#bisexy lesbin here! lesbians in real life are normal to me. can you do the same tumblr user whos never read stone butch blues?
saint-nevermore · 28 days
its really wild were at the point of sexuality/gender discourse its acceptable to be fucking cruel to people who dont have the same interpretation of an arbitrary rule that you do so just a reminder. bisexual lesbians have been around longer than youve been alive. transgender men have been calling themselves dykes for decades. asexual people have always existed and been a part of this community. pansexual/polysexual mean slightly different things to different people, and sometimes one label clicks better than another. everyone is playing with these rules differently and every single version is fine and should be celebrated, even if they're 'wrong'
i think it can be a lot of fun to debate what any queer identity could mean, since we're working with gender roles that are always evolving but ultimately not real, but if you're making or reblogging posts insulting other queer people for how they navigate their identity, you should think about that. its not right to point fingers because you don't understand someone's queerness.
we should not be putting so much vitriol and anger into things that are excluding people from parts of the queer community. this is TERF behaviour, and we really don't need it.
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