#blackpink scenarious
writingblackpink · 4 years
Home for the Holidays
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genre: so much fluff
word count: 3.5k
pairing: jisoo x reader
you bring Jisoo home for the holidays for the first time.
A/N: there’s so much fluff I think I got a cavity writing this idk....anyway, like always, let me know what you think! Enjoy :)
Snow settled against your windshield silently before melting away as you drove through the streets. There was just enough snow on the ground to cover the grass, making for a perfect white Christmas. Christmas music played softly from the radio as you passed house after house dressed up in twinkling lights and holiday displays. 
You always loved being home for the holidays. When you were younger, that meant helping your parents with the party set-up and welcoming family from all over to stay for the week, making your home and your heart feel full and warm. Hearing laughter and happy conversation through the halls made your heart feel so full that sometimes you thought it would burst. In the best way, of course. 
As you grew older and went off to college, coming home for the holidays was a respite from your “new” life. You loved all of the new experiences you were encountering and you cherished all you learned during your time away, but there was something in the familiarity of being back home that gave you a chance to rest and recharge with those you loved the most. 
For the last few years, it’s just been you. You’ve been ok with coming back home alone, but you always knew something was missing. Getting older alongside your relatives and seeing them bring people that were special to them made you long for that same feeling. You wanted to feel as strongly for someone else as you perceived they had also felt.
You had felt that emptiness until now, Jisoo in the passenger seat of your car, heading home for the holidays to meet your family for the very first time. Your family was very open and you knew they would love her just as much as you did, but Jisoo had expressed her nervousness for the holidays in the weeks prior to this day. You had assured her that there was nothing to be worried about and that your family would love her, but you knew there wasn’t much else you could do to quell her lingering fears about the week. 
And now, sitting in the passenger seat of your car, you could sense that nervousness in the way she fidgeted a bit in her seat, in the way she nervously played with your fingers where your hands were intertwined over the center console. 
“Jisoo, are you okay?” you asked, concern in your voice. 
“Mhmm”, she affirmed, nodding slightly. 
In her answer, you knew that she was swimming in her own thoughts and you just wanted to take the pressure off of the situation as best as you could. 
“Jisoo, if you’re not ready for this, we can go somewhere else. Anywhere. I don’t want to force you to do anything you’re not ready for.”  
“No,” she took a deep breath as she looked over at you, your eyes glued to the road, “I’m ready for this. It’s just a little nerves, I’ll survive.” 
And she squeezed your hand where it sat to reassure you that everything was okay and she would be fine. You squeezed back in acknowledgement. 
A half an hour later, you were pulling into the driveway of your childhood home. You made many memories in this house, even in this driveway. As you looked out the window at the snow-covered yard, you thought back to every winter when the neighbor kids would come over to sled down the hill in your front yard, or all of the impromptu snowball fights your family had in this very spot. These memories were burned into your brain like a novel you read over and over, but it was time for a new chapter with a new person. 
Clearing your throat, you brought yourself back to your present, with Jisoo waiting patiently in her seat for your next move. 
“Welcome home.” rang out softly from your lips as you gently leaned over and placed the softest kiss against her lips. While it wasn’t your current home, you hoped that Jisoo could see it as much of a second home, at the very least, as you have.
Jisoo smiled back at you while you reached for one of your bags, rummaging through to find what you were looking for. 
“Ah, here they are. Since it’s Christmas Eve I packed us some Christmas cheer!” You said as you enthusiastically pulled out two nips of Fireball. Neither of you were really fond of the liquor, but you hoped that this would at least help calm some of Jisoo’s nerves. 
“I know you’re nervous, so before we go in I thought we could have a little something that could help take the edge off?” You handed her a tiny bottle, and she grabbed it quickly, screwing off the lid and promptly downing the shot before you could even get yours out of your bag. 
Following her lead, you downed yours quickly, feeling the alcohol burn all the way down your chest, warming you up in the car that was getting increasingly colder ever since you cut the engine just minutes ago. You coughed, trying to rid yourself of the urge to gag.
“How many of those did you bring?” Jisoo questioned, attempting to peer over to catch a glimpse into your bag. 
“Uh, well I have a few more, but let’s get inside before we get too crazy. You haven’t even met the family yet.” She rolled her eyes at you and you chuckled. 
You ran around the car to open the door for Jisoo before moving to grab your bags out of the back of the car. Walking hand in hand to the front door, you gave hers another squeeze and a reassuring smile. 
Stopping before ringing the doorbell, you looked over one last time at Jisoo, silently asking if she was still alright. With a silent smile and nod, you dropped a bag so your free hand could ring the doorbell while your other hand remained locked with Jisoo’s. 
You took a deep breath as you heard someone shifting the locks around on the other side of the door. As the door swung open, you were slightly relieved to see your little brother greet you first. 
“Y/N! Welcome back home!” He exclaimed as he stepped forward and took you in his arms, wrapping you up tightly like you had just returned from war. He seemed stronger than you remember. You made a mental note to ask him about his lifting regimen these days. Stepping back, you straightened out your sweater as you reclaimed your spot next to Jisoo. 
“Daniel, this is Jisoo, my girlfriend.” 
And to your surprise, and Jisoo’s as well, he moved forward to give her a suffocating hug too. 
“Ah, yes, Jisoo!” He exclaimed. “I’ve heard so much about you!” 
He lowered his voice just so Jisoo could hear, “It’s an honor to meet the woman who makes my sister so happy.” 
And he left it at that as he pulled away before she had a chance to respond, telling you that your parents were making one last grocery run before the party was set to start in an hour. Jisoo’s expression looked a little surprised, but you didn’t know if it was from the hug or something else your brother said, and you didn’t ask. At that, you took Jisoo’s hand and dragged her up to your old room to drop off your bags and get settled in for the next few days. 
Opening the door sent you back in time a few years. Everything in your room was exactly as you left it years ago, your parents not moving anything as they hoped you would be back. The posters from your favorite bands as a child still hung along the walls, and the polaroids you took with your friends throughout the years sat pinned to a bulletin board. 
“Woooow,” Jisoo said, pulling out the syllable, “your room is like a time capsule.” 
You watched from your sitting position on your bed as she walked along the length of your dresser, looking at some of the photos in frames scattered across the top and brushing her fingers over some trinkets you had from when you were younger. 
“Yeah, I guess my parents never really needed the extra space when I left so they just left everything as-is.” 
“Your childhood room looks exactly how I imagined how it would look.” 
Your eyebrows raised at that comment. 
“Oh really? And how’s that?”
Jisoo paused, still looking through the photos on your dresser while responding. She hummed. 
“You were into boy bands and friendship bracelets. You probably were friends with all the popular people, but had no interest in being one of them. Vanilla.”
Jisoo turned and walked over to you slowly, moving to straddle you at your position on the bed. 
Although she was right, you to be shocked and gasped. 
“Jisoo, did you just call me a vanilla?” Jisoo’s gaze zeroed in on your lips. 
“Maybe, but I love it.” 
“And I love you.”
Wrapping her arms around you, she leaned in for a deep kiss, which led to another kiss which led to another and soon you lost track of time in her lips, only briefly opening your eyes to steal a glance at the clock on the wall to see that there was only fifteen minutes before guests would be arriving. 
“Jisoo….we have to…..get ready…..to go back….downstairs,” you managed to push out against her lips in between kisses, although you were reluctant to stop. 
She gave you one last peck before pulling away and whispering an almost silent “I love you” before jumping off your lap and moving to get her bags settled as you headed to the bathroom to freshen up. 
Walking back into the room, you were met with Jisoo in the middle of downing another shot she had stolen from your bag. 
She whipped around, empty bottle in her hand, and face plastered with faux guilt, cheeks warm and red and not just from the alcohol. 
“Sorry?” She shrugged her shoulders, and when she saw you weren’t convinced, she continued. 
“Listen, I’m fine. I’m more than fine.” She walked forward to take your hands in hers, moving in closely. You could still smell the alcohol on her breath as she spoke. 
“I feel great. I’m with you. Everything is going to be okay.” 
“Jisoo, shouldn’t I be the one reassuring you right now?” 
In lieu of an answer, she wrapped her arms around your waist, resting her head just below your chin and swaying slightly. If what she wanted was a moment of calm before the party, you were more than happy to give it to her, folding in to her every want. 
“You are. More than you know,” she said against your chest, pausing before adding, “the liquid courage is also helping.”
Before you knew it, you had lost track of time again, only being brought back when your brother sent a soft knock ringing through your room, letting you know that guests were arriving downstairs. 
Giving Jisoo one last look over, you took her hand in yours, giving it one last squeeze. You couldn’t help but notice how each strand of her hair flowed down past her shoulders, perfectly in place. You smiled at her rosy cheeks. You don’t think you’d ever get tired of this sight.
“Alright, showtime.” you mumbled and turned to head downstairs. 
You introduced Jisoo to your parents first and both of you were received with warm hugs and excited voices, happy to have the house full this holiday, and happy that you had a smile on your face. Your mom offered Jisoo a glass of wine, and she accepted while you declined, citing not “being a wine person” and instead mixing yourself a cocktail at the makeshift bar. 
An hour later, too much food had been had, you and jisoo had made your rounds with the family, and you two were settled on the couch, snuggled closely and watching everyone around you. 
“How are you doing?” 
“Me?” She paused, droopy eyes shifting to meet yours. You could tell that she had slipped in a few more drinks throughout the night. “I’m...great. Your family is….so cool,” she added with a slow blink and you hugged her closer. Just as you had settled in together on the couch, your moment was interrupted by one of your younger cousins, except they weren’t interested in talking to you. 
“Jisoo!” she squealed, both of you shooting to sit upright. The way Jisoo leaned a little too far to the right made you giggle a little, knowing she was feeling really good. 
“Jisoo come here I want to show you this game we’re playing.” 
And with that, your cousin took your girlfriend’s hand, pulling her off the couch and to the other room where the kids were playing games. You waited a few moments before following, standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe and watching Jisoo melt right in with your family. 
You made eye contact from across the room, and she gave you a wink before she put on an exaggerated expression to act interested in whatever the kids were trying to show her. You chuckled at the sight, inevitably thinking of your future with her. Sure you had only been together for just shy of a year, but you could see it all with her; getting married, moving in together, having kids, getting old, and every moment, good or bad, in between. 
A hand on your shoulder brought you out of your daze, and you glanced over your shoulder to find your mother smiling with her gaze fixed on the scene in front of you two. 
Keeping her eyes in that direction, she finally spoke up. 
“Jisoo seems to be fitting in.” 
“Yeah, she seems to be pretty popular with the kids.” you looked back at Jisoo, deeply focused on the game in front of her. Your mom broke her gaze and took in your expression as you smiled in Jisoo’s direction. 
“I mean, she seems to be fitting in here, with us. All of us.” your mom added, and you were slightly stunned that one evening with Jisoo had led to your family’s immediate approval. You don’t know what you had expected, but you definitely thought it would take a little longer for your family to warm up to Jisoo. On the other hand, you weren’t surprised. You knew Jisoo and you knew she could charm anyone she met. Although you did appreciate the validation.
“R-really?” You stuttered out, clearly still surprised at your mother’s words. 
“Yeah, everyone has been singing her praises all night. ‘That Jisoo girl seems nice’, ‘Your daughter looks good with Jisoo’. You know, things of that nature. I’d have to agree.” You both smiled as she paused. 
“You love her, don’t you?”
And you didn’t even have to think before responding. 
“Yeah, I really do.” 
Your mother gestured for you to follow her in response, and you obediently did as she led you to her room where she pulled out a large jewelry box you had never seen before. 
“I was going to wait to give you this until you had found your person,” and your eyes widened as her back was turned to you, still searching through the box. 
“But it seems like you might have already done that so-” she turned around with a smaller box, opening it up to show you the beautiful ring that sat inside. 
You didn’t think it was possible, but your eyes widened exponentially as you realized the implications of this interaction. 
“This was your grandmother’s wedding ring. She wanted you to have it; to be able to give it to whoever you felt was worthy of your love; whoever made you happiest.” She extended her arm to hand you the box. Your eyes felt a little misty, and you knew your voice would crack if you tried to speak, so you settled for stepping in for a warm hug, letting her know wordlessly that you appreciated it more than she knew. 
Pulling away, your mother spoke again. 
“I’m proud of you, you know? Now, let’s get back to the party before people start looking for you.” you laughed and stuffed the small box in your pocket, heading to find Jisoo. 
Except she wasn’t with the kids anymore, and when you asked them where she was they didn’t know, only half paying attention to you and half to the game they were immersed in. So, you weaved your way around the rooms, occasionally being stopped along the way to be asked about life from an aunt or an uncle or cousin. It took almost another twenty minutes to find Jisoo in the party, finding her where you should have checked first: the bar. She seemed immersed in conversation with a relative and you waited for them to part before making your way over to your girlfriend. 
She leaned heavily into your side as you made it over to her. She had a cup in her hand and you could smell the peppermint alcohol on her breath. While still only tipsy, you couldn’t help but think that Jisoo was going to have one killer hangover tomorrow with all of the alcohol mixing she was doing tonight. 
“Hey baby.” She whispered seductively into your ear, giving it a subtle swipe with her tongue, while moving her free hand to grope your ass.
Ok, so you’re not only dealing with tipsy Jisoo, but tipsy and frisky Jisoo. What a combination. 
“OH!” you exclaimed while jumping back and taking her hand on your backside and moving it to your side as you whispered back. 
“Jisoo, we have to keep it PG...children are here.” 
You thought she was adorable when she pouted, so you laughed even though Jisoo did not think not being able to touch you was funny at all. 
“Here, come here.” 
You settled for a compromise, bringing her back to the couch you were settled on earlier, bringing her in close to you. So close that she was almost sitting on you, but at least you knew you could control what she was doing with her hands a little better from this spot. 
It wasn’t long before people started leaving, and you felt Jisoo starting to drift off against your shoulder. You waited for the house to clear out before moving, gently waking Jisoo and wiping the drool off of your shoulder. In her dazed state, she kept her eyes closed as she leaned into you as you walked back to your room. Hitting the stairs seemed to be a problem, as a result of both the alcohol and exhaustion.
“Jisoo, can you walk yourself up the stairs?”
“...Can’t. Too tired. Carry me.” and with that she threw her arms around you. After some maneuvering Jisoo was on your back as you grunted your way up the stairs. You gently placed her on her feet as you entered the room, turning to face her. 
“Jisoo! What the hell?” 
Jisoo seemed to have gained a second wind and had shed her sweater on the way up the stairs. Ignoring you, she tossed it to the side and noticed a silver case in the corner of your room, heading straight for it. 
“Ooooh, what’s this?” She asked excitedly, looking up at you as she opened the case to reveal an old trumpet you used to play. 
“Uh, I used to be in the band…”
She laughed obnoxiously loudly. 
“Of course you were!”
She took it out and tried to blow some notes, failing miserably. You couldn’t help but laugh yourself as you took in Jisoo, shirtless, trying to play Christmas tunes on your old trumpet. 
As she focused on that, you waved her off and headed back downstairs to get some water and ibuprofen for the headache you knew Jisoo would have in the morning. All of the lights were off in the house, everyone seemingly had retreated to their rooms for the night. You couldn’t help but take a moment and glance out the window, snow still falling steadily, silently against the glass. Even more snow sat on the ground now, and it shimmered a bit under the moonlight. 
Thinking back on the night, you couldn’t think of any way it could have gone better. Although Jisoo was nervous, your family embraced her, and her them. You were brought out of your thoughts at the sound of a sharp note coming from your trumpet, opting to quickly gather what you came here for before heading back to your room, hoping no one was startled awake. 
And you couldn’t believe it. It couldn’t have been more than thirty seconds since you heard the trumpet and Jisoo was already passed out on the bed, in nothing but her jeans and a bra. The trumpet in her hands. You placed the glass and the pills on the nightstand, and placed the trumpet back in its case before walking back to the bags and finding an oversized shirt to put Jisoo in, helping her out of her pants. Soon, you crawled into bed, making sure the covers covered both of you, bringing Jisoo closer to your chest. You touched your lips to her hair, murmuring an “I love you” you knew she wouldn’t remember in the morning. This chapter was off to a great start.
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badkpopimagines · 6 years
your bias group is making a comeback but the concept was that they were all wearing bald caps all the time and then a week later they were like we will now reveal what hair we have under our bald caps but then they were just bald but like old man bald where they still had hair on the sides of their head
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free-for-edit · 6 years
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Lisa from BLACKPINK (Please do not remove the watermark or edit)
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sleepykingtae · 7 years
Would anyone be interesting if i did scenarios if people send me them???
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yoongjieq-blog · 7 years
Hi there, thank you for the interest of requesting, here I'm going to explain how & what to request please be aware if the requests are open or closed
What can you request? - Scenarios - Reactions - Drabbles (send me 1-2 numbers for the prompts with your request) - Lockscreens
How to request Scenarious, Reactions & Drabbles Just send your requests to my inbox, i'll take every request you'll send there unless i close my requests of course. I do not take request with more than one group You can of course request up to 4 different Idols. If you want to, descripe how the story should run, feel free to do so. If you want me to let my fantasy play than that's fine as well:)
There will be added Idols, just for now i think that's enough :)
This is a gender-natural blog, you can as well as that request ships between idols
Who can I request? » BTS » Got7 » Seventeen » Monsta X » Ikon » Astro » NCT » EXO » Big Bang » KARD » 2NE1 » SNSD » Red Velvet » BlackPink » 4Minute » EXID
» Jessica » Jay Park » Dean
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