#bipoc lgbtq
hoodoobarbie · 3 years
I’m growing tired at the hypocrisy with the LGBTQIA community.
The incident at Lil Nells is really fucking with my head, especially a a queer woman of color.
A white gay man dragging a black woman by her hair down the stairs is disgusting.
This is the same establishment where a black stud, one of their own security guards got stabbed and they STILL haven’t corrected their history of anti black behavior. This also the same establishment that has had multiple altercations with black gay men as well. They have a history of anti black behavior and are continuously being allowed to get away with it.
White queer men have always been inherently problematic, because they are still MEN and benefit from systemic racism.
And I feel like they often aren’t called out on this especially by women of color because of two things. 1.) The desire for white validation.
So many women of color struggle with this.
All women of color are socialized, from birth to defer to white males, because they get to define who’s worthy mainstream. They also get to decided who’s most feminine, who’s attractive, so unconsciously everyone seeks their approval because getting that check mark in their minds and socially, means they are valuable. I often see this Hypergamy groups with straight women, who will praise anything a white man does, for the most part just because he’s white. At the same time ignoring numerous red flags about him, because his validation is desirable to them.
2.) As queer men, often women feel more safe with them, then they do with straight men.
It’s important to remember that gay white men are still men and benefit from systemic racism, and it’s also important to unlearn and unpack your trauma and why you desire for white male validation.
As black women, we really need to start checking white men, especially gay white men in particular. White gay men, have literally been cosplaying as black women in the mainstream, while subtly disrespecting us on the side.
White gay men also literally own lgbtqia culture now, they have effectively erased white lesbians who are completely voiceless & literally all the lesbian bars in the country are dying. The lesbian voice is literally non existent at this point and dead.
When people think of gay culture, they think of white gay men currently. I can’t think of a single thing about lesbian culture, that is mainstream other than Ellen, Birkenstock’s Ruby Rose and now maybe Jojo Siwa. This is highly problematic within itself because there is little to know POC representation, and the ones that are very specific caricatures.
Then add other members of the lgbtqia to that and their representation just goes even further down hill.
What do POC have other than Rupaul n he’s problematic as hell) and Legendary on tv ? Representation is important and there is literally none.
The white lgbtqia community literally owes their rights to people of color.
They have also completely white washed and revised history to make things more palatable to their tastes.
Do they forget it was a biracial stud, a woman of color who threw the first punch and sparked the stonewall uprising, while she was getting her ass beat by the police and they all just stared at her ? Stormie Delavarie was a lesbian, who fled the south due to her biracial heritage and queer status. She was constantly advocating and fighting foe queer women. Stormie Delavarie is clearly a joke to them. Because they never even mention her. She’s fucking background noise to them. The uprising would have never happened, if she hadn’t shouted at them to FIGHT BACK & kicked them into gear!
Then there is Marsha P Johnson. Who they blatantly lie on and exploit to make money. Marsha P Johnson was a gender non conforming, schizophrenic person who to be honest, I don’t want to attach a gender label to due to their poor mental health and upbringing. They are quick to call them a gay man, drag queen or transgender and attach a label to them, but the truth is we don’t even fucking know because Marsha was never in a safe position to ever ponder their gender identity. They were a mentally ill, often homeless survival sex worker and activist who was brutally murdered, during the height of the AIDS epidemic.
Now we have all these white folks trying to make money off them, writing articles about them and revising their gender identity and upholding their name to make money especially during pride and you know they aren’t donating that money, to homeless bipoc lgbtqia.
It’s fucking disgusting. Then you have the predatory white queer class when they engage in action with bipoc lgbtqia especially those without resources.
For example; there is a HUGE problem with pedophilia. I have several friends and family who were sleeping with old gay white men when they were underage. Pedophilia is normalized just whispered about, especially when it comes the fetishization of black and POC bodies. It’s ruined so many people I know mental health.
Then there is the gaslighting, and manipulation of vulnerable POC who have gender dysphoria. When I came out, several people tried to convince I was transgender, and were highly disappointed when I stood my ground and was solid in my gender identity. It was very weird, predatory and manipulative, which really bothers me because several black trans men in my city died, after being served copious amounts of drugs by these same individuals and being molested by them, so they could have enough money to pay for Top/bottom surgery.
I feel like they murdered, a acquaintance of mine, through these methods. This person was vulnerable, mentally ill and processing various forms of trauma, while coming from a horrific background and they were chewed up and spit out, by their so called white friends and mentors within the community. Not to mention being sexually molested by these same people, in order gain money for top and bottom surgeries.
Horrific, I’m over it.
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hoodoobarbie · 3 years
This is my application for a POC femme lesbian wife. Here is everything you need to know about me, pros & cons - good n bad.
I have a full time job, that allows me to live comfortably. For 3-4 days out of the week, you will only see me in the mornings as I smash a breakfast and rush off to work.
I work a lot, so fancy food is nice for dates but can we also make getting all day massages and laying by the pool and having a drink served to us the norm too. I work at a desk job 12 hrs a day so sometimes I don’t want to be cramped over a table looking at your beautiful face, all the time.
I’m a spa whore. Please become a spa whore with me, thank you. Let’s make going to the spa for a date acceptable. I have been to every 5 star restaurant in the state. I am very bored of them all. I’m also allergic to literally everything so I will mostly be staring at you while you eat. I eat mostly organic, farm to table and working on growing my own food. Even though I do look like the bastion of health, my health revolves around my diet. Likely you will be able to eat everything while I sip on a smoothie, so I don’t literally die. I do have cheat days twice a month.
I party during the summer and once every other month during the off months. I spend my weekends making candles, cooking, studying magick, doing self care, playing video games or gardening. Occasionally I go the arcade dressed in cosplay to tease the straights, then head to the lesbian bar next door.
I like to travel to exotic locations. I love going to Mexico. You must prepare to go to Mexico once a year. I love Mexico, so that’s like non negotiable. We will go to Puerto Vallarta aka Gayville to party with my brother and his problematic white gentrifying husband and get shit wrecked or go to Tulum. These are non negotiable family activities.
My brother is colorist and white washed, so you will have to deal with our constant fighting and me trying to attack him when he bullies me. This happens three times a year, we stop talking for a few months and then rebond again. It’s a toxic cycle but I cannot abandon my brother, unlike the rest of my family. I’m sorry but I know I can change him.
I enjoy giving small or extravagant gifts. I am a Pisces, I love luxury - I express my love through gift giving. You will be gifted a lot of plants, jewelry and other various trinkets.
I also have a memory of a goldfish.
I have ADHD.
I am a neat freak.
I have a praise kink.
I have a small cat named White Person. She is a hairless pink sphinx who wears non comodogenic sunscreen and eats a fully raw organic diet. She has her own collection of UV protective t-shirts and hats. She bathes once a week in powdered donkey milk so she doesn’t get eczema or pimples. Her name was Emily but everyone in my family kept making fun of her naked ass and now she only responds to White Person. So that’s her name now. Sometimes I also call her Whitey. Sometimes she will come to Mexico with us.
I am terrified of masculinity. This is why I am hyper femme. There will be occasional manic rants and literally occasions where I wake up in the middle of the night screaming men are evil. I have trauma and ptsd. So there is that & this also is probably why I hyper feminize. I’m very meticulous and passionate about skin care. If you are my partner, I will also groom you. I think nails, facials and spa days are like very important. Aesthetics are very important to me, so I work hard to have beautiful clean surroundings. Does this stem from a deeply rooted trauma response ? Yes. Am I terrified of dirt and grime ? Yes. I’m hoping I find someone patient enough to deal with that.
I have a therapist, a psychiatrist and a adhd coach. I have a full mental health team, behind me. I’m very passionate about that because of the things that have happened to me in my life.
I’m very social, when I do go out. I will want to get to know everyone. I will be buzzing around because I find people and their little brains interesting. I find all my friends and associates fascinating.
I’m asexual but non sex repulsed. I enjoy having sex and think of it as a way to bond with my partner. I occasionally have libido and function as a sadist but mostly towards cis hetero males. Speaking of which, you should also know I have a weird army of men who function as my subs. I call them my thralls. They just do what I ask. One of them is collared and has a monthly session with me. He is pretty, obedient and is like a servant/assistant part time, he also does great investments for retirement. So there is that too.
Hmmm 🤔 all of this is very discombobulated.
Maybe I will reformat this later.
My requirements for you:
Honestly ... I have no type. Just be aware I am a Pisces. Thank you. If you have some kind of weird hobby that makes no sense, that is very attractive.
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