#biotech tax planning
landrysg · 23 days
Here is one very simple way to see the distortions embodied in [taxing unrealized capital gains]. … Say you have a start-up, and it becomes valued at $10 billion after a quick growth spurt. But still you aren’t making money yet, but nonetheless your overall portfolio is reasonably liquid because your last company did well and you sold it. So, if I follow Jason [Furman] and the plan document correctly, in the year after that valuation you have to pay one-fifth of the tax liability on that gain, or say one-fifth of one-fourth of the $10 billion, or $500 million … Obviously you can vary these exact numbers, but the general point remains. … That just seems like a bad investment to me! … Then suppose that, the year after, the start-up crashes and has to be liquidated at a very low value. There isn’t any refund from the tax man. So you have lost not only your investment but … [significantly] more, again noting the exact numbers can vary a bit here. … Why would you enter into deals like this? But of course a lot of start-up sectors have return structures very much like that, namely some high initial valuations but with reasonably high percentages of a later crash. Venture capital drives so much of the most productive sectors of our economy, so why are we whacking it like this? When so many promising developments in biotech and green energy seem to be on the way? Why should we want to crush venture capital like this?
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ahiddenpath · 8 months
Life Update
Just checking in.
It's been going... mixed, lately? Nothing terrible, but I have a lot on my mind. I feel in flux, like I'm at an indiscernible turning point and need to make a huge decision.
Work and Life Choices
My work stress levels are on the high end, recently. I'm bringing a new assay to the company, and that's been difficult because... I can't ask anyone for help. No one has the knowledge, lol! My first trial run was a huge success, and I'm a bit blown away. Basically, work keeps asking me to do novel stuff with little support, and I just... Keep?? Delivering???? And I realize this sounds braggy, but like- No one is more surprised than I am, believe me.
Meanwhile, I was asked to help with selecting a lead candidate for a project, which is totally new to me and was always the responsibility of folks one, two, or more "steps" above me in the company hierarchy. I've never been given this opportunity, but also... The only reason I made headway is because a senior colleague kindly helped me. HOWEVER, my manager asked me to meet with him before showing my plan to the project co-lead, since I'm new to this. AND THEN HE PEACED OUT TO A CONFERENCE FOR A WEEK AND LEFT TWO DAYS EARLIER THAN EXPECTED. So. That really stressed me out! I still don't really know how to handle it, but you can only maintain that level of stress for so long. You eventually enter the universe of, "I cannot be fucked. I am unfuckable."
Although as an asexual bean lol-
The good news is that it really benefits me to gain this knowledge- it's within my wheelhouse, but it's always been considered above my pay grade until now. Contrast this with bringing new technologies to the company and working with new formats. Folks keep asking me how to use the machine that can purify mAbs (basically the most... simple/common antibody format used in biotech), and I keep telling them... I've never been assigned mAb work, so I have no idea. I'm over here working with VHH and IgA and weird multispecifics exclusively.
I got another email on Friday where my boss assigned me more novel stuff I've never done. I can't exactly argue when he's in a conference, but... I am... Unsure... How I can get all of this done, lmao???
On the other hand, I dove into my work benefits to figure something out, and I realized that... Um, my total compensation package is... Well, it's a lot better than anything I've had before, in terms of money. It's... Uh, it's a mixed feeling. Obviously, it's great to be paid better than I ever have been. But it also makes me feel more locked into this career and this place, because... It's finally "paying off." My husband and I have been talking about starting a family, but I told him that I don't see myself having children in a household with two working parents and no support.
This is deeply personal, and obviously income plays a role, too. Many American families cannot afford two working parents, because daycare costs more than one or both parents' salaries. In our case, I make less than my husband, but after taxes and contributing to retirement, daycare would cost about 45% of my remaining take home.
On Friday, I asked a colleague who I just met how she was doing. She had dark bags under her eyes- the kind of thing written about in novels, but rarely seen in real life. And she replied, "Well, I haven't been able to stop working long enough to eat for a few days. I came home and my children were needy and we have a new puppy who was wrecking things and I just went in my room and shut the door and sobbed."
That was a bit intense for a first ever "how are you," but regardless... This is so many women I know, including my mother. I absolutely have seen involved and loving husbands/fathers, but I've seen more who work and then vanish into the mancave the rest of the time. I have a teammate who purposefully works from 1-7 PM to avoid his kids and inlaws, leaving childcare, food, and housework to his wife (and frankly, he made me do his work for half a year until I cracked and told my boss to remove me from working closely with him). My husband is a gem who frankly takes care of me more than I take care of him, so I don't have to fear this, but...
Well, we don't have support. It would be us vs the world with a baby, and my country offers nothing to help families out. And, as we all know, the costs needed to live (housing, healthcare, education, food) are drastically rising.
I really do not know what the next steps in my life are, and I'm already at the point of "geriatric" pregnancy (mid thirties). Do I keep up with this challenging, interesting career that pays well, but is incredibly stressful? Do I have a child and give up the career? Do I try to do it all (two parents who work full time and a kid)? Will I end up like my colleague if I do that? Will giving up my job make me feel unfulfilled? Will the loss of income wreck me someday?
Stress, Creating, Self Care
So, like... I've been stressed, as you might notice. My ear started ringing, with varying intensity and pitch, so I couldn't sleep on Thursday night. Thankfully, it stopped after about 24-32 hours, because I was losing my mind! The internet listed stress as a cause, and... Yeah, I'm thinking it's that.
On top of this, my husband was away for work from Wednesday to Saturday, so I ran the house by myself and was on my own. I was slammed last week and did not have any mental juice to spare.
I haven't done much creatively in February. I can't get my brain to do it, but I'm also not really trying? Usually, when I'm not creating, Bad Things are happening. I'm not sure if I'm there or not, or if I just have other things going on right now? I am getting the sense that I need to do more for myself. I'm not... Sure... What that is, though.
I'm thinking exercise. I gained weight over the pandemic, and lately I feel physically and mentally lethargic. So... Eating better and exercise are probably what I should focus on right now?
I can never seem to keep the mental health, physical health, work, relationships, and chore balls in the air. I tend to drop the physical health ball most readily, which goes about as well as you'd imagine.
I'm hoping to figure out what fun stuff my husband and I might do this year. I need something to look forward to, because it's been so easy (tempting, even?) to feel overwhelmed by all the scary and uncertain things.
I have not been creating, and I have not been online much. Apologies for that. It's one of those "my cup is empty" periods, but I'm not in trouble. I'm just sort of... Looking at the empty cup and going, "Hmm. I should fill this, but, uh... How?" And also, "What kind of cup do I want in the future?"
I truly hope you're all taking care and holding on and finding ways to flourish. It's hard, man. I'm wishing you wellness, kindness, love, growth, support, and well-being. Thanks for caring about me <3
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jabsbiotech · 1 month
PCD Stands for Propaganda Cum Distribution which refers to a business model where pharma companies approve franchisees and distributors to boost, distribute, and sell their products in a specific region or territory. In this PCD text, Propaganda refers to the promotional and marketing activities, Cum means combined which signifies the mixture of promotional activity and distribution. 
In PCD Pharma, Distribution involves the supply chain management and delivery of pharma products from the manufacturer to the pharma clients. In the PCD Pharma model is an agreement between the pharma companies to increase their business. In this model, any company allows anyone to use their products, brand name, and support to promote their medicine at the desired location.
Best Tip to Start the PCD Pharma Business in India
To start the PCD Pharma Franchise in India is need to follow the necessary process that will help you. Below we have Steps mentioned a complete series of steps that you can follow to start your franchise business. 
Planning is a crucial point for starting your business that includes your budget, salary of employees, tax, and more. 
You should check the eligibility that is required to start a Pharma franchise business. If you match this requirement.
Then search for the top PCD Pharma Franchise Company in India on Google or from market research.  
After selecting the right pharma company according to your requirements. Talk to their partners, know about the scope of profits, and read reviews.
Discuss all the necessary terms and conditions, and other info of a pharma franchise partnership with your chosen pharma company.
Submit the signed Agreements and some other documents that are required to make an order from the Pharma company. 
After completing this process of order, top pharma companies give the delivery of your orders within 7 to 10 working days.
Here are Some Benefits of PCD Pharma Franchise 
Low investment: To start a PCD Pharma Franchise business, Anyone does not require more amount. The PCD Pharma Franchise in India can be established with the 15K-20K.
High Profit: To see the rising demand for pharma products, many pharma investors started their pharma businesses and earned high profits. 
Here are Some Benefits of PCD Pharma Franchise 
Low investment: To start a PCD Pharma Franchise business, Anyone does not require more amount. The PCD Pharma Franchise in India can be established with the 15K-20K.
High Profit: To see the rising demand for pharma products, many pharma investors started their pharma businesses and earned high profits. 
Limited Area: The franchisee or Investor is granted the exclusive right to market and distribute the products of the franchisor within a specific geographical area.
Low Risk: PCD pharma franchises have very low risk because you do not have to manufacture or market the drug by yourself. 
Boss of Your Business- In a selected area you will be the boss of your own business without any senior managers pressure or sales target. 
Scope of PCD Pharma Franchise Business in India
The pharmaceutical Market is one of the biggest in the world and the pharma sector today is around 40+ Billion dollars, and expected to cross even 100 Billion dollar mark in the next few years. With the increasing population rapidly, you can be sure of a steady demand for pharmaceutical products. It offers an excellent business opportunity for entrepreneurs to establish their Pharma Business in the highly competitive market of pharmaceuticals.
People are becoming aware of healthy lifestyles
Market Value is huge, everyone can enjoy profitability
Rising demand for pharma products in India
Best opportunity to establish a reputed brand name
Many pharma companies are available in the country 
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zooterchet · 2 months
Work for US Navy (Extra-Range Station, Megaman MUSH)
"Duo": Shaun Wilcox, Hawaiian Coastal Engineer, US Navy Japan.
"Libra": James Holmes, DC Comics Development, Mossad Counter-Bay Station.
"Leo": Jeffrey Lange, Cleveland Rotary Association, Finance and Debitures Apartment.
"Blueberry": Police code on APB scanner, to catch "ranger patrols", off cented Mounted and Royal Mounted sections (Canadian-German, Protestant Universalist).
"WTC Location Grab": Profiling of Osama Bin Laden, three days after 9/11, to DC Comics Location and Transition Wards, Mossad Afghanistan; Tora Bora Prison Complex.
"San Andreas": Capture of Toris Nelby, British Co Anchor Author, "Crack Underground"; while in live transit of threat of CIA agent Peter Tsapatsaris, "Nails", posing as "Peebo" on internet as fraud of Russian-Jewry infiltrating CIA Annex Three; Winchester Frauds, IDF Biotech Experiments. Toris Nelby, "Peebo", detained and "destroyed", by fired rounds, from Eric Frein.
"British Exemplar": Takeover of Japan by Warerra Party, masquerading Clone Wars film, recently released, by "Lucas Arts", as actual factual plan of attack; Pearl Harbor, as represented by "Kleinmen", Rohypnol dealers for Mossad.
"Gutwill Five": Seizure of criminal resources and allies of Framingham Narcotics, rogue Israeli Defense Forces section of Massachusetts cops, out of Jewish gangsters in Ohio; biker gangs, Canadian Freemasons.
"Assassin's Creed": Creation of Assassin's Creed concept, as alternative to parents pamphlets to place children in Mossad underground as "Moslems" or "Mussulman".
"Guantanamo Live Range Agent": Use of third degree interrogator's training from mother's Marine NCO doctor, "Glen", to hunt his killers inside INTERPOL's top ranks; Gwenn Pratt, John Washburne, Steven Charlebois, Brian Monaghan, Alexandra Gaetano, and John Kerry.
"Philips Freemasons of Boston": Stage point of removal of Ted Bundy catchem code, to take over Boston Triads for FBI and State Police, through Cyber Command aegis helix on Los Angeles Police Department server scans; return of Chinese to American policing, as FBI informants and cover agents, against rising tide of Taiwanese nationalism; unions and Russian-Jewish consortiums of film and media logic.
"Pinkville": The strike on the Hell's Angels as a capture turn of the Canadian Freemasons for operating criminal ventures in factories, sports leagues, and boarding schools, to turn children into slaves and writers and prison convicts; the French and British Freemasonic attempt to undo Bill Clinton's peace for labor, athletics, and prison inmates.
"Hideous Karl": Use of Jack Unterweger's serial killer profile, tying a necktie for a business meeting, taught by Scoutmasters in male and female scout troops, for any career or American act, to pen research work for Christopher Nolan, MGM, and FOX.
"The Steroids Scandal": Outing American-Japanese pharmaceuticals, and MI-6 doctors, for selling performance enhancing steroids, Suboxone, for decades, under different brands and claim of brands; the public lawsuit against Dr. Joshua Golden, of United Health Associates, by the Attorney General of Massachusetts, Maura Healey.
"The Kennedy Campaign": Legalized marijuana, certified safe and non-sprayed by tree surgeons elected by towns, free from media myth presented on Holland and British telecasts, or by journalist work by High Times magazines authors. Held under tax stamps, through the State Police.
"Spiral": The culmination of three decades of work, as an NSA, from kindergarten to the mid-thirties, in the takedowns of INTERPOL, On Leong Tong, the Unitarian Church, and MI-6. The culmination of years of experience, placed in two blog reformatories, "Lex Luthor and the Sudbury Boys", and "Spiral - The Batman Killer", the prior academic references, the latter actual career references. The shutdown of the "United Nations Security Council", by planting a forged work on American Marxism from 2003, from an economics business professor at UMass-Amherst, Gerald Friedman, through the actual United Nations; published independently overseas, by those dependent on the United Nations as an American CIA entity; falsely framed as MI-6. The same NSA trick, used on Stephen Glass, a Vatican affiliated lawyer out of the Italian government's Nortel structure.
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ifindtaxpro · 7 months
🔬💡 Unlock the full potential of your biotech startup with strategic tax planning! Learn how to maximize R&D credits, protect intellectual property, and fuel innovation in the dynamic world of life sciences. 💼💉 #Biotech #TaxPlanning #R&D #IP
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potatoes83 · 7 months
Let's talk about regulatory compliance. And the bullshit that it brings. So because I have a high deductible insurance plan, we get a flex card. We can elect to put a certain amount of money pre-tax on said card, it comes out of every paycheck. And as a privilege of... letting us use our own money, the Infernal Revenue Service has set a whole bunch of rules that the flex card administrator has to follow. Like asking for documentation. And documentation. And more documentation, and even more documentation, and more documentation still.
Now I've talked about this before; they always flag the ones from the dentist. Like what the hell else am I going to buy at the dentist but dentistry? Meanwhile the ones from the Meijer pharmacy, Meijer being a major grocery store chain in my area, a place where I could easily be checking out at the pharmacy with my prescription, some garden knicknacks, some ice cream... crickets. Not a peep. They've never once asked for one.
So today I'm going through the pile of mail on my desk as I periodically do, and there's a nasty gram from American Fidelity demanding to see an invoice paid in October from Biotech Clinical Laboratories. Yeah. I wonder what the hell we paid for there? And for $8.60 no less, it must either be a nightclub, a bottle of 25 year old malt, or I'm redoing my bathroom.
Speaking of medical nasty grams, I got one from Blue Cross. Apparently I got two from Blue Cross, because this one is the second notice. It's a subrogation request. "We see there is a claim that could be related to an accident, someone else should be paying for this, if someone else should be paying for this, you have to tell us who should be paying for this."
Like okay, this entire thing is stemming from my wife having physical therapy. Either for her back or her knee, I can't remember, but God forbid, her general practitioner is electing to put her through a round of physical therapy to help with whatever pain she's having, rather than going straight to a double fistful of pills and then invasive surgery. I wish more doctors took that approach. But yeah, physical therapy, it has to be an accident, we want details dammit. And I'm sitting here up to my armpits in desk paperwork after getting out of work, and it's been about a week from Hell thank you very much, so my initial instinct response is "none of your fucking business."
It would be different if this was the first time, it's not. Probably the 4th or 5th. Same thing with Biotech, that's at least quarterly if not monthly for the last, oh I don't know, at least 6 years. You'd think these ass hats would maybe figure out that her doctor is treating her for a chronic back condition, or that having lab work done is in fact a medical expense.
If let's go Brandon's fucking taxes weren't so high right now, it honestly wouldn't be worth it. It wouldn't be worth the hassle. I would use my own money, and I would take the financial hit on the front end. Anything to keep from constantly having to scan and submit documents. Clearer copies of documents. Documents that show exactly this. But unfortunately that's not the case. 🥔
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mmbaaccountants · 10 months
Stress-Free Tax Preparation and Planning in Cambridge
There are a lot of Tax accountants in Cambridge. Of course there are, Cambridge is a vibrant, future focused city with a world class university and an innovative academic culture which has a habit of spawning small start-up companies that grow into multi million pound international concerns. Cambridge is the home of Silicon Fen and the biotech companies that make up the Science Park. Such titans of industry need a lot of accountants. Cambridge is also a relatively small place packed with small and medium sized enterprises – many of them family owned. Those less flashy businesses need accountancy services too.
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accountingfirmbasta · 11 months
Why You Should Hire a Start-up Business CFO Service in San Francisco
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Congratulations on launching your start-up in San Francisco, the heart of innovation and entrepreneurship. You are definitely in for an exhilarating journey. However, be prepared to deftly tackle the financial complexities and uncertainties faced by most new businesses. That's where a CFO service can come to your aid with proper solutions. A start-up business CFO service in San Francisco can provide you with a competitive edge. These professionals will guide you through the complex financial landscape and help you achieve long-term success.
Why You Need CFO Services for Your Start-up
Let's explore the different ways that a CFO service helps settle the finances of a start-up.  
Knowledgeable in Local Market Trends
San Francisco has unique market dynamics that require thorough understanding. Only a local CFO service can provide you with this. Considering the high cost of living, intense competition, and regulations that keep evolving, you need someone on top of the local market conditions at all times. A CFO service is well-versed in these challenges. They will help you navigate these obstacles and create a financial strategy customized to the needs and aspirations of your start-up.
Robust Network Connections
CFO services typically have an extensive network of contacts in the local business community, which includes investors, other startups, and service providers. This network is invaluable if you are looking for funding, partnerships, or just advice on overcoming challenges that are specific to your industry.
Custom Financial Strategy
Every start-up is unique, and a one-size-fits-all financial strategy rarely works in your favor. A specialized CFO service in San Francisco will work closely with your team to develop a custom financial plan aligned with your business goals. Whether you are in technology, biotech, Fintech, or any other industry, your CFO will create a personalized road-map for your financial success.
Expertise in Fundraising 
San Francisco is a hotbed for venture capital, making it an ideal location for start-ups seeking investors. If you hire a reliable local service provider, they will help you identify and target the right investors. Not only that, but these professionals also help prepare compelling pitches and negotiate funding terms favorable for your company. They can also provide insights on grant opportunities, tax incentives, and other non-equity funding. 
Optimization of Business Costs
Start-ups often face issues with high operational costs, impacting the business. If you are facing something similar, it is highly recommended you hire a CFO service to help you identify cost-saving opportunities, optimize your budget, and maximize operational efficiency. If your financial resources are in a good position you will be able to weather economic uncertainties and scale growth.
Risk Management
Risk is inevitable for start-ups in this rapidly evolving and complex market condition. A CFO service helps you identify potential financial risks and develop strategies to mitigate those risks. They will support you in managing risks proactively. That way your start-up will be better prepared to navigate economic downturns, industry disruptions, and other challenges.
Financial Transparency
Investors and stakeholders value transparency and accountability. When you hire a CFO service, their professionals will ensure that your financial reporting and governance meet the highest standards, which instills trust in your company, attracting potential investors. This transparency also helps you make well-informed decisions based on accurate financial data.
Save a ton of Time
While running a startup is incredibly time-consuming, managing finances can be a significant distraction. So, by outsourcing your CFO needs, you can free up valuable time to focus on your core business operations and strategic growth initiatives. Let the professionals handle financial complexities, while you focus on growing the business. 
Ending Note
A start-up business CFO service in San Francisco will play a greater role than just being your financial advisor. They are your strategic partner, guiding you through today's complex financial environment. Leverage their local expertise, network, and customization, and position your start-up for long-term success while effectively managing costs and risks.
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riyaseo6 · 1 year
N Chandrababu Naidu's Vision of Transforming Hyderabad Into Genome Valley
In the late 20th century, the global landscape witnessed a rapid convergence of technology and life sciences. Recognizing the potential of this intersection, Nara Chandrababu Naidu, the visionary leader of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), embarked on a mission to transform Hyderabad into a hub of innovation and progress. This TDP agenda marked the birth of Genome Valley, a groundbreaking biotechnology park that would catalyze economic growth and establish India's prominence in the biopharmaceutical sector. In 1999, N. Chandrababu Naidu introduced the Pharma City project, a state-of-the-art biotechnology park situated to the north of Hyderabad. His forward-thinking approach aimed to attract leading multinational pharmaceutical companies and biotech giants to invest in the region. Leveraging the city's strategic location, skilled workforce, and proactive Political schemes, Chandrababu Naidu envisioned Genome Valley as a haven for scientific research, technological advancement, and economic development.
The TDP policies played a pivotal role in realizing Nara Chandrababu Naidu's ambitious plans. Recognizing the significance of a conducive business environment, the TDP party implemented investor-friendly policies that facilitated the establishment and growth of businesses in the region. Tax incentives, streamlined regulatory procedures, and infrastructure development were among the measures undertaken to lure companies to Hyderabad. This holistic approach helped overcome barriers that often deter international corporations from investing in emerging markets. N Chandrababu Naidu's persuasive prowess came to the forefront as he reached out to prominent multinational pharmaceutical and biotech companies, including Novartis Pharma India, Shantha Biotechnics, Bharat Biotech, Biocon, Biological E. Limited, and Jupiter Biosciences. He personally engaged with global CEOs, making compelling presentations that showcased Hyderabad's potential as a fertile ground for innovation and growth. His relentless efforts and the TDP leaders’ commitment to creating a world-class biotechnology ecosystem played a pivotal role in attracting these companies to Genome Valley.
The synergy between N Chandrababu Naidu's vision and the TDP schemes resulted in a remarkable transformation. Genome Valley rapidly became a bustling hub of scientific research, biopharmaceutical manufacturing, and technological innovation. Novartis, Shantha Biotechnics, Bharat Biotech, Biocon, and other multinational corporations set up their operations in Hyderabad, capitalizing on the ecosystem that had been meticulously cultivated. However, Nara Chandrababu Naidu's ambitions extended beyond biotechnology. Recognizing the integral role of information technology (IT) in the global economy, he also targeted global IT giants like IBM, Dell, HSBC, and Oracle Corporation. Chandrababu Naidu's persuasive skills and the attractive business climate in Hyderabad convinced these tech behemoths to establish their offices in the city. This TDP contribution not only helped Hyderabad's economic growth but also solidified its status as a hub for both life sciences and technology.
The success of Genome Valley and Hyderabad's transformation into a thriving economic centre can be attributed to Nara Chandrababu Naidu's vision, leadership, and the TDP's innovative policies. The holistic approach encompassing infrastructure development, investor-friendly measures and policy, and strategic partnerships propelled the region into the global spotlight. Through the TDP party news and Live updates from the official website, know about N Chandrababu Naidu's efforts and the TDP developments in exemplifying proactive governance, engaging with international leaders, and personally advocating for Hyderabad's potential. In conclusion, N. Chandrababu Naidu's establishment of Genome Valley and his pursuit of a diverse economic landscape through the implementation of TDP policies was a watershed moment in Hyderabad's history. His legacy continues to shape the region's identity as a beacon of innovation, research, and economic progress. This TDP achievement of Genome Valley stands as a testament to the power of visionary leadership, strategic policies, and unwavering determination to drive growth and transformation.
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dgftguru · 2 years
How to apply for duty-free imports under the Advance Authorisation Scheme?
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Manufacturers can use a duty exemption program known as the Advance Authorisation Program or Advance Licence Scheme to bring in tariff-free raw materials for producing goods intended for export.
DGFT issues sector-wise lists of standard input-output rules or SION, which detail the maximum allowable number of inputs for each product. It describes the amount of each input needed to produce a specific product, with allowances made for any waste incurred during production.
An exporter can seek an advance license under ad hoc criteria if it appears that the SION does not cover them or their production method. This scheme allows exporters to apply for it on their initiative, by self-declaring and self-ratifying, in cases where no SION or arbitrary regulations exist.
Manufacturer-exporters can participate in this program, although they are not required to. You can also register if you are a merchant exporter with ties to a manufacturer who will assist with your application. 
Companies that provide goods and services to the UN and other aid programs as project subcontractors are eligible to qualify for this program. Here, the currency must be readily converted into the amount being paid. However, only manufacturer-exporters will be granted permission to import pharmaceuticals.
Several tariffs, including the essential customs duty, the education cess, the social welfare cess, the anti-dumping duty, the countervailing duty, and the safeguard duty, are waived for manufacturers under this program. Taxes like the Value-Added Tax and the Compensation Expense Levy are also waived.
What kinds of resources are available for use in this plan?
A broader range of materials can be used as building blocks for this project because they are exempt from import taxes. It includes fuel, oil, and other catalysts that are either consumed or employed in the manufacturing process of the exported product. 
Authorization provides approximately 10% of the CIF cost for mandatory exports of spare parts shipped with the final product. If the Directorate of Biotechnology issues a "no-objection certificate," biotech products are permitted.
Companies that crush, grind, sterilize, or produce oil or oleoresin are the only ones eligible to import certain spices duty-free. Bringing in spices for cleaning, sorting, and packaging does not count as manufacturing and will not be free from import duties.
Duty-free importation of textiles entitled to SION and physically included in the export goods is possible through a specialized advance authorization procedure.
There Must Be Value Added
It is possible to export the raw ingredients purchased under the scheme after adding at least 15% in value. At the same time, this is different for tea when a value addition of 50% is mandatory.
Products for which value-addition of less than 15% is permitted are detailed in Appendix 4D of the Manual of Procedures, 2015-2020. The value-added stipulation for products sold for which payment is not received in a freely convertible foreign currency is laid out in Appendix 4C.
All the paperwork and the fine print
To participate in the scheme, exporters and manufacturers must have a certified IEC code and visit the DGFT's website (www.dgft.gov.in). Fulfill the export obligation in regards to the value & number of exports within the required time frame to receive an advance authorization.
Applicants must guarantee that all export revenues are received in a freely convertible currency. The relevant regional authority should be notified within a month if exported products are subsequently re-imported.
The authorization will be good for an entire year from its date. However, for a minimum of 18 months after the issuance of the advance authorization, it is recommended that you keep records verifying the fulfillment of your duties.
Advance authorization is also possible as a yearly requirement for goods notified in the SION. However, exporters are required to disclose how their exports have fared over the previous two years. The CIF worth of the input included in the scheme must exceed 15% of the total export value.
The Advance Authorisation Scheme is a duty-free import scheme. It allows importers to import goods without paying duty and excise tax for goods that will be exported within one year of their importation. The importer must apply for EPCG License from DGFT before importing the goods.
If the application is approved, the importer will receive an authorization number that they can use to clear the goods through customs. Beneficiaries of Advance Authorization are required to meet an export obligation (EO) in the form of a total value for exports by a specific date. There are consequences for failing to meet the EO by the deadline specified in the authorization. 
Once the EO has been fulfilled, supporting documentation must be kept and presented if requested. The time period is defined as eighteen months from the date when the advance authorization was issued; however, for inputs such as supply to construction contracts, military, defense, aerospace, etc., this time period could be extended.
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kerlonultra · 2 years
Stocks to buy now
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#Stocks to buy now for free#
This site does not include all companies or products available within the market. The compensation we receive for those placements affects how and where advertisers’ offers appear on the site. First, we provide paid placements to advertisers to present their offers. This compensation comes from two main sources.
#Stocks to buy now for free#
To help support our reporting work, and to continue our ability to provide this content for free to our readers, we receive compensation from the companies that advertise on the Forbes Advisor site. The Forbes Advisor editorial team is independent and objective. The author(s) held no positions in the securities discussed in the post at the original time of publication. That’s why financial advisors recommend them for most people. These are less swayed by the individual ups and downs of any one company but provide solid, steady long-term growth. Instead, consider purchasing exchange-traded funds ( ETFs) or index funds that track diversified indexes focused on the healthcare sector. While the large-cap stocks listed above can be very safe bets, more volatile small-cap biotech stocks can be incredibly risky investments.īut really, buying any individual stock is a risky game. When you’re considering a new investment, in healthcare stocks or any other market sector, doing your due diligence is always the first step. But if you have a 401(k), you’ll likely instead have to look into mutual funds that focus on the healthcare industry, rather than individual stocks. Retirement investors can buy healthcare stocks in tax-advantaged retirement plans, like individual retirement accounts ( IRAs). If you don’t already, check out our listing of the best online brokerage accounts to get started. If you have a regular brokerage account, you can easily add healthcare stocks to your taxable investment portfolio.
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mmbaaccountants · 10 months
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Stress-Free Tax Preparation and Planning in Cambridge
There are a lot of Tax accountants in Cambridge. Of course there are, Cambridge is a vibrant, future focused city with a world class university and an innovative academic culture which has a habit of spawning small start-up companies that grow into multi million pound international concerns. Cambridge is the home of Silicon Fen and the biotech companies that make up the Science Park. Such titans of industry need a lot of accountants. Cambridge is also a relatively small place packed with small and medium sized enterprises – many of them family owned. Those less flashy businesses need accountancy services too.
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Brazil Probe: Did Bolsonaro Govt Overpay for Bharat Biotech's Covaxin Doses?
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[Image description: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro at a ceremony of the Plano Safra 2020/2021, an action plan for the agricultural sector, in Brasilia, June 22, 2021.]
A piece of paper – an invoice – sent by mail from one corner of the world to another could be the smoking gun in the widening investigation into corruption in the deal that may blow to bits the image of an Indian company and sink some top politicians in this country. The invoice, sent by an offshore firm of the Indian vaccine maker Bharat Biotech, to the Brazilian government was the focus of the hearing at the parliamentary commission of inquiry (CPI) on Friday, as the whole country watched the proceedings live with emotions running high at the chamber as well as on social networks.
The country has been on edge since Tuesday when it was alleged by a federal deputy, Luis Miranda, that he and his brother Ricardo, the chief of import division at the ministry of health, had met President Jair Bolsonaro on March 20 and alerted him about an invoice of $45 million raised by a Madison Biotech, a Singapore-based firm, for advance payment in the $300 million1 contract between the Brazilian government and Bharat Biotech of India for 20 million doses of Covaxin. As the Singapore company was not part of the contract, Ricardo Miranda refused to clear the invoice, he claimed in an interview, and went to Bolsonaro.
The decision of the Bolsonaro government, which had shown a little interest in getting vaccines for the country, to sign a contract at $15 a dose, has become a full-blown scandal with 24×7 media coverage being followed by millions. With explosive leaks coming out almost in real time, a top television commentator called the investigation “CovaxinGate” on Thursday; soon stories about the vaccine were being shared with #CovaxinGate on social media. Some senators have even called it a “Passages to India”, sarcastically playing on the name of a hugely popular television soap-opera shown a few years ago. With eight out of 10 people in the country supporting the CPI proceedings, people have been anxious to know if there was corruption in the deal.
In the past week, the senators leading the probe have appeared confident that Madison Biotech’s invoice is the piece of evidence that will lead to a trail of tax evasion, money-laundering and bribery in the deal between Brazilian government and the Indian firm, represented here by Precisa Medicamentos.
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bustedbernie · 4 years
Joe Biden the same as Trump?
We’ve heard it before. What does Joe Biden’s platform actually aim to do? (compiled by a redditor, taken mostly word-for-word from Joe Biden’s site, joebiden.com) 
Legal reforms:
Decriminalization, rescheduling, and expungement of existing federal marijuana convictions.
End the federal crack and powder cocaine disparity.
End all incarceration for drug use alone and instead divert individuals to drug courts and treatment.
Environmental reforms:
Invest $400 billion in clean energy research and innovation.
Establish an enforcement mechanism to achieve net-zero emissions no later than 2050.
Require aggressive methane pollution limits for new and existing gas operations.
Require public companies to disclose climate risks and greenhouse gas emissions.
Invest in carbon capture sequestration technology.
Support research into new nuclear technology.
Empower communities to develop transportation solutions.
Invest in electric rail roads and mass transit.
Embrace the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.
Demand a worldwide ban on fossil fuel subsidies.
Name and shame global climate outlaws.
Pursue a global moratorium on offshore drilling in the Arctic.
Hold polluters accountable.
Ensure access to safe drinking water for all communities.
Ensure that communities harmed by climate change and pollution are the first to benefit from the Clean Economy Revolution.
Invest in communities impacted by the climate transformation.
Double offshore wind energy by 2030.
Economic reforms:
$15/hr minimum wage.
Bankruptcy reform.
Paid family leave.
Paid sick leave.
Protect and expand union rights.
Repeal the $2.1tn Trump tax cuts.
Increase taxes by $1.4tn on top earners.
Hold corporations and executives responsible for interfering with unionization.
Aggressively pursue employers who violate labor laws.
Ensure federal dollars do not support employers who engage in union-busting.
Penalize companies that bargain in bad faith.
Make it easier for workers who choose to unionize to do so.
Ban state "right to work" laws.
Create a cabinet-level working group that will solely focus on promoting union organizing.
Ensure that workers can exercise their right to strike without fear of reprisal.
Empower the NLRB to fulfill its intended purpose of protecting workers.
Eliminate non-compete clauses and no-poaching agreements.
Put an end to unnecessary occupational licensing requirements.
Expand protections for undocumented immigrants who report labor violations.
Health care:
Medicare-like public option.
Allow Medicare to bargain for prescription drug prices.
Increase the value of tax credits to lower premiums and extend coverage.
Limiting launch prices for drugs that face no competition.
Limiting price increases for all brand, biotech, and abusively priced generic drugs.
Allow consumers to buy prescription drugs from other countries.
End pharmaceutical corporations’ tax break for advertisement spending.
Expanding access to contraception.
Protect and defend a woman's right to choose.
Restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood.
Doubling America's investment in community health centers.
Expand access to mental health care.
Invest in historically marginalized communities.
Encourage the adoption of electric vehicles.
Invest $10 billion into transit projects that serve high-poverty areas.
Increase funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by $2.5 billion per year.
Invest $20 billion in rural broadband infrastructure.
Invest $100 billion to modernize schools.
Invest $10 billion in a new Cities Revitalization Fund.
Quadruple funding to provide small manufacturers with the technical expertise needed to compete in a global economy.
Electoral reform:
Introduce a constitutional amendment to eliminate private dollars from our federal elections.
Enact legislation to provide voluntary matching public funds for federal candidates recieving small donations.
Propose a law to strengthen our prohibitions on foreign nationals trying to influence federal, state, or local elections.
Work to enact legislation ensuring that SuperPACs are wholly independent of campaigns and political parties.
Increase transparency of election spending.
End dark money groups.
Ban corporate PAC contributions to candidates.
Prohibit lobbyist contributions to those who they lobby.
Reform funding for national party conventions.
Require that all candidates for federal office release tax returns dating back 10 years.
Prohibiting foreign governments’s use of lobbyists.
Ethics reforms:
Prevent the president or White House from improperly interfering in federal investigations and prosecutions.
Increase transparency in DOJ decision-making.
Empower agency watchdogs (Inspectors General) to combat unethical behavior.
Establish the Commission on Federal Ethics to more effectively enforce federal ethics law.
Prevent the president, other senior Executive Branch members, and Congresspersons from being influenced by personal financial holdings.
Policing reform:
Ending private prisons.
Investing $300 billion in community policing training.
Investing in public health and education.
Create a new $20 billion competitive grant program to spur states to shift from incarceration to prevention.
Expand federal funding for mental health and substance use disorder services and research.
Expand and use the power of the U.S. Justice Department to address systemic misconduct in police departments and prosecutors’ offices.
Invest in public defenders’ offices.
Eliminate mandatory minimums.
Eliminate the death penalty.
End cash bail.
Stop jailing people for being too poor to pay fines and fees.
Ensure humane prison conditions.
Invest $1 billion per year in juvenile justice reform.
Incentivize states to stop incarcerating kids.
Expand funding for after-school programs, community centers, and summer jobs.
Two years paid public universities and college or job training for those making less than $125k/yr.
Create new a federal grant program.
Double the maximum value of Pell grants for low-income and middle-class individuals.
Make a $50 billion investment in workforce training.
More than halve payments on undergraduate federal student loans.
Stop for-profit education programs from profiteering off of students.
Crack down on private lenders profiteering off of students.
Allow individuals holding private loans to discharge them in bankruptcy.
$10,000 across the board federal student loan forgiveness.
Forgive all undergraduate federal student loan debt for borrowers who attended public colleges and universities, as well as historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and private minority-serving institutions (MSIs).
Repeal Trump era restrictions on immigration
Prioritize deporting threats over deporting hard working, upstanding members of the community.
End child separation and prolonged detention.
Reform the asylum system.
End public funding for the border wall.
Protect DACA recipients.
Hold ICE and CBP agents accountable for inhumane treatment.
Again, you know most of this stuff, I know most of this stuff, but a lot of people don't know most of this stuff. The next time somebody drops a bomb on you like "Biden's not a real progressive, he only believes in half measures!" you can correct them with stuff direct from his policy page.
I hope you found this useful!
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tekrati1-blog · 3 years
The Biotech Research Role in Energy Conservation
In this report we will share some inspiring news. As a result of the new government help charge, there are extensions of critical tax cuts and obligation determinations to repay energy security. There are moreover some basic developments in the benefits for property holders. We are sure that the information gave in this report can benefit an enormous number of people and that makes it elevating news without a doubt.
Luckily project laborers can create energy viable new homes and get credits moving from $1000.00 to $2000.00. Owners of business designs can make their constructions more energy powerful and get energize inductions of to $1.80 a square foot dependent upon the situation. Property holders can make their homes more energy viable and get charge decreases of 30% with a dollar cap of $1500 in benefits.
Warming and cooling homes and designs is a huge energy cost. One of the things that will help with getting these credits and determinations is assurance. Due to sensible advances coming from the NASA Space Program, there are new and totally versatile sorts of security that come as energy saving paint and added substances to make energy saving coatings. One way to deal with fathom these things is to think about liquid applied insurance.
These energy saving things fundamentally widen the choices that can be used to make a home or a construction more energy useful pharmaceutical. Note: BioTech Research may in a little while be promoting a creative paint added substance that when mixed in with standard paint, makes a "warm paint" that saves energy (an enhancement to their EdenPure infrared radiators which similarly save energy).
The establishment for this information comes from the colossal evaluation charge that passed in 2005 which introduced these assessment decreases for property holders and business people. Around then the obligation deduction for making a business building was especially appealing and the tax cut for new energy capable homes justified pursuing. In any case the benefit for contract holders was confined to only 10% with a cap of $500., which was simply scarcely productive for contract holders. In the new bill, there are gigantic time developments on the business building remittance and the new home credit. In any case the enhanced credit for contract holders has gone up in a huge way and will probably discharge a huge load of money out of the public power that will go into the pockets of sharp property holders. It isn't anything startling thusly, that the window on this benefit is limited to things set into organization during the years 2009 and 2010. At 12 PM on the last day of 2010, the carriage changes into a pumpkin and the duty decrease window is closed.
Since there are veritable benefits here and considering the way that there are crucial time windows to work with, we feel this is a great opportunity to give a record of these benefits. The target of this report is make the benefits clear and to perceive a couple of things that might be used to take advantage of the proposition from the public power to pay for people to make their homes and designs more energy capable.
We believe this to be a commonly gainful game plan. New business openings will open up and new positions will be made. Huge venture assets on energy will happen and people will cut down the cost of ending up being more energy successful while setting themselves in a spot to see the value in long stretch energy hold reserves. On the overall scale, there will be less tainting put into the air and diminished dependence on energy from far away threatening spots.
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