#birla high school nursery admission
bhsmukundapurteam · 2 years
4 Types of Teachers That Bring Out The Best in Kids
A saying goes: “Behind every great child is a great teacher.” It’s true, and it’s also why we believe that teachers are the most important people in our society. They can change lives with their knowledge, creativity, and passion. Your child may favor one teacher over all others. Why do you think that is? Because they help your kid to feel more comfortable and safe around them. Here are four types of teachers that help children to be the best versions of themselves.
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The Motivator
Motivators are the teachers who are constantly pushing your child to do better. They’re the ones that go above and beyond to help your child succeed. Even if they fail, this type of teacher always boosts their morale. They encourage kids to keep doing better. They will always have the right words to say to your child if they feel low.
Kids need to have such teachers from a very early age. The Birla High School nursery admission process will help you identify such teachers beforehand.
The Honest One
An honest teacher will always tell you if your child is doing something wrong. They are not afraid to speak their mind and won’t sugarcoat anything. This is what makes them such great teachers. Your child needs someone who can tell them when they are wrong without being too harsh on them. When your child knows the truth, it helps them to become better on their own.
A CBSE school in Kolkata follows a stringent process to hire teachers. You can rest assured if your child is in one such school.
The Funny One
A funny teacher is the best kind because they make learning fun. They have a way of making the class interesting and exciting for children, which helps them retain what they learn better. Having a good sense of humor also helps teachers get along well with students, making them more effective at their job.
The Friend
When a teacher is also a friend, it makes life easier. It is easier to get along with someone you like, and teachers that students like will be more effective at their job. They can also set a good example for their students by being friendly and approachable outside class. Students can also share their feelings if they struggle in their personal life.
Teachers are the building blocks of society. To have a teacher that is also funny and friendly is a boon. Students perform well in subjects when they like the subject teacher. They study hard for that particular subject and keep themselves in good books.
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sbgskol · 2 years
How to Motivate Your Girl Child to Study More
It is no secret that girls face unique challenges regarding education. In many parts of the world, they are not given the same opportunities as boys, and they often have to overcome greater obstacles to receive an education. This is true even in India. Despite these challenges, girl students can be some of the best students if they are given the right motivation. There are many ways to motivate your girl child to study more; this article discusses nine of them. Take a look.
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Encourage Them to Set Their Own Goals
This will help them see what they need to achieve and give them a sense of purpose. When setting goals, it is important to make sure that they are realistic and achievable. If your child's goals are too high, they may become discouraged.
Help Them Find a Male Role Model
A role model can be someone your child knows personally or a public figure. The role model must be someone your child admires and looks up to. This will help them see what is possible if they work hard and make good choices.
Talk to Them
Your child needs to know that you believe in their ability to succeed. This will give them the confidence to face challenges and overcome obstacles.
Encourage More
Extracurricular activities are a great way for children to explore their interests and talents. They can also help develop important life skills such as teamwork and leadership.
Help Them Find a Mentor
A mentor is someone who can provide guidance, support, and advice. This can be an invaluable resource for your child, especially if they face challenges at school.
Encourage Them to Take on Leadership Roles
Leadership roles give children the opportunity to build confidence and learn new skills. They may also inspire other girls to work hard and achieve their goals.
Help Them Connect With Other Successful Girls
Surrounding your child with other successful girls will help them see what is possible. They will also have the opportunity to learn from and be inspired by their peers.
Reward Their Efforts
It is important to celebrate your child's successes, no matter how small. This will help them see that their hard work is paying off and motivate them to keep going.
Offer Them Encouragement and Support
It is important to offer them encouragement and support throughout your child's journey. This will let them know that you are there for them and that you believe in their ability to succeed.
Enrol Your Girl Child in the Suitable CBSE School
The top CBSE Girls School in Kolkata will boost your girl child's confidence by providing a positive and nurturing environment. This will also allow her to develop friendships with other girls who share her interests and goals. You can also consider Sushila Birla Girls School for Nursery Admission in Kolkata.
Final Word
When it comes to motivating your girl child to study more, there are many different approaches that you can take. The most important thing is to find what works best for your child and encourage them to reach their full potential.
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This is the Official Page of Birla High School Kolkata . You can Read Reviews & Nursery Admission News of Birla High School Kolkata along with the Admission Form, fees structure and vacancy information of Birla High School Kolkata at admissionschool.com
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bhsmukundapurteam · 2 years
5 Ways Children Can Study More With Online Tutorials
In the digital age, learning has become more accessible than ever. With the right tools, anyone can learn to do almost anything in this day and age. If you're looking for a way to help your child get ahead of the game or supplement their current learning experience, check out these five ways to help them study more with online tutorials besides enrolling them in the best school in Kolkata.
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Better Quality And Updated Content
Experts create tutorials with years of experience in their respective fields. This means they'll be able to provide your child with a detailed explanation of the subject they're interested in.
They also update their tutorials regularly so that students always have access to the latest information and can benefit from their expertise at all times. The tutorials are easy to follow and understand, which makes them suitable for students at all levels.
Learning At Your Own Pace
With online tutorials, students can reread sections as often as they like and pause the video if they need a break. This allows them to learn at their convenience, which will help them retain information better. It also means that students can take as much time as they need to complete the tutorials. If your kid has trouble understanding a concept, they can simply pause the video and look up related information from another source.
Interactive Learning For Children
Online tutorials are an excellent way to make learning more interactive for children, who often thrive in a hands-on, active environment. Students can get immediate feedback on their progress and the opportunity to ask questions without delay.
Some course creators even offer extra features such as study groups or forums where users can discuss topics related to their courses. This is especially beneficial when studying complex subjects like algebra!
Study Whenever And Wherever
Thanks to online tutorials, students can study at home, in the library, or on campus. These tutorials allow them to watch lectures without being concerned about missing something important because they are late for class or not able to pay attention. This will allow them more time for doing homework assignments instead of worrying about what lecture was missed during class hours due to illness, family obligations, etc.
A Cost-effective Way To Study
A variety of different topics are available at no cost online. From math lessons to art history tutorials and everything in between, online learning provides kids with access to all kinds of information. Private tutors or workshops may be expensive for families with tight budgets and is not always the most convenient option. A student can find everything they need to know by simply logging on to the internet.
Final Word
We hope these points will help you make an informed decision about online tutoring for your kid. Online learning is a great way to help them learn new skills, build confidence, and prepare for the future. If you have any questions or want more information on how they can benefit your child, please don't hesitate to reach out! If you're looking for Birla High school nursery admission, BHS Mukundapur can be a great option.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 2 years
How to Prepare Your Kid for Mid-Term Exams? 5 Tips to Follow
The mid-term exams are no joke, especially for kids. They try their best and still end up getting bad marks. If your child is going through this, then it's time to chat with them and ensure they're prepared for the exams. We've put together a few tips to help your kid prepare for mid-term exams.
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Teach Your Kid How to Plan
Planning is the key to success in any area of life, and it's no different when it comes to exams. For example, if you want your kid to pass their math test, they need a plan on how they will study for that exam. This means having a set time for each session, sticking with the schedule, and ensuring every lesson is completed before moving on to another one. Plan everything out ahead of time so there are no surprises during this busy period.
Teach Your Child How to Learn Effectively
Learning is an important life skill and is vital for kids to achieve academic success. Because of this, you must teach your child how to learn effectively and improve their learning methods.
There are many ways in which children can be taught how to learn better:
Helping them develop good study habits, such as using a planner or keeping track of their work throughout the week, will give them a clear idea of what they need to do daily. This will also help them see where there may be room for improvement in their study habits and remind them about upcoming tests and homework assignments.
Encouraging your child by telling them what they're doing well and by helping them identify areas where they need improvement can make all the difference when it comes time for mid-terms or exams.
Help Your Kid Deal With Exam Anxiety
We all know that children undergo many changes during their growing up period. It's natural to feel stressed out and nervous when taking an exam because they want to do well. We might not be able to help them with the actual studying part, but we can certainly help them deal with the stress and anxiety by being supportive, encouraging them to relax, and reminding them that exams are just another step towards achieving their goals.
Set a Routine For Your Kid
A routine is important to help your kid stay focused, on track, and motivated. It will also help them to stay on task during the exam season. Ensure they are well rested and have their meals timed around their schedule.
It's all About Preparation
Helping your child prepare for a mid-term exam is about ensuring they know the upcoming test's purpose. A good way to do this is by explaining that a mid-term exam will be used to determine whether or not they are on track with learning the information being covered in class at this point.
This will help them understand that there's no need to panic or worry about failing an exam as long as they have been doing well on their homework assignments and studying while they were supposed to be doing so.
These tips will help your child prepare for mid-term exams and perform better. But remember that it's not just about practice. Your child needs to know how to plan their time, learn effectively, deal with exam anxiety and get enough sleep before exams. Following these steps can help them perform better on the big day!
Consider Birla high school nursery admission if you are looking for the best CBSE school in Kolkata.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 2 years
8 Effective Study Tips to Enhance Your Kid's Learning At Home
Studying isn't merely about mugging up the concepts and getting good grades on the exam. It's about understanding the concepts, retaining them and being able to apply them in different situations. Good study habits will not only help your child ace examinations but also make learning a fun and enriching experience.
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As a parent, you can play a pivotal role in teaching good study habits in your child by enrolling them in the best CBSE school in Kolkata and following these eight effective tips to help your little champ study effectively.
Define a Study Space
A dedicated study area goes a long way in promoting concentration and focus. It doesn't have to be a separate room, but it should be a well-lit and quiet space where your child can study without any distractions.
Create a Study Schedule
A set study schedule will instil discipline and help your child get into a daily routine. When making the schedule, involve your child in the process so that they buy into it. Make sure to include some flexibility to account for days when there's extra homework or project work.
Encourage Active Reading
Active reading is not just about reading the textbook from cover to cover. It's about engaging with the material, asking questions, looking for answers, and understanding different concepts. This will help your child remember the material better and make learning a more enjoyable experience.
Encourage Note-Taking
Note-taking is an essential skill that will help your child better organise their thoughts and understand the concepts. Please encourage them to use their own words and abbreviations when taking notes. This will help them recall the information better later on.
Help Them Understand Their Learning Style
Everyone learns differently. Some learn best by listening to audio recordings, others by reading texts etc. Help your child identify their learning style to study in a way that suits them best.
Promote Good Study Habits
There are many different good study habits that your child can develop, such as taking regular breaks, setting goals, reviewing their notes regularly etc. Encourage your child to find what works best for them and stick to it.
Help Them Develop a Positive Attitude towards Learning
A positive attitude towards learning is essential for academic success. Help your child develop a love for learning by exposing them to different kinds of knowledge and experiences. Encourage them to ask questions and think critically about the world around them.
Be Involved but Don't Overdo It
It's important to be involved in your child's education and encourage them to do their best. However, it's also important not to overdo it. Let them take responsibility for their learning and don't put too much pressure on them.
Final Word
Following these tips and considering Birla high school admission will help you develop a well-rounded individual who loves learning. Just remember to be patient and keep the lines of communication open. And soon enough, you'll see your child excel in their studies!
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bhsmukundapurteam · 2 years
10 Reasons Every Child in School Should Participate in Co-curricular Activities
Extracurricular activities complement a student's main syllabus and help in the holistic development of your child. If you are looking for the best school in Kolkata to enrol your kid, make sure you inquire about the co-curricular activities the school offers as part of grooming a student's personality and classroom learning.
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Activities such as reading, writing, photography, art and craft, drawing, singing, dancing, debates, and sports can be a part of students' co-curricular activities. Here are 10 reasons you must encourage your child to participate in co-curricular activities in school.
All-round Development
The well-rounded development of a child is the primary reason for incorporating co-curricular activities into the school curriculum. The academic knowledge imparted in the classroom needs to be supported by other aspects of development such as physical, mental, emotional and social. This can only be achieved if children are given opportunities to explore their talents and abilities in various fields. Any good school in Kolkata will understand the importance of All-round Development in a child's growing years. 
Boosts Confidence & Self-esteem
Confidence is built when a child discovers their talent and hones it through practice. When they see themselves succeeding in these activities, their self-esteem boosts. This increased confidence carries over into other areas of their life, such as academics and social interactions.
Teaches Life Skills
Co-curricular activities teach children important life skills such as time management, leadership, teamwork, and communication. These are essential skills that will help them in their academic and professional careers and in their personal lives.
Develops Physical Fitness
Physical activity is important for the overall health and fitness of children. Participating in co-curricular activities gives them a chance to be physically active and develop their motor skills. It also helps them to maintain a healthy weight and avoid obesity.
Reduces Stress
The academic pressure on children these days is immense. They need to cope with the pressure of studies, exams, and competition. Participation in co-curricular activities provides a much-needed break from academics and helps to reduce stress. It also helps them relax and rejuvenate to return to their studies with fresh energy.
Teaches Time Management
Co-curricular activities require children to juggle their time between academics and extracurriculars. This teaches them time management skills, which is an important life skill. They learn to prioritise and plan their time efficiently to accomplish all their tasks within the given timeframe.
Encourages Creativity
Creativity is often stifled in a traditional classroom setting. However, co-curricular activities provide a platform for children to express their creativity. They can explore their talents in arts, music, dance, and other areas. This helps them think out of the box and develop innovative solutions.
Helps in Career Development
Extracurricular activities give children a head start in their career development. Participation in these activities develops essential leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. Employers highly value these skills and can give them a leg up in the job market.
Provides Social Interaction
Co-curricular activities provide an opportunity for children to interact with their peers. This is important for their social development. They learn to share, cooperate, and work together towards a common goal. This helps them to develop strong interpersonal skills.
Improves Academic Performance
It has been proven that participation in co-curricular activities improves academic performance. This is because these activities help develop essential skills such as concentration, problem-solving, and critical thinking. These skills are useful in all areas of academics and help children achieve better grades.
Final Word
Participating in co-curricular activities is beneficial for children in many ways. It helps to develop their physical, mental, and social skills. It also teaches them important life skills such as time management and leadership. Most importantly, it enhances their academic performance. Every child should participate in at least one co-curricular activity to reap the maximum benefits.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 2 years
5 Social Skills That Each Child Must Have
Social skills are a critical element that helps children to succeed socially, emotionally, and even academically. Social skills must be inculcated at a young age to ensure holistic development within kids. Teaching social skills is one of the most complex, confusing, but rewarding aspects of raising young children.
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During your child's preschool age, they discover a lot about themselves and interact with people around them. At home kids learn social skills by watching the adults and try to replicate them, while at school they sharpen their social skills through interactions with their teachers and their classmates. Several schools have blended their curriculum with co-scholastic activities to improve social skills among the students. BHS high school is one of the CBSE schools in Kolkata that actively encourages students to participate in different activities to develop their social skills.
Here are 5 important social skills for kids that are very important to learn at a young age.
Listening - Listening isn’t just about staying quiet, it means really absorbing someone else’s point of view. It also helps a kid to build positive relationships with other kids and helps them to advance academically. Allowing children to engage in discussions with groups of their peers is a way of stimulating listening skills and also develops communication skills. 
Sharing - Sharing is a difficult concept for young children. But parents should always encourage and appreciate sharing behaviour every time their child shares. This helps them in building great bonds with other children. Also encourage them to donate a toy every once in a while to develop this skill.
Cooperating - Cooperating means working together with others to achieve a common goal. Several schools introduced different group activities in classrooms to enhance group skills in early childhood. Cooperation is a great opportunity for kids to learn more about other personalities and develop listening skills.. 
Patience - Having patience is difficult even for adults, therefore, it is important to start making children learn to have patience at a very young age. Developing patience is a critical skill and takes practice.
Greeting - Welcoming others and making them feel respected is an important social skill. This helps them to create a strong personality and create a positive community around them. 
Good social skills can help kids have a brighter future. BHS high school is one of the reputed schools in Kolkata emphasis on developing social skills at a young age. School organises and encourages students to take part in different activities to develop their social abilities. The more your child experiences the benefits of social skills, the more intuitive these skills will become for them.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 3 years
Why Family Vacations Are Important For Bonding?
The best English medium schools in Kolkata suggest parents to go for family vacations for a closer bonding with their children. It not only helps the kids to be happy and content, they also become optimistic and positive towards life.
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In these busy days, spending quality time with your family has become a difficult task. Parents often find it impossible to find time for their children after a day’s work. The remaining time gets spent in chores, serving dinner, and preparing for the next day. And needless to say, this does not go very well with kids. 
At times, you need to take a break and spend time with your children. They need your undivided attention and there is nothing better than family vacations that bring you closer as a family. As the best English medium schools in Kolkata declare summer vacation in a month or so, it is high time you start planning your vacay. 
Reasons Why You Should Take Family Vacations
1. Family holidays create lifetime memories
One of the most beautiful things you can do during your holidays is to create memories. You click photographs and shoot videos that become memories forever. These memories can be made unique if you do creative activities like dance or adventures like rafting together. 
2. Best way to spend quality time 
When you are holidaying with your family, you do not have any other duties in mind like office work or chores. All the time can be devoted to each other during a trip. 
3. Family trips give experience 
Every child needs to make unforgettable memories with his or her parents. These trips are an experience of a lifetime where they try something new for the first time - like a special dish, or an adventurous ride, or the first snowfall. These are crucial to develop a bond between the kids and parents. 
4. An excellent stress buster 
Taking vacations with your kids can act as a very good stress buster and a deviation from regular work. It is a wonderful way to relieve yourself of tension and to enjoy fully. Kids going to the best schools in Kolkata often feel the zeal to perform better in studies when they are back from a recent family holiday. 
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bhsmukundapurteam · 3 years
How To Be An Awesome Parent And Encourage Physical Fitness At Home
These are some of the ways you can make working out a habit for your children. You may also introduce physical fitness as a habit to your toddler so that when they appear for Birla High School admission (or for any other school), they be physically and mentally active.
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Physical fitness is a major concern for many parents and children, but the best way to get your child started is by providing them with the necessary tools. You can start by encouraging them to play outside or participate in physical activities they enjoy. 
When parents are going for Birla High School admission interview, (or any other school in the country), they must ensure that the school offers extracurricular activities for the fitness of students. At the same time, parents must also encourage home workout sessions, yoga, and outdoor games to make their children fit and healthy.  
Workout And Exercises At Home
It is not always easy to get your child to be physically active. It takes a lot of time, effort and patience. But it is worth the effort. One of the most popular choices is to enrol them in a sports program or take them to a gym. But there are also many people who prefer to do home workouts with their kids.
Home workouts can be done anywhere, anytime, and they don’t require any special equipment or training. They can also be adjusted according to the child’s age, fitness level, and interests. 
How Does Working Out At Home Help The Kids?
Working out at home has many benefits for kids. They can work out in the comfort of their own home and have the freedom to work out when they want to. The best part about this is that they are not limited by time constraints or location constraints. 
Home workouts for kids is a trend that has been catching on for the past few years. The benefits of home workouts for kids are numerous, and they include:
Kids can exercise in the comfort of their own homes.
Home workouts are less expensive than joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer.
Home workouts allow children to have more control over their workout routine, which means they're more likely to stick with it and see results.
Home workouts allow parents to be involved in their child's fitness journey and help them stay on track with their goals.
How To Encourage Your Child To Work Out At Home?
Many top schools in Kolkata mandate sports, yoga, dance and other physical activities to keep the students active physically. At home too, you should continue the practice. 
Here are five ways you can encourage your child to be more physically active:
1. Create an environment that encourages children to be more physically active
2. Make physical activity fun
3. Be a good example for your child
4. Set realistic goals 
5. Keep trying
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bhsmukundapurteam · 3 years
How to Crack the Birla High School Nursery Admission Process?
Are you thinking of getting your child admitted to Birla High School Mukundapur - the best CBSE school in Kolkata? Well, then that is indeed a commendable decision. However, as the Birla high school nursery admission is over for this academic year, you can only try for the next session on your child’s behalf. Still, if you are interested in knowing more about how your child can crack the admission if he/she gets shortlisted next year, keep reading.
The open secret that parents like you should know in this regard is that preparation is the ultimate key behind your child’s chances of cracking the Birla high school nursery admission process and getting admission to this prestigious school. You being a responsible guardian should take this up seriously and start preparing your child weeks or even months before the tentative date of the interview.
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The very first thing that you should focus on is helping your child to get better at English with every passing day. This is applicable for both fluency and proficiency. Birla High School Mukundapur being an English medium school is keen to absorb candidates who are fluent and proficient in English. If your child can impress the interviewers in this regard during the interview round, there is a high chance that he/she will be shortlisted for the next round.
Moving forward, you should also help your child to learn about current affairs. It is most likely that if he is shortlisted for the interview round next session, the interviewers will ask them questions about what’s going around them. The questions will not be too difficult but the interviewers will expect your child to answer them correctly, promptly, and with confidence. The body language of the candidate will also be taken into consideration before the interviewers make the final decision.
Now if we look back at this year’s admission process, we will see that it was carried out online due to the ongoing pandemic situation. As a matter of fact, the BHS Mukundapur just like any other school in the city is continuing to give online classes to students. 
Only if the situation reverts to normal, the school might think about reverting to the in-person admission process. But as of now as the situation around us is challenging, the school has no plans for that. Hope the above-discussed guidance will help you to guide your child in the best possible way to increase his/her chance of doing well in the admission process of BHS High school in the next academic year.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 3 years
Is BHS High School Open?
Yes, we all know that it’s almost been a year that educational institutions all across the country are closed due to the ongoing pandemic situation. BHS high school no exception and it is following the rules and regulations provided by the state government. As of now, all in-person operations and classes are on hold till any further notice comes from the state government.
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However, we can be hopeful that the children can return to school in the near future as the daily count of affected individuals is decreasing significantly. From a situation where almost a lac of people were getting infected on a daily basis, we have come to a situation where few thousands are getting affected. This is indeed a great sign and kudos goes out to the health department of the state and the country.
Moving forward, we can only hope that the pandemic situation will last much longer and very soon the school gates will open for the students to return and take part in in-person classes.
However, BHS high school has not completely stopped its commencement even in this time pandemic. On one hand, it has introduced online classes for students where the little ones are expected to join virtual classes from their smartphones or tablets. For all these months starting from the initial days of the lockdown, the students had cooperated tremendously with the school and the teachers also did a fantastic job by executing this modern way of teaching.
Apart from continuing classes virtually, the school is also planning to hold the Birla high school nursery admission process for the forthcoming session. However this time, instead of the in-person process, the school has decided to conduct everything related to the admission process virtually.
Parents who wish to get their child admitted to this school will need to fill-up the online application form from the school’s website. They need to submit it then and there itself followed by which the school authority will look into it along with the applications of other candidates and make the final call about the candidates who will be asked to attend the interview.
Now as the school authority is not encouraging any in-person interaction at this point in time, the interview of the shortlisted candidates will be held across video conferencing platforms. Parents will be expected to join the candidates during the virtual interview where the panelists will discuss with them and also ask questions to the candidates.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 3 years
How is the Birla High School Nursery Admission Process Taking Place for This Academic Session?
We all know that the pandemic situation has made educational institutions pause their in-person activity for an indefinite period. Birla High School Mukudnapur is following the same rules set by the government. However, as far as their admission process goes, the management has decided to change gears and run the entire process online. Keep reading to know how the Birla High School nursery admission process is taking place for this academic session.
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As just like any other school in the city, Birla High School Mukudnapur - the best CBSE school in Kolkata is refraining from allowing any sort of mass gathering inside the school campus, it has decided that for the first time it will conduct its admission process online. Parents of applicants will need to apply online from the school’s website along with the soft copies of the required documents.
Once the last day of applying is over, the school management will run through all the applications and make a list of candidates who will be asked to join the interview. The selection is completely based on how convincing the applications are.
Moving forward, the school management will send out emails to the parents of the shortlisted candidates and inform them about their child’s shortlisting. The date and time of the interview will also be mentioned.
Now for the very first time, Birla High School Mukudnapur is going to conduct the interview in a virtual environment. Interviewers and candidates along with their parents will connect through video conferencing and interact with each other via webcams. It is expected that parents will ensure that during the interview there is an uninterrupted and stable internet connection and electricity. It is also expected that they will arrange for proper lighting during the interview so that the panellists can see the candidate clearly.
During the interview, parents and interviewers are expected to discuss the strength and weakness of the candidate. If there is any special issue with the candidate, that is also expected to be highlighted during the interviewer session.
The candidates will also be asked questions on various topics. Their fluency and proficiency in English will be taken into consideration along with their soft skills. The interviewers will also keep an eye on how promptly and confidently the candidate is answering the questions thrown at them.
Once the interview round is over, the school management will take some days to publish the final list of candidates who will be offered admission to the school. To know more about the Birla high school nursery admission process, do visit the school’s website.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 4 years
Has the Birla High School Admission Process Gone Online?
Yes, you heard it absolutely right. Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, BHS high school has thought of having their admission process partially online. For the upcoming session, parents who want their child to get admission to this school will need to fill up the Birla high school admission form from the school website itself. The link to the form is to be found under the admission section of the website.
Now this change in the Birla high school admission process has been initiated because the school management wants the future parents and students to be safe from the pandemic. The management is leaving no stones unturned to ensure that there is minimum gathering inside the school campus, no matter whatever the reason is.
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As because the state government is still sticking to continuing the practice of social distancing that particularly goes out to educational institutions, the school management is abiding by the guidelines in every possible way.
The uniqueness of the admission process is that once parents have applied online on their child’s behalf, the school management and the decision making authority will go through all the applications and shortlist candidates whom they think are eligible to appear for the interview.
Once they have shortlisted the candidates, respected parents will be conveyed the same via email. They will also be informed of the day on which they are expected to accompany their child to the school premises for the final round screening.
Now by this way, BHS Mukundapur minimizes the crowd gathering inside the school. In the previous years, the management would ask parents to come down to the school office and submit the hard copy of the application form along with the required documents of the candidates. This called for a mass gathering that is not acceptable during this challenging time.
Apart from this move, the selection policy remains the same for BHS Mukundpaur. The final shortlisting will be done on the basis of the candidate’s merit and his/her performance during the interview and the admission test. The decision of the school management will be final and no external influence will be entertained that might tamper with the judgment.
To know more about the changes in the admission process, do get in touch with the school officials. In the meantime prepare your child for the interview and hope he/she gets the opportunity to study in this prestigious school of Kolkata.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 4 years
How to Get Your Child Enrolled for the Birla High School Admission 2021-2022?
Birla High School Mukundapur has already put up the registration link of the application form on their website. In order to get your child enrolled for the Birla high school admission 2021-2022, you will need to visit the website, check out the admission section, and find the link to the application form. Once you find it, you are expected to fill up the required field and click the submit button.
Moving forward, the management of BHS high school will get in touch with you via email if your child gets shortlisted for the interview. Thus your job is to ensure that the application is submitted with all the correct details. However, your responsibility as a parent does not end on the submission of the application. Though it can’t be said whether your child will get the interview call or not, you should not sit back tight in the meanwhile.
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Buckle up to help your child with the preparation, because once the schools get in touch with you and ask your child to come down for the interview, there will be hardly any time left. Leaving things for the eleventh hour will certainly be a wise call to take.
In order to help your child to crack the Birla high school admission test at one go, you should utilize this time to brush up your little ones’ grip over English. This is applicable for both fluency and proficiency. BHS Mukundapur will conduct the interview in English and one of the best ways for your child to impress the interviewers is to exhibit a stronghold over English. This will certainly increase your child’s chance of getting shortlisted.
You should also help your child with subjects like elementary mathematics, general knowledge/awareness, logical reasoning, moral science, etc. If required try to get some professional help for your child. There are home tutors who specialize in preparing children for admission tests. Try to find and appoint them for your child’s benefit.
The interview at Birla High School Mukundapur is as fair and competitive as it can get. The school authority provides a fair chance to every candidate who gets shortlisted for the interview. Special care is taken to ensure that there is no malpractice during the entire admission process that might tamper with the final decision. To know more about the process check out the information provided on the website or get in touch with the school officials.
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bhsmukundapurteam · 4 years
Techniques to prepare your child for the Birla high school nursery admission test.
Looking forward to getting your little angel admitted to the best English medium school in Kolkata? Well, try considering Birla High School Mukundapur as an option. It is considered to be the best school in Kolkata and in order to get your child admitted, you must help him/her crack the Birla high school nursery admission test first.
The Birla high school nursery admission test is one of the most competitive admission tests among schools in Kolkata. The school management ensures that the test is fair and every appearing candidate gets an equal and fair chance to give in their best shot. The management also discards any scope of malpractice while shortlisting candidates based on the test results.
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Now when such is the level of competition, you really need to make your child uber ready for the big day in order to crack the test at one go. The best thing you can do is get professional help. Nowadays there are home tutors who do offer assistance to children who are going to appear for admission tests.
Surf the internet or make most of your personal contacts to get in touch with such tutors who would professionally take care of your child. Appointing them will certainly help your little one to get groomed and brushed up for the test.
Apart from getting professional help, you too have certain responsibilities being a parent. Help your child to devote time to reading books and newspaper headlines. Also, encourage him/her to check out English news on the television. This practice will eventually help your child to improve his/her vocabulary. As the test will be conducted in English, having a larger stock of words will be of an added benefit to your child.
Apart from this, if you can make time, do help your child with subjects like basic maths, logical reasoning, moral science, etc. Even if the home tutor whom you appoint does their part, you should also do your part as a responsible parent. This also includes teaching your child how to behave inside an examination hall. 
If you can help your child to get these few things correct and ensure that he/she is well prepared for the exam, there is no reason why he/she can’t crack the test at one go. If you have any questions about the entrance exam, feel free to have a word with the school officials.
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