raivennxi · 3 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
Even Wen U Don't Wanna.
Show Up. Show Out.
Alot of things , good things have been happening. I am beyond humbled and Blessed at the Benefits that keep popping Up in My Life. My Hard Work is paying off. It's been a long time coming.
I am so proud of Myself and The things that are unfolding in My Life.
That Being Sed.... there are days, and Moments that things just dont thing, or thing wayyy too much. Today was one of Dem Days.
I wanted to go run and Hide and lick my wounds. I wanted to just run n Divacave it, until I felt I can face outside again. I wanted to just cease. I know I am not the only one privy to these feelings.
We gotta keep Going. We gotta keep showing Up even wen everything inside us wants to collapse and just don't do anything.
Dig,Down. Push on. U know the Mantra. Use it. I know U don't want to but do it anyway.
This passes. It Will.
I promise.
Keep Pushin Through.
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raivennxi · 1 month
Thoughts 4 2Day
U get Wat U Want....
By making spaces and room for it..Picture it. See it.
Smell it.
Keep it in Ur View.
Surround Yourself with The Life U want....
Build It. It will Come.
We Become What We See and Do daily.
U R so close to it..
The Things That r Urs U Never have to Beg for....U just Have to Be Ready to Live it.
Get Ur House in Order!
It's a Comin🥰
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raivennxi · 1 month
Thoughts 4 2Day
Hiya Buhbies 💋
Not much to say tonight. Just wanted to check in On My Buhbies and give them a spot of Love,today. Hope Ur Saturdays went Splendidly.Hope U all were able to relax and Unwind a Bit.
Hope U got some good Food and Fun in Ur Life.
As for Me...I'm cooking,cleaning, making Dindin, Having a mini dance party in my Kitchen, and Rocking Out to great Music. Happy #MommaDiva💋 in Her Element 😅.Big Fun...Always. Try and enjoi the rest of the Wonderous Weekend. Love U all So Much🖤
Have a great night, My Loves.
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raivennxi · 3 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
At the Heart of It.
Went n got My Heart checked today. With all the pain, Heartaches,Heartbreaks, Heartburn, My poor Tickerbox has gone through.... There She was, just a pumpin away, doing Her Job.
I took a minute to Thank Her and to Be thankful to Her and the conglomerate of other Body parts that Function so well,despite My absolute disdain and ill treated, concofphony of mistreeatment I bestow upon myself, from time to time.
Y r we so mean to Our Bodies?
Is it because We think We R invincible or Do We just dont understand Self Kindness?
I have been working on Treating Me nicer.
It's not something I am Used to. I am getting Better at it.
Just wanted to thank all the Parts for Workin in Tandem all these Years.
I Love U, Body.
I Love U Parts.
I will B Nicer to U all.
I Promise.
Thanks Again🖤
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raivennxi · 6 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
Policy of Trufe
Are U True?
R U genuine?Are U who U say U r, or so U just drawn that way,and Play that part on TV?
U know wen everyone is watching U, Perform. Wen the curtains come down and the performance is through, is it Just U or are U a Copy of A Copy of A Copy? R U Real? How Wud U know? Wud U care if U weren’t. Wud It matter?Wud U fix it if U weren’t or wud continue to play the Poppet, or Puppet.(Which ever one U prefer.)
Aim to be real. Aim to be true. Aim to be real. In a world all so eager to Be A Copy and Copied. Be Tru.
It’s alot easier than U think.
Be Urself. Find out who U R. And Be the best Versions of That Person. Love You Buhbies 🥰🥰🥰
# MommaDiva💋
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raivennxi · 4 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
Tired of Ur Tired
U ever have one of those days that no matter wat U had planned, U r just to exhausted to do anything. U try Ur best to get anything done, but Ur just tired. Ur not sure Why, Ur not sure How come, all U know is that U r Hella tired and U wish it would stop. I cud say power through and Push through. I cud say hunker down and get it done anyway. I cud say alot of those things-Today However....I am just tired. I need a good nap and probably a Hug or 3. It's just one of Them days. I'll be ok. I really will-but today Im just tired. And that's ok.
Love U Guys.
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raivennxi · 4 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
Another One in the Books!
We got through another,week, Another,Month. Woohoo.
We did it!
How yall doin out there My Beautiful Buhbies?
Y'all eat today?
Got that project done this week? Got weekend plans?
Watever U did I know U did a great Job. Another Weekend is Here.
Get Ur relax on. Spend ti.e W Family. Eat that great Meal. Enjoy Urself. Even though it was a Nutty week, it's over. Shake it all off and just Be- even for just a little while. U did it. U made it through.
I'm Thankful for U and Proud of U. Huzzah!!!
Congratulate Urself.
U r amazing.
Enjoy Ur Weekend.
Love U All🥰
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raivennxi · 5 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
Do U know how Unique n Special U R? There is NO ONE like U on the planet. Earth's moved and Planets shook to come up with the amazing possibility that made U. Doesn't that just make U feel amazing. Exact Moments and miracles had to happen for all the right things to happen for U to even be created. Don't ever let someone tell You that U r a mistake. That is an impossibility.
U are a walking, personal Miracle. Billions of things had to come together at the right Moment to give U this Amazing thing U have called Life. It took 4094 people 12 generation back to make U.
That is Mind Boggling!!
We may not always feel Miraculous, but Oh But My Beloved Buhbies, U R and U always will Be.
Never, Ever forget that.
U ain't Born Typical.
U r Dynamic and Outstanding. Never 4get that.
#MommaDiva 💋
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raivennxi · 5 months
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raivennxi · 5 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
Oh How I Love Spring. The Brand New. That Fresh smell in the air. The Rebirth of it all. I have always Loved Spring. The Fact that I’m an April Baby,Im sure adds to the experience of Spring and all it’s Springing. Watching the flowers re-emerge and the Trees Re Leafing always made Me happy and Hopeful. Where there is Life there is Hope, and With Hope Comes New Chances and Challenges. The idea of That Option for the New,always made me Optimistic for Life and It’s possibilities. Yay.
Life is what We make it.
It’s the only one We get.… so make sure U give it all U got.
I know You can Make it Amazing. Love U Buhbies. Get to it.
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raivennxi · 6 months
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raivennxi · 6 months
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raivennxi · 8 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
Wat to do. Tryna find Ur inspiration to keep U going. Sometimes U just don’t wanna. U don’t feel up to pushing Urself all the time. U just feel like coasting by.
Everything feels just too hard and too pointless. Where do U find the extra push to keep going. U can find it in things that inspire U. U find it in Ur friends. U can take a moment refresh Urself and just keep going. I know it is easier said than done. You already know what U know to do. Just keep going. Ul find Ur spark.
Big Hugs.
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raivennxi · 9 months
Thoughts 4 2Day
We get out whatcha put in.
I wud love to believe that. However,that isn't always the case. Sometimes U get downright nothing back(right away.)Sometimes You get way more than U expected. Life is funny that way. U Give Good Energy with Ur intent meant for Good; You can't help but Get Ur Benefits back. It may not always Be right away, but U Do get it. Do good things not to receive-Do the good, Becuz It's Good.
We need the Good.
We Need tons of it.
We can Beat The Baddies If We Give Good.
Do it.
Love ya🖤🖤🖤
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raivennxi · 1 year
Thoughts 4 2Day
Mothers Day. This is a hard Day for Some.
Being a Mom has been a Very Interesting Experience for Me.
I take it Very,Very seriously, as One Shud.
I Consider it the Best Thing I had Done with My Life. Motherhood hasn't been easy.
Circumstances and Conditions turned wat was My Very Best thing into something else.
I wouldn't trade it for the World,However There are things I would of done differently.
My Child is and Always will B Amazingness,Personified. Their Happiness is and has always been of Paramount Importance to Me.
Life Is Funny.
U learn.
U Grow.
You keep going.
One Day. We Pray it all makes sense.
Happy Mother's Day.
Hugging all of U.
For those Missing Ur Moms, extra Hugs.
Love U,Guys Deeply.
I guess it's the Mom in Me.
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raivennxi · 1 year
Thoughts 4 2Day
How do U Love a Ferral Cat?
Most wud say U don't.
They r used to the rough n tumble,street life and to try 2 Love them is 2 thankless, time consuming and they Never,Ever will fully trust U.
Call Me a glutton for punishment but I disagree.
Everything deserves Love and being Loved.
Yes U r gonna get bit,bit at and scratched.
Is it worth it?
I wud like to believe so But I'm an idiot,wen it comes to romantical notions.
I'm a Big softee wen it comes to Love and I wear the battle scars that show it.
Everyone and Everything deserves love, Even if U have to Love it from far, far, away. Have Patience,feed it well,show it that it's in safe spaces,and usually they will see that U mean them no harm.
They will come around.
Sometimes they r too used to being treated bad and badly. Say a prayer for them and love them....
Set 'em free . Love them in their free spaces.
Say their name in prayers on the Wind..
That's the best U can do.
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