#binance cloud mining review
goldira01 · 4 years
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Jay Hao, the CEO of the digital asset exchange OKEx, took part in Cointelegraph China HUB, an online interview column started by Cointelegraph China. In the past, Hao has stated that blockchain will eliminate transaction barriers, improve efficiency and ultimately impact the development of the global economy. But what does he think about the world of blockchain now?
Cointelegraph: Is cryptocurrency a niche industry developing with uncertainty and volatility? And how did OKEx overcome the volatility of the industry to become one of the top exchanges?
Jay Hao: As you said, the cryptocurrency industry itself brims with uncertainties, and it is OKEx’s innate mission to be prepared to meet new challenges on all occasions. In the past year, the lowest price of Bitcoin reached about $3,300 and the highest exceeded $13,000. Especially in the past three months, the global financial industry has encountered massive fluctuations under the influence of COVID-19. 24/7 free-to-trade cryptocurrency has reacted even more in this plunge. 
“For exchanges, the biggest challenge brought by such huge fluctuations is the stability of the trading system and risk control under such extreme market behavior.”
So, my team and I have consistently held a consensus: in the world of cryptocurrency, technology strength must be the key to building any crypto ecosystem. In the past year, we have polished the construction of the system without stopping, and we have carried out hundreds of significant upgrades. Our unique super matching engine and Lightning 2.0 system ensure that the platform can run stable even under extreme market conditions, and also the order processing speed has ranked high on the world’s top options exchanges lists. This is indeed a matter of pride.
CT: Can you give some details about OKEx’s expansion plan or overall strategy?
JH: From my point of view, reputation is the foundation of an enterprise, especially in the crypto world. In addition to the well-known reasons why Libra’s issuance is so complicated, I think there is another factor. Business lies happen once or countless times. After all, a lie requires countless lies to make up for it, and the vicious cycle will always collapse.
As Facebook is one of the main sponsors, it was bothered with problems such as user data leakage and unauthorized collection of user data, which have seriously hurt market confidence. Lawmakers’ distrust of Facebook even exceeds that of cryptocurrency itself or blockchain technology. 
“Therefore, within OKEx, I repeatedly stress with the team that we must never do anything that harms the interests of users. ‘Customer first’ is always the core value of OKEx, which also acts as the cornerstone of our internationalization.”
The internationalization of OKEx has been accelerating. At present, it has reached cooperation with the world’s seven largest legal fiat payment providers through the fiat gateway project, supported 30 fiat currencies including United States dollars and euros, and accepts 17 payment methods including Visa and Mastercard. Also, we have provided services to more than 20 million users in more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and that is still increasing.
In the crypto world, OKEx’s role is not only as a trading platform but also a blockchain technology company. We have launched OKEx Cloud, relying on the technical strength and service experience accumulated by OKEx in the field of digital assets for many years and providing exchange technology services to the world. 
Besides, OKChain, independently developed by OKEx, was also completed as 100% open-source. OKChain pioneered the “commercial chain alliance” model, which will face all ecological nodes and provide efficient, free and boundless public chain ecosystems. It is a significant step for our internationalization.
In summary, OKEx’s internationalization has three points: first, customers come first; second, to meet global differentiated needs and provide localized services; and third, we are not building an exchange, but a global free, equal and healthy encryption ecosystem.
CT: According to CryptoCompare, the combined volumes of OKEx’s, BitMEX’s, Huobi’s and Binance’s derivatives markets in March totaled $514 billion, or 86% of the entire market. And OKEx took more than BitMEX. How do you see the competition in the market? 
JH: In the face of competition, I always believe that continuous and healthy competition will bring new vitality into the market. While promoting the progress of the industry, it also allows users to have a better reference basis when choosing a trading platform. We will actively learn from excellent competitors. After all, the beneficiaries under healthy competition will always be users.
Can a contract dominate the competitiveness and fate of an exchange? The answer is, of course, no. No company can be popular in the world with only one function. The needs of users are constantly changing. In the business environment, the only constant is change. What’s more, in a new and rapidly changing industry like blockchain, I always believe that OKEx’s biggest competitor is ourselves, and we are also confident that we will continue to lead the industry and make breakthroughs.
CT: How does OKEx address challenges such as cryptojacking or the free-fall of the market such as occurred on March 12?
JH: As I said before, technical security is still one of the biggest challenges that trading platforms need to face. I can proudly tell you that because of OKEx’s excellent technical strength, there has never been a theft of user funds or an information security incident since its establishment. In terms of fund management, OKEx adopts enhanced cold/hot wallet management, and the risk control system is continuously upgraded to ensure the safety of user funds and information.
Due to the particularity of the industry, the order volume per second in extreme market conditions is several times higher than the normal order volume and can reach 1 million. This is indeed an objective challenge for all exchanges in the industry.
On the other hand, service solutions from the perspective of user interests are also particularly important. For the user losses caused by our platform in the extreme market on March 12, we immediately set up a special solution group to actively follow up and solve the problems, which has also been understood and supported by most users. As an objectively neutral and responsible trading platform, we are well aware that there are still many areas that need to be improved. 
CT:It can be said that OKB is not only a platform coin for OKEx, but also a global token throughout the entire ecosystem of OKEx. What’s the role of OKB in OKEx’s ecosystem?
JH: Now, in many people’s eyes, OKB is less and less like a “platform token.” It creates continuous value for OKEx users. OKB ecological construction starts from several important dimensions, and its ultimate goal is to continue to create value for users.
In terms of additional rights within the OKEx trading platform, 14 application scenarios have been expanded. From the perspective of the construction of a deflation model, we are currently the first platform coin in the industry to achieve full circulation. On Feb. 10, we destroyed 700 million unissued OKB, which means that the team completely gave up its rights and holdings of OKB, and the profits were given to OKB users. Of course, this also means that OKB’s future buyback and burn will all be performed in the secondary market.
CT: Can you tell us how OKChain will empower OKB in the future?
JH: The appearance of OKChain is also an attempt of OKEx in the global decentralization tide. The big difference is that OKChain will solve the problem of large-scale landing and application of public chains because we believe this is the main contradiction in the current development of public chains.
OKChain’s uniquely designed cross-chain solution and original business chain alliance can enable each participating node to exert its power here and publish and run various decentralized applications without hindrance. The whole process does not require any review nor is there a so-called “proposal.” To a large extent, it has solved a series of problems such as transactions per second, security and adaptability that plagued the development of public chain technology.
In the future, OKB will be migrated to the main chain of OKChain. At that time, we will delete the code of the smart contract for the additional issuance of tokens and continue to improve the OKB deflation model. And the genesis block of OKChain’s basic token OKT will map 100% to OKB holders when the mainnet goes online, and OKB holders will also have the opportunity to become supernodes on OKChain.
The latest progress is that when it was open-sourced to GitHub, OKChain joined hands with the first group of ecological partners — a total of 30 global well-known enterprises from the public chain, proof-of-stake mining pool, blockchain browser, wallet and multiple other types of fields. Perhaps by that time, OKB will be less like a “platform token.”
CT:How do you see the regulatory landscape around crypto, and how does OKEx remain compliant with global regulators?
JH: I was not surprised by the result of the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission’s ban on Telegram tokens. Telegram is elaborating on the nature of its tokens, saying that Telegram Open Network is a practical tool for community members with “consumer uses,” while the SEC and the courts are more concerned about its financial attributes, believing that it can flow out of control to the secondary market. Such negotiations are doomed to a consensus.
“The supervision of any industry always needs to dynamically adapt to market changes, but a basic premise is that no matter how changes are made, everyone has a basic consensus on this industry.”
The TON ban does not completely represent the SEC’s denial of the entire digital currency. On the contrary, this judgement fully shows us the professional understanding of the SEC and the courts on blockchain technology and digital currency, which is a powerful impetus for the development of the entire crypto industry. In the globalization process of OKEx, it is our primary premise to reach a regulatory consensus with local users and regulatory agencies.
In March, we heard a lot of good news from the world: India lifted the trading ban, South Korea officially classified cryptocurrencies as an asset and Germany issued a guide to classify cryptocurrencies as a financial instrument, with many other countries also actively exploring.
This just shows that the regulatory agencies of various countries are reaching a consensus with the crypto market. Therefore, for any country and region in the world that has reached a consensus with the crypto world, OKEx is ready to embrace supervision at any time.
CT: Could you share your thoughts on Binance’s acquisition of CoinMarketCap? What were the main motivations behind this move, in your opinion? Is expansion like this a natural way for exchanges to develop?
JH:First of all, congratulations to Binance on its ecological footprint expansion. However, I have also expressed my view on social media. In contrast, I would be more inclined to spend this budget on repurchasing platform coins and giving back to users who support the development of the platform. Only when users benefit will more and more people pay attention to and support you, and the exchange ecology will naturally become stronger and stronger.
“Each exchange has its expansion strategy. There is no so-called natural occurrence. It is a trade-off between the interests of all parties. The final choice is also determined by the operator’s judgment on the interests.”
Although I have said it many times, I still have to reiterate that in the expansion of OKEx, the interests of OKEx users will always be first. It does not exclude that we will advance some important decisions by soliciting opinions from users. OKEx will continue to contribute its strength to the construction of the global crypto ecosystem, which is beyond doubt.
CT: Can you share what your favorite books are, those that have inspired you to do what you’ve been doing in the blockchain sector?
JH:Work and life are two mirrors that reflect a person. I am quite different from myself at work. In addition to books that enhance professional knowledge every day, I like to read some tragic comedy and realism novels by Shakespeare and Dickens. I remember one sentence in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Now, in many moments, this sentence will appear in my heart. Any industry and its related technologies have two sides. 
This era has given us a great platform to do what we think is meaningful and at the same time set up many constraints. Therefore, our actions must be oriented to benefit the people, society and life. A good or bad thought requires that we always have a rule in our hearts to measure and correct. These novels have influenced my code of conduct to a certain extent.
In addition to these, an avid teenager lives in my heart. Maybe you can’t imagine it, but I also like to watch popular novels like “Harry Potter” and “Lord of the Rings.” I like a story that breaks the boundaries of thinking and uses imagination to create a world of dreams and love.
Just like the blockchain industry, it is new, meaningful, borderless and does not adhere to conventions. We still have a lot of possibilities to achieve the impossible. Just like the enthusiasm brought by these novels, I think that whether it is a blockchain enterprise or a trading platform, we first need to use unlimited innovation and imagination to create services and value for society. At the same time, we must assess the situation, be bold and careful, and conduct within the rules of society.
This interview was conducted during a partnered event. It has been condensed and edited.
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jacobhinkley · 6 years
ICYMI: Apple bans crypto mining on their devices!
The App Store review guidelines of Apple has a new term set, related to the crypto-world. Apple states that “Apps, including any third party advisements displayed within them, may not run unrelated background processes, such as cryptocurrency mining.” This particular statement is stated in the Hardware Compatibility section of their devices.
In addition, an entire section on cryptocurrencies states:
Apps may facilitate virtual currency storage, provided they are offered by developers enrolled as an organization.” In addition, apps may not mine directly for cryptocurrencies, unless the mining is performed in the cloud or otherwise off-device. Apps may “facilitate transactions or transmissions of cryptocurrency on an approved exchange, provided they are offered by the exchange itself,” although apps facilitating Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”) must originate from “established banks, securities firms, futures commission merchants (“FCM”), or other approved financial institutions.” And finally, cryptocurrency-related apps “may not offer currency for completing tasks, such as downloading other apps, encouraging other users to download, posting to social networks.
Apple’s App Store is the main route for the vast majority to introduce programming on their iPhones, Apple’s new decision on mining is due to their belief that it does not truly profit its clients and users. Mining on an iPhone decimates its battery and influences it to warm up.
Apple, likewise, has a current area tending to cryptographic money applications on its App Store that has been set up since around 2014. Apple permits applications like Coinbase and Binance to empower clients to exchange Bitcoin, Ethereum, and different digital forms of money, so it is anything but a total prohibition on versatile crypto.
A few days ago, the CEO of Apple Steve Wozniak spoke about Bitcoin being ‘pure’ and supported it along with the CEO of Twitter. Steve Wozniak talks about how much he is intrigued with Bitcoin and mathematics. He also mentioned that he currently owns one Bitcoin and two Ether. He also constantly emphasizes on how similar Bitcoin is to the internet and expects Bitcoin to bring across the revolution internet has brought across.
The post ICYMI: Apple bans crypto mining on their devices! appeared first on AMBCrypto.
ICYMI: Apple bans crypto mining on their devices! published first on https://medium.com/@smartoptions
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arslannasir9999 · 5 years
Binance Exchange | Earn Free Bitcoin Free Mining | Earn Daily 100$ Live ...
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preciousmetals0 · 4 years
Sharing Thoughts on Security, OKEx’s Jay Hao Says Customers Come First
Sharing Thoughts on Security, OKEx’s Jay Hao Says Customers Come First:
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Jay Hao, the CEO of the digital asset exchange OKEx, took part in Cointelegraph China HUB, an online interview column started by Cointelegraph China. In the past, Hao has stated that blockchain will eliminate transaction barriers, improve efficiency and ultimately impact the development of the global economy. But what does he think about the world of blockchain now?
Cointelegraph: Is cryptocurrency a niche industry developing with uncertainty and volatility? And how did OKEx overcome the volatility of the industry to become one of the top exchanges?
Jay Hao: As you said, the cryptocurrency industry itself brims with uncertainties, and it is OKEx’s innate mission to be prepared to meet new challenges on all occasions. In the past year, the lowest price of Bitcoin reached about $3,300 and the highest exceeded $13,000. Especially in the past three months, the global financial industry has encountered massive fluctuations under the influence of COVID-19. 24/7 free-to-trade cryptocurrency has reacted even more in this plunge. 
“For exchanges, the biggest challenge brought by such huge fluctuations is the stability of the trading system and risk control under such extreme market behavior.”
So, my team and I have consistently held a consensus: in the world of cryptocurrency, technology strength must be the key to building any crypto ecosystem. In the past year, we have polished the construction of the system without stopping, and we have carried out hundreds of significant upgrades. Our unique super matching engine and Lightning 2.0 system ensure that the platform can run stable even under extreme market conditions, and also the order processing speed has ranked high on the world’s top options exchanges lists. This is indeed a matter of pride.
CT: Can you give some details about OKEx’s expansion plan or overall strategy?
JH: From my point of view, reputation is the foundation of an enterprise, especially in the crypto world. In addition to the well-known reasons why Libra’s issuance is so complicated, I think there is another factor. Business lies happen once or countless times. After all, a lie requires countless lies to make up for it, and the vicious cycle will always collapse.
As Facebook is one of the main sponsors, it was bothered with problems such as user data leakage and unauthorized collection of user data, which have seriously hurt market confidence. Lawmakers’ distrust of Facebook even exceeds that of cryptocurrency itself or blockchain technology. 
“Therefore, within OKEx, I repeatedly stress with the team that we must never do anything that harms the interests of users. ‘Customer first’ is always the core value of OKEx, which also acts as the cornerstone of our internationalization.”
The internationalization of OKEx has been accelerating. At present, it has reached cooperation with the world’s seven largest legal fiat payment providers through the fiat gateway project, supported 30 fiat currencies including United States dollars and euros, and accepts 17 payment methods including Visa and Mastercard. Also, we have provided services to more than 20 million users in more than 200 countries and regions around the world, and that is still increasing.
In the crypto world, OKEx’s role is not only as a trading platform but also a blockchain technology company. We have launched OKEx Cloud, relying on the technical strength and service experience accumulated by OKEx in the field of digital assets for many years and providing exchange technology services to the world. 
Besides, OKChain, independently developed by OKEx, was also completed as 100% open-source. OKChain pioneered the “commercial chain alliance” model, which will face all ecological nodes and provide efficient, free and boundless public chain ecosystems. It is a significant step for our internationalization.
In summary, OKEx’s internationalization has three points: first, customers come first; second, to meet global differentiated needs and provide localized services; and third, we are not building an exchange, but a global free, equal and healthy encryption ecosystem.
CT: According to CryptoCompare, the combined volumes of OKEx’s, BitMEX’s, Huobi’s and Binance’s derivatives markets in March totaled $514 billion, or 86% of the entire market. And OKEx took more than BitMEX. How do you see the competition in the market? 
JH: In the face of competition, I always believe that continuous and healthy competition will bring new vitality into the market. While promoting the progress of the industry, it also allows users to have a better reference basis when choosing a trading platform. We will actively learn from excellent competitors. After all, the beneficiaries under healthy competition will always be users.
Can a contract dominate the competitiveness and fate of an exchange? The answer is, of course, no. No company can be popular in the world with only one function. The needs of users are constantly changing. In the business environment, the only constant is change. What’s more, in a new and rapidly changing industry like blockchain, I always believe that OKEx’s biggest competitor is ourselves, and we are also confident that we will continue to lead the industry and make breakthroughs.
CT: How does OKEx address challenges such as cryptojacking or the free-fall of the market such as occurred on March 12?
JH: As I said before, technical security is still one of the biggest challenges that trading platforms need to face. I can proudly tell you that because of OKEx’s excellent technical strength, there has never been a theft of user funds or an information security incident since its establishment. In terms of fund management, OKEx adopts enhanced cold/hot wallet management, and the risk control system is continuously upgraded to ensure the safety of user funds and information.
Due to the particularity of the industry, the order volume per second in extreme market conditions is several times higher than the normal order volume and can reach 1 million. This is indeed an objective challenge for all exchanges in the industry.
On the other hand, service solutions from the perspective of user interests are also particularly important. For the user losses caused by our platform in the extreme market on March 12, we immediately set up a special solution group to actively follow up and solve the problems, which has also been understood and supported by most users. As an objectively neutral and responsible trading platform, we are well aware that there are still many areas that need to be improved. 
CT:It can be said that OKB is not only a platform coin for OKEx, but also a global token throughout the entire ecosystem of OKEx. What’s the role of OKB in OKEx’s ecosystem?
JH: Now, in many people’s eyes, OKB is less and less like a “platform token.” It creates continuous value for OKEx users. OKB ecological construction starts from several important dimensions, and its ultimate goal is to continue to create value for users.
In terms of additional rights within the OKEx trading platform, 14 application scenarios have been expanded. From the perspective of the construction of a deflation model, we are currently the first platform coin in the industry to achieve full circulation. On Feb. 10, we destroyed 700 million unissued OKB, which means that the team completely gave up its rights and holdings of OKB, and the profits were given to OKB users. Of course, this also means that OKB’s future buyback and burn will all be performed in the secondary market.
CT: Can you tell us how OKChain will empower OKB in the future?
JH: The appearance of OKChain is also an attempt of OKEx in the global decentralization tide. The big difference is that OKChain will solve the problem of large-scale landing and application of public chains because we believe this is the main contradiction in the current development of public chains.
OKChain’s uniquely designed cross-chain solution and original business chain alliance can enable each participating node to exert its power here and publish and run various decentralized applications without hindrance. The whole process does not require any review nor is there a so-called “proposal.” To a large extent, it has solved a series of problems such as transactions per second, security and adaptability that plagued the development of public chain technology.
In the future, OKB will be migrated to the main chain of OKChain. At that time, we will delete the code of the smart contract for the additional issuance of tokens and continue to improve the OKB deflation model. And the genesis block of OKChain’s basic token OKT will map 100% to OKB holders when the mainnet goes online, and OKB holders will also have the opportunity to become supernodes on OKChain.
The latest progress is that when it was open-sourced to GitHub, OKChain joined hands with the first group of ecological partners — a total of 30 global well-known enterprises from the public chain, proof-of-stake mining pool, blockchain browser, wallet and multiple other types of fields. Perhaps by that time, OKB will be less like a “platform token.”
CT:How do you see the regulatory landscape around crypto, and how does OKEx remain compliant with global regulators?
JH: I was not surprised by the result of the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission’s ban on Telegram tokens. Telegram is elaborating on the nature of its tokens, saying that Telegram Open Network is a practical tool for community members with “consumer uses,” while the SEC and the courts are more concerned about its financial attributes, believing that it can flow out of control to the secondary market. Such negotiations are doomed to a consensus.
“The supervision of any industry always needs to dynamically adapt to market changes, but a basic premise is that no matter how changes are made, everyone has a basic consensus on this industry.”
The TON ban does not completely represent the SEC’s denial of the entire digital currency. On the contrary, this judgement fully shows us the professional understanding of the SEC and the courts on blockchain technology and digital currency, which is a powerful impetus for the development of the entire crypto industry. In the globalization process of OKEx, it is our primary premise to reach a regulatory consensus with local users and regulatory agencies.
In March, we heard a lot of good news from the world: India lifted the trading ban, South Korea officially classified cryptocurrencies as an asset and Germany issued a guide to classify cryptocurrencies as a financial instrument, with many other countries also actively exploring.
This just shows that the regulatory agencies of various countries are reaching a consensus with the crypto market. Therefore, for any country and region in the world that has reached a consensus with the crypto world, OKEx is ready to embrace supervision at any time.
CT: Could you share your thoughts on Binance’s acquisition of CoinMarketCap? What were the main motivations behind this move, in your opinion? Is expansion like this a natural way for exchanges to develop?
JH:First of all, congratulations to Binance on its ecological footprint expansion. However, I have also expressed my view on social media. In contrast, I would be more inclined to spend this budget on repurchasing platform coins and giving back to users who support the development of the platform. Only when users benefit will more and more people pay attention to and support you, and the exchange ecology will naturally become stronger and stronger.
“Each exchange has its expansion strategy. There is no so-called natural occurrence. It is a trade-off between the interests of all parties. The final choice is also determined by the operator’s judgment on the interests.”
Although I have said it many times, I still have to reiterate that in the expansion of OKEx, the interests of OKEx users will always be first. It does not exclude that we will advance some important decisions by soliciting opinions from users. OKEx will continue to contribute its strength to the construction of the global crypto ecosystem, which is beyond doubt.
CT: Can you share what your favorite books are, those that have inspired you to do what you’ve been doing in the blockchain sector?
JH:Work and life are two mirrors that reflect a person. I am quite different from myself at work. In addition to books that enhance professional knowledge every day, I like to read some tragic comedy and realism novels by Shakespeare and Dickens. I remember one sentence in Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Now, in many moments, this sentence will appear in my heart. Any industry and its related technologies have two sides. 
This era has given us a great platform to do what we think is meaningful and at the same time set up many constraints. Therefore, our actions must be oriented to benefit the people, society and life. A good or bad thought requires that we always have a rule in our hearts to measure and correct. These novels have influenced my code of conduct to a certain extent.
In addition to these, an avid teenager lives in my heart. Maybe you can’t imagine it, but I also like to watch popular novels like “Harry Potter” and “Lord of the Rings.” I like a story that breaks the boundaries of thinking and uses imagination to create a world of dreams and love.
Just like the blockchain industry, it is new, meaningful, borderless and does not adhere to conventions. We still have a lot of possibilities to achieve the impossible. Just like the enthusiasm brought by these novels, I think that whether it is a blockchain enterprise or a trading platform, we first need to use unlimited innovation and imagination to create services and value for society. At the same time, we must assess the situation, be bold and careful, and conduct within the rules of society.
This interview was conducted during a partnered event. It has been condensed and edited.
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cryptoevent · 4 years
Your All-Round Guide to Bitcoin Gold (BTG)
Cryptocurrency forks are regular occurrences in the crypto space. Bitcoin has witnessed many iterations through this activity. One of Bitcoin’s most anticipated forks, Bitcoin Gold, occurred sometime in 2017.
While there are several intentions behind hard forks, including the opportunity to scale up as the customer base grows or as a result of a disagreement in vision and objectives between developers, Bitcoin Gold noted that its purpose for the fork is to “make Bitcoin decentralized again.”
At first glance, this goal seems somewhat counter-intuitive. Bitcoin is indeed decentralized; it isn’t under the control of any entity or group; neither is it regulated by the government. So what exactly could Bitcoin Gold’s aim be? BTG was not talking about central issuance when it highlighted decentralization. Instead, it was referring to Bitcoin’s mining process.The creators of BTG explained that by utilizing a new algo for the mining process (in this case, an algo which is known as Equihash), Bitcoin can now become less disproportionate in favoring mining operations. Bitcoin Gold is a newly released cryptocurrency that has been garnering increasing adoption by crypto fanatics around the world because of its multiple usabilities and also because it is a derivative of Bitcoin. 
In this article, you will get an in-depth review of what Bitcoin Gold is all about, how it is being mined, the necessary tools for mining, and other relevant information about the cryptocurrency. 
Bitcoin Gold 101
Bitcoin Gold is a hard fork derivative from Bitcoin, however, it has a more decentralized mining infrastructure compared to Bitcoin. 
Bitcoin Gold is represented with BTG and has a total token pool of about 18 million BTG.
The BTG mainnet was released on the 12th of November 2017 after a beta testing version was successfully run.
BTG functions on a Proof-of-Work algo running Equihash, which can be mined through the use of General Purpose Computer Hardware. ASICs cannot use this digital asset created for Bitcoin, which reduces competition over insufficient resources from Bitcoin. 
The evolution of Bitcoin Gold
Jack Liao and several other developers established BTG in November 2017. The founding team is supported by a group of experienced developers who are tasked with updating the system regularly. The founding fathers sought to bestow BTG users with the ability to mine using ubiquitous GPUs.
BTG was modeled in a manner to decentralize mining and also to authenticate Bitcoin transactions.  
    Bitcoin Gold’s Timeline
BTG is yet another Bitcoin derivative that has had its fair share of security threats and attacks. Shortly after its launch, the cloud site was receiving more than 10 million requests per minute, which caused the system to get clogged and crash. The DDoS attack was handled swiftly, however, that didn’t stop the mining community from lashing out at BTG over gross incompetence. This caused the BTG token to drop in value. 
In May 2018, BTG was a victim of a grand hack scheme, which saw the perpetrators make away with about $18 million in cryptocurrency from the network’s holdings. 
Subsequently, the network was accused of hiding a 0.5% mining charge from the mining community. This caused the Bitcoin community to deny BTG of their support, causing the price of the token to plummet even further.
BTG was priced at $456.25 at release but has sustained a downward trend since that period. It sustained a dropped to the $100 level in January 2018. It has been downtrend after downtrend ever since. 
At the time of writing, BTG is valued at $6.70 (98.5% decrease since its original price at debut) and has a daily trading volume of $17,695,392. Like Bitcoin, it has a total supply of 21 million tokens and currently has about 18 million tokens in circulation.
BTG has a market capitalization of $117,192,656 and dominates 0.05% of the total market space. It is ranked at the 41st position in the market based on market capitalization.
The Technology Backing Bitcoin Gold Technology
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BTG operates on SIGHASH_FORK_ID replay protection. It implements a new algo that evaluates the hash of a transaction and delivers 2-way replay protection. It also nullifies Bitcoin transactions on the BTG blockchain and vice versa. 
The equihash algo inhibits the centralization of BTG to disallow small groups of wealthy investors to manipulate the price of this cryptocurrency, thereby providing stability to BTG prices.
Also, Bitcoin Gold uses DigiShield V3 to maintain a 10-minute interval between the creation of Bitcoin blocks to sustain difficulty. 
Bitcoin Gold’s Blockchain
The BTG blockchain is a decentralized peer-to-peer system that runs on the PoW consensus mechanism. It uses the Zhash hashing algo and new tokens are dispensed at every new block. 
As with the crypto giant, Bitcoin, the system undergoes a halving event every four years. Bitcoin, as well as Bitcoin Gold, is set to undergo another halving this year. 
BTG shares similar characteristics with Bitcoin because it is a derivative of it. For example, the block creation time of BTG is ten minutes with a block size of 1 megabyte. This is the same with Bitcoin. 
Bitcoin Gold Nodes
Nodes are the anchor of any network. BTG has two nodes; full nodes and light nodes. 
Full nodes, also known as Full Validation Nodes, are the most important nodes. They download and disseminate the complete transaction history of the blockchain. They also authenticate transactions and blocks on the system. To use the full node, you will be required to download the full blockchain, which is over 200 gigabytes at the moment. 
Light nodes, however, are the most active nodes on the system. They download a section of the blockchain and ensure that it is updated regularly. Light nodes, unlike full nodes, do not fulfill any validation purpose. 
Features of Bitcoin Gold
1- It has a decentralized system: The PoW algorithm decentralizes the mining process on BTG’s blockchain and inhibits the use of specific technical chips for mining. Users can mine BTG using GPUs in a purely decentralized setting. 
2- Replay production: This feature protects users against cyber attacks. It safeguards against transaction, duplication, and loss of funds by ensuring that transactions on one chain are invalid on others. 
3- Insurance against huge swings: Deviation in the aggregate percentage of hash power can be avoided by adjusting the difficulty algo, which also safeguards against considerable swings in hash power. 
4- Special addressing setup: BTG has altered the style of its address to avoid it getting mistaken with Bitcoin’s address. This helps deter the unintentional transfer of BTC to a BTG address, which could lead to the permanent loss of funds. 
Trading Bitcoin Gold
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One of the factors that determine the success of a digital asset is its accessibility to public exchanges. Based on the information on BTG’s website, the digital asset is readily available for trading bitcoin on several exchanges. Some of these exchanges include Bithumb, Bitfinex, Binance, Tdax, Indacoin, and a host of others. BTG is also tradable against several other cryptocurrencies and offers a wide array of usabilities.
BTG’s website lets us know that BTG is currently available on 45 markets and 34 exchanges as of January 2018. As BTG continues to grow in widespread use, more exchanges will begin listing the asset on their platforms, giving it an even wider reach.
  Storing Your BTG Tokens
Bitcoin Gold can be stored on various mediums. One well-known storage medium is its default wallet; BTG Core Wallet v0.15.1. However, this wallet consumes a great deal of space and memory, unlike other third-party wallets which are small in size and do not require as much storage space. Some of these third-party wallets include:
Ledger Wallet
and many more.  
The Distinguishing Factors Between BTG and Other Cryptocurrencies
BTG has some awe-inspiring qualities that help it stand out above the competition. Listed below are some of these qualities:
1. All wallets and transactions are pseudonymous. BTG users can track the movement of tokens, where the transaction originated from and its destination. 
2. BTG can be traded on 34 exchanges and can also be traded against a selection of 72 different cryptocurrencies.
3. BTG mining is open to anyone with a computer system with GPU graphics cards. BTG is based on a social equality principle, unlike other Bitcoin derivatives. 
4. BTG has a Lightening Network integrated into its system, which significantly reduces transaction fees and increases the number of transactions executed per second. 
BTG might take over from Bitcoin mining firms by producing an alternative mining algo which is not vulnerable to ASIC-based optimization. This will give rise to a more accessible mining platform, which will invariably boost investment in security.
BTG’s Dedication to Transparency and its Safety Measures Against Cybercrime
Asides from making Bitcoin decentralized again, BTG’s creators were also concerned with matters relating to distribution, security, and transparency. BTG’s website mentions that hard forking Bitcoin’s blockchain will deliver a fairer and more efficient digital asset to interested cryptocurrency users. 
Also, in today’s world, digital currencies are always the target of cybercriminals and bad actors, and so BTG has taken firm steps to ensure the security of the funds and information of its customers. The security measures include replay protection and distinct wallet addresses. 
Launch and Controversy
After BTG was released, the creators performed what is popularly known as a “post-mine.” This involved the retroactive mining of 100,000 tokens after the forking event. This was done through the instantaneous mining of about 8,000 blocks, which were earmarked for administrative use and for growing the network. 
5% of that 100,000 tokens were reserved as bonus payments for the six primary executives of the firm. Everyone that owned a Bitcoin at the time received a BTG token. Which means, for every single Bitcoin, one BTG token was allotted. This was how BTG got distributed.
In March 2018, BTG had achieved 253 reachable nodes. Germany had the most concentration of nodes followed by the US and France.
Bitcoin Gold Mining
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Unlike regular Bitcoin mining, which requires sophisticated tools and adequate expertise, mining BTG requires only a computer system and a Graphics card. Miners use the computer system and graphics cards to validate BTG transactions. When a transaction is authorized, the miners are rewarded with a block for the task. In mining, there are two distinct types; solo mining and pool mining. Solo mining involves mining cryptos by yourself, whereas pool mining involves joining a mining firm or network to mine blocks collectively.
Solo mining generally requires several powerful computers with different top-notch video cards. Pool mining, however, is less demanding as resources are pooled together to achieve the same objective. In pool mining, block rewards are shared between miners in the pool according to the percentage of work done, whereas in solo mining, all rewards go to the individual miner.
Requirements for Mining the BTG Blockchain
Let’s say you’re interested in mining BTG, here are the necessary tools you might need:
1. A functioning computer system. 2. A crypto wallet to receive and transfer tokens. 3. Mining software to enable your computer to solve blocks. 4. A registered account on an exchange to trade your mined BTG for other cryptos or fiat.
Necessary BTG Mining Hardware and Software
BTG mining can quickly be done using graphics cards. Still, you will need to assemble a mining PC with the listed auxiliary components:
1. A processor: You don’t necessarily need a super-fast processor, a standard Intel Celeron will do. 2. A motherboard: A mining motherboard that has several PCI ports for your graphics cards are quite common, any standard motherboard selection will do in this case. 3. Random Access Memory: A minimum of 4 gigabytes will be necessary for mining. 4. Storage: A decent SSD is required for storing your OS and mining software. You can also run your system on an external hard drive. However, it slows the boot time of the system. 5. Power: One graphics card requires a minimum of 800W so you would need to calculate the number of graphics cards being used and supply power accordingly. 6. Casing: Normal ATX case cannot support more than 4 graphics cards. If you’ll be using more than that number, then you’ll have to customize a casing.
You could also decide to buy your mining case off designated websites. If you’re considering doing so, you’ll need to buy PCI-E riser cables; these allow you to connect numerous graphics cards on the same motherboard.
Furthermore, there are designated websites, like PCPartPicker, that helps you organize and assemble your mining equipment at a cheaper rate. However, the parts don’t come with a warranty, so you’ll have to replace broken or malfunctioning parts from your pocket.
PCPP also helps assess whether your selected components will work together and function efficiently.
Technical Requirements
Even though it is technically feasible to mine BTG using just your default computer processor, it might not be an efficient option. Normal processors, unlike graphics cards, are very slow and, in most cases, will not reap even the least mining rewards. This could leave you at a loss as you will not make back the expense of running a mining system, which makes processor mining extremely unproductive.
Unlike Trading Bitcoin, which requires a dedicated software like Bitcoin Trader, Bitcoin Revolution, Bitcoin Evolution, Mining BTG requires the right mining software. This software links your computer to the network or pool and allows you to begin the hashing procedure. Listed below are a few compatible BTG mining software:
1. EWBF Miner.
2. Claymore’s AMD Miner.
3. Optiminer.
Advantages of BTG
1.Unlike Bitcoin, Bitcoin Gold was created with one thing in mind; equality. BTG can easily by mined by any interested party provided they possess the necessary equipment.
2. Because BTG is mined with GPUs, it doesn’t require much capital to start up, unlike its big brother. This boosts decentralization.
3. Since it is a fork of Bitcoin, you will possess the same number of BTG tokens as BTC that you had before the fork.
Disadvantages of BTG
As with everything on this earth, BTG has its shortcomings. Here are a few weaknesses worth mentioning:
1. It stalled the release of its source code, which incited distrust in its users.
2. The BTG team always seem to be unsettled in their actions.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What differentiates Bitcoin from Bitcoin Gold?
Bitcoin is the pioneering cryptocurrency in the world while BTG is a fork of Bitcoin.
What is BTG?
BTG, a fork of Bitcoin, addresses mining problems by switching the SHA-256 algo in Bitcoin with its Equihash algo instead.
What is the purpose of BTG?
According to their mission statement, the BTG aims at “making Bitcoin decentralized again”.
How do I claim a BTG token?
The quickest way to get a BTG is by buying it on an exchange that trades the cryptocurrency.
How do I sell my BTG token?
You can sell your BTG tokens on any of the exchanges listed in this article. You could also engage a brokerage in private trade and sell your tokens.
Should I invest in BTG?
That question should be directed at your financial advisor. However, if you don’t have one, do a little “soul-searching” to find out if BTG is really for you.
When did the BTG fork event happen?
BTG was officially announced in November 2017.
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geniuslearner · 3 years
📷 hello friend , In this article you will learn  all about cryptocurrency in detail  , after you read this article you will able to learn what is cryptocurrency in detail, history of cryptocurrency, how cryptocurrency made, what is a uses of cryptocurrency , is cryptocurrency is good investment, how you can invest in cryptocurrency , Is cryptocurrency is real money, and which cryptocurrency is best to invest in 2021, different type of cryptocurrency , and how to created a new crypocurrency, can cryptocurrency be converted to cash and many more imformation . so let start📷
what is cryptocurrency?A cryptocurrency is also called digital currency and advanced digital cash that is got by cryptography ,which makes it almost difficult to fake spend, Nemerous cryptocurrency are decentralized organisations depends on block chain innovation and a dispersed record authorised by the unique organisation of pc.and a cryptocurrency money is a sort of cash which utilizers advanced documents as the cash , typically the documents are made utilizing similar ways as cryptocurrency  and digital forms of money use decentralized controls, which implies that they aren't constrained by one individuals or government.
history of cryptocurrency in detail.In 1983, the American cryptographer David Chaum considered a mysterious cryptographic electronic cash called ecash.[6][7] Later, in 1995, he executed it's anything but an early type of cryptographic electronic installments which required client programming to pull out notes from a bank and assign explicit encoded keys before it very well may be shipped off a beneficiary. This permitted the advanced cash to be untraceable by the responsible bank, the public authority, or any outsider.  In 1996, the National Security Agency distributed a paper qualified How for Make a Mint: the Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash, depicting a Cryptocurrency framework, first distributing it's anything but a MIT mailing list[9] and later in 1997, in The American Law Review (Vol. 46, Issue 4).[10]  In 1998, Wei Dai distributed a depiction of "b-cash", portrayed as an unknown, circulated electronic money system.[11] Shortly from there on, Nick Szabo portrayed cycle gold.[12] Like bitcoin and other digital forms of money that would follow it, bit gold (not to be mistaken for the later gold-based trade, BitGold) was depicted as an electronic money framework which expected clients to finish a proof of work with arrangements being cryptographically assembled and distributed.  In 2009, the primary decentralized cryptographic money, bitcoin, was made by probably pseudonymous engineer Satoshi Nakamoto. It utilized SHA-256, a cryptographic hash work, in its confirmation of-work scheme.[13][14] In April 2011, Namecoin was made as an effort to frame a decentralized DNS, which would make web control extremely troublesome. Before long, in October 2011, Litecoin was delivered. It utilized scrypt as its hash work rather than SHA-256. Another outstanding cryptographic money, Peercoin utilized a proof-of-work/evidence of-stake hybrid.[15]  On 6 August 2014, the UK reported its Treasury had been charged an investigation of digital currencies, and which job, assuming any, they could play in the UK economy. The investigation nwas likewise to give an account of whether guideline ought to be considered.[16] if you like article all about in cryptocurrency in detail , please comments your view.In June 2021, El Salvador turned into the principal nation to acknowledge Bitcoin as legitimate delicate, after the Legislative Assembly had casted a ballot 62–22 to pass a bill put together by President Nayib Bukele grouping the digital currency accordingly.
what is the uses of cryptocurrency?A digital currency (or "crypto") is a computerized cash that can be utilized to purchase labor and products, yet utilizes an online record with solid cryptography to get online exchanges. A significant part of the interest in these unregulated monetary forms is to exchange for benefit, with examiners now and again driving costs heavenward.and more uses of cryptocurrencyOnline Purchases  The main and two regular worth of Bitcoin is HODLing and guessing. The third genuine worth is purchasing stuff online with Bitcoin. In Italy, Bitcoin is installment strategy number 3 as this investigation uncovers! ... Today, March 2021, 1 million individuals execute Bitcoin a day as per Glassnote
how cryptocurrency made in detail How are cryptocurrency made? Bitcoins and digital forms of money are made through an interaction called mining. ... Mining is additionally what gives digital forms of money their security. The numerical issues that are being addressed are associated with the blockchain, the record of each and every token in a cryptographic money.what is cryptocurrency mining?Cryptocurrency mining is a process for transection of various forms cryptocurrency are varified and added to a various block chain as digital legde.
what are the different types of cryptocurrency ?1. Bitcoin
Bitcoin is viewed as the primary decentralized cryptographic money utilizing blockchain innovation to work with installments and computerized exchanges. Rather than utilizing a national bank to control the stock of cash in an economy (like the Federal Reserve couple with the U.S. Division of the Treasury) or outsiders to check exchanges (like your neighborhood bank, Mastercard guarantor, and the trader's bank), Bitcoin's blockchain goes about as a public record of all exchanges throughout the entire existence of Bitcoin. That record permits a gathering to demonstrate they own the Bitcoin they're attempting to utilize and can help forestall extortion and other unapproved altering of the cash. A decentralized cash can likewise make shared cash moves (like those between parties in two unique nations) quicker and more affordable than conventional money trades including an outsider foundation.
2. Ether (Ethereum)
Ether is the token used to work with exchanges on the Ethereum organization. Ethereum is a stage that utilizes blockchain innovation to empower the making of brilliant agreements and other decentralized applications (which means the product doesn't need to be circulated on application trades like Apple's (NASDAQ:AAPL) App Store or Alphabet's (NASDAQ:GOOGL)(NASDAQ:GOOG) Google Play Store, where they may need to give a 30% slice of any income to the tech monsters). Accordingly, Ethereum is both a digital currency (the genuine coins are estimated in units called Ether) and a product improvement sandbox. 3- XRP (Ripple)
XRP is a computerized money dependent on the advanced installments stage RippleNet, worked by the organization Ripple. It was intended for monetary foundations to scale advanced installments across the globe and decrease exchange costs related with average cross-line finances moves. Transient credit extensions can likewise be expanded utilizing XRP.
if you like this article  all about cryptocurrency in detail, so please follow our websites.
4-  Dogecoin
Initially made as a joke jabbing fun of widespread theory on digital forms of money, Dogecoin has soar in esteem, on account of help from any semblance of Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) CEO Elon Musk and financial backer and Dallas Mavericks proprietor Mark Cuban. It's anything but an image of a Shiba Inu canine as a "mascot" and was made to be utilized a type of advanced installment like Bitcoin. Notwithstanding, Dogecoin makes it speedier and simpler for installments to be recorded, however it additionally has no restriction on the number of coins can be made after some time (in contrast to Bitcoin, which was planned with a cap on the number of coins there can be).
5- litecoin
Litecoin is a distributed cryptographic money and open-source programming project delivered under the MIT/X11 permit. Litecoin was an early bitcoin side project or altcoin, beginning in October 2011. In specialized subtleties, Litecoin is almost indistinguishable from Bitcoin.
Total Market Value* Bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC) $826 billion Ethereum (CRYPTO:ETH) $390 billion Binance Coin (CRYPTO:BNB) $79.5 billion Cardano (CRYPTO:ADA) $66.3 billion Dogecoin (CRYPTO:DOGE) $63.4 billion Tether (CRYPTO:USDT) $58.2 billion XRP (CRYPTO:XRP) $51.8 billion Polkadot (CRYPTO:DOT) $30.5 billion Internet Computer (CRYPTO:ICP) $25.6 billion Bitcoin Cash (CRYPTO:BCH) $20.1 billion
how to created a new cryptocurrency?
top 5 Advantages of building your Own Cryptocurrency: Dispose of Fraud Risk  Exchange Anonymity  Lower Operational Costs Quick Transactions  Admittance To New Customer base  How To Make A Cryptocurrency?  I accept now you are prepared to make your own digital money. Without burning through any time we should get directly to the bit by bit cycle to make and dispatch your own cryptographic money.  Stage 1. Pick a Consensus Mechanism  Agreement components are the conventions that consider a specific exchange genuine and add to the square.  Stage 2. Pick a Blockchain Platform.  The right decision of blockchain stage for your business relies upon the agreement system you've chosen. (I'll make reference to the top blockchain stages beneath for you to browse)  Stage 3. Plan The Nodes  You need to choose the activities and usefulness of your blockchain and plan the hubs likewise. For example, will the authorizations be private or public? The facilitating will be on the cloud or on-premises, or both? What might be the necessary equipment subtleties for the execution?  Stage 4. Build up Blockchain's Internal Architecture  Make certain pretty much every one of the perspectives before the dispatch as you will not have the option to change a few boundaries of the blockchain after it's dispatched and running. The choices could be pretty much as basic as what address design your blockchain will follow to giving trades between various digital forms of money without an outsider delegate.  Stage 5. Incorporate APIs  A few stages don't give pre-constructed APIs so ensure yours does. In the event that it doesn't in any case no compelling reason to stress, there are a few outsider blockchain API suppliers like ChromaWay, Gem, Colu, Bitcore, BlockCypher, and Tierion.  Stage 6: Design The Interface  Building a top notch digital currency is of no utilization if your interface isn't acceptable. You need to ensure that the web, FTP workers, and outer data sets are of latest and the front-end and back-end writing computer programs is finished considering the future updates.  Stage 7. Make Your Cryptocurrency Legal  Ensure that your cryptographic money is ready and maintaining the soon to become laws of global digital currency guidelines. This way your work is safeguarded and no abrupt amazements can destroy your endeavors in making another cryptographic money.  Top Blockchain Platforms of The World:  Ethereum (Market Leader With 82.70%Shareholding)  (WAVES)  Hyperledger Fabric  NEM  IBM blockchain
(NXT)  HydraChain  BlockStarter  BigChainDB  EOS  Majority  Particle  CoinList  MultiChain  Openchain  Chain Core  Best Cryptocurrencies That Made It Large: Success Stories  Bitcoin  Bitcoin has become the equivalent of digital money such a lot of that individuals utilize the word Bitcoin rather than Cryptocurrency.  Litecoin  Litecoin is frequently said the silver to Bitcoin's gold. It is much like Bitcoin yet has a quicker square age rate with quicker exchange affirmation.  Ethereum  Ethereum is glad for the way that it's anything but a decentralized stage for shrewd agreements with no personal time, outsider obstruction, and extortion.
how safe is cryptocurrency? Because of their inclination, digital forms of money are not controlled, which conveys hazard of market unpredictability and misfortune for financial backers. Nonetheless, the security dangers and hazard of extortion when utilizing Bitcoin and other digital currencies are inconceivably decreased. Additionally, because of the exceptionally secure nature of exchanges, buys can't be traced.
Is crypocurrency is good investment?Putting resources into crypto resources is hazardous yet in addition conceivably incredibly beneficial. Cryptographic money is a wise venture on the off chance that you need to acquire direct openness to the interest for computerized cash, while a more secure yet conceivably less rewarding option is to purchase the supplies of organizations with openness to digital currency.
please share this article , all about crytocurrency in detail.which cryptocurrency is best to invest in 2021?Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin has been around for the longest of any digital money. It's not difficult to perceive any reason why it's the chief, with a value, market cap and volume that is a lot higher than some other venture alternatives. Indeed, even with a large number of other digital forms of money available, Bitcoin actually addresses 40% of the digital money market cap.  Numerous organizations as of now acknowledge Bitcoin as installment, which makes this digital currency a brilliant venture. Visa executes with Bitcoin, and Tesla CEO Elon Musk as of late put $1.5 billion in it. Additionally, the bigger banks are starting to fuse Bitcoin exchanges into their contributions, as well.  Dangers of Investing in Bitcoin  The worth of Bitcoin will in general change a ton. You may see the cost go up or down huge number of dollars during any month. In the event that wild changes like these make you apprehensive, you might need to stay away from Bitcoin. Something else, as long as you remember that cryptographic money is a keen long haul venture, these changes shouldn't be too unsettling.  Another motivation to reexamine putting resources into Bitcoin is its cost. With a solitary offer costing more than $50,000, the vast majority can't stand to purchase entire portions of the stock. For financial backers who need to try not to purchase fractional offers, this is a negative.
2. Ethereum (ETH)  Ethereum is not the same as Bitcoin in light of the fact that it's difficult a cryptographic money. It's anything but an organization that permits engineers to make their own digital money using the Ethereum organization. While Ethereum is a long ways behind Bitcoin in esteem, it's likewise a long ways in front of different contenders.  Despite the fact that it came out a very long time after some other digital currencies, it has far surpassed its spot in the market in view of its special innovation.  Dangers of Investing in Ethereum  While Ethereum uses blockchain innovation, it just has one "path" for going through with exchanges. This can prompt exchanges taking more time to handle when the organization is over-burden.  A hack in 2016 prompted more than $60 million Ether dollars lost in light of an imperfection in the Ethereum wallet. While the organization has made progress in expanding its security, provisos are consistently a danger with any digital money speculation.  3. Binance Coin Binance is one of only a handful few digital forms of money to arrive at its top after 2017. During that year, there was a buyer market and the cost of all digital forms of money rose on it's anything but, a top prior to leveling and diminishing in esteem.  In contrast to other cryptographic forms of money, Binance Coin proceeded with a sluggish however predictable pattern up after 2017. Due to its exhibition, Binance Coin has demonstrated to be one of the more steady speculation choices, presenting less dangers.  Dangers of Investing in Binance Coin  What separates Binance Coin from its rivals is that it was made by an organization rather than a gathering of tech engineers. Despite the fact that Binance Coin's obligation to keeping a solid blockchain has prevailed upon numerous doubters, a few financial backers stay hesitant of this cryptographic money and its potential security issues.  4. Tie (USDT)  Tie is the most steady of all cryptographic forms of money since it is attached to the U.S. dollar. For every unit of Tether, there is one dollar in the Federal Reserve Bank. This makes Tether extraordinary for financial backers who need to execute with their cryptographic money .  Dangers of Investing in Tether  Financial backers have brought up issues over the real hold stock. There are questions that there is really a U.S. dollar in the hold bank for each Tether unit. On the off chance that this were ever disproven, the worth of Tether's stock could drop rapidly.  5. Cardano  The Cardano network has a more modest impression, which is interesting to financial backers for a few reasons. It takes less energy to finish an exchange with Cardano than with a bigger organization like Bitcoin. This implies exchanges are quicker and less expensive.  It professes to be more versatile and safer. Cardano reliably improves its advancement to remain in front of programmers.  Dangers of Investing in Cardano  Indeed, even with a superior organization, Cardano will most likely be unable to rival bigger digital currencies. Less adopters mean less designers. This isn't interesting to most financial backers who need to see a high appropriation rate. The stage has huge plans, yet there are questions about whether it can satisfy that potential.
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Best Bitcoin Wallet – How to Securely Store Bitcoin with Software, Apps and Hardware
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/11/best-bitcoin-wallet-how-to-securely-store-bitcoin-with-software-apps-and-hardware/
Best Bitcoin Wallet – How to Securely Store Bitcoin with Software, Apps and Hardware
Bitcoin is a digital currency. As such, the approach to acquiring and storing it differs greatly from conventional, fiat currencies. Technically, bitcoins don’t exist in any physical shape or form and, therefore, cannot really be stored. Rather, it’s private keys used to access your public bitcoin address that needs to be stored. That’s where bitcoin wallets come into the picture. What is the best Bitcoin wallet? How do I read a wallet review? 
What Is a Bitcoin Wallet?
A bitcoin wallet represents a software program which stores bitcoin (BTC) 00 private keys. Often, wallets come in hardware and software for, the former being known as a hardware wallet. In general, they grant you access to your public Bitcoin address, often with Bitcoin Core and an internet connection, thus facilitating the buying and selling of cryptocurrency.
Obtaining a blockchain wallet is necessary in order to hold any type of crypto assets or digital currency. While there are certain solutions which would only allow you to hold one type of digital currencies, the wide majority of Bitcoin wallets, many harnessing the open-source programming of Bitcoin Core, also allow the user to hold multiple cryptocurrencies at the same time, including Ether (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Monero (XMR), Ripple (XRP), Stellar (XLM), and others.
What Is a Private Key?
In the context of bitcoin, a private key represents a secret sequence of numbers and letters which allow bitcoins to be spent. Each bitcoin wallet contains at least one, or sometimes more, private key. The keys are saved within the wallet file and are mathematically related to all of the bitcoin addresses which are generated for the wallet.
Put simply, this is your “ticket” which will allow you to spend your bitcoins. As such, it is quintessential that you keep it secure. This is the reason for which all reputable cryptocurrency exchanges put the emphasis on advanced privacy when it comes to storing your digital assets.
Different Types of Bitcoin Wallets
There are many types of wallets: desktop, mobile, paper, web, and hardware. Many have different features allowing a span of financial activity like savings management or retirement planning. A good wallet review will make these features clearer.
Desktop wallets, as the name suggests, are installed on your computer’s desktop. These types of wallets offer full control over the software wallets. They enable the user to generate a bitcoin address for buying and selling bitcoin. Naturally, they also allow the user to store their private key.
A mobile wallet, on the other hand, provides for more convenience, as they aren’t fixed in one place. These usually come in the form of paid applications that you can run on your smartphone. In terms of functionality, however, a mobile wallet would allow you to do the same things as a desktop wallet. These differences can often be fleshed out in an online wallet review. One notable advantage is the fact that a mobile wallet could enable you to receive payments and make direct payments in physical stores which accept digital currency by scanning a QR code.
Among the various types of wallets —a mobile wallet, bitcoin wallet, etc. — is the paper wallet. This is nothing but your public and private key printed together. Technically, a paper wallet is a type of cold wallet because it is entirely offline. You can make a paper wallet out of any substance that you can print information on.
Differentiation can also be made based on the operating system the wallet can be used on. As such, you can have Android wallets (which are Android apps), Apps for iOS on iPhone and iPad, Windows, Mac and Linux, and so forth. Many software solutions are programs with a free download. Naturally, almost all of the hot wallets can be classified as Android wallets as they are usually supported by the operating system and they do have designated Android apps. Some wallets are compatible with mining hardware as well.
Hot Wallets vs Cold Wallets
The next differentiation is based on whether or not the wallet is connected to the internet. If they are connected, they are referred to as web wallets or, most commonly, a hot wallet. If it’s not connected and it operates entirely offline, the solution is called a hardware wallet or cold wallet.
Cold wallets are generally considered to be safer, simply because they can’t be tampered with by someone online. They are not connected to the internet and, as such, they are safe from any types of hacking attempts and attacks. This is a type of offline storage.
Hot wallets, on the other hand, are a web-based wallet which is actually on the internet. In other words, in order to access them and to manage your BTC, you will need to have a stable internet connection. They offer a lot more flexibility and many of them have integrated solutions which facilitate the buying and selling of digital currencies. At the same time, though, they are considered to be less secure because they are connected to the internet and, hence, subjected to hack attacks.
Naturally, both solutions have their own benefits and drawbacks. Understanding them is critical when making the right choice finding a wallet provider for storing bitcoin.
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Hot Wallet
As with any wallet provider, hot wallets have their pros and cons. Being well aware of these advantages and disadvantages will enable you to make the right choice based on your particular preferences.
Pros of Using a Hot Wallet:
Most of the hot wallets are beginner friendly and easy to use.
They provide instant access to your crypto assets at any given moment as long as you have internet connection (Web-based wallet).
They usually come with numerous layers of security features and backup options.
They are compatible with most every operating system such as Windows, Mac and Linux, and Android, as well as mining hardware.
2-Factor Authentication for improved security.
Cons of Using a Hot Wallet:
They offer a lower level of security features compared to cold wallets as they are always connected to the internet.
They are run on centralized servers, hence are usually limited in terms of the number of transactions that can be handled, which may cause occasional delays.
It’s worth noting that hot wallets are very user-friendly and, as such, are particularly convenient for beginners looking to safely and securely store your cryptocurrency, or trade a relatively small amount of cryptocurrencies. If you’re looking to store your cryptocurrency in bulk, though, you might be better off with a cold wallet.
Advantages and Disadvantages of a Cold Wallet
Cold wallets offer offline storage solutions for those users who prefer to keep their private keys stored offline safely and securely off the internet. In order to gain access to the information stored offline on them, you would need to simply plug them to your computer. As this is their main characteristics, they reveal certain distinct pros and cons.
Pros of using a cold wallet:
No one but the owner of the cold wallet has access to the information kept on it.
They are not connected to the internet and, hence, provide greater security.
They are excellent for long-term investors who would like to securely have their assets stored offline.
Cons of using a cold wallet
Cold wallets are a bit more challenging to work with and they offer limited flexibility when it comes to transacting.
A lot of them don’t accept all types of tokens
They can be a bit expensive
Difficult compatibility with mining hardware.
How to Choose a Wallet?
Naturally, if you want to get involved in buying and selling cryptocurrency and you are reasonable enough when it comes to the integrity of your personal finance, you need to pick the best Bitcoin wallet possible — not to mention the most secure wallet for your task.
One of the best things you can do, in case you are unsure about the type of solution you’d want to use, is to read a solid bitcoin wallet review, investigate Bitcoin Core, various apps, etc. It goes without saying that choosing the best bitcoin wallets will require you to determine whether you’d want to be actively trading or to simply store your bitcoin or any other digital currency for a longer period of time.
Here are some of the popular wallets used for storing digital assets.
Trezor Wallet
Trezor is among the very first hardware wallets and it allows the offline storage of a wide range of different digital assets including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Binance Coin, Dash, Zcash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, and over 500 other cryptocurrencies.
Trezor, another popular hardware wallet, is beginner friendly and comes with a monochrome display containing 2 buttons. The secure wallet brand has two models currently on the market. In terms of security, the device offers 2-factor authentication, SSH, encryption via GPG, encrypted cloud-storage, and other features.
Keepkey Wallet
Keepkey wallet is another cold wallet which is designated to enable users to store your Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Gold, Litecoin, and a wide range of ERC20-based tokens.
It has a rather sleek design and a large display which makes it easy to manage your BTC. Every single transaction needs to be manually approved. This is possible through KeepKey’s confirmation button. One of the main benefits of the device is that if you lose it, you can recover it without worrying about your private keys being compromised.
Copay Wallet
Copay wallet is a web-based wallet and multisignature wallet. You can get it from the app store, or you from the Google Play store if you are using android wallets. It also works on Windows, Mac and Linux.
The wallet comes with a range of features to give and receive payments such as secure payment verification, 2-factor authentication, and full support for the Bitcoin Payment Protocol. Its code is open-sourced, allowing users to take full control over their finances. A look at a Copay wallet review will reveal a positive outlook from many users and their Bitcoin wallet reviews.
Ledger Nano
The Ledger Nano is perhaps one of the most popular hardware wallets currently available on the market. Beginner friendly and lauded by Bitcoin wallet reviews and overviews of hardware wallets, the Ledger Nano supports over 40 different cryptocurrencies which include — but are not limited to — Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP. The Ledger Nano guarantees that your private key is never going to be exposed, as it remains protected within a secure chip that is locked with a pin code.
It is very easy to use as it only has 2 buttons. All of the actions can be easily verified on the device’s screen. It also has back-up and restore functions, meaning you can easily recover your accounts if you lose your device through a confidential recovery phrase. This makes it a great choice for activities like retirement planning.
Ledger Blue
Ledger Blue is described as a premium hardware wallet which places the emphasis on advanced privacy and user experience. Unlike the Ledger Nano, Ledger Blue comes with a large touchscreen wallet interface and it is built around a conveniently secured element that includes all regular features you can expect from a cold wallet. It similarly garners a near-universally positive Bitcoin wallet review as one of the best Bitcoin wallets.
Naturally, Ledger Blue stores a wide range of different cryptocurrencies – over 30. The device allows you to manage up to 11 crypto assets at the same time. The touch screen is colorful and it allows you to easily manage your holdings.
Coinomi Wallet
Coinomi wallet is an application which supports multiple languages and, hence, offers international usage. Some of these multiple languages include Spanish, Russian, Chinese, German, English, and others.
It’s a web-based wallet that you can get from the App Store or the Google Play Store, regardless of whether you are using iOS device like an iPhone and iPad with apps, or Android device with an Android app. The application stores multiple cryptocurrencies and comes with 2-factor authentication for further security. It is fairly easy to use and has a beginner friendly wallet interface which allows novice users to easily manage and store your bitcoin. A glance at a wallet review shows just how popular this wallet is.
Electrum Wallet
Electrum represents a free download software wallet which is released under MIT-issued license. It supports hardware wallets such as KeepKey, Trezor, and Ledger. It is capable of being used with a multisignature wallet and offers comprehensive offline storage.
It comes with 2-factor authentication to deliver greater security. It can be used on mobile and desktop. The solution is forgiving because it enables the user to recover funds through a secret phrase. It is particularly safe and very fast. It has different add-ons such as third-party plugins. There are no downtimes, which is a significant benefit. It’s regarded as one of the best Bitcoin wallets.
Exodus Wallet
This hot wallet represents a combination of services in one. It is a portfolio, an exchange, as well as a wallet for your crypto assets. Apart from advanced privacy, the solution allows you to exchange different digital currencies right from the wallet interface, which is quite convenient, especially for novice users.
The app is personalized and allows full control over your private keys. It comes with easy to understand and beginner friendly live charts. This will enable you to easily track the value of your entire crypto asset portfolio in real time.
Jaxx Wallet
The Jaxx wallet is a lesser-known hot wallet which requires no registration and claims to be entirely free. You can use it on your iOS Device — like an iPhone and iPad — or Android wallets as a free download on an Android app, Windows, Mac and Linux. You can also use it on your desktop through Google Chrome. It can be paired on multiple devices.
The wallet supports over 85 different crypto assets, something, which allows for great portfolio diversification. It has a beginner-friendly wallet interface and it is fairly simple to use all of its features. Naturally, the 2-factor authentication improves the security, among the other features that the device comes with.
GreenAddress Wallet
This wallet is supposedly going to enable the user to have full control over personal finance when it comes to storing bitcoin. It allows the setting of spending limits, rate limit transactions, and others of the kind.
One of the unique features of the wallet is that it has a ‘per-transaction’ 2-factor authentication. In other words, in order to further guarantee the security of your funds and the integrity of your transactions, you’d have to double verify them each time. This does, however, make transacting a bit slower. On the other hand, the wallet has a beginner friendly interface and it’s not challenging to get a handle on it. Bitcoin wallet reviews tend to be generous.
Samourai Wallet
The Samourai Wallet is a hot wallet which comes with a range of different perks. Advanced privacy, high security, and transactional integrity are just a few of its perks.
The wallet is intended to provide the user with complete control over privacy and miners fee with every single transaction. It takes pride in offering the first full BIP 47 implementation which brings privacy to public payment addresses. It also has remote SMS commands which provide for a great amount of flexibility and increased usability. Many consider Samourai to be their favorite and best Bitcoin wallet.
Mycelium Wallet
Mycelium wallet prides itself as one of the top-rated applications on the Google Play Store. According to the application’s official website, there are new tools which will come out soon and supplement the functionality of the wallet.
For instance, it’s projected that the app will feature fully-fledged, blockchain-based fiat accounts as well as debit cards which are linked to the wallet and issued by it. The solution also intends to introduce an option to exchange cryptocurrencies through its software wallet which is quite convenient.
Edge.App Wallet
This is yet another hot wallet which enables the user to control and store a wide variety of different digital assets. It has an app for iOS devices including iPhone and iPad, and an Android app for an Android device. It is easy to use and available on both the App Store and the Google Play Store.
The wallet comes with multi-asset support and it is designated for both long-term holders and for active traders. It allows the user to exchange between different assets on the go. You can also buy and sell cryptocurrencies from within the application itself, which improves user-experience and overall flexibility.
Brd.com Wallet
BRD is intended to be a very simple and secure storage solution for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a range of other digital currencies. It’s available for download on the App Store and the Google Play Store.
The wallet enables the user to purchase bitcoin through a range of different methods, which include credit cards, bitcoin ATM in-person purchase, and others of the kind. It is also possible to convert cryptocurrencies. The design is simple and user-friendly, allowing for seamless storage experience and exchange. Purportedly, the wallet is directly connected to the blockchain through a 12-word paper key. In turn, there are no accounts that you have to set up or passwords that you have to remember. Check out a wallet review online!
Blockchain.info Wallet
This hot wallet is one which allows the user to buy, sell, exchange, and to transact with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ether. The API blockchain wallet is particularly easy to use and it allows you to go over specific transactions, to access live bitcoin data, and many more of the kind.
The blockchain wallet is purportedly convenient for those users who seek additional market insight and are keen on interacting with the cryptocurrency market frequently instead of just holding for the long term.
Coinbase Wallet
Coinbase is the largest US-based cryptocurrency exchange, and it also has a wallet service. Often making the rounds among Bitcoin wallet review circuit, it’s a hot wallet which supports the cryptocurrencies offered by the exchange itself. The wallet allows the user to transact with cryptocurrencies in a fairly seamless manner.
One of the benefits is that Coinbase keeps conventional checking accounts through the so-called “Coinbase vault” which adds for more security. Also popular with the retirement planning crowd. transaction fees are a downside.
Clearly, there are plenty of different bitcoin wallets that you can take advantage of. While the above are some of the more popular, there are other solutions that you are free to take a look at as well.
One of the most important things that you ought to keep in mind is the purpose of you using the wallet. Turn to a solid wallet review or go online to find a match.
If you want to be actively interacting with the cryptocurrency market and trade regularly, you might be better off with a highly-secured hot wallet, as it is easier to access your funds. Furthermore, hot wallets are most commonly compatible with a wide range of different mobile devices like an Android device, making transacting with cryptocurrencies on the go possible.
On the other hand, if you are looking at cryptocurrency as a long-term play and investment, it goes without saying that your better bet would be to store your private keys within a cold wallet. As it doesn’t connect to the internet, it is much more challenging to hack. Again, a good wallet review can help here.
A general rule of thumb is to check which digital assets the selected solution supports. If you intend to hold only bitcoin, you might be better off with a simple bitcoin wallet but if you want to store your cryptocurrency differently than you should obviously look another way.
Keep in mind that there are plenty of different bitcoin wallets which allow you to purchase cryptocurrencies right from the web interface, which is something very convenient for beginner users as it takes away the hassle of interacting with the market through cryptocurrency exchanges. There are also wallets with built-in exchange features, which would allow you to exchange your cryptocurrencies directly from the app, without having to register and verify accounts on different exchanges. It is always helpful to also find a good wallet review.
In other words, the best Bitcoin wallet is easily that which serves the best purpose based on your investment intentions.
What do you think is the best Bitcoin wallet? Do you have a favorite hardware and software, web interface, or preferred software wallets? What about security features you find most useful? Do you have a particular purpose for storing bitcoin and crypto — savings, retirement planning, etc. What about Bitcoin Core and the choice of an operating system, transaction fees, mining hardware, and more? Don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments below! 
Images courtesy of bitcoinist archives, Shutterstock.
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
Crypto Markets Tumble as SEC Rejects Winklevoss Twins’ Second Bitcoin ETF Application
Crypto markets have taken a sharp downturn, today, July 27, with all of the top ten coins by market cap hit by hefty losses and Bitcoin (BTC) dipping back below the $8,000 psychological price point, as data from Coin360 shows.
The grim market picture is likely due to yesterday’s breaking news that the Winklevoss Twins’ application for a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) has now been rejected for a second time by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Market visualization from Coin360
Bitcoin (BTC) is trading around $7,915 to press time, down about 4 percent on the day. After leading last week’s impressive market uptick and hitting as high as $8,431 July 25, the coin tumbled over $400 within the space of 3 hours earlier today.
Bitcoin has since slightly recovered from its intraday low at around $7,874 — and its weekly and monthly price performance remains in the green, up around 6 and 30 percent respectively.
Bitcoin’s 24-hour price chart. Source: Cointelegraph Bitcoin Price Index
Ethereum (ETH) is trading around $462 at press time, down about 3 percent on the day. The altcoin took a similarly sharp plunge to Bitcoin, losing roughly $20 in value within 3 hours, and later dipping yet further to see a 24-hour low of around $459. Ethereum’s weekly price performance is now just shy of half a percent in the negative, but it’s monthly gains remain at a firm 6 percent.
Ethereum’s 24-hour price chart. Source: Cointelegraph Ethereum Price Index
On CoinMarketCap’s listings, all of the top 10 coins by market cap are down between 3 and 7 percent on the day.
Stellar (XLM) has seen the steepest loss of the top ten, 6.5 percent in the negative and trading around $0.305 to press time. Cardano (ADA) is down almost 7 percent, trading around $0.16 per coin, with IOTA (MIOTA) down around 5.4 percent at $0.98 and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) down almost 5 percent to trade at $802 to press time.
Of the top 20 coins on CoinMarketCap, VeChain — ranked 18th by market cap — has somehow been immunized from the declining fortunes of most crypto assets on the day. After a major surge yesterday to hit as high as $2.66, the token is still up around 13.5 percent today and is trading at around $2.36 to press time.
VeChain 7-day chart. Source: CoinMarketCap
Crypto exchange Binance’s native token Binance Coin (BNB) — ranked 17th on CoinMarketCap — is also up a solid 6 percent on the day, trading around $13.81 to press time — its highest price point yet during its bullish run this week.
Binance Coin 7-day chart. Source: CoinMarketCap
Over $12 billion has been wiped from the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies on the day. After yesterday’s peak at $303.7 billion, total market cap is now around $290 billion.
Total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies from CoinMarketCap
Of the top 100 cryptocurrencies by market cap, just seven coins are in the green on the day to press time, according to CoinMarketCap.
Crypto entrepreneur Charlie Shrem has argued on Twitter yesterday that the SEC’s second rejection of the Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF it is in some sense “old news.” He stated that a pending decision over the Bitcoin ETF that has recently been filed by VanEck & SolidX for trading on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) will be more pivotal for the industry — and would likely generate more price-impactful “ETF excitement.”
Shrem moreover argued that regulators will be more likely to grant a stalwart mainstream institution such as CBOE the right to trade an ETF, and that this was a more decisive factor in the Winklevoss rejection than the SEC’s alleged qualms over inadequate “resistance to price manipulation” yesterday. In response to Shrem’s argument, other commentators have nuanced his perspective, saying that:
“The VanEck SolidX Bitcoin Trust ($XBTC) will trade on the CBOE. Its pricing relies on the MVIS Bitcoin OTC Index, not a [single crypto] exchange like Gemini. It seems like the SEC would have to deem OTC markets as having better investor protections and liquidity. More investigation is required.”
Other simply consider that the SEC’s broadcasting of its concerns over vulnerabilities to market manipulation in an insufficiently sized regulated derivatives (futures) market will be “hard to overcome” — it appears that these fears have been borne out by markets, at least in the immediate-short term.
Meanwhile, on July 24 the SEC delayed its decision on a Bitcoin ETF application from investment firm Direxion, the same day as digital asset manager Bitwise filed its own application with the regulator for an ETF that would track an index of ten cryptocurrencies.
Yesterday, the CEO of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) said the institution would not be introducing futures on cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin anytime soon, reiterating his earlier comments that it would be “a little irresponsible” to launch altcoin futures contracts given that they are still “highly volatile and new.”
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Binance suspended trading due to anomalous crypto-transactions
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Post Binance suspended trading due to anomalous crypto-transactions appeared first on Best Cloud Mining Review.
from Best Cloud Mining Review http://bestcloudmining.review/binance-suspended-trading-due-to-anomalous-crypto-transactions/
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awesomeblockchain · 6 years
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Drug abuse on chinese Ministry of Industry IT must be a problem.
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HTC To Launch First Blockchain-Powered Android Phone
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World's Fifth Largest Bank Announces Future Cryptocurrency Trial
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Winners and losers
The crypto markets have seen a slump this week, with none of the predicted rallies in the wake of the recent NYC crypto conference coming through as expected. Bitcoin is nearing $8,000, Ethereum dipped below $700, and total market cap around $382 bln at week's close.
Top three altcoin gainers of the week:
Bitcoin Diamond (12.89 percent)Cortex (12.33 percent)Zilliqa (11.09 percent)Top three altcoin losers of the week:
Huobi Token (-19.07 percent)Binance Coin (-7.68 percent)Popolous (-4.42 percent)For more info on crypto prices, make sure to read Cointelegraph's market analysis.
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Polish Financial Supervision Authority has posted a tender order online, offering about $173,000 dollars to the company which can conduct a campaign on the risks associated with cryptocurrencies. This move comes after this February's reveal of a secretly funded YouTube video---I LOST ALL THE MONEY?!"--about a man who loses all his money due to crypto investments and is subsequently humiliated on a date.
Prediction Of The WeekApple Co-Founder Sees Blockchain, Crypto Reaching Full Potential In A Decade
Although Apple co-founder Steve -Woz" Wozniak has sold all of his Bitcoin (except one!) due to a self-professed anxiety about constantly watching market prices, he remains bullish on blockchain and crypto, referring to the tech this week as the -next major IT revolution that is about to happen."
Best FeaturesWhy Blockchain Is Hard
Bitcoin developer Jimmy Song breaks down why every company should make sure blockchain is the right tool for them first before jumping on the blockchain train--"the faster we get rid of the hype, the better off long-term we'll all be."
Even Snoop Dogg Got In On NYC's Blockchain Week
See how many blockchain parties Snoop Dogg managed to hit up this week.
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GMO Internet Eyes August Launch for Crypto Cloud Mining
GMO Internet Eyes August Launch for Crypto Cloud Mining GMO Internet, a publicly listed IT firm headquartered in Japan, has set August as the tentative launch date for its previously announced cloud mining service. The company revealed last fall that it was devoting tens of millions of dollars t...
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moustachu53-blog · 6 years
USI TECH Ethereum Mining Pool Proof USI Tech ETH Mining Real Revealed
New Post has been published on http://ihre-unabhangikeit.info/wordpress/courroux/usi-tech-ethereum-mining-pool-proof-usi-tech-eth-mining-real-revealed-11/
USI TECH Ethereum Mining Pool Proof USI Tech ETH Mining Real Revealed
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Take everything i say as pure entertainment value only. Do not take any financial advice from me at all. I am not a financial advisor, I am only documenting my crypto journey for others to watch. With every investment platform, altcoin or program there are a lot of risks. Know what you’re getting into and do your own research first!
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tombenari · 4 years
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cryptotradetv · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptotrade.tv/dogezer-ito-review/
Dogezer ITO Review
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