#blame andi not me for this one she showed me the og post
messrsbyler · 1 year
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this byler post and this image of the ST comic and the way their feet are touching makes me think of tiny miwi being always around each other, tucked in a corner of the library or spread across the crouch in mike’s basement or curled inside castle byers. no matter the place, no matter if it’s a tight fit like a fortress made of sticks and old blankets or a whole room, no matter if the space between them is large or not, they always find a way to simply touch.
they don’t even think about it, it just happens. it’s comforting. it’s nice to feel the weight of a hand on a knee or the tap of a foot on a thigh or the bump of two shoulders spreading warmth in waves. it’s nice to know physically know they aren’t alone, that they have each other. and it’s just what they do, and it comes as a second nature to them.
imagine touch being part of their bond. it’s simple embedded into their friendship like a second language they learned to speak as their bond grew stronger and older (ex: mike touching will’s hand in s2 to comfort him about the spy). either simple casual touches or others charged with more meaning and comfort, they have always been present between them and will thought… he always thought that would never change. that he and mike would never change.
but then one summer in the process of saving the world again hopper died, el lost her powers and was left alone, the byers’ family grew one member and had to be relocated, and will had to watch the town he always called home disappeared in the rear-view mirror.
by the time will got mike back, this time in lenora, things had changed. that hug. that hug at the airport said everything that will had been fearing. the awkwardness of it, the coldness of mike’s touch, the hesitance and then how quick the distance between them was forced once more in the middle.
and just think how of all the things will has lost, he really thought this one wouldn’t be one.
because will was willing to accept the lack of phone calls and the lack of letters, and ignore the distance that he felt in his gut whenever he even thought of mike and their last goodbye. he was willing to blame it all on his head playing games on him and his sour heart throwing a tantrum.
but then that hug at the airport confirmed it wasn’t just his head. their friendship hadn’t just changed — it was breaking at the seams and at the foundations they had first built it on, and no matter how hard will tried to ignore it, the cracks were already spreading, faster as mike pulled back and recoiled from that hug.
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The Original Intent of Terra and how Deathstroke got the bad end of the stick for it
Okay, Deathstroke Children (Idk what to call you guys because fellow Deathstrokers would end this conversation immediately), I found the time to do this, so let's get to it!
(Note: My original laptop broke with my comics, so I have no images to spare, so it will be sourced. Another note: Many words will be in bold. Partly so that for those reading will not lose track.)
But if tl;dr:
Cold Hard Truth: Everyone from Terra fans to Deathstroke fans needs to stop seeing these characters as real people.
Original Terra wasn't human trafficked or whatever sob story people want to label her with. The CREATORS intended her to be written as Evil without the mental illness and to die for the shock value. They had Raven, The Literal Empath, spell this out in Judas Contract. As for Deathstroke's involvement, he was shoved into her creation story, and Marv Wolfman himself recognized his mistake in doing that.
And for those calling Deathstroke a nazi, Original Terra had nazi-like beliefs where common people should fear and serve them or be killed off just because they're 'special'. Again, BLUNTLY stated in the Judas Contract. So if you're going to call Deathstroke a Pedophile, we'll call OG Terra a Neo-Nazi. (But I highly advice for Deathstroke Fans to not start that kind of war, but I had to say what I had to say.)
Don't get me wrong. (Hopefully all) Deathstroke fans know that their relationship was wrong just like Marv Wolfman, and we do not support pedophiles! But Slade isn't a pedophile! He was never intended to be written as one! It was a mistake made on many levels and should be rewritten like OG Terra's Evil Neo-Nazi-like personality, instead of being thrown into cancel culture.
Also for Deathstroke fans, don't get upset over their content and begin any argument emotionally. Just enjoy whatever good content we can get and support it if you can. Hopefully we'll get our Deathstroke movies and so on!
So I've briefly chatted with one of you over the matter with Terra/Tara Markov and how upsetting it is about how people refer to Slade Wilson as a Pedophile. That is a serious accusation that would make it very uncomfortable to argue about since it can easily make it seem like we justify the actions of pedophiles, and that we are part of pedophile culture that does exist in social media space.
But there was a time when I used to have a blog called friendlyremindersofsladewilson, where I defended Slade and put the blame all on Terra. I was 14 at the time, and looking back at it, I am not proud of it because I realized now as an adult how I defended it for most of the wrong reasons, but still stand with the fact that SLADE IS NOT A PEDOPHILE.
And since this took place when I was so young, it compelled me to write this post because I fear some of you are really young, too, and may end up in this regretful position.
So to make it clear, what Slade had been written to do is a crime, and we should acknowledge it, but not in the way as if it was a crime acted out in real life.
What I mean by that is that there's a clear separation between fiction and reality where one isn't real (Duh!). In this case, it's about the mistakes made between fiction and reality. In reality, mistakes made by the person responsible is on the person. In fiction, mistakes made is dependent on the creator's intent, and sometimes the creators can make mistakes themselves.
Most notably Terra's:
Tara Markov/Terra was created by Marv Wolfman and George Perez.
In Marv Wolfman's literal website, he stated in his online "What the-?" column:
"Which leads to Terra. That was easy. George and I wanted a Titan who betrayed the others. we also wanted to play against every reader conception of who characters are. George and I knew her whole story before we began and we knew she would die. We set the story up with her trying to destroy the Statue of Liberty to show she was the bad girl, but we knew if George drew her as a cute kid everyone would simply assume she would be ‘turned’ from the dark side because that’s the way it was always done which is why that wouldn’t be the way we did it. Tara was insane an stayed that way right until the moment she died. By the way, she IS dead. I don’t know what other writers will do with her – if anything – but if they want to honor the original series they will leave her dead. The Terra from Team Titans was – as stated – some kid the villain kidnapped and physically and mentally altered her into looking and acting like the original. But she was NEVER the real Terra."
And it should also be noted that he stated before this statement that:
"...Only mistake I think I made with him is having him have a physical relationship with the 16 year old Tara Markov. That was wrong."
So Marv Wolfman himself recognizes that what he did was a mistake, but his intent on Terra was never to write a victim.
And quick note: Insanity isn't written as a mental illness here. It's written like how many villains are labeled as insane for having skewed beliefs that deviates from the common good.
Terra truly had some nazi-like beliefs where she BELIEVED that everyone who wasn't 'special' like her and the Teen Titans deserved to be treated like shit because they weren't 'special' like them. She bluntly said it herself in the Judas Contract.
As for George Perez's comment in an interview I found in this website:
"GEORGE: Tara was just a cute little girl, although I based a little bit of that on my wife Carol’s sister, Barbara. A little upturned nose… Barbara does not have the teeth that Tara had. I wanted Tara to be a girl who looked normal. Which also means her death caught everyone even more offguard.
Tara, she was made to be killed; she served her purpose. That was it.
ANDY: You didn ‘t get any attachment to Tara?
GEORGE: No, because I knew we were going to kill her. So I deliberately used all the things to make her as likeable and cute as possible, so people would never believe we were going to kill a sixteen-year-old. And she was a sixteen-year-old sociopath. She was one of our cleverest gimmicks; we deliberately created her in order to lead everyone astray. So we couldn’t build any fondness for her, ’cause we knew full well what her whole motive for existence was. Her existence was basically to keep the stories interesting; we were tossing a curve that no one would have expected.
ANDY: You didn ‘t even love to hate her, huh?
GEORGE: No. I loved handling her, because she was such a good idea. But she was an idea. Not as much a person. She was there to show exactly how much their humanity can be one thing they have to be careful about, the Teen Titans have to be careful about. . . they can be too trusting, or their own weaknesses can be used against them."
Terra was supposed to be a representation of An Evil Betrayal of Trust and That Not All Cute Girls Are Good.
But they took it too far by making her sleep with Deathstroke because they wanted to truly make her look evil by literally sleeping with the enemy. Y'know because this was the 80s, and women having sex was an evil act back then, and that point of view has somewhat or barely improved 40 years later.
Deathstroke was just shoved into this idea, and Marv tried and perhaps failed at trying to undo this mistake with his talk with Beastboy (Tales of the Teen Titans issue #55) and before his confrontation from Wintergreen (Deathstroke (1991); Chapter 35).
So just as I had stated at the top in the tl;dr, it was a mistake made on many levels and should have been rewritten out just as many had done with OG Terra's true personality, and be done with it.
Random person: "He still slept with a 16-year-old."
And it's not that hard to make other heroes and villains do this mistake. Because again, it's all fiction. Deathstroke's fictional. As in Not Real, so we could literally undo the damage by rewriting this mistake. Or make it worse by making Terra the rapist by her using her Earth powers to bind Slade down and force him, and you can't deny that it's plausible. Because she's fictional. Anything can happen. So why didn't Slade tell Beastboy whether he slept with her or not, maybe it was because he really didn't want to but he was forced into it. And that's just something you can't dump on a very emotional man who was trying to kill you a moment ago.
But ANYWAY, I went way too dark there.
Ending on a brighter note: Personally to all Deathstroke fans, please value your mental health, please don't start any arguments that'll compromise it, and continue supporting Deathstroke in whatever way you can!
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winxlava · 4 years
Where Fate: the Winx saga fails
As a winx fan of 14 years (in and out), this fate thing is really scandolous. I’ve seen lots of ups and downs the winx fandom. As I’ve watched all of the development that fate had, I've had some thoughts, but I’ve waited until I watched everything.
This is going to be a reaction to all 6 episodes of Fate the Winx saga. This is coming from a fan of the og show so expect lots of comparisons.
If this bothers you, please don't keep reading. A lot of this is only my opinion. If you like it and think its great, that’s good! I’m not here to ruin it.
There is a list of what I liked most near the bottom of this post. Spoilers Ahead!!
Anyway, back to the post.
What made the Winx work
Lets start with the basic idea of Winx. Bloom, a normal girl, finds out that she has magic powers and is from another dimension. Seems like a simple concept? Well, Seasons 1-3 (and 4?) expanded this idea to the max.
Likeable characters galore and lots of fun, fashion, and magic.
For a lot of us that’s what sold the show. 
So lets talk about tone and why its so important 
The idea that teenage girls were exploring a world we could never see or experience. And the darkness that came with it.
Remember when Daphne, bloom’s dead sister, clung to life to help bloom figure her life out? When bloom became evil and nearly killed all of her friends? When Flora drowned to save her sister, only to get enchantix? (Actually all of enchantix was like this). When Musa gave up seeing her dead mom to save the world? When nabu died?
The show was full of these small, intense, dark moments. That’s what made winx special. The light came with dark.
By making the show dark and “eDgy” it takes away the impact of the dark moments. I’ve been saying this since the beginning. 
Point of view and how Stella is affected 
Stella was very misunderstood in the remake and it shows. The thing is, Stella was the first entry point into the magical world in the original show. She carried Bloom and her parents to Alfea. She was the transfer point to a whole world for the audience.
Her spunk and optimism and snark made her a fan favorite, but that’s not what made her character work.
She was Bloom’s first friend, and because of the that, we saw her in a good lens. She was reckless, but a pure heart nonetheless. She was confident, cunning, and powerful. 
It was because we saw the good in her first that made us like her. She was good before she was bad in our eyes.
The remake takes all of that away. She’s just a generic mean rich girl now. To be honest, Stella is accurate, but the way she was introduced put her in a whole new light. In this version, she is annoying and trifling, seemingly taking the place of Diaspro in her liking for sky.
Also she hates her mother? Stella would never! She loved both of her parents dearly and was mad simply because she felt they never loved her as a result of their divorce; they never talked to each other and she felt split between the two of them. (See Stella’s nightmares sequence season 1 :https://youtu.be/wuvyw0OHA6A?t=129). She was lonely and her father, though he loved her, spoiled her with gifts instead of the love she desired. 
You see this side of her when Chimera comes in and tries to take her place in season 3. Her worth is tied to what she has and looks like. Her title as a princess rules her.
Not only that, Stella learns about “commoners” through her friends. She was spoiled and never saw people who couldn’t afford things; it was new and she was a bit rude about it, but can you blame her, she was always put above everything else in her home country.
^^ These are comments of people saying similar things.
Stella also vents to Sky a lot in the remake. She seems like she is chasing him pitifully, something og Stella would never do.
Edit: Check the “liked” section; she has been upgraded to sort of like in episodes 5 and 6.
They did Aisha dirty as well. (Just like Bonnie from Vampire Diaries, why am I surprised?) I would write a lot here, but someone else summarized it well:
Tldr: Aisha was a very lonely princess of Andros. She only had one friend growing up but then they moved away and she was lonely all over again. She copes with her princess duties by being great at sports and even beating some of the men! She stood up to her parents when they wanted her to be arranged married, until she fell in love with Nabu HERSELF. She decided her own future from that point on.
Also, her relevance to the plot has been dwindled to being Bloom's right hand man; the black best friend sterotype! What a let down for one of the PRINCESSES of the original!
She had her own goals, drive, and motivations in the original! She did things for all of her friends; she definitely wasn't only driven by one person!
And she was closer to Musa than Bloom that's for sure!
The fact that bloom transforms before everyone else gives bad vibes, considering that one of the reasons she was insecure about magic was because everyone of her friends was better than her and could transform. Why would she feel insecure when they are all around the same level?
The theme of sisterhood
Ever notice that none of the girls had the same taste in guys?
Bloom liked goody guys like Sky and Andy. Stella liked guys who were fun and flirty like Brandon.
In fact, none of the girls ever fought over a guy, they fought over things that actually mattered like someone being rude or a mission gone wrong.
That's what made them relatable. They weren't petty about guys and they mostly respected each other's relationships.
^^ Look at highlighted comment
Not only that, but the winx represented a positive sisterhood. They stood by each other and respected each other; they never let men come between them and shared their power with each other.
Only the trix, the bad sisterhood, fought over men and power. The trix were foils to the winx and what they stood for! That's what made them some of the best villains in the series!
Instead of that, we get useless relationship drama! 😒
And that brings me to...
Stella/Sky/Bloom & Riven/Dane/Terra
What was the point of Dane? I'm still asking myself that question. He doesn't really do anything except act as relationship fuel for a love triangle.
Don't get me wrong, the representation is needed. But he adds nothing to the real plot at all except that Terra thinks he likes her, and he has a crush on Riven.
In terms of the Stella and Bloom love triangle with Sky, apparently she BLINDED someone because they flirted with sky. What?!? Stella isn't that cruel at all. The show clearly flanderized her to a cruel mean girl so....
Edit: Check the “liked” section; she has been upgraded to sort of like in episodes 5 and 6.
Lets not forget about “diversity”
Male fairies did exist before Fate:
Flora/Terra, Musa, and Whitewashing
Terra and Musa are wonderful! Their actress' do a great job; their personalities are so similar to the original (except for musa's mind abilities and Terra's talkative personality)! Whenever one of them interacts with the other main cast, you feel actual friendship chemistry between them!!
But there is an elephant in the room: the whitewashing. If these characters were the correct race, they wouldn't be in this critical review.
Terra isn't flora, but her character was clearly based on her! Also, she has a cousin named Flora, so Flora is clearly in this universe.
Why change her race and swap her out! The personalities are spot on, which makes it even more disheartening to know that they would rather replace two POC characters with white characters who essentially are the same people and have the same plot importance.
What a shame and low blow that is! Especially since I am a black woman myself!
Sky and Riven
Them being bros make no sense really. Before they were more like enemies who were forced to work together.
Why are they friends?? What's the backstory?
Other than that, sky is pretty spot on. He's the pretty boy with good intentions. Not interesting but not very boring either.
Riven is cringy like I feared. He was also sort of cringe in the og but because of the darker setting in the remake he just feels even more so.
Other Criticisms:
- we gets some pretty cringy dialogue (mostly from riven). Some of the clingy dialogue (not from riven) ironically could have worked in a lighter setting and become "campy".
- The fact that there are no wings for 5 whole episodes, just makes the entire thing feel like Witches or something...
- why does everyone have the dead parent trope??
- no tecna
Things I do like:
- bloom missing her parents and feeling left out
- Musa and Sam before Musa and Riven (hopefully)
- Terra in general
- Terra’s dad and brother
- Musa in general
- Stella funny quips
- the scenery is gorgeous
- Stella's clothes are so fashionable! She has great outfits!
- Sky and Bloom taking during the party and/or being friendly with each other
- the magic cgi looks good 👍
- the rooms of the girls dorms and the castle looks great on the inside
- Aisha's personality
- Farrah Dowling is good as well
- Bloom is pretty spot on
- Stella's mom's powers are awesome
- imagine the genocide plot but with the happy fun show vibe and with the trix. The trix want to get revenge on faragonda for killing their cult, who wanted to revive the ancestral witches or something💥💥💥
- Stella in episodes 5 and 6 is cool
- the inclusion of the witches of aster dell (Beatrix said she was born there = witch)
- the inclusion of musa’s mother’s death
-Her transformation was lackluster to me, but I appreciated the effort to include it.
The pacing was all over the place to me; it felt like some episodes lasted forever and all of them seemed to have the vague theme of : be careful who you trust.
By trying to separate the winx from the og and have them have "their own lives" (which they already had), they ruined the intriguing backstories the characters already had in the og. Some were somewhat kept, but others were kind of left in the dust *cough*Aisha*cough*.
They took away with made them special: the teamwork, love, and friendship that brought them together and made them stronger. *They try it in episodes 5 and 6, but to me it just falls sort of flat.*
That said it isn't completely bad, it's mediocre at best, but it isn't Winx and that's that.
Edit: I know that it’s not supposed to be winx per say, but it has characters from the og and even the “winx” name in the title!
Credits: WCD channel on youtube, rainbow whitewashing jar on tumblr, and Youtube videos by the official winx club youtube channel.
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