#blister would 100% have her own book- all of firestar's kits are protags no matter theuniverse
alright now here's an odd hypokit ask for you... firestar x blackstar x mistystar x onestar hypokits :o yes all four of them together... i like the idea of them all being parallels to each other and am toying with an au where they're all the same age and protags/POVs in TPB... so I was just curious to see what you'd come up with LMAOOOOO :p
Warriors Ship Hypokits: FireBlackMistyOne Edition
This is incredibly interesting. Hopefully I can do this idea some justice.The AU part of this post is gonna be LONG because of all the plot changes this causes lol
In this AU, when Rusty joins the Clans he meets and befriends a couple of cats from other Clans as well as Graypaw and Ravenpaw: Mistypaw and Stonepaw of RiverClan, who feel strangely out of place in their Clan, and Blackpaw of ShadowClan, who is doubting his mentor Brokenstar's rightful place as ShadowClan Leader and suspects him of killing his nephew Badgerkit (Fernshade is his older sister here). They all go on adventures together and help overthrow Brokenstar with Blackpaw's help, while helping solve Redtail's death in ThunderClan and trying to find out who Mistypaw and Stonepaw's unknown parent is. They all earn their warrior names around the same time. Onewhisker of WindClan is also added to the friend group when Fireheart, Graystripe, Blackfoot, Stonefur, and Mistycloud are sent to bring WindClan home. When Graystripe moves to RiverClan after Silverstream's death delivering his kits, Graypool pulls Mistycloud and Stonecfur aside and reveals the true identity of their mother: Bluestar of ThunderClan. This news causes Mistycloud and Stonefur to approach Bluestar at a Gathering to discuss things, however it doesn't go well because of Bluestar's worsening mental state and she attacks them. They do reconcile by the time of her death by dog still. While all this drama happens, they all become Leaders of their respective Clans (minus Onewhisker- Tallstar's still kickin', and Stonefur of course) (when Tigerclaw shows up and tries to take over ShadowClan, Blackstar straight up kills him). As time goes by, Onestar becomes Leader of WindClan and they all realize that they've fallen in love. Panic really sets in as Mistystar realizes that she's pregnant and expecting kits, with them being the fathers. While all of them want to keep the kits (and become mates with each other) they agree to give them up and let them be raised as kittypets far away from the Clans in the Clans’ and kits’ best interests. Although they all often wish that they had kept the kits and become mates...
Their four kits are:
Darktail- muscular dark bluish-gray and white tom with amber eyes and a long tail. Cis tom, bisexual. You know who this guy is. He was named Darby by his housefolk. However, they were abusive to him so he left and became a rogue. While he was originally ignorant of his true parentage, once it was revealed to him he was outraged. He could have grown up happy with a family, but his parents chose to separate him and his siblings and give him to abusive humans! He vowed to destroy his parents and the precious clans they held so dear, no matter the cost... He was eventually killed in battle by his one surviving parent, his father Onestar. If he had been raised with his parents, he would have chosen WindClan, still have gotten the name Darktail, and been a Tactician. 
Anastasia- large beautiful chubby black molly with blue eyes. Cis molly, straight. Anastasia is a vain, aloof cat who wouldn't be caught dead outside or ever do something to get her paws dirty. Her housefolk are very rich and spoil her rotten, and she loves them dearly. She never finds out about her siblings or true parents and spends her entire life as a kittypet. She eventually died of old age. If she had been raised with her parents, she would have chosen RiverClan, been named Brightscale and been a Lake-Watcher. 
Maplestar- dilute calico molly with yellow-green eyes. Cis molly, queer polyamorous. This universe's version of Leafstar. She was named Maple by her housefolk and became close with Billy and Echo once her humans moved by the gorge. She began having unusual dreams along with Echo and the two joined the newly-formed SkyClan along with Billy when Firestar and his friend Sandstorm came to set it up in the gorge. Firestar knew with just one look that this was one of Mistystar’s kits and eventually told her everything before he left. She thought well of her father and thought of him and the other three that she’d never met often. Like in canon, she becomes SkyClan’s Leader. Her warrior name before she became Leader was Mapleleaf. She dies peacefully in her sleep. If she had been raised with her parents, she would have chosen ThunderClan, been named Leafheart, and been a Hunter and eventually Leader.
Blister- scarred dark ginger molly with one missing eye and blue-green eyes. She was named Betty by her housefolk, but left at a young age in search of adventure. She found the excitement she was looking for in joining BloodClan. She took on the name of Blister and became one of the best fighters around. She was ambitious but peace-minded, wanting to become Leader to change BloodClan and make it more stable and a place of safety. She eventually becomes the Leader of BloodClan and slowly changes it to be a more peaceful group. Like Anastasia, she never finds out about her true parentage. She dies after passing the torch to a new Leader, happy with her life. If she had been raised with her parents, she would have chosen ShadowClan, been named Flameclaw, and been a Warden and eventually Leader.
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