#blew my mind So Mucj I completely forgot all this
mejomonster · 4 years
Oh my god I FORGOT wu xie also grabbed Xiaoge’s hoodie string RIGHT OUT OF HIS hood after pinning Xiaoge to a car like
I said it’s tropes galore. Also tho the mega Book vibes of this Wu xie. Like just instinctively going for the Most around Xiaoge and I don’t even think he notices
The fucker takes that string then let’s Xiaoge go, sunglasses is like “I can sell you a belt” and wu xie is like “fuck you i don’t really want this string as a belt I just wanted something of Xiaoge’s, none of that convo u just saw was actually about the belt!”
When it’s like wu xie. You’re so dumb. Xiaoge LET you touch him and LET you pin him to a car you dumbass. You literally are given so much leeway and privilege and closeness by Xiaoge and do you even pick up on it? Or do you just steamroll try to emotionally connect to him constantly and assume regardless ur gonna make a soulmate out of him? Wu xie really be like “I thought I’d never see you again” then be too dense to realize Xiaoge is literally pinpoint focused on him and on comforting him (the only way Xiaoge really knows how, by letting wu xie be close and talk to him and touch and be along with him). And like still. Still when Xiaoge says “I don’t tell you because I want to keep you safe from this” Wu xie is shocked. As if Xiaoge doesn’t already constantly show hes caring about wu xie and isnt giving him the silence just because... but because he worries talking will hurt wu xie.
For real though like. Wu xie please realize how deeply Xiaoge already values you. We on ep 2 and from Xiaoge’s words imma go ahead and say he assumed he cared about wu xie and wants him pushed away and safe, had 0 expectations wu xie actually would or should care about him though. So the “ill know if you’re gone” and “If you need answers I’ll go with you” manage to surprise him.
Xioage doesn’t let sunglasses touch him or talk to him. Xiaoge doesn’t even LOOK at most ppl. Wu xie do you even Realize how Constantly you get preferential treatment??
My dude this is why Liu sang will be so jealous of u one day lol
Xiaoge shows his expressions with wu xie, touches him, let’s wu xie grab him or make them stay in one place to chat, actually listens instead of tuning him out, wants him alive so Clearly that a nings already clocked in on it - when Xiaoge largely could care less if ppl die if they’re trouble, and makes actual effort to talk vulnerably with wu xie. Like?? Wu xie people Would kill for xiaoge to treat them like this. Are you aware a god strength immortal is letting u be this intimate and bother him constantly on purpose? Are u aware Xiaoge is thinking of u even when he’s alone and walkin in ur city worrying if ur safe and worrying if he sees you he’ll just bring trouble??!
Well idk if wu xie is aware but now that my brain is processing. I can 100% see the Emotional closeness Xiaoge got for wu xie in the lost tomb 3 has progressed a bit and is still plainly present by tlt3 plot. And some shadow of Reboot Xiaoge is already there on some level - starting to contemplate the idea wu xie would happily accompany him, wants Xiaoge with him too, that Xiaoge might have a person in this world always caring about him.
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