#bffa 17
riverpancakes · 2 years
All of my Ever After High ocs as of 9/13 w some descs
Silver Charming
Basics: Daughter of Apple White and Darling Charming, oldest twin. 19. She/her, straight. Story + Role: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Snow White. Royal. Fun Facts: She poisoned herself to get her destiny and is currently in a coma because nobody will admit that they're her prince.
Frey Charming
Basics: Son of Apple White and Darling Charming, youngest twin. 19. He/him, bisexual. Story + Role: Rapunzel; Rapunzel's prince. Rebel. Fun Facts: He lives in Wonderland and has a secret room in the King of Hearts' castle.
Bella Queen
Basics: Daughter of Raven Queen and Dexter Charming. 18. She/they, bisexual. Story + Role: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; The Evil Queen. Rebel. Fun Facts: She has severe anxiety and Nyctophobia.
Autumn Ella
Basics: Daughter of Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman. 19. She/her, lesbian. Story + Role: Cinderella; Cinderella. Roybel? Fun Facts: She went through with her destiny but is secretly dating Nixie Goodfairy.
Chamomile Hatter
Basics: Daughter of Madeline Hatter. 17. Any prns, pansexual/polyam. Story + Role: Alice in Wonderland; Mad Hatter. Royal. Fun Facts: Her BFFA is Rosaline Beauty.
Regius Hearts
Basics: Son of Lizzie Hearts. 20. He/him, gay. Story + Role: Alice in Wonderland; Queen King of Hearts. Royal. Fun Facts: His destiny has nothing to do with romance so he's fine with dating Frey Charming because "it's not like I'm supposed to get married to someone, I just have to sit there, be angry, and run a kingdom by myself."
Oakley Wood
Basics: Daughter of Cedar Wood. 20. She/her, aro/ace. Story + Role: Pinocchio; Pinocchio. Royal. Fun Facts: Her favorite activities since becoming a real girl is sitting in the rain and splashing in puddles.
Rosaline Beauty
Basics: Daughter of Rosabella Beauty and Daring Charming. 16. She/her, straight. Story + Role: Beauty and the Beast; Belle. Royal Fun Facts: For the longest time she thought Frey was her prince despite them being cousins.
Sunny Lockes
Basics: Daughter of Blondie Lockes, oldest child. 18. She/her, pansexual. Story + Role: Goldilocks and the Three Bears; Goldilocks. Royal. Fun Facts: She worked at Hocus Latte when she attended Ever After High.
Flaxen Lockes
Basics: Son of Blondie Lockes, youngest child. 15. He/they, straight. Story + Role: ??; ??. Unsure. Fun Facts: He's a lot like Dexter Charming, he's never been prepared for a destiny and is scared that he won't been good enough for it, but he's going to try his best no matter what destiny he sees at Legacy Day.
Falcon Hood
Basics: Son of Sparrow Hood. 8. He/him. Story + Role: Robin Hood; Robin Hood. Royal. Fun Facts: He loves trying to play the guitar like his dad.
Liaison Psyche "L.P." Cupid
Basics: Daughter of C.A. Cupid. 21. She/her, pansexual/polyam. Story + Role: Cupid; Cupid. Rebel. Fun Facts: She actually named herself and her favorite nickname is Lia.
Ranine Croakington
Basics: Son of Briar Beauty and Hopper Croakington II, oldest child. 18. He/him, straight. Story + Role: The Frog Prince; The Frog Prince. Royal. Fun Facts: He doesn't like being married- he doesn't hate his wife, he loves her, but he just hates being married in general.
Aurora Beauty II
Basics: Daughter of Briar Beauty and Hopper Croakington II, youngest child. 16. She/her, straight. Story + Role: Sleeping Beauty; Sleeping Beauty. Rebel. Fun Facts: Shes scared of her destiny the same way her mom was, but she had already signed and doesn't know what to do now.
Halcyon Charming
Basics: Son of King Richard, youngest child. 18. He/him, bisexual. Story + Role: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Snow White's Prince. Rebel. Fun Facts: He doesn't want to admit he's Apple's prince and is completely okay with leaving her in her poisoned coma.
Gryphon Charming
Basics: Son of King Richard, oldest child. 21. He/him, straight. Story + Role: Robin Hood; King of Nottingham. Royal. Fun Facts: He's just as bad as his dad, he takes his destiny seriously and he can't wait for Falcon to grow up and take on the role of Robin Hood.
Allison Wonderland
Basics: Daughter of Alistair Wonderland. 6. She/her. Story + Role: Alice in Wonderland; Alice. Royal. Fun Facts: She loves hanging out with Chamomile, she thinks she's an amazing babysitter.
Nixie Goodfairy
Basics: Daughter of Farrah Goodfairy. 19. She/her, lesbain. Story + Role: Cinderella; Fairy Godmother. Royal. Fun Facts: She loves sparkly and flowy dresses.
Charlotte O'Hair
Basics: Daughter of Holly O'Hair. 18. She/her, straight. Story + Role: Rapunzel; Rapunzel. Royal. Fun Facts: She's pissed at Frey for rebelling.
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Heavy Hearts
This fandom has been around almost three and a half years. We’ve seen a lot of ups and downs, but there has been some brilliant content produced in spite of it all.
Our team, mainly our HBIC, Jade, spent months and months tirelessly prepping for these awards. Going over documents, brainstorming, trying to improve upon the foundation we have built over the last two awards. We wanted to be better, to do better, for you guys. In addition to all the physical and mental labor that goes into this, a lot of emotional labor weighed on us as we approached the beginning of these awards. 
There has been a lot of chaotic energy surrounding certain factions of the fandom. There has also been, from what it looks like on our end, some manipulation of nominations. There has been actions taken that have made all of us feel like these awards aren’t even about having fun anymore. We feel like we’re being pushed into a corner, with people waiting for us to misstep, misspeak, make mistakes and use that as leverage. 
This event was created out of love. We wanted to bring something positive to the fandom. And slowly and tragically it has become something the complete opposite.
We are humans, not robots. We are entitled to our own opinions and beliefs and after running this blog for 3 years, we can proudly say we have done our absolute best to keep this blog as unbiased as possible. However, it’s become nearly impossible for our team to function because we cannot even use our private twitter accounts to express ourselves. 
We are extremely grateful for all the people who stepped up to help this year:
We cannot express how sorry we are, but we simply cannot take on this project anymore. Not with people waiting for us to fail at every step we take. It’s not fun, or fair. We understand people will still talk and assume, and if you cannot understand that we’re simply human beings, with real feelings, then there’s not really anymore we can say to help you understand.
We hope you’ll all understand, from the bottom of our hearts.
- the BFFA team
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Best Canon Fanfiction
JUST AS YOU ARE MINE by prosciutto @prosciuttoe
Bellamy’s already there by the time she makes her way to the centre of the room. She didn’t get a good look at him before, so Clarke takes the time to look at him now. He’s not all that much taller than she is, but the breadth of his shoulders feels worrying, somewhat. His skin is marked with a array of calluses and scars, white against his tanned skin, and the deft, sure movements he makes confirms that he’s every inch the warrior he’s promised to be. Swallowing, she steps forward, meeting his gaze. His face remains carefully blank, same as before, when Kane had told her that they’d be married. In hindsight, marrying a total stranger may not have been one of Clarke's brightest ideas. (Or: Arranged Marriage AU. Clarke seals an alliance with the Broadleaf clan by marrying Bellamy Blake.)
GIVING INCENTIVE by laughingsenselessly @wellsjahasghost
“What we’ll need,” Kane summarizes, “is someone to lead the mission into Ice Nation territory.” He, Abby, Clarke, Bellamy, and a few others are crowded around a table in the meeting room inside Arkadia, discussing plans to journey into the Ice Nation. Considering the precarious nature of the unspoken truce following the destruction of ALIE, if even one thing goes wrong on this trip, it’s over— and in this respect, it’s something akin to a suicide mission. So naturally, there’s no hesitation on Bellamy’s part at all when he replies, “I’ll do it.” And that pisses Clarke right off.
Most Underrated Fanfiction
FORSAKEN by xXRebelGirl07Xx
Former PI, Clarke Griffin, returns back in her hometown after three years of self-exile. Due to certain events she is not welcomed back with open arms, however that's the least of her problems when a woman is found dead in the woods. Secrets and lies begins to unravel and Clarke begin to wonder who in this town she can trust? And who she can't. Modern AU Bellarke story.
Trying to escape her past, Clarke accidentally stirs up a friendly but determined ghost. Luckily, local historian Bellamy Blake is there to help her uncover crimes of the past and present and bring justice to those who have been wronged. And if in the process she falls for him just a little bit - well, that's just how life goes.
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creamecream · 2 years
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Full Name: Claudius Hearts
Nickname(s): Claud, Bunny
Age: 16/17
Gender: Male (he/him)
Species: Half Bunny, Half Wonderland Human
Birthday: January 17th
Side: N/A
Destiny Role: N/A
Roommate: N/A
Romantic Interest(s): None
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theendofeverafter · 4 years
Apple White can be both complex and a bad person (long post)
The Ever After High fandom seems to be split on whether or not Apple White is a good character. Her stans say yes, obviously. Her haters say no, obviously. And Royal and Rebel sympathizers seem to be split among party lines. And who can blame them?
The writers dropped the ball with her. She was first a naïve, pampered 15-year-old who only knew and cared about her own Happily Ever After (HEA for future references). Once she started rooming with Raven, she had to come to terms with the fact that not everyone wanted to follow their destinies. Some people point to her journey to prove that it was hard for her to unlearn what she’d been taught...but I’m not sure she should be absolved for this.
Exhibit A: True Hearts Day
Do y’all remember this? Apple was horrible in THD. Ashlynn Ella is a princess, yes, but her destiny entailed her beloved mother dying prematurely, Ashlynn being forced into servitude, and eventually her own untimely death. Not to mention that she’d have to break up with the one person who understood her (seriously, read EAH’s Once Upon a Time book). Apple, knowing all of this--save for Ashlynn’s romance--makes a big stink about it, even doom and glooming on Blondie’s MirrorCast about the relationship. What kind of friend does that? It was earlier on in the series, but Apple should have kept it to herself if she didn’t think Ashlynn and Hunter should’ve been together. Apple is the sole reason Ashlynn and Hunter break up. When they get back together at the dance, Apple makes the whole thing all about herself. She loudly proclaims in front of everyone that she still doesn’t approve of their relationship and that she thinks Ashlynn is “doing the wrong thing”. Naïve or not, this is objectively bad behavior.
Exhibit B: Thronecoming
This sealed Apple’s status for me and other people. She calls Raven selfish for putting her HEA in destiny (totally ignoring the fact that nothing bad has happened to them yet) and embarrasses her in front of everyone. After Grimm manipulates Raven into wanting to sign, Apple doesn’t even care about her friend’s conflicted feelings. She prances around school, telling anyone who will listen (and even those who don’t want to) that Raven is condemning herself to a life of misery. She practically breathes down her neck as Raven starts her speech. After it’s revealed that Grimm tricked Raven, Apple admonishes him for tricking Raven into signing. Hypocritical much? Apple has been pressuring Raven to sign for the whole series. She even tries her hand at manipulation in Dragon Games. She has no right to talk.
Moving away from Raven, Apple also treats Briar poorly. Briar is Apple’s BFFA, and thus she presumably knows that Briar is less than thrilled about her destiny. When the reality of a 100-year sleep hits Briar, she reneges on her commitment to signing the Book. Apple, of course, is less than supportive. “We all have our part to play” is her response to her friend’s anguish at losing all her friends and family. Callousness seems to be Apple’s MO at this point. The show then faltered--Apple should have been the one to rescue Briar. It would have helped reform her character a little. But no, Briar has to save her friend, meaning Apple is let off the hook for not empathizing with Briar.
Exhibit C: Spring Unsprung
Apple was under a spell for most of this movie, but I’ll say this: there’s a pattern in the show of Apple not receiving any consequences for endangering the fairytale world. Her mother is queen, so obviously there’s unequal treatment on display, but it just makes her look more like a spoiled princess and less like a good character.
Exhibit D: Way Too Wonderland
Apple doesn’t do too many horrible things in this movie, but there is one thing I was unimpressed with: Lizzie tells her not to tell Courtly about their mission, but Apple does so anyway because *she* knows better. Never mind the fact that Apple has never been to Wonderland before, whereas Lizzie is the literal future Queen of Hearts! Lizzie acted suspicious of Courtly the entire time she was at their table. The narrators had just finished telling us how smart Apple was--couldn’t she deduce that less is more when it comes to talking to a stranger?
Exhibit E: Dragon Games
Why there are still Apple stans after this movie astounds me to this day (I’m 75% joking). Yes, Apple was manipulated by her mother (who’s a terrible person in her own right). Yes, she was manipulated by the Evil Queen. But at this point, Apple is 16 going on 17. She doesn’t need to be told *not* to break the glass and let the Greatest Evil The Fairytale World Has Ever Seen out of prison. She cannot be let off the hook like this. Raven has made it very clear that she has a bad relationship with her mother. In fact, I’m pretty sure she hinted at some abusive elements of her childhood in the books. Apple knows this. And yet, she does her very best to force mother and daughter to be together again. She once again ignores her friend’s feelings for her own gain. What she did to Raven in this movie was disgraceful.
Here’s a list of terrible things she did in this movie:
Tried to manipulate Raven into being “eviler”; broke the glass and let the Evil Queen escape; pretended like the Queen was a student instead of alerting Headmaster Grimm; played along with her mother’s scheme, putting civilian lives in danger; purposefully knocked Darling off her dragon in *mid-air*, causing the girl to seriously sprain her ankle; said “at least my mom will be proud of me” to Raven, a horrible thing to say to the girl with an evil, abusive mother; gave a half-assed apology to Raven in the Enchanted Forest; and showed no sign of turning herself in for freeing the Evil Queen.
Apple truly regressed in this movie. That’s the fault of the writers, of course--although it did make for a great move.
Exhibit F: Epic Winter
Apple wasn’t really in this movie much, but here you can see her privilege on display: Faybelle is the only person who gets in trouble for helping the Evil Queen. Why isn’t Apple forced to scrub the school too? Without her, none of this would have happened.
Apple is a complex character, yes. My writeup hopefully illustrated that fact. And of course, she does nice things in the books, movies, and webisodes too (I think Way Too Wonderland showed her strengths as a helpful, smart princess). But bad people can do nice things. And I truly believe that unless she makes amends for what she did, apologizes to her friends, and stops being a staunch Royal, she is a bad person for the reasons stated above. Or maybe not bad, but rather “not a nice person”.
If you’re still reading, let me know what you think! These are all my opinions, and you’re welcome to completely disagree. I write an EAH fanfiction called The End of Ever After. It’s about the characters’ final year at the school. You can find it here on Archive of our Own:
Be warned: Apple is characterized as I see her in that story, so if you disagree with my strong stance against her, it might rub you the wrong way! But I hope you like it anyway :)
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stonerbughead · 4 years
fic rec friday (7th bffa edition)
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i love the @bugheadfanfictionawards because i *always* end up discovering fic from the last six months that i somehow overlooked/missed the first time around.
now that i’ve cast my votes, wanted to start sharing some recs of new fics i discovered recently!
For the BFFAs, VOTE HERE, voting closes today 8/21!!!! (also, did you know you can vote a max of 3 times?! it was really nice to be able to spread the love around to even more amazing fics and authors than if i’d only submitted the form once!)
first up: looking for a completed story to dig into?
completed multi-chapters that made me feel lots of things:
California Dreamin’ by @lovedinapastlife 6/6
The Lightning by @thepointoftheneedle 4/4
Invisible Things by @peaceblessingspeyton 8/8
The Society by @lovedinapastlife 2/2
Back to the Start by @go-ldy 3/3
It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) by @bugheadsextape 4/4
completed multi-chapters that i’m still working my way through, but what i’ve read so far is *so* good:
Waking Druantia by @likemereckless 11/11
Serendipity by @fallout-mars 17/17
The Final Girl and The Thaw by @thepointoftheneedle 10/10
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sunshinebunnie · 5 years
Together, Tomorrow CHAPTER 17 Now LIVE!
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What’s this? A CHAPTER UPDATE?! 
Yes, gentle readers, your eyes do not deceive you! Step right this way to find out how does Polly get on Cheryl’s bad side (and does she survive??) and what new evil machinations is Alice up to. Learn more about Sweet Pea and watch me drop meta references around like candy wrappers on Halloween. See what new and creative uses Jughead finds for the suspenders Betty gave him back in Chapter 16! 😉😉😉
All this and more can be found HERE.
Like what you see? Consider sending a vote my way in the BFFAs! Polls opening later today. 🤗🤗🤗🤗
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BFFA 2.0 New Dates!
In case you haven’t had a chance to take a look at the 2.0 blog, I want to remind everyone that I’ve changed the dates for the awards 1) because I need to give myself time to get oriented, and 2) because I know it sucks to have to resubmit your nominations.
So, here are your new BFFA dates:
Nominations open: August 4, 2017 Nominations close: August 17, 2017 Nominees announced: August 22, 2017 Voting opens: August 27, 2017 Voting closes: TBD
If you have any questions, ask!
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weed-islove-istruth · 5 years
1. Tal vez no eres de mi familia, pero te quiero como a una hermana.
2.Eres una de la pocas personas que soportan a un borracho como yo .
3. Eres la primer persona a la que acudo cuando las cosas salen mal.
4. También eres la primer persona en saber todo lo bueno.
5. Siempre tienes las palabras correctas para cada momento.
6. Tengo miles de recuerdos buenos que te incluyen.
7. Conoces todos mis secretos, hasta los más vergonzosos.
8. Cuando tengo ganas de llorar sólo basta con enviarte un mensaje para que estés a mi lado.
9. Aunque a veces no hablemos durante días, sé que nuestra amistad seguirá siendo igual.
10. Me encanta que tengamos bromas personales que nadie más entiende.
11. Gracias por no juzgarme cuando tomo decisiones equivocadas.
12. Y por estar a mi lado cuando tengo que sufrir las consecuencias de esos errores.
13. Definitivamente mi vida no sería igual sin ti.
14. Estoy agradecido con la vida por haberte puesto en mi camino.
15. Eres mi otra mitad y por eso eres mi mejor amiga.
16. Gracias por hacerme ver cuando un chica no vale la pena, o cuando sí.
17. Siempre me has ayudado a enfrentar mis temores y a perseguir mis sueños.
18. Prometo estar a tu lado cada vez que me necesites.
19. Tus abrazos pueden curar cualquier dolor.
20. ¡Te quiero mejor amiga!
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aguilarleoj · 7 years
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27.11 Tengo mucho que decir pero no lo diré aquí por que quiero decírtelo en persona muy pronto miga. Pero hoy es un día muy especial, por que hace un año llegaste a ese lugar que te quedaba lejisimos, estabas al otro lado de la calle, gritaste mi nombre, corriste, te abrace, llore, me dijiste que no llorara, te abrace demasiado fuerte que pensé que te rompería... Pero creeme que en ese día mi vida realmente empezo. Sabes que tú vales mucho para mi, incluso más que mi familia directa. Hemos reído, llorado, gritado, disfrutado, enojado... etc... Me abrazaste cuando llore en el concierto de Ari, me sorprendiste cuando llegaste a Bellas Artes hace 17 días atrás, y pues solo nos falta lo enfiestados jeje pero contigo a mi lado amiguita créeme que mi vida esta completa. Te amo muchísimo miga. Neta de Netas. Eres la tops de tops, forevah... 💖 #BFFa 👫 (en CDMX)
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parker16sblog · 7 years
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Mi BFFA 😚😍💘❤💓💖💗💙💚💞💟💝💜 06-04-17
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The time has come, starting today, July 26th, nominations are officially open and will stay open until Monday August 7th @ 11:59 EST.  All you have to do is go HERE and take a little bit of your time to make sure that your favorite fanfictions, authors and content creators get the recognition and appreciation that they deserve.
Please refer to our rules for nominations, as there are some parameters that have to be met.
We understand that the nomination process can be somewhat stressful, therefore we’ve created a document - which you can copy here, that will help you store your nominations while researching making submitting your nominations that bit easier (please note all the sections are on additional sheets on the bottom of the page). 
For any other questions or concerns, you can also check our FAQ tag or please, don’t hesitate to contact us.
General Section
word count: 15k+ | all works must be completed, with the exception of the WIP category
Best Modern Fiction
Best Canon Fiction
Most Underrated Fiction
Best Hurt/Comfort Fiction
Best Angst Fiction
Best Fluff Fiction
Best Comedic Fiction
Best Smut Fiction
Best WIP Fiction
Oneshot Section
word count: 2k-15k
Best Modern Oneshot
Best Canon Oneshot
Most Underrated Oneshot
Best Hurt/Comfort Oneshot
Best Angst Oneshot
Best Fluff Oneshot
Best Comedic Oneshot
Best Smut Oneshot
Drabble Section
word count: under 2k
Best Modern Drabble
Best Canon Drabble
Most Underrated Drabble
Best Hurt/Comfort Drabble
Best Angst Drabble
Best Fluff Drabble
Best Comedic Drabble
Best Smut Drabble
Trope Section
word count: no parameter, may be a WIP
Best Slow Burn Fiction*
Best Fake Relationship Fiction* (previously categorized under ‘best fraudulent relationship fiction’)
Best Sharing a Bed Fiction*
Best Pining!Clarke Fiction*
Best Road Trip Fiction*
Best Royalty Fiction*
Best Teacher!Bellamy Fiction*
Best Roommates Fiction*
Best Social Media AU Fiction*
Best Enemies/Friends to Lovers Fiction*
Best Arranged Marriage Fiction* (previously categorized under ‘best fraudulent relationship fiction’)
Best Past Relationship Fiction*
Author Section
Best Modern Author
Best Canon Author
Best Up and Coming Author (their first Bellarke publication must fall within the last 6 months)
Most Underrated Author
Best Angst Author
Best Fluff Author
Best Smut Author
Best Comedic Author
Most Creative Author
Best Poet
Author Who Best Utilizes Bellamy’s Heritage*
Best Gifset Creator*
Best Edits Creator*
Best Fanvid Creator*
Best Photoset Creator*
Best Fanmix Creator*
Most Creative Creator*
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Best Hurt/Comfort & Angst Fanfiction
She finds Bellamy back on that floral couch. They’d moved it into the screened room for the winter, and then back out again once the days grew long and warm. It was becoming another tradition, apparently. And so was this; him smoking on the sofa, her head on his shoulder, voices low in the early morning while everyone else was asleep and the world felt like it belonged to them, just for the moment. “Someone had fun,” he teases, flicking at a spot on her neck. Clarke reaches up to feel the tender skin; Glass must have given her a hickey while they were getting carried away. She flushes, but he’s looking back at the sunrise. “I always have fun,” she reminds him, and he groans. “Yeah, I remember.”
NEVER SAY NEVER by Selflessbellamy @selflessbellamy
On the subway, Clarke snaps a Polaroid of him before he can block the lens with his hand: His head is leant back, looking up and probably wishing that the top of the train was made of glass so he could see the star-speckled sky — he looks relaxed, dreamlike, as the soft orange light falls on his face. She loves this one. “Don’t you have enough photos of me?” he asks with no real heat. In fact, his voice is marked by a delicacy that makes her heart flutter. “You know I don’t. I’m going to plaster them on my ceiling.”
(When Clarke's six years old, Bellamy's the boy in the tree, her best friend. At eighteen, she's not sure that she can call him that anymore, and of course that's when everything crumbles.)
HOW YOU STAY ALIVE by LaughingSenselessly @wellsjahasghost
“You and him will live again by my hand. But whether you fall in love again is entirely up to you.” -- Reincarnation AU. Nine lifetimes where Clarke and Bellamy meet again, and again, and again.
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creamecream · 4 years
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Full Name: Galileo Dracula
Nickname(s): Leo, Drac, Baby Vampire
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire fledgling
Birthday: Unknown, sometime in Winter (only Zain and his parents know the exact date)
Side: Rebel
Destiny Role: Dracula
Roommate: Zain Harker
BFFAS: Zain Harker
Romantic Interest(s): Zain Harker
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Best Modern Drabble
OF WHISKEY AND BROKEN NOSES by xxDeadInsidexx @potter-blake
Clarke Griffin is angry with her ex. Bellamy Blake is a bar tender. one shot. modern day bellarke.
A CUP OF COFFEE, A SANDWICH AND YOU by marauders_groupie @marauders-groupie
“Save any lives today?” He bats his eyelids open, cocks an eyebrow above his thick-rimmed glasses. Yeah, he’s cute. That might be like at least 70% of why she cares. “What.” “Okay, well, fake name every time,” she ticks away on her fingers. “Constantly tired. Glasses. You know who also wears glasses? Yeah, Superman!”
Best Canon Drabble
“Hey Princess, it’s Bellamy.”
Or, Bellamy's been talking to Clarke the whole time, too
TORTURED SOULS by pawprinter
What could he say that would heal her? He was just as broken as her. He took just as many innocent lives as her. They were both tortured souls. He felt like he was spinning out of control. He was losing her. After irradiate Level 5 together, Clarke is leaving and Bellamy struggles to get her to stay. He cannot lose her. Not after everything. Set during 2x16.
“This is where it falls apart,” Clarke whispers. Her finger traces random patterns across Bellamy’s chest, his gently untangling the knots in her hair. The sun hasn’t yet risen but the sky outside has begun to lighten, those nebulous hours when night fades to morning and the world starts to think about waking up. Clarke greets them like an old friend. Most nights she wakes with a jolt-- sometimes from nightmare, other times from the stress of an unimaginably long to-do list-- and lets the slow ascent into day calm her racing mind. Today, however, she wants to stay in that in-between state.
Bellamy doesn't really sleep, not since they've fallen from the sky. And he doesn't really dream anymore, but this time he does.
(Based on the season 4 trailer.)
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Best Slow Burn
ARKADIA FLORAL & GARDEN by wanheda_two_heda @youleftme-clarke
Clarke has owned Arkadia Floral & Garden Supplies for 3 years when Bellamy Blake, her high school rival, comes back into town following his mother’s death and needs Clarke’s help to restore his mother’s garden to its former glory. But gardening isn’t Bellamy’s strong suite, and neither is coping with losing another parent. He might need a lot more help than he’s willing to admit, but luckily for him, his feisty blonde former rival is there to guide him through some of the most difficult months of his life.
Chancellor Jaha put together a team of criminal delinquents, each with his or her own special Ability, in order to learn if his people stand a chance on the earth on which their ancestors once lived, a land that is filled with hostility—both from the environment and the people who inhabit it. Canon inspired with a twist. X-men, Suicide Squad, The 100 mix. Eventual relationships.
Viking Bellamy prepares for the journey of a lifetime. Clarke Griffin is the new, mysterious girl that wants to join him.
Best Fake Relationship
THINGS WE SHOULDN’T DO by Willaphyx @rebelprincebell​
“The history between the two of you is well known,” Marcus went on, talking over Clarke’s continued splutters. “And it hasn’t escaped the notice of certain news organizations–” “What, you mean fucking TMZ?” Clarke interjected.Marcus sighed. “It would be in the best interest of the show and I think both your careers if you were to be seen as a couple. ”Silence.“A dating couple,” Marcus added as if that hadn’t been clear. Bellamy and Clarke exploded simultaneously.“If we what?” Clarke demanded at the same time that Bellamy just started laughing. He slipped sideways, dangerously close to falling out of his chair. Clarke is at the bottom of a downward spiral and Bellamy is riding an all-time career high when they’re cast as the leads of Marcus Kane’s newest drama. The entertainment world expects a blowup of immense proportions between the two feuding actors but get a hard to explain romance instead. Or: a fake dating celebrities AU.
Going on a cruise with her friends seems like the perfect last hurrah before Clarke moves across the country, and it seems even better when she finds out that her ex-nemesis, now-sort-of-friend is on the same cruise. And not just because he’s game to help her mess with her mother.
I DREAMED YOU A SIN by monroeslittle
“If I do this,” Blake said, “how are you imagining it’s going to work? I can’t just knock on his door, and say I want in again. It’s been eleven years. And even before I left, I never cared about the business. Do you have a plan? You say you want me to open the door for an agent. How? What’s that mean?” “You’re going to get in touch with your grandfather again at your wedding,” Clarke said. He stared. “I hope you don’t have a girlfriend, Mr. Blake.”
fake!married AU. Clarke’s in the FBI, Bellamy’s the grandson of a mobster, and they’ve got to work together.
Best Pining!Clarke
"Shit" he said, "I think I'm in love with her." Clarke choked on the beer she'd just taken a sip of. "What?" In the five years since she's known him, she has never heard Bellamy Blake use the word 'love' when referring to someone other than his sister.
Or the one where Clarke and Bellamy are best friends and everything is right in the world until Bellamy falls in love with someone that isn't Clarke.
I (LOVE)D YOU by funfanfin
A relationship that only lasted five months and ended four years ago shouldn’t still be affecting her, but…it wasn’t just any relationship. It wasn’t just any breakup. It wasn’t just any ex. It was Bellamy.
AND THEN WE WERE CHASING COMETS by prosciutto @prosciuttoe
That same, elusive shrug. “It’s a secret, princess.” He says pointedly, snagging the book from her before throwing the truck into park, “But you’ll be the first to read it once it’s done, okay?” “Wow,” she says, nodding. “I’m honored.” A beat as he sizes her up, his brows furrowing together in exasperation before he says, weary, “You’re going to ask me what it’s about again, aren’t you?” “Bellamy,” she says obediently, grinning, “what’s your book about?” If you told Clarke Griffin that she would become best friends with the resident black sheep of Arkadia, she would have difficulty believing it, let alone the fact that he apparently wrote an entire book about her.
Or: Clarke and Bellamy through the years, as childhood best friends.
Best Royalty AU
KINGDOM COME by the.ktgrace
Her father, the king, was poisoned. She, heir to the throne, fled into hiding. Ten years later, a royal guard needs to bring her back to the throne to save his sister. Faraway kingdoms, arranged marriages, deception, brewing war… And that's only the beginning for this stubborn princess and her arrogant guard. A story of fantasy and adventure in the kingdom of Ark.
THE CHOICE by BeneathaMoonlessNight
Medieval Bellarke AU. When Lady Clarke Griffin begins her journey to the City, she couldn't imagine the choices that she'll have to make. A journey filled with excitement, danger, war, a Rebel King and the most difficult question of all- How does one choose between Duty and Love? This has slowly and unintentionally become a Game of Thrones AU
HOW TO SAVE A KINGDOM by Laughingsenselessly @wellsjahasghost
Clarke sputters an indignant laugh as he takes her elbow and steers her away from the doors. “You won’t let me out of the palace and you’re calling me a difficult person? You,” she fumes, “are insufferable.” Bellamy merely grins. “Now that’s no way to talk to your husband.” Clarke forces herself to stalk away before she can give into the urge to throw her glass of wine at him. She doesn’t know why she bothers, though. Somehow, none of their guests seem to notice the clear antagonism between the king and queen, or maybe they just don’t care. And why should they? The two of them are just husband and wife. They’re not actually expected to like each other.
AU. Clarke marries Bellamy for a political alliance.
Best Teacher!Bellamy
MUST BE LOVE (ON THE BRAIN) by Caramelle @mellamymake
Is she grateful for the distraction that is Finn Collins? Sort of. Does that make her want to punch his teeth in any less? Hard no. Or, the one where Clarke Griffin wishes the annoying boy who always sits next to her in class would shut up and let her listen to her professor. Her professor also happens to be really pretty. The two things are mutually exclusive.
AFRAID TO CALL THIS PLACE OUR OWN by HawthorneWhisperer @hawthornewhisperer
Clarke frowned at the notification on her ipad. “Why does your history teacher want to meet with me?” she asked, but Madi kept her eyes innocently on her homework. A little too innocently. “Mr. Blake’s a hardass,” Madi said with a shrug. “A hardass who wants a meeting with me barely a month into the school year?” Clarke asked. Madi shrugged again and Clarke narrowed her eyes and scanned the email. “He’s worried about your performance already. Have you even had any tests? What am I missing?” “He just doesn’t like me,” Madi replied and erased something on her worksheet.
YOUR TOUCH HAS GOT ME HAUNTED by troubledpancakes
Clarke’s twenty-first birthday was bound to be something she’d never be able to forget after Raven surprised her with a night at a strip club, with the highlight being a private lap dance by one of the most talented, and lusted after performers, Bell-Oh-My. However, seven years later, with a daughter just entering kindergarten, Clarke realized that night would be harder to forget than she originally thought when she introduced herself to her daughter’s handsome (and all-too-familiar) new teacher.
Best Roommates AU
If Bellamy knows one thing about the internet it’s that Clarke’s good at it. Bellamy? Not so much.
Or: where Bellamy finds Clarke's tumblr
KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS by Kacka @katchyalater
Clarke thought subletting Miller's room for the summer would be a perfect solution: convenient, affordable, and it comes furnished. Unfortunately, it also comes with his roommate, who for some reason, hates her.
“This is where it falls apart,” Clarke whispers. Her finger traces random patterns across Bellamy’s chest, his gently untangling the knots in her hair. The sun hasn’t yet risen but the sky outside has begun to lighten, those nebulous hours when night fades to morning and the world starts to think about waking up. Clarke greets them like an old friend. Most nights she wakes with a jolt-- sometimes from nightmare, other times from the stress of an unimaginably long to-do list-- and lets the slow ascent into day calm her racing mind.
Best Social Media AU
OR, YOU COULD ALWAYS GOOGLE IT by Prosciutto @prosciuttoe
“You know,” Bellamy muses, grin wide and a little conspiratorial, “you’re robbing our legions of fans here. They’re expecting a showdown and you’re being perfectly cordial towards me.” “Right,” she nods, pursing her lips to keep from smiling. “Well, it’s not too late. I could always pitch that glass of water down your shirt.” Someone really should have warned Clarke that the first step to becoming internet famous would involve acquiring a nemesis. 
(Or, Bellarke as rival YouTubers, basically.)
YOU'RE COOL ON THE INTERNET, AT LEAST by Prosciutto @prosciuttoe
Look, Clarke will not dwell on this. She will not get flustered just because a possibly cute guy on Facebook apparently shares her views on what constitutes a terrible person. Ten minutes later, her phone gives a short, irritated buzz; startling her enough that she jumps. Biting at the inside of her cheek, she allows herself a quick peek. Friend request from Bellamy Blake. Clarke has no idea how she manages to develop a crush on a guy who won’t stop fighting everyone on Facebook, but here they are.
(Or: Clarke meets Bellamy on Facebook. They hit it off.)
I THINK YOU'RE CUTE by caramelle @mellamymake
On second thought, Bellamy should probably have thought to check in with his sister before becoming Instagram buddies with her new roommate. In his defence, he hadn't been entirely sure what 'Follow' actually meant. He'd genuinely thought it was just like some kind of vague, subscription type thing, like when you hit 'Accept' on one of Groupon's numerous attempts to send you updates on the latest offers. It's only when Clarke Griffin actually follows him back that he realises the gravity of what he's done.
Or, the one where Bellamy and Clarke meet on Instagram.
Best Enemies/Friends to Lovers
ALL MY FRIENDS ARE HEATHENS by DracoTerrae @dracoterrae9099
Chancellor Jaha put together a team of criminal delinquents, each with his or her own special Ability, in order to learn if his people stand a chance on the earth on which their ancestors once lived, a land that is filled with hostility—both from the environment and the people who inhabit it. Canon inspired with a twist. X-men, Suicide Squad, The 100 mix. Eventual relationships.
EMERGENCY CONTACTS by wanheda_two_heda @youleftme-clarke
When Bellamy gets a call from Ark Memorial Hospital because he's the emergency contact for an unnamed girl in her early twenties, his only thought is Octavia. He can't imagine that someone might have just entered his phone number by mistake. But when he sees the blonde girl lying unconscious in a hospital bed with no other contacts until she wakes up, something tells him to stay. So he does.
Based on the prompt: au where person a accidentally puts the wrong number as their emergency contact and when they end up in hospital person b gets called (and comes anyway, despite not knowing person a)
100 delinquents got sent to Earth and battled for survival against the odds. They landed in Trikru territory but that is not where they stayed. After weeks of battle and war, the Sky People finally lost. They were sent to a land far away, where a group of Grounders unlike any they've met waited for them.
*This is a terrible summary...I don't know how to describe this story. It's a mix of canon and AU. But if you like arranged marriage and enemies->friends->lovers and friendship and love and fluff and angst, then this is the fic for you.
Best Past Relationship
I (LOVE)D YOU by funfanfin
A relationship that only lasted five months and ended four years ago shouldn’t still be affecting her, but…it wasn’t just any relationship. It wasn’t just any breakup. It wasn’t just any ex. It was Bellamy.
KNOWING ME, KNOWING YOU by caramelle @mellamymake
In hindsight, staying in the apartment he shares with his ex probably isn't the best idea Bellamy's ever had. Probably not his worst either, to be fair.
Or, the one where Bellamy and Clarke break up and, instead of moving out, somehow find themselves in a heated prank war.
I FEEL IT IN MY FINGERS by lightyears
It’s a short wait for the patient to arrive once Clarke gets herself organised. She stands out at the emergency entrance for all of three minutes before the ambulance comes to a stop in front of her, Jasper jumping out of the driver’s seat and rounding to the back to open the rear door. Clarke’s right behind him, watching as the patient is pulled out on a gurney, and getting ready to take action, just like she’s done countless times over the years. But instead of grabbing ahold of the stretcher railing to help wheel the patient inside, asking Monty what happened, what his initial evaluations found, she falters in her step, feels the air get knocked from her all at once. Because she recognises that boy, warm brown skin sprinkled with freckles, unruly inky curls and a jawline so sharp it could cut glass. She recognises him despite the ten years that have passed and the bruises and cuts scattered across the skin free from his clothes. She recognises him and it makes her world stop. “Bellamy,” Clarke breathes out.
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