#best oral hygiene in silver spring
ksdentalus · 1 year
Understanding the Process of Dental Bonding in Silver Spring MD with KSDental
Dental bonding in Silver Spring, MD, is a versatile cosmetic dentistry procedure that can enhance the appearance of your smile. This non-invasive treatment involves the application of a tooth-colored resin material to repair chipped, stained, or misaligned teeth. Dental bonding is a quick and cost-effective solution to achieve a more attractive smile. Our experienced dental professionals in Silver Spring, MD, use this technique to improve the aesthetics and functionality of your teeth, helping you regain confidence in your smile. Go to our website for additional information.
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Heal Dental Caries Naturally
Terrified of the dentist?
Treat dental caries naturally using butter oil and cod liver oil, oral hygiene, remineralization and correct nutrition, including a lifelong alkaline-forming diet be really vital for dental health. This report presents alternate dental research. Much of what we've been taught about tooth decay in schools and universities is either wrong or incomplete. Interesting research by Ramiel Nagel and Dr. Weston Price explains why improper nourishment is the real cause of tooth decay.
Back in 7th grade, I had a buddy who was really religious.
He had been brought up a Christian Scientist and that platelet rich fibrin I was just getting really interested in it as well.
So one day I asked him, "Could Christian Scientists heal cavities as well?"
Smiling with a mouth filled ear to ear with amalgam fillings and braces to help straighten things out, he laughingly Answered:
"Well that is my little trick"
When God cannot heal your dental caries and just the dentist with a drill and a possibly lethal mixture of mercury, silver, tin, copper and zinc can, there is something seriously wrong somewhere. Some people do not seem to be bothered that having to rely heavily on the conventional dentist "torture" treatment while having the possible chance of mercury poisoning for lifetime. Even worse is the fact that most dental work eventually must be replaced using even bigger fillings and frequently even root canals and finally dentures. And such dramatically unnatural treatments are seldom without side-effects or other health effects and complications. This pricey "torture" never finishes, because, even those who frequently visit a dentist, brush and brush after every meal and avoid sweets often continue to lose just as many teeth as somebody that never bothers with dentists in the first place.
I never forgot that the first couple of times I had to get cavities drilled and filled! Gagging over and over again on dental X-ray films filled deep within my mouth while being subjected to dangerous X-rays; that dreadful dreading and expectation of the next "drill and fill" appointment; that freaky "smoking" smell of the tooth decay since the drill gets hotter and hotter while attempting not to gag on it!
That unforgettable horrible sense of the nerves being ripped into by that hellish drill! Eeeeeeeech!!!! This form of torture is no solution, just another problem of constantly dreading the next time I need to have teeth filledwith If only they can just fill them, it had been the drilling sense that I found completely ghastly. It had been enough to give me the screaming willies! I think I'd much rather enable my teeth to rot out than ever go through that horror! I was 13 when I had my last filling and determined then and there I was never going to find another, no matter what!
Is there no solution to "drill, fill and bill"? Surely nature cannot be so stupid as to simply allow teeth to decay and finally fall out costing countless hapless individuals billions of dollars in dental bills! Obviously it can only be something which humans are doing wrong and not nature.
Yes, there is surely something wrong with what people are doing with nature! And it is, undoubtedly, the modern American diet (MAD) which is so appalling, so contrary to that which the body truly needs for a healthy existence. Along with vulnerabilities in all the other areas of the body, the teeth and gums also finally lose the struggle. Even though nature has provided many answers for this problem, regrettably, humankind has somehow managed to obliterate every one of these with modern day convenience food, overpopulation, and shortcuts from food production resulting in the elimination or reduction of some of the most important factors that used to avoid tooth decay during prehistory.
Primitive Diets in the Stone Age Were Rich in a "Factor X" and Several Alkaline Minerals
I believe there was a "Garden of Eden" where humankind actually lived in excellent harmony with nature. Human Beings seem to have evolved on a Mainly alkaline, high fiber diet of Primarily Vegetables, Fruits, tubers, Nuts such as almonds and seed such as sesame. Before agriculture wild herbs and plants of the forest supplied many of the nourishment and the soils were incredibly full of antioxidants, particularly alkaline minerals such as lime, magnesium, potassium, and trace minerals, volcanic ash, and salts. For protein, ancient humans must have lived from uncooked fish, bird's eggs, and goat's milk.
After agriculture was developed, the world population grew to unprecedented levels, and the exact same ground tended to be planted over and over again and also the surrounding ranges tended to be overgrazed by national animals causing a gradual loss of minerals along with a slow malnutrition or "aging process" in humans never before experienced where they started becoming increasingly fragile, fragile and wrinkled as they grew older. As essential minerals became scarcer and scarcer, and vaster quantities of acid forming foods such as cooked meat, wheat and rice introduced to the diet, tooth decay also started to show up.
Ancient domestic animals grazed freely in rich, green pastures filled with vital herbs and grasses and therefore created a perfect milk that has been new, complete, raw and obviously free of harmful bacteria. Regrettably as agriculture became commercialized and more aggressive, humans tried to cut corners, and in the name of efficacy cattle were wrapped up in tiny cubicles and fed various acid-forming grains, antibiotics and even worse: animal by products! Due to the new diet and also stresses applied to the animals, the milk was no more as alkaline forming, frequently has been contaminated with salmonella or alternative pathogens, and therefore had to be pasteurized which destroys a number of the very important enzymes naturally present in raw milk. Additionally, it now lacked a certain "Factor X" or "Activator X," gamma linolenic acid, and many other vital substances. At this point tooth decay became a normal, expected part of growing up and as one grew older gum problems, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and many other degenerative diseases also became quite common.
Luckily, back in the 1930's and 40's a researcher found out what had happened to our diet plan by analyzing the diets of ancient cultures still around at the time and helped to revive a number of the old methods of farming that would bring back what is lost in contemporary milk and butter production. I recently discovered a site where you can arrange "butter oil" that is a centrifuged oil derived out of raw butter from cows fed only on brand new, spring pasture grasses. It's extremely high in many vital nutritional resources like a "Activator X" actually recognized to halt the formation of dental caries and not in any way accessible modern diets but has been rather typical in primitive diets. This info is based on the research of Dr. Weston A. Price throughout the 1930's and 40's.
I recently ordered two jars and am now using the pasture-grazed butter with raw vegetables, raw range-free eggs, chlorella, rice, beans, etc.. It tastes really great. They state it's essential to have it with a particular brand of new Norwegian cod liver oil and not just any fish oil. But it might be possible for vegetarians to combine the butter oil using a synthetic vitamin D formulation, essential fatty acids, and vitamin A from spiralina, chlorella and/or a vitamin supplement, vitamins, phospholipids from lecithin, and essential fatty acids from fresh, raw sunflower oil which I tried with great success. One may also try 100\% pasture grazed raw butter occasionally available during summer and spring months from "Organic Pastures."
In case you have cavities, then the "activator X" (also called "Factor X" and works best with Norwegian cod liver oil) work synergistically with the vitamins A and D and essential fatty acids in the cod liver oil to build up a permanent barrier of enamel directly within any dental caries one might happen to have, but one must be very careful to look after the caries from any further decay with brushing after each meal using mainly the alkaline toothpastes described under the Please be advised I cannot guarantee that you Will no longer have tooth decay, but this is what I have discovered!
People who don't like the idea of using fish oil (If I could avoid it, I'd prefer never to use products that require the destruction of the beast to obtain them) you can always try utilizing olive oil only with vegetarian sources of A, D, phospholipids (found in lecithin), and essential fatty acids (found in new, cold-pressed flax seed oil) which might work just as effectively as cod liver oil for some people. An individual may try to consume more than the usual quantity of vitamin D, or around 4000 IU daily that's precisely the identical amount got from a few hours of sunshine. Needless to say, there is a well established relationship between deficiency of vitamin D along with dental caries, especially in growing children. I've heard many newly discovered facts about vitamin D and also just how essential vitamin D actually is to wellness and well-being.
Because butter oil is expensive, a not as concentrated yet less expensive supply of this remarkable substance are located in 100\% pasture grazed raw butter in "Organic Pastures." Organic Valley also produces a form of "pasture butter," but it's Pasteurized, but seems to work just in addition to long as plenty of vitamin D and/or cod liver oil is taken together with it.
Kevin: That's a great way to prepare it. Weston Price was a dentist so let's discuss teeth. And let us discuss what happens when people's teeth begin to decay. Can you rebuild those and what do you really think some of the reasons why their teeth were so great, the cultures who were eating a non-Western dietplan?
Sally: Well their teeth have been normal. I don't even like to use the word "great"; they are the way teeth are supposed to be. They were normal. A key nutrient here is vitamin K. Now Dr. Price didn't know what this vitamin was, he called it activator X, but we have now identified it pretty firmly as vitamin K and we realize that individuals who have a lot of vitamin K in their own spit do not get cavities. And vitamin K is absolutely necessary for putting calcium in the teeth and bones, calcium and phosphorus. You will need vitamin K to get that, more than merely for healthier blood. We now realize that you will need vitamin K for healthy bones and teeth.
Where can we locate vitamin K? Well we discover it in the animal fats of grass fed animals, we find it in liver, and we find it from egg yolks of grass fed chickens. Cheese is a superb source of vitamin K. And there are a few surprising sources of vitamin K. One is nato, which is a fermented soy product. Vitamin K is made by a special type of fermentation. So in Asia where they're not eating butter -- from how butter is a great source of vitamin K -- where they are not eating butter and cheese, they receive a lot of vitamin K in this distinctive fermented soy product they eat in small amounts.
And that is why we say...we really qualify our warnings concerning soy. We warn against the contemporary soy products but in Asia, from the context of their diet and the way that they prepare the soy, it's an very important component of the diet, very healthy element.
And only getting back to the tooth decay. Dr. Price had a method for treating tooth decay which functioned, that discontinued the decay and really reversed the decay, assisted tooth rebuild. And it had been a composite of high vitamin cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil. The butter oil has been made by centrifuging butter that came from cows eating rapidly growing green grass and the oil concentrated the X variable, the vitamin K. And if he gave this to people and got them away all of the sugar and that which their teeth reconstructed themselves, the re-healed themselves. We have had a lot of people tell us they have done the exact same thing.
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ksdentalus · 1 year
Understanding the Durability of Dental Sealants in Silver Spring by KSDental
An important preventive measure for preserving excellent oral health is dental sealants in Silver Spring. These microscopic coatings serve as a barrier between cracks and grooves on the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars, preventing food particles and germs from accumulating there and causing cavities. Dental sealants prevent decay, especially in adolescents and teenagers, by forming a barrier. They prevent future dental work from being necessary and encourage the maintenance of long-lasting smiles in a non-invasive, painless, and economical manner.
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ksdentalus · 1 year
Researching Dental Sealants Economical Effectiveness in Silver Spring with KSDental
The best oral health may be maintained with the help of Dental Sealants in Silver Spring. The chewing surfaces of molars and premolars are coated with these delicate, protective coatings, which block cracks and grooves where food debris and germs can collect and cause cavities. Dental sealants prevent decay by forming a barrier, especially in children and teenagers. They are a non-invasive, painless, and affordable solution to maintain oral health, lowering the need for additional dental work and fostering smiles that last a lifetime.
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smileloftathillandale · 2 months
How an Emergency Dentist in Silver Spring Can Save Your Tooth
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Dental emergencies can happen when you least expect them, causing pain, discomfort, and stress. In such situations, knowing that you have access to a reliable dentist in Silver Spring can be incredibly reassuring. Our experienced team is ready to provide prompt and effective care to save your tooth and alleviate your pain. Here's how an emergency dentist can make a difference in preserving your oral health.
Understanding Dental Emergencies
A dental emergency is any situation that requires immediate attention to relieve pain, stop bleeding, or save a tooth. Common dental emergencies include:
Severe Toothaches: Persistent and intense pain could indicate an infection or abscess.
Chipped or Broken Teeth: Accidents or injuries can lead to fractures or cracks.
Knocked-Out Teeth: A tooth that has been completely dislodged requires urgent care.
Lost Fillings or Crowns: The loss of dental restorations can expose sensitive areas and cause discomfort.
Gum Injuries: Cuts, tears, or severe bleeding in the gums need prompt attention.
Quick Response to Save Your Tooth
When faced with a dental emergency, time is of the essence. Here's how Smile Loft Dental at Hillandale can help save your tooth in various emergency scenarios:
Knocked-Out ToothIf a tooth has been knocked out, it's crucial to act quickly. Rinse the tooth gently with water, being careful not to touch the root. Try to place the tooth back into its socket if possible. If not, keep it moist by placing it in a container of milk or a saline solution. Contact Smile Loft Dental at Hillandale immediately. Our emergency dentist Silver Spring can often reinsert and save a knocked-out tooth if treated within an hour.
Chipped or Broken Tooth For a chipped or broken tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. Collect any broken pieces and bring them with you to your emergency appointment. Our dentist Silver Spring will assess the damage and recommend the best treatment, which may include bonding, a crown, or a veneer to restore the tooth's appearance and function.
Severe Toothache Persistent tooth pain can be a sign of an underlying issue such as an infection or decay. Rinse your mouth with warm water and floss gently to remove any trapped debris. Avoid placing aspirin directly on the affected area as it can cause tissue damage. Contact Smile Loft Dental at Hillandale for an emergency appointment. Our team will diagnose the cause of the pain and provide appropriate treatment, such as a root canal or extraction if necessary.
Lost Fillings or Crowns If a filling or crown has come loose, try to keep the restoration and bring it with you to your appointment. Avoid chewing on the affected side and use dental cement (available at pharmacies) to temporarily cover the exposed area if it causes discomfort. Our emergency dentist will reattach the restoration or provide a replacement to protect the tooth.
Preventive Measures and Ongoing Care
While dental emergencies can’t always be prevented, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk:
Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups can prevent decay and gum disease.
Wear a Mouthguard: If you play sports or grind your teeth at night, a custom mouthguard can protect your teeth from injury.
Avoid Hard Foods: Be cautious with hard or sticky foods that can cause teeth to chip or break.
Schedule Regular Dental Visits: Routine exams at Smile Loft Dental at Hillandale can catch potential issues before they become emergencies.
Why Choose Smile Loft Dental at Hillandale?
We understand the urgency of dental emergencies and are committed to providing immediate and compassionate care. Our experienced team uses advanced technology and techniques to address dental emergencies effectively. As your trusted emergency dentist in Silver Spring, we are dedicated to preserving your oral health and relieving your pain swiftly.
Knowing how an emergency dentist in Silver Spring can save your tooth provides peace of mind during unexpected dental crises. We are here to support you with expert care when you need it most. If you experience a dental emergency, don’t hesitate to contact us immediately. Your oral health and comfort are our top priorities, and we are committed to helping you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile.
For more information or to schedule an emergency appointment, visit our website or call Smile Loft Dental at Hillandale today. Your smile is in good hands with our dedicated team.
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ksdentalus · 1 year
Dental Bonding in Silver Spring: Your Gateway to a Confident Smile
Welcome to KS Dental, your trusted partner in crafting beautiful smiles and ensuring optimal oral health. With over 35 years of dedicated service in the Washington, DC area, we have been privileged to witness the transformative power of dental care in enhancing our patients' lives. At KS Dental, we believe that every smile tells a story, and we are here to help you express yourself with confidence. If you've ever wondered about achieving a flawless smile, our cutting-edge solution of dental bonding in Silver Spring might just be the answer you've been seeking.
The Art of Dental Bonding: A Closer Look
Picture a scenario where you're hesitant to smile freely due to minor imperfections in your teeth. Dental bonding emerges as a versatile and minimally invasive cosmetic dentistry option to address a range of concerns. This procedure involves the application of a tooth-colored resin to your teeth, which is then meticulously shaped and bonded using advanced techniques. The result? A remarkably natural-looking restoration that seamlessly blends with your existing teeth. Dental bonding can be employed to:
Conceal Imperfections: Whether it's a stubborn discoloration, a chipped tooth, or a noticeable gap, dental bonding can be your secret weapon in concealing these minor yet bothersome imperfections.
Reshape and Refine: Are your teeth slightly misshapen or uneven? Dental bonding allows us to artistically sculpt the resin to reshape your teeth, harmonizing your smile's aesthetics.
Close Gaps: Embracing uniqueness is wonderful, but if the gaps between your teeth make you self-conscious, bonding can help bring your teeth a little closer for a more uniform appearance.
The KS Dental Experience: Where Artistry Meets Science
At KS Dental, we pride ourselves on combining the science of dentistry with the art of crafting radiant smiles. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to understanding your unique needs and tailoring treatments that suit you best. With modern technology and a compassionate approach, we ensure that your dental bonding experience is:
Pain-Free and Quick: Dental bonding is a minimally invasive procedure that typically requires little to no anesthesia. Moreover, it can often be completed in a single visit, making it a convenient option for those seeking immediate results.
Aesthetic Excellence: Our dental experts possess a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of color and shape. This allows us to create dental bonding restorations that flawlessly mimic the texture, translucency, and shade of natural teeth.
Long-Lasting: With proper care and maintenance, dental bonding can provide you with a durable solution that stands the test of time. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene practices are key to ensuring your bonding remains in pristine condition.
Revitalize Your Smile Today!
At KS Dental, we understand the impact that a captivating smile can have on your self-esteem and overall well-being. Through our decades of service, we have witnessed the transformative effects of dental care, and we are excited to offer you the remarkable benefits of dental bonding in Silver Spring. Our dedication to patient care, state-of-the-art facility, and unwavering commitment to excellence make us your ideal partner in achieving the smile you deserve. Your journey towards a more confident smile begins with a simple step – scheduling a consultation with our experienced team at KS Dental. We are committed to guiding you through the process, addressing your questions, and creating a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your smile goals.
Schedule Your Appointment Today!
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