#bg3 oc: Ungolhir
whitegoldtower · 5 months
Making my official intro post for my Durge: A wood-elf, Circle of Spores Druid-Barbarian named Ungolhir (Goldie for short).
My ideas for him came from playing through Act II with another character (if you know about Thaniel and Oliver, you'll see where I'm going with this). Basically, Ungolhir is the Oliver to Halsin's Thaniel. Halsin is a hawthorn tree, and Ungolhir is a blackthorn tree. Halsin wears light colours, Ungolhir wears dark. Together, they're representative of the balance druids strive for, and just as Ungolhir helps Halsin with his problems, Halsin helps him with his urges. Halsin represents the order of nature and 'life', whereas Ungolhir represents the chaos of nature and 'death', or more accurately 'decay'.
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His name is in reference to his wildshape, which is a giant spider. (Ungol coming from Tolkien's Quenya for 'spiderweb'). I wanted to werewolf-build him a little bit, wherein when his urges strike, he loses control over his wildshape (a bit like Halsin, again, only in the other direction - Halsin loses control during a romance scene, whereas Ungolhir loses control when he kills), so the last thing Alfira sees is probably a massive, salivating spider (which then proceeds to partially eat her).
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He's on his redemption arc, though. He started off with extremely poor control over his urges (I was basically making him give in to nearly all of them), but Alfira's death is the turning point at which he basically says 'yeah no, fuck this' and starts fighting it.
... And now Astarion has TWO big strong druids to keep him safe and warm.
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Also I think it's kind of poetic for Astarion (as a vampire spawn) to be sandwiched between representations of Life and Death (who are also holding hands).
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whitegoldtower · 5 months
I have a new BG3 OC!
Planned out my first proper Dark Urge. He’s a big strong wood elf, a druid… essentially, the Anti-Halsin.
And he has a Jekyll and Hyde situation going on with his wildshape, which is a giant spider. (Wildshape + Enlarge = horrifying)
His name is Ungolhir and he’s on the path to redemption, attempting to resist the durge.
But poor Alfira. Coming to the camp, then halfway through the night hearing Ungolhir beginning to grind his teeth in his sleep, not knowing what that sound means. She falls asleep, only to be awoken by the feeling of something wet on her face. She opens her eyes, and the last thing she sees is the salivating mandibles of a gargantuan spider.
Ungolhir comes to, horrified, and too-full. He wonders why his stomach is so full, why he can’t move, until he throws up around a litre’s worth of liquefied innard pre-digested goop.
After that, it’s common to find him pretty much straitjacketed into his bedroll. He physically cannot wildshape if there’s not enough room to transform, and everybody is equipped with ye olde equivalent of smelling salts to wake the poor fucker up the second he starts grinding his teeth.
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It will be untamed, murderous vigorous, and… well… large.
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