#beyond the boundary wallpapers
animepopheart · 2 years
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★ 【雨様】 「 3 栗山未来 」 ☆ ⊳ mirai // beyond the boundary ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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anime-daydreams · 8 months
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Artist // Source ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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iianfl · 7 months
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waddei · 3 months
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questions about possible pricing, any of the boundaries or if i can draw something that isnt mentioned are more than welcomed, my inbox is open with anon enabled and my dms are open aswell!
you can contact me through tumblr dms or discord to either request a commision or just ask any questions in private!
(discord name is "wadds")
drawings you commission may not be used for merch,nfts or any other comercial means unless some form of compensation is added to the price of the commission. otherwhise theyre meant exclusibly for personal use (EX: phone wallpaper, to print for your own room, icons, fic covers, or character references)
payment through mercado pago would not be done with us dolars and prices would be adjusted to still make sense in that case (en pesos argentinos, pueden esperar un descuento de hasta mas la mitad)
difference between a closeup and a PFP?
a closeup is a zoomed in drawing where any composition, posing or extra elements are present, they can go from half the torso up Generally. while pfps are centered solely on a characters face and have no background beyond simple patterns, elements like "character holding something" could also be present and they dont add to the total
when exactly does the background start costing extra?
rough guidelines are written above in the picture, but I tend to be pretty lenient on them. if you ask for a drawing with a simple background (ie, Not payed) and I later ask if I want to add any details to it they will not add to the cost and you do not need to worry.
how long will this take?
depends on the drawing but it shouldn't take more than a couple of days once I've started working on it, that being said if there are commissioners in from of you in the line it could take longer for me to get to it. but I always try to get every commission done I'm at least one week
why is mercado pago argentina only?
mercado pago doesn't accept international transactions sadly and I am argentinian
can we negotiate the prices?
I consider my prices to be very low to begin with so no. however if you are from a country with a very high dollar price I might CONSIDER it cus I'm nice and all.
what does "obvious fetish content" mean?
it refers to drawings that might not include sex directly but alude directly to an sexual fetish or scenario, ie a girl being restricted by tentacles or someone being gagged and tied while naked. if your fetish is like, feet or smt then it's fine.
what does "predatory pairings" mean?
a pairing where the power imbalance is the main drawn for it. think teacher student relationships, cop / prisoner or similar dinamics. I'm simply not comfortable with it so I won't draw them.
why no background with the clean línes style?
i don't like how my backgrounds look without rendering and don't feel comfortable charging for them in that state
why no profile pic with Ms paint lineless?
the canvas size on those are pretty small and the style doesn't allow much detail, I don't think it'll look too good simply
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honorarysimp · 3 months
Interlude: The Diner
series masterlist
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Out of everywhere in town you’ve been since you arrived two weeks ago, this is the only place you’ve truly felt safe.
The diner was a blast from the past, a relic of a time long gone. The checkered linoleum floor worn and scuffed in places, and vinyl-covered booths gave the place a retro feel, while the crackled and faded wallpaper added a touch of nostalgia.
The smell of stale coffee and fried food hung in the air, adding a distinct atmosphere to the place.
The diner was dimly lit, the fluorescent tubes above the counter casting a harsh, almost clinical light over the small space. In one corner, an old radio played quiet music, the sound barely reaching a few booths in the room.
You are currently sat in a booth towards the back, visibly exhausted beyond measure as you nurse a cup of black coffee.
Coffee is suppose to be the answer to everything, but you’ve had to reconvey your initial claim the last week.
Your phone suddenly rings loudly in the quiet diner, the sharp sound causing you to flinch, jarring and breaking the ambiance like a hammer against glass. You glance down at the screen, expression darkening as you saw the word "Mayor" flash across the display.
With a heavy exhale, you let the call ring through to voicemail. The Mayor was the last person you want to deal with at the moment. You’re frustrated and exhausted, as this investigation seems to be leading nowhere.
Why answer her when you have nothing to report? She knows where to find you if she’s that desperate for results.
You reach into your coat pocket and retrieved your tape recorder. You lay it on the worn tabletop and looked at it for a moment with a slight grimace.
You hesitate before starting the recording, the weight of your lack of progress weighing heavily on you. With a weary sigh, you hit the record button and began speaking, voice low and tired.
"It's been two weeks since I arrived here, and so far, I've got nothing. No leads, no suspects, just a whole lot of dead ends."
You continue, your voice growing more frustrated as you detail your efforts thus far.
"I've tried everything," you admit, hand running through your hair in exasperation. "Witness interviews, forensic analysis, even digging through records going back decades. But every time I think I'm onto something, it just leads nowhere."
You lean back in the booth, shoulders slouched in exhaustion. "It's like this town is intentionally keeping secrets."
You pause for a moment, expression thoughtful.
"The people here," you begin, voice a bit softer. "They're just as much victims as anyone. I've started to get to know some of them, and they're just trying to live their lives. But then there's this..."
You trail off, expression conflicted. You knew you’ve always tried to be logical and professional when it comes to your job, ruled by rationality and evidence. But this case is pushing your boundaries, forcing you to question your own beliefs.
"Maybe... maybe there's no logical explanation," you admit, voice barely a whisper “the only thing that’s consistent is the fact one person goes missing a month, but even that doesn’t make sense because it stops and starts randomly- goddamn it.”
You hit the pause button on the tape recorder, frustrated. You sit back, the silence in the diner somehow making the weight of the case even heavier.
You sat for a moment, eyes unfocused as you mull over everything that has happened in the last two weeks. The disappearances, the dead ends, the strange events... everything about this case was slowly chipping away at your certainty, your usual rational mind struggling to find footing.
You start the tape recorder again, voice weary but determined.
"The attack in the woods," you began. "I've tried to make sense of it, but it just doesn't add up. The masked figure came out of nowhere, silently and unexpectedly. The knife cut me, but there was no blood, no trace of any kind at the scene. And even after searching, there were no footprints or tracks of any kind. Nothing."
You trail off, eyes fixed on the tabletop. "It's like the assault never even happened."
You again continued, tense with disbelief. "And then there's Wes," you say, shaking your head. "He just vanishes after walking into the lake. We've searched the lake more times than I can count, and we haven't found a body. Nothing. It's like he just vanished into thin air."
Your frustration and confusion becomes more and more evident the more you spoke, the mystery of the case growing more complex with each passing moment as you verbally try to debunk it aloud. "It makes no sense," you mutter, raking a hand through your hair once more, knee bouncing in a fidget underneath the table.
You pause for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm your frustration. "The disappearances, the attack, the lack of any solid evidence... everything about this case just feels wrong. Like there's something bigger going on, something just out of my grasp.”
You look down at the tape recorder, brow furrowed. "But how do I solve something when I can't even see all the pieces? How do I find answers when everything I've tried leads to more questions?"
You sat slumped in the booth, gaze unfocused as you wrestle with your thoughts. "I need... I need..." you repeat in a low voice, frustration and desperation mingling in your tone.
I need a fucking cigarette.
You clench your fists, refocusing on trying to piece together the elusive clues in your mind. "I need something decisive, something concrete," you continue, eyes sweeping over the steam rising from your mug as if the answers were etched within the small bubbles resting on the liquid’s surface.
You let out a heavy sigh, the frustration etched on your face. You reach out and hit the pause button, shutting off the tape recorder.
You lean back in the booth once again, taking a moment to gather your thoughts. The weight of the case hung heavily on you, the lack of progress a crushing disappointment. Never has a case had you so in the weeds before, you should have something by now.
"I need to find something," you mutter to yourself, jaw clenched. "I can't keep spinning my fucking wheels like this."
You rest your elbows to the table for a moment, rubbing a hand over your face as if trying to scrub away the fatigue and temporary defeat. Everything about this case was getting under your skin, the lack of progress wearing on your already frayed nerves.
The Diner's bell jangled as someone entered, causing you to look up from your thoughts. Your gaze lands on Tara of all people, who had just walked in.
You register the first responder uniform she is wearing, coming to the conclusion that she must be working the night shift. Or just got off it, depending on what time it is, that of which you aren’t sure. Your eyes lingered on her for a moment, taking in her tired but determined expression.
Her head turns and you’re already meeting her gaze, a pause between you, and then you silently gesturing for her to join you. You see the hesitation on her face, the fatigue and worry that mirrored your own. But after a moment, she relents and walks over to the booth, sliding into the seat opposite you.
“Hey” you start softly, watching her take your coffee mug off the table and take a small whiff before taking a sip.
You don’t question it.
“Nothing yet on our end, you?”
You shake your head, “even if we did, I’m sure Sam would be the first one to let you know.”
Tara nods, and you both fall silent.
The one waitress that seems to be working tonight walks over, she gives you both a kind smile.
“You’re working late tonight, Cici” Tara says politely, which makes the woman laugh good naturely.
“I could say the same to you, coffee?”
She scribbles it down, glancing back up “and the usual?”
Another nod from Tara, which then has Cici’s gaze going to you expectantly.
“I’m still doing okay with just coffee-“
“The Detective will have what I’m having Cici, thank you” Tara cuts you off, making Cici glance between you knowingly as she jots the order down and heads off without another word.
You look to Tara and narrow your eyes, but she beats you to it before you can speak.
“I wish you’d stop making assumptions about me, you know.”
A pause, you reach across the table for your mug but she pulls it from your reach.
There’s a good chance Tara is talking about the last conversation you two had before you found Wes and Chad, but of course you’d hate to assume.
So you wait for her to continue, after a moment her expression softens slightly and she nudges your coffee mug back across the table to you.
“For what it’s worth, I’m rightfully in the same boat. Worrying certain people are only around for information, for wanting to know things rather than-“ she stops, clearing her throat.
That’s when you get it. The hot and cold.
“Look… I’ve never once been dishonest with you, I’ve got no reason to be” you start slowly, giving your still aching shoulder a little roll before reaching across the table to accept your mug back.
“But-“ you pause, as your fingers brush against hers, neither of you acknowledge it as you pull the coffee mug back to your side “unfortunately that’s the one thing I’m under contract not to tell you, which is who hired me. You already know why I’m here, and if there’s one thing I can promise you is that I’m not using you for any reason.”
She is clearly skeptical, you can tell by the way she looks at you. But you can also see that slight softness between her brow, like she wants to believe you.
You sip your coffee, sitting it to the side before placing your palms flat on the table top, “ask me anything you want, no pool games, no deals, no trades, no bullshit. And then I’ll do the same.”
That look returns, the one Tara gave you a week ago when you’d asked her out for drinks.
“You still are trying to pick my brain” Tara says with an amused tone, you offer a smile and shrug.
“I wanna know you, is that so hard to believe?” You say as you nudge your coffee mug back over to her, a silent offer.
Tara eyes you, then the mug, then you again. She’s fighting back a smile, something you’ve noticed she does a lot with you. In a way you consider it a win, because it means she’s starting to like you even when she doesn’t want to.
“Fine” she agrees, pushing the coffee mug back across the table to you before crossing her arms, “but you’re on thin ice hot shot.”
You grin, trying not to feel triumphant for finally managing to somewhat get through to her.
“First things first, what’s your favorite scary movie?”
The disapproving look Tara gives you makes you laugh harder than it should, which in return, makes her smile more than she should.
And for the first time in a while, a sense of normalcy envelops you both. It won’t last, but for now, it’s nice.
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annamlynska · 2 years
Kill the hero
Noragami Chapter 103.1 Spoilers!
Suzuha, Tsugaha, Sakura…the number of characters we knew by name and who actually ended their lives in Noragami is less than the number of fingers on our hands. Adachitoka doesn't kill their heroes and certainly not the main ones. Until now.
 If we've actually seen Kazuma die, and there's no reason to think we haven't, he'll be the first of those really important characters we'll have to say goodbye to.
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I regret it, because he was a character that was incredibly interesting. Totally positive, devoted, kind and friendly, and at the same time capable of acts that were far beyond the boundaries of commonly accepted morality. And also someone who dragged so many flags of death behind him that he could wallpaper an entire room with them.
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Kazuma was an ideal candidate for death. It is this type of hero, with a bright white character sprinkled with dark streaks of bad deeds, who rarely live to see the end of the story. But this awareness does not change the fact that I mourned his death. His departure evokes another emotion in me, stronger than sadness, and that is the fear of what will happen. Adachitoka, if they are killing, they have a very good reason to do so. Each death moved the plot forward, each departure of a character had a significant effect on the behavior and decisions of the other heroes.
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At the end of the last chapter, Yato was wounded and exhausted to death, but happy because he felt that he managed to protect those he loved, but the moment he understood that Kazuma was going to die, his emotions turned into absolute despair and a wish not to be. Kazuma was his best and for a very long time, also his only friend. And suddenly he's gone, and there's no way to stop Yato from believing that it's all his fault. Because guilt is a attire that Yato wears almost constantly.  
 Even though it was Kazuma who literally forced himself on this suicide mission, knowing the end it could bring.
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 But the one who will suffer the guilt of Kazuma's death and the pain of his loss even more is Bishamon. She tried so hard to protect him, he meant so much to her. Her blessed vessel, a person as close as if he were a part of her. How could she forgive herself that he died?
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And how could she forgive Yato? Her hatred for him is like an old acquaintance. A habit that is hard to get rid of. It will be much easier for her to immerse herself in familiar emotions to overcome the unbearable pain than to think about what exactly happened and why. 
 And this time there is no way to appease her hatred.
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dracoslibrary · 10 months
Interlude: Lost and Found
Draco made it to his room before the shaking began in earnest. The green patterned wallpaper closed in on him, and the dark wood of the furniture seemed to swallow up the dim light. He crossed to the curtains and ripped them open, breathing hard. Bright afternoon light poured in, and Draco stood in it, stood in the warmth of the sunshine and thought of Granger's eyes on him. It had been a warmth of a different kind. And cold in its own way.
Draco sat in a chair next to the window and trembled for several long minutes. It was wrong, all wrong.
He had planned it all out. He had made decisions that felt ridiculous now. How could he have thought he could control her, let alone himself? He was a fool.
He was doomed.
Draco pressed the palms of his hands into his thighs and rubbed slowly up and down, a soothing gesture. He needed to calm down. It wasn't as bad as all that. He was no worse off than when she'd shown up at his door, and maybe she would talk to Weasley and Potter on his behalf. That was something.
Something small, but something.
And the look in her eyes. He had gotten to her, just a little bit. She could see him for what he was: scared, alone. Powerless. And she hadn't pitied him. She had... what had she done?
Challenged him. Pushed him.
Touched him.
The skin on Draco's arms pebbled into goosebumps at the thought.
No. He was only cold.
He got up and went to the wardrobe for a jumper. He undid a few buttons then peeled his dress shirt over his head, tossing it onto the bench at the foot of his bed. He ran his hand through his hair absent-mindedly as he felt the jumpers, his long fingers digging into the wool and cashmere. He needed comfort, something wrapped around him like an embrace. In the end, he chose his favourite, a forest green cashmere jumper that was slightly too large for him. He slipped it over his head and sighed. He could still appreciate the comfort of a favourite jumper. That was something, too.
He caught sight of himself in the large standing mirror in the corner of the room. He was lanky and gaunt, hollow-cheeked and red-rimmed eyes.
How could Granger bear the sight of him?
He straightened the jumper and returned to the chair at the window. The view was stunning beyond the boundaries of the Malfoy Manor, rolling Wiltshire hills dotted by ancient English oaks. Inside the high stone walls, the back garden was overgrown, wild yet beautiful.
What was he going to do?
He was going to leave her alone, for one. Granger had endured enough from his family, from him. He would allow her the use of the library, and that would be the end of it. It was the least he could do.
He was lost, truly lost, if he thought he could do anything else.
"Keys," he said. The little house-elf appeared immediately at his side. "Is she gone?"
"Yes, sir."
The house-elf held a bundle of something out to him. "She left this, sir."
It was Granger's blazer. Draco took it from Keys as though it were a holy relic.
"You may go," he said.
Keys disapparated with a pop.
Draco stared at the blazer in his hand. A shiver went through him at the sight of it, the feel of the fabric. Slowly, hating himself for it, he brought it to his nose and breathed in the scent of her. Parchment and rosewater. Ink and woodsmoke.
Merlin help him. He was truly lost.
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cursivebloodlines · 5 months
i just don't understand how you don't miss me. - for zoe (shh don't look that I sent two)
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“You really don’t get it, do you?” A puff of breath slipped through her lips; a watery, broken laugh followed suit. If she so much as looked at him, Zoe knew her resolve would inevitably crumble. She looked everywhere but at him. The broken clock on the wall, out of time and ticking too fast - or was that just the beat of her heart? The piece of wallpaper in the corner opposite from them looked like it was about to fall off at any moment. Almost poetic and maybe even ironic, since it mirrored exactly how she felt in that moment. Her gaze averted to the floor, but not before she stole a glance at him on her way down. The heartbroken expression in his eyes, the love she could still see that lingered beyond them. How devastatingly beautiful he was, even when he looked gutted. The painstaking reminder: she did this to him, to them.
Did he not understand how much it was killing her to be apart from him? To purposely stay away from him when all she wanted to do was to pull him in closer, hold on tight to him with iron fists and never leave. But time and time again, she had hurt him with weaponised words of venom and spiteful declarations she could not retract so easily. Eric deserved more than that, deserved someone who could give him everything with no questions asked and not simply the crumbs she was willing to give depending on the day and the situation. She supposed it didn’t help how she kept coming to him for stupid things, and they ended up in circles and circles. One step forward, then two steps back. Then two steps forward and one step back. 
“I do miss you, Eric. I have missed you from the moment I left you. Even now, with you sitting here with me, I still miss you. That’s the problem.” And there it was. Raw, brutal honesty. “It’s a problem because I shouldn’t - I shouldn’t be missing you. Look at us. I did this to us.” Zoe knew she wasn’t making sense, that Eric wouldn’t understand - he never did. They had done this song and dance too many times before: all it would take is a moment, on the cusp of reigniting the flame once more but they fly too close to it. A fleeting moment of weakness for the two soon turns into a moment of regret for her, the guilt a permanent mark and it’s inevitable that she retreats, demanding and reinforcing boundaries whilst poor Eric attempted to fight for their relationship once again. If she couldn’t get past how badly she’d hurt him not once, but twice and probably more than that since she told him, ‘the more you love me, the more I hate myself’ and ‘I’m suffocating.’  Her own words haunted her, especially in the dark when she was alone again.
The way Zoe saw it, she didn’t deserve to miss him because she was the one who held the responsibility for destroying it. Trying to defend herself, she ended up attacking him and her default stance of losing her temper and saying everything in the worst way imaginable resulted in saying awful things she could not so easily take back. “I lost the right to sit around moping the moment I broke your heart.” She left out the part where she absolutely, one hundred percent did exactly that. Moping, having a rage and sobbing until she fell asleep. But that was then and this was now. It was now, she realised, that she should have merely played along with it. Act like she didn’t miss him instead of confessing. Maybe he could move on quicker that way. It would break her heart, but her heart was already far beyond broken anyway. 
Having everything slip through her fingers was a familiar tale and maybe that’s why she seemed so indifferent; she had grown accustomed to life’s relentless game of losses, where each disappointment forced her to return to the start, at square one once again. Whether it was her parents’ letdowns or being screwed over by others, setbacks were her constant companion. Time and time again, she would gather the broken pieces and keep on forward, never looking back. It was second nature, muscle memory. But Eric? He defied her closed-minded processes with an undying love too strong to walk away from. He was the first person who made her feel safe. His love for her was sincere and sacred, a rarity in her world. Something that deserved nurturing, something that was worth holding on to. Despite her best efforts (‘best’ was probably an exaggeration, come to think of it) to safeguard it, she found herself inadvertently destroying the only thing she cherished. She was a tornado, chaos with every hurricane she brought and Eric was always the one trapped in the eye of it, bearing the brunt of her wreckage. How was it possible to ruin the one good thing she ever had?
“I don’t know what you want me to do. I can’t just -” Sighing in frustration, she rubbed at her temples. How could she articulate it all when she didn’t fully understand herself? “If I act like I don’t miss you for long enough, maybe one day I will actually stop…” she trailed off, hesitating as she tentatively peered into his eyes once more. And there she was, falling for him all over again with just one look. “And if I can do that,” she said, her voice wavering as she held eye contact. That felt like worlds away right now. A pause, an intake of shaky breath. “Then maybe one day, you will stop missing me, too.” Perhaps confessing her plan wasn’t the brightest idea. But when she looked at him, she couldn’t lie to him. “I know you refuse to listen when I say you deserve better but it doesn’t make it any less true. I love you and I know you love me, but we’ve seen how this ends, we’ve been here twice before. I’ll be damned before I do it to you again for the third time.” But with the words she spoke, it became apparent to Zoe that maybe she had just done exactly that. “I’m sorry, Eric. I just - I don’t know. I can’t keep doing this - we can’t keep doing this.”
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shivaimage · 7 months
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Exploring the Divine: God Images Download HD 1080p for Spiritual Inspiration
In today's digital age, the quest for spiritual enlightenment often intertwines with our technological pursuits. As we seek solace and guidance from the divine, the availability of high-definition (HD) images of gods and goddesses has become indispensable. Join us on a journey where spirituality meets technology as we delve into the realm of God images download HD 1080p, offering a gateway to connect with the sacred in the digital landscape.
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In conclusion, God images download HD 1080p represent more than just digital assets; they are gateways to the divine that transcend time and space. By integrating these images into our digital spaces and spiritual practices, we bridge the gap between technology and spirituality with grace and reverence. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital content, let us remember the profound impact that high-definition imagery can have on our quest for spiritual enlightenment. Embrace the clarity, embrace the divine, and let your journey towards spiritual awakening be illuminated by the beauty of God images download HD 1080p.
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vector-art-bundles · 4 months
Unveiling the Extraterrestrial Feminine: Female Alien Vector - Digital Artwork Download
In the vast expanse of the cosmos, the imagination knows no bounds. It ventures into realms beyond the familiar, crafting beings that transcend earthly forms. Among these celestial creations, the female alien stands as an embodiment of mystery, beauty, and enigma. In the realm of digital art, the depiction of such entities not only sparks curiosity but also offers a canvas for boundless creativity. In this article, we delve into the allure of the female alien vector, exploring its significance, artistic representation, and the captivating journey it invites us to embark upon.
The Essence of the Female Alien Vector:
The female alien vector represents a convergence of the familiar and the fantastical. It embodies the essence of the feminine within a framework of extraterrestrial aesthetics, blurring the lines between the known and the unknown. Unlike traditional depictions of women, the female alien vector transcends earthly features, often adorned with ethereal traits such as luminescent skin, otherworldly eyes, and intricate patterns reminiscent of celestial phenomena. This amalgamation of the familiar and the alien captivates the imagination, inviting viewers to explore the realms of possibility beyond terrestrial confines.
Exploring Diversity and Representation:
One of the most compelling aspects of the female alien vector is its capacity for diversity and representation. In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, the concept of beauty takes on multifaceted forms, transcending cultural norms and earthly conventions. Digital artists have embraced this notion, crafting female alien vectors that span a spectrum of identities, cultures, and physical attributes. From sleek, biomechanical beings to ethereal entities reminiscent of ancient goddesses, each representation offers a glimpse into the infinite possibilities of the universe, celebrating the beauty of diversity in all its forms.
The Intersection of Art and Technology:
At the heart of the female alien vector lies the intersection of art and technology. Digital artists harness the power of advanced software tools and techniques to bring their otherworldly visions to life, sculpting forms that defy conventional boundaries. Through the use of vector graphics, artists can manipulate shapes, colors, and textures with unparalleled precision, creating compositions that resonate with depth and complexity. This fusion of artistic expression and technological innovation not only pushes the boundaries of creativity but also underscores the transformative potential of digital art in the modern age.
The Allure of Digital Artwork Downloads:
In an era defined by digital connectivity, the accessibility of artwork has undergone a profound transformation. Digital art downloads offer enthusiasts the opportunity to engage with captivating creations from anywhere in the world, transcending the limitations of physical space and time. For aficionados of the female alien vector, digital artwork downloads provide a gateway to an immersive realm of imagination, allowing them to adorn their digital devices with visions of cosmic beauty. Whether as wallpapers, screensavers, or digital prints, these downloads serve as portals to distant galaxies, inviting viewers to embark on a visual odyssey through the cosmos.
The female alien vector represents more than just a depiction of otherworldly beauty; it serves as a testament to the boundless creativity of the human imagination. Through its diverse representations and seamless fusion of art and technology, it invites us to explore the far reaches of the cosmos, transcending earthly confines in pursuit of the unknown. As we embrace the allure of digital artwork downloads, we embark on a journey of discovery, where each brushstroke and pixel serves as a beacon guiding us through the uncharted depths of the universe. In the realm of the female alien vector, the possibilities are as infinite as the stars themselves, waiting to be explored by those daring enough to venture into the cosmic unknown.
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caelmbur · 4 months
Project 1: Capturing the essence of a space
The creation of a VR world that reverses the typical cinema experience, instead immersing viewers in the overthinking thoughts of an individual within their bedroom, reflects a desire to explore the complexities of the human psyche and the eerie depths of introspection. By flipping the traditional cinema setting, this VR experience invites participants into an intimate and unsettling space, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. The choice of a bedroom setting, a place typically associated with privacy and vulnerability, amplifies the sense of unease and discomfort. The inclusion of rainy weather and eerie masks adorning the walls further heightens the atmospheric tension, creating a surreal and foreboding ambience. These elements serve to evoke feelings of isolation, anxiety, and perhaps even a hint of existential dread.
Beyond the confines of the cinema, an encompassing 360-degree wallpaper surrounds the viewer, adorned with eerie dolls and distressed nurse Barbies. This haunting backdrop amplifies the sense of surrealism and unease, blurring the boundaries between reality and the unsettling realms of imagination and dreams. It serves as a visual representation of the limitless possibilities inherent in the cinematic experience, where the bizarre and the macabre intertwine to evoke a chilling atmosphere.
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This is the collage I used for the background outside of the cinema. It is a combination of different sketches, watercolour paintings and photographs I have created/made.
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aprilal4k · 5 months
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https://wallpapercast.com/ Step into a realm where pixels dance with imagination and colors tell stories. These wallpapers aren't just images; they're portals to alternate universes, each boasting its own narrative waiting to be discovered. From serene landscapes that whisper tales of forgotten kingdoms to abstract designs that challenge the boundaries of perception, these digital tapestries redefine visual aesthetics. Dive into a symphony of hues that evoke emotions beyond words, or wander through surreal dreamscapes that defy reality. Every wallpaper is a masterpiece, meticulously crafted to ignite inspiration and spark wonder every time you unlock your device. Experience artistry like never before with our collection of mesmerizing wallpapers.
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glance11 · 5 months
The Digital Oasis: Discovering Serenity with Samsung Glance Wallpaper
These days it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of information and stimuli. Our devices, once intended as tools to simplify our lives, often contribute to the very chaos we seek to escape. But what if there existed a digital sanctuary, maybe a smart wallpaper feature, a tranquil space tailored to your unique needs and preferences, offering a moment of respite amidst the hustle and bustle?
Enter the Samsung Glance wallpaper, with a revolutionary “smart wallpaper” that transforms your lock screen into a personalized haven, delivering curated content and experiences designed to uplift your spirit and soothe your soul. This cutting-edge smart wallpaper feature, seamlessly integrated into Samsung smartphones transcends mere technological innovation to become a canvas for self-expression and a gateway to moments of tranquility.
Imagine awakening to a smart wallpaper on your lock screen that greets you with a breathtaking landscape, its vibrant hues and serene vistas transporting you to a world of natural beauty. As you wake up your phone, the “Samsung glance wallpaper” seamlessly transitions, revealing a personalized feed of uplifting quotes, gentle reminders, and captivating visuals, each carefully curated to align with your interests and preferences.
This is no ordinary lock screen; it’s a smart wallpaper that means it is a living, breathing extension of your innermost self, a digital reflection of the things that bring you joy and inspire you to embrace the present moment. Whether it’s a collection of your favourite art pieces, a rotating gallery of stunning photography, or a meditative soundscape, the Samsung Glance wallpaper ensures that your first interaction with your device sets the tone for a day filled with mindfulness and positivity.
But the magic of this smart wallpaper extends far beyond its aesthetic appeal. With its intelligent algorithms and deep learning capabilities, the Samsung Glance wallpaper adapts and evolves alongside you, continuously refining its recommendations and curation to deliver an ever-more-personalized experience.
Perhaps you’re an avid reader, and the Glance wallpaper presents you with thought-provoking excerpts from your favorite authors, igniting your intellectual curiosity. Or maybe you’re a fitness enthusiast, and the Samsung Glance Wallpaper’s smart wallpaper feature offers motivational quotes and images that inspire you to embark on your next workout adventure.
With the smart wallpaper feature, the possibilities are endless, and the Samsung Glance wallpaper seamlessly weaves these tailored experiences into your daily routine, transforming your lock screen from a mere barrier into a gateway to self-discovery and personal growth.
Yet, what truly sets the Samsung Glance wallpaper apart is its ability to transcend the boundaries of technology and tap into the universal human need for connection and belonging. In a world where we often feel isolated and disconnected, the smart wallpaper feature fosters a sense of community by allowing users to share their wallpapers and curated content with others, creating a virtual tapestry of shared experiences and collective inspiration.
A captivating photograph from a far-flung destination, a poignant poem that resonates with your soul, or a whimsical illustration that sparks childlike wonder — these digital artifacts via Samsung Glance wallpaper become the threads that weave a tapestry of human experience, bridging cultures and fostering understanding.
But the Samsung Glance wallpaper isn’t merely a passive observer in your life; it’s an active participant, a companion that adapts to your ever-changing needs and moods. On those days when you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious, the “smart wallpaper” might present you with calming nature scenes or guided meditations, creating a virtual sanctuary where you can retreat and recharge.
And when the demands of daily life threaten to drain your creative well, the Samsung Glance wallpaper offers a wellspring of inspiration, presenting you with thought-provoking artwork, innovative ideas, or captivating stories via the smart wallpaper feature that reignite your passion and reignite your creative spark.
In essence, the Samsung Glance wallpaper is more than just a “best lock screen” feature; it’s a digital sanctuary, a canvas for self-expression, and a conduit for personal growth and connection. This smart wallpaper feature is a testament to the power of technology to enhance our lives, not by isolating us further but by fostering a sense of community, mindfulness, and wonder.
As you embark on your journey with the Samsung Glance wallpaper, you’ll discover a world of endless possibilities, a digital oasis where the boundaries between technology and humanity blur, and where your lock screen, with the smart wallpaper feature, becomes a canvas for the most precious and profound aspects of your life.
So, wake up your device, and allow the Samsung Glance wallpaper to transport you to a realm of serenity, inspiration, and self-discovery. Embrace the beauty of a “smart wallpaper” that not only enhances your device but enriches your soul, reminding you that even in the midst of our digital age, there exists a sanctuary where technology and humanity converge, where the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth takes center stage.
In a world that often demands our constant attention and relentless productivity, the Samsung Glance wallpaper offers a much-needed respite, a chance to pause, breathe, and reconnect with the essence of what it means to be human. Experience the “best lock screen” experience, and discover the transformative power of a technology that not only simplifies your life but elevates your spirit, one curated moment at a time.
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evershinewalls7 · 6 months
Transform Your Space: The Power of Wall Murals
In the world of interior design, wall murals have emerged as a transformative tool to revitalize living spaces. Gone are the days of mundane, plain walls; instead, homeowners and decorators are embracing the creativity and versatility that wall murals offer. From adding depth and character to a room to creating a breathtaking focal point, these artistic installations have become an integral part of modern decor. Let's delve into the captivating realm of wall murals and explore how they hold the power to redefine your space.
Unleashing Creativity
One of the most compelling aspects of wall murals is their ability to unleash creativity. Whether you opt for a striking nature scene, a whimsical abstract design, or a captivating cityscape, the possibilities are endless. Unlike traditional wallpaper or paint, murals offer a canvas for self-expression, allowing you to customize your space according to your personality and style preferences.
For those with a penchant for art, commissioning a mural from a local artist can infuse your home with unique flair and originality. Imagine waking up to a hand-painted masterpiece that reflects your individuality and serves as a conversation starter for guests. From intricate details to bold strokes of color, a custom mural can transform an ordinary wall into a captivating work of art.
Creating Visual Impact
Beyond mere decoration, wall murals have the power to create visual impact and evoke emotion. A well-chosen mural can instantly elevate the ambiance of a room, imbuing it with a sense of drama, serenity, or wonder. Whether you seek to make a bold statement or foster a tranquil retreat, the right mural can set the tone for your entire space.
In large, open areas such as living rooms or entryways, a mural can serve as a striking focal point, drawing the eye and anchoring the room's design. By carefully selecting a design that complements your existing decor, you can achieve a harmonious balance that enhances the overall aesthetic of your home.
Expanding Space
One of the most ingenious tricks in interior design is using murals to visually expand space. In smaller rooms or those lacking natural light, a well-placed mural can create the illusion of depth and dimension, making the area feel larger and more open. For example, a mural depicting a scenic vista or a vast horizon can transport viewers to another realm, effectively enlarging the perceived boundaries of the room.
Similarly, murals featuring trompe-l'oeil effects, such as faux windows or architectural elements, can trick the eye into believing that the space extends beyond its physical confines. This clever optical illusion can be particularly effective in cramped quarters, transforming cramped interiors into spacious havens.
Personalizing Environments
Your home is a reflection of your personality, interests, and experiences. With wall murals, you have the opportunity to personalize your environment and surround yourself with imagery that resonates with you on a profound level. Whether you're passionate about travel, nature, literature, or art, there's a mural out there to suit your tastes and enrich your living space.
For avid travelers, a mural depicting iconic landmarks from around the world can evoke cherished memories and inspire future adventures. Nature enthusiasts may opt for lush botanical scenes or breathtaking landscapes to bring the outdoors inside and infuse their home with a sense of tranquility. Whatever your passions may be, incorporating them into your decor through murals can imbue your space with warmth, character, and personal significance.
In conclusion, wall murals represent a powerful tool for transforming your living space and unleashing your creativity. Whether you're seeking to make a bold statement, create visual impact, expand space, or personalize your environment, murals offer endless possibilities for customization and self-expression. By incorporating these artistic installations into your home decor, you can elevate your surroundings and cultivate a living space that truly reflects your unique style and personality. So why settle for ordinary walls when you can adorn them with captivating murals that breathe new life into your home?
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Dubai's Luxurious Interior Design Trends for 2024
In the dynamic realm of interior design, Dubai emerges as a beacon of innovation and style amidst its ever-evolving landscape. As we venture into 2024, the city's premier turnkey interior fit-out contractors take the lead in shaping the most captivating trends of the year.
Join us as we delve into the enchanting realm of interior design, uncovering its beauty and charm, and exploring how these trends redefine luxury living, particularly for those investing in property in Dubai.
Embracing Sustainable Chic: A Dubai Affair
Dubai's dedication to sustainable living takes center stage in the 2024 interior design scene. Designers embrace eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient solutions, and recycled furniture to craft spaces that seamlessly blend luxury with environmental consciousness. Experience the allure of sustainable chic as Dubai's interiors mirror the city's commitment to responsible living.
Nature's Influence: Urban Oasis Amidst Skyscrapers
While Dubai's skyline symbolizes modernity, biophilic design introduces a refreshing touch of nature to urban living. Turnkey contractors incorporate indoor plants, natural materials, and innovative green spaces, creating urban oases that harmonize with the natural world. Witness the fusion of concrete jungles and lush landscapes as Dubai embraces biophilic design in 2024.
Desert Palette: Moody Hues and Earthy Tones
Inspired by the captivating desert landscape, Dubai's interiors come alive with rich, moody hues and earthy tones. From deep desert browns to warm terracotta, these colors evoke tranquility and warmth, transforming spaces into serene sanctuaries amidst the desert's allure.
Cultural Fusion: Bridging the Gap Between Old and New
In Dubai's melting pot of cultures, the fusion of traditional and modern design elements takes center stage. Expertly blending Arabic-inspired tiles, contemporary metals, and luxurious fabrics, turnkey contractors celebrate the diversity and richness of Dubai's cultural tapestry. Experience the harmonious coexistence of tradition and innovation in every corner of Dubai's interiors.
Opulent Maximalism: Embracing Extravagance
In Dubai, luxury knows no bounds, with maximalism reigning supreme in 2024. Bold patterns, vibrant colors, and opulent finishes converge to create interiors exuding extravagance and sophistication. Step into a world where luxury knows no limits as Dubai's interiors embrace maximalism with unparalleled flair.
Tech-Integrated Living: Stylishly Seamless
At the forefront of technological innovation, Dubai seamlessly integrates smart home technology into its interior design landscape. From automated lighting to voice-controlled systems, homes in Dubai transform into tech-savvy havens, elevating comfort and style to new heights.
Statement Ceilings: Reaching New Heights
Amidst skyscrapers touching the clouds, statement ceilings take the spotlight in Dubai's interiors. Whether through play of lights, intricate patterns, or textured wallpapers, ceilings become canvases for artistic expression, elevating Dubai's skies to new heights of opulence and grandeur.
As we explore Dubai's interior design trends for 2024, it's evident that the city's turnkey contractors play a pivotal role in bringing these trends to life. Whether drawn to sustainable living, maximalist extravagance, or the timeless allure of cultural fusion, Dubai's contractors stand ready to transform living spaces into stylish havens epitomizing the city's dynamic and cosmopolitan spirit.
Elevating Interior Design to International Heights
Dubai's status as a global luxury hub extends far beyond its local landscape, with branded luxury projects adorning its skyline, redefining interior design trends on an international scale. Backed by renowned names in architecture and design, these projects push the boundaries of creativity and opulence, setting new benchmarks for luxury living. By infusing Dubai's cultural heritage with cutting-edge design concepts, these projects captivate audiences worldwide, transcending geographical boundaries.
The trend of home staging in luxury real estate in Dubai has gained prominence in 2024, aligning perfectly with the city's penchant for sophistication and opulence. Home staging enhances a property's allure through thoughtful design, ensuring it resonates with potential buyers and commands higher prices. In a competitive market like Dubai, staging becomes a strategic investment essential for showcasing properties at their absolute best.
In the dynamic realm of real estate, where every detail matters, home staging has transitioned from a luxury to a necessity, particularly in markets like Dubai. Recognizing its pivotal role as a potent interior marketing tool and strategic investment, is fundamental to success in today's competitive landscape. As Dubai's luxury market thrives amidst digital evolution, home staging remains a linchpin in captivating clients and ensuring properties leave an indelible mark from the very first glimpse.
For those interested in staging and investing in luxury-designed homes in Dubai, Exclusive Links offers a preferred partnership with MHY Homes, leaders in home staging. Contact us at +9714 399 4937 or email [email protected] for more information.
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harmonicbay · 7 months
Mastering Wall Elegance: A Deep Dive into Textured Paints Vs Wallpaper
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In the world of interior design, Harmonic Bay emerges as a beacon of creativity and expertise. Beyond mere decoration, Harmonic Bay transforms spaces into personalized experiences. Understanding that the choice between textured paints and wallpaper is a reflection of individual aesthetics, their seasoned designers guide you through this decision-making journey. Harmonic Bay doesn’t just design; they curate an environment resonating with your unique style every time you step into your beautifully adorned space.
With Harmonic Bay’s expert guidance, your walls cease to be mere boundaries; they evolve into a canvas telling your distinctive story, harmonizing aesthetics and comfort. Your journey to masterful wall elegance begins here.
Read More: https://www.harmonicbay.com/mastering-wall-elegance-a-deep-dive-into-textured-paints-vs-wallpaper/
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