#between Fine Line and Walls singles and album releases and their timelines . was it not transparently clear that WMI/ Eroda etc. were used
dreamings-free · 3 years
I dont know if its too late to start november album campaign just now?a lot of big artists who are releasing albums in oct or nov are in full promo mode. Then again if he does release single now but not an album then he would likely wait for album after his tour next year which lasts all through summer(if everything goes as planned with tour).i wish we knew some plans.also bg is still a thing,i think a lot of people would leave if another album cycle is not stunt free
I don’t think it’s an impossible timeline. Walls had an unusually long run up from first single to album drop. five months! to compare Fine Line was released not even two months after the first single and with only one more single in between. for it to happen this year I do think the album would have to be as good as finished now tho. but he has been cramming in lots of studio time in the past 3 months so it could be almost ready to go.
I doubt he’ll wait until after tour is done that’s so far away but we’ll see..
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ashlynbuggy · 7 years
I got really bored, so I decided to write down my entire BTS theory, and boy is it a doozy.
Ok so… Buckle up cause I’m gonna try to explain what I think is happening in all of the MV’s as a whole, starting from the very beginning.
I personally believe in the theory that every single BTS MV is connected into one solid timeline. All the way from No More Dream to DNA. With that being said, I do believe some videos are “outliers” of sorts. Songs like Dope, War of Hormone, Mic Drop. They don’t exactly fit into the timeline. Personally, I believe these songs are “in universe” BTS songs. Meaning those are the songs that the characters BTS are portraying in the MV’s made. We see in the Japanese version of Danger and in Boy in Luv that the boys in the MV’s also make music, so I think the “outlier” songs are their’s. That’s just a personal theory though and it’s just to explain away those songs that don’t fit.
That being said, the rest of the MV’s have a DEFINITE timeline to them. Ok, maybe not definite, but it’s there if you look hard enough. I won’t go to in depth about the timeline before I Need U though, because it’s pretty basic and easy to understand. Also, in order to fully understand this you’ll have to watch every single MV I mention, every variation of that MV (meaning Japanese versions, dance versions, etc, if they have them), every highlight reel and short film, and most dance practices (the choreography is super important and if you want, I’d be willing to make videos analyzing the choreo of BTS songs to show that more in depth. I’d also be down to analyze MV’s, though the videos will be a lot longer). If you want, I can try to make a playlist on my youtube channel that contains every single video you need to watch in chronological order.
So, our timeline starts at No More Dream. In this video we see seven boys (Rap Monster (now called RM), Jin, Jimin, J-Hope, V, Suga, and Jungkook) who are, in their opinion, “the coolest kids in the world.” And, well, they certainly try to live up to that name. We see them steal a school bus, drive to their school in the middle of the night, and trash the place. They’re teenage boys who hate the school system and want to cause trouble. This will stay true throughout the first three albums, but more on that later. The only really important event in this MV is at the end. At the end, we see helicopters and police men show up. This isn’t just to show how “cool” and “edgy” they are, it’s actually a direct link to their next MV.
The next MV is N.O. In N.O., we see that the boys are in a strict boarding school. This is likely because of their bad behavior shown in No More Dream. Instead of sending them to juvie, they instead decide to straighten them out. This, obviously, doesn’t work. As mentioned before, they hate the school system. So, they fight it. Jungkook is the first to decide that this place is absolute bullshit and plans to do something about it. His Hyung’s join in and together they escape the place.
The next time we see the boys is back in a regular (and quite similar to the one in No More Dream) school in Boys in Luv. Nothing too significant happens here actually, but it’s important to note that not only are the boys older, but they’re a bit less wild. They aren’t graffiting the walls or smashing TV’s anymore. Yes, they’re still bad boys who have dyed hair and steal their friends mixtape right out of their jacket and don’t really know how to treat girls, but they’re maturing. This is the first sign of that that we see in the MV’s, and it’s an important note to touch on. The point of the MV’s in a symbolic sense is all about growing up and trying to keep your youth. The fact that they’re starting to lighten up and are falling in love for the first time shows this nicely.
Just One Day is next and has the same story and message as Boys in Luv. Only difference is that Boys in Luv was them asking out their first love, Just One Day is them being with their first love. This doesn’t show in the MV, but it does in the lyrics, which are just as important. Not much to say here, but if you believe that the YoonKook relationship in the MV universe is a romantic one (like I do), than I think this may have been around the time they got together. Only real thing that suggest this is in Yoongi’s verse he says something along the lines of “I like hearing your voice when you call my name” and Jungkook afterward says “Yoongi-ah,” implying he’s the one Yoongi is talking about. I may just be reaching with that though.
Now, the next mv is Danger. This MV (and the Japanese one) are pretty important. This song is basically them going through a breakup. They’re a lot older (and mature) now and are probably going through their first real hardship. They handle this in different ways, but they’re all healthy. They aren’t destroying a school or anything like what they would’ve. RM is seen writing but if you look around, you’ll see a tattoo gun and ink, starting his interest in tattoos (which will be a continuous theme after this point); Suga focuses on basketball; V decides to cut his hair (which in asian culture signifies starting over, it’s a way for him to put the past behind him and get a fresh start); Jimin takes up boxing as a release of anger; J-hope continues to dance, which will also be shown multiple times again in the future; it’s unclear what Jin is doing; and Jungkook is playing the piano, a skill which we figure out later on he learned from his *boy*friend, Suga. That last one is probably the most important, especially since he messes up the keys and gets frustrated. Is it because he’s practicing to impress Suga and can’t get it right? Or is it the aftermath of a behind the scenes YoonKook fight? Either way, I feel it has a direct correlation to Suga. The Japanese MV for Danger is much different. This one focuses more on V. In the beginning they’re in a recording studio kind of just chilling and what not. V gets a text that visibly upsets him, and we see the impact of this throughout the MV. Bff RM notices, and decides that all of them should go to an underground club they often visit to get his mind off it. The rest of the MV isn’t too important, but this is the first time seeing a strong relationship between V and RM, which is very important.
And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, I Need U and Run. Now the timeline between I Need U and Run is very very close and at some points interchangeable. Let me explain. I think that the events the boys partake in in I Need U happen first. Meaning them on the railroad tracks, them running in that tunnel, them at the restaurant, the ending scene with all of them on the couch. All of that, all of the moments with the boys together and having fun, I think that happens before Run. Everything else, happens after Run. Those times where they’re together and having fun, I’ll refer to as the “fun events.” In Run, we see a party that I think happens after those fun events in I Need U. During this party, we see Jin kind of spacing out. It’s unsure exactly when, but at some point between the Prologue (which happens directly after the fun events in I Need U) and Run, Jin dies. He’s seen sort of watching over them, not really interacting. How Jin died isn’t exactly important, but my belief is that he was killed by V (more on that later), and I don’t think anyone knows this but V’s bff, RM. Either way, Jin is first to die. His death causes the others to spiral downwards.
During Run, YoonKook have a fight, causing Jungkook to run off (it’s my belief that they lived together, evident by Jungkook’s shirt hanging on the wall in Suga’s room in I Need U). What this fight is about, I actually don’t think it’s too important, but if I had to guess it would be about Suga’s drinking. He’s obviously drunk during the fight and I think how Suga dealt with Jin’s death was by drinking. The others as well, but since Jungkook is closest with Suga, he’s the one he tries to talk sense into. I think Jungkook was the only one to catch onto this downward spiral of the others, and tried to help. His help only lead to an argument with Suga. We see what happens after he runs off in I Need U. He gets beaten up by thugs, walks into the street and gets hit by a car. Jungkook doesn’t survive the accident, making him the second to die. Also, at the end of Run, Jungkook looks back into the camera at Jin, and winks knowingly, possibly because he has died too.
It’s unsure exactly the order of the next deaths, but I think it’s safe to go in order of the wings short films because that is now where we are in the timeline. If I had to guess the order of deaths not going by short films it would be Suga, Jimin, V, RM, and then J-Hope. In Begin, Jungkook has already died, so there’s not much to talk about. However, when his painting of Suga burst into flames, he realizes something is very wrong. He wants to save him, but can’t because he’s no longer there. I’ll get more on Suga later, because according to the short films, Jimin is next to die after Jungkook.
We see his cause of death in Run, though not completely. In Run, after Jungkook has died, we see both Jimin and J-hope have entered a mental hospital. The loss of their friends has made Jimin depressed and J-hope reliant on medications. J-hope goes in first after passing out on the street in I Need U, and Jimin goes in after a suicide attempt in the bathtub, also seen in I Need U. In Lie, we see that at some point, Jimin and J-hope got separated from each other. Treatment is hard, but it’s even harder when you don’t have anyone next to you. Jimin manages to convince the hospital that he’s fine, and is sent away. However, Jimin was not ok. He ends up actually committing suicide this time, the same way he tried to before, by drowning in his bathtub.
Next is V. Now, it’s unsure exactly how V dies, but he most certainly does. In Stigma, we see that he has been caught by the police and has been taken into custody. V is no longer a rambunkshus teenager, he’s an adult now, and can no longer get away with graffiting walls. He’s arrested, but is given a phone call. He calls bff, RM, but RM either can’t or doesn’t answer. Because of the lack of response from the last person V had, he feels completely alone and broken as he’s locked away. It’s most likely he either killed himself in prison, was sentenced to death row due to police finding out he killed his father (and/or Jin), or killed himself before being put behind bars.
Back to Suga. Suga feels incredible guilt over Jungkook’s death, which we see in I Need U and First Love. First Love actually probably happens first in Suga’s personal timeline since we see his death in I Need U. Suga starts playing Begin on the piano, a song Jungkook wrote himself (maybe that’s the song he was trying to play in Danger?). When he stops, he hears someone whistling the same tone, and thinking it might be Jungkook somehow, he follows the sound. I think this was Jungkook from the afterlife trying to get Suga away from the piano. In Jungkook’s vision, he saw a fire and knew that the store Suga broke into would catch on fire, so thinking that was going to be how Suga died, he tried to lure him away. He tried saving him, but after Suga is remet with the reality that Jungkook is dead, he falls into grief all over again. Later on, he goes back to their shared house and sets it and himself aflame, which we see in I Need U. This was the fate Jungkook’s painting was trying to show him, but he misinterpreted it. I’m sure it was a shock for him to see that even despite his attempts to save him, Suga still died, though this is never really shown.
Next is RM. Now, RM is another death that’s a bit unclear. I think it’s likely he had an alcohol and smoking addiction, which took his life, or the guilt of missing V’s phone call caused him to take his own life. In Reflection, we see him trying to let go of his grief of losing those he cares about. He does this the same way he did in Danger, by writing and tattooing. The tattoo is a familiar design that we see in a few other short films, though I’m not exactly sure what significance it has. If you know what it is, let a homie know. Anyway, RM dies probably shortly after V did.
Surprisingly, the last to die was probably the most unstable. J-hope’s death is probably the easiest to understand. After being in a padded cell for so long, he finally learns about the deaths of all of his friends. I think the decision for him to overdose on his medication was a pretty easy one for him to make; he wanted to be with his brothers again. In Mama, we see that the hospital has supplied him (stupidly??) with a shit-ton on meds. He takes so many that he overdoses and dies.
And finally, we see Jin again. Jin is… Horrified to say the least. He never expected them to spiral out of control like that. He tried watching over them, he tried guiding them, but for a reason he doesn’t understand, it all failed. We’ve seen in I Need U that Jin places six lily petals on the ground and they catch on fire. The six petals represent the six other members. Lilies themselves strongly represent death. Jin had a vision, much like Jungkook, that his friends were all going to parish. This is why in prologue and run, he watches over them. He’s trying to keep them all together and happy so that it doesn’t happen. During Run though, he’s slowly realizing that there’s nothing he can do. At the end of Awake, he leaves six photos representing the other members. He walks down the hall and out of the room, likely to meet the others now that they are all together again.
And this is where Blood, Sweat, and Tears starts. BS&T is pretty clearly the afterlife. All of them together, and in fancy clothing, in a fancy building. I’m not sure if it’s exactly heaven, but I don’t believe it is hell. So, here’s the deal. Jin is with his brothers again, but he realizes that it’s bittersweet, because they’re all dead. While looking at a painting of fallen angels and demons, he wonders if there’s anyway to fix what had happened. V realizes this and shows Jin that there is a way, making a deal with a demon (or a fallen angel, it’s a tad unclear. V seems to be a fallen angel, but people typically only make deals with demons so idk). This demon happens to be V. Why is V a demon? Cause he killed two people, one of which was his own friend and the other was his own (albeit abusive) father. V is a sinner, much more than the rest of them. V shows Jin a statue, a statue that has V’s wings because we see his are missing (which makes me think he’s actually an angel who had his wings taken; aka a fallen angel, but I digress). Jin decides to make the deal, sealing it with a kiss. This deal says that Jin will have the power to go through time, but there’s a cost. We don’t know what the cost is yet, we’ll probably find out with this upcoming album. After this deal is made, it immediately starts to shift the afterlife. Jin’s new power is starting to take affect, signified by the sudden bright rainbow colors. He uses his power for the first time in BS&T Japanese version.
This is one of the most important BTS MV’s, but it’s so easy to miss. Please, if you haven’t seen the MV for the Japanese version of BS&T, go do it right now, I’ll wait. You’ve seen it? Good. Fucking crazy, right? You’re probably very confused and don’t understand a damn thing. That is, until you realize this is Jin using his power for the first time. What you’re seeing is the members going back in time. You see scenes from BS&T, I Need U, Run, and even some new scenes. All of the old scenes look odd and sort of messed up. People are in the wrong positions, wearing the wrong clothes, there’s multiple of the same people. Jin just got this power, he’s learning how to use it as he goes, and it’s not the smoothest first time. He gets things wrong, but in the end, they make it back. But hold up a moment. Before we get into what happens next, let’s talk about these new scenes. The first is a scene between RM and Jungkook. This one is… Odd to say the least. We see RM give Jungkook some strange green liquid. It’s the same liquid RM drinks in the original BS&T. Is it alcohol? is it poison? We don’t know. All we do know is that it makes Jungkook sick. That’s where the next new scene comes in. Jungkook is throwing up in the toilet. Suga comes by and tries to help him, but Jungkook pushes him away. Is this a topsy turvy version of the YoonKook fight in Run? Or maybe it’s a different fight that happened before Run, like the possible one before Danger? Who really knows, but it’s interesting to speculate. The biggest new scene though is the one with Jin and V. We see Jin punching V repeatedly. He suddenly hesitates to apologize. Why were they fighting? Couldn’t tell ya. Either way, V sees this hesitation as an opportunity to strike back. He lunges forward, knife in hand, and kills Jin. We actually see this happen, and no, I don’t think it’s just a backwards version of V killing his father in I Need U. I think this is something that actually happened that we’ve never seen before. Why? Because that is not the last time we’ll see this scene again.
The next time we see it is in the Love Yourself highlight reel. We see it when Jin is flashing back through his memories, trying to decide which memory to go back to. That means that that scene, it wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t Jin’s power messing up, that was a real memory of Jins. Jin actually remembers V killing him. I’ll get back to the highlight reel in a minute though, because first we have to talk about Spring Day.
Spring Days MV actually isn’t that important, since most of it is in dedication of the victims of a tragic train wreck that happened in Seoul. The most important parts are small and symbolic, like the washing machines signifying the multiple cycles Jin has gone through and Jin looking through his fingers like a camera, showing he’s still watching over them. The real important scenes in Spring Day comes from the choreography. More specifically V and Jin’s part of the choreography. When V sings his “you know it all, you’re my best friend,” part, he kneels down in guilt and sorrow. Jin emerges from the group to walk over to him. He places a hand on his back and helps him back to his feet. At the end of BS&T, Jin looks over at some lilies, and another symbolism for lilies is forgiveness. Jin forgives V for what he did. V is one of Jin’s lily petals just like the others, and even though it hurt him, he still loves and looks after it.
Before we get back into the highlight reel, let’s quickly discuss Serendipity and DNA. These songs have the SAME EXACT PREMISE. Like I’m not even joking, please pull up the lyrics for both if you are skeptical. They’re both about destiny and how the fate of design works and how sometimes two people are meant to be. Serendipity has a bit more of a star-crossed lovers vibe than DNA, which is more just about soulmates, but either way it’s pretty much the same. So much so, that the first line of Serendipity is the chorus for DNA. “All of this is not a coincidence.” Bit spooky, right? They’re legit saying, “nah, ya’ll aren’t reaching. Everything you see means something.” But anyway, even though the songs are pretty much the same just in a different order, the videos aren’t too similar. DNA is about Jin jumping between time to try and fix everything. The boy is trying his best, but the others keep messing up somehow (as we’ll see in highlight reel). He’s going through many, many wormholes, trying to do everything he can to change fates design. Serendipity definitely stays more true to the lyrics than the timeline and theory. It’s a sweet love song that is about two people (Jimin and his love interest) who were destined to be together since the creation of the universe. Now, outside of the timeline theory, I personally have a hard time believing this song is about anyone BUT Yoongi. And that’s from someone who isn’t even the biggest YoonMin shipper. But, real life theories to the side, I have no clue who “in-universe” Jimin could be singing about. J-hope maybe? The girl from the highlight reel? Noone in particular? Idk. I’ve also heard that DNA is about TaeKook, which looking at the clues makes enough sense to me lol. So, maybe there’s dual meanings? One meaning for real life and one for the MV timeline? After all, all of this is not a coincidence, right?
Finally, back to the highlight reel and where the timeline ends for now until the new comeback. In the highlight reel, we see each member has gone their separate ways. Jungkook is in a wheelchair, meaning that Jin took them back to right before Jungkook got hit by a car. Instead of trying to pull them all together, Jin leaves them be as they all part ways, minus Jimin and J-hope, who we’ll get to more later. Jungkook has survived the car accident that he died in before. He’s in a wheelchair, but not paralyzed as we see him walking near the end of the reel. He meets a girl in the hospital who has some sort of terminal illness, he immediately takes a liking to her. Suga is still making music and has even started seeing this girl. She’s trying to straighten him out a bit by getting him to quit smoking (very similar to how Jungkook tried to get him to stop drinking? Parallel maybe?). V meets a girl who is a lot like how he was. Stealing, vandalising, just doing bad kid things. He decides to help her as she seems to be a loner like himself. RM is still living in solitude, but he keeps running into this girl. He likes her, but can never seem to gain the courage to talk to her. J-hope has started dancing again as a way to escape, much like he did in Danger. He’s still haunted by his mother abandoning him as a child, but he’s taking that anger and putting it to dancing with his girlfriend (it could just be that she has a crush on him). Jimin has been helping J-hope. They both share a stronger bond after having gone through treatment together. Jimin has a crush on the girl who’s dancing with J-hope and wants to impress her. He loves J-hope, but he can’t help but be jealous. He starts practicing their dance, hoping that maybe he can show her that he can dance just as well as J-hope. And then we have Jin. Jin runs into a girl who drops her diary. In it, he finds out her contact information, which he uses to ask her on the date. Everything seems like it’s going great, until suddenly it isn’t.
Jungkook runs into Suga’s friend as she’s performing at the hospital. I think Jungkook assumes Suga has moved on when he sees that she has Yoongi’s lighter with his initials on it, and thus texts him, probably saying something sweet about how he’s happy for him and that he has moved on too. Suga, who probably hasn’t moved on, gets upset at this. He ends up pushing the girl away, telling her to leave him alone. He’s doing the same thing he did to Jungkook before. V and his friend have started getting into trouble together. Maybe she roped him back into it? Maybe he was never really doing better in the first place? Either way, they’re caught. V, in a moment of bravery or foolishness, decides to turn himself in to save the girl. He’d later be taken in by the police like before. RM ends up never confessing his feelings for the girl, feeling like he’s not good enough for her or anyone. J-hope’s girlfriend (?) gets injured somehow. She may fall while dancing, or J-hope could’ve hurt her, or maybe Jimin hurt her. J-hope ends up rushing her to the hospital while Jimin relapses in self-harm. Jungkook decides that since Suga has found someone else, he’s free to confess his feelings for the girl. However, he’s too late. The illness has already caught up to the girl, killing her. And finally back to Jin. As he waits for his date to arrive, we hear off-screen as she gets hit by a huge truck, more likely ending her life. Jin, who can’t even be shocked anymore, asks himself how many times can he go back, repeating the same days, hoping for a different outcome. At the end of the reel, we see him back at the same say he started from, meaning he used his power to go back in time again.
I think, the answer to this is a bit simple. I think that because fate has already laid itself out (as said in DNA), there’s no way to change it. However, I don’t think us or Jin will truly know what’s going on until the next album. In my opinion, I think this next album will be much darker than Love Yourself. I think it’ll show the consequences of messing with time, and Jin’s deal will backfire in some way again. Whatever the demon’s end of the deal was, I think it’ll come to light this next comeback.
If you think about it, the MV universe of BTS is split up into three sagas if you will. The first is the School saga which runs from 2 Kool 4 Skool to Skool Luv Affair. Then, you have the Young Adult saga, running from Dark and Wild to You Never Walk Alone. And finally, the WHAT saga. W-Wings, H-Her, A-?, T-?. The next two albums I believe will fall under this saga.
Anyway, I hope this made sense. If you got confused at some part, let me know and I’ll try to explain in better details. I know for certain I’m probably not the first one to come up with this theory, but everything written here are things that I came up with by watching all BTS videos on my own without looking at theories. I’m not claiming to be the first person to think of this, cause I know I’m not.
Also, this is leaving out a lot of details. Like… A LOT. Especially when it comes to choreography and Japanese versions. I also didn’t even mention Fire, which honestly is probably apart of the timeline due to the sheer amount of easter eggs, it’s just hard to tell where it lands. So, like I said in the beginning, if you’re interested in full MV and choreography analysis videos, I’d be happy to do them. I want to know if that’s something that you guys would actually watch though. Also let me know if you want a full playlist of the essential videos you need to watch for this timeline to make the most sense.
Another thing, this is all just a theory, so if you don’t agree with some parts, that’s totally fine. It’s all just for fun and all of my opinions are just that, opinions.
I hope you enjoyed this and that it may have cleared some things up, especially for new fans!
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