adsagsona · 6 years
The sleek silver Audi R8 cruised along the winding backroads, its driver frustrated that he couldn’t get home sooner and was stuck here rather than on te broad lanes of the freeway where was supposed to be. The supplier where he had an appointment had given him an adress which was so far away from everything Jared remotely knew that he had just put on his GPS. And now he was stuck here.
When the engine started to halt, Jared groaned softly. Not wanting to do permanent damage to his vehicle, he managed to get it to the side of the road near a small town where probably nobody had even seen an R8 from closeby. “Fuck...” The businessman muttered, calling a towtruck which could take several hours to get there. He glanced at a bar where he could clearly see the sign... he could really use a stiff drink right now.
It was past ten and there didn’t seem to be a soul out on the streets. Taking his suit jacket out of the car, he went into the bar and found a seat in a booth, to order a glass of wine.
@bittenchildremus @fireofmanyhearts
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scarreddreams · 6 years
Charlie stretched and shook out his limbs as he looked around him. Rarely did he manage to slip through the cracks and make it up this far, and he was interested to see what had changed in the centuries.
Already he could see some changes. Taller buildings, fast-moving transportation. He tucked his wings tight against his back, keeping them hidden as he lingered among the crowds, eyes moving as he hunted for the lost sheep, the ones that would need just a nudge or two in order to cause some true chaos.
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cordemaris · 6 years
send a heart if you wanna ship with my muse _**&**_ accepting .> BIHHHH U KNOW I ALWAYS LOVE SHIPPING W U
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saturninebravery · 7 years
  Although his long-crippled, notorious reputation had been gloriously restored by the very object of his entire life mission, it was not without some irreversible damage; it had been lurking beneath muddy waters for so long that it would surely never gleam and dazzle like a polished prize, doomed to be stained by the crimes of his dubious past.
Better dead than a prisoner, was now his motto. Be it literally, as he was long due an Azkaban sentence despite his redeemer’s best efforts to clear him, or figuratively - chained to the pedestal of said infallible redeemer and the sheer pity that was to come with the exposure of his ‘better’ part. Severus Snape was not ready, nor would he ever be, to face a life he hadn’t earnt, and planned for. His death was to be the end of his suffering atonement, to crown his life mission and grant him respite. To go back to dust, slipping into the oblivion whence he came. His entire life purpose had slipped from his fingers twice before: upon realising the boy had been raised to be naught but a sacrificial lamb, and when the lamb had finally defeated the greatest evil against all odds. Severus himself had been expendable, and had exhausted his purpose.
So what was he still doing, roaming this cruel earth?
Finding a new purpose, perhaps.
Elias Prince released a light hiss from under his battered hat as he stepped on the train in King’s Cross, his gut twisting in anger that the tenuous new lead he laboured so hard to obtain had amounted to nothing. Hiding in plain sight had always been his strong suit so he had effortlessly waded the capital’s secret pathways, plunging between the parallel Muggle and Wizarding worlds like a shade in the shadow. He could have been spotted, and he knew the dangers; but he was always painstakingly careful to keep his interactions with the Wizarding world to a minimum. Anonymously donating rare and extremely laborious medicinal potions to St Mungo’s, purchasing smuggled magical creature feed and assassinating former supporters of the Dark Lord were his only exceptions. Despite what he told himself, truth was that he was not ready to face any of the people from his past. Ever. Again.
So it was with a plunge into an abyss of sheer panic that his heart greeted the figure of the man sat right across him, fortuitously asleep. It was unmistakeable, and as much as he wished it was a hallucination conjured by his mind, finally unhinged, the ravings of a paranoid ex-spy, there could be no doubt as to who he was. A man he hadn’t seen for three years - not since that humiliating night he’d attempted to save him, accidentally disfiguring the Weasley boy. He gritted his teeth, sucking in a breath as he regarded the ghost from his past through narrowed obsidian slits, and a flood of memories and tempestuous feelings stormed his constricted, helpless chest. He should have been relieved to see him alive and well, caught in his old habits. But despite his stony composure he felt sick, and he knew he needed to leave: no matter how meticulous his Muggle disguise and the fact that he was dead to the entire world, Lupin had known him well and for long enough to raise suspicions. He quickly glanced at his ticket: the reservation was printed in stark blank ink, mocking him. The train had begun to fill at an alarming rate as the air horn outside blared to signal the imminent departure, commuters duly taking their allocated seats. The doors closed with an unforgiving whoosh, and the platform started moving slowly as the train inexorably undocked. He was trapped. Well and truly trapped. He begrudgingly took his seat with a whispered profanity as a grumpy old man rebuked him for blocking the passageway, and cast a shadow upon his eyes with the brim of his hat before hiding behind a copy of the Evening Standard. He found himself bitterly praying to every deity in the pantheon his former colleague wouldn’t awaken, and, god forbid, recognise him. 
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roleplay-salt · 6 years
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“Shoutout to @bittenchildremus! I haven't written with your main muse, but I have written with your Thes. And you're so nice. I love getting to know you and your muse in his different verses. You're willing to experiment and it's so much fun.“
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adsagsona · 6 years
Remus had walked into a Jared’ dark and silent. “Jared?” For a while, he didn’t hear anything until he felt something, though it was going all too fast to act upon it. Pinned against the wall - Remus’ breathing got instantly a bit heavier and his heart was beating quicker.
It took him a moment, a long moment, to realise what he was doing. One moment he had been asleep and the next he was pressing Remus to the wall, hissing at him, his teeth bared. Blinking, he stepped away as quickly as possible. “I told you... I specifically told you to stay away until sunset!” The vampire breathed harshly. “I could have killed you.”
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scarreddreams · 7 years
@bittenchildremus XX
“Bloody hell… What are you telling me not move for - it hurts okay… Really bad…” He muttered and groaned in agony. The wound on his side was very deep and he did try to stay still but it burned. “Make it stop…” Remus wasn’t one to ask for the pain to end - he was a werewolf, the pain was part of being what he was - but this was worse.
“That’s why I’m telling you not to move! I don’t want you to make it worse.” He knelt beside Remus, moving his shirt to try and examine the wound. “My healing magic’s not the best... but I can at least stop the bleeding.” He pulled out his wand, muttering spells lowly over the damaged skin.
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cordemaris · 7 years
"I love how you look at me when you're turned on." (sexual sentences)
**_sexual sentences && accepting_**![image](https://78.media.tumblr.com/dbeaaa36a7411f23c47fb3aa9397c58f/tumblr_inline_p66bo1hIu31v2j3oy_540.gif)    “It’s the way you make me feel,” he replies with half a shrug and a smile on his face. His hand creeps forward over the table and takes a hold of Remus’, giving a light squeeze as he winks. “Are you planning on doing something about it? Or shall I just keep looking at you like this?”
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saturninebravery · 7 years
  It was an mid-Autumn day like many others, an endless string of hours blending into one, drab eternity beneath a dull leaden sky. A day within a succession of uneventful weeks until All Hallows’ Eve, the cusp of Winter-nights that marked the beginning of the Wild Hunt. He used to enjoy the season of chestnuts and warm maroon strokes, just like he used to enjoy the idea of being a Hogwarts student. Now it was just about getting through another day without taking another dent in his pride and dignity. If he was lucky, he could spend it in peaceful solitude since most students were out enjoying themselves in Hogsmeade. Lily ... she would be there. Laughing, cheering, drinking Butterbeer, being her charming, sweet self, effortlessly making people around her adore her. He fought back a spiking ache in his chest.
There was someone else in his favourite corner spot in the library, and Severus felt his face contort into an annoyed sneer. His annoyance then turned to dread, and his heart skipped a beat before sinking into a pit within his chest when the occupant revealed himself as Remus Lupin sans entourage. He was alone, at least - Snivellus had to count his blessings - the missing puzzle piece of that ridiculous quartet of idiots. He had briefly feared they’d all be there, since they did occasionally violate the sacred sanctuary of the library like the herd of beasts they were; Merlin knew just what they got up to in the Restricted Section. Their conspicuous absence from Lupin’s side prompted a suspicious frown on the boy’s sallow brow.
He’d at some point that year come to a realisation, at last. He resented Remus Lupin the most out of that dastardly lot, because he related to him the most. Remus Lupin shared the same tragic, pathetic quality and quiet composure that made Severus a target for bored bullies. And yet the other had been sorted into the Gryffindor, and that seemed to have made all the difference. His fingers itched to unfurl in a hex, hand palming the cool shaft of the wand he kept in his sleeve. For the longest ticking of seconds he considered it. He could do it swiftly, discreetly and effectively; exact a modicum of revenge and face no consequences, as he was still unseen.
But he didn’t. He chose to ignore him instead. With a suffering sigh he crossed the aisle and took a seat on the furthest bench, away from any light and facing door in case the gang decided to come fetch their comrade. He couldn’t afford to have his back on them. Any of them.
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vervainandwolfsbane · 7 years
Sirius has been arrested for the murder of James and Lily Potter, Remus lost all of his friends in one go and Regulus has no idea how to help his brother without being arrested himself. (for Fenrir, Jason and Toby) (srblacknoir)
Jason was sat in the bar, it felt like there were people everywhere. Friends, or even family in fact but he was alone. It was like that moment everyone was offering drinks and food to him and Regulus both of which sat in the same booth completely at a loss. He knew it couldn’t be true, Sirius murdering or leading someone to his best friend wasn’t a thing. The man just wouldn’t do that. Remus was upstairs away from it all, it was where Fenrir had said to go because the commotion was too much for them all to be there. In fact he’d tried to get them all up there in the quiet it was just Jason couldn’t move. Knees up to his chin like a small child having lost their mum in the supermarket. 
Toby was at a loss, he didn’t know what to do or how to help. Outside in the cold smoking his fifteenth cigarette of the hour. Chain smoking to try and at least calm himself down and because really he didn’t know what else to do. The second they got news it was like the world crashed. All he wanted was to hug Regulus and tell him it’s okay but it wasn’t. He couldn’t even look at him right now because it broke him just knowing he couldn’t help. 
Fenrir was cleaning, he’d been cleaning the bar for the last hour just polishing the same spot looking at the door to the stairs. Should he go up, should he just hold Remus? 
“He didn’t do it...if I hear another one of you doubt that I will fucking kill you myself...all of you have no fucking idea how much he loved them.” Jason was standing now, his face filled with rage. “Do you doubt it? What because he’s a Black he’s just a closet death eater? You..” Looking at Regulus now. “You fucking killed didn’t you, you were one of them...you deserve to go there not Sirius...never he never wanted to be that, no matter how much you family pushed him...fucking filthy ass muggle hating family. But you did, for love or whatever I bet you slaughtered innocent witches and wizards.” Looking and growling his words at Regulus now. 
In that moment Toby had come in, hearing that he marched straight up to Jason wand in his hand pinning the man against the bar with eyes of fury. “You fucking what? You say another thing to him and you’ll be eating your meals from a bloody straw forever...how dare you fucking say that? It’s his brother for fucks sake...” Jason was just glaring at Toby, he was angry about everything. He just lost the love of his life forever. Then the anger changed to something else like all the emotions crashed down in front of him and tears streamed. “I can’t...I...he...their dead and he’s...”
Fenrir was over there grabbing Toby’s wand arm and pulling them apart. “Not today...Remus is upstairs he’s had everyone taken from him. He’s not down here threatening to kill...Jason please just go up...be with him. Toby...Reg needs you...he needs someone to just...” 
Shaking himself off he scowled at Jason before going over and just wrapping Regulus in his arms. Kissing his forehead. “Please nothing stupid...I need you okay? Promise me...I’ve always got you but you gotta promise me no heroics...”
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thegreatworkofmagic · 7 years
Note from Sirius
My muse has died. Send‘note’ for a goodbye letter my muse wrote to yours as a precaution, in casesomething, like it has, should happen
Dear Remus,
It’s strange, writingthis letter to you now. Not knowing what the future will bring. But when youread this, I will have passed away.
Words cannot describehow much you and your friendship have meant to me. You are the family I chose.Don’t ever forget that. I wish you every bit of happiness happiness and luck inlife. Take risks every now and then (think about that, do things that I woulddo).
Harry Potter is heir to my worldly possesions. Please help him with this, if you can. I wouldappreciate it if you could keep an eye on the lad for me, now that I can nolonger do that. If there’s anything of mine you’d like to keep to remember me by, justask him.
I am going to missyou, Moony. But know that I will be watching over you with Lily and Prongs.
Sirius Black
Padfoot was scribbledin the corner, along with a paw print made with the same ink.
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siiriusblxck · 7 years
Five times kissed
send me five times kissed for a drabble about five times our muses kissed.
The first time Sirius allowed himself to kiss Remus was insecond year, when he and James had figured out the other boy’s furry little secret. He’d held Remusclose to him as the boy cried – whether out of relief or sadness, he wasn’tsure – and he kissed the top of his head, his heart racing with all the feelings he had for his friend.
They’d finally cracked it! Sirius and James and Peter hadmanaged to go through with all the painstakingly difficult steps it took tobecome animagi, and Sirius was so excitedthat, upon telling Remus, he simply grabbed him by the collar and kissed himright on the lips.
At a party celebrating another Quidditch Cup win, Siriussauntered over to Remus, who was sitting alone. He draped himself over theother boy’s body with a lazy smile and reached his hand up to play with hisfriend’s hair. After a few short questions, finding out that they were both properly pissed, Sirius leaned up andkissed Remus – a real kiss this time.
Summer break is swiftly approaching and Sirius has realizedhe has all these feelings he’s beenkeeping bottled up. He has to do something,anything, even if Remus won’t ever be able to look at him the same way. Hecan’t help himself. He corners the boy in the dorm and kisses him right on thelips, a lingering kiss with his hands cupping Moony’s face before he takes astep back. “See you in the fall.” He says with a bright grin before hoppingdown the stairs to the Common Room, leaving Remus perplexed.
The Potter’s Wedding. There’s not been time for much, but war and trying to make sureeveryone stays alive. But there’s something about the air at the ceremony thatmakes Sirius’ heart ache, it makes him realize he’s missing something. He drinks a glass of champagne, then another,then four, and he’s over by Remus telling him he loves him, choking on thewords before he decides that sometimes actions speak louder – and their lips aretogether, and he’s holding him close, and everything feels right.
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adsagsona · 7 years
Remus was sitting on the bed - the night only passed 2 hours and he could feel his sickness coming through and he coughed for a bit. “Uuuh - it was going so well…” He muttered and soon he felt Jared’ hands on his shoulders. It’s been a week or two that he was sure that Jared was a vampire and still - no moment had passed that he was afraid of the other. “That feels good…” He placed his hand over one of Jared’
Jared had found Remus the first moment he could hear he was in trouble. “Easy there, my darling.” He murmured softly as the hand that wasn’t held into place by Remus caressed over the other’s back. He had not wanted to alert Remus to his sickness more and had been glad when he hadn’t heard a cough in a while but now it seemed to return with full force. “I could... help you out a little, if you are willing to try.” The vampire offered. “I can not do it often, but a sip of my blood would make you stronger.”
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scarreddreams · 7 years
bittenchildremus replied to your post: And now for headache: day 3
I hope not :(
well the light sensitivity’s hit, so let’s pray the tylenol kicks in before it gets worse
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@bittenchildremus continued from here:
Regulus sat with that for a moment, considering it. He had never actually thought of it that way, but Lupin had a point. Regulus had been cut off from the rest of the world his entire life. Before Hogwarts the only real friends he’d had were a house elf and his brother, and perhaps his cousin Narcissa. His other relatives were all so much older than him, and the only times he interacted with children his age were when his parents arranged it with other pureblood families. Even these visits were more.... strategic than simple playdates. He knew nothing of the world outside his walls.
“I suppose I never considered it.” He conceded. “I don’t see myself as particularly intimidating. But... you have a fair point.” It wasn’t as if Regulus even knew Lupin well enough to say hello, and he saw him often enough. He was disconnected from his schoolmates. “My brother didn’t seem to have so much trouble when he got to school, although I suppose I’m not meant to follow him as an example.”
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dionadaiir-a · 7 years
@bittenchildremus ~ Remus
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Seventh year would be a breeze compared to sixth year. Eden was looking forward to a quiet year, and perhaps -- if it should happen  -- time to really practice piano a bit more. He wondered if he could convince Dumbledore to allow him to convert one of the unused classrooms into a music room. He was sure some of the students would appreciate it. 
Currently, he sat in the empty compartment on the Hogswart express. His brand new Gibson Hummingbird snuggled into his lap. His fingers plucked the metal strings and he smiled when the compartment filled with calming music. 
He didn’t even mind the compartment door was open. The sound of his playing echoed into the hallway. It was a usual sound if those whom knew him. He was never without his guitar. He hummed a tune as the tempo quickened. 
He was about to sing when he caught a glimpse of Remus in the distance. He grinned. 
“ Oy, Remus! Ye need a place tae sit, mate? C’mere, ah got plenty of room!” 
He didn’t mind sharing his compartment with the Marauders, perhaps he and Sirius could swap records. 
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