#blesase talk to me about this it's all i think about x
miusiu · 5 years
my got 8x03 thoughts here so i don’t spam twit again.....
Things i liked about this ep:
- Sansa (as always) -- “I’m not abandoning my people”, her being a witty queen whilst telling tyrion his witty comments wouldn’t be helpful in the battle above, her leaving her place of relative safety, having to battle with her terror to go and defend her people, even if it was futile and just buying them a few minutes (cue sobbing)
- sansa doing all that in front of dany’s Advisory Team, varys specifically, and letting them see that on top of all the practical planning for war and for her people, she’s genuinely here every step of the way to defend the north and anyone in it
- arya. every goddamn scene of her
- all of arya’s s1 callbacks, not today to the god of death and then running of to destroy the walking embodiment of death.... who else could ever!!!!!!! and her passing on the true stark knowledge of stick em with the pointy end
- arya’s video game stealth mission in the library... we love the last of us
- on that note, arya and sansa working together and trusting each other in every moment of their season 7 and 8 lives yas queens
- arya and the hound  best surrogate father/daughtership, and that including sandor working thru his fire thing for her
- mel being a badass with all her fire magicksz and the #tension she always brings to any scene she’s in... 
- mel getting that lovely peaceful end, on her own terms, after fighting and winning a battle for all humanity
- the dragonriders being almost totally useless, dragonfire being useless against Mx Night King... u can’t have all that power and just have everything go ur way
- beric’s T pose as he got stabbed to death... we love you jesus
- lyanna mormont being the absolute legend that she is and always will be she is living and well and she’s going to continue house mormont’s name :) 
- dani truly did nothing i have to laugh...
- grey worm surviving bc we WILL get that GW/missandei honeymoon in naath so help me god
- jorah completing his journey and dying in time for dani to lose any kind of moral compass that she had if she ever listened to him
- i just realised when the hound/mel leave the room they’d been in with arya.... they just had to kill wight!beric... it hurts........ 
- the fact that they had barely a chance to speak bc the dialogue from these writers is so extremely hit and miss lmao
- jon being a dumbass as usual and trying to fight the NK one on one without considering the field of corpses he’s running into... also the plot hole of dragonfire not burning said corpses before that. yes i liked it
- drogon just ollying outtie from dani once again... loyal son
- the night king being a bad bitch at hand to hand combat bc he’s like 8000 years old
we know for sure there’s gonna be a dance of dragons 2.0 because all that sfx money is being put into another, better-lit, sequence of dragons fighting mid-air and not ghost
things i didn’t like:
- killing lyanna............ a tween gal with the world at her toiny feet..... and in such a violent way lol it was jsutksljflsdf like they can make her badass without putting the viewer thru watching a child get brutalised
- how only two characters you could truly class as Main characters died.... the no-stakes battle of LIFE AND DEATH isn’t rly being sold to us as viewers when u only see brienne/jaime/tormund/gendry fighting in the courtyard of winterfel like.... it’s beyond the wall 2.0 and this time the other half of old married couple beric and thoros died
- they reanimate the fuckin dead in winterfell and we don’t get a single #memory come back to undead life from the crypts? not explicitly? u don’t have to retraumatise the characters but put SOME stakes in, emotional or physical, please.... 
- the crypts were never gonna be safe, but the amount of times it was emphasised how safe it was in 8x02... really they didn’t do anything with those scenes, they didn’t have the shireen stand-in come to the forefront....
- also they coulda focused on sansa actually fighting the wights but ok... it’s like all of her scenes in this were 90% complete without real payoff and i just have to infer it, being a sansa stan 4 lyf
- dani’s two foreign armies, being moc, just uhhhh being brought over to die..... en masse.... just one single named character that gets to magically survive against all odds
- ik that theon was supposed to be best at archery but the fact that he just magically was the last ironborn defender around bran to go......im glad he got his redemption n shit but omg i once again must laugh
- genuinely couldn’t tell u if rhaegal is alive but seeing as every other main character is here i’m sure he’s fine
- the reawightening, the second round of troops of the dead, was all nice and dramatic but did they really not have a strategy for this? reallly?  after hardhome?
- i feel like edd’s death was death number 40029 where sam Isn’t Moving and someone Needs to Save him and they Die Because Of It and i’m not about this... man’s killed a white walker let him live without guilt for three seconds
-jon just avoiding the dead dragon fire by the skin of his teeth fifty times... a good diversion from miss arya’s mad dash across winterfell but omg was ex-king in the north rly gonna FIGHT A WIGHT DRAGON WITH NOWT BUT A VALYRIAN STEEL SWORDDDDD
arya is that bitch. im happy for mel, witch queen
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