Happy Sapphic September, have a Bixcinta snippet!
“You came to Ferrix to kill Cassian, didn’t you?”
Cinta looks up from her vigil at the window, startled by Bix's sudden appearance in the doorway, but makes no attempt to deny it.
“Why?” Bix holds her gaze with a quiet intensity, but there is no trace of accusation in her voice. Deep, dark circles beneath her eyes betray her lack of sleep in the hours since she said she was going to bed.
“He knew too much.” Cinta watches her warily, but Bix merely nods, appearing unsurprised.
“And if it were me?” Bix asks. She takes an urgent step forward, the words tumbling faster and faster. “If I were captured, knowing what I do now, and all you could do for me was a blaster shot? Would you do it?”
“Yes.” Cinta answers without hesitation. The truth of it calms her, even as she waits uncertainly for Bix’s reaction.
“Promise me.” Bix’s voice is fiercer than Cinta has ever heard it as she crosses the room and takes both of Cinta’s hands in hers. “Promise me you won’t let me go back. Promise me you would kill me first.”
“I promise.”
“If I went back there— I couldn't— I won't—”
“Bix.” Cinta lets go of one of her hands to cup her cheek. “I promise.”
Bix searches Cinta’s expression for a long moment, eyes scanning her face in darting movements, before she finally calms at the honesty written there. She closes her eyes, letting her head rest on Cinta’s shoulder as Cinta runs a hand through her hair, gazing over the top of her head to continue watching the street below.
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starwarstoxicfemslash · 8 months
bixcinta time! SOMEONE has to do bix's intake meeting when she gets to the alliance. it might as well be the woman who watched over her hometown, aware of her capture but unwilling to step in, because stepping in would jeopardize her plans. cinta can only hope bix doesn't hold that against her
she'd much rather bix hold OTHER things against her amirite?
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going insane thinking about cinta and bix again
cinta is deeply committed to the rebellion and sets aside everything for the cause, including her own life and personal relationships. bix tries hard to live a stable, normal life despite her part-time rebel activities, and cares deeply about the people and relationships in her life, sometimes at the expense of the broader rebellion.
cinta lost her entire family, so she has committed her life to destroying the people who destroyed hers. bix lost her entire family, so she is committed to protecting the people she still has left.
cinta shuts down all fear so hard it appears she doesn’t even feel it anymore. bix feels her fear fully and shows it plainly on her face, but takes the brave path anyway.
but cinta is a medic, too— someone who must care for an individual in front of them with precision and gentleness even if chaos rages outside. and bix is a warrior— even when hopelessly cornered, she never backs down or gives in, always going down fighting.
and ultimately, they’re both rebels, each in their own way. they’re fighting the same fight, even if they haven’t recognized it yet. they’re opposites in many ways, yet each tinged with a bit of the other. they each have steel inside them, but they show it so differently. could you even call them foils? I think so.
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e-the-village-cryptid · 5 months
the thing about bixcinta is. i know you. you don't know me. i'm not watching you when i'm watching you but i will remember nonetheless. we've been orbiting the same center for years and never knew it. we hadn't even been on the same planet. we were always fated to meet. we'll meet again, in different circumstances, through a different strand of this interwoven network. what will you think of me? i don't care what you think of me. i could have done something. why would i have done anything? i watched.
i don't know you. you know me. you're bad at hiding it, the way you watch when you don't think i'm looking. i've heard the whispers. ruthless, fearless. they took everything from you. they took everything from me. i want to be fearless, ruthless. will you show me how?
i know you. i know you in memories decrypted. your face hardens day by day and only now do i see when it was open with heartbreak, with worry, with pride, with grief, never for you, never for yourself. i want to learn before you lose it. will you show me how?
i know you. i know you in eyes unblinking, in their flashes of remorse but never regret, of care but never pity. only you could know me without flinching. i could know you, unafraid, if only you allowed it.
will you take my hand?
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I want to see bix and cinta cross paths so bad. they each have something to share that the other really needs to hear and I think it would be such an interesting dynamic.
it would make sense when everyone is regrouping at gangi moon for someone to ask cinta “hey so we know you’re probably heading out to do more rebellion stuff soon but you’re the only medic around and bix desperately needs some medical attention could you please help”
so then cinta and bix wind up spending some time together and it really starts to sink in for cinta what the empire does to people, not just on the broad scale she focuses on, but on a very personal level. she hears from bix about just how many people she has lost to imperial tyranny and so cinta starts to think a bit more about treasuring those relationships she still has, that the whole reason she is fighting this fight is so that people— individual, human people— can live freer and better lives. cinta starts catching glimpses of that ferrix culture that is so deeply ingrained in bix— that no matter what, you look out for your people, you care for them, you live as a community and you have your neighbor’s back— and it moves something in her. she starts to hold on a bit tighter to vel and others she loves, and see the rebellion in terms of humanity and not merely war.
meanwhile, as bix begins to heal, she draws on cinta’s strength, fearlessness, and conviction. she begins to see in cinta’s hardness a means to protect herself, and starts to emulate it to some extent. she feels for the first time a desire to fight the empire head-on, to become a true rebel. she sees the way that cinta can simply place her fear to the side and move on without it, and she admires it— some days, she sees learning to do that as the only way she could move forward. she gains back a sense of agency, she believes for the first time that she really could deal blows against the empire, and she wants to fight to take back ferrix from imperial control and return to her home. when she has healed enough, she joins the rebellion in full to do just that.
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