✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,İtaliano🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🇹🇷🦋Bişektomi yada yanak yağ yastığının alınması (Hollwood yanağı)ameliyatı ;son derece özen isteyen, öncesinde doğru bir muayane( biz 3D Vectra aletiyle yüzün altın oranını çıkartıyoruz) gereklidir.
🦋En uygun hastalar kare yüzlü( dolgun yanaklı), şakak(malar)bölgesi belirgin olmayan ve bu bölgeye sürekli dolgu yada yabancı cisim(protez gibi) istemeyen kişilerdir.
🦋Ameliyat lokal, sedasyon ve genel anestezi ile yapılabilir
🦋Ameliyat agız içinden 2 mm’lik insizyonla, ana tükrük kanal çıkışına(stenson kanalı) zarar vermeden yapılır ve 20 dakikada tamamlanır
🦋Ameliyat sonrası bazı ilaçlar, gargara ve yumuşak beslenme önermekteyiz, şişlik son derece az olup bazı kişilerde hiç olmamaktadır.
🦋Ameliyat sonrası yüz korsesi önerilir.
🦋Hasta sonucu hemen ameliyat sonrası görebilir
🦋Daha sonraki 1-7 gün hafif ödem olabilir, tam şeklin oluşması 1-3 ayı bulabilir.
✅ Önemli uyarı‼️
✏️Paylaşılan fotoğraflar/videolar hasta onayı alınıp, tanınmayacak şekilde kamuflaj edilmiş olup, yalnızca bilimsel bilgi paylaşımı için yerleştirilmiştir.
✏️Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası fotoğraf/video paylaşımı yapılarak maddi kazanç amaçlanmamıştır.
#bişektomi#yanakyağı alınması#bichectomy#buccalfatpadremoval#Hollywoodyanağı#istanbul ☎️+905322058604
✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,Italian🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🇻🇬🇺🇸🦋 Bichectomy or removal of the cheek fat pad (Hollwood cheek) surgery requires extreme care and requires a correct examination beforehand (we extract the golden ratio of the face with the 3D Vectra tool).
🦋The most suitable patients are those with square faces (full cheeks), whose temple (malar) area is not prominent, and who do not want permanent fillers or foreign objects (such as prosthesis) in this area.
🦋The surgery can be performed with local, sedation and general anesthesia.
🦋The surgery is performed through a 2 mm incision inside the mouth, without damaging the main salivary duct outlet (Stenson duct) and is completed in 20 minutes.
🦋We recommend some medications, mouthwash and a soft diet after the surgery. The swelling is extremely minimal and in some people it does not occur at all.
🦋Face corset is recommended after surgery.
🦋The patient can see the result immediately after surgery
🦋There may be slight edema for the next 1-7 days, and it may take 1-3 months for the full shape to form.
✅ Important notice‼️
✏️The shared photos/videos have been camouflaged in an unrecognizable manner, with patient approval, and have been placed solely for scientific information sharing.
✏️No financial gain is intended by sharing photos/videos before and after surgery.
#bichectomy#cheekfat removal#bichectomy#buccalfatpadremoval#Hollywoodyanağı#istanbul ☎️+905322058604
✏️Nota: turco🇹🇷, inglese🇻🇬, tedesco🇩🇪, italiano🇫🇷, francese🇷🇺, spagnolo🇪🇸, russo🇷🇺 e arabo🇸🇾 descrizione ❗️
🇮🇹🦋 L'intervento di bichectomia o rimozione del cuscinetto adiposo della guancia (guancia di Hollywood) richiede estrema cura e richiede un esame corretto preventivamente (estraiamo la sezione aurea del viso con lo strumento 3D Vectra).
🦋I pazienti più adatti sono quelli con il viso quadrato (guance piene), la cui zona delle tempie (malare) non è prominente, e che non vogliono riempitivi permanenti o oggetti estranei (come protesi) in questa zona.
🦋L'intervento può essere eseguito in anestesia locale, sedazione e generale.
🦋L'intervento viene eseguito attraverso un'incisione di 2 mm all'interno della bocca, senza danneggiare lo sbocco del dotto salivare principale (dotto Stenson) e si completa in 20 minuti.
🦋Si consigliano alcuni farmaci, collutorio e una dieta leggera dopo l'intervento. Il gonfiore è estremamente minimo e in alcune persone non si manifesta affatto.
🦋Il corsetto facciale è consigliato dopo l'intervento chirurgico.
🦋Il paziente può vedere il risultato subito dopo l'intervento
🦋Potrebbe verificarsi un leggero edema per i prossimi 1-7 giorni e potrebbero essere necessari 1-3 mesi perché si formi la forma completa.
✅Avviso importante‼️
✏️Le foto/video condivisi sono stati camuffati in modo irriconoscibile, con l'approvazione del paziente, e sono stati inseriti esclusivamente per la condivisione di informazioni scientifiche.
✏️Non è previsto alcun guadagno economico condividendo foto/video prima e dopo l'intervento chirurgico.
#bichectomia#rimozione del grasso delle guance#bichectomia#rimozione del grasso buccale#Hollywoodyanağı#istanbul ☎️+905322058604
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twopoppies · 11 months
LOL! I hope fans set that person straight. The audacity to think Louis' cheekbones aren't natural!
Wasn't that post about sucking dick made about Harry, though? Or am I forgetting something? 🤔
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sweetienans · 2 years
I just know that Denki would mistake bichectomy with vasectomy telling everyone that he would never do bichectomy because he wants multiple kids of his own
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storelatina · 4 months
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Bichectomy: what it is, how it is done and recovery - https://storelatina.com/?p=131891
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kyliankissed · 9 months
dw after your 20s you’ll loose half of the baby fat in the face
just never do shit like Bichectomy, it screws your face up. look at that actress from a Queen’s Gambit for an example
yeah ur probably right
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adlaurentis · 9 months
alrighty, i think after rewatching the show, reading up as much as i could about the books AND reading plenty of fandom theories i've got ali's background and secrets fleshed out and how they tie to the liars and specifically aria.
alison did have a twin sister, courtney, like she did in the books. however, unlike in the books, she wasn't put in a psychiatric ward. alison killed her in a lake when they were children. it was an accident ( or so ali claims ) but their parents and brother decided to pretend it was accidental drowning and keep it a secret buried within the family. then, they move to rosewood when alison is 10, where she meets the liars and begins 'collecting' them and their secrets.
a few months before the events of the summer where ali dissapears, she begins receiving anonymous texts from a mysterious number she doesn't recognize ( signed under the letter A. that will become ali's trademark later on ). this mysterious anonymous tells her they know about her killing her sister five years ago, which is why alison begins her investigation, slowly collecting and trading secrets in exchange for leverage and information of who this person could be.
that summer night, alison has mapped out her plan - she intends a vanishing that nobody will ever figure out. an exit, stage left, dramatic and iconic like she used to be. alison begins excecuting her own dissapearence, recuriting aria as her helper. alison, having basically groomed aria into becoming her second in command, plants all the clues of her dissapearence so it won't ever be traceable.
a few months pass, and the lack of a body begins to rub the police the wrong way. which is when ali and aria decide to plant a false, charred corpse wearing ali's clothes and trademark A necklace (alison never tells aria where she got that body, or who it was, or if she killed them herself ). this body is later confirmed to be the body of bethany young, an ex patient at radley's sanatorium where alison was confined for a few weeks after the death of her sister.
fastforward to the pilot episode, aria returns to town, still working with alison, who remains dissapeared, but hiding in the shadows. still receiving those messages from "her A" as she calls the texter, alison begins haunting the liars with messages as she tries to find out who is sending them.
alison only appears in front of the liars again a week before the final showdown, having dyed her hair platinum blonde and having gotten minor plastic surgery at age 19 in order to conceal her appearence ( rhinoplasty and bichectomy to sharpen her features more ). still, when time comes to face ali as the final big bad, secrets begin to be unraveled just as ali had planned - aria will take the fall for her killing the liars, after she's become convinced one of them is A. however, unexpectedly, something else is revealed: aria is "alison's A", she had been sending her those messages about the murder of her sister. alison's own hubris got her played. thus, it now comes down to a battle of wits and fire between ali and aria, as the liars fight to escape the burning warehouse where ali locked them all up.
aria is rescued by the firefighters and suffers third degree burns all over her body, but survives. the liars do too. alison's body is never found inside the warehouse, meaning she got away, once more.
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lfmcn · 9 months
Medikal Estetik Yaptırırken Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler
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Güzellik trendleri çok hızlı değişiyor. Bu yüzden takip etmek oldukça zor… Üstelik sadece kozmetik alanında ya da kıyafet alanında da değil, estetik alanında da bir moda var. Bir dönem aşırı kalkık burunlar moda olurken artık doğal burunlar moda. Hatta az biraz kusuru olan burunlar daha bir öne çıkıyor. Bu yüzden de kadınların herhangi bir medikal estetik operasyonu için bıçak altına yatmadan önce çok iyi düşünmesi gerekiyor. Tam da bu noktada medikal estetik uygulamalar, ameliyatsız estetik yöntemler karşımıza çıkıyor. Peki bunlar neler?
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Ameliyatsız Güzellik Uygulamaları
Ameliyatsız güzellik uygulamaları aslında oldukça fazla… Bu yüzden istediklerinizin hemen hepsini ameliyata gerek kalmadan sahip olabiliyorsunuz. Yeter ki doğru seçimi yapın ve uzmanını bulun. Tercih edebileceğiniz bazı güzellik uygulamaları ise şunlar: - PDO-Thread Lifting Yöntemi: Ameliyatsız iple yüz germe uygulaması olarak tarif edebileceğimiz bu yöntem sayesinde dudaklarda, kollarda, memede ve diğer sarkan ya da kırışıklık etkisi görülen bölgelerde kullanılabiliyor. İple germe sayesinde kırışıklıklar giderilerek daha genç, daha canlı ve sağlıklı bir görünüm ortaya çıkarılıyor. - Hollywood yanağı: Tıpta bichectomy olarak geçen bu uygulama sayesinde yanaklara estetik dokunuşlar gerçekleştiriliyor. - PRP: Bu uygulama sayesinde ciltte oluşan yaşlılık izleri ve kırışıklıklar giderilebiliyor. Bu sayede daha genç görünmek isteyenler hayallerine kavuşuyor. - Dolgu uygulamaları: Burun ucu düşüklüğüne karşı yapılan dolgu uygulamaları ile daha toplu, daha şık bir buruna sahip olabiliyorsunuz. Yine dolgu uygulamaları sayesinde meme büyütme işlemi de yaptırabilirsiniz. Daha dolgun memelere sahip olmak, sarkmaların önüne geçmek isteyenler için fazlaca tercih edilen bir seçenektir. - Lipofilling işlemleri: El yüzeyinde yaşlılığa bağlı olarak doku kaybı olabiliyor. Bu durumda hazır dolgu maddesi uygulamasıyla sorunun üstesinden gelinebiliyor. - Botoks işlemleri: Dudak kenarlarını yukarı doğru kaldırmak için botoks işlemleri fazlaca tercih edilmekte ve etkili sonuçlar alınmaktadır. Ameliyatsız burun estetiği yöntemleri ameliyatsız güzellik uygulamaları arasında en fazla rağbet görenlerden oluyor. Bu yöntemlerde hyalüronik asit dolguları, botoks gibi birçok tanıdık estetik yöntemi bir arada kullanılabiliyor. Tabi ki bütün bu yöntemler, burun estetiği konusunda deneyimli olan, pek çok vaka görmüş uzmanlar tarafından gerçekleştirilmelidir. Aksi taktirde başarılı bir operasyondan ziyade kötü sonuçlar ortaya çıkabilir. Estetik uygulamalar doğrudan dışa dönük alanlarda olacağından da hem güzelliğinize hem sağlığınıza zarar verebilir.
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Ameliyatsız Estetik Uygulamalar Yaptırırken Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler Yüzün her bölümü, burun da buna dahil olmak üzere, kişiye özeldir. Bu yüzden ameliyatsız estetik yöntemleri uygulatırken bazı hususlara maksimum düzeyde dikkat edilmelidir. Bunları da şöyle sıralayabiliriz: - Her bireyin estetik kodları farklıdır. Bu yüzden tedavi detayları kişiye özel belirlenmelidir. - Odaklanılması gereken kırışıklıklar değil, düzeltilmek istenen duygu durumudur. Dokunuşlar buna göre yapılmalıdır. - İlk olarak temel bölgeleri iyileştirmek, daha sonra kalan bölgelere tedaviyi belirlemek gerekmektedir. - Ekseriyetle yukardan aşağıya ve dıştan içe yapılan uygulamalar daha doğal sonuçlar doğurmaktadır. - Yüzde yapılacak medikal estetik uygulamaları başlangıç noktası yüzün ortasından değil, diğer bölgelerden başlanırsa daha sağlıklı sonuçlar elde edilebilir. - Yüz bir bütündür. Bu yüzden lokal bir işlem yapılacaksa dahi bütünü görmek önemli bir püf noktasıdır. Read the full article
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sources-across · 11 months
Jaw slimming - Improve Face Shape without Surgery
From time to time, many people talk to do-it-yourself all of these approach almost everyone choose are able to preferably existing your sort, most of us look at several thoughts, when consumers can't more compact reliable us. Somebody ‘a lot of pretty much all need to coach the real key needed physical exercises today that ones somebody as well as could very well just like these cosmetics platform firmness enormous, a great deal more unified, in addition to, flooring, make all of these composition as well as have totally certainly a great deal more demonstrated features.
To aid reward use a definitively exceptionally was able performing come across, most of us prefer to talking raise very last over the bichectomy in addition to treating while taking into consideration Bichat balls. A top quality out-patient in addition to fuss-free approach supposed to be about little league while somebody ‘a lot of pretty much all find a demonstrated, unified performing come across and much more established cheekbones. Currently most of us goal to tell you with the jawline slimming therapies that authorities declare we've and lastly get executed in addition to that this prospective buyers are usually once in a while delighted. Somebody ‘a lot of pretty much all would wish to existing remedies when your current four-legged companion this preferably is likely to realize some form of unbelievable strengths you require, tracking down a exceptionally was able face. Jawline slimming injections are in reality normally the most effective approach to be able to greatest some form of cosmetics platform epidermis along with could very well is likely to never need to guide with surgery. Easy along with fuss-free, brought about by means of botox many people not only using the face pc attenuate in addition to clean taken away from remnants, this staying stated will certainly concurrently get an awesome effect: using happiness in slender performing come across, understanding in addition to wild hair some form of cheekbones. Delights or jaw slimming implementing Botox can be purchased with microinjections by approaches tiny holes and epidermis merchandise, demonstrated using just about any permitted health care specialist, this unique masseter muscles constructions, on that base tracking down a greatest performing come across in addition to having a cheekbones. From time to time a real increased acceleration and swiftness are usually on account of bruxism, a real assists create far too on account of in lieu of aware inner thoughts creating while taking into consideration frequent test, get hold of in the event possibly most of us lastly snooze.
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lemanclinic · 1 year
Les traitements cosmétiques les plus en vogue en 2023
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Un visage sculpté et lumineux, une peau ferme et éclatante, une silhouette lisse et bien galbée, une poitrine séduisante, etc… Il existe de nombreuses motivations pour recourir aux soins esthétiques.   
Longtemps réservé aux vedettes et aux mannequins, l’univers des traitements cosmétiques et ses nombreuses solutions sont désormais accessibles à tous qui cherchent à améliorer leur apparence, retrouver confiance en soi, voire réinventer leur personnalité. 
Compte tenu des progrès technologiques et du développement de techniques innovantes dans l’industrie de l’esthétique, de l’évolution du mode de vie moderne et de l’économie, accompagnés de mutations culturelles, la préférence pour les traitements esthétiques varie d’une année à l’autre.   
Quelles sont les grandes tendances des traitements esthétiques en 2023 ?  
Voici quelques-uns des traitements esthétiques les plus demandés selon nos chirurgiens esthétiques à Genève et à Nyon chez Leman Aesthetic Clinic qui ont acquis une grande expérience au fil des ans. 
Les traitement des rides par injections biostimulantes  
Comment éliminer les rides du visage et lutter contre les signes de l’âge ? Les millennials et la génération Z nous posent souvent cette question. En fait, les dernières générations nous consultent très tôt, optant pour des traitements esthétiques dès la vingtaine ou la trentaine ou dès qu’ils commencent à remarquer de très faibles signes de vieillissement de la peau.   
Motivés par la notion de prévention plutôt que de correction, et surtout soucieux de commencer les traitements préventifs à temps. Parmi les procédures non invasives (injectables), les injections biostimulantes qui stimulent la production de son propre collagène occupent une place de plus en plus importante.   
Quelles sont les injections biostimulantes ? 
Très efficaces, les injections de comblement dermique à base d’hydroxylapatite de calcium rajeunissent la peau en agissant de l’intérieur et en stimulant efficacement la production naturelle de collagène de l’organisme là où il doit être. Les résultats prennent en général quelques semaines à être pleinement appréciés, durent généralement 12 à 18 mois. 
Parmi les autres techniques en médecine esthétique favorisant la stimulation de son propre collagène nous retenons :
le transfert de graisse ou lipofilling,  
les injections de biostimulateurs sans comblement PRP ou plasma riche en plaquette 
Profhilo (un injectable populaire pour l’amélioration de la qualité de la peau).  
Le lifting du visage  
Le lifting du visage, a longtemps traîné derrière lui une mauvaise réputation, datant des années ’80 et ’90 où tout le monde a vu de mauvais exemples de cette procédure. Les techniques ont depuis considérablement évoluées et cette intervention revient aujourd’hui en force auprès des patients. 
Combien de types de liftings chirurgicaux existe-il ? 
Sur le plan technique, différentes zones peuvent être priorisées lors d’un lifting et différents gestes associés peuvent être réalisés en même temps qu’un lifting si besoin. :   
le lifting du bas du visage
le lifting du cou
 Le lifting cervico-facial qui englobe les 2 zones
Différentes procédures sont souvent associées pour un meilleur résultat comme le lifting des lèvres ou un lip lift, le lifting des sourcils la bichectomie et aussi très souvent la chirurgie des paupières supérieure ou inférieures ; 
Ces techniques peuvent également être associées à des traitements de médecine esthétique, notamment des peelings, des lasers et des injections de toxine botulique. 
Les liftings sont de plus en plus recherchés par les hommes et les femmes dans la quarantaine et la cinquantaine, mais aussi au-delà.
La rhinoplastie ou la chirurgie esthétique du nez  
Parmi les interventions chirurgicales, les rhinoplasties restent les plus demandées par les patients, tant les hommes que les femmes. En plus d’offrir une correction esthétique (soit pour affiner la pointe, réduire la taille des narines, supprimer la bosse ou retrouver un équilibre et un profil plus harmonieux grâce à un transfert de graisse ou à la pose d’implants faciaux), une rhinoplastie fonctionnelle permet d’améliorer la respiration.  
Pour certains patients, il est possible d’opter pour des traitements non invasifs comme une injection d’acide hyaluronique pour corriger une petite bosse ou une pointe un peu tombante. Ceci est appelé rhinoplastie médicale ou rhinoplastie liquide. 
La blépharoplastie et le lifting de sourcils  
La demande de blépharoplastie ou de chirurgie des paupières ne cesse d’augmenter. La blépharoplastie permet non seulement d’optimiser et de rajeunir le regard (zone la plus susceptible de montrer des signes de vieillissement le plus tôt), mais aussi d’avoir un regard plus ouvert. Nos patients en sont très satisfaits, car cette intervention chirurgicale très en vogue est extrêmement efficace pour :  
donner une apparence naturelle et rafraîchie aux yeux ; 
se débarrasser des paupières tombantes pour que vos yeux paraissent détendus et ouverts ; 
restaurer la jeunesse de la zone orbitale en éliminant les cernes et les poches sous les yeux 
Le lifting des sourcils a connu un regain d’intérêt ces derni��res années, popularisé pour obtenir un look élégant et arqué. 
L’augmentation mammaire 
L’augmentation mammaire et la liposuccion resteront populaires cette année, en partie parce qu’il s’agit d’interventions relativement durables. Cet acte chirurgical peut offrir une transformation remarquable aux femmes qui cherchent à harmoniser ou à améliorer l’aspect de leur poitrine. 
L’évolution technologique récente des implants mammaires permet en plus d’obtenir des résultats toujours plus naturels avec des cicatrices toujours plus petites. 
La procédure peut se faire par 3 méthodes : 
Les implants mammaires (ronds ou anatomiques), 
Le transfert de graisse autologue (lipofilling) 
L’augmentation composite
Maintenant que vous connaissez les tendances de cette année, nous espérons qu’il vous sera plus facile de prendre la bonne décision. Lorsque vous décidez de suivre l’un de ces traitements, gardez à l’esprit qu’il s’agit de traitements médicaux à prendre au sérieux. Il faut toujours prendre le temps aussi de discuter les éventuels risques associés à toute procédure médicale ou chirurgicale, même s’ ils sont limités.
Il faut également noter que si ces traitements sont populaires, ils ne constituent pas nécessairement les seules solutions pour vous. 
Nos chirurgiens plasticiens chez Leman Aesthetic Clinic vous aideront à choisir le traitement le mieux adapté à votre situation en procédant à des séries de consultations. Pour connaître tous les traitements non chirurgicaux et chirurgicaux que nous proposons, contactez-nous dès maintenant !   
Pour en savoir plus : https://leman-clinic.ch/les-traitements-cosmetiques-les-plus-en-vogue-en-2023/
#augmentation mammaire #chirurgie esthétique genève
#chirurgien esthetique geneve
#injection acide hyaluronique genève
#lifting du visage
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populargiftsshop · 2 years
About Gynecomastia and Arm Lift Operations
Gynecomastia is a condition in which there is an abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in the appearance of a breast-like bulge in one or both breasts. The condition is caused by an imbalance of hormones, particularly an increased level of estrogen and a decreased level of testosterone, and can occur at any age, although it is most common in adolescence and middle age.
Temporal lifting, also known as a temporal brow lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the upper face and forehead area by lifting sagging or drooping skin and repositioning the eyebrows. The procedure is typically performed on the temples and is aimed at reducing wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging that can make a person look tired, stressed, or unhappy. Temporal lifting in Turkey.
An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper arms to create a smoother, more toned appearance. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose, sagging skin, or for individuals who simply have excess skin and fat in their upper arms that is resistant to diet and exercise.
Bichectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the cheeks. The fat deposits, known as buccal fat pads, are located in the cheek area, and can contribute to a chubby or rounded appearance in the face. By removing some of this fat, the face can appear slimmer and more defined.
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Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇹🇷🦋Yanak inceltme yada popüler adıyla ‘Hollywood yanağı’da denilen ameliyat kısa süreli,kalıcı, etkin ve sonuçları çok başarılıdır.
🦋Buccal Fat Pad (BFP)Removal ,Partial buccal lipectomy, Hollywood yanağı, yanak yağı aldırma,yanak inceltme gibi isimlendirilir.
🦋Temel amaç yuvarlak, kare yada geniş yanaklı, elmacık kemiği(zigoma/malar bölge) çıkıntılı olmayan yüzü ince görünmeyen kişilere yapılabilir.
🦋En sık kadınlara yapılsada son yıllarda erkekler de tercih etmektedir.
🦋Yanakta bulunan bu yap yastığını ilk olarak 1732’de Heister tanımlamıştır.
🦋1802’de M.F.X.Bichat anatomik yapısını ayrıntılı açıklamıştır.
🦋Dr.Bichat adıyla anılan ‘Bichat yağ yastığı’ 4 uzantıya ve 3 ayrı loba ayrılır.
🦋Posterior(arka) lob; temporal, ptergoid, ptergopalatin be bukkal kısımlardan oluşur.
🦋Ameliyat tekniği: lokal anestezi genelde yeterli olup iki taraflı üst çene(maksilla) lateral(dış) mukozasından 5-10 mm’lik insizyon yapılarak ‘fatpad’in %40-50’i çıkartılır.
🦋Ortalama volüm 6mm kayıptır( kadınlarda 7.2-10.8 mm ve erkeklerde 7.8-11.3 mm).
🦋Bu miktardan fazla çıkartmalarda yanakta çökme ve/ veya asimetri oluşabilir.
🦋Bu ameliyatı bazı otorler 25 yaş sonrası için önerirler.
🦋Ameliyat süresi 20-40 dakikadır.
🦋Ameliyattan hemen sonra belirgin görüntü oluşsa da 2-3 hafta ödem/şişlik görülmesi doğaldır.
🦋7-10 gün korse kullanımı, antibiyotik, ağrı kesici, gargara ve ağız hijyeni önerilir.
🦋Genelde dikiş alınmasına gerek yoktur 1 haftada eriyecektir.
🦋İdeal görünüm 2-4 ayda ortaya çıkar.
🦋Deneyimli cerrahlarda komplikasyon minimaldir.
🦋Bazı araştırmalarda komplikasyon %8.45 bildirilmiştir.
🦋Bu komplikasyonlar; ödem, kanama(internal maksiller arter), enfeksiyon, asimetri, trismus, fasial sinir bukkal dal yaralanması, paratis bezi stenson kanal yaralanması sayılabilir.
Note: Turkish,English,German and Arabic description
🇻🇬🦋Cheek thinning, or popularly known as 'Hollywood cheek' surgery, is short-term, permanent, effective and its results are very successful.
🦋Buccal Fat Pad (BFP) Removal, Partial buccal lipectomy, Hollywood cheek, cheek fat removal, cheek thinning.
🦋The main purpose is that it can be performed on people with round, square or wide cheeks, without protruding cheekbones (zygoma/malar area), and whose face does not look thin.
🦋Although it is most commonly performed on women, men have also preferred it in recent years.
🦋Heister first described this cheek pad in 1732.
🦋In 1802, M.F.X.Bichat explained its anatomical structure in detail.
🦋The 'Bichat fat pad', also known as Dr. Bichat, is divided into 4 extensions and 3 separate lobes.
🦋Posterior lobe; It consists of temporal, pterygoid, pterygopalatine and buccal parts.
🦋Surgery technique: local anesthesia is generally sufficient and 40-50% of the 'fatpad' is removed by making a 5-10 mm incision in the lateral (external) mucosa of the bilateral upper jaw (maxilla).
🦋The average volume loss is 6 mm (7.2-10.8 mm in women and 7.8-11.3 mm in men).
🦋Decals exceeding this amount may cause sagging and/or asymmetry on the cheek.
🦋Some authorities recommend this surgery for people after the age of 25.
🦋Surgery time is 20-40 minutes.
🦋Although a clear appearance occurs immediately after the surgery, it is natural to see edema/swelling for 2-3 weeks.
🦋 7-10 days of corset use, antibiotics, painkillers, mouthwash and oral hygiene are recommended.
🦋 Generally, there is no need to remove stitches, it will dissolve in 1 week.
🦋The ideal appearance appears in 2-4 months.
🦋Complications are minimal in experienced surgeons.
🦋In some studies, complications were reported as 8.45%.
🦋These complications; edema, bleeding (internal maxillary artery), infection, asymmetry, trismus, facial nerve buccal branch injury, paratis gland Stenson canal injury.
Hinweis: Türkische, englische, deutsche und arabische Beschreibung
🇩🇪🦋Eine Wangenverdünnung, im Volksmund auch „Hollywood-Wangenoperation“ genannt, ist kurzfristig, dauerhaft, effektiv und die Ergebnisse sind sehr erfolgreich.
🦋Entfernung des bukkalen Fettpolsters (BFP), partielle bukkale Lipektomie, Hollywood-Wange, Wangenfettentfernung, Wangenverdünnung.
🦋Der Hauptzweck besteht darin, dass es bei Menschen mit runden, eckigen oder breiten Wangen durchgeführt werden kann, ohne hervorstehende Wangenknochen (Jochbein-/Malarbereich) und deren Gesicht nicht dünn aussieht.
🦋Obwohl es am häufigsten bei Frauen durchgeführt wird, bevorzugen es in den letzten Jahren auch Männer.
🦋Heister beschrieb dieses Wangenpolster erstmals im Jahr 1732.
🦋Im Jahr 1802 erklärte M.F.X.Bichat seine anatomische Struktur im Detail.
🦋Das „Bichat-Fettpolster“, auch Dr. Bichat genannt, ist in 4 Fortsätze und 3 separate Lappen unterteilt.
🦋Hinterlappen; Es besteht aus temporalen, pterygoidealen, pterygopalatinalen und bukkalen Teilen.
🦋Operationstechnik: Lokalanästhesie ist im Allgemeinen ausreichend und 40–50 % des „Fettpolsters“ werden durch einen 5–10 mm langen Schnitt in der seitlichen (äußeren) Schleimhaut des beidseitigen Oberkiefers (Oberkiefer) entfernt.
🦋Der durchschnittliche Volumenverlust beträgt 6 mm (7,2–10,8 mm bei Frauen und 7,8–11,3 mm bei Männern).
🦋Abziehbilder, die diese Menge überschreiten, können zu Durchhängen und/oder Asymmetrien auf der Wange führen.
🦋Einige Behörden empfehlen diese Operation für Personen nach dem 25. Lebensjahr.
🦋Die Operationszeit beträgt 20-40 Minuten.
🦋Obwohl unmittelbar nach der Operation ein klares Erscheinungsbild auftritt, ist es natürlich, dass für 2-3 Wochen Ödeme/Schwellungen auftreten.
🦋 7-10 Tage Korsetttragen, Antibiotika, Schmerzmittel, Mundwasser und Mundhygiene werden empfohlen.
🦋 Im Allgemeinen ist es nicht nötig, die Fäden zu entfernen, sie lösen sich innerhalb einer Woche auf.
🦋Das ideale Aussehen stellt sich in 2-4 Monaten ein.
🦋Komplikationen sind bei erfahrenen Chirurgen minimal.
🦋In einigen Studien wurden Komplikationen mit 8,45 % angegeben.
🦋Diese Komplikationen; Ödeme, Blutungen (Arteria maxillaris interna), Infektionen, Asymmetrie, Trismus, Verletzung des Wangenasts des Gesichtsnervs, Verletzung des Stenson-Kanals der Paratisdrüse.
‎ملحوظة: الوصف باللغات التركية والإنجليزية والألمانية والعربية
🇮🇶🦋تنحيف الخد أو المعروفة شعبياً باسم "جراحة خد هوليوود" هي عملية قصيرة الأمد ودائمة وفعالة ونتائجها ناجحة جداً.
‎🦋إزالة وسادة دهون الخد (BFP)، استئصال شحم الشدق الجزئي، خد هوليود، إزالة دهون الخد، تنحيف الخد.
‎🦋الغرض الرئيسي هو أنه يمكن إجراؤها على الأشخاص ذوي الخدود المستديرة أو المربعة أو العريضة، دون عظام الخد البارزة (منطقة الوجنة / الوجنات)، والذين لا يبدو وجههم نحيفًا.
‎🦋على الرغم من أنه يتم إجراؤه بشكل شائع على النساء، إلا أن الرجال يفضلونه أيضًا في السنوات الأخيرة.
‎🦋وصف هيستر وسادة الخد هذه لأول مرة في عام 1732.
‎🦋في عام 1802، شرح M.F.X.Bichat بنيته التشريحية بالتفصيل.
‎🦋تنقسم "وسادة الدهون بيشات"، المعروفة أيضًا باسم دكتور بيشات، إلى 4 ملحقات و3 فصوص منفصلة.
‎🦋الفص الخلفي. وهو يتألف من الأجزاء الصدغية والجناحية والجناحية الحنكية والشدق.
‎🦋تقنية الجراحة: التخدير الموضعي كافٍ بشكل عام ويتم إزالة 40-50% من "السادة الدهنية" عن طريق إجراء شق 5-10 ملم في الغشاء المخاطي الجانبي (الخارجي) للفك العلوي الثنائي (الفك العلوي).
‎🦋متوسط ​​فقدان الحجم هو 6 ملم (7.2-10.8 ملم عند النساء و7.8-11.3 ملم عند الرجال).
‎🦋الملصقات التي تتجاوز هذه الكمية قد تسبب ترهل و/أو ��دم تناسق في الخد.
‎🦋توصي بعض السلطات بإجراء هذه الجراحة للأشخاص بعد سن 25 عامًا.
‎🦋مدة الجراحة 20-40 دقيقة.
‎🦋على الرغم من ظهور مظهر واضح بعد الجراحة مباشرة، إلا أنه من الطبيعي رؤية الوذمة/التورم لمدة 2-3 أسابيع.
‎🦋 يوصى باستخدام المشد لمدة 7-10 أيام، ويوصى بالمضادات الحيوية ومسكنات الألم وغسول الفم ونظافة الفم.
‎🦋 بشكل عام ليس هناك حاجة لإزالة الغرز فهي ستذوب خلال أسبوع واحد.
‎🦋يظهر المظهر المثالي خلال 2-4 أشهر.
‎🦋المضاعفات ضئيلة عند الجراحين ذوي الخبرة.
‎🦋في بعض الدراسات، بلغت نسبة المضاعفات 8.45%.
‎🦋هذه المضاعفات؛ وذمة، نزيف (الشريان الفكي الداخلي)، عدوى، عدم تناسق، ضزز، إصابة فرع الشدق في العصب الوجهي، إصابة قناة ستنسون في الغدة النظيرية.
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latestnewusa · 2 years
About Gynecomastia and Arm Lift Operations
Gynecomastia is a condition in which there is an abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in the appearance of a breast-like bulge in one or both breasts. The condition is caused by an imbalance of hormones, particularly an increased level of estrogen and a decreased level of testosterone, and can occur at any age, although it is most common in adolescence and middle age.
Temporal lifting, also known as a temporal brow lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the upper face and forehead area by lifting sagging or drooping skin and repositioning the eyebrows. The procedure is typically performed on the temples and is aimed at reducing wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging that can make a person look tired, stressed, or unhappy. Temporal lifting in Turkey.
An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper arms to create a smoother, more toned appearance. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose, sagging skin, or for individuals who simply have excess skin and fat in their upper arms that is resistant to diet and exercise.
Bichectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the cheeks. The fat deposits, known as buccal fat pads, are located in the cheek area, and can contribute to a chubby or rounded appearance in the face. By removing some of this fat, the face can appear slimmer and more defined.
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homedekorideasuk · 2 years
About Gynecomastia and Arm Lift Operations
Gynecomastia is a condition in which there is an abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in the appearance of a breast-like bulge in one or both breasts. The condition is caused by an imbalance of hormones, particularly an increased level of estrogen and a decreased level of testosterone, and can occur at any age, although it is most common in adolescence and middle age.
Temporal lifting, also known as a temporal brow lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the upper face and forehead area by lifting sagging or drooping skin and repositioning the eyebrows. The procedure is typically performed on the temples and is aimed at reducing wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging that can make a person look tired, stressed, or unhappy. Temporal lifting in Turkey.
An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper arms to create a smoother, more toned appearance. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose, sagging skin, or for individuals who simply have excess skin and fat in their upper arms that is resistant to diet and exercise.
Bichectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the cheeks. The fat deposits, known as buccal fat pads, are located in the cheek area, and can contribute to a chubby or rounded appearance in the face. By removing some of this fat, the face can appear slimmer and more defined.
0 notes
goodshoppingsites · 2 years
About Gynecomastia and Arm Lift Operations
Gynecomastia is a condition in which there is an abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in the appearance of a breast-like bulge in one or both breasts. The condition is caused by an imbalance of hormones, particularly an increased level of estrogen and a decreased level of testosterone, and can occur at any age, although it is most common in adolescence and middle age.
Temporal lifting, also known as a temporal brow lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the upper face and forehead area by lifting sagging or drooping skin and repositioning the eyebrows. The procedure is typically performed on the temples and is aimed at reducing wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging that can make a person look tired, stressed, or unhappy. Temporal lifting in Turkey.
An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper arms to create a smoother, more toned appearance. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose, sagging skin, or for individuals who simply have excess skin and fat in their upper arms that is resistant to diet and exercise.
Bichectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the cheeks. The fat deposits, known as buccal fat pads, are located in the cheek area, and can contribute to a chubby or rounded appearance in the face. By removing some of this fat, the face can appear slimmer and more defined.
0 notes
gamingaccessories · 2 years
About Gynecomastia and Arm Lift Operations
Gynecomastia is a condition in which there is an abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in the appearance of a breast-like bulge in one or both breasts. The condition is caused by an imbalance of hormones, particularly an increased level of estrogen and a decreased level of testosterone, and can occur at any age, although it is most common in adolescence and middle age.
Temporal lifting, also known as a temporal brow lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the upper face and forehead area by lifting sagging or drooping skin and repositioning the eyebrows. The procedure is typically performed on the temples and is aimed at reducing wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging that can make a person look tired, stressed, or unhappy. Temporal lifting in Turkey.
An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper arms to create a smoother, more toned appearance. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose, sagging skin, or for individuals who simply have excess skin and fat in their upper arms that is resistant to diet and exercise.
Bichectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the cheeks. The fat deposits, known as buccal fat pads, are located in the cheek area, and can contribute to a chubby or rounded appearance in the face. By removing some of this fat, the face can appear slimmer and more defined.
0 notes
bestfitnessneeds · 2 years
About Gynecomastia and Arm Lift Operations
Gynecomastia is a condition in which there is an abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in the appearance of a breast-like bulge in one or both breasts. The condition is caused by an imbalance of hormones, particularly an increased level of estrogen and a decreased level of testosterone, and can occur at any age, although it is most common in adolescence and middle age.
Temporal lifting, also known as a temporal brow lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims to improve the appearance of the upper face and forehead area by lifting sagging or drooping skin and repositioning the eyebrows. The procedure is typically performed on the temples and is aimed at reducing wrinkles, lines, and other signs of aging that can make a person look tired, stressed, or unhappy. Temporal lifting in Turkey.
An arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of the upper arms. The procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the upper arms to create a smoother, more toned appearance. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose, sagging skin, or for individuals who simply have excess skin and fat in their upper arms that is resistant to diet and exercise.
Bichectomy is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves removing fat from the cheeks. The fat deposits, known as buccal fat pads, are located in the cheek area, and can contribute to a chubby or rounded appearance in the face. By removing some of this fat, the face can appear slimmer and more defined.
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