#bigarrena household
cruciferous-spatula · 8 months
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Lunchtime with the Bigarrenas
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Why hello Eallin
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These 3 dogs are the best dogs. The Bigarrenas have raised them well
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Auntie Ausarta's also here today, hanging out with her lil nieces
That evening, Miretsi grows up
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She grows up feeling pretty good and looking awesome
and that's all for today
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cruciferous-spatula · 8 months
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Bigarrenas round 13 part 3, in which we encounter the sass with which Miretsi eats some berries
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Elsewhere, while twins Nahia and Nerea sleep, the doggies party.
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As do The Parents, in their way. Guys you're supposed to be broken up and angry
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Aitor and Moemoea should be heading home by now, but paused on their way out to autonomously catch the Big Feelings. Or Moemoea does at least, Aitor is somewhat distracted by her stank
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Morning. The pears are ready for picking and the dogs are in a playful mood
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They won't play with just anyone tho, and this random stray called Menice got a telling off, poor thing
part more soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 8 months
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Hello and welcome back to the Bigarrena household. It's a brand spanking new day and Aitor is visiting with his grumpy unapproachable self, but Miretsi still tries to make a friend.
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Inti is also visiting. Entzu's feelings are inscrutable
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As is Moemoea autonomously apologizing to her? How did I miss out on whatever beef they had
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Uncle Entzu does not appreciate being hit in the face with a big sack, and he's too tall to noogie, so Aitor can't figure out how to interact with him.
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Maggie is easier to befriend
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Inti hanging out with her kiddos
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and we close out on the little dogs having a little nap
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cruciferous-spatula · 8 months
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Bigarrenas now, where lil' guy Izar is sad. Actually both the toddlers are in aspiration failure because their parents divorced last round, so that's fun
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One thing Izar does have going for him rn is wants. Specifically, learning nursery rhymes wants. And fortunately big sis Miretsi agreed to help make that happen
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Somewhat less musically inclined, Poza gets back in the green by earning a counting-stones skill point, discovering a passion in life along the way
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Nahia and Entzule discuss things over some soup. I think Entzu is opening up to the idea of meeting someone new. Not knowing how exactly to feel about that, Nahia just kinda nods
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Later, Nahia runs into her mom, who is hanging out just outside the house for some reason.
next day,
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Para is visiting, as is the wolf who's taken a liking to tormenting her lately. She gives her a good telling off this time. Also uncle Indartsu drops by, and Maggie befriends this stray doggie called Poppo.
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And Inti is here, seeing one of her littlest ones.
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There's a lot to miss here. Most of her kids, watching them grow..
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and her ex's hawt bawd
end of part 1
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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Brief interlude-ish thing. Having no money to buy even an empty lot with, Inti moves back into her childhood home where her nieces Eallin and T'ika live. She's not intending to continue the Qallariq name though, that's T'ika or arguably Eallin's birthright and also Inti has a lot of children of her own already. So she takes the new surname Iskay, just... in case.
Also, at some point in time, this happened
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Inti fulfilling a want for a date caused some bad blood with her sister Suyana.
Arguably it was hasty to do this before Inti moved out but uh
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No one will notice if Arvi and Inti have a late night tryst at the beach, nothing could go wrong could it
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No part of this is a good idea
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And now even more people are mad at them. tbf Elewá you had no business getting it on with Arvi either but
yeah, that happened. Just had to share it even though I'm not proud of the part I played in this whole debacle
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What's this, Leheniks?
Yeah, we're supposed to move over to the Tuatahi household now, but I saw that Wahi's about to age up, and Aitor here is older than her... also the only eligible young lad for the million Qallariq-descended teenage girls around. He's 1 day or less from aging up anyway, so we're doing it lads
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A bi boy! Just like Aworan Akoko, but they're first cousins so that's not happening lmao. Also how handsome is this young man, so of course I had to make him a romance sim
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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moar Bigarrena household... friggin toddlers
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Inti and Entzu have autonomously been trying for moar babies since the birth of the youngests because of course they have, but no luck yet
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Neighbors Waiata and Arvi are visiting, what could possibly go wrong
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once again acr destroys my game and life
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Entzu, like me, is devastated
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Meanwhile Indartsu and Suyana continue to make me mad. Arvi disapproves too but idk who he thinks he is to be judging.
Someone has to draw a line somewhere. We've seen a couple sims forgiving their cheating spouses and staying together, but I don't need that to become the norm, and I think this is a hard line for Entzu.
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Entzu: How could you, Inti? We made a vow to be true to each other! You've hurt me terribly and I can't have my children thinking this is an okay way to treat their spouses - or something they should put up with from anyone. We're over!
Inti: Over?? Entzu! We were just.. flirting..
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As angry and hurt as Entzu is, he can't help himself from checking Inti out until she runs off lot
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The toddlers slept through the breakup, but the older kids are crushed by the news.
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Entzu tries to comfort Nahia...
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Even the next morning is hard. Entzu's not used to waking up alone...
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Although he's not really all alone I guess. Duty calls!
And that's all from this household for this round :/
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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It's a quiet day for Mr. and Mrs. Bigarrena, and their twins
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And then the game reminds us that we are about to deal with three toddlers at once.
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Enjoying this relatively chill time while we can
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alright, I admit it. they're cute.
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Also Inti is pregnant again. When did that happen you say? Well I can't be everywhere at once can I
The 24 hours of juggling 3 toddles at once are up. It's Miretsi's birtday!
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Sorry her made over look is her in her pyjamas. She basically just grew her curls out.
and that's all from the Bigarrena household for now!
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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Bigarrena household again! Woo!
Entzu is learning how to leatherwork, while Inti mostly dotes on baby Miretsi.
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And is congratulated on the expectation of more babies by SIL and bestie Luma.
Before their arrival though, it's time for Miretsi to grow up a little
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She's a Scorpio just like her mom! And I don't think any other sim yet born has turned out quite so stern-looking, lol
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but soon enough
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Twin girls! Welcome Nerea and Nahia. Their dad can't stop smiling, but his eyes have fully glazed over. A toddler and two babies! And after their babysitter moved back home, too :|
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Fortunately there's no real want of aunts and cousins more than happy to help with the babies... as long as they keep visiting
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and dogs. And uncles.
part 2 coming soon :)
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cruciferous-spatula · 8 months
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Nighttime at the Bigarrena household. Miretsi's buddy Sanma is visiting, giving her newly aged up friend a tickle. It's a thing okay
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Also Entzu has this want for his ex wife, dude just marry her again already
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Poza grew up!
Which means her twin brother is also due for a grow uppening
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... really, bro? You wanna age up right on your cousin's knee like that ok whatever
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Lookin' great! And totally not like a blond clone of yer dad
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Otis got in a fight with a wolf :( very unwise Otis, that guy can swallow you whole
And lastly, please enjoy way too many pics of the subsequent morning's breakfast
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We're approaching the end of the Lehenik round without much incident, but Ausarta wants to find her own place. I've decided she'll bring Entzu with her, they're best friends 4 evah and I think it makes more sense in pre-society times that you wouldn't want to be completely alone in the wilderness.
Unfortunately I forgot to allow the newspaper deliverer, so I had to break theme briefly
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Starting a new household means starting a new name.
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Also, a 2x2 empty lot costs 1,600 moleys, and 2,900 minus that leaves us just unreasonably little (I'm not going through heat wave hell without shelter again). Let's see if mom doesn't have some spare change.
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Thought so.
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That's better. Actually covers exterior walls now. And don't worry, we could still not afford basically any furniture when the house was built.
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Yeah don't be polite I hate how it looks right now too.
That big fuck-off rock was there all along, shut up. That's actually why they moved here. The house is built from stone mined from that deposit, and there's still good salt in there so they might be able to live off their mining. Notice how I didn't add crop field because maybe we won't even need it!
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But first, to the beach, to gather coconuts, and we learn that Ausarta spends every idle moment thirsting for herself like the queen she is.
And that's all I got from the Bigarrena household this time :P
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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moar Bigarrena household, where visiting uncle Indartsu just can't figure out what to do with the loud smelly baby.
What's that about? Visitors will autonomously take very full and happy babies to the fridge to stuff not-on-theme bottles into them non stop, but can't even think to put the blighter down or hand them to another adult when they get stinky.
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It's birthday! Nerea and Nahia are about to leave toddlerdom behind
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Yay! Finally I can like these two.
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And papa Entzu can take them to the beach along with big sis Miretsi.
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They were less than lucky with the weather, but they were still able to enjoy the view, get tormented by a crab, and meet some fellow neighborhood kiddos
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:3 i can't explain how much i like it when the kids meet each other and make friends you'll just have to bear with me
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I also like that these 5 can have meals together as a family now, couldn't do that when Nahia and Nerea were toddlers could we, what are toddlers even good for amirite
Well, speak of the devil
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And twin toddlers again. joyy
see you soon with more from here
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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Bigarrena household now, featuring twin toddlers -_- and smelly guests.
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Also - suddenly - birf!
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woopee, twinsies, I'm totally happy about this can't you tell
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Entzu is, anyway
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Suyana often drops by to visit her baby sis. This morning she's treated to Miretsi's many musings on the animels
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We're in for an easier time here than at the Keji household it seems, with two adults present and current twin toddlers having learned most of their toddler skills already. And the many dogs p much take care of themselves, so it deffo could be worse
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moar to come
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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Bigarrena household now, where Entzu's gf has just moved in. No time to waste! Let's get them hitched!
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And positive memories all around :) no surprises there really
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Luma is trouble, I'm telling you. Her poor girlfriend.... Even your own brother is team Elewá, Luma, what are you doing
Inti and Entzu consummate their marriage later, but Inti's already expecting from their premarital shenanigans
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And the very same night she starts showing :) good choice of maternity dress too there, randomizer
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Inti settles in straight away. Entzu's sister Lorea visits to congratulate the newlyweds despite the chaotic weather.
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Lumaaaa >:(
Deciding that this wayward child needed some distraction, I sent her out hunting.
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And she came back late at night half-passed out. That'll learn 'er.
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2nd bump!
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Their big doggo Maggie has been befriending the Lehenik family doggo Klutz. They're buddies and they like to hang out in this makeshift dog house together, that's all move along nothing to see here
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Also the garden is happening. The cauliflower grown on this lot is the best in town and also the only in town I think
Suddenly -
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it's baby time! Entzu takes a break from watching to make the bed midway through the birf. Priorities :) and it's a girl!
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Welcome to the family, Miretsi :3
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Indartsu visits, looking a bit gloomy here but I'm sure he's excited to meet his niece, really. Luma certainly is, like the family sim she is
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Y'all really just ACR over to make more babies as soon as you have a free moment don't you
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Two of Luma's older siblings sit her down to a talk about commitment and the importance of maintaining a good reputation. She says she gets it, but you know what kids are like
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Luma is helping out a bunch with the baby though, which is reassuring, with another one coming right up. Inti relates to Luma a lot, as a fellow family sim who doesn't believe in always playing by the rules.
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like, she might be preggo, but that won't stop Inti from getting a bunch of rad tats.
And that's all for now, from here :)
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Day in the life at the Bigarrena household. Entzu is experimenting with mining and refining, Luma is discovering the joy of killing, and Maggie partied too hard with the older dogs last night and sleeps all day. Where's Dot you ask? idk dude i can't be everywhere at once
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Entzule grew up! handsome devil isn't he
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and Dot too!
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still wanting to find a rich dude to marry, Biegga makes some prudent inquiries of Indartsu Lehenik. I thiiiink that's rich? Now to get these two in love then.
Speaking of love and money marriage...
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Doaivu and Ausarta finally tied the knot. Doaivu's wearing her late mother's ponchito/shawl thingy
This leaves Ausarta's little brother Entzu, who's not even adult yet, living on his own, and again I think you wouldn't want that to happen in these wild times. So, brief interlude
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I moved littlest Lehenik sister Luma in with him. This made the most sense to me because they're actually close, while Entzu's relationship with his other sister Lorea is at a base 0, don't ask me what that's about
also, back at the pond dwelling, the dogs are getting along
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... biblically :P
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