blkinzurich · 10 months
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blkinzurich · 10 months
Welcome to Black in Zürich: A Black Multiracial Family's First Year in Zürich
Hello and welcome to Black in Zürich! I’m N, a proud Black mom of four beautiful souls aged 17, 14, 5, and 3, and the wife to my incredible partner, J, who is white. Originally from the United States, we’ve recently taken a leap of faith to move our family to Zürich, Switzerland, because of J's new job opportunity.
Why This Blog?
Starting this blog felt like a necessary step to document our family's journey—a transition not just of place but also of culture, social dynamics, and a multiracial family's experience in a predominantly white European country. My hope is that this space becomes a place of support, inspiration, and a resource for other families who are navigating similar life changes, particularly those who come from multicultural, multiracial backgrounds.
The Crew
Let's talk about our amazing kids. Our 17-year-old, A, is into digital art, drawing and has started looking into universities—both in the States and in Europe. The 14-year-old, N, is sports-obsessed and already scouting basketball clubs in Zürich. Then there's our spunky 5-year-old, G, who is enamored with all things nature and pink. And finally, we have our 3-year-old, I, who's just excited to be here (or anywhere, really). Each of them is processing this move in their unique ways, which I’ll delve into in future posts.
The Culture Shift
One of the reasons we took this plunge is the promise of a higher quality of life and excellent education for our kids. But we're not naive; we understand that Switzerland is very different from America, not just in language but also in terms of cultural nuances and racial dynamics. We know that our multicultural family might raise eyebrows or spark curiosity, but we are here to embrace the change while staying true to our roots.
What to Expect?
In this blog, I’ll share everything from our experiences in navigating the Swiss educational system for both teens and preschoolers, to the ways we're adjusting to Swiss culture while maintaining our African American heritage. I'll also discuss marriage and partnership across racial lines in a foreign land, budgeting for a family of six in one of the most expensive cities in the world, and all the joys and challenges that come with this expat life.
Thank you for joining us on this adventure. We're thrilled to share our ups, downs, and everything in-between as we navigate this new chapter of Our Swiss Life.
So sit back, grab a cup of tea (or wine, no judgments here!), and let’s take this journey together.
Cheers to new beginnings! 🇨🇭❤️🇺🇸
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blkinzurich · 10 months
Week Three Update: New Adventures in Zürich
Hello reader!
As we cross the three-week mark in Zürich, our family is starting to fall establish new routines and the kids are starting to form friendships. M and I have hit it off with the kids upstairs, and their afternoons are now a delightful cacophony of languages and laughter in our shared garden.
School and work continue to be enriching for all of us. J is enjoying his lakeside office lunches, while I relish the historic charm of Old Town during my remote work breaks. Our culinary explorations persist, with a Vietnamese restaurant in Wiedikon becoming an immediate family favorite. We are still in the middle of setting up our apartment (flat) so we haven't explored as much as we'd like during the weekend (hopefully, next week ?)
Until then, Tschüss
N and family
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blkinzurich · 10 months
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I and G have gotten more use out of their bikes during a week in Zürich compared to several months in the U.S.
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blkinzurich · 10 months
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Sister Sister
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