#bless you nosho <<<333333
deedala · 11 months
okay, deanna, you put it on my dash, so i'll throw gallavich!mummy au at you. i have no thoughts beyond this, make of it what you will, i just needed to get it out of my brain, thanksokaybye.
Nosho!!!! thank you for these brain worms!! they have not left me all day!! i watched the mummy while i worked this afternoon and thought really hard about it and i decided this is how i would set up a gallavich!mummy au ...
(i dont actually know shit about the military or admissions at oxford in the 1920s so my apologies to History because i'm about to commit some flagrant disregard lol) Okay so Ian and Mickey are both born in Chicago in the early 1900s. Mickey flee's the US when he's a teenager after the Chicago police begin rounding up members of the Milkovich crime family. His options are severely limited so he ends up in joining the French Foreign Legion. Ian joins the united states military when he turns 18. He serves for a few years stationed in Europe but as the US army downsizes from post-WWI he finds himself discharged from service and, not wanting to go back to Chicago, he ends up in England where he enrolls at Oxford and studies Egyptology. Mickey ends up stationed in Algeria at a garrison that becomes obsessed with tales of treasure in Egypt at a place called Hamunaptra. Mickey isn't terribly convinced but when the men march off to Egypt, he doesn't really have any other choice but to go along with them. This is how he ends up at the battle at Hamunaptra in 1923 where the entirety of his fellow legionaries are killed by an opposing army that was sent to execute them for marching through Libya without orders. (this shit is from the wiki i could not figure out who that opposing army was nor could i have ever pulled this out of my ass, so anyway...) Mickey does manage to escape this massacre along with his dubious legion buddy, Damon. They are the only survivors! After some some years of study Ian moves to Cairo to continue his studies and research working at the Cairo Museum of Antiquities. His older brother, Lip, having burned through all his opportunities back in Chicago, moves to Cairo to be with Ian. Lip spends most of his time drinking a little bit too much while gambling, pick-pocketing, and running random schemes around the city. Mickey decides to stay in Egypt and hires himself out as a sometimes mercenary and sometimes guide. He runs low key scams and robberies to keep himself afloat. One day Lip and Mickey encounter each other in a tavern where they play in the same card game. Lip pick-pockets an artifact off of Mickey, who swiftly realizes his precious box is gone and a large bar-fight breaks out when Mickey starts aggressively accusing the men around him. Lip, however, has already slipped away! Mickey is arrested and put in prison. He is sentenced to death for inciting disorder and probably also fighting the guards who showed up to the tavern to stop the fight. Lip brings the puzzle box artifact to Ian to find out what it is and if it's valuable. They discover the map, they find out its a map to Hamunaptra, they go find Mickey in prison and save him from his death penalty in return for him guiding them to Hamunaptra. When they board the river boat Mickey discovers Damon is, at the same time, guiding a group of American treasure hunters to the same ancient ruins. Etc etc, and there you go you have your Ian and Mickey and Lip and Damon(lol) The Mummy AU.
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