#blame it on the fake regency star wars ;)
galateagalvanized · 1 year
Thunder, Penny and Sparrow
For Prompt #5, from @elwenyere—thank you, dear! For others, this story is part of the ‘verse I started in this fill, which isn’t necessary to read but might be informative ;) 
If it hadn’t been raining, Cody would never have bothered with his family’s carriage.
Thunder rolls like the crashing of waves on the other side of the windows, and rain beats a frantic tattoo on the warped glass. Cody draws the curtains closed and leans back in his chair, unwilling to watch the dancing orange lights in the distance grow any larger.
Perhaps, he thinks with a fatalism that he never would’ve tolerated on his ship, the weather will chase away all the family’s potential guests. Perhaps he will arrive at his cousin’s manor sopping wet and alone, and Rex will invite him in for revitalizing glass of tihaar, and they can sit by the fire and trade stories from long summers spent dunking each other in the duck pond, until Cody heads back to his parents’ estate, exactly as much of a bachelor as he is now.
The first rattle mostly blends into the thunder, and it makes Cody sigh over the state of the roads in Concord Dawn. The second rattle makes him sit up, concerned that an axle might be loose.
On the third rattle, the door opens.
Cody startles backwards, draws his pistol, cocks it, and finds himself unable to pull the trigger on whoever could be insane enough to enter a four-horse carriage hurtling down muddy, broken roads.
“Ah,” the thief from yesterday says. The barrel of his own pistol never wavers from Cody’s heart. “Hello there. Are you following me?”
Cody blinks, then laughs.
“Isn’t that my line?” he asks with surprising fondness.
Behind the thief, white-blue lightning forks across the sky, illuminating the back of his cloak in oil-slick pools of light. Rain splatters into the carriage’s enclosure, pooling along the leather.
In the ensuing thunder, Cody makes a decision, slides back along the seat, and makes room.
“Well?” he says as he tucks his pistol away. “You coming in or not?”
The man hesitates one second, then another, then slides in next to Cody. He shuts the door with a click, and the rain and thunder beat a softer tune.
At the front of the carriage, a small door slides open.
“Everything well, young master?” the postillion asks. “Thought I heard the door open.”
Cody keeps his eyes locked on his guest’s as he says, “Just wanted some fresh air.”
“…right you are, sir,” the man says, and the shutter closes once more.
“Okay, what am I missing?” the thief says. “I have to admit, I may not be the most experienced highwayman, but I do think it’s not supposed to go like this.”
But even in saying so, he lets the hood of his cloak fall to his shoulders, and he runs a hand through damp, dark brown hair. It mostly sticks where he sets it except in a few strands that drape themselves, resisting, along the line of his forehead.
“You need to rob someone,” Cody says, trying not to stare at the water droplets winding their way down the man’s neck. This is not the time nor the place. “I need to be robbed. I thought we could come to some accord.”
“You need to be—my dear, many people need to be robbed, but very few of them would ever admit to it,” the man marvels. “Pray tell me, why do you need to be robbed?”
“I can’t think of a better excuse to not go to a party than to be stripped of my clothes and my coin purse on the way over. Can you?” Cody says, reaching for the buttons on his suit jacket.
His skin heats up even in the howling cold as the man’s eyes follow Cody’s fingers with rapt attention, his pupils dark even in the next flash of a lightning strike.
“It must be some party,” he says softly. “Whose is it?”
Cody laughs. “Technically? Mine.”
When he’s finished, Cody folds his jacket over his arm and raises an eyebrow, taunting, daring—
And there’s a heady mixture of heat and challenge in the man’s gaze when he raises his eyes and his pistol and he says, “Then, darling: your money, or your life?”
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kelkat-9 · 6 years
Kelkat9 Master Fic List
In Progress - all stories will be linked to AO3 unless only on Teaspoon/ Thanks for reading my stories!
Updated 4/13/18
Following Are My Series/Verses
Dark!Ten Verse - Series is numbered for reading order (Dark!Ten x Rose) ADULT/NSFW
Victorian Verse - TenII x Rose - These are historical time travel in Pete’s World - Teen but one story (a one shot is NSFW)
Forever is Full of Twists and Turns - Eleven x Immortal Rose thus far - more might be added later with Twelve - this is one you should probably read in order - Teen until story #5 the some NSFW parts
Through the Void and Darkness - Ten x Rose - reunion and AU at JE - it would be best to read this one in order as well.  NSFW bits in Story #2
Lordstorm and His LiveJournal Adventures - TenII x Rose - some are NSFW - I wrote these early on so they need polishing - CrackFic and humor
Time, Eternals and the Domestic Life - TenII/Rose Adventures in Pete’s World domestic and otherwise - some are kidfic and some NSFW
Greek Gods - The Adventures of Hades and Persephone and their Friends - AU Peter V/Rose - NSFW mostly - modern mythology
Dark, Dangerous and Otherworldly - Ten/Rose AU - Ghost Verse NSFW
Dark Journeys - Ten/Rose UA - Dark!Ten
Santa Baby - Ten/Rose AU CEO/Employee  BDSM NSFW
Sir Alec and Lady Rose - Alec H/Rose AU Historical
Eleventh Doctor - Eleven/Immortal Rose  AU one NSFW
A Dark Path to Redemption - NSFW in one chapter but otherwise adult.  This is a Dark!Ten x Rose mythology AU
A Girl and Her Frog - Ten x Rose - fairy tale AU  Teen
A Sip of Darkness, A Taste of Light - Adult - Hades/Perspehone type Nine x Rose AU
Blood Death & Shagging - Peter Vincent x Rose the slayer - vampire/Fright Night AU - NSFW and copious cursing - it’s Peter Vincent!
Claimed by Moonlight - NSFW - Darker Dom Ten x Rose - He’s an Alpha ;)  Sort of a wolf au
Definitely Not a Debutante - Ten x Rose  spy/mystery woman AU - NSFW part
Doctorella -  Ten x Rose  Fairy Tale AU  Teen
Finding Harmony - Ten x Rose   Rock Star Rose AU  Teen to Adult for language
Happily Ever After Isn’t Just a Fairy Tale - Ten x Rose  Royal AU.  NSFW - 2 chapts.  A King and his braid with much going wrong in his kingdom except for a blonde lady who steals his heart
Legend of the Traveling House - NSFW in one chapt so far.  Nine x Rose.  Sort of like an altverse reimagining of Gallifrey
Tardis Toys - Ten x Rose Teen - very sweet romance.  toy shop au
The Academy - Ten x Rose   Super Power Teens/Mutant Teens AU - Rated Teen
The Blue Box Case - Ten x Rose   Adult Spy AU - my first of this kind so it’s a little rough but it’s cute and flirty with a touch of angst
The Doctor and The Hidden Wolf - Nine x Rose   Futuristic Detective Nine AU
The Exes - Ten x Rose - Divorced couple repairs their broken relationship AU   Ten x Rose with many others.  Adult for cursing.  Drama, angst and a touch of humor.
The Lord of Gallifrey - Ten x Rose Regency/Georgian historical AU One chapt has a NSFW thing in it but the rest is pretty Teenish to Adult rating.
Under The Sea - Teen - Ten x Rose - Merman AU - cute with a side of angst
Not Just An Ordinary Call Boy - Adult-NSFW - Ten x Rose - Bad prossy Ten
Vinification - Teen - Ten x Rose - winemaker Ten meets business woman Rose
A Ghost Story - Adult-NSFW - novel length.  Ten x Ros - Unit student Rose moves into an allegedly haunted house with a mystery she must unravel
Anti-Soul Mates - Adult NSFW - Nine x Rose - Professor and student meet on a lecture about soul mates
Santa Baby, He’s No Gentlemen - Adult NSFW - Ten x Rose, dark and powerful CEO falls for an executive assistant - read the tag warnings
Ramifications of Bachelor Bidding - Adult NSFW - Ten x Rose and Olicity - crossover with Arrow - Bachelor Auction, competitors falling in love and mayhem
A Sip of Darkness, A Taste of Light - Teen - some violence - Nine x Rose - inspired by Hades/Persephone myth
In You I Have Found Paradise - Adult NSFW - Missing scene from Sip of Darkness
Legend of The Traveling House - Adult NSFW - Nine x Rose - re-imagining Time Lords and Gallifrey in a new verse
Bacchanalia - Adult NSFW - Ten x Rose - An accidental meeting at a Masquerade Ball leads to something more
Smith’s Book Store - Nine x Rose Teen - Victorian Book Store AU/Historical
A Lady’s Choice - Alec H x Rose Teen courtly AU
Bad Wolf Salon - Ten x Rose Teen hairdresser AU just over a drabble
New Las Vegas - Peter V x Rose Adult space vampires AU
Torchwood Symposium of Temporal Displacements Protocol - Adult Ten/Rose Adventure-Human AU Rivals to Lovers
A Night in Venice - Adult Ten x Rose - Spy AU
231 Farrington - Ten x Rose NSFW Dragon AU
The Wedding Planner - Ten/Rose based on the movie AU
Being A Gorgon Can Be So Annoying - Nine/Rose Mythology AU
Smith’s Bookstore - Nine/Rose  Historical AU
Bad Wolf Salon - Ten/Rose Salon AU short prompt fic
New Las Vegas - Peter V/Rose space vampire AU
TenII x Rose Fics
A Closet To Remember - NSFW - TenII proves himself to Rose - romance/humor
Accusation - Teen  - Angst/Romance TenII has a hard time adjusting to Pete’s World
A Not So Typical Torchwood Mission - Explicit TenII/Rose undercover at an alien sex club
A Not So Typical Valentines Day -  Teen - Fluff Valentine’s Fic
Applegrass - Teen fluff, romance - a day with TenII and Rose
An Unexpected Shearing - Teen - fluff, humor cracky fic -Rose gives the Doctor a trim
Beginning - Teen Angst/Romance - a bit prosey
Broken - Explicit - Angst - PTSD Rose, hurt/comfort
Denial - Teen - angst - romance - Rose pregnant fic
Evil Elves and Cranky Reindeer - It Must Be A Torchwood Christmas - Teen Adventure/humor - things go a bit pear shaped at Torchwood’s Christmas Party
Flame - Explicit - TenII is tired of waiting
Look - Teen - humor and fluff
Nakedness - Teen - Domestics, nudist colonies and evil scientists - fun/adventure
Nothing Says Valentines Day Like Star Wars - Teen fluff and humor
Silver - Teen - humor/adventure/romance disco and aliens!
The Banning of Cosmo - Explicit - crackfic -TenII likes to read Cosmo
The Well Prepared Multiversal Traveler - Explicit - what does Dimension Hopping Rose have in her pockets
Huddling For Warmth - Teen - trapped in a cold cellar
The Ginger Solution - Adult - drunk!TenII; adventure - post Bad Wolf Bay coming together fic
Everything is Better with Toys - NSFW - sexy times adventures
Even a Baby TARDIS Needs a Special Friend - Teen - fluff
Bed Shopping Adventure - Teen - fluff
Huddling For Warmth - like it says on the tin Teen
Ten x Rose fics
A Cinematic Reunion - NSFW Dimension Hopping Rose Reunion Fic
A Visit to Mos Eisley - Teen - Star Wars crossover
Blame it On The Poxatalen Brandy - Mature so many tropes in this one - crackfic
Corruption Never Felt So Good - NSFW Rose saves Ten in an unusual way
Cupcake Wars Doctor Style - Teen - crossover with reality tv show cupcake wars - fluff/humor
Dimension Cannons and Drunk Time Lords - Explicit - drunk pervy Ten - reunion - crackfic
Family of Blood - Explicit - AU FoB/HN, Reunion fic, humor, vampires, Peter Vincent
Fever - Explicit - reunion/dimension hopping Rose - song fic
Formal - Angst/Romance - post GitF - Ten takes Rose to a ball and she is mistreated
Halloween Is Us - Explicit - Adventure/Smut//Humor and Peter Vincent
Haze - Teen - Angst - Romance - Reunion
Is It All Nothing But a Dream - Teen - Universe Alteration at DD - Angst/Romance
Midnight Reunion - NSFW - Explicit - Reunion fic set at the end of Midnight
Phantom of The TARDIS - Teen - Tardis room ficathon - humor - drama
Prepared - Teen - angst - romance - suprise kid fic
Respect The Wolf - Explicit - reunion fic - humor/adventure and dragons - bamf Rose
Rudolph The Evil Reindeer - Teen Crackfic - humor - Ten and Rose save Rudolph from his evil ways
Secrets of an Alpha Class Pleasure Slave - Explicit - reunion/slave fic trope/shag or die
Shudder - Teen - prompt word fic - Doctor Whump and bamf Rose
The Forgotten Moment - Explicit - AU post JE/DoD Moment Rose/Bad Wolf Rose
The Land of Misfit Toys - Teen - sweet fluffy story
The Oncoming Sperm - Explicit - crackfic all the way
The Perils of Repression - Explicit - kind of jekyll/Hyde fic
The Seduction of Rose Tyler - Explicit  Humor, Romance, slight crackiness
The Tale of the Holy Pear and the Prophet Bob - Teen - crack/adventure/humor
The Victorian, The Bookstore and The Fireplace - Teen - reunion fic pre JE
Wind - Teen - humor - Ten, Rose, Donna with the Master
White Wall - NSFW post doomsday wall shagging
An Addiction to Knowledge - Adult - crackfic escaping a  hospital
The Wolf is Free - Adult - Idris as the TARDIS - slightly spooky
When Time Lords Wander Off - Adult drugged!Ten - Donna and dimension hopping Rose
Unexpected Unicorns - Rose and Ten get turned into unicorns
An Ode to Hope - Doomsday UA/Reunion/Adventure/Babyfic
An Addition To Knowledge - Adventure/crack fic  Adult due to streaking
Nine x Rose fics
A New Kind of Sonic Setting  - Teen - lactation and sonics hmmm
Companion - Explicit - sex pollen cliche
Dalek - Explicit - so cracky/ep rewrite - funny
Fifty Shades of Skaro - Explicit - short version of Dalek
His Wicked Mistress - Explicit - slave trope
Order - Explicit - Sex Pollen Trope - humor
Peace, Love & Hippy Aliens - Teen humor/adventure/a bit of crack
Pychedelic Pollen and Dalek Squirrels - Explicit - Cracky Adult Adventure with Nine, Rose and Jack
Restless - Teen - Trapped on Earth - Nine needs to run
Snowflake - Teen - Nine and Rose play in the snow
Summer - Teen - fluff and humor
Dr. and Mrs. Tyler - Adult NSFW - Fake Married/Adventure in Regency Era
First Kiss - Teen - like it says on the tin
The Bairn Bubbalo Baby Store - Teen - babyfic
Breaking His Resolve - Teen - Nine in a Tux
A Platoon of Judoon on the Moon - Teen - hiding in a closet
Trapped - NSFW - trapped on a lift - wall shagging
Daddy Doctor - Teen sweet fluff - baby fic
The One Time They Watched That Channel - NSFW for them watching porn
It Was A Dark and Stormy Night - Haunted House with a twist - Teen
A Platoon of Judoon on the Moon - Royal Hope Hospital - Teen
Trapped - standard trapped in a lift let’s shag trope NSFW
Daddy Doctor - fluff babyfic General
Multi Era
Knowledge - Teen - Rose through the Doctor’s eyes
Move - Teen Ten/Tenii - how the Doctor and Rose dance
Transformation - Teen - How Rose healed the Doctor and became so much more
Thanks - Teen - Rose perspective on Nine regenerating into Ten
A Blue Leather Jacket - Drabble about Dimension Hopping Rose rated Teen
It Burned In His Eyes  Drabble about TLV  - rated Teen
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