#bewwy wips
bewwy · 9 months
I'll post a fic Wip here
Sumarry: Phil is haunted by a ghost long dead.
It was a warm sunny day, the kids were rough housenig in the flowers, Tallulah throwing a handfull of dirt at Chayanne, and he jumping on her as revenge.
It was a good day.
The wind ruffling the leaves, and mixing with the laughter of his kids, Phil closed his eyes to enjoy the sun.
But doing so, brought back the memories of the previous morning. It wouldn't leave his mind, the purple crystals shinning in the darkness of the main room, guiding him trough his home. In to the aquarium waters.
It sends a shiver trough his spine, and Philza shakes himself off, rising from the ground and walking to his children, black spots dancing across his vision and the chill holding steady against the sun.
The kids notice him aproach, and Phil tries to smile away the unconfortable feeling, their squeels of laughter and joy acting as a sword, cuting away the memories.
"You little shits enjoying yourselfs?" Both
covered head to toe with mud smile proudly. "I'll need to make you new clothes! Cuse those rags are gonna be sprouting weeds at this point."
"Stop with the drama papa" Tallulah rolls her eyes after the sign.
"We reuse resycle and Rihanna in this house" Signed Chayanne
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Phil weezes out a laugh. "Alright, bath time you too! Go home and get washed, I'll meet you there with some new clothes."
The kids pick themselves up, with Tallulah trowing herself in to his pants, leaving a stain shapped tallulah in it.
"Tallulah! Oh my god. Now I'll need a new pair as well! Uhg.." Philza complains lightly. "Come on both of you! Get going!"
And the kids do, Tallulah warps first, and Chayanne gives a wide grin as he teleports away trough the purple particles.
Fuck him.
It's actually pathetic, the simple color of the particles, brings back all the bad fellings with it. Really, it's quite impressive.
Philza closes his eyes again, trying to take a deep breth and center himself, he sees his kids, just a warp away, and hears laughter. It's not - it's not his kids laughter though.
It's mocking, amused even, as if finding the actions of a stranger perplexing, but comedic. It's so close too, it sounds like it's inside of his ears, and yet so far away, muffled by a indiscribable distance.
He opens his eyes. It's coming closer.
Phil looks across the field and sees nothing, only the overturned dirt and scattered flowers, some unfortuned crushed petals in the ground by his feet, it's pink, but the edges are burnt due to the direct sunlight.
As he looks at the crushed flowers, purple particles appears at the cornner of his eye.
How long has Phil been standing there? Is it Chayanne? Wondering why he hasn't come back yet? But he did say he was gonna do something first, didn't he?
He turns around.
There is no one there, but the laughter seems closer, less muffled.
He needs to go, Phil will let them borrow one of his shirts, but he needs his kids back. Now.
He grabs his warp stone, holds tightly in his hand, and thinks of home. Phil & Missa. Phil & Missa. Phil & Missa. Phil & Missa.
Why isn't he porting?
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