xivbumblingseabiscuits · 11 months
Something I have such a hard time with is deciding interesting or relevant personal Hooks & Rumors. This desire to reach out! And connect! And provide story bits! . . .But a deep fear of being mocked or found to be not interesting. Haven't quite figured out how to overcome that one but it is big sadge.
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rownou · 9 months
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[OC - Fidget (Requested by @/BiscuitRambling on Twitter)]
i ermmm wasnt sure how to add a thank you message into the art itself so here it is:
Thank you, Rambling_Biscuit!!
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xivbumblingseabiscuits · 11 months
Long Post & Thoughts —
This is not a political statement, not talking about abusers, and not talking about toxic positivity— y'all should probably know my stance on much of that by this point.
I do think every so often we need to be reminded that a fixation on the negative creates more negative. I recently watched a community discord server go from a positive-centric environment to being led down a negative-centric environment. I think it's really quite easy for people to fall into the "trap" of venting about horsecat girls online without. . . remembering to check themselves.
We see this complaint in a lot of ways, usually with that vibe of, "Go play something else, then," but I do find there are "gateway drugs" into getting fixated on negativity. Some of them include:
Talking about mods being too XYZ
Talking about someone's level of fantasy in a final fantasy game being "wrong"
Complaining there's not enough XYZ in roleplay
Complaining there's too much XYZ in roleplay
I promise you this community is exceptionally large and if you make a genuine effort to be directed that you will find communities interested in telling the types of stories you want to be involved in. I also think this community could be a lot better about being upfront and communicative about what kind of roleplay they actually are and are not interested in.
I shouldn't have to bend over backwards and become a pretzel to find out you don't want to do something, like, roleplay on the moon. Feasible in lore but not your cup of tea? Totally okay! But, put it on your carrd, put it on your LFRP, communicate somewhere that you don't want a particular flavour of this world (and put what you DO want, too!). Don't get mad at people when they want to go RP on the moon and that's a boundary you never set.
That's kind of a dramatic example but the same goes for whether or not you have a preference for low or high fantasy, what kind of tek you do or don't want to be around, what kind of magick you do or don't want to be around (never gonna let Mirke live down the good ol' white mage days). Don't like certain mods being used? Maybe don't RP with the person who finds that fashion choice interesting for their character.
But I think. . . going into voice channels, or public spaces of 100+ people, and saying it's "wrong" to like high fantasy, it's "wrong" to like a certain fashion, it's "wrong" to think cameras do/don't exist, it's "wrong" to roleplay on the moon— is factually incorrect at best and elitist at worst. Know your own limits. Set them in your personal spaces. Set them when you go into communities and are looking for things. But, maybe check yourself on if you're icking someone's yum for no reason.
Especially because as someone looking in, it's actually really sad to see us get a bad rep for being "negative"-centric in 14, when in actuality we can have these really positive spaces that end up getting drowned out by a few voices too loud and too unchecked.
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Gonna work on finishing up some content tomorrow (today) and maybe for once in my life is the queue feature.
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