#beta horiozn
discar · 6 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 22 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
DIVINER: Kotallo, you're a Tenakth diplomat, right?
MARSHAL Kotallo: Yes, diplomacy describes part of my duties. Why do you ask?
MARSHAL Kotallo: I'm afraid I don't have any authorization to start negotiations with the Quen right now, if that's what you're interested in.
DIVINER: No no, not that!!
DIVINER: Though that is probably something I should be thinking about for the future!
β: can you get to the point sometime today so i can go back to sleep
β: its too early for this many notifications
Zo: It's almost noon.
DIVINER: Sorry!! Okay, Kotallo: I was just wondering, how do the Tenakth interact with other tribes? I know they had bad experiences with the Carja, but everyone had bad experiences with the Carja!
MARSHAL Kotallo: Ah, you ARE looking towards the possibility of an alliance.
DIVINER: Really, I just want to start with seeing if our people can be with a hundred feet without shooting at each other!
MARSHAL Kotallo: My people were an insular culture for a very long time. The clans preferred to test and challenge each other rather than interact with outsiders. The only other tribe nearby was the Utaru, and we left each other alone.
MARSHAL Kotallo: It might seem strange, and it certainly was not peace, but it was a sort of harmony.
DIVINER: But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.
β: oh i loved that show
DIVINER: I know right??
DIVINER: But we're missing a bunch of the episodes! Including Toph's intro! She just shows up out of nowhere!
β: oh yeah and thats a good one too
DIVINER: Do you have any copies??
β: sorry i never had much on my focus
β: had to hide everything from the zeniths
DIVINER: Aw, that's too bad.
MARSHAL Kotallo: [IceCubeWTFFace.gif]
MARSHAL Kotallo: Sure.
MARSHAL Kotallo: When the Red Raids started, Chief Hekarro approached the Utaru's Chorus for a more formal alliance.
Zo: At which point they sang for several weeks before deciding to stick their heads in the dirt and wait.
Zo: They thought plying the Carja with gifts of food would stop the raids.
Zo: It did not.
MARSHAL Kotallo: While no formal treaties were signed, the Tenakth recruited and trained many young Utaru who were willing to fight.
DIVINER: Oh! I know this one! Zo, you were one of them, right?
Zo: Yes. It was not my proudest decision, but I do not regret it.
MARSHAL Kotallo: Both of which are wise.
DIVINER: Great! I was worried the Ceo's aggressive policy had permanently soured relations!
BoyNextDoor: From what Aloy has said, is this new Bohai character any better?
FlameHairSavior: Bohai is pragmatic. I don't think he's going to continue antagonizing anyone he doesn't have to.
DIVINER: Yeah... but he might not be up for diplomatic relations, either.
DIVINER: I think his plan is still to just grab everything he can and leave!
DIVINER: Oh my Ancestors we're bandits.
DIVINER: DATA bandits! It's so much worse than normal bandits!
β: [AreWeTheBaddies.gif]
FlameHairSavior: That's not helping.
FlameHairSavior: Look, Alva, I think that as long as you stop killing everyone in your way, no one is going to care about you "stealing" data. You're just copying it, right? So if someone else did have a Focus, they could still access it.
DIVINER: In... theory...
β: youre stealing the data drives arent you
DIVINER: I'm sorry!! But considering how slow our Focuses are and how important the data is, it's standard practice to bring back any storage medium if it is reasonable to do so!
BoyNextDoor: Maybe we should tabla all this for now. Once GAIA is fully restored, you can worry about diplomacy with the Quen.
DIVINER: Yeah, sure.
BoyNextDoor: Until then, GAIA? Do you have any information on this... Fire Nation show that Alva and Beta were talking about?
ADMIN [GAIA]: I have full synopses, recaps, and summaries of everything ever produced by Avatar Studios. I do not, however, have any restored episodes. This is not uncommon. I have marked many such series in the archives.
DIVINER: Yeah, I saw those. I was really excited about FMA:B until I realized there wasn't anything to watch.
ADMIN [GAIA]: I do, however, have most of the novels, including the audiobook versions. The Kyoshi novels in particular are extremely well-restored due to multiple redundant copies.
DIVINER: There are... NOVELS?
β: i like the first one best
β: ?
DIVINER: Oh My Aang.
β: ah
FlameHairSavior: I'm confused.
Chapter 22 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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