Sometime in the late 90s at a club
Slade: “wow uh this is nice”
Wintergreen: “yeah it is ive been wanting to take you here for a long time. I visit this place every time im in london.”
Slade: *looking around*
Slade: “Hey billy?”
Wintergreen: “yeah?”
Slade: “Why are there only guys here?”
Wintergreen: *stops drinking and turns his head to slade with a smirk*
Wintergreen: “I think you know. And if you dont i think going to the bathroom could help you figure it out”
Slade: *sudden realisation*
Slade: "oh"
Slade: "I mean technically we could still go to the bathroom"
Wintergreen: "I agree, I don't think you've grasped the idea of what this place is yet"
Slade: *grinning* "niether do I"
Mean while at another table
Grant: "see I told you they would be here"
Joey: "ok congratulations you were right now let's get outta here before they find us or we get scard for life"
Grant: "you do know I walked in on mom and hi-"
Joey: *running towards the exit* "SHUT UP"
Meanwhile in the bathroom
Slade: "what the fuck are they doing here"
Wintergreen: "don't know don't care now come here jackass"
Slade: "yes sir."
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