#bhrea plays bg3
lordbhreanna 1 year
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I need to YELL about this because I am feeling not just the BG3 brainrot, but the Tav/Dream Visitor brainrot happening.
Some Act 2 spoilers and stuff about the DV's real identity. And a lot of fangirling and nonsensical squealing.
Let me preface this by saying that I did get spoiled about the DV's identity. I know he's a mindflayer, and The Emperor at that. I don't know anything else about why he's inside the Astral Prism, what his title entails, or how he got the dirt of Vlaakith or anything about his role in the story with the Absolute cult and such.
And me being me, that makes me ship them *EVEN MORE*. Seriously, the dynamic between them speaks to me in a way I can't describe yet, I find it so fascinating and I can't put into words why yet. Maybe it's the "he's in your head and visits you in dreams, and seems to have chosen you in a way", the phenomenal performance, the small bits of intimacy. But IDK, there are just a lot of checked boxes.
Also Larian letting you choose his appearance??? Galactic brain move!!! Brilliant, geniuses!! It works perfectly because it allows for you, the player, be swayed more easily because your DV directly caters to you and what you may find attractive/trusting.
One thing I find very compelling about the relationship is that the shadow of doubt is ever present, but he truly comes off as an honest ally that is trying to help you. It's probably gonna be something along the lines of Solas Dragonage, in that he's keeping a big secret from you and "lying" but not overtly, and whatever he's planned it's NOT GOOD and it involves a certain deal of treachery, but it does seem that he... cares? Genuinely? AM I FOOLING MYSELF?
But seriously, when you meet him in the Astral Plane he sounds so sad believing you have accepted Vlaakith's orders and are going to kill him 馃槱
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Is this the face of a oniric presence in your brain that it's just manipulating you? (This might come back to me in the ass later on). It broke me a little.
I am so looking forward to more interactions. I know they are fewer than actual companions, because I have seen some fans asking Larian for more, and even though I have still a long way to finish my first playthrough, I hope they listen!!
Seriously, there is so much untapped potential here!!!
I am loving every minute of the Astarion romance, and I love him as a character, and how everything is unfolding, and he checks a LOT of boxes on what I like in a romance story/character development - but... I think I'm gonna be partially a mindflayer girl by the end of this game because I won't be strong enough not to smooch the Emperor, tentacles and all, when the option shows up.
The fact that he's monster romance material sparkled with a lot of interesting dynamic is just too appealing and I am weak. We're not given this chance that often.
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I am also expecting this to be a minor ship in the fandom, which... I'll be honest, may drive me more to do fanart/fic when I finish the game. I hope so, at least, because I need that hyperfixation kick to get more creative.
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lordbhreanna 1 year
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I accidentally found this and... Nice underwear?? In my RPG game's player character? What sorcery is this?
Anyway she looks beautiful 馃挄
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lordbhreanna 1 year
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So I fell down the BG3's rabbit-hole and this is the character I created for my first playthrough 馃尶Some background thoughts on her under the cut (no spoilers for the game):
Went with druid because I wanted to have the "slightly more benevolent Witch of the Wilds" vibe (because I can't play really evil or rude characters, especially for a first playthrough)
Thus I wanted to give her a witchy name and to avoid just copypasting my Dragon Age fave Morrigan, I chose Morgana, which is similar enough and feels appropiate for a fantasy setting
Thanks to the age slider, I wanted her to look more like a full adult - she's around 30 and has lived all her life in the wilderness
She never met her biological parents, but had a caretaker since she was a baby - a hunk of a tiefling named Abaddon. He was a druid that abandoned his circle, and he taught her about magic, survival, nature and medicine, and how to adopt her Wild Shapes and such. He also taught her about history and the arcane, and they collected books and stuff when they travelled around towns and cities. When you're asked to create a Guardian for your character, I modelled him after the surrogate father figure, which is where this idea came from. Given how the EA character creator asked you about who your character dreamed of, there might be some Elektra syndrome vibes here, but it's a risk I can take
Haven't decided if the guy is dead or they just parted ways when she was old enough
Despite growing up in the wilderness, she's charming and knows her way around a town or city, and how to deal with people. After she went her own way, living by herself, she played the witch healer from town to town in exchange for stuff she may need or want
She's curious, open-minded, and doesn't judge easily, but will not hesitate to use violence when needed and has killed before to survive or to help someone in need
She inherited the earrings from Abaddon
I want the tattoo to have a story, but haven't come up with anything yet - only that it is a rose because she loves nature (a bit basic but it's SOMETHING)
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lordbhreanna 1 year
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The adventure continues, so spoilery stuff under the cut! Just for Act 1, because I'm 25 hours in the game and haven't even gone to rescue Halsin yet.
Had the first scene with the dream visitor and boy it played well with my canon for Morgana about the visitor being a similar projection to her caretaker. When you get the answer "I know your voice", it felt very fitting for the double understanding. Still need to work on that backstory a bit more to roleplay better, but sometimes I prefer to wait until the game shows me new stuff that gives me idea. Like one of Tav's random barks is "Nobody every back home would believe this" or something of the sort, which implies your character may have something close to a home - it's up to you to decide what that home is. For Morgana, I'm still deciding whether it's something related to Abbadon, or just a town she kind of settled in close and feels like a home to her, where she has friends and such.
Finished Karlach's quest regarding the paladins and I didn't expect her to burn down the place, so my character died and Shadowheart had to resurrect her, which gained her 1 inspiration, and Karlach was very happy. All for the girlies 鉂わ笍
Wyll not only becomes a devil but HE'S RAVENGUARD'S SON? I asked him about the courtly dancing and he promised to give Morgana a taste of his worst dancing, so looking forward to that. That boy is charming as hell (ha) and full of surprises. Now I'm glad I accepted the mission to rescue Ravenguard because I was unsure at first if it made sense for Morgana to deal with that, but I accepted it in the end because it gave her a cunning edge I liked - help with the rescue and it might help them back having someone so powerful in your debt. Now, knowing he's Wyl''s father, makes it more personal.
Astarion is all I ever hoped for and better, there are some truly heart-wrenching interactions with him, even when he dismisses some topics with sarcasm or flirty banter. I love what they're doing with the character. I was open to do other romances first, but after seeing this? Nah I'm basic and I'm doing his all the way. I have never been a vampire girl, but maybe Astarion will become my Twilight-era trigger.
I'm also warming up a lot to Lae'zel 鉂わ笍 Though I did reject her advances - I'm a simple woman and while I enjoy a lot the romances, I never enjoyed fooling around not even in games. And I wanna be her bestie. Met with the githyanki patrol and the whole scene was reaaally good, gives you a different perspective on Lae'zel and it moves forward the plot, which I didn't expect. I thought the artefact was something related to Shadowheart's personal mission, not with the overall plot, but it's a welcome surprise.
Also Shadowheart IS my bestie 鉂わ笍 I love her, she's my Morrigan in this game for now. I knew about her being a follower of Shar, but tbh, I don't know if it's my ignorance on D&D lore or what... but it doesn't seem like such a big deal? I still don't know how godhood works in this universe, but I assume this is like an elf saying they worship the Dreadwolf in Dragon Age? YOU DO YOU SWEETIE. But now I know she had some memories erased and I'm curious about it.
Found out about Gale's backstory and love affair issues. He's just as charming as well, but I am glad I am not pursuing that romance HA. But I do like him as a character and his whole story is very interesting! Now I just need to keep a pouch full of magic objects for him, nice.
Overall I am enjoying learning a lot about the companion's backstories, and I haven't still arrived at the goblin camp and I'm already getting on some interesting deals, so there's a lot more coming.
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