#bf for Qrow 2019/2020
snackzimmerman · 5 years
RWBY Volume 7 episodes 1-7 review
There’s a lot to love about it! So far we have:
- Penny
- “I’m not happy” *tail wags*
- 6 feet tall people hot damn
- Nora trying to escape handcuffs by biting them
- new hair, new outfits?!?
Blake’s hair? No, Ruby and Wiess’s are good, and jury’s still out on Jaune. Everyone else’s is okay.
- *upgrade from bmc starts playing*
- at first I was like “not enough ReNora!”... then
- ReNora
- Ruby has a choker
- So Ruby defies gravity with her power, splits in three... I think she’s going to level up into a teleporter
- elf lady
- “Thunder Thighs”
- screw u Shnee dad
- Penny
- “pull my finger” but it’s Yang’s entire arm
- no one can pronounce Jaune’s name
- intro scene poke battle between winter/Weiss and the shnee dudes
- Ruby now has Suga hair
- nyan cat
- lie detector politician w/ sheep gf
- bumblebee (Blake x Yang) is basically canon
And, arguably most important: They’re giving Qrow a bf. I think? Basically he’s got a good luck semblance and winks and complements him and Qrow acts like a blushing schoolgirl and I’M SO HERE FOR IT
oh yeah also there’s plot
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