#bitalos anime/manga ranking
fivehundredsporks · 1 year
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Part 2 of my Anime/Manga Ranking!!
The Blorbos
This second tier are for my favourites that don't quite cross the line to be my absolute favourites! (there is a pretty big gap between those) also I've covered a lot of the Manga in this one with their anime counterparts in the first one so I'll just skip those!
Black Lagoon (Anime + Manga)
Now, it's been many years since I have watched/read Black Lagoon, but it's always stuck with me because of how overthetop it is, we have Nun's with Gun's, The Soviet Military, Killer Children and a Maid Assassin (also iirc Nazi's at some point??) Besides that it's quite a dark show with a lot of action, I don't think it's going to be for everyone though still I'd recommend it!
Boy Meets Maria (Anime + Manga)
Again, another LGBTQ+ Manga that features great representation for Trans/Nonbinary people! It does a really good job showing what it's like experiencing gender dysphoria as a teenager, It's an amazing piece of representation that I'd highly recommend people check out!
Avatar The Last Airbender (Anime)
Just go watch this, seriously. It's got such an amazing story with an amazing cast of characters. Absolutely love the "corruption" or degradation we see with Azula, the "redemption" arc we see with Zuko and also Katara becoming an absolute powerhouse with Waterbending, seeing these characters go through these journeys is so rewarding, highly recommend watching!
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Anime + Manga)
Now I wouldn't say that I'm the biggest JoJo fan out there, the main reason it's actually on this list is because of the 2 parts that I absolutely love! That being Stardust Crusaders and Stone Ocean. Both featuring my favourite settings, stands and characters so far out of the series! (Jolyne is my fav JoJo btw, her theme is so fucking good!!!)
Burn The Witch (Anime + Manga)
So far we've only got the one volume of Burn The Witch, but already it's great! Set in the same universe as Bleach but taking place in a completely different location, with different characters and powers. It really fleshes the world out more while also making it feel connected in some ways, also it adds dragons to the universe?? automatic fav. can't wait to see more come out from this!!!!!
Blue Exorcist (Anime + Manga)
Again, another series that needs the Brotherhood treatment!!! the manga is still ongoing!!! we need to restart the series!!!!! (ik its getting a new season soon but we need to reboot her!!) Absolutely love Blue Exorcist, one of the first anime's I ever watched besides Bleach! very nostalgic for me and Rin is my son, I am still Yukio's number one hater, if he has no haters, then I'm dead.
Demon Slayer (Anime + Manga)
Got into Demon Slayer around the time the second season started premiering! I saw a bunch of people reacting to it on YouTube/TikTok and thought I'd be into it, turns out I was! I really loved the style and animations ofc, but again, the characters are what stood out to me the most (with Shinobu being my fav, and her fight with Doma being my favourite fight) also just the humanisation of the demons, showing that they themselves are also victims.
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fivehundredsporks · 1 year
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Here is my finished list!!!
I'm gonna talk about each tier/entry individually just to go over why I like/love them (also our favs are gonna be diff and if yours aren't on here don't bust a nut or anything)
Constantly Rotating in My Mind:
so this tier is for my absolute favourites, they've pretty much become part of me at this point and I think about them non-stop, starting with;
Bleach (Anime + Manga)
So, where the fuck do I even begin with this one lmfao, Bleach is honestly my top favourite piece of media, ever, to me. everything about this just clicked with me, from the art style to the fights, the music but those aren't what made Bleach my favourite, sure they helped but it wasn't what sold me. What sold me was the characters, from the protagonist Ichigo, to the supporting characters and villains It's the characters in Bleach that always just stood out for me the most and made me love the series, especially their arcs! with Byakuya's probably having my favourite arc, besides Ichigo (but tbh I'm biased with him since he's my fav character) They all just have such believable motivations, goals and relationships. (also quick side note but I'm sick of the Orihime slander y'all better put some respect on her name, just because she got with Ichigo over Rukia and also just because of the anime's adaptation of her.)
Trigun ('98 Anime)
Trigun is honestly a recent addition to the list! I only actually watched it in January this year! But it quickly made list because I found it to be so compelling, it's got it's comedic moments for sure with Vash, Meryl and Millie but its also got such tragedy and sadness in it with not only Vash and Knives relationship (which isn't as explored in '98 as Maximum and Stampede, although you could say that about alot of '98's adaptation) but also with Vash's struggle when he eventually ends up taking a persons life, his relationship with this parental figure, Rem and his best(boy)friend Wolfwood. To the setting! it all just spoke to me and It's quickly ended up becoming my second favourite!
Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime + Manga)
If I had to describe the JJK manga in just one sentence It'd probably be along the lines of "It's so over, we're so back, its over) It's got a lot of peaks and valleys, and I don't mean that in a negative way of it being bad, but in it's triumphant moments and then being cast back down into despair (recent chapters being an example lol) But like Bleach, what I find really compelling about JJK is it's characters! It also has some of the best written characters in an anime, especially its villains! I really like the writing behind them, especially Suguru Geto's corruption into a villain! But also just how messed up the Jujutsu sorcery world and how insane you actually have to be a part of it.
Hellsing (Anime + Manga)
I'll keep this one short, Its Vampire Nazi's vs Dracula, with some badass female characters and music, also its gory as shit 10/10.
My Love Mix-up! (Manga)
This is the first BL manga that I've actually ever read! As someone who has grown up with just a general lack of LGBTQ characters and romance in their media, to find that their is an entire genre of manga for it was really eye-opening! I ended up becoming really invested in the "will they wont they" kind of relationship going on between the 2 MC's for the first few volumes, especially Kōsuke Ida, him navigating that, first of all what does it mean to "like" someone when you've never romantically interested in someone before, but then when that person is same sex. spoke to my own personal experiences growing up. It's what made me like the manga so much, also it's comedic moments! It's actually a very funny manga, especially the side couple.
Full Metal Alchemist (Anime + Manga)
FMA has one of the best stories I've ever seen in an anime/manga, the way it's so inter-connected and all the threads of plot/characters are so weaved together are! so! good! The characters and their arc's! Scar being a prime example of this! (I'm really struggling to articulate why I love this show so much lmao, look I really just love it do I have to justify everything??)
Blue Flag (Manga)
This is a LGBTQ+ story, that I'd actually recommend you just go and read it for yourself! I don't really wanna spoil anything, and if I talk about this manga I will!! just go read it now!!!!! (side note I can't believe the series got cancelled??!!!! like???!!! because of that we really got to miss out on a relationship between 2 characters!!!! and even though they get married at the end!!!!! It's still kinda vague!!!!!)
Chainsawman (Anime + Manga)
Again, one of the thing's that made me absolutely love Chainsawman is the characters, but most of all it's their motivations, and how "human" they are. and by that I mean just so, normal. Which is a weird thing to say, but when the norm for Shonen MC's is that they wanna fight and kill god, having one whose main goal is 1, Touch Boobs, get a girlfriend and have sex, it's really refreshing. It just paint's what a "normal" kid that Denji and the juxtaposition that is towards Aki, whose goal is to kill the Gun Devil. That kind of character writing is a what really drew me into the manga and made me love it. (ALSO I'm vastly oversimplifying thing's bc I don't really wanna spoil so that's just the gist of it) Also like the Found Family of Denji, Aki and Power. But I'm just a sucker for that trope!
I Think Our Son Is Gay (Manga)
This is some REALLY good positive LGBTQ representation, not just from the "MC" of the story Hiroki and him navigating being LGBTQ but from his mother's perspective as she tries be supportive/encouraging of him but also learning about what it means to be LGBTQ and what they face/go through. It's really heart-warming and sweet! I do want to throttle the dad sometimes though, I get that he's (supposed) to be learning and challenging his own bias' but if he upsets Hiroki again he will be catching these hands.
Our Dreams at Dusk (Manga)
Another LGBTQ+ story that I would highly recommend that you just go and read for yourself, It's in my opinion very powerful in it's depictions of the different LGBTQ identities covered in the story, and the struggles they face at the ages that they do! HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this one (I believe the author is putting a new series out soon but I need to check up on that)
Castlevania (Anime)
This. Fucking. Series. It's got some absolutely amazing art and animation work on it, that just gets better and better with each subsequent season! Just like the characters! Not only are they just amazingly written with such depth, but their arc's and development are just some of the best in fiction.
Golden Kamuy (Anime + Manga)
Honestly, this is probably the Gayest Anime i've ever watched, without it actually being gay. But also it's probably the funniest anime I've ever watched, I've never laughed as much at something as I have watching this. It's also got a great story with a great kinda Sibling relationship between Sugimoto and Asirpa, and poor Tanigaki, literally the bara comedy relief of the show (Also I believe the author compared the characters dick sizes at one point? its crazy, in a good way.) I'd highly recommend!
Soul Eater (Anime)
Such a unique premise, Death himself runs a school that teaches people, regular school stuff, but also how to fight. Also some of the students can turn into weapons that the other students wield. And the moon has a face. So naturally its very good (also in a roundabout way its the sequel to Fire Force) HOWEVER The manga wasn't done when the series so I'm petitioning for a Soul Eater: Brotherhood so we get the full story!
Mob Psycho 100 (Anime + Manga)
One of my favourite aspects of this show is how it shows that nobody is too far gone, that nobody is beyond redemption and growth as person. It's a message I think a lot of people really need to hear, You can just decide to be a better person and leave the past behind you, while still learning from it. And all it takes is a Middle Schooler beating the shit out of you and calling you lame. (Also WaWa, I'm constantly rotating him in my mind)
given (Anime + Manga)
Pain. just, pain. I really like how the anime (and manga) handle the topics of grief, lose, love and toxicity. But also how to move on from that, how to process it and the importance of knowing how to communicate. It really makes for a beautiful if not incredibly sad story. (also fuck you Kaji, you know what you did.)
Sasaki and Miyano (Anime + Manga)
On the opposite side of the spectrum from given, we get Sasaki and Miyano! It's really just pure fucking fluff. It's a sweet slow-burn love story, that'd I'd really recommend if you like that kind of thing, also the fucking end music slaps.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime + Manga)
Ooooh boy. NGE Is an anime that I think everyone takes something different from. whether it's the themes and messages it's trying to convey to the audience, or it's cool visuals or fights. It's got something for everyone. For me it's the message of self-love and acceptance it's conveying to the watcher through the eyes of Shinji, that we all have value and a place in the world, that it's okay for us to be here. But also it's message that escapism isn't a good thing, that we need to face our problems head on instead of hiding away from them. And then the Rebuilds building upon this and giving us even more! I'd highly recommend watching!! Just be a good mental head space lol.
Castle in the Sky (Anime)
The first Ghibli film I ever watched!!! Absolutely fell in love with the art style and animation ever since!
Howls Moving Castle (Anime)
Honestly, same with Castle in the Sky! second Ghibli film I ever watched and fell in love! such gorgeous visuals! and a beautiful story! one of my favourite films of all time!
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