#beyblade damon
0iam0 · 2 years
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Happy Birth to the cool brothers, Hyde and Phi. That's on 29th February which would be 1st March on non-leap years. Drawing manga is kinda fun, I started an experimental series but since it's story is long and unplanned, I did this short 4-page comic thingie to test my skills on drawing comics.
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sum extres 🎉
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They're on good terms. This is what I see their relationship after the events of dread tower be like, where Phi, no matter what he tries, just can't intimidate his "little" brother anymore. He's basically some equivalent of a drama queen now. And ig it is actually canon that Hyde's fear of his brother is gone, cuz if he can literally TAUNT him while he's raging (btw Phi's rage is bad, really bad, scary even imo), yea Hyde knows how to deal with him.
It makes a little sense that it's Hyde's birthday everybody be celebrating and Phi to not even celebrate his birthday given their personalities in the show being like, Hyde likes company and Phi doesn't. Phi's the loner. Hyde on the other hand be getting wishes from not only the dead gran crew, but also his viewers, he's a bey reality show host after all lmao. He's a youtuber. He's awesome. Despite that I just wanted them to be wholesome brothers for at least some time. Punching your brother w cake is so wholesome.
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Here's the black and white versions I've reached max image limit lmoa
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mach-speed-spin · 2 years
Evil Beyblade organizations rated based on their ability to work as a cohesive unit
Dark Bladers: 10/10. They may not be the strongest team, but they show immaculate teamwork and work together exceptionally well
Biovolt/ Demolition Boys: 8/10. Their top bladers work well together and even their regular bladers are pretty strong. The reason it's not a 10/10 is because Kai doesn't have much loyalty to them. As a whole, they're a well oiled machine with one defective piece
Team Psykick: 6/10. They start off as a 10/10 but between their elite team having to be mind controlled, 2 of their top bladers planning to betray them, and Doctor B trying to kill everyone in the building, I have to deduct some points
Saint Shields: 9/10. Mariam and Dunga don't always get along but overall they still cooperate on the battlefield
Zagart Industries: 5/10. Doctor K accounts for 4 of the 5 lost points. The other one is Zeo
Parts Hunters: 8/10. King and Queen work well together. Doctor K holds them back
Barthez Battalion: 2/10. Barthez struggles to keep his bladers in line and they revolt against him
BEGA: 6/10. The Training Squad works well together. The Justice 5 does not. Brooklyn and Mystel are often just doing their own thing. Crusher's loyalty wavers. Garland and Ming-Ming are the only ones keeping the team together
Face Hunters: 10/10. They're just a Kyoya fanclub
Dark Nebula: 1/10. I get Doji's reason for letting almost anyone join, since the worst case scenario is that they get fed to L-Drago directly. But the complete lack of loyalty, presence of a spy, lack of communication (Tetsuya didn't know he accidentally set them back by months), and the entirety of Battle Bladers make this one of the worst groups when it comes to teamwork
Hades Inc.: 6/10. Ziggurat, Damian, and the Garcias are on the same page. Zeo has to be blackmailed and Jack is too unstable. Faust should be the most functional part of this group, but like a machine with no off button, he keeps Tempo spinning even when Ziggurat needs him to stop
Nemesis Bladers: 8/10. While the Legendary Bladers they had on their side eventually turned on them, they were prepared for it. I can't give them a 10 because betrayal still happened, but I can't go below an 8 because it was expected
DNA: 2/10. The Garcias are the only ones who work together besides Kira and Yoshio, who have their own agenda that goes against the Garcias. It's just too disconnected of a group. Also there's a mutiny
Dominators: 0/10. Absolutely no one is on the same page here. Only their leaders know what their end goal even is. Jake and Sting are there for the fun of it. David and Gigante end up on opposite sides. Odin betrays them. The whole system where they torture and kick you out for losing in Judgement Bey doesn't exactly foster team spirit
Snake Pit: 0/10. No one has any loyalty to Ashtem. At most, the masked bladers (except Red Eye) do, but they all get kicked out pretty early on except for Yellow Eye. And Yellow Eye doesn't last that long either. Red Eye, Boa, and Gold Eye all used Ashtem and the Snake Pit to further their own goals, and were ready to throw Ashtem under the bus
Dread Tower: 7/10. Hyde, Kyle, Evel, and Damon work well together. Count Nightfell does not. And Evel betrays Hyde
Inferno: 1/10. Arthur wants world domination via streaming. Gwyn joins because he seeks to understand human emotions and doesn't care for Arthur. Joe is planning to overthrow Arthur. Blindt is there because he wants Delta to notice him, and ditches Inferno once he gets what he wants. The single point is because Another is actually loyal to Arthur
Nexus: 7/10. I'm counting Nexus as a villain group because Burst lacks those, and Nexus fits the bill for villains better than Rideout or the Raging Bulls. It's a 7/10 because Bashara leaves them, but Rashad and Ilya work well together
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Señor Hanami: Valt is the champion because he perserveres through anything
Damon: *crying* Please... I just wanna see my family again!
Señor Hanami: I’M NOT DONE! And Shu is like the angsty prodigy-
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suresha · 3 years
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today  was  very  long  and  mother  nature  hit  so  im  dragging  myself  to  bed.  but  in  the  meantime,  i’m  still  looking  to  play  with  some  book  /  show  canons:
spartacus  //  from  the  spartacus  starz  series  //  for  nasir
s. snape  //  to  get  my  snarry  fix
cinna  //  for  my  katniss
bard  //  from  the  hobbit  (  dads  unite  man )  for  thranduil
charles  xavier  //  xmen  //  for  my  erik  (  but  since  i  also  play  charles,  i’d  be  extremely  ridiculously  picky  to  the  the  point  where  if  the  portrayal  isn’t  close  to  how  i  envision  him  within  my  own,  it’s  not  happening ),  also  for  my  emma
magneto  //  for  my  charles  obv ( same  deal  as  above )
bruce  wayne ( nolan’s  bruce )  //  for  my  jim  gordon
sirius black, remus,  james potter, tom riddle, or any of the death eaters  //  for  my  lucius,  harry  and  /  or  severus
peter 3 or 1 //  for my  peter 2
bonnie bennett  //  for  my  damon
a boyfriend //  for my  stefan  salvatore because he deserved better 
armand /  claudia //  for  louis
mobius  //  for  loki
erik  killmonger  //  for  crossover  stuff
littlefinger  //  for  sansa 
star  wars  people??? 
anime  wise...
grimmjow  and  itchigo  //  for  toshiro
lancer  or  anyone  really  from  the  fate  series  //  for  gil and saber
kakashi  //  for  my  iruka  or  gaara
gojo  (  jujutsu  kaisen )  //  for  my kakashi
erwin  //  for  my  capt  levi
jean / connie / sasha,  ect  //  for  my armin
kai  ( beyblade )  //  for  my  ygo  muses
itachi,  sasuke, lee  //  for  neji  ( or sasuke for gaara )
there’s  a  shit  ton  more  but  eh  i  need  sleep.  imma  pin  this  post...or  add  a  link  to  my  pinned  post  and  update  it  as  needed. im  pree  picky  about  writing  so  pls  be  literate.  ok? ok.  also  this  doesn’t  mean  i  want  to  romantically  ship  all  these.  i  just  want  the  interactions,  feel  me?  and  crossovers?  usually  welcome  them.
bedtime for me. o/
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Elementary school- friends
If you can’t tell by now I have lived my whole life shying away from relationships with my family and relying way more on my friends for emotional support. Throughout elementary school I grew up LOVING being the centre of attention. I just loved being goofy and making people laugh. I wasn’t ever really too sure who I was in the early years, didn’t have any goals, just living for the moment.
My first friend was Cohl. His aunty Terry was my nanny and so we spent a lot of time together when we were younger. We ended up going to the same elementary school, Holy Cross and remained really close friends for the first few years but as we grew older we weren’t as close.
I met the second impactful friend of my life when we moved into the Crescent Heights house with my dad when I was 4. He was my neighbour, one year younger than I, an Indigenous boy named Jesse. Me and Jesse spent everyday together, playing GameCube, or with one of our many obsessive Anime shows (Avatar, Beyblade, Pokemon, B-damon, Yu-gi-oh, ben 10, Bakugan). When i grew up too old to play with toys we drifted apart and never connected on the same level again. I gave him all of my old toys and moved on. Jesse had an inground pool as well and we spent so many summer days swimming around in it (which is pretty ironic because I can’t really swim at all).
Early elementary years I really connected with Josh. We grew up with a lot of the same interests and it kept us close. We spent everyday together and had lots of play dates on the weekends. Me and Josh were pretty inseparable throughout the years and I would say we still are to this day.
I had a good friendship with a boy named Peter in the early elementary years. We lived only a couple blocks away from each other so I would go to his house often to play.
In second grade I moved to the east flat again with my mom. This gave me the opportunity to form a really good relationship with Matt. He lived just up the hill and thus we took the same bus and would go out and explore the forest by our house often. We spent so much time outside and built a really good bond.
A lot of the boys from Holy Cross stayed close throughout the years. I still hangout with Mason, Jake, Travis, and Cohl from time to time. And have kept a some what relationship with Jacob K, Jacob E, Joel, and Cameron.
In 5th grade was when I really started branching out and being more independent. Me, Josh, Joel and Jacob K formed a really good friendship back then and we would spent so many days after school biking around and being goofballs. Lots of sleepovers and late nights. 
In 6th grade was when I really started to branch out. I was going to a lot of Raider games and meeting so many people from other schools. I met Rhys and Tyson and hungout with them a lot, again a lot of biking and sleep overs.
I met some of my best friends this year. I met Liam and Jaxon and spent so many days with them. We would get into a lot of stupid situations together, just being young and dumb. Lorenzo was also one of my good friends at this time and me, him, Josh and Liam would have a sleepover almost every weekend. A lot of the time these would happen at my house because my dad didn’t really care, we got stupid all the time and would light random stuff on fire in my room and a bunch of other idiotic things.
I also met Tyler this year and he became a really great friend of mine for the next 4 years. The guy was extremely unreliable but he loved social interaction as much as me and thus we would go out and hangout with so many different people.
I mentioned Kierrah before, who my step brother had a child with, well before that we were really close. Me and Liam would go hangout at her house almost every single day, we were best friends until she ended up going to high school and leaving us behind.
I also became really close with my neighbour Maria. She was always there for me and she always loved how goofy me and the boys were. We’ve kept a somewhat good relationship throughout the years but nothing like what it was back then.
I also met a girl named Tasha who played a pretty big part in my life. We had a long time on again off again relationship that was never an official relationship but then we'd meet someone else, leave and then come back to each other after it doesn’t work out. We’re still friends but after she moved away when I was in grade 10 the on again off again stopped for the last time. 
I also became really really good friends with some of the girls from school. I built amazing relationships with Billie and Cami and trusted them with everything, I still hangout with them and don’t hide anything from them.
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I have a somewhat relationship with some of the other Holy Cross girls still, be it Kenna, Tate, Paige or Selena, I will always make time to have a conversation with them when I see them.
Grade 7 Tyson took me to the mountains and I made a good friendship with Reese and Jacob D. We spent a lot of time biking and I tried to integrate them into my other friendships. 
Grade 8 was the first time in my life that I really had a mentally check. I needed to figure out what type of person I wanted to be. Mme. Matheson loved my charismatic personality and kind of took me on as a project to guide me on the right path. She knew that things weren’t really good at home and that my sister was getting into a lot of trouble but she thought that she could help me avoid going down a similar path. She pulled me aside often and wanted updates on how my mom was doing and if there was anything she could do for me. She really pressed me hard on going to St Mary’s after grade 8, she would try to convince me almost every single day. My sister had gone to Carlton before she dropped out and it was right by my house but she saw something in me that I didn’t see myself. I was pretty good in school and had the bubbly personality that she didn’t want to see go to waste.
I also met Caleb in grade 8, he was always a good friend but it took years for him to have a huge impact on my life.
That was the best decision I EVER made. I was set on going to Carlton if I could find just one friend that was also going there. I was in talks with Cohl and Tyler and if either one was going so was I. They both decided to go to St Mary’s so against the wishes of all my football friends, I was going to. Mme Matheson was super excited when I told her my decision.
At the end of grade 8, me, Liam, Jacob D and Tyler also shaved our hair off for cancer and I had some long ass hair at the time but that was a great decision (I had some terrible hair at the beginning of grade 9 because of it lol).
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0iam0 · 2 years
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Krima in Dead Gran
This year's Christmas fanart goes to the beyblade fandom cuz no shit I like beyblade lol. Early Christmas post cuz I actually have another idea for this AND new year. Now, that itself is a challenge if I'll be able to make it or not, but I surely will try cuz after my exams end, I'll be kinda free for two weeks.
I'm heavily obsessed with dread tower characters rn. Especially, Count Nightfell 🎩 followed by Evel, and Hyde and Kyle and Phi, they are all so cool, like I've had a phase dedicated to each of them. Mr. Demon/Damon is cool too, missed my man here tho :(
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It's a chibi beypop style but not exactly...
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