vankoya · 6 years
for the one sentence thing: "i can't believe you've done this!"
“I can't believe you've done this!”
“Don’t you dare say that when you were loving it 15 minutes ago!”
You glare at your butt-naked fiancé, who is pacing at the end of the bed, and is officially redder in the face than a well-cooked lobster. For emphasis, you wildly gesture to the ridiculous array of blown-up condoms that dangle in bunches from the ceiling by coloured streamers, yelling, “All of these condoms, Seokjin! At least 50 fucking condoms, and you didn’t think to save a single one for us to actually use while we bang?!”
Seokjin suddenly stops as though he has collided with an invisible wall, whirling on his heel. “Hey. Hey! I was thinking about you, okay! I wanted to make you laugh, and I did. You found this fucking hilarious and weirdly romantic!” he protests, crossing his arms. His boner is still raging, pointing directly at your nose, because of course your angry bitch face, paired with your similarly exposed body, is a means for his dick to remain standing.
“Of course I did, because I fucking love you, you idiot!” you hiss, getting up on your knees so that your eyes are almost level with his own, rather than his erect cock. “But what’s the point of turning our bedroom into a condom-themed sex parlour for Valentine’s Day when we don’t even have a spare condom to do the sex with, huh?!”
Seokjin opens his mouth, though slowly closes it, thinking better of arguing your very valid point. His narrowed eyes linger on your own fiery stare for a moment, and then, they begin to flit around the bedroom. Inspecting the bunches of condom-made balloons, searching for one that is potentially small enough to be untied, released of its air, and rolled onto his dick. But before you can sigh and tell him that you will just risk his mediocre pull-out game, which has diminished rather than improved since your university days, Seokjin is exhaling loudly through his nose and exiting the bedroom.
You gape, confused. Inwardly praying that he has remembered some stray, possibly expired condom in his wallet. “And where do you think you’re going?”
“To get a fucking sandwich bag.”
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thelibraryofbts · 6 years
I want to recommend Bad Guy and Only You by SweetBunnyKook. Both are so well written and the angst is 👌🏽.
Fic Rec: Bad Guy by @sweetbunnykook
→ Kim Seokjin / Reader | Series | Mob AU | Angst / Smut / Fluff
→ After a brutal attack in Hong Kong, your marriage with Kim Seokjin cracks as secrets begin to surface and a series of betrayals find their way into the veins of the Hidden Tigers. Although Jin’s devotion endures, in his own definition, the reality of being a mob wife may be too much for you to bear.
Fic Rec: Only You by @sweetbunnykook
→ Jeon Jeongguk / Reader | Series | Photographer AU | Angst / Smut / Fluff
→ Jeon Jungkook, your wedding photographer, helps you escape on your big day upon learning about a secret your groom-to-be kept hidden. You soon fall for this young, passionate photographer. However, you underestimated just how much he was willing to reciprocate that love. Maybe, you think, he’s loving you just a little too much.
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vankoya · 6 years
"that's you singing?!" - drabble for a sentence
“That’s you singing?! Are you sure you’re a siren?!”
The expression on the pirate’s face is not one that you think is… correct. In fact, you would say it is the complete opposite of correct. There is no lovesick glaze about his black coffee eyes. His soft-looking, human mouth does not hang open in awe. He does not near the water’s edge like diaphanous strings are looped around his limbs, luring him closer until you can get your webbed hands around his ankles and yank him in.
If anything, he looks and sounds extremely pissed. Like you have disturbed him while he was in the middle of something very important. You could not even begin to imagine what would be considered very important to a pirate. But what matters is that his lips are pulled up into a displeased, triangle-like pout, and he has a magnificent, glimmering sword drawn in a steady, tan fist.
The silver tip, of which, is pointed right at you.
“S-So you haven’t come to me because you’re…” you trail off, digging your claws into the wet rock that your elbows are propped atop of, tail swishing nervously beneath the sea’s surface. “It isn’t because you’re seduced–”
“Wha– No! God, no! I was coming to tell you to shut up because you’re making my goddamn ears bleed,” the pirate huffs, glaring at you through a mess of chocolate-coloured curls that hang low over his eyes. “Honestly. You need some vocal lessons. Can sirens get vocal lessons? You sound like metal grating on metal.”
“Ugh, not again!” you groan, elbows collapsing beneath you so that you slide almost completely back into the water. Though before you consider swimming away in a humiliated rush, you shift your eyes back to the pirate, batting your lashes with the coyest smile you can muster. “Hey, what are the chances of you coming in here so I can show you off to my parents and prove to them that I can catch a human? I swear I won’t drown you or eat your heart–”
“Hell fucking no!”
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vankoya · 6 years
Made-up fic name: “we were made out of stars” which is inspired by Moby’s song and the theory of the astrophysicist Andreas Burkert. Chose it because I love how it sounds lmao 💗
❝ We Were Made Out of Stars ❞
↪︎ Reincarnation / Gods AU ∙ Angst
Kim Namjoon has been alive for centuries, though he is no immortal. With every new lifetime he experiences, his soul erodes, little by little. Though that is not the part that has him feeling weak at the knees and on the verge of tears. No. It is the fact that she reincarnates with him, and no matter how desperately he tries to avoid her, she stumbles upon him and the strings of their souls inexplicably intertwine every single time.
And, every single time, Namjoon has to watch her die.
But now, the tables have turned. Namjoon knows this is his final lifetime. He can feel it in the marrow of his ancient bones. And that can only mean one thing: this time, she will live. This is their punishment, he knows. But that will not stop him from selfishly making the most of every second he has left.
“You… you remind me of somebody,” she says, lacing her hands on her lap. Namjoon stares at the way she swings her legs like a child off the edge of the park bench. He remembers the thousands of times she has done it—even though they only met last week, in this lifetime—before he shifts his eyes to the tulips shaking their colourful heads on the opposite side of the path. “But I don’t know who, that’s the thing.”
Namjoon decides he will fuck with the laws. He is dying, anyway. He may as well risk it. “Maybe we met in a past life.”
She laughs, utterly oblivious. “Perhaps.”
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vankoya · 6 years
Can I ask why you are thinking of making a new blog?
Because it be like that sometimes.
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vankoya · 6 years
tdsoti!oc: what was your first time having sex with yoongi like? 👀 (please don’t tell me it was on ice)
“We haven’t done anything scandalous on the ice rink,” she assures, shuddering a little at the thought. “And it was sweet! Yoongi was surprisingly soft and gentle. It’s a bit embarrassing to discuss, but he really made sure I was comfortable, and I swear he didn’t leave an inch of my skin un-kissed. It’s hard to make-out while having sex, though Yoongi somehow managed to spend most of the experience kissing me. It was special and cute.”
“Yet,” Yoongi pitches in from behind her. She swivels in her chair to frown at him.
“We haven’t done anything scandalous on the ice rink yet.”
“Oh my god, Yoongi. Please, for the sake of my sanity and your inevitable disappointment, let that fantasy die.”
Ask my muses a question!
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vankoya · 6 years
Hyuna handled it like a goddamn queen that she is
As I said on my Twitter, Hyuna better go out and make her own production company called Tesseract Entertainment just to fuck with Cube.
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vankoya · 6 years
Fake tittle: Chameleons
❝ Chameleons ❞
↪︎ High School AU ∙ Fluff / Humour / Light Angst
Yoongi has blending into his environments down to an art. Some would say he is taking his introverted-ness to an unnecessary extreme—he prefers to call it a very necessary survival instinct. Here is the thing: to Yoongi, high school is merely a stepping stone of his youth that he wishes to pass as efficiently as possible, and that means making no ties or any massive statements that will have people remembering his presence. Because as soon as he has graduated, he will be taking the first flight out of this dreary town and starting anew in some faraway city.
Well, he thinks all of this until he discovers the smartest girl of his grade sitting down beside him at lunchtime. And considering he eats his bland peanut-butter-and-jam sandwich in the shadows of the oaks at the far-end of the oval, rather than in the cafeteria, Yoongi steadily realises that perhaps he had not made himself as invisible as he once thought.
“Why don’t you have any friends?” she asks, piercing the foil skin of her juice box with a straw.
Yoongi is still staring at her like he has not interacted with a human outside of his family or his boss at the deli for more than five years. Which is, actually, not very far from the truth. “Because... I... don’t need any?”
“Geez, that’s depressing.” After a moment of sipping at her apple juice, she licks her lipgloss-laden lips. Yoongi looks up at the sun in hopes of it rendering him blind. He would not mind if it incinerated him, either. “I could be your friend, if you want.”
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vankoya · 6 years
fake title idea: 'halcyon'
❝ Halcyon ❞
↪︎ Royal AU ∙ Angst
As a servant, discretion is imperative. Only make your presence known when it is absolutely required; never linger beyond the shadows for too long; be as attentive as a mother and as quiet as a spectre. Above all, never get so in the way of the Royal family that their gaze shifts to you—for if that is to happen, you are as good as disposed of.
But Kim Seokjin, the betrothed Prince, has not once allowed his eyes to leave you since the day you began working for his family. And while the both of you know that this sort of illicit pursuit is a hopeless feat, especially now that the Prince is bound to an engagement with a Princess of a foreign land, neither of you are going to let that stop you.
“This is foolish!” you hiss in panic, tugging at your wrist, though failing to free it from Seokjin’s effortless grip. The windowsill digs into your tailbone as you try to shrink away from his crowding body—something that you would never mind in any other circumstance. But now, it is the lightest hours of the afternoon, and you know that the Princess is not far behind him in coming inside from the garden. “My Prince, she may see us! Please, let me go.”
“Yes,” Seokjin purrs, his thumb coming up to underscore the burning skin of your cheek. As if his tender touch has dismantled you of your strength, you still in your frantic attempt to remove yourself from his personal space, softening like butter. You hate it. “I’m your Prince. Only yours.”
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vankoya · 6 years
He wears a crown of thorns around his head, for the title thing! DO YOUR WORST GIRL 😈😈😈
❝ He Wears a Crown of Thorns Around His Head ❞
↪︎ Winter King AU ∙ Angst / Fluff
Kim Taehyung comes with the winter, and he leaves as soon as the snow begins to melt. He has no home; he merely poses as a traveler passing through with the turn of the season, always staying in the same little vacant cottage of the same little village. Nobody remembers him as he comes and goes—they must never let him linger in their minds beyond the melting of the ice, for his cover as the King of Winter will be blown.
At least, Taehyung believes nobody remembers him until he finds himself with a drawn arrow held to his throat as he wanders through the freshly snowed-upon forest. At the end of it, the suspicious eyes of the village girl who has always watched him.
“You’re supposed to have forgotten me,” Taehyung breathes, though no puff of white mist lingers around his lips. His blood is as cold as the frost.
This, she seems to notice. Her piercing eyes flash with something akin to fear, though it is only fleeting—swept away by a blink. Then, Taehyung feels the press of the arrowhead right on the apple of his throat. When she speaks again, the words strike at his heart like a flaming whip.
“How could I?”
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vankoya · 6 years
Love me not (for the title thing ;;)
❝ Love Me Not ❞
↪︎ Fantasy AU ∙ Fluff / Humour
Park Jimin is a half-demon, half-witch apprentice of Kim Seokjin, a renown witch who runs and owns the most popular supply shop in the village. Actually, slave is probably a more suitable term, considering Jimin is frequently stuck with doing all of his tutor’s dirty work. The only reasons Jimin has not yet run away are that 1. Seokjin is the only witch who is willing to take on a mix-breed apprentice—especially that of a demon, and 2. That is the only reason.
But Jimin finds himself on the verge of packing his shit and running for the hills when a certain witch comes bursting through the shop doors as if she is the wind itself. And it is not merely because she appears to take an immediate dislike to him: she is also distressingly, horrifyingly adorable, and Jimin has not a clue what to do about that fact.
“What is that? A demon?” she scrutinises, scrunching her nose and brow in a manner that Jimin would consider utterly endearing if not for the poison laced through her tone. She sniffs, frown deepening. “No, I mean yes, but he smells–”
“Human?” Jimin helpfully pipes up, a smirk colouring the corners of his lips. Her gaze falls blank.
“Half-demon,” Seokjin hums, despite the pieces had evidently clicked in her mind moments before he spoke. “A bastard of his own kind.”
“I adore the cute pet names you have for me,” Jimin rolls his eyes, leaning forward on the ladder, towards his so-called tutor. “Bastard. Shitty Satan, when you feel a little funny. Oh, and not to mention your colourful choice of Frivolous Cu–” His tongue sparks with electricity, making him yelp and stumble on the ladder before he shoots an accusing glare at Seokjin. The witch simply frowns at a nonexistent speck on the cuff of his sleeve, as if he were not at all aware about what had just occurred.
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thelibraryofbts · 6 years
Hi ivory! I was wondering if one of your past personas wrote this Yoongi vampire au called harbinger where he’s in a cold snowy area with the reader, and in one of the stories by this author he also saves her from i think wolves? And if not you, was wondering if you knew the author who did write it? I’ve been trying to find it and can’t seem to remember who it was by. Thank you for your time!
That wasn’t me, but that’s always been one of my favourite stories! I don’t believe the author of The Coven series writes BTS fics anymore, but here is Harbinger and here is The White Stag for you. And, if you’re interested, here are the rest of their stories! ✨
Also, a nifty trick for you in the future to save you from having to wait on my response: If you know the title and the member/fandom/potential tags of the fic that you’re searching for, Google can usually pull it up for you! For example, I Googled “harbinger bts scenario tumblr” and the first link led me straight to the fic. If you can remember the title and member/fandom of the fic, but not the author (especially if they frequently change their URL), this trick should always work! 😚
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thelibraryofbts · 6 years
So I see you still have openings in your multi and Taehung columns. You should check out Hush by @suga-kookiemonster if haven't already, it's 😳
Fic Rec: Hush by @suga-kookiemonster
Kim Taehyung / Reader | Twoshot | Smut
Four seats, five bodies. “Careful sweetheart,” he breathes into the shell of your ear, hands tightening over your waist in warning. You lick your lips, pausing just enough to ponder: what if you don’t want to be careful?
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thelibraryofbts · 6 years
Hi! I want to recommend an amazing fic that I just had the pleasure of reading!! It's called "Romancing the Tome" by kpopfanfictrash . It's very unique and a bit lengthy, which I like!! There is such a good buildup of tension and overall just a really fun and cute story! Please please read when you have time!!! Also support kpopfanfictrash 's other works because those are also great!!
Fic Rec: Romancing the Tome by @kpopfanfictrash
Min Yoongi / Reader | Oneshot | Archaeologist AU | Humour / Smut
Min Yoongi is many things: renowned archaeologist, versatile hat-wearer, on a bit of an unlucky streak with his work and kind of an ass. What he isn’t, is fluent in Latin. Meaning, Yoongi can’t quite determine if he’s being led astray on his most recent archaeological expedition. Enter you, cultural linguist and all-around badass. The goal? Treasure. The means? Your teensy, tiny car. The problem? Min Yoongi is so damn annoying, you might just kill him first.
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vankoya · 6 years
God i fkin love dumb nerds who turn dom as f in bed but have a heart of gold ugh it s like u read my soul in your new fanfic i love it it s.... so good
Aaaahhh thank you for reading it, sugar!! 😩🌸💖
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vankoya · 6 years
tdsoi yoongi - is there a weird thing that oc does that just turns you on? ;)
“Like, she doesn’t do anything weird that turns me on,” Yoongi begins, thoughtfully drumming his fingers on his denim-clad thighs. “But I’m weirdly turned on by watching her skate. She looks so elegant and powerful while doing all of those spins and jumps, y’know? And in her pretty little performance outfits?” Yoongi lays his right-hand against his chest, sighing loudly. “Wet fucking dream.”
“Creep,” she affectionately mutters, softly smacking his arm. Yoongi grabs her hand before it can retreat, grinning and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. Though the smile that dances at the edges of her lips suddenly thins. “Wait, no, you have been turned on by a weird thing I’ve done. Remember when you walked in on me doing that one aerobics video in the dorm because I couldn’t be bothered going to the gym to exercise?”
“Oh yeah. But you have to admit it: those pelvic thrusts in your ass-leggings were super sexy.”
Ask my muses a question!
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