easterartist 1 year
TMVC Mikey wishes you luck in the non-rise tmnt competition!!
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They definitely need the luck! *glances over at the two more well known aus they're against*
Also, Brother come home Mikey makes an appearance! Technically he's 11 years older than he is in canon, butttt I have no idea how to make him look it 馃槄
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easterartist 1 year
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It's safe to say, they both like Chip :) also they appreciate the good lucks they've been getting! :D
Sorry this looks rushed btw, I've been trying to answer these asks at the speed of light lmao
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easterartist 1 year
Uhhhhhh vote Lost Under the Sea au when it comes time and I'll post Leo's full design as well as his concept design!
And also vote Brother come home and I'll make a silly special for it!
(I've never did propaganda before fjsjsha-)
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easterartist 1 year
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Here's the official cover for my Lost under the sea au!
(I'm terrible at logos lmao)
Also, for a treat have a sneak peek at Leo's design :)
(I was making this anyways, but seeing as the @non-rise-tmnt-au-competition had mentioned that if we wanted a cover for the polls we could , I decided that this will also be the cover for the competition! :D I'm so excited for this fjsbaiab-)
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easterartist 1 year
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|Mikey , when he was younger, had always been told stories of his older brothers. His father always spoke of his brothers fondly, although he always hid a sadness behind his eyes everytime he spoke of them. The young turtle could always tell that his father was sad that the other three weren't with them, and knew of how much guilt his father held for being forced to leave them behind... Eventually, Mikey knew he would need to find them and bring then home... No, he would bring them home! All he had to do was locate the underwater city that his father and him fled all those years ago... Rapture.|
Hiii my bioshock au is back! :D
The bois now have redesigns! (Including Leo who I realize was never shown lmao)
There's not alot of changes for the redesigns, its just how I draw them and also coloring. Leo got a huge revamp tho.
Also! I attempted to shade! I hope it doesn't look too weird! I also hope the background looks like water with bubbles lmao.
Obviously Mikey is the first one up (due to his main character energy lmao)! I added his belt to his design! (His belt had originally been hidden under his sweater, figured it being over his sweater would be better!)
I also finally colored him XD
Honestly pretty proud of this one! :D
(On a last note before I go to bed, I would like to state that this au now has an Official name! It's the 'Lost Under The Sea ' au! I also happened to have submitted it into the non-rise-tmnt-au-competition! (The one that's tagged @non-rise-tmnt-au-competition !) Can't wait to see how far it gets! :D)
(Edit: This au has been submitted into another competition! It's the @tmntseparatedshowdown ! I'm excited lmao)
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easterartist 1 year
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|Raph stared at the younger turtle, tears filling his eyes as he spoke shakely while holding back a sob," But... I'm a monster... How can you still love me...?"
Mikey simply smiled as he teared up, it sad but kind as he replied," You're not a monster, Raphie... You're my brother... That's why I still love you..."|
I know I should be doing more redesigns (specifically Raph's lmao) but this wouldn't leave my head so I had to draw it!
Imma say that this is completely platonic! (I have a feeling imma need to specify that-)
Also I freaking love the sunset duo so-
This takes place a bit later in the story when Raph starts to remember who he once was. Raph , when he remembers, is distressed and thinks of himself as a monster due to becoming a mindless big brother... Mikey is there to comfort him and tell him that he isn't a monster!
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easterartist 1 year
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Sooo I made a comic for my Lost Under the Sea au! It's when Splinter found out that his son snuck off to go find his brothers! It's not fully rendered, but I like how it looks! (I didn't have enough energy to render it due to working on the cover lmao)
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easterartist 1 year
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|Donnie, once upon a time, had been lost before the fall of Rapture. And then, one after the other two of his siblings followed.. Raph, wanting to find and protect the second youngest, and Leo, who went to find them both... Donnie somewhat blames himself for what happened. If he hadn't been lured away from his family by the Doctor, maybe his brother would've never volunteered to be a Big Brother... And maybe he himself wouldn't have been turned into a Little Brother.. |
Here's the next redesign for my Bioshock au/ Lost Under The Sea au! Donnie was interesting to color! I didn't want to add too much purple lmao.
Also I'm thinking I might keep doing the story descriptions for these! It helps get more of the story out AND it's fun!
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easterartist 2 years
This is my Bioshock au! Here's Mikey, the youngest Hamato brother who was seperated from his siblings as a baby when the Yokai / Muntant City of Rapture fell. Now he's looking for his brothers who had disappeared before the fall.
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Both edited and unedited pics respectively
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easterartist 2 years
Here's Donnie for my bioshock au! (Really liking how I don't run outta space for text RN lmao) Little brothers and big brother's exist in this au, both having somewhat unique functions if shown in-game. Little brothers act similar to Little Sisters, although they collect Eve instead of Adam. No one knows exactly how they do it, but they make it possible to even use plasmids in the first place.
While this is going on, they obviously need a protector from splicers. That's where big brothers come in. Big brothers act like Big Daddies, aggressive to those who mean to harm little brothers. The difference though is that if you get too close to a big brother's little brother, your as good as dead or worse depending on how close you are.
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Sorry for rambling, I'm just happy I got to type that fully lmao.
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easterartist 2 years
So for this post of my bioshock au, imma have what I wrote in docs here. This takes place a bit after Mikey finds Donnie (and through donnie he found raph), but before he actually sees Leo again (donnie talks about Leo alot to the youngest for the time being, which makes Mikey extremely happy to know that his oldest brother is ok).
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easterartist 2 years
Here's Raph for the Bioshock au! Becoming a big brother changes things about you, including your height and mind. Raph's the tallest of his bros.
Also! My sister helped with his design! Go check her out! @fandomdumpsworld
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