miusiu · 5 years
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Carol + band tees
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miusiu · 5 years
She is good at this, he thought, as he watched her tell Lord Gyles that his cough was sounding better, compliment Elinor Tyrell on her gown, and question Jalabhar Xho about wedding customs in the Summer Isles. His cousin Ser Lancel had been brought down by Ser Kevan, the first time he’d left his sickbed since the battle. He looks ghastly. Lancel’s hair had turned white and brittle, and he was thin as a stick. Without his father beside him holding him up, he would surely have collapsed. Yet when Sansa praised his valor and said how good it was to see him getting strong again, both Lancel and Ser Kevan beamed. She would have made Joffrey a good queen and a better wife if he’d had the sense to love her. (A Storm of Swords - Tyrion VIII)
We often talk about how Sansa learns politics from Cersei and Baelish and from her time at the Vale, but I rarely see Ned being listed among her teachers. Meanwhile, this passage is Ned’s lessons in action. “Know the men who follow you and let them know you,” he told Robb. Arya heard that, and it seems that Sansa did, too, because that’s exactly what she’s doing here, albeit in her own gentle way. She hates being there and is disappointed in people surrounding her, but she still shows interest in their lives and makes them like her in return.
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miusiu · 5 years
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HIS DARK MATERIALS Season One (2019) | BBC/HBO, Bad Wolf Productions
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miusiu · 5 years
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Queen in the North 
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miusiu · 5 years
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some serious journalism
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miusiu · 5 years
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Tiles of Lisbon 
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miusiu · 5 years
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David and Patrick + season five
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miusiu · 5 years
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it’s good to know we still care about the little things
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miusiu · 5 years
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in another life
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miusiu · 5 years
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Kit Harington’s reaction to Jon killing Daenerys
(Kit didn’t read the script for the final season until the read table)
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miusiu · 5 years
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Us (2019) dir. Jordan Peele
You know how sometimes things line up? Coincidences. Since we’ve been up here they’ve been happening more and more. It’s like there’s this black cloud hanging over us.
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miusiu · 5 years
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miusiu · 5 years
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Check out this awesome drone shot of the Botanical Garden in Mount Lofty, Australia! The garden is situated on 240 acres on the eastern slopes of Mount Lofty in the Adelaide Hills. The garden includes plants from all around the globe, including South America, China, East Africa, New Zealand, South East Asia and North America. -34.988504, 138.718630 Found on: From Where I Drone Photo by: Bo Le
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miusiu · 5 years
Nah, I love the rant. I had one of my own this morning with some irls lmao.
D&D threw the emotional and literary heart of the show, the Starks and their relationships with one another (which these characters held onto despite being separated by wars, seas, death,,,), under the bus of Dani’s Cult Of Personality Show. The fact that they couldn’t even commit to portraying her as villainous  makes it all the more upsetting. Like, what did the Starks even get steamrolled for? 
The lack of follow-through on the writers’ part, Kit’s acting, every single visual cue and the pointed ‘telling not showing’ kind of shit that went on in regards to the jon/dani relationship all had me so firmly believing in the political/sacrificial Jon concept because it was such a genuine disconnect from his previous character that I couldn’t make sense of it. Absolutely incomprehensible. Half the viewers knew Dani was gonna go Fire and Blood. We didn’t need a character who would have (still does in my heart) contrasted all of those items on the tyrant checklist to be knocked out of the game for it to make sense but alas... dnd
Basically, look how they massacred my boy.gif
Then in terms of both the sack of King’s Landing and the abusive shit she was pulling on Jon essentially since season 7.... They don’t actually allow Dani to suffer being confronted with her actions; she doesn’t ever have a moment where she knows she was wrong, she knows she fucked up and everyone hates her for it. She gets to die thinking she was in the right. And then we as the viewer don’t get any cue, any nod to tell us ‘Yeah, it’s fucked up what Jon went through’. He gets no narrative justice. Amongst the already heaping pile of shitty, unsatisfying, hollow plot threads we ended with, we also get left with that message.
Dani stans will complain about what kind of message it sends to fans that a white saviour who burnt people alive ended up being a tyrant, but I wanna know what kind of message that shit with Jon sends. oop
at the risk of sounding immensely cheesy, thanks for being so articulate and expressive with your jon posts. the #mourning i'm in for his character and personality is made slightly better seeing how it's affecting other people in the same way. may have resigned myself to living in denial about his s7/s8 arc or lack thereof, but at least we still have season 6. hope you're having a good day
Hi there,
Lol when that finale leaves you feeling so hollow, you need a bit cheesiness to go around. I’m glad they resonated with you because yes, they rushed through the last 2 seasons and did a considerable damage to almost everyone and Dany did get a fall arc that got a pretty rushed ending, but in terms of who got the shorter end of the stick, it was still Jon and after him the Starks’ pack dynamic. 
I don’t think most people get this because of the gender tag, but fact of the matter is apart from the Watsonian reasons where there was a power imbalance in her favor, the show clearly put her on a pedestal even when they didn’t execute her end well as it already started glossing over what she did through Jon as a mouthpiece for her fanbase. The whole finale felt like it was a damage control episode to coddle Dany fans and ease them into understanding why it had to happen at the cost of Jon being made out of character to the point where he was a plot device. 
Throughout this relationship, he wasn’t allowed to be himself and as time went on he and RLJ’s importance for him, the Starks and Westeros was sidelined and made more about her. His interactions with the Starks had to be sidelined. It’s tragic because so much of his character’s defining traits were sacrificed once he entered Dany’s storyline in order to service whatever they needed him to be for the audience. A red herring of Dick of Redemption, a judgy viewer or one of her supplicants or a Dany fan in denial by the finale. That actually had a butterfly effect on the entire story through season 8. If you feel there’s gaping holes, it’s mostly because Jon’s story was shelved aside when he’s pretty important.  
Keep reading
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miusiu · 5 years
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Brie Larson photographed by Kurt Iswarienko (2017)
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miusiu · 5 years
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Skye & Skye by perkot
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miusiu · 5 years
i thought you of all people would be pumped about QitN Sansa?
oh i am PUMPED AF don’t get me wrong… like, i cried when they crowned her it was a full on “QUEEN IN THE NORTH BOW DOWN BINCHES! ALL WE DO IS WIN!! I SAY THAT’S MY BABY AND I’M REALLY PROUD!!!” moment of truly obnoxious proportions for my entire household lol.
but that doesn’t stop me from feeling heartbroken that they are all going separate ways and apart again… especially when THAT’S WHERE ALL THE TROUBLE STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
how important family is to the Starks was one of the things that made them my favorite characters in the entire series… they never forgot about each other. they used memories of each other to keep them strong during their hardest moments. they thought back on each other which such heartwrenching happiness. the Starks thinking of their families and their memories are some of my all time favorite moments in not just the series, but all of fiction tbh. and when they reunited, they protected each other; because that’s what family does, that’s what wolves do.
the Starks have this amazing, beautiful capacity to love others so fiercely, all of them. and all of that stems from the fierce and amazing and beautiful way they all loved, and still love, each other. for a long time they truly thought they would never see each other again. and when they did it was BEAUTIFUL. and we got too see them all living and loving and working together again…
for me, this almost feels like the moment when Sweet Robin crushed Sansa’s snow castle she made to look like Winterfell. she so hard worked to build it up as close to what she could remember it being, just to have it go tumbling down… they spent so long trying to get to each other, only to part again. i don’t like it and THEY CAN’T MAKE ME!
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