#best preschool in model town panipat
maplebearsouthasia · 2 days
Explore the Wonders of Science, Amusement parks' Excitement
Let your children's curiosity roam free! Explore the wonders of science, amusement parks' excitement, and nature's marvels at these fantastic family-friendly destinations.
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maplebearsouthasia · 9 days
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Sometimes kids just need to hear the right words. 💖
Here are 20 powerful phrases to lift them up when they're feeling down. Let's show them love, and support, and remind them of their strength! 🌟
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maplebearsouthasia · 2 months
At Maple Bear, our teachers often get asked by worried parents: “How will you cover all the content knowledge that children have missed?”This is a valid question during an uncertain time.We want to reassure our parents that our teachers know how to deal with these learning gaps and that Maple Bear has designed training and support plans to help our teachers do their best to handle the learning disruption the pandemic has caused.PLANS ARE IN PLACE TO ADDRESS LEARNING GAPSMaple Bear has always had strategies in place to address learning gaps. These strategies are applied every year when a new school year begins and the children arrive to their new grade after weeks of holidays.Just as there are learning losses after a long summer vacation, there will be losses after this lengthy period of online schooling necessitated by the pandemic.Before a new school year begins, our teachers review the report cards and portfolios from the previous year to start planning for each student’s identified profile.In this new situation, our teachers have been trained to examine the work done at home, assess where each student is on the learning continuum, and plan accordingly. Teachers will assess students on fundamental skills and knowledge upon which subsequent knowledge will be built. From this information, they will prioritize needs of the student and provide “refresher” activities for the students.WAYS OUR TEACHERS WILL SUPPORT THE RECOVERY OF LEARNINGFirst and foremost, the Maple Bear way is to recognize the significance of our students’ social-emotional needs. These are always our main priority, even in normal times.                                   “Emotion is the gatekeeper of motivation, cognition and attention.”– Michael Fullan, Canadian Educator/AuthorOur teachers know that establishing an environment that focuses on wellbeing and belonging is essential for academic and personal growth. Despite all the new restrictions, our students will feel welcome, safe, and appreciated, ensuring they are able to learn.Maple Bear schools have structured the school day and staffing to support the recovery of learning for our students. For example, time once allocated to music class might be redirected to extra math activities.Our teachers will also focus on things like:Examining student’s past and current work by talking through important concepts with them, and by observing their interactions and behaviour (in the classroom and at home).Narrowing down and prioritizing subject areas to literacy and math, rather than covering all subject areas and the entire Maple Bear program.Condensing the curriculum by identifying the most important learning outcomes and selecting activities from these units to give students the essential knowledge and skills.Identifying students with similar needs, which will lead to targeted small group teaching of literacy and math.Our Canadian trainers also recommended to the school teachers and staff that they contact parents and ask them to share information about their child’s experiences, preferences, accomplishments, struggles, emotional wellbeing that will help to inform student-specific planning whether at school or at home.OUR ONLINE LEARNING FAMILIES WILL BE SUPPORTED TOOWhen it comes to addressing the needs of families learning in the online environment, parent involvement will be key to assessing the learning needs of the child.Here are some of the ways in which our teachers will require parent involvement:
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maplebearsouthasia · 2 months
Owning a play school franchise in India can be elaborated in 5 key benefits that could help you in finding the best preschool franchise in your city. As you are aware, early childhood education is growing exceptionally in every nook and cranny around the world, in 2024 preschool is going to be emerging as the cornerstone for a child’s holistic development. Parents around the world are recognizing the prominence of the role of preschool in shaping the foundation for a lifetime of learning. In this blog, we will explore the myriad benefits of sending children to preschool, looking into the significance of choosing the best preschool or playschool for your little ones. We’ll also touch upon the idea of preschool franchises and how they contribute to providing quality education.
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Early Learning and Development:
Preschool provides a nurturing environment where children engage in structured activities that increase cognitive, social, and emotional development. It lays the groundwork for future academic success by introducing basic concepts in a playful and interactive manner.
Socialization Skills:
One of the key benefits of opening a preschool.
is the opportunity for children to interact with their peers. Socialization at an early age helps in the development of crucial social skills, such as sharing, communication, and teamwork, which are invaluable for later stages of life.
Independence and Self-Confidence:
Preschool encourages independence as children learn to manage tasks on their own. From putting on their shoes to participating in group activities, preschool instills a sense of self-confidence and autonomy that becomes a fundamental part of their personality.
Quality of Education:
Own a Preschool involves assessing the quality of education provided. Look for a curriculum that balances academics with play, promoting a well-rounded development approach. Accreditation and certifications are also indicators of a preschool’s commitment to providing high-quality education.
Qualified and Caring Staff:
A nurturing environment is facilitated by qualified and caring staff. The best preschools prioritize hiring trained professionals who understand the needs of young children and can create a supportive learning environment.
Facilities and Safety Measures:
Safety is paramount in preschool settings. Ensure that the chosen preschool has proper safety measures in place, including secure facilities, trained staff for emergencies, and age-appropriate play areas. Well-equipped facilities contribute to a conducive learning environment.
Overview of Preschool Franchises:
Play school franchises have gained popularity for their standardized approach to early childhood education. These Child Care franchises often follow a proven curriculum, ensuring a consistent quality of education across different locations.
Benefits of Opting for a Preschool Franchise:
Established Curriculum: Franchises usually offer a well-established curriculum that has been tested and refined.
Brand Reputation: A preschool franchise often carries a recognizable brand, instilling trust and confidence in parents.
Training and Support: Franchisees benefit from ongoing training and support, ensuring the successful implementation of the curriculum.
Considerations Before Choosing a Preschool Franchise:
Alignment with Values: Ensure that the franchise’s educational philosophy aligns with your values and goals for early childhood education.
Financial Viability:Assess the financial aspects, including initial investment, ongoing fees, and potential returns.
Children who attend preschool are better prepared for formal education. The exposure to letters, numbers, and basic concepts lays a strong foundation, reducing the likelihood of academic struggles in later years.
The social and emotional skills cultivated in preschool contribute to long-term success. Research indicates that children who attend preschool exhibit better social adaptability and emotional resilience throughout their lives.
Preschool encourages creativity through various activities such as art, music, and imaginative play. These experiences boost a love for learning and creativity, setting the stage for future innovation.
Standardized Curriculum andQuality Assurance:
Importance: Preschool franchises typically provide a well-established curriculum that has been tested and refined. This ensures a standardized and high-quality education across different locations.
Benefits: Franchise owners can rely on a proven educational approach, enhancing the overall learning experience for children. Parents are more likely to trust and enroll their children in a preschool with a recognized and standardized curriculum.
Brand Recognition and Trust:
Importance: Preschool franchises often carry a recognizable brand, which instills trust and confidence in parents seeking quality early childhood education.
Benefits: The established brand reputation can attract more enrollments and create a positive perception in the community. Parents may feel more secure knowing their child is part of a reputable and recognized preschool network.
Training and Ongoing Support:
Importance: Franchisees receive ongoing training and support from the franchisor, ensuring consistent implementation of the curriculum and maintaining high standards.
Benefits: This support system helps franchise owners stay updated with the latest educational practices and effectively manage the preschool. It contributes to the overall success of the franchise and ensures a positive learning environment for children.
Economies of Scale:
Importance: Preschool franchises often benefit from economies of scale, allowing for cost savings in areas such as bulk purchasing of educational materials and shared resources.
Benefits: Lower operational costs can result in better financial viability for the franchise owner. This can contribute to maintaining reasonable fees for parents while still providing quality education.
Community Integration:
Importance: Franchises often have a network of schools across various locations, fostering community integration and collaboration among parents, educators, and students.
Benefits: Community events, shared resources, and a broader support system can enhance the overall experience for both children and parents. It creates a sense of belonging and shared values within the franchise community.
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maplebearsouthasia · 2 months
Early Childhood Education is an eminent part of every child’s early life and yet there are kids who never get the benefit of quality preschool education. Pre-primary schools happen to be the place for child’s development at a very early age in order to provide for the success in years to come. Preschool education helps in setting the foundation of knowledge and the ability to understand things and surroundings. Mostly pre-primary schools are considered to be a place for kids to play but Maple Bear Canadian Preschool being the pioneer in the education industry now for more than 15 years, happens to break through these beliefs by bridging the gap between children and QUALITY early childhood education. Know how Maple Bear has managed to cover the gap in early childhood education by setting new standards,
Preschools are more than just Play Schools
Often the word playschool makes us think that preschools are all about play and play only. Certainly playgroups are places where children are let loose or are free to play within a secured and safe environment. However, Maple Bear Preschools took this concept to a whole new level by facilitating learning through everyday playful activities.
Yes preschools are playschools but more, with stimulating environment and interactive activities that keeps kids engaged. Kids experience the joy of discovery and they develop confidence for the primary levels of schooling to come.
Introduction to the Concept of Free Play
The word free-play describes a form of play-based learning wherein the kids decide what they want to learn and when they want to learn. The best part about enrolling your children with Maple Bear Canadian Preschool is that you will never have to force them to learn. Each child is given their time to adjust and interact and there is nothing like force-feeding knowledge. The goal is to instil in children a passion for lifelong learning which they develop gradually watching the interactions and real-life activities within the classrooms.
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We Say No To Homework Culture
Before you start to think anything, let us clear the air. The reason behind not giving children homework is simple, classroom lectures cover everything and there is nothing that our curriculum misses out on. The learning provided in the school time-frame takes into account all the necessary information required for the particular day to make sure there is no unnecessary burden on children. Moreover, homework only increase the workload of parents plus for kids it isn’t the most fruitful or interesting way of grasping knowledge.
Early Child Care & Education begins on the Infant Level
Maple Bear stands aside from all other preschools with their day-care program that considers infants as an active learner who deserves to be treated likewise. Learning at this stage is through stimulation and other methods of scheduling. Day care for the child is believed to be a home away from home, with active learning through play. Understanding the importance of early childhood learning is as essential as early child care.
Canadian Curriculum Devised by Canadian Team of Experts 
One big step to cover the gap in early childhood education was introducing Canadian education to the traditional system of preschools.
Canada’s education system consistently ranks among the best in the English-speaking world in science, math and reading. If this isn’t enough then know that our experts use Canadian best practices of Early Childhood Education to make sure they fit exactly with the needs of our children.
No Answer is Wrong, It is Simply the Matter of Perception
Maple Bear Canadian Schools hold on to this ideology of accepting all kinds of answers from children in a positive way. A child might have given out a wrong answer but the teachers always appreciate them for thinking differently and consider it as a response in accordance to the child’s perspective.
This is a great way of boosting a child’s confidence and doesn’t scare him or her from answering the next time.
Practical Approach over Theoretical Knowledge – No more Rote Learning
One of the reasons behind the gap in quality early childhood education is preschools not giving up on their theoretical methods of teaching. No good can come out of rote learning into kids at an early stage. This will only make them unsure about the higher levels of education and they might get irritated with just the thought of it. A better solution would be switching to a more modern practical approach that involves techniques like immersive learning, role play, and in-classroom experiments & activities. The more interactive and appealing the teaching style, the more curious and willing the child is to learn.
Bilingual Education
Another vital step of filling the gap is by providing bilingual education. The child learns to fluently interact in English. Our early childhood education efforts grow stronger as our teachers are well-versed with the language and encourage students to speak in English at all times. Children get used to it with every interaction and gradually become habitual to it. Bilingual Education in today’s time holds the most relevance for those aiming for a global future for their child.
Online Classes becoming The New Normal
We are not saying goodbye to our regular school classes. Online education is the need of the hour. The Online class initiative led to covering the gap even more by reaching out to parents who weren’t earlier confident or aware of the benefits of a quality early childhood education such as continuity in learning, ensuring a routine for the child since these times may have thrown children off their regular pattern and they need one to feel stable, maintaining discipline, building confidence and social interaction etc. Parents can now take a demo class with their choice of Maple Bear Canadian Preschool branch and can be actively part of the class with their kid.
Safe, Secure & Stimulating Environment
Lastly, like most schools Maple Bear maintains a high-end standard when it comes to the security and safety of students. With CCTV- Surveillance and child-friendly interiors & play areas, the preschools are a great choice among parents. We are also now in the process of ensuring that all WHO norms for health and hygiene are followed once schools reopen such as frequent sanitisation of hands in different areas of the school, surface cleaning and disinfecting toys at regular intervals. Staff and all teachers to follow the guidelines of wearing masks and gloves at all times etc. At the heart of our schools is the stimulating environment, specially maintained to keep children playful and active throughout the day. The comfort of children is our priority as our motive is not solely providing education but also early child care.
Transparency with Parents
Maple Bear Canadian Pre-school facilitates transparent flow of communication between teachers and parents or school and parents. It is our parent’s satisfaction that keeps us motivated and growing. We understand the importance of bond plus we feel it is crucial for parents to be aware about their child’s growth in class. Parents’ role in framing their child’s career is equivalent to that of the teacher’s, thereby, they should be made fully aware of their child whenever they seek to know. Early Childhood Care, Development and Education, all hold relevance when we look at the behaviour of children in the later years of primary schools. For this reason alone, it is all the more important to make sure you give your child quality and positive early childhood education to kick-start their quest for a global future.
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maplebearsouthasia · 2 months
As schools are slowly opening up in various stages around the world, returning to school can be an exciting time for students and teachers alike. The opportunity to get back to in-person learning and seeing teachers and friends, has been anticipated for a long time.
However, it can also be a time of concern and stress.
At our Brazil schools, teachers and staff noticed a heightened level of stress among students following the uncertainty of the pandemic. This is completely understandable given the tumultuous year of fear and extreme concern for our health and safety of those around us.
We know from studies that when a person is in a state of anxiety or stress, they are unable to make rational judgements (Psychology Today article). In fact, it hinders learning and memory by essentially closing off the neural pathways to the memory and thinking centers of the brain.
However, positive emotions, like curiosity and humour, have a beneficial effect and are great for learning.
It’s in the best interest of our students to create an environment where they feel safe and happy. Plus, children who experience supportive early learning environments establish a solid foundation for early learning and achievement. (Based on 2020 OECD Study – Early Learning and Child Well-being of 5 year olds.)
One of the key benefits of the Maple Bear education system is not only our agile responsiveness to the training needs of our teachers, but also our desire to support the well-being of the whole child.
We took action and created a specially designed Stress and The Brain training.
Based on the concern our teachers were expressing, Carol Koran, Trainer and Quality Assurance Reviewer at Maple Bear Global Schools, created a presentation that would support our teachers around the world with content that covered topics such as:
Basic brain anatomy and facts
Benefits of stress reduction
Classroom Strategies to counteract stress
“Having our Maple Bear trainers informed about the links between stress, learning and the brain means that teachers will have a deeper understanding about how to support students in their learning and their emotional wellness,” said Carol.
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At Maple Bear, our philosophy acknowledges the importance of supporting the child not only academically, but emotionally and socially as well.
Using techniques like belly-breathing, calming breath and gratitude visualizations, we consciously take the steps needed to teach our students to stop, focus, and practice these stress reduction techniques.
If students are to be prepared for life, they need to learn academic content and learning strategies, in addition to strategies that help them with emotional and mental stress regulation.
Carol sees the impact this has on the students:
“Excellent, high-quality education is about giving students skills for life, not just skills for school.”
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maplebearsouthasia · 2 months
It’s a core belief at Maple Bear that offering high-quality provides our students with more than just another language.
We know from the research that learning two or more languages from a young age has many benefits, some of which include:
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Stimulates brain development.
Enhances English literacy skills.
Strengthens cultural identity.
Read with expression and have fun with the story.
Ask ‘W’ questions like who, why, and which, as well as open-ended questions to build Critical thinking.
Have older children read aloud to you.
Make a grocery shopping list together.
Talk through a recipe and cooking instructions.
Look at family photos together and share the memories.
Talk through imaginative play.
Use counting games and songs with actions.
Play games in English and ask them to explain the rules.
Learn from an online tutorial in English, like cooking with children or dance choreography.
Music is a great way to provide fun English practice for all ages.
Get creative by producing English-only family videos.
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maplebearsouthasia · 3 months
Early Education Franchise | Start your own international preschool with maplebear.
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maplebearsouthasia · 4 months
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From its inception in 2004 to the present day, the trajectory of Maple Bear has been marked by innovation and an unwavering commitment to providing top-tier Canadian-based bilingual education on a global scale.
Rodney Briggs, Founder of Maple Bear Global Schools, was inspired by an idea that evolved from many conversations with education leaders around the world. It was clear that there was a global need to fill the gap for high-quality preschool education based on a model that differentiated itself from all others in the market – the best of Canadian education.
It is an exceptional and innovative model that would prepare children and adolescents for life and to be successful as students, professionals, citizens, and family members in their home countries or wherever they choose to live.
With this purpose, Maple Bear developed an educational approach based on the best practices responsible for placing Canadian Education among the best in the world, which, alongside a world-class program in traditional subjects, such as math and science, would instill in students a real passion for learning, and prepare them for an environment where skills like autonomy, critical thinking, collaboration, understanding of different cultures, resilience, and others are crucial for success.
From inspiration to creation, Maple Bear Global Schools has established a solid legacy of educational excellence that spans continents.
In the early years, building a global presence posed formidable challenges. Overcoming geographical and cultural barriers demanded innovative approaches and a deep understanding of diverse educational landscapes. Yet, it was precisely these challenges that laid the foundation for our growth.
From the inaugural school in Delhi in 2005 to the current addition of 31 countries to our global family (plus eight coming soon), Maple Bear’s footprint has expanded exponentially.
This growth is not just a numerical feat; it reflects our ability to adapt, evolve, and meet the diverse needs of students worldwide.
This unparalleled global footprint reflects our commitment to providing high-quality bilingual education and signifies Maple Bear’s adaptability and resonance on a truly global scale.
For Maple Bear, Giving Back isn’t just a concept; it’s foundational to our commitment to instilling values of empathy and social responsibility in our students. Through these endeavours, Maple Bear fosters a sense of global citizenship, illustrating the transformative power of collective action in creating a positive impact on the world.
An example of how much this belief impacts our operations can be found in the inspiration Maple Bear took from the spirit of Terry Fox, a Canadian hero whose Marathon of Hope ignited the nation.
In 2018, we launched a global fundraising initiative in the name of the Terry Fox Foundation – an organization supporting cancer research in Canada and abroad.
Since then, the program has grown and, in many countries, has evolved into a cherished annual event, weaving a thread of community spirit within and beyond our school boundaries.
The impact has been profound, with Maple Bear Global Schools collectively raising over $400,000 (CDN) in donations for the Terry Fox Foundation and various regional cancer research organizations.
Alongside this project, Maple Bear promotes countless initiatives to foster in students the perception that they can and should be agents for transformation in their surroundings, contributing to building a better society at all levels.
Our Canadian Faculty are critical members of the Maple Bear family. They are responsible for training our teachers and school administrators around the world, performing quality assurance checks, and writing the curriculum that forms the foundation of our education model.
Recognizing the invaluable role they play and to further support their continuous professional development, we instituted an annual Symposium in 2015.
Once a year, our faculty come together to share ideas, motivate one another, and improve our processes and practices that subsequently enhance the teacher and student experience. This annual gathering served as a platform for knowledge-sharing and fueled the collaborative spirit that defines our global educational community.
As Maple Bear evolves, so will our Symposium.
In 2024, the first-ever Global Conference will be held in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and the participants will expand to include our global partners and school owners from around the world, in addition to our faculty.
It is an opportunity to reframe our annual gathering that seeks to support all the stakeholders at Maple Bear, provide everyone with the benefit of best practice sharing, and be active participants in building a future that benefits our educators and students worldwide various regional cancer research organizations.
Alongside this project, Maple Bear promotes countless initiatives to foster in students the perception that they can and should be agents for transformation in their surroundings, contributing to building a better society at all levels.
Our celebration of the past would be incomplete without acknowledging the dedication of our Maple Bear community. Teachers, trainers, administrators, school owners, parents, and students have been integral to our journey.
Their collective passion has been the driving force behind every success, turning challenges into opportunities and fostering a vibrant global learning community that reinforces our dedication to shaping the minds of future generations worldwide.
Here’s to celebrating our past, embracing our achievements, and looking forward to the endless possibilities that the future holds for Maple Bear Global Schools.
Cheers to 20 years of excellence and the promise of many more!
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maplebearsouthasia · 5 months
There are numerous reasons why a Preschool establishment can be a perfect venture for anybody looking out to start their entrepreneurial journey.
A preschool franchisee benefits from the expertise of experienced experts. Instead of starting your preschool from scratch, you’ll be guided and hand-held by experts through the process or framework that's outlined for the success of your establishment.
Setting up a Preschool is your chance to enter the education segment with generally little speculation. This segment is well known for its soundness because it can flourish in all sorts of financial conditions.
Our main objective is to enter into a long-term association with every owner to set up an extraordinary school that will give well-researched, structured play-based learning experiences to young learners for years to come!
Access to a proprietary curriculum, constantly being refreshed based on best practices, based on the best of Canadian
Detailed instructions and manuals on how to set up and run a school, from the requirements for the design and fit up to a full range of operations.
Canadian education specialists will serve as a mentor throughout, while academic and administrative employees will receive initial and ongoing training locally through the head office team.
Based on school needs, year-round in-person or online assistance is provided. The high standards of school performance are maintained through annual quality assurance visits.
The academic program, school policies, and curriculum all undergo regular changes based on the research in the field of Early Childhood Education and the skills needed in the young learners.
Educators and facilitators get access to the intranet to go through the changes done in the curriculum.
Maple Bear Canadian Preschool supports the franchisee in all the essential areas of school operations.
1.       HIRING
Teachers are the pillars and soul of the preschool. Hiring teachers with the right mindset is important.  The Centre head and the counsellor/admin are very important in ensuring the preschool runs as per the International standards. They also drive your business.
2.       Promotion of Preschool
Preschool franchisees have a designated area for marketing their school which is normally in a neighbourhood of not more than four kilometres so preschool franchisees; mostly carry out their local-level marketing campaigns by themselves. This includes the print, digital, and electronic media platforms.  Guidance and support in terms of creatives and a marketing plan is essential and most of the reputed preschool franchisers support the marketing initiatives.
3.       Regular Training
Professional development is the key to a successful preschool. Teachers and non-teaching employees will receive regular training from the preschool franchiser. The staff will be prepared to deal with the curriculum and technology as well as to maintain a healthy relationship with the parents.
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maplebearsouthasia · 5 months
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maplebearsouthasia · 8 months
From its inception in 2004 to the present day, the trajectory of Maple Bear has been marked by innovation and an unwavering commitment to providing top-tier Canadian-based bilingual education on a global scale.
Rodney Briggs, Founder of Maple Bear Global Schools, was inspired by an idea that evolved from many conversations with education leaders around the world. It was clear that there was a global need to fill the gap for high-quality preschool education based on a model that differentiated itself from all others in the market – the best of Canadian education.
It is an exceptional and innovative model that would prepare children and adolescents for life and to be successful as students, professionals, citizens, and family members in their home countries or wherever they choose to live.
With this purpose, Maple Bear developed an educational approach based on the best practices responsible for placing Canadian Education among the best in the world, which, alongside a world-class program in traditional subjects, such as math and science, would instill in students a real passion for learning, and prepare them for an environment where skills like autonomy, critical thinking, collaboration, understanding of different cultures, resilience, and others are crucial for success.
From inspiration to creation, Maple Bear Global Schools has established a solid legacy of educational excellence that spans continents.
In the early years, building a global presence posed formidable challenges. Overcoming geographical and cultural barriers demanded innovative approaches and a deep understanding of diverse educational landscapes. Yet, it was precisely these challenges that laid the foundation for our growth.
From the inaugural school in Delhi in 2005 to the current addition of 31 countries to our global family (plus eight coming soon), Maple Bear’s footprint has expanded exponentially.
This growth is not just a numerical feat; it reflects our ability to adapt, evolve, and meet the diverse needs of students worldwide.
This unparalleled global footprint reflects our commitment to providing high-quality bilingual education and signifies Maple Bear’s adaptability and resonance on a truly global scale.
For Maple Bear, Giving Back isn’t just a concept; it’s foundational to our commitment to instilling values of empathy and social responsibility in our students. Through these endeavours, Maple Bear fosters a sense of global citizenship, illustrating the transformative power of collective action in creating a positive impact on the world.
An example of how much this belief impacts our operations can be found in the inspiration Maple Bear took from the spirit of Terry Fox, a Canadian hero whose Marathon of Hope ignited the nation.
In 2018, we launched a global fundraising initiative in the name of the Terry Fox Foundation – an organization supporting cancer research in Canada and abroad.
Since then, the program has grown and, in many countries, has evolved into a cherished annual event, weaving a thread of community spirit within and beyond our school boundaries.
The impact has been profound, with Maple Bear Global Schools collectively raising over $400,000 (CDN) in donations for the Terry Fox Foundation and various regional cancer research organizations.
Alongside this project, Maple Bear promotes countless initiatives to foster in students the perception that they can and should be agents for transformation in their surroundings, contributing to building a better society at all levels.
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Our Canadian Faculty are critical members of the Maple Bear family. They are responsible for training our teachers and school administrators around the world, performing quality assurance checks, and writing the curriculum that forms the foundation of our education model.
Recognizing the invaluable role they play and to further support their continuous professional development, we instituted an annual Symposium in 2015.
Once a year, our faculty come together to share ideas, motivate one another, and improve our processes and practices that subsequently enhance the teacher and student experience. This annual gathering served as a platform for knowledge-sharing and fueled the collaborative spirit that defines our global educational community.
As Maple Bear evolves, so will our Symposium.
In 2024, the first-ever Global Conference will be held in Niagara-on-the-Lake, and the participants will expand to include our global partners and school owners from around the world, in addition to our faculty.
It is an opportunity to reframe our annual gathering that seeks to support all the stakeholders at Maple Bear, provide everyone with the benefit of best practice sharing, and be active participants in building a future that benefits our educators and students worldwide various regional cancer research organizations.
Alongside this project, Maple Bear promotes countless initiatives to foster in students the perception that they can and should be agents for transformation in their surroundings, contributing to building a better society at all levels.
Our celebration of the past would be incomplete without acknowledging the dedication of our Maple Bear community. Teachers, trainers, administrators, school owners, parents, and students have been integral to our journey.
Their collective passion has been the driving force behind every success, turning challenges into opportunities and fostering a vibrant global learning community that reinforces our dedication to shaping the minds of future generations worldwide.
Here’s to celebrating our past, embracing our achievements, and looking forward to the endless possibilities that the future holds for Maple Bear Global Schools.
Cheers to 20 years of excellence and the promise of many more!
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maplebearsouthasia · 8 months
5 Key Benefits of Owning a Play School Franchise in India for 2024
Owning a play school franchise in India can be elaborated in 5 key benefits that could help you in finding the best preschool franchise in your city. As you are aware, early childhood education is growing exceptionally in every nook and cranny around the world, in 2024 preschool is going to be emerging as the cornerstone for a child's holistic development. Parents around the world are recognizing the prominence of the role of preschool in shaping the foundation for a lifetime of learning. In this blog, we will explore the myriad benefits of sending children to preschool, looking into the significance of choosing the best preschool or playschool for your little ones. We'll also touch upon the idea of preschool franchises and how they contribute to providing quality education.
I. The Essence of Preschool Education:
Early Learning and Development:
Preschool provides a nurturing environment where children engage in structured activities that increase cognitive, social, and emotional development. It lays the groundwork for future academic success by introducing basic concepts in a playful and interactive manner.
Socialization Skills:
One of the key benefits of preschool is the opportunity for children to interact with their peers. Socialization at an early age helps in the development of crucial social skills, such as sharing, communication, and teamwork, which are invaluable for later stages of life.
Independence and Self-Confidence:
Preschool encourages independence as children learn to manage tasks on their own. From putting on their shoes to participating in group activities, preschool instills a sense of self-confidence and autonomy that becomes a fundamental part of their personality.
II. Choosing the Best Preschool:
Quality of Education:
Opting for the best preschool involves assessing the quality of education provided. Look for a curriculum that balances academics with play, promoting a well-rounded development approach. Accreditation and certifications are also indicators of a preschool's commitment to providing high-quality education.
Qualified and Caring Staff:
A nurturing environment is facilitated by qualified and caring staff. The best preschools prioritize hiring trained professionals who understand the needs of young children and can create a supportive learning environment.
Facilities and Safety Measures:
Safety is paramount in preschool settings. Ensure that the chosen preschool has proper safety measures in place, including secure facilities, trained staff for emergencies, and age-appropriate play areas. Well-equipped facilities contribute to a conducive learning environment.
III. The Rise of Preschool Franchises:
Overview of Preschool Franchises:
Preschool franchises have gained popularity for their standardized approach to early childhood education. These franchises often follow a proven curriculum, ensuring a consistent quality of education across different locations.
Benefits of Opting for a Preschool Franchise:
Established Curriculum: Franchises usually offer a well-established curriculum that has been tested and refined.
Brand Reputation: A preschool franchise often carries a recognizable brand, instilling trust and confidence in parents.
Training and Support: Franchisees benefit from ongoing training and support, ensuring the successful implementation of the curriculum.
Considerations Before Choosing a Preschool Franchise:
Alignment with Values: Ensure that the franchise's educational philosophy aligns with your values and goals for early childhood education.
Financial Viability: Assess the financial aspects, including initial investment, ongoing fees, and potential returns.
IV. Transformative Impact of Preschool on Future Success:
Academic Readiness:
Children who attend preschool are better prepared for formal education. The exposure to letters, numbers, and basic concepts lays a strong foundation, reducing the likelihood of academic struggles in later years.
Long-Term Social and Emotional Benefits:
The social and emotional skills cultivated in preschool contribute to long-term success. Research indicates that children who attend preschool exhibit better social adaptability and emotional resilience throughout their lives.
Innovation and Creativity:
Preschool encourages creativity through various activities such as art, music, and imaginative play. These experiences boost a love for learning and creativity, setting the stage for future innovation.
V. Conclusion:
The emergence of preschool franchises adds another dimension, offering a standardized approach to early childhood education with the benefits of an established brand. Last but not least, the decision to send a child to preschool is a pivotal one with far-reaching implications for their future. By choosing the best preschool or playschool that aligns with their values and goals, you provide a solid foundation for their child's academic, social, and emotional development.
As we navigate the landscape of early education, it is evident that preschool is not merely a stepping stone but a transformative journey that lays the groundwork for a lifetime of success. Embracing the potential of preschool education is a gift that continues to give, shaping the leaders, innovators, and compassionate individuals of tomorrow.
Advantages of Owning a Preschool Franchise in India:
Standardized Curriculum and Quality Assurance:
Importance: Preschool franchises typically provide a well-established curriculum that has been tested and refined. This ensures a standardized and high-quality education across different locations.
Benefits: Franchise owners can rely on a proven educational approach, enhancing the overall learning experience for children. Parents are more likely to trust and enroll their children in a preschool with a recognized and standardized curriculum.
Brand Recognition and Trust:
Importance: Preschool franchises often carry a recognizable brand, which instills trust and confidence in parents seeking quality early childhood education.
Benefits: The established brand reputation can attract more enrollments and create a positive perception in the community. Parents may feel more secure knowing their child is part of a reputable and recognized preschool network.
Training and Ongoing Support:
Importance: Franchisees receive ongoing training and support from the franchisor, ensuring consistent implementation of the curriculum and maintaining high standards.
Benefits: This support system helps franchise owners stay updated with the latest educational practices and effectively manage the preschool. It contributes to the overall success of the franchise and ensures a positive learning environment for children.
Economies of Scale:
Importance: Preschool franchises often benefit from economies of scale, allowing for cost savings in areas such as bulk purchasing of educational materials and shared resources.
Benefits: Lower operational costs can result in better financial viability for the franchise owner. This can contribute to maintaining reasonable fees for parents while still providing quality education.
Community Integration:
Importance: Franchises often have a network of schools across various locations, fostering community integration and collaboration among parents, educators, and students.
Benefits: Community events, shared resources, and a broader support system can enhance the overall experience for both children and parents. It creates a sense of belonging and shared values within the franchise community.
Disadvantages of Owning a Preschool Franchise in India:
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Limited Autonomy:
Importance: Franchise owners may have limited autonomy in decision-making, as they are required to adhere to the franchisor's standardized curriculum and operational guidelines.
Drawbacks: This limitation can hinder creativity and flexibility in adapting to specific local needs. Franchisees may feel constrained in implementing changes that could benefit their unique community.
High Initial Investment and Ongoing Fees:
Importance: Owning a preschool franchise typically involves a significant initial investment and ongoing fees paid to the franchisor.
Drawbacks: High financial commitments can be a barrier for potential franchisees, making it challenging for individuals with limited resources to enter the preschool education sector. The return on investment may take time to materialize.
Dependence on Franchisor's Reputation:
Importance: The success of a preschool franchise is closely tied to the reputation of the franchisor.
Drawbacks: Negative developments or controversies involving the franchisor can adversely affect the franchise's reputation and enrollment rates. Franchise owners may have limited control over external factors that impact the overall brand image.
Rigidity in Educational Approach:
Importance: Franchises often have a standardized approach to education, leaving little room for customization based on local cultural or educational nuances.
Drawbacks: This rigidity may not cater to the specific needs of the community or region. It can limit the preschool's ability to adapt to changing educational trends or incorporate innovative teaching methods.
Competition within the Franchise Network:
Importance: In areas with multiple franchise locations, there may be internal competition among different branches of the same preschool franchise.
Drawbacks: Internal competition can lead to challenges in enrollment distribution and resource allocation. It may also create a sense of rivalry rather than collaboration among franchisees within the same network.
Q: How do I choose the best preschool for my child in India?
A: Consider factors such as the quality of education, qualifications and caring nature of staff, and the presence of safety measures. Look for a preschool with a well-balanced curriculum that promotes overall development.
Q: What are the long-term impacts of preschool on a child's success in India?
A: Attending preschool in India prepares children for formal education, enhances social and emotional skills, and fosters innovation and creativity. It sets a strong foundation for academic, social, and emotional development
Q: How do I choose the best preschool for my child in India?
A: Consider factors such as the quality of education, qualifications and caring nature of staff, and the presence of safety measures. Look for a preschool with a well-balanced curriculum that promotes overall development.
Q: How do I choose the right preschool franchise in India?
A: Consider factors like alignment with your values, the established curriculum, brand reputation, and the level of training and support provided. Assess financial aspects, including initial investment and potential returns.
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maplebearsouthasia · 9 months
At Maple Bear Excellence is More Than an Abstract Concept
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Refreshing education excellence in 2024, which you see as a ceaseless pursuit of excellence, found in every attitude, teaching and activity conducted inside and outside the classroom. The high quality bilingual education offered by Maple Bear is based on four main aspects: consistent application of the Canadian methodology; intensive training that all teachers constantly undergo; the educational program; and quality certification.
To achieve the challenge of ensuring educational excellence in such a broad area, it is important to bring the entire school community around one common objective. Parents, students and teachers are essential parts of the same structure. For all of this to truly work, there must be efficient communication, continuous training and constant innovation, emerging early education ideas in the educational program.
Canadian methodology in South Asia
Maple Bear applies to the Indian sociocultural, context the Canadian methodology, which is based on Real-time discovery, experimentation and solving problems, to India’s sociocultural reality. On the basis of these principles, traditional teaching methods, based on facts and formulas, are replaced by thought-provoking education, which encourages students to explore the environment around them to find answers to questions that are truly relevant to their daily lives.
Mindful of the Indian educational context, we do not neglect the requirements of the National Curriculum Framework and NCERT, which guides the educational issues to be covered in the country’s schools. However, at Maple Bear, every effort is made so that students will really understand what is being taught, in order to take and use this knowledge and these skills throughout their lives.
Prepared for New World 
What do children need to know today so that, in the future, they can be successful personally and professionally, as active members of society?
Since no one knows what the future holds, Maple Bear’s answer to this question is: learn to learn. If children are given the freedom to learn and acquire knowledge, they will be prepared to face whatever the challenge and confidently navigate their way in a world of rapid and broad transformations.
Training teachers, providing up-to-date and modern educational material and bringing the international context into the classroom are actions with one, well-defined objective: prepare our students so that they can interact with and improve the world around them.
We want our students to be able to assimilate the latest technological developments that arise daily, for example Artificial intelligence, Coding etc.,  and participate in an increasingly connected world that has fewer borders and faces challenges, such as immigration, global warming, new professions and fields of knowledge.
Key players in this process, Maple Bear teachers are trained to develop strategies for implementing the program within the methodology, in a personalized way for each group of students. It is their potential to learn that inspires us to come up with the most appropriate approach, based on their interests and the context in which they live.
Creativity, Collaboration and Critical thinking
If potential is what inspires us, seeing it put into practice is an honor. To exercise all their inherent potential, our students receive stimuli daily, whether in individual or group activities, linked to everything they learn at Maple Bear. Everything that is proposed has a purpose within the program, whether at the time of learning or in upcoming stages, when this knowledge will be deepened.
Since the Canadian methodology promotes exploration and encourages the pursuit of discoveries, three ingredients are fundamental: creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. We do not believe that merely reproducing content is effective for learning. Not being afraid to make mistakes, knowing that errors are part of the learning process and that they will be welcomed is an incentive for creativity. It enables students to assume intellectual risks without fear.
Creating connections between issues, developing ideas and arguments, and helping those next to you do the same, is essential. Thinking about the world and finding solutions, respecting the people with whom you interact are skills that make a difference, both inside and outside the classroom.
Communication and logical reasoning are crucial for our Preschool students to gain autonomy and be able to choose the best path and intervene positively in society. Therefore, Maple Bear education attributes importance to English as well as regional language. as the Maple Bear south Asia Running 600+ Schools, operating in different culture, language, and environment, therefore. Maple Bear Canadian Preschool made the language model simple, so that students from any country or language, will be able to interpret the context in which they are inserted. Mathematics, in turn, goes far beyond simply applying formulas: it is a logical way of understanding the world.
Thus, from an early age, students are prepared to express themselves, write and organize their thoughts creatively, and confidently present their ideas, within a safe environment that is welcoming and listens to everyone. In this environment, the role of teachers is to provide support to students, helping them develop their abilities and introducing relevant content. This will help them, in the future, to deal with a complex world, inhabited by people with much more formal education than in times past, and be equipped to adapt to a wide variety of settings and cultures. Knowing how to listen to other people’s arguments and receive new information, in case a change of direction is needed, builds flexibility and is an increasingly important skill in today’s world.
Educators play a central role in Maple Bear’s teaching model. For this reason, schools provide constant training for Teachers, Academic Coordinators and Centre Heads to improve their skills and operate the best way possible in the classroom. Initial training is given to all new Maple Bear play schools that will open, to acquaint the teaching staff with the materials, program and methodology. The curriculum, assessments and classroom management are timely and relevant issues.
In-school training takes place annually and is administered by a team of trainers form Maple Bear South Asia, to highlight important points from the curriculum, good practices to be applied in the classroom and other topics.
Education Leader’s Workshop lead by Canadian Trainers occurs twice a year during the periods when students are on holidays. The objective is to bring together teachers from various Maple Bear Preschools to share experiences, learn from each other and drive home important points from the curriculum, as well as address topics that help deal with everyday school life. It provides an opportunity to bolster the teaching philosophy, educational practices and strategies so that the methodology can be applied with better results.
The Maple Bear Program
Through constant training, teachers are prepared to put into practice the Maple Bear program, comprised of the content, activities and classroom practices that make up the learning process. It is based completely on the Canadian methodology.
The Maple Bear program is developed by highly experienced Canadian educators who ensure not only the application of the curriculum required by the Indian Ministry of Education, but also that the building of knowledge occurs in a lively and dynamic way.
To implement the program, the Academic team of Maple Bear South Asia receive ongoing support from Canadian educators, who in turn are in regular contact with Maple Bear School teachers.
The program undergoes constant improvement to ensure that it is up to date and relevant, taking into consideration the most important themes. Its purpose is to promote the independence of students and develop skills, encompassing the entire required curriculum and more. To this end, it focuses on practical experience, combined with theory, to create bases of knowledge. All proposed activities are for a specific reason. Intentionality is a compass that indicates whether everything is being done according to the intended goal. Therefore, the first activities present simpler learning concepts which, over time, are explored more deeply in all subjects and grades.
Developing cognitive skills in two languages simultaneously is one of the core aspects of the program. True bilingualism does not promote one language over the other. It develops both at the same time, with the goal of providing students with a new perspective for interpreting the world
Quality Assurance
To ensure the educational quality of every Maple Bear school, there is a Quality Assurance visit to ensure that all the Preschools comply with the strict standards, policies and specifications designed to guarantee an early educational experience of the highest level. The schools get a star rating based on the report.
The trainers visit the school once a year. They have a detailed checklist to assess safety, the physical structure of the school, organization, resources, adequate implementation of the program and growth of the institution. These educators talk with students and teachers to learn about the school environment in depth. Every Preschool/Play school that is approved in the various areas assessed by Quality Assurance receives annual star rating.
This keeps Maple Bear challenged to consistently exceed parents’ expectations and provide students with excellent quality education. 
Q1: Why is excellence most important?
A: Having Excellency in you child performance can increase confidence and self esteem 
Q2: Why is academic excellence is the key to success?
A2: Excellency is the key to get successful in and outside the classroom 
Q3: How Maple Bear provide excellence in their concept?
A3: Maple Bear schools provide constant training for Teachers, Academic Coordinators and Centre Heads to improve their skills and operate the best way possible in the classroom and improve excellency in each preschoolers 
Q4: How do I contact Maple Bear Preschool for franchises or admission?
A4: Number for Preschool / Play School:  +91-8882088218
Franchise Form: Open franchise
For admission: Preschool & Play School
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maplebearsouthasia · 9 months
Crucial Factors in Selecting the Best Preschool Franchise in India
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, preschools play a crucial role in shaping the foundation of a child's learning journey. Parents today are actively seeking the best preschools for their little ones, and entrepreneurs are exploring opportunities to invest in this growing sector. In this blog, we at Maple Bear delve into the world of preschool franchises, exploring the nuances of play school franchises, nursery school franchises, and the quest for the best preschool franchise in India.
Understanding the Preschool:
Preschools, also known as nursery schools, provide the initial educational experiences for children before they enter formal schooling. These early years are crucial for a child's cognitive, emotional, and social development. Recognizing the significance of this phase, parents are increasingly opting for reputed preschools that offer a nurturing environment and a well-rounded curriculum.
The Rise of Preschool Franchises:
In recent years, the concept of franchising in the education sector has gained substantial traction. Entrepreneurs are exploring the prospect of investing in preschool franchises, considering it a lucrative and rewarding business venture. The franchise model not only provides a structured framework but also ensures that the brand's proven success is replicated across various locations.
Choosing the Best Preschool Franchise in India:
The Indian education market is vast, and choosing the right preschool franchise requires careful consideration. Here are some key factors to read:
Look for a preschool franchise that offers a well-designed curriculum catering to the developmental needs of young children. A balance between academics and extracurricular activities is crucial for a comprehensive learning experience.
Brand Reputation & Credibility:
Research the reputation of the preschool franchise in the market. Positive reviews, success stories, and a strong brand image are indicators of a franchise's credibility and potential for success, the credibility can be checked for a brand by looking at the number of years a preschool brand is operating and servicing their business partners. Maple Bear Canadian Preschool is a live example serving globally as the best Canadian preschool with over 130+ successful franchises in India since 2005.
Training and Support:
Opt for a franchise that provides comprehensive training and ongoing support. This ensures that you, as a franchisee, are well-equipped to manage the day-to-day operations and uphold the brand's standards.
Infrastructure and Facilities:
Assess the infrastructure and facilities offered by the preschool franchise. A conducive and safe learning environment with well-equipped classrooms and play areas is essential for the overall development of children.
Benefits of Investing in a Preschool Franchise:
Proven Business Model:
Franchises often come with a proven business model, reducing the risks associated with starting a new venture from scratch.
Established Brand Recognition:
Joining a well-known preschool franchise provides immediate brand recognition, making it easier to attract parents and students.
Operational Support:
Franchisors typically offer operational support, including assistance with marketing, curriculum development, and staff training.
Networking Opportunities:
Being part of a franchise network provides opportunities for networking with other franchisees, sharing best practices, and staying updated on industry trends.
Investing in a preschool franchise of Maple Bear, be it a play school or nursery school, can be a fulfilling and profitable venture. As parents actively seek the best early childhood education and school for their children, the demand for quality preschools continues to rise. By carefully evaluating factors such as curriculum, brand reputation, and support services, entrepreneurs can embark on a journey to provide young minds with a solid foundation for future success.
In the vast landscape of preschool franchises in India, the quest for the best preschool franchise requires diligence and a commitment to excellence. As you embark on this exciting journey, remember that you are not just investing in a business; you are contributing to the educational and developmental milestones of the future generation. Choose wisely, and let the journey to excellence begin!
Q: Is the preschool business profitable in India?
A: Preschool business undoubtedly a rising profitable business in India. however the question can arise why?
One of the reasons is the demand for quality education. Parents want an international standard curriculum, holistic development of the child, a safe and secure environment, an increase in the demand for daycare centres as both the parents are working in urban areas etc.
Q: How much does a Maple Bear franchise cost?
A: Maple Bear offers premium range franchise as well international standard education around the world, In India the cost of a franchise varies location-wise, starting from 25 Lakhs onwards as per the requirement.
Q: How do I contact Maple Bear Preschool for franchises or admission?
A: Number for Preschool / Play School:  +91-8882088218
Franchise Form: Open franchise
For admission: Preschool & Play School
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maplebearsouthasia · 10 months
Best Play School in Panipat
Join the Best Play School in Panipat that represents the highest quality in international education running across 40+countries around the world.Discover the best preschool in Panipat at Model Town! Our play school provides a nurturing environment for your child's early development. Enriching experiences, qualified staff, and a focus on holistic growth make us the top choice.
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