Hope Luigi doesn't need to go to bed any time soon. There's a large yoshi under the covers coiled up and taking up the whole bed with his nose poked out from under the covers.
"Hrrf." @blockbourne
Of all the places a giant dinosaur could reside in one's house, Transit had chosen his bed to occupy. He couldn't fault the yoshi for it; his bed was very comfortable. But he needed it to sleep in!
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"Transit... It's almost time for me to go to bed too," he said, lifting the covers off Transit's nose. "You've gotta at least take up less room if this is where you're parking until morning."
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koopzilla · 1 year
🍯  - do yosh. B) the noble steed. @blockbourne
🍯          »        what    trait    does    your    character    admire    the    most    about    their    partner    ?
Bowser x Transit
Once again, if asked, his answer would be entirely half-hearted. He'd say Yoshies make good mules or minions, but not offer much else.
Just being a Yoshi earns a bit of extra credit by itself. They're the race he saw most often when he was still too young to make complete sentences. They're also close to koopas in appearance. Scale boys stick together. It feels like a race he should own already, even though he doesn't... yet.
He admires the dedication the little runt has. Endless drive is what created the Koopa Kingdom and so he can see himself in the half-pint sticking to his duties.
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championofdarkland · 1 year
Continued from here.
Karik was on a mission of his own in the same area as the yoshi. He was intent on hunting down some rogue magic casters who were enemies of the state. It wasn't anything more complicated than that. However, when the koopa came across the yoshi something different happened. The knight became concerned, because he tended to care about other creatures if they looked to be hurt or suffering. In Karik's mind the yoshi was suffering, both under the weight of what he carried along with the added insult of the sickness.
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"Oh, are you ok? You look rather sick. Why would you be out here when you're clearly in a bad state of health?"
Karik knew these areas well, because of that he knew there were many beasts thst would gladly snack on this yoshi if they got the chance. As a knight Karik felt it was his duty to help. Karik was a kind soul despite how his appearance. So, as he went closer the knight kept speaking with soft tones and placating gestures so as to not cause any fear within the creature.
Sickness in a hostile place was a death sentance. Karik was convinced whoever sent this poor creature had no cares if it came back or not. Karik needed to help he wouldn't leave this yoshi to die.
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"Don't worry, I can help you. My name is Karik."
Karik offered out a gauntleted hand to pat the Yoshi's head.
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blockbourne · 1 year
background drop //
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Transit is a green yoshi that was a baby when one of thousands of yoshis from Yoshi Island were sealed away by a younger Bowser and Kamek's magic inside eggs and entombed in power up blocks across the entirety (yes even the undiscovered parts) of the continent. This was to ensure that any rivals could not utilize the powers of the plucky dinos who were mostly indifferent to Bowser's rule in the area, but wouldn't say no to changing the status quo. Bowser would brand each of these yoshi with a Bowser insignia on the back/side of the thigh.
A decade later, when Mario and Peach are preparing to launch a follow up attack on Bowser, the plumber ends up unleashing a single Yoshi unexpectedly from a powerup block - thus begins the duo's quest of freeing the other yoshi on their path to give Bowser a beat down.
Though several years pass after the initial conflict, and many yoshi were returned to their island, there were still many power up blocks that were missed and that hold eternally sleeping yoshi inside them.
One day on a research outing to study the contents of local power up blocks in a remote area on the outskirts of dino land and the darklands, Professor E. Gadd unknowingly unleashes a yoshi egg from the block he's begun his analysis on, and out of the egg - a baby yoshi would appear.
Fascinated by the find and likening it to the history books of when half the yoshi population went missing without any bones to excavate and explain why, the professor raises the young yoshi and affixes him with a translator to help shift yoshi-speech into English (albeit with horrendous text to speech voices).
Once old enough, the yoshi that Gadd named Transit (for the sole reason that he was a good in-field assistant in being able to lug a mountain's worth of lab equipment into the field upon his back), leaves the home of E. Gadd in Evershade Valley to take a job as a delivery yoshi in which he delivers ordered packages across the many kingdoms. His side quest is to explore the power blocks in every location that he can to see if he too can find any more of the slumbering yoshi that everyone else seems to have forgotten.
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simiansmoke · 1 year
Your Muse’s Combat Stats: [★]
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Power:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Accuracy:  ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
Speed:  ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
Evasion: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
Defense:  ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 
Teamwork:  ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
Intelligence:  (hi dad!) ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Creativity:  ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 
swiper yes swipin' from @hxroic-wxlls (with a few additions/tweaks) tagging: @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter , @timid-plumber , @allnostalgic , @koopzilla , @xxlordalexanderxx , @bananabraiined , @thebananwithaplan , @blockbourne , @all you cool cats and kittens
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koopzilla · 1 year
@blockbourne | cont.
Rubble crunched as easily as sand beneath his impatiently tapping hoof. The evil in the air belonged in his sippy cup: Bowser drank it mindlessly. For his focus is squarely on the timid runt wasting his time to sight see...
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"This ain't the haunted house. That's further ahead."
Unfortunately, that crypt also hides their express pipe to the Valley of Bowser. If the dinosaur cannot surmount an abandoned tower, then he is likely to perish in there.
A wandering eye moves past the dinosaur, scaling the failed base. Devoid of its lava and traps, it is worthless to its king now. Bowser gazed upon it like a disappointed parent, claws burying themselves behind folded arms. A snarl forced sloppy bitterness from his nostrils.
"You're going to be the ghost haunting this bad place if you don't start keeping up better. Yoshies are supposed to be FAST." Patience exhausted, he swung, the tip of his tail smacking the dinosaur's hip. "MARCH."
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koopzilla · 1 year
@blockbourne | cont.
A claw through his mane restores its flowing splendor. Old lectures from a wizard echo in his mind, coaxing the king to assert his posture as quickly as possible against the little people. Beads of water and sweat swimming down his scales collect tender sunlight, presenting the sovereign in a regal glow worthy of the crown. A crown which comes apart as he snorts a bit of river from his nostrils to open the channels.
"There's lots of someones out there. None of them are as scary as me!" Dinosaur Land is not a graveyard. Still, his eyes wandered towards the sprawling Donut Plains. The weight of observation hangs on his shoulders... it feels like they are being watched. Bowser can only hope his aimless scowl finds the audience.
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"Too bad for you. There's a lake between us and my summer castle." More wet is to come. A smack against his heart simmers it into a regular rhythm. With that, he continued his march. Waving fingers encourage the dinosaur to follow.
Bowser so nonchalantly passes a history lesson. A ruined tower sullies the ambiance of the road. More knowledgeable Yoshies would recognize it: it is one of the many haunted constructions which the Koopalings used to capture Yoshies. It is one of the many factories where dinosaurs like poor Transit were stuffed into blocks... Its former owner stampedes over its rubble, unaware the ironwork once bore his name.
Instead, he is focused on the shimmer of blue on the horizon. "There's a shortcut across the lake! Keep up!"
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koopzilla · 1 year
@blockbourne | cont.
"No." One word completes the sentence: let's go through the rapids!
The crashing of the water challenges his volume. Cheep Cheep strain and fail to keep up with the current, dragged downward to the waterfall which wait at the river's end. This passage is a death sentence to most in Dinosaur Land.
Yet, Bowser stepped to the plate like a batter promising a home run. Merciless, he snatched the dinosaur by his backpack and whisked him aboard the edge of his shell. With Transit boarded, he took his first steps into the river. The current bombards his heels, swirling around the edge, smashing pebbles into his ankles. The king carried on, clenched fists swinging on each side to propel him forward.
The rapids are deep and deadly. The reptiles sink deeper as they come to the mid-point. It is when the depths swallow Bowser up to his chin that the boat of a turtle becomes a bit unstable. The current smacks him hard against the cheek. Tippy toes keep them above the water. Lifeguards would be paddling out if they saw their scene: the situation looks desperate. Still, Bowser is calm. The dirty little secret is that this koopa had been taking a route through this river since he was a teenager. What seems like stubborn persistence is but a practiced maneuver.
"Hang on to my horns." His head dips into the water, pushing bubbles into the current. Bent knees drag his snout beneath the surface. Then, he erupts like a loaded spring! In true turtle fashion, his limbs drag behind him as he rides the current diagonally, launching then to the riverbank. His spiked shell is like an island, traveling from the center to the shore. Belligerent force wins once again.
Crawling out on all fours like a wild animal, a quick shake of his head forces water off his scales. A gnawing cheep-cheep clings to the tip of his tail but is completely ignored by the king. Because Bowser reserved this moment to boast.
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"We don't go around problems in my kingdom. We go THROUGH them. Bwahahaaaa!" It might have carried more weight were he not also gasping to catch his breath.
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koopzilla · 1 year
@blockbourne | cont.
Transit may be blissfully unaware, but Bowser flinched seeing a familiar insignia on the dinosaur's backside. Every soul in Dinosaur Land would recognize it. It is his insignia. It is a disfigured stretched rendition of his face, but it carries its meaning all the same. Ownership. In that brief lapse, he had learned more about the poor critter than it knew about itself.
"Not true." His tone lightened. That brand marks the yoshi as his property. His responsibility. It deserves to know why it is stupid.
Even so, the king does not tolerate insubordination! A quick swing swishes his tail away from the second attempt. The motion places the dinosaur right back where he started: directly underneath the cruel glare of the beast. This time however, Bowser acted quickly. Irony will crush the dinosaur: the king dropped the pack Transit was trying so desperately to retrieve right on top of him! The pinning weight of the supplies should keep him still for a time... at least long enough to begin a dialogue.
So, Bowser followed through on his claim. "Those supplies. Those stupid hidden blocks. They've been ruining our people! The other kingdoms try to use them against us!... You're killing us putting them out there!" Our people. As in, the Yoshi included. He stood above the dinosaur, claw fastened to his hip.
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"If you had any loyalty, you'd be bringing all this stuff to ME."
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koopzilla · 1 year
@blockbourne | cont.
A wet crack worthy of an arena's locker room echoed throughout the field. Many fear the endless appetite and dominating speed of these dopey dinosaurs. Such force would have sent common bandits blasting off again.
Unfortunately, Bowser is not a common bandit. That slender green whip was caught between the grooves of his tanner scales. The skin around it darkened, and the impact carries from belly, to pecs, up to his chinny chin chin. Even so, the brick wall had not budged. Not only that, but its angry red gaze had also turned to meet the brave little dinosaur... A deepening scowl is a countdown.
With his claws full, Bowser channeled his own inner dinosaur. Eyes dilated as he roared.
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"MOVE." Command issued, the king mimicked Transit's attack! He quickly pivoted, whipping his spiked club of a tail into the delivery boy. Yoshies are not the only critters capable of ground pounds and tail whips!
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koopzilla · 1 year
@blockbourne | cont.
Greed ignites a brilliant glow in his eyes as the map unfurls.
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Inventory for blocks had potential all by itself: power-ups aplenty could be captured and stolen. However, it is as the parchment unveiled its supply that one item leaves Bowser drooling...
The dopey dinosaur had presented the evil king of the koopas with a roadmap towards stars. The entire realm would have the poor creature's head for this grave misjudgment.
The king snatched the prize away in one fluid motion. Paper crunched futilely beneath his tearing pressures. Every tally mark is a prize to be stolen. Bowser cackled quietly to himself... his rivals are nothing without their precious power-ups. Finding every invisible block is a chore not worth doing, but this-- using a map to drain the resources... the Yoshi had just handed him his next biggest scheme!
And he can't wait to get started!...
So much so, he steps over and past the dinosaur with his precious list in tow. "Don't worry about your blocks or mail routes! Consider all your goods confiscated by the Koopa Kingdom! Bwahaha!" There is work to be done! However, it is only after several massive steps that he considers the potential in those packages the dinosaur lugs. There could be stars in them now... ripe for the taking.
So, the king turned back to claim one final prize... "... And YOU are too!"
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koopzilla · 1 year
@blockbourne | cont.
"Being stupid doesn't excuse you!" His volume cuts through squeaky wailing. The very earth trembles like a frightened child shrinking beneath his roar. Long slippery resistance worked only to drive the dagger's edge closer to the dinosaur's jugular. It will not be tolerated.
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"You won't go until I dismiss you. It doesn't matter what you didn't have before. I told you who your king is now."
Clouds dim the skies above. The happiness of the realm abandons the two on Dinosaur Land's border. It is as if this monster had brought the darkness of his homeland with him. Rain will come soon-- and that means disaster for the packages still waiting to be delivered.
"Where do you go? I'll decide whether your trip is worthwhile."
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koopzilla · 1 year
@blockbourne | cont.
A responding scowl arrived early, long before the translator had begun its attempt. The repeat is little more than an irritating distraction, one which earns a gnarly leer as it prattles on. Inevitably, Bowser responds to it, raising a foot. The device suffered a merciless pressure as he squashed it and the poor dinosaur's shoulder along with it beneath his biggest toe. Electricity jolts outward like meatballs from a poorly made sub, and the transcription is replaced with the gruff pull of his breath.
"I make the orders here." His burning gaze returned to the little dinosaur; face wrinkled by a deepened scowl. "Threaten me again and it will be the last words you ever speak. You don't know who you're dealing with!?" Biceps bulge as fingers curl into a stern fist.
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"I'm the king of the koopas! Your king." If a yoshi is still considered a koopa offshoot. "Your route is where I tell you it is! Beg for forgiveness, or it ends right here!" The threat complete itself as Bowser pivoted his foot, turning the jagged edge of his toe inward. The sharpened point pinned itself to the dinosaur's neck, threatening to slice through with but one quick movement.
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A green shirt and hat hunched over a fresh water creek is a sight that has him convinced another Yoshi is out taking a drink. Without the threat of a pack to consider him a threat and chase him out of the general vicinity, Transit feels compelled enough to trot over to where the other stooped. Silent, he recalls one of many of Gadd's ice breakers when it comes to making dino friends, and he swats his tail over to wrap around another tail in friendship. Only it's somebody's thigh. -blockbourne
It was a rather beautiful, peaceful place, Yoshi Island. It was one of many places that Mario and Peach had crossed while trying to get to the Darklands and to him. Luigi had of course come to observe the flora, but he'd been keen on spotting the fauna as well. Yoshi Island was the home of the yoshi, a dinosaur-like creature that was deemed fairly docile in nature.
He'd stopped to take a drink of water and had only been doing so for a moment when he felt something snake around his thigh. He yelped, scrambling like his life depended on it.
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He screamed for several seconds more before realizing the thing grabbing him was... it was a *snake? No, a tail. And that tail was attached to a yoshi, wasn't it? A green one.
"Ahhh- Is this your creek? I- I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm just passing through." What was he doing? Yoshi couldn't understand human language, could they?
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