How to increase Student’s Admissions in School?
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Large endowment? Convenient location? Great facilities? Perfect college acceptance rates? Star teachers? Sure, all these things are very important. Whether you are an independent school, charter school, faith-based parochial, public or any other type of school, you know this.
However, some schools have only some (or even none) of those things and have seen an upsurge in enrollment. They aren’t just surviving they’re doing even better than before. How is this possible?
Essentially, these schools have adjusted their strategies. They’ve invested in enrollment campaigns. Successful schools are investing between 2.5% and 10% of their annual budget in enrollment marketing, and it’s paying off big time.
Steps to boost the Admissions of Students in School:
1. Branding & Marketing
It is very important to understand how a school is perceived by its students, parents and the society. Having the right branding strategy can create a paramount difference to any school. When your target audience knows exactly what your school stands for, and feels that your mission aligns with their own values, it enables the building of trust and loyalty. With so many educational institutions mushrooming year by year, your branding and marketing strategy is the chance to create a differentiation factor. Once the brand of the school starts getting recognition, parents would want to enroll their children there. And when it comes to marketing, social media has definitely become a promising channel to broadcast and engage.
2. Website
Having a well-designed school website is crucial, given today’s scenario. It is a key factor in creating a first impression. Moreover, parents often tend rely on websites to seek information regarding school amenities, admissions, curriculum, etc since it is the easiest and convenient method. It is also an effective platform for the school to showcase its achievements, prominent alumni and their success stories.
An impactful school website should be engaging, mobile friendly with reduced loading times, easy to navigate and has all the relevant information including brochures, academic calendar and other downloadable content.
Creating a safe, secure & student friendly campus. With large number of schools adopting automated attendance and access control systems that are based on RFID/biometric, educational institutions are striving to provide a secure and safe environment for their students. With the increasing crime rate against children, parents consider the security of their ward as a vital factor when considering a school.
3. Simplified and streamlined admission process
Last but not the least, an educational institution should employ the right software to simplify, automate and streamline the entire cumbersome process of admissions. To increase enrolment, it is also key that the school accepts online applications. This can prove to be a highly convenient and hassle free for parents of prospective students, settled abroad. Moreover, an efficient school management system has in built mechanisms like alert systems to let the parents know about the cut off dates and deadlines, merit lists, interview dates etc. These alerts can be configured to reach them through SMS or emails. From the point of view of a school, it eliminates unnecessary manual work and helps save cost, time and effort.
4. Alumni connect & Student-Parent Testimonials
Building an engaging and supportive alumni network as well as maintaining excellent relationships with them is important for the success of any educational institution. An alumnus(ae) automatically become the brand ambassador for their alma mater. Sharing success stories of past students, conducting regular reunions, having testimonials from students and parents are all compelling ways to attract prospective students.
5. Tell your school’s story online
Telling stories about your school on your website and on Facebook is your main online strategy. While you can get overwhelmed with the plethora of social media sites online, your effort should focus on Facebook. By posting at least one story a day, you provide a window into your school. Just think, you never know who is browsing your school’s Facebook page and thus making a decision about whether or not to take the next step based on what they read and see. This is what has worked in these schools that experienced an enrollment turnaround.
About School:
Shakuntala Group of Schools uses a holistic review process by making the decision on more than test scores and applications that call for extra attention. We consider rigor of courses, student interests in the subjects, and grades in Sharda Vidyalaya. That way, students who had one bad test experience still receive full consideration.
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Parents often look for faculty and facilities while taking admissions
Looking out for various sources to check the professionalism of the faculty of the school you wish to get your child admitted to. Well qualified teachers, skilled support staff or even the well-trained concierge desk. A school runs successfully only by the people in it. It is always cordial, transparent and healthy coordination between the school management committee and the parents that constitute a reputation of any prestigious school.
While the above-mentioned factors are certainly important, at the same time it also mandatory for parents to ensure your daughter or son gets the best possible education not only by visiting schools, collecting information but also by actively staying involved in your child's day-to-day activity at home as well as in the community.
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5 Tips for Parents to take Admissions in a Right School
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School is one place where memories are made. A school plays an important role in any child’s life as they treasure so many experiences with them to share it with their upcoming generations. So choosing a school is as important as choosing the right ingredient for a signature dish. One small mistake can prove a mishap. So careful observation and inspection are necessary while considering a school for their child. Let us make your life easy. Here is a checklist to let know about all those necessary detailing you would have to be particular about. Thinking about these will help you come out successfully out of the admission labyrinth.
There is a category of some newly admitted kids who wear a lost expression, craving for some known face. Being grumpy about their parents for changing their school; these kids often find themselves in a very mazy junction of 10 or odd crossroads. Changing the school or admitting your kid to a school for the first time or relocating your place from one city to another. All these situations will land up parents in such a situation which makes them think of all those important points which they might have to consider before admitting to a particular school.
These are the reasons that makes a School Successful:
1. The Proximity
Imagine you have a school in your mind. No matter how good it is, how glorious are its alumni. It is as well important for you to understand that if the school you are being positive about is pretty far from your location, then better to drop the dreams you are weaving of that one. More the distance calls in for spending more time on the commute. The farther the distance, earlier would be the pickup time of your child which would range from some crazy early hours of the day. Is it necessary to mention that your child will come home late as well? Let that good time be proactively used productively elsewhere. An after-school hobby class or an extra 10 minutes of playtime. Time extremes will mess up their biological clock which might hamper their concentration at school.
2. The Campus
Many people are still under a traditional belief that ‘the campus hardly plays an important role. Children will study wherever they want if they are guided in the right way.’ This assumption must be considered negative at some point. A clean, green, well lit and well-structured campus can aid the child’s focus towards better learning. A better campus ensures a better turn out of students each day who would love to sit with their friends for lunch at the park and enjoy some giggle time with their buddies in the library. Facilities may be exhibited like a commodity by the schools, but those facilities are finally put into good use by their own students reaping benefits from those. The campus must constitute as a comfortable as well as a ‘safe’ environment where the child possesses no fear and the parents too can send their children with no traces of any worry.
3. The Curriculum
How will you choose the best show for your child? Making them squeeze their feet into a smaller one or giving them ill fit shoes to get them more uncomfortable? Choosing a curriculum is as important as choosing the right pair of shoes. Shoes too loose can dangle from feet; if tight can bruise their toes. Similarly, know what your child wants than compared to what you need. Switching the board back and forth will cause more harm than switching schools. Consult with a good education counsellor or do some better research on different kinds of curriculum. When choosing a school, know what best the school offers with that curriculum they follow. Know more about their pedagogy and practices.
4. The Ratio
According to Indian Government rules, a student teacher ration should ideally be 30:1 for primary and can be 35:1 for the upper primary levels. Make sure that the school adhere to this rule. Lesser the students, more would the attention be. The teacher will have ample energy to spend on all the kids uniformly with this prescribed ratio. More students can take the class haywire with significantly less productive activities being conducted.
5. The Faculty
Look out for various sources to check the professionalism of the faculty of the school you wish to get your child admitted to. Well qualified teachers, skilled support staff or even the well-trained concierge desk. A school runs successfully only by the people in it. It is always cordial, transparent and healthy coordination between the school management committee and the parents that constitute a reputation of any prestigious school.
While the above-mentioned factors are certainly important, at the same time it also mandatory for parents to ensure your daughter or son gets the best possible education not only by visiting schools, collecting information but also by actively staying involved in your child's day-to-day activity at home as well as in the community.
Established by keeping all these above factors in mind, Shakuntala Group of Schools, one of best CBSE schools in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh is the foremost choice of parents. SV ensures your child gets the best complete education with choices in sports and extracurricular activities in a safe and healthy environment.
School Information Initiative by Sharda Vidyalaya
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Extra-Curricular Activities helps to Boost Confidence and enhance Social Skills in Students
These days, children are becoming unsociable creatures. Participation in extracurricular activities will make sure they get an opportunity to meet likeminded friends, break social barriers and share a healthy bonding with them.  At the same time, they learn and respect the value of teamwork.  Also, it will keep their minds off from disturbing behavior and inappropriate activities.
The best aspect of Co-curricular activities at school is that they are part of academics, and makes teaching and learning experience exciting for both students and teachers. Students through classroom activities like quizzes, debates, recitation, and any more academic games learn better. Therefore, Co-Curricular activities along with academics are essential for every student.
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Involving in Extra-Curricular Activies helps the Students
Extracurricular activities are available to all college students. They typically take place on campus, but they are optional and do not interfere with your required courses. Extracurricular activities can include social clubs, sports teams, student government, volunteering, or even an internship.
Best aspect of Co-curricular activities at school is that they are part of academics, and makes teaching and learning experience exciting for both students and teachers. Students through classroom activities like quizzes, debates, recitation and any more academic games learn better. Therefore, Co-Curricular activities along with academics are essential for every student.
School Information Initiative by Sharda Vidyalaya
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What is the need to involve in Extra Curricular Activities in School?
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Extracurricular activities are available to all college students. They typically take place on campus, but they are optional and do not interfere with your required courses. Extracurricular activities can include social clubs, sports teams, student government, volunteering, or even an internship.
Below, learn about a few of the most popular choices for extracurricular activities. This post also discusses how they can be especially beneficial to international students.
1. Personal development
Participating in student activities and programs has been proven to have a positive correlation with psychosocial development. Students involved in student organizations were observed during their freshman and senior year of university and reported having higher levels of development in regards to career planning, life management, cultural participation and educational involvement. Highly engaged students such as student leaders demonstrated enhanced development in interpersonal competence, practical competence, cognitive complexity, civic involvement and humanitarianism. Most importantly, getting involved had a positive impact in clarifying, developing and establishing purpose in one’s life.
2. Growing your network
Networking doesn't necessarily mean attending some stuffy cocktail party and handing out your business card like a baller . A person is more likely to help you in the future if you have shared a personal moment. Joining committees is a perfect networking platform! You engage with people that you might not normally have come across during your college years, people who share the same passions and interests as you.
3. Build your skills not only your resume
The primary motivation to get involved should not be to beef up your résumé. As author Anna Quindlen once said.
Employers don't want a pencil pusher! They want to hire someone who has taken the initiative to develop themselves and their community. Companies want to have individuals who are well rounded with a diverse array of interests, experiences and opinions.
4. Enhancing social skills
These days, children are becoming unsociable creatures. Participation in extracurricular activities will make sure they get an opportunity to meet likeminded friends, break social barriers and share a healthy bonding with them.  At the same time, they learn and respect the value of team work.  Also it will keep their mind off from disturbing behaviour and inappropriate activities.
5. Improvement in Academic Performance
Studies have shown that students pursuing hobbies achieved better results in studeies. Their academic performance goes way up north as they learn to balance co-curricular activities with their academic pursuits. They understands the fact of managing their time efficiently which increases the interest in the school. Such activities like participation in debates, drama, music, sports, etc. helps in achieving the bigger purpose of better education.
These days, our children are becoming unsociable creatures. Participation in extracurricular activities will make sure they get an opportunity to meet likeminded friends, break social barriers and share a healthy bonding with them.  At the same time, they learn and respect the value of team work.  Also it will keep their mind off from disturbing behaviour and inappropriate activities.
Best aspect of Co-curricular activities at school is that they are part of academics, and makes teaching and learning experience exciting for both students and teachers. Students through classroom activities like quizzes, debates, recitation and any more academic games learn better. Therefore, Co-Curricular activities along with academics are essential for every student.
School Information Initiative by Sharda Vidyalaya
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Leadership Qualities helps to hone decision-making abilities
Leadership Qualities help Students should learn how to make good decisions as early in life as possible. Because children become overwhelmed by too many choices, narrow down the options to two or three, whether a child is deciding on afternoon activities or a movie to watch. It has been said "Teach your children to weigh the pros and cons of each option in order to make the most informed decision possible. This will help them to make correct decisions in everyday life."
In small ways, today’s leaders can prepare younger generations for their future as business leaders. Each of these suggestions will not only create better leaders, but can help children perform better in school and develop better personal relationships throughout life.
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Leadership boosts the Confidence in Students
There's nothing quite as rewarding as recognition for your accomplishments and contributions. Learning leadership skills and experiencing the accompanying growth can do wonders for a person's mental health.
The positive momentum from your newfound skills will influence everything in your life. The improvement in performance in job interviews and your interpersonal relationships.
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How to help Students improve Leadership Qualities
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Many leaders also serve as parents, happily balancing a daily workload with ball games and family dinners. Along the way, most of these leader-parents also realize the influence they have over young minds. Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders, especially if those children have parents who are leaders.
While leadership skills can come naturally, children learn lessons along the way that significantly impacts them later in life. The right words at the right time can make all the difference.
1. It will Boost Your Confidence
There's nothing quite as rewarding as recognition for your accomplishments and contributions. Learning leadership skills and experiencing the accompanying growth can do wonders for a person's mental health.
The positive momentum from your newfound skills will influence everything in your life. The improvement in performance in job interviews and your interpersonal relationships.
2. Encourage the activities of Students.
Early on, identify your student’s interests and encourage their participation in group activities. Whether it’s joining a scouting troop, participating in sports or joining the school band, children learn valuable lessons about teamwork through these activities.
3. Hone decision-making abilities.
Students should learn how to make good decisions as early in life as possible. Because children become overwhelmed by too many choices, narrow down the options to two or three, whether a child is deciding on afternoon activities or a movie to watch. It has been said "Teach your children to weigh the pros and cons of each option in order to make the most informed decision possible. This will help them to make correct decisions in everyday life."
4. Enroll in summer camp.
Summer camp is filled with opportunities to participate in team-building activities. Once youth reach a certain age, they may even be asked to help counselors. While many camps require counselors to be 18, a regular camp attendee may be able to land a spot assisting counselors, where they’ll be tasked with leading groups of younger students.
5. Encourage reading.
Studies have shown the benefits of reading for fun in childhood, with students who read having greater intellectual progress in a variety of subjects. Young readers tend to learn more about the world, even when the reading is of a frivolous nature.
6. Set a good example.
As a leader, you realize the importance of setting a good example for your team. This is even truer of your role as a parent. By allowing your children to see how well you balance your business and personal roles, you’ll teach them accountability through effective leadership.
In small ways, today’s leaders can prepare younger generations for their future as business leaders. Each of these suggestions will not only create better leaders, but can help children perform better in school and develop better personal relationships throughout life.
School Information Initiative by Sharda Vidyalaya
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Common Challenges facing School Management and Solutions
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Managing a high school and bringing together departments and campuses to achieve the mission is always a big challenge for school management. Transforming a school system with high technology-enabled automation tools to support the academic and administrative processes will make it easy to achieve their goals.
To succeed in everyday tasks of schools, there is an emerging demand to modernize public education system with cloud, mobile and digital technologies to improve operational efficiency and manage the institution effectively
Here are some commonly observed school management issues, and how technological solutions can be employed to do things right:
1. Lending a hand to teachers to use social networking sites
When it comes to schools there is always plenty of discussion on how students are either using or misusing social networking sites such as Facebook. However, these social networking sites can be highly useful for the teachers and they can help improve school performance as well. From these websites, teachers can get proper ideas about how they would be able to teach different subjects and books in the class that they otherwise find difficult to deal with.
2. Communication & Collaboration
There is apparently no platform to provide seamless communication between students, administrators, staff and teachers. Moreover, increasing student discipline incidents happen as a result of the big communication gap between students and teachers. Web and mobile-based education management system improves communication through instant notifications and alerts via email, SMS and pushes messages to keep the constituents informed at every step of the journey to build a relationship and improve student retention.
3. Forecasting the academic achievement
Institutions are unable to manage information and there are endless delays in taking decisions based on the complete analysis. Dashboard reports and intelligent analytics are useful indicators for educators to examine attendance, assignments, grades, etc. and predict student outcomes. Using data analytics will help institutions to identify students at-risk and deploy resources to improve achievement and success.
4. Collaborating on priority
As far as theory goes most schools want their teachers to join forces with each other in order to create lessons, share various resources and ideas, and address the individual learning needs of the students. However, the truth of the matter is that in most cases they do not really have the time to do so. In most cases, the maximum break that teachers have between classes is 20 minutes and at times it can come down to 5 minutes as well. It is little time to have any meaningful discussion with your colleagues as such. This is where your administrators need to think and think hard.
5. Model the behaviors you want to see in your school
You have a list of qualities and values that you want to see in your teachers and students. But how well do you present those same aspects of your school culture? All changes have to start from the top. That means when you interact with teachers and students, you need to be an example of the behavior that you want to see in your school.
Apart from this, you can also take some other steps like reducing the fixed costs, sharing work, turning energy savings into new equipment, and taking a fresh look at staffing related requirements.
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Using technology in Classrooms helps to gather Student Feedback instantly
The true test of any classroom structure and/or curriculum is how well it helps students learn, and getting feedback from students is vital to assessing this, determining what is and isn’t working, and addressing problems and confusion as they arise. Use online surveys and polls to perform daily or weekly check-ins with students to get their opinions on lessons and address lingering questions or concerns. Expand on the usage of Twitter hashtags by having students tweet their feedback and questions with a classroom hashtag.
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How to Use Technology in Classrooms Smartly
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Finding creative ways to use technology in the classroom can both make your life easier as a teacher and boost student excitement levels and engagement with lessons. From helping with communication among teachers and students (as well as peer-to-peer), to organizing curriculum calendars, to enhancing presentations and lessons with media and visuals, there is no limit to the ways to use technology in the classroom to create an enriched learning environment. If you’re looking for ideas of exactly how to use technology in the classroom to enhance learning, a few examples are given below:
1. Integrating Social Media
Because students already spend so much of their time on social media, integrating its use into your classroom is among the most innovative ways to use technology in the classroom by connecting students to curriculum, classroom resources, and one another. Create a Facebook group specifically for your class where you post discussion topics or develop unique classroom Twitter hashtags students can use to discuss lessons or ask questions!
2. Gather Student Feedback
The true test of any classroom structure and/or curriculum is how well it helps students learn, and getting feedback from students is vital to assessing this, determining what is and isn’t working, and addressing problems and confusion as they arise. Use online surveys and polls to perform daily or weekly check-ins with students to get their opinions on lessons and address lingering questions or concerns. Expand on the usage of Twitter hashtags by having students tweet their feedback and questions with a classroom hashtag.
3. Creating Digital Content
Creating digital content related to the things they are learning is a great way for students to display their individual creative talents as well as showcase learning. As with any other project, the process of creating content is most effective when students are able to express themselves in ways that highlight and accommodate their personal strengths and learning/communication styles. Provide options for students to express themselves through blogs, videos, podcasts, eBooks, flyers and other digital art, or any other means they feel most comfortable. Respecting each student’s individuality and needs for creative expression helps them flourish as learners.
4.  Using a Classroom Calendar
Develop a shared online calendar for your classroom through Google Calendar or a similar program for posting important updates. Post assignment due dates and classroom events (such as field trips and guest speakers) in one easily-accessible location for both teachers and students. Go a step further and share the calendar with parents to keep them connected and engaged with their child’s learning.
5. Video/Multimedia Lessons and Presentations
Bring presentations to life for students by incorporating visual effects, photos, videos, and music into them. Developing slideshows and digital presentations, playing music or a video for background and context while presenting, or by inviting virtual guest speakers to engage with your class via programs designed for conference calls (such as: Skype, Google Hangouts, and Facetime) are all fun and creative ways to boost engagement with lessons while teaching the benefits of technology and multimedia use.
6. Online Activities for Students Who Finish Work Early
Set up learning stations to encourage and support students working at their own pace. If a student finishes an assignment early, rather than being stuck waiting for other students to catch up or class to end, students can extend and enhance their learning by visiting a learning station and watching videos, playing learning-based games, or exploring other online activities related to their learning.
Integrating technology into classrooms allows for more (and more effective) communication between students and teachers, as well as students and peers and parents and teachers, all of which are vital to students’ academic success. Using technology in your classrooms also creates space for students to have a voice in their learning. Students are empowered to take responsibility of their learning through giving feedback on lessons, participating in projects and learning activities that respect their individuality and having opportunities and support to learn and understand how to use technology creatively, effectively and safely.
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Sports boost self-esteem in the Students
Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops self-confidence. Achieving a sport or fitness goal encourages you to achieve other goals you set. This is a rewarding and exciting learning process.
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How Sports can be responsible for shaping the life of children
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At Sharda Vidyalaya Bhilai, sports are an important part of the curriculum. The school is well equipped with multi-sporting facilities that include cricket, tennis, basketball, volleyball and other indoor games. The school not only aims to improve a student's physical abilities but also instill a sense of good sportsmanship in them.
1. Many athletes do better academically
Playing a sport requires a lot of time and energy. Some people may think this would distract student-athletes from schoolwork. However, the opposite is true. Sports require memorization, repetition and learning — skillsets that are directly relevant to class work. Also, the determination and goal-setting skills a sport requires can be transferred to the classroom.
2.Sports teach teamwork and problem-solving skills
Fighting for a common goal with a group of players and coaches teaches you how to build teamwork and effectively communicate to solve problems. This experience is helpful when encountering problems at work or at home.
3. Physical health benefits of sports
Clearly, sports can help you reach your fitness goals and maintain a healthy weight. However, they also encourage healthy decision-making such as not smoking and not drinking. Sports also have hidden health benefits such as lowering the chance of osteoporosis or breast cancer later in life.
4.Sports boost self-esteem
Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your goals develops self-confidence. Achieving a sport or fitness goal encourages you to achieve other goals you set. This is a rewarding and exciting learning process.
5. Reduce pressure and stress with sports
Exercising is a natural way to loosen up and let go of stress. You can also make new friends who can be there for you as a support system. When you feel under pressure or stressed, call up a teammate, head to the gym to talk and play it out.
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Sports are a crucial part of a student’s growth and development. They help in the development of mental health and physical fitness of the body. Through participation in sports and games, a student gains various skills, experience and confidence that are helpful for developing their personality.
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Observe the candidate's action carefully
The problem with going “off script” too much is that you can’t compare one candidate’s answers to another. But it is good to ask follow-up questions about how a person feels or how they have reflected on a situation. If a question comes up about a time when a candidate grew or learned something new, it is good to ask “How did you feel about that?” or “Was that hard for you?” This digs a little deeper into the growth mindset of a person and is just one example of a follow-up question that could give more insight into a candidate.
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