#best obstetricians in bangalore
trustwellhospitals · 6 months
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Pcos: What It is, Its Symptoms, Diagnosis, Implications and Treatment Options
What is PCOS?
PCOS denotes polycystic ovarian Syndrome. It affects adolescent girls and women in reproductive age groups. It is fairly common and may affect 1 in 10 women in reproductive age groups (15-45 years). It is a disorder of the function of ovaries, wherein ovaries produce slightly more of the hormones called androgens (male-like hormones), and develop multiple fluid filled cysts. These cysts represent immature follicles which do not release eggs regularly (ovulation).
Why Does Pcos Happen?
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Lot of research is going on to know the exact pathophysiology. What is known about PCOS pathophysiology is that it is largely genetically determined, that is, the affected women are born with a tendency to develop PCOS. However, environmental factors like unhealthy eating and sedentary lifestyle leading to weight gain further exacerbate the manifestations of PCOS.
How to Identify Symptoms?
The common symptoms of PCOS include irregular periods, acne, excessive hair growth over upper lips or chin, excessive scalp hair loss and difficulty in conceiving. Generally, periods start getting irregular soon after menarche (beginning of the first period), but in some women they may remain normal for few years. Any gap of more than 35 days or less than 21 days between the periods is considered significant irregularity. Some women may have prolonged gaps of 3-4 months or fail to have periods unless given medications. Some women may also have prolonged spotting or prolonged bleeding. Many women suffer from acne and unwanted facial hair growth over upper lips and chin requiring frequent threading or waxing. Most women with PCOS have a tendency to gain more weight which, in-turn, worsens their symptoms.
PCOS has important implications in a woman’s life. Irregular periods are certainly concerning. Acne and excessive facial hair growth have definite cosmetic concerns which, along with weight gain cause body-image issues to some women. They may face difficulty in conceiving and sometimes use of assisted reproductive techniques may be required. Apart from this, women with PCOS have more tendency to develop diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease in the future.
How is Pcos Diagnosed?
If you have irregular periods, excessive facial hair or acne, you should visit your endocrinologist. Your doctor will advise certain hormonal blood tests. An ultrasonography of the ovaries may also be advised. Additionally, certain metabolic blood tests like sugars, cholesterol and liver profile are necessary.
Optimum treatment of PCOS begins with lifestyle modifications, healthy eating and regular exercises. Weight loss definitely helps to alleviate symptoms of PCOS. So, the importance of maintaining healthy weight cannot be overemphasized. Oral contraceptive pills are the most effective hormonal treatment for PCOS. Some medications which oppose the action of androgens are sometimes prescribed. These medications can have some side effects, hence, careful discussion with your doctor is required. Women with PCOS who are planning pregnancy should meet their gynaecologists as sometimes, treatment may be required to help them conceive. Additionally, these women have higher chances of developing high blood sugars or blood pressure during pregnancy. Trustwell Hospitals provides the Best infrastructure and Doctors to treat PCOS conditions.
PCOS is a common problem in young women. Irregular periods, acne, excessive facial hair growth and difficulty in conceiving are common symptoms. Women with PCOS are at risk of developing diabetes, blood pressure and heart disease in the future. Consultation with your doctor is required for establishing the diagnosis and initiation of effective treatment.
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healthinfo · 2 years
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Looking for a pleasant, welcoming, and reliable prenatal care provider? Consult an obstetrician first. They provide high-quality, individualised service as well as information you can rely on. We at Truhealing provides best obstetricians in Bangalore.
Visit https://www.truhealing.com/page/gynecologist-obstetrician-in-bangalore to learn more about us.
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How to Evaluate and Choose the Best Obstetrician for Your Pregnancy in Bangalore
An obstetrician is the doctor who provides care during pregnancy. Selecting the right obstetrician in Bangalore, India, for an expectant mother plays a decisive role in shaping the mother's pregnancy journey and postnatal experience. Quite often, in a crowded city where many people are healthcare providers, the challenge is to tell, among so many, the merits of a credible obstetrician. Here are the most significant features that will play a vital part when selecting an obstetrician in Bangalore.
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Expertise and Qualifications: Search for obstetricians with a wide range of consential experience and notable qualifications. The medical personnel you can trust in your pregnancy is a specialty obstetrician in Bangalore, who will have a postgraduate degree, doctor in obstetrics and gynecology, and adequate postgraduate exams supplemented by specialized training in high-risk pregnancies, fetal medicine or obstetric ultrasonography. Board certifications and membership as a part of the professional organizations assures that your following standards and clinical upgradations, and any advancements in the field as well. Compassionate Care and Empathy: Pregnancy can sometimes be a complex voyage and support from the obstetrician is one of the many things that can mean a world of difference to an expectant woman. Look for a pregnancy nurse specialist in Bangalore who enhances the patient's empathy, concerns, and rapport alike doctor and patient. A caring obstetrician not only solves your problem and addresses all your medical needs but also provides you with emotional attention and reassurance throughout your pregnancy as well as during childbirth. Effective Communication Skills: Effective and clear communication is key to developing your trust relationship with the medical team and being completely well-informed in all aspects of your prenatal care and childbirth process. Select the obstetrician who speaks up, explains all the medical information in a simple understandable way, and allows you to get involved in all the pregnancy decisions and the birth plan you already have in your mind.
Availability and Accessibility: Sometimes this process of pregnancy which is unexpectedly complicated is incomplete and causes concerns and questions, therefore, finding your obstetrician is very important. Get the help of an obstetrician in Bangalore who is at disposal easily through slides and crises and even for consultations that happen after hours. Take into consideration issues like clinic location, presence of telemedicine options, and readiness of personnel to respond to your phone calls or messages to make sure your gynecologist is available to you. Patient-Centered Approach: When you have an obstetrician with a good reputation it is their aim to give you personalized care which is patient centered and is therefore designing treatment plan that accommodates your unique conditions and choices. Seek out a provider who will invest their time in being attentive to the details of your medical history as well as health practices, events, and birth plan goals that will help improve the quality prenatal care and birth experience based on mutual participation. In a patient-driven strategy, the medical professionals will understand that special requirements and anxieties will be factored in every step of your childbearing experience. Commitment to Evidence-Based Practice: Obstetrics is a branch of medicine that is always changing through evidence-based studies and guidelines which are the foundation of every medical procedure. The best Gynecologist in Bangalore you should pick has to be the one who adheres to evidence-based medicine and there is a lot of new research that gets posted from time to time to keep them updated about the latest findings and clinical recommendations. The evidence-based approach to obstetrical care implies that your obstetrician implements the best techniques to ensure prenatal health, labour and delivery management, and maximize the welfare of you and your baby. Collaborative Approach to Care: Pregnant care is usually multidisciplinary, thereby fellowshipping with proficient health providers such as midwives, perinatologists, and lactating consultants. Research for an obstetrician in Bangalore who is enthusiastic for interdisciplinary collaboration to ensure teamwork in progression to holistic, consistent, and coordinated care delivery. Joint care will definitely achieve its goals because of steady constant of care that you will get accompanied with expert specialized assistance at the necessary time resulting in improvement of the quality of your birth experience.
Track Record of Positive Outcomes: Test the obstetrician's track record of maternal outcomes, including successful delivery rates, numbers of cesareans performed and complications. While it is difficult to determine the actual level of quality based on statistics alone, if positive results appear quite often, it might be a good sign that your obstetrician skills might be rather high level. As far as referrals are concerned, consider asking family or friends who they may know as to whom they may have referred to as well as online communities such as forums and other social platforms that have positive experiences with the obstetrician. Respect for Birth Preferences and Cultural Sensitivity: Each pregnant woman has her own sounding model for birthing tradition, culture and values to follow, and birth experience. Pick a doctor in Bangalore who is supportive of your birthing techniques including natural delivery, water birth or cesarean section if need be. Moreover, cultural sensitivity is a necessity, not only in a city like Bangalore, where obstetricians should be mindful of the customs and traditions of the patients but also in the context of the particularly strong multi-culturalism characteristics of the city. Commitment to Continuity of Care: Continuity of care is an important element that helps build trust during pregnancy and offers the same treatment throughout your journey. Select an obstetrician in Bangalore who is known for the brand ‘continuity of care’, which is essentially following you through every phase of your pregnancy e.g. prenatal care, labour, delivery and postnatal care. Having the same provider with you throughout the proceedings will benefit you by allowing them to understand your medical history and personal alternatives and giving you the care and continuity you deserve as you go through your pregnancy and childbirth journey. The decision to choose an experienced and the best obstetrician in the city of Bangalore is a process that requires great mindfulness of various key characteristics, for example, expertise levels, caring personality, excellent communication skills, accessibility, patient-centred practice mode, commitment to the evidenced-based tactic, collaborative approach to the care, a track record of positive results, respect to the birth preference options and cultural sensitivity When it comes to qualities that can be considered important as well looking at the thorough research, expectant mothers can choose an obstetrician who is not only skillfully equipped to medical procedures but he or she also helps in creating a pleasant and good pregnancy experience.
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sugunahospital · 3 months
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spandanahospitals · 7 months
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Navigating Fear and Anxiety in Childbirth: A Guide to Relaxation and Visualization Techniques
Childbirth is a transformative experience that brings joy and anticipation but can also be accompanied by fear and anxiety. Understanding the significance of managing these emotions is crucial for a positive childbirth experience. In this blog post, we will explore effective relaxation and visualization techniques to help ease fear and anxiety during childbirth, emphasizing the role of Obstetrics & Gynaecology treatments. For those seeking the best care, we'll also highlight the importance of choosing the best Gynaecology hospital and Gynaecologist in Nayandahalli, Bangalore.
The Impact of Fear and Anxiety in Childbirth:
Discuss the common sources of fear and anxiety during childbirth and their potential impact on the birthing process.
Importance of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Treatment:
Highlight the role of Obstetrics & Gynaecology specialists in providing comprehensive care during pregnancy and childbirth.
Choosing the Best Gynaecology Hospital in Nayandahalli, Bangalore:
Provide a guide on factors to consider when selecting the best Gynaecology hospital, emphasizing the importance of a supportive environment.
The Role of a Gynaecologist in Childbirth:
Discuss how a trusted Gynaecologist plays a crucial role in addressing fears, providing information, and offering personalized care.
Relaxation Techniques for Coping with Fear:
Explore various relaxation methods, such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery, as effective tools to manage fear.
Visualization Techniques for a Positive Birthing Experience:
Introduce visualization exercises that empower expectant mothers to create positive mental images associated with childbirth.
Mind-Body Connection in Obstetrics & Gynaecology:
Discuss the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being during childbirth, emphasizing the holistic approach offered by Obstetrics & Gynaecology specialists.
Creating a Birth Plan: Collaboration with Your Gynaecologist:
Encourage expectant parents to collaborate with their Gynaecologist to create a birth plan that addresses their unique needs and preferences.
Support Systems: Partnering with Healthcare Professionals:
Highlight the importance of building a strong support system, including healthcare professionals, family, and friends, to navigate the emotional aspects of childbirth.
Postpartum Support and Follow-up:
Emphasize the continuity of care provided by Obstetrics & Gynaecology specialists, including postpartum support to address any lingering fears or anxieties.
Childbirth is a deeply personal journey, and managing fear and anxiety is an integral part of that experience. By incorporating relaxation and visualization techniques, along with the support of dedicated Obstetrics & Gynaecology professionals, expectant parents can cultivate a positive and empowering birthing experience. For those in Nayandahalli, Bangalore, choosing the best Gynaecology hospital and Gynaecologist ensures comprehensive care and peace of mind throughout this transformative process.
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unitedhospital · 7 months
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diyaganeshan · 9 months
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madhubedi · 10 months
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drsunitapawar · 1 year
Adolescence Gynaecology Problems | Best Gynecology Hospital in HSR Layout | Dr. Sunita Pawar
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Best Gynecology Hospital in HSR Layout | Dr. Sunita Pawar has specialized in both obstetrics and adolescent gynecology at our clinic.
The gynaecological problems in adolescence are different from that of adults and these conditions may be caused by other disease conditions or hormonal imbalance.
Delayed Puberty:
Puberty changes usually occur between 7 and 13 years in girls. Delayed puberty is the condition where the child exhibits the puberty changes very late in life. Puberty changes observed in girls are development of breasts, sudden growth, onset of menstruation, growth of pubic hair. Delayed puberty occur because of familial history; medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis, kidney diseases, asthma, malnutrition and disorders of glands that produces hormones responsible for these changes.
Best Gynecology Hospital in HSR Layout. Dr. Sunita Pawar says, Treatment depends on the cause for delayed puberty. Treatment options include treating underlying disease conditions or administration of hormonal preparations. In children with strong familial background and have no other causes, no treatment may be required.
Menstrual irregularities:
Abnormalities in menstrual cycle of woman is called as menstrual irregularities. Various menstrual irregularities include:
Amenorrhea: No menstrual periods until the age of 16 years or absence of menstrual periods for 3 consecutive months and is not pregnant
Dysmenorrhea : Painful menstruation periods
Menorrhagia: Excessive bleeding which lasts for 8 to 10 days
Oligomenorrhea: Irregular menstrual periods or getting periods frequently
Premature ovarian failure: Normal function of the ovary is stopped
Uterine fibroids: Non-cancerous tumors observed in women of child bearing potential
Endometriosis: In this condition, the tissues lining the uterus from inside grow outside the uterus (normally the tissue grows inside the uterus)
To know more visit www.drsunitapawar.com
To watch our videos visit https://www.youtube.com/@drsunitapawar
You can also listen to our podcast: https://www.drsunitapawar.com/podcast-2/
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kinderhospital · 2 years
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robotsocial · 2 years
Dr. Shefali Tyagi | Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Sarjapur, Bangalore | Motherhood Hospitals
Dr. Shefali Tyagi is a leading Obstetrics & Gynaecology Consultant at Motherhood Hospitals, in Sarjapur, Bangalore. She has an experience of over 19+ years in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology . Book Consultation/Appointment Online, Reviews & Video Consultation.
For more details visit
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healthinfo · 5 months
The Benefits of Consulting an Online Fertility Doctor
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The journey to parenthood is a deeply personal and often intricate path, and as technology continues to reshape the landscape of healthcare, individuals and couples are finding new ways to navigate the challenges of fertility. In this era of connectivity, one significant advancement stands out-the rise of online fertility doctors. This article delves into the myriad benefits of consulting an online fertility doctor, exploring how these digital solutions are revolutionizing the experience of reproductive health care.
Accessibility Beyond Boundaries:
One of the most profound advantages of online fertility doctors is the elimination of geographical barriers. Traditional fertility care often necessitates visits to specialized clinics, a process that can be daunting for individuals living in remote areas. Online consultations break down these barriers, providing access to expert fertility advice and consultations from the comfort of one's home. This newfound accessibility is a game-changer, ensuring that expert fertility care is available to individuals irrespective of their physical location.
Convenient Scheduling and Flexibility:
The traditional model of scheduling in-person appointments can be a logistical challenge, especially for individuals with demanding schedules. Online fertility doctors offer a solution with the convenience of virtual consultations. Scheduling appointments becomes a seamless process, and the flexibility of virtual interactions allows individuals to integrate fertility care into their lives without the need for extensive travel or time off work. This convenience not only reduces stress but also increases the likelihood that individuals will seek timely and consistent fertility support.
Privacy and Confidentiality:
Embarking on a fertility journey is a deeply personal experience, and privacy is often a paramount concern. Online fertility consultations provide a discreet and confidential environment for individuals to discuss their reproductive health. The digital nature of these interactions ensures that sensitive information is shared securely, offering a level of confidentiality that may be particularly appealing to those who value discretion in matters of fertility.
Time and Cost Savings:
Traditional fertility care can be time-consuming and financially burdensome. The process often involves travel, waiting times, and associated costs. Online infertility consultations streamline this process, saving both time and money. The elimination of travel requirements reduces the overall burden on individuals and couples, making fertility care more accessible and sustainable in the long run.
Comprehensive Digital Assessments:
The integration of technology into fertility care goes beyond virtual consultations. Online infertility specialist leverage digital tools to provide comprehensive assessments of reproductive health. At-home fertility testing kits, mobile apps, and virtual monitoring contribute to a more detailed and accurate understanding of an individual's fertility status. These digital assessments empower online doctors to formulate personalized treatment plans tailored to the unique needs of each patient.
Personalized Treatment Plans:
One of the significant advantages of consulting an online infertility doctor is the emphasis on personalized care. These digital healthcare providers leverage data-driven insights to craft treatment plans that are finely tuned to individual needs. By analyzing health data and reproductive patterns, online doctors optimize the chances of success, moving away from the one-size-fits-all approach prevalent in traditional fertility care.
Emotional Support Through Telehealth:
Navigating fertility challenges involves more than just physical health-it requires emotional resilience. Infertility specialist recognize the importance of emotional support in the fertility journey. Through telehealth platforms, individuals can access counseling and emotional assistance from the comfort and privacy of their homes. This holistic approach acknowledges the emotional toll of fertility challenges and ensures that individuals receive comprehensive support throughout their journey.8. Integration with In-Person Specialists:
Integration In-Person Specialists:
Contrary to the misconception that online fertility care is an isolated approach, it often involves seamless collaboration with in-person specialists when needed. This integration ensures that individuals receive comprehensive care, combining the benefits of digital consultations with the expertise of on-site medical professionals. The synergy between online fertility doctors and in-person specialists creates a well-rounded and holistic approach to fertility care.
Real-Time Monitoring and Adjustments:
Infertility specialist often provide real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing doctors to track progress and make necessary adjustments promptly. This agile approach to fertility care ensures that treatment plans can be adapted based on real-time data, maximizing the chances of success.
Enhanced Education and Resources:
Online infertility specialist often provide a wealth of educational resources and information through digital platforms. This empowers individuals with knowledge about their reproductive health and the various options available, fostering informed decision-making throughout the fertility journey.
Supporting Community Engagement:
Infertility specialist may offer community forums or support groups where individuals can connect with others facing similar challenges. This sense of community fosters emotional support, shared experiences, and a sense of belonging, enhancing the overall well-being of those on the fertility journey.
Consulting an online fertility doctor represents a transformative approach to reproductive health care. The benefits, ranging from increased accessibility and privacy to personalized treatment plans, emotional support, and real-time monitoring, mark a paradigm shift in how individuals and couples approach their fertility journey. As technology continues to advance, the role of best infertility doctor is set to become even more integral, unlocking new possibilities and offering hope to those on the path to parenthood. The future of fertility care is here, and it is digital, accessible, and personalized-ushering in an era of empowerment and support for all individuals and couples seeking to build their families.
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Expert Gynecologist in Bangalore providing women’s HealthCare
Welcome to A.V Hospital, where excellence in gynaecological care meets compassion and understanding. With a reputation as the premier destination for women's health in Bangalore, we are dedicated to providing unparalleled services tailored to your individual needs.
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Our team of renowned gynaecologists brings years of expertise and innovation to every aspect of women's health. From routine check-ups to complex procedures, we are committed to ensuring your well-being at every stage of life, that's why A.V. Hospital stands out as one of the best Gynecologists in Bangalore, India.
At A.V Hospital, we understand that each woman's journey is unique, which is why we offer personalized care and treatment plans designed to address your specific concerns and goals. Whether you're seeking reproductive health services, fertility treatments, prenatal care, or menopausal management, we are here to support you every step of the way.
Our state-of-the-art facilities and advanced medical technologies enable us to deliver the highest quality of care with precision and efficiency. From minimally invasive surgeries to advanced reproductive techniques, we strive to provide the best possible outcomes while prioritizing your comfort and safety.
But what truly sets A.V Hospital apart is our unwavering commitment to compassion and empathy. We understand that navigating women's health issues can be daunting, which is why we prioritize open communication, empathy, and support throughout your journey with us.
Experience the difference at A.V. Hospital, where your health and well-being are our top priorities. Trust us to be your partner in gynaecological care, providing the expertise, compassion, and personalized attention you deserve
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sugunahospital · 3 months
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spandanahospitals · 10 months
Complete Obstetrics & Gynaecology Treatment
We at Spandana Hospitals have the right team and resources to help you with obstetrics & gynaecology treatment. We are well-equipped to help you with obstetrics emergencies. You can connect with us anytime around the clock, and our experienced Obstetricians are going to assist you with a solution without any delay.
Being the best obstetrics & gynaecology centre in Bangalore, we ensure that every single patient is benefited from well-equipped labour units. With us, you get all the aspects covered in terms of:
Intrapartum monitor, Fatal care, Operational facilities Emergency care And more. So, you get all the aspects covered in our centre itself if you are looking for an obstetrics & gynaecology clinic in Bangalore.
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