#blb ygo hours
waveridden · 2 years
bestie you CANNOT say og ffs yugioh decks and not expect me to ask !!!! so are there any others u feel particularly strong about eyes eyes eyes
no okay let's get into it. i think the ffs would have a really fun variety and spread which is why they were my initial target. some of these are going to be very on the nose, because that is the spirit of yugioh. some will not be because that is the spirit of waveridden.
tyreek: i had to dig a little for this but i'm really feeling a starry knight deck: vaguely angelic themed with potential support for several different boss monsters (where a lot of decks are themed around just one boss). also dragons! i think tyreek deserves dragons i kind of love that vibe
declan: i think dec would lean into a warrior type deck, which is definitely the kind of thing that can evolve over time. combat-heavy. i'm really drawn to noble knights fsr but i think you could make a couple different cases
josh: can't really explain this one but i'm really drawn to them having a charmer deck (full disclosure i ADORE the charmers) - maybe not super powerful but really vibey and fun to play
ike: 100% a rock deck, maybe with some thunder/machine influences - i see him as playing really defense-heavy and going hard into stun decks, which prevent/punish opponents for playing the games.
edric: i know i pulled volcanic decks for someone else but i also want to pull it here, specifically for alt!edric: these decks are based on dealing as much damage as possible, as fast as possible. for pre-alt edric i'm kind of feeling a magician deck, probably silent magician
rivers: i have a really soft spot for ritual monsters even though i know they're a little outdated in the card game, and so i'm giving rivers a dragon paladin deck. first of all she deserves a dragon. second of all she in particular feels like a good fit for the very flashy knight theming (maybe in part because she's actually not a good fit idk who can say) and third of all the ritual summoning just feels right
ruthless: longer post here - tldr a batteryman deck with an otk specialty
lou: another one that's strat-forward, i think lou uses a mill deck. there are two ways to win a duel: defeating your opponent via life points, and eliminating all the cards in their deck. mill decks are centered around that latter strategy. i'm leaning towards a monarch deck bc i like the balance of it all
wes: a water deck obviously but specifically i think one oriented towards sea serpents and my bestie the daedalus archetype. heavy reliance on field spells because who among us does not love a legendary ocean
caleb: longer post here - tldr uses a burn strategy and probably a fairy deck, maybe a spellcaster sitch. i bet they'd love dark magician
justice: oh definitely a d.d. deck (different dimension) - these are based on banishing cards from play and are a real bitch to set up in a way that's actually effective, but i think she could fucking destroy with it. (again this is very alt!justice, i'm inclined to say a rock deck or even a statue deck just to be on the nose with it)
atlas: an aroma deck! it's plant/aromatherapy themed and has a really interesting accompanying strategy in that it's not about dealing damage to your opponent, it's about effects and buffs to the person playing the aroma deck, which feels super atlas-y to me
swammy: i mean obviously a frog deck right. maybe some toads. i don't think i need to explain this
mullen: first of all i think mullen would be fabulous in 5ds era i think she could pull off card games on motorcycles. second of all i'm inclined towards a machine king deck - i can't really explain it but there's something very gritty in the aesthetic, combined with the swarm strategy, and also the dna surgery strat (card what makes all the other cards machines) just feels mullen-y to me
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waveridden · 1 year
this is such a fun ask prompt. i gotta ask for syrus and/or axel blaseball narratives
i don't think you can talk about syrus without talking about zane so i'll start by talking about zane
best shadows prospect on his team, is brought out almost immediately. probably on the crabs? he gives me crabs vibes.
this isn't important the thing that's important is that i think he should get the silvaire roadhouse flinch -> debt narrative. extremely good player extremely powerful. becomes traumatized. becomes the bane of a lot of people's existence
(or he could get alted. food for thought)
WITH THIS IN MIND. syrus is less promising (and is on a less promising team) but gets a lot of very slow improvements over time and joins the main team semi-at random but holds his own
syrus doesn't get, like, a shit-ton of mods or anything, but is a solid player. i actually like him as like... really high baserunning but has trouble getting on base to begin with. like if he can make it on then he'll steal bases till he's home but the guy simply does not make good contact with the ball
9098iuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <- that's my cat adding a headcanon
axel on the other hand is very... ruthless ace pitcher for an expansion team. he shows up late and he shows up brutal
gets reverbed to batting at some point. hates it but it's fine
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waveridden · 1 year
can you assign some random CARDS to teams. your favorites preferably.
favorite cards. favorite teams. doesn't matter idk. here are the first five i think of
yellowstone magic get charmer cards. i love the charmers.
atlantis georgias a legendary ocean. obviously.
give the hades tigers a pet sangan or give me death
tokyo lift des kangaroo because i think it's funny
this isn't a team but i'm giving beck whitney black rose dragon
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waveridden · 1 year
also for the other way do you have any thoughts on majoume/chazz and/or johan/jesse
so in the past month i've been thinking about this and i would like to propose a general idea that is the gx players as shadows for various teams. i think it fits well with the "next generation" thing as well as the whole idea of them trying to become pro duelists. anyways with that in mind,
chazz is one of those "high stars but super borked fk" shadows players where it's like, he would be okay but a single shinfuse would make him great
it's just that that's constantly the fifth most important thing going on at any given moment
he is really mad about this. why won't they let him play. don't they see he's a four star batter.
meanwhile jesse wins one of those blessings that's like "bedazzle a player in your shadows" and like nobody knows what the fuck bedazzled means but they all vote for it
jesse definitely is also, like, a semi-beloved late-discipline replacement player who got foreshadowed in early expansion because he's just not that good. but people still love him.
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waveridden · 2 years
heres a goofy one, what do you think atticus’s blaseball narrative would be. or just. My beautiful son yugi of yugioh fame
atticus <3 ily
ok my thought is. you know how brisket friendo and tad seeth were the first players to be redacted. i think that's atticus. i don't think he's a shadows player - he's maybe the first active player in the league to become redacted, but it takes a while for people to figure out that's what's going on. vanishes without a trace one day. stumbles back out onto a different field, and another and another and another, until he comes back and isn't all the way there.
i think eventually he and alexis switch positions on the team, and either he gets alternated (i know this gets rid of attractor but it doesn't feel right here) or the attractor thing gets reformed into charm, and he's... you know, still fucked up, struggling with the darkness, but he's got that charm and he's coming back to himself. this is my pitch for you
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waveridden · 2 years
ummmmmmmm yugioh juice..? if u would like
this is the first one where i don't think the thing i want to pitch actually exists in the world, but i'm going to describe it anyways: the ideal here is a water-type equivalent of a mokey mokey deck
mokey mokey are a very weak monster, but if you swarm the field with them there's a lot of support cards and you can summon some VERY powerful mokey mokey monsters. they are little fairy guys and so i would want something similar (and with a little more variety than just one monster) that's like, water/fish themed
alternately if you want something that DOES exist, ghoti decks are just cool fun sea monster guys. island vibes, baby
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waveridden · 2 years
who is the nerd pacheco of ygogx
some background for the average blog reader: blink and i were out running errands today and i was like. can you elaborate on what this means. and blink went yeah who's in a coma because i know there's someone. to which of course the answer is atticus (i have another ask about atticus in blaseball waiting for me so i'm not going to get into it rn)
HOWEVER without that clarification my answer definitely would've been bastion. he's kind of a stereotypical Smart Kid, his whole thing is that dueling is a science that can be perfected, he has six decks on him at all times for various situations, and he is just very very intellectual and observant. but as the series goes on he shifts from like a A-tier supporting character to being more and more shafted into the background and struggles with feeling trapped. ultimately he leaves the academy to become an apprentice to another duelist, gets flung into another dimension, meets someone who he previously had feelings for, and decides to stay in the dark dimension. so that's my other answer
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waveridden · 2 years
yugioh decks for york and lehua pleasey
GASP OKAY here we go:
lehua absolutely has a dragon deck - i personally think she'd go with an armed dragon deck (shoutout to my best friend armed dragon lv3 i think that lil dude is so cute). i like to think that lehua is like, not a pro duelist and not an excellent strategist but she works really well under pressure which means that she's fabulously good at dueling, by non-pro standards
(as a side note i think that nagomi md probably has either a warrior or beast-warrior type of deck - i'm not getting in too deep but my knee jerk instinct is ancient warriors. they for sure run a beatdown deck which is super duper focused on battle damage)
as a kid york probably has a less focused dragon deck, but i'd like to think that a fun equivalent to the gunblade bat blessing is a very powerful deck upgrade, so i'm going to take a page out of gx and say that york has crystal beasts. this is a high honor i fucking love the crystal beasts
this is a fun split-the-difference between lehua and nagomi: crystal beasts get support from ultimate crystal, which includes rainbow dragon and a couple other dragons, and also they're beasts which is a link to nagomi's beast-warrior sitch
ANYWAYS jesse of gx fame uses crystal beasts and then becomes evil, so pods york uses the advanced crystal beasts, which are similar but darker
he lands in canada and it is here that i bestow my second high honor on york: a water deck! (i had a legendary ocean deck as a teen i fucking loved that thing) i think specifically he would use an atlantean deck which focuses on using a lot of low-level water monsters
and then, of course, he gets incinerated and comes back with a fire deck. i'm thinking a volcanic deck - it focuses both on large amounts of damage and on totally fucking decimating your opponent's side of the field so that they don't have any cards to work with. it is a ruthless and angry strategy and it just feels like a good fit
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waveridden · 2 years
silvaire semiquaver
i have two pitches, a strat pitch and an archetype pitch. in terms of strats, silvaire for sure runs a burn deck, which is a deck that tries to take out your opponent's life points via card effects rather than attack damage. HOWEVER. i think that she would have a destiny hero deck - like between the vibes (the literal giant clock) and the dark type and also just the warrior nature of it all, it feels like a good fit for her. very versatile. i think she would get along with aster phoenix
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waveridden · 2 years
for yugioh. val hitherto
@leonstamatis asked: val hitherto
first of all you know how every series is about a different type of summoning. like gx has all the fusions and 5ds has the synchros and whatever. i think val for sure has versions of his deck set up for every type of summoning and he tries to pick ones that his opponent can't necessarily counter
anyways this is on the nose so in the spirit of yugioh i'm running with it, this bitch DEFINITELY runs a time-thief deck. like especially with these cards being well suited to spamming the field, a move that feels very val to me. in terms of support he favors machine-types bc those work well with the deck and also you can go with all types of aesthetic. cyber shit. ancient gear shit. all of the above
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waveridden · 2 years
yugioh cleb : )
for most of these i found an archetype that i thought fit and then found a good strategy for it but for cleb i actually went the opposite: for sure i think they'd play a stun deck, which is a type of deck that's built around trying to stop your opponent from being able to play the game. stun decks are unique bc once you get the field set up in a certain way they're easy to maintain, and unlike some other decks they don't prevent your opponent from doing certain things (like summoning monsters) - they just punish the opponent for doing them. it all feels very caleb to me: it's not outwardly aggressive or attack-heavy, it's laying groundwork and watching it all come together.
anyways in terms of theme/vibe i was thinking some kind of fairy/spellcaster - the wiki says fairy decks work well with the stun strat. i think that caleb would favor either light or dark monsters, definitely things that are a little ethereal and weird.
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waveridden · 2 years
I hear what you’re saying about the appeal being smaller but I am dying to know how you think yugioh narratives would translate into blaseball. What’s up with Yubel? Does Pegasus’ mind reading leading him to destruction work like the precog trio? Does having access to the physical world but having to play a blood sport make Noah any less cranky?
hedge i completely love this. let's get into it
i have a couple different pitches for yubel! the first is that they were a prehistory player, probably not A Vault Legend but a pretty powerful one (like an abbott wright or smth) that just got totally forgotten by history, and when they come back they're fucking pissed. you could also even make them the parker maccy analogue complete with them being a vindictive firewalker.
yubel pitch number two is that yubel is linked to an item/mod somehow, which has a couple subpitches: the first is that it's a kennedy loser-shannon chamberlain situation (shannon got stuck permanently haunting ken) where yubel is haunting jaden. the second is that it's a non-mechanical haunting situation, sort of tugging on the thread of @polyboros's fics about jesus and tyvi and scorpler - to me a key part of yubel is that they are haunting/possessing people and so the idea of an item that also carries the spirit of a dead legendary player is really fun to me. this one def also allows the most flexibility in terms of yubel being able to haunt other people. but also lastly i HAVE to shout out jaden yuki pgr talking to the parasite (yubel is the parasite) (perhaps this is also the parasite mod. who can say) (like you know how tiana takahashi had the parasite jersey? that)
pegasus time! mind reading actually feels to me like a houston spies thing although i would take it a step further and pitch to you blaseball commissioner pegasus who is fully aware of the woes of prehistory and is doing this anyways. it starts out as kind of a coin boss situation where he is kind of a bitch and cunt about it but there's a lot of genuine empathy and before long he's more of a parker
as for noah. would bloodsports make anyone less cranky, really
no my real answer is (with a grain of salt bc i don't remember this arc super well) i don't necessarily think the virtual world and bloodsport are mutually exclusive (and there's something freaky/fun to me about the idea of only being able to be corporeal during blaseball games) but there's some more built in solidarity and love in blaseball and i think that would go a long way
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waveridden · 2 years
I simply must know what Hiroto’s yugioh deck would be. Also ily
oh babe you KNOW hiroto wilcox is rocking a gladiator beast deck. it's a very powerful, dramatic, flashy deck that's also super versatile, it involves rotating monsters in and out, and you can do huge amounts of damage. it's the kind of thing that takes a lot of skill and focus to do well, and i think that fits hiroto, especially because people probably expect her to have a very silly or perhaps underwhelming deck and then she whips out a champion-level gladiator beast deck.
alternately (or for, like, character arc purposes, maybe this is where she starts/ends? idk) i think she could rock a fossil deck, which is for sure a little less focused and flashy. i like the idea of her having two decks, one that she uses for friendly competition and one that she uses for Competition, and you can make some kind of arc/parallel involving the captaincy and how seriously she takes things and how she's wearing herself out using the gladiator beasts instead of the fossils
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waveridden · 2 years
ruthless for the yugioh decks?
ok so my immediate thought was a harpie lady deck (which of course is a nod to gob's harpie ruthless design, and is what mai valentine uses in the original yugioh anime) but i don't think the strategy behind that is very ruthless-y? so i'd like to propose a batteryman deck (bc the thunder monster vibe does feel very ruthless-core): the deck is oriented around lots of fairly small and weak monsters with very very powerful effects, and the kind of deck that can be built to knock out your opponent in one turn. has a couple of very obvious weaknesses but with an aggressive enough playstyle it's hard to exploit those.
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