months
Atreum Multi-specaility Hospital is one of the best hospitals for kidney stone removal. Our specialists are expert in managing problems related to kidney and urinary system.
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healthcarebng · 10 months
Navigating Kidney Health with Apollo Hospitals: Recognizing Common Symptoms
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When it comes to kidney health, early detection and comprehensive care are vital. At Apollo Hospitals, our esteemed nephrology experts are here to guide you through understanding and addressing kidney disease, ensuring your well-being every step of the way.
Common Symptoms of Kidney Disease:
Fatigue and Weakness: Feeling persistently tired or weak? These seemingly everyday symptoms can often indicate underlying kidney issues. At Apollo Hospitals, our nephrology team specializes in identifying and managing these concerns.
High Blood Pressure: Kidneys and blood pressure are closely linked. If you're experiencing hypertension, our skilled nephrologists at Apollo Hospitals can help assess and manage the impact on your overall health.
Swelling (Edema): Unexplained swelling, especially in the legs, ankles, or face, could signal kidney problems. Count on Apollo Hospitals to provide comprehensive evaluations and tailored treatment plans.
Changes in Urination: Notice changes in your urinary habits, such as frequency or color? Our dedicated nephrology specialists collaborate with you to address any kidney-related concerns.
Expert Nephrology Care at Apollo Hospitals:
At Apollo Hospitals, our commitment to your well-being extends to every facet of kidney health. Our skilled nephrologists are equipped to diagnose and treat a wide range of kidney conditions, ensuring that you receive personalized care tailored to your unique needs.
Preventing Kidney Disease:
Prevention is key, and our nephrology experts at Apollo Hospitals are ready to guide you. By addressing risk factors and adopting a kidney-friendly lifestyle, you can take proactive steps towards safeguarding your kidney health.
Seeking Care with Apollo Hospitals:
If you're experiencing any of these symptoms or have concerns about your kidney health, turn to Apollo Hospitals. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that you receive not only top-notch nephrology care but also access to a comprehensive range of medical expertise.
Remember, your kidney health matters, and Apollo Hospitals is here to provide the expert care and guidance you deserve.
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medstarhospital · 2 years
Medstar, one of the best Nephrology Hospitals in Bangalore is providing the most advanced and accurate treatment to their patients suffering from Kidney, Kidney related problems
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blacklinks01 · 1 month
Nephrologist in Nelamangala, Bangalore: Comprehensive Guide
Introduction to Nephrology
Nephrology, the branch of medicine focused on kidney health, plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating kidney diseases. With kidneys being essential for filtering blood, balancing fluids, and producing urine, maintaining their health is vital. Nephrologists are specialists dedicated to understanding and managing conditions related to kidney dysfunction, including chronic kidney disease (CKD), acute renal failure, and electrolyte imbalances. Nephrologist in Nelamangala Bangalore access to top-tier nephrology care is essential for those facing kidney-related health challenges.
Importance of Kidney Health
Kidneys perform several critical functions, including:
Filtering waste products and excess substances from the blood.
Regulating blood pressure through the renin-angiotensin system.
Maintaining electrolyte balance by managing levels of sodium, potassium, and calcium.
Producing erythropoietin, a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production.
Given these vital roles, any impairment in kidney function can lead to severe health complications, making the role of nephrologists indispensable.
Common Kidney Disorders and Their Management
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
CKD is a progressive condition where kidney function deteriorates over time. It is often caused by diabetes, hypertension, and glomerulonephritis. Early detection and management are crucial to slow progression and prevent end-stage renal disease (ESRD).
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
AKI is a sudden loss of kidney function, often due to injury, severe infections, or medications. Timely intervention is necessary to restore function and prevent long-term damage.
This condition involves inflammation of the glomeruli, the tiny filtering units within the kidney. Causes include autoimmune diseases, infections, and certain medications. Treatment often involves managing the underlying cause and reducing inflammation.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
PKD is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys. Management focuses on controlling symptoms and slowing cyst growth through medications and lifestyle changes.
Advanced Diagnostic and Treatment Options
In Nelamangala, Bangalore, nephrologists employ state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and treatment modalities to manage kidney disorders effectively. These include:
Blood and Urine Tests
Routine blood and urine tests help monitor kidney function, detect abnormalities, and assess the severity of kidney disease.
Imaging Studies
Ultrasound, CT scans, and MRI are commonly used to visualize the kidneys and detect structural abnormalities, cysts, or tumors.
Kidney Biopsy
A kidney biopsy involves taking a small tissue sample for microscopic examination. It is essential for diagnosing specific kidney diseases and tailoring treatment plans.
For patients with severe kidney dysfunction, dialysis is a lifesaving procedure. It involves filtering waste products and excess fluids from the blood, mimicking the natural function of healthy kidneys. Two main types are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
Kidney Transplant
In cases of end-stage renal disease, a kidney transplant may be the best option. It involves replacing a diseased kidney with a healthy one from a donor. Post-transplant care is crucial to prevent rejection and ensure long-term success.
Leading Nephrology Centers in Nelamangala, Bangalore
Nelamangala, a rapidly growing suburb of Bangalore, is home to several renowned nephrology centers that offer comprehensive kidney care. These centers are equipped with advanced technology and staffed by experienced nephrologists dedicated to providing personalized care.
Nelamangala Nephrology Hospital
This facility is known for its state-of-the-art infrastructure and a team of highly skilled nephrologists. Services include advanced diagnostics, dialysis, and kidney transplant programs. The hospital’s patient-centric approach ensures high-quality care and better health outcomes.
Bangalore Kidney Care Center
Located in the heart of Nelamangala, this center specializes in treating a wide range of kidney disorders. The center offers a full spectrum of services, including preventive care, early diagnosis, and advanced treatment options such as dialysis and transplantation.
Global Health Nephrology Institute
This institute is a leading name in kidney care, known for its comprehensive services and cutting-edge technology. The institute’s multidisciplinary team approach ensures holistic care for patients, addressing both medical and lifestyle aspects of kidney health.
Preventive Measures for Kidney Health
Healthy Diet
A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low in sodium can significantly impact kidney health. Avoiding processed foods and controlling blood sugar levels are essential for preventing diabetes-related kidney damage.
Regular Exercise
Physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight, reduce blood pressure, and improve overall kidney function. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
Staying well-hydrated supports kidney function by aiding in the elimination of toxins. However, individuals with kidney disease should follow their nephrologist’s advice on fluid intake.
Regular Check-ups
Routine medical check-ups and screenings for kidney function can detect issues early, allowing for timely intervention and better management of potential problems.
Avoiding Overuse of Medications
Non-prescription medications, especially pain relievers like NSAIDs, can harm the kidneys if used excessively. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting or continuing any medication regimen.
In Nelamangala, Bangalore, the availability of top-notch nephrology services ensures that residents have access to the best possible kidney care. From advanced diagnostics to cutting-edge treatment options, nephrologists in this region are well-equipped to handle the complexities of kidney disorders. By prioritizing kidney health through preventive measures and regular check-ups, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of developing severe kidney conditions.
For more information on maintaining kidney health and finding the right nephrologist in Nelamangala, contact your local healthcare provider today.
Read More : https://www.amruthahospital.com/services/nephrology/
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endoscopybasavanagudi · 2 months
Best Kidney Stone Removal in Basavanagudi Bangalore — Himas Hospital
Dealing with kidney stones can be incredibly painful and debilitating. When it comes to getting relief, choosing the right hospital for treatment is crucial. In Basavanagudi, Bangalore, Himas Hospital stands out as a premier destination for Kidney Stone Removal, offering top-notch medical care and advanced treatment options.
Introduction to Kidney Stones
Kidney Stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. They can cause excruciating pain, urinary problems, and even lead to complications if left untreated. Seeking prompt medical attention is essential to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications.
Overview of Himas Hospital
Himas Hospital is renowned for its excellence in urology and nephrology services. With a team of highly skilled doctors and state-of-the-art facilities, the hospital is equipped to handle complex cases of kidney stone removal with precision and care.
Location and Facilities
Conveniently located in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, Himas Hospital provides easy access for patients seeking treatment for kidney stones. The hospital boasts modern infrastructure, advanced medical equipment, and comfortable amenities to ensure patients receive the highest standard of care.
Types of Kidney Stone Removal Procedures
Himas Hospital offers a range of procedures for kidney stone removal, including:
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
Each procedure is tailored to the patient’s specific condition and aims to effectively break down and remove kidney stones.
Advantages of Choosing Himas Hospital
Patients benefit from choosing Himas Hospital for kidney stone removal due to:
Experienced medical professionals specializing in urology and nephrology.
Advanced treatment options using cutting-edge technology.
Personalized care and attention throughout the treatment process.
Expertise of Medical Professionals
The medical team at Himas Hospital comprises skilled urologists and nephrologists with extensive experience in managing kidney stone cases. Their expertise ensures accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and compassionate care for every patient.
Procedure and Recovery
The procedure for kidney stone removal varies depending on the size and location of the stones. Following the procedure, patients may experience some discomfort, but recovery is generally quick, allowing them to resume normal activities within a few days.
Himas Hospital offers cost-effective treatment options for kidney stone removal, ensuring quality care is accessible to all patients. Transparent pricing and flexible payment plans make it easier for patients to undergo treatment without financial strain.
Comparison with Other Hospitals
Himas Hospital stands out from other hospitals in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, due to its:
Specialization in urology and nephrology.
Reputation for excellence in patient care and outcomes.
Comprehensive range of treatment options for kidney stones.
Booking Process and Availability
Booking an appointment at Himas Hospital is simple and convenient. Patients can schedule consultations and procedures through the hospital’s website or by contacting the reception desk directly. With flexible scheduling options, patients can find a time that suits their needs.
Follow-up Care
At Himas Hospital, our commitment to patient care doesn’t end after the procedure. We provide comprehensive follow-up care to monitor patients’ progress, address any concerns, and ensure optimal recovery.
When it comes to kidney stone removal in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, Himas Hospital is the top choice for patients seeking effective treatment and compassionate care. With experienced medical professionals, advanced treatment options, and a commitment to patient satisfaction, Himas Hospital ensures optimal outcomes for every patient.
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bluebliss1 · 1 year
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sugunahospital1 · 29 days
Discovering Healthcare Excellence in Bangalore: Suguna Hospital
Bangalore, the bustling Silicon Valley of India, is domestic to some of the finest healthcare facilities in the United States of America. Among those, Suguna Hospital stands proud of its awesome services throughout a wide range of specialties. Whether you're in want of urgent medical attention, specialized kidney care, or habitual fitness checkups, Suguna Hospital offers complete answers to fulfill your healthcare wishes.
Best Accident & Emergency Hospital in Bangalore
When it comes to emergency care, time is of the essence. Suguna Hospital has a state-of-the-art accident and emergency department equipped with the latest technology and a team of highly trained staff The round-the-clock operations of the hospital ensure that patients receive prompt and effective care at times in the essential. With rapid diagnosis and immediate treatment, Suguna Hospital is known for its efficiency in emergency medical care.
Kidney Transplant Hospital, Bangalore
Suguna Hospital is the first kidney transplant center in Bangalore. The hospital offers a comprehensive kidney transplant program, supported by a team of experienced nephrologists, urologists and transplant surgeons With advanced operating rooms and post-operative care facilities enter the facility to ensure the best outcomes for patients. Rigorous pre-transplant screening and a rigorous follow-up program further increase clinical success rates in renal transplantation.
Dialysis unit in the hospital
For patients with chronic kidney disease, Suguna Hospital offers a dedicated dialysis unit that provides hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis The unit is designed to provide high quality care in a comfortable and hygienic environment. The staff includes experienced urologists and trained dialysis specialists who ensure each activity is safe and effective. The hospital’s commitment to patient-centered care is evident in the individualized treatment plans and compassionate support provided to dialysis patients
Gastric Disorder Treatment in Bangalore
Suguna Hospital also excels in treating gastroenteritis. The hospital's Department of Gastroenterology offers comprehensive gastrointestinal diagnosis and treatment for many gastrointestinal conditions. From acid reflux and ulcers to more serious issues like Crohn's disease and colorectal cancer, the team of gastroenterologists use state-of-the-art techniques to provide effective treatment Endoscopy, colonoscopy and simple surgeries many include many services available to patients.
Full body checkup in Bangalore
Preventative health care is an important part of long-term health, and Suguna Clinic offers comprehensive full-body screenings designed to detect health problems early These screenings include screenings and evaluations types tailored to a person's age, sex and health history. The hospital’s modern diagnostic facilities ensure accurate results, and the medical team provides comprehensive advice to help patients understand their health status and take proactive steps towards a healthier future in the wombs.
Best ENT Hospital in Bangalore
Suguna Hospital is also recognized as one of the best ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) hospitals in Bangalore. The ENT Department offers a wide range of services including treatment for tinnitus, sinusitis, voice disorders and head and neck cancer Clinic ENT specialists have the latest diagnostic equipment and surgical techniques whereby patients receive high quality care for all their ENT needs They receive it
Why choose Suguna Hospital?
Suguna Hospital’s reputation for excellent healthcare is based on advanced technology, skilled staff and a patient-first approach From emergency to primary care the hospital’s comprehensive services ensure consumption all your healthcare needs under one roof. Whether you are seeking emergency treatment or regular healthcare, Suguna Clinic is your trusted partner in health and wellness.
Visit Suguna Hospital and experience the difference in quality healthcare. Your health is their priority.
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sufrgery1 · 3 months
Unveiling the Best Nephrology Hospitals in Hyderabad: Book Now! -TX Hospitals
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In the realm of healthcare, the significance of finding the best nephrology hospitals in Hyderabad cannot be overstated. Patients with kidney-related ailments require specialized care delivered by experienced professionals in state-of-the-art facilities. Hyderabad, known for its advancements in medical care, houses several top-notch TX hospitals that excel in providing comprehensive treatments. Let's delve into the realm of nephrology healthcare in Hyderabad and explore the leading hospitals where quality meets compassion.
Exploring Hyderabad's Premier Nephrology Hospitals
TX Hospitals Group is one of the country’s largest and fastest-growing chains of multi-super specialty hospitals. We have opened six healthcare facilities (including projects under development) in two years since opening our first hospital in Hyderabad in 2020. With our expansion across the country, we plan to open more locations than just Hyderabad, including Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore, in addition to six fully functional hospitals with 100 beds.
TX brand and logo projects that offer treatment or therapy for every disease. TX offers a comprehensive array of integrated healthcare services, ranging from clinics, retail pharmacies, wellness centres, diagnostic labs, health insurance, home healthcare, Fertility Centres and quaternary care facilities. Thousands of patients are treated by the TX hospitals every year with a clear focus on raising the standards of health care in the country. Considering the strategic locations of our TX hospitals within the cities of India, they are easy to reach in an emergency situation.
It has world-renowned medical teams that utilize the latest technologies, including international evidence-based protocols, to provide the most comprehensive treatment in all specialties of medicine across a wide range of terms. Upon providing quality, compassionate care to all of its patients, it places a high priority on clinical excellence, patient safety, dignity, transparency, affordability, and accessibility of quality care in order to ensure that all of its patients receive the best possible care in a patient-friendly environment.
Elite Kidney Care Center
Overview: Elite Kidney Care Center is synonymous with excellence in nephrology care, offering unparalleled medical expertise and compassionate support.
Multi-Disciplinary Approach: Utilizes a collaborative approach involving nephrologists, surgeons, and support staff to deliver comprehensive care.
Focus on Innovation: Constantly endeavors to incorporate innovative technologies and treatment modalities to enhance patient care and outcomes.
Patient Empowerment: Places a strong emphasis on patient education and empowerment, enabling individuals to actively participate in their treatment decisions.
Booking Your Appointment Ready to embark on your journey towards kidney health? Booking an appointment at these esteemed nephrology hospitals in Hyderabad is just a call away! Dial 9089 48 9089 to secure your consultation with the leading nephrology experts and take the first step towards optimal kidney care.
When it comes to nephrology healthcare, Hyderabad stands out as a hub of excellence, housing some of the TX hospitals dedicated to kidney care. From cutting-edge treatments to compassionate support, these hospitals prioritize patient well-being above all. So, why wait? Book your appointment today and entrust your kidney health to the best in the field.
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24bluebliss · 3 months
Best Nephrologist in Bangalore | Top Kidney Specialists - Expert Care
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Looking for the best nephrologist in Bangalore? Find top-rated kidney specialists providing expert care for renal disorders. Book an appointment today for comprehensive kidney health solutions.
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unitedhospital · 4 months
What are the Most Common Urological Problems Affecting Men?
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One of the commonly observed medical issues with both men and women across the globe is connected with Urology. Renowned Urology Specialists in Bangalore working with United Hospital explains that these problems can come up due to advancing age or any other underlying health condition, irrespective of age. 
It is widely observed that most men experience difficulties such as inconsistent urination, frequent urges to urinate, or passing less urine than desired. 
Experts educate us on the common Urological Disorders in Men.
Stress Incontinence
Urology specialists associated with United Hospital define stress incontinence as a condition which results in unintentional loss of urine. This condition worsens with age and is also caused due to obesity. Treating this condition requires a measured approach and early diagnosis.
Overactive Bladder
High blood sugar levels can put people at risk of developing an overactive bladder. Additionally, weak bladder muscles can also cause this condition. Usually, people with an overactive bladder feel the sudden urge to urinate which can become hard to control.  
Urinary Tract Infection
This is a common type of urological condition which can impact the entire Urinary Tract System consisting of Kidney, Urethra, Bladder and Ureter. This condition can assume serious proportions if not treated immediately as it is a bacteria-induced infection
Enlarged Prostate
This condition is very commonly observed in men. Enlarged Prostate can lead to blockage in the smooth flow of urine. Depending upon the seriousness of the condition your urologist might recommend the right treatment. 
Kidney Stones
The impact caused by Kidney Stones can be really painful. They are hard stones that can develop in various sizes and can grow on to block the smooth flow of urine out of the body. Any symptom relating to the possibility of a stone should never be ignored.  Urological Disorder Symptoms may look unthreatening to begin with but can quickly turn to a more serious condition if not attended to at the right time.  Hence, it is advisable not to self- medicate and get in touch with the best urology specialist immediately. 
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sugunahospital · 4 months
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