#blocked & prevented me from getting employed
ddarker-dreams · 10 months
play wrestling — scaramouche.
Occasionally, there are instances in one’s life where regret embeds itself too deep to safely remove. 
Standing here, your back against the literal and proverbial wall, you’re reacquainted with this humbling reality. A reminder of your mortality. What a delicate substance it is, easily extinguishable like a candle to some. 
Violet eyes piercing enough to sever metal regard you, unamused and faintly malicious. You can’t say you didn’t bring this upon yourself. He pins your wrists above you with one hand. His grip is tight yet falls short of being painful. As much as you want to look away, he won’t permit it, so you maintain unflinching eye contact to prevent ruffling him further. 
“Well?” There’s a sardonic lilt to his voice that makes you shiver. “I’m waiting.” 
You part and close your lips in the same breath. Asking him for clarification won’t do you much good, he delights in watching you piece together his dubious intentions. The satisfaction he derives from it is a bit worrisome. Nonetheless, he offers you one saving grace he’d extend to no one else — patience.
What led up to this unfortunate development? Ah, yes, you saw fit to poke a slumbering beast with a stick. Scaramouche had been too preoccupied to entertain your whims. So, you being the genius that you are, offhandedly remarked that if he didn’t want to wrestle around with you, Tartaglia would certainly be up for it. 
No sooner had his junior Harbinger’s name left your lips did you find yourself pinned against a wall. 
He sighs, long and drawn out, as if you’re the source of all his woes. 
“You’re the one who proposed this insipid game, the least you can do is see it through.” 
One of the best boons from being in Scaramouche’s orbit is how many insults he adds to your vocabulary. His lexicon is vast and impressive. 
Now that you understand what he’s getting at, you push back against your restraints, gauging how effective this method would be. He doesn’t cede any ground. His lithe body belies the immense strength he can wield. He restricts your writhing without overexerting himself in the slightest. Realizing a battle of physical prowess won’t end in your favor, you employ a new tactic. 
The corners of your eyes crinkle as you smile at him softly. 
“Kuni,” you speak the nickname he weakly claims to abhor, “Won’t you go easy on me?” 
The tips of the Harbinger’s ears turn red. He scoffs, turning his head to hide how effortlessly you fluster him. “Of course not. If I always indulged you, you’d become more insufferable than you already are.” 
“That’s rude.” 
“The truth often is.” 
While he’s preoccupied with your exchange, you twist your body, placing your best on the element of surprise. He’d need to quickly readjust the angle at which he’s holding your wrist to stop you. For half a second, you think you have him beat, but he leans in, using his torso to block your escape. A wicked grin spreads on his face at your little underhanded tactic. 
You swallow thickly. 
“Awe, don’t look so defeated! The effort was there,” he snickers. “Maybe next time?” 
“Don’t you have things to do? It’s not like you can hold me here all day, right?” 
He stares at you blankly. 
“... Right?” You repeat, chuckling weakly. 
“Hm, I don’t know. I’m starting to see the appeal to this game of yours. Let’s play a while longer.” 
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winonaparadise · 1 year
short story 💯
wrote a very quick story about a class i took in college. if you like my writing in my videos you may like this
Five years ago today I was clawing through state university. I had switched majors in an effort to come away with something more material from my college experience – but I was also trying to earn as many credits with as few courses to keep my schooling short and cheap.
I took a heavy weighted class in “media law.” A subject notoriously as intricate as it is absolutely fucking stupid. Anything you could learn, Disney will change tommorrow. The professor was an adjunct, splitting his time between the humble basement where boys with Pulp Fiction posters in their dorms fiddled with cameras and the actual law school where he was employed some miles down the road. I have never seen Pulp Fiction, but I’ve fiddled with enough cameras and enough of the boys who own them to have reviewed it twice. This is not a problem to me now.
Then I was stupid. Twenty. And basically friendless. I spent all my time trying to make something the same way the universe spent billions of years pouring hot soup into holes and hoping life would bubble out. I studied Japanese during quiet matches of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds. I never got a win, and I never got an “A” in Japanese.
Weeks of school went by as I skimmed textbooks, got high, and thought about talking to literally anyone. Academic words danced around the edges of my brain like sand. I wrote essays on the same autopilot I write today. Feverish. Flowing. Fantasizing about what it would be like to go out with someone instead of texting a girl who now lived in Japan and making ramen noodles while listening for footsteps in a digital warzone.
I did all my work. I submitted it on something called “canvas” that the muscle memory in my fingers still types in search bars to this day. I never checked my grades. I knew they were bad.
Classes dragged me through the week on a bungee cord. I lived a block away from the bulk of them and found myself drifting in halls of buildings I’d never attended just to keep myself from meandering back home to draw a bad comic about a girl who lived in hell. 
I knew nobody. I went nowhere. I struggled to do classwork alone on outdoor benches dreaming of someone speaking to me. I needed to live in hell instead.
My media law professor was late the weekend after our first term essays were due. I don’t know what mode of transportation he took to get from one school to the other but today the Carolina sun had drenched him sweaty. We were chilly waiting for him to begin.
“Just about every single one of you failed.” He spat and chugged coffee through the entire period. “While I first was grading I thought I was the one who failed.”
He didn’t let the moment of respite last. “But I also did something I’ve never done before.” He paced like my father did when a restaurant was closed early. “I gave out my first perfect score. Which prevents me from grading on a curve.”
He huffed, he assigned a new reading, and he rushed out like he had lit dynamite. “Do better!” “What an asshole.” The girl who sat next to me in every class spoke as if she had been holding her breath. “Fuck him and fuck whoever got that hundred.”
“I know right!” I launched in on her anger, feeling it too. Back and forth we complained. We walked off campus together. She had long blonde hair and towered over me. I had felt ugly and mousey next to her, but today I felt like her equal. It felt good to bitch.
“I got a fucking 50. What about you?”
“It wasn’t pretty.” I recalled how I stayed up the night before the assignment was due. I milked bullshit into a puree. I got a rush of adrenaline from killing someone with a shotgun through a door in an abandoned house on the outskirts of Pochinki. I was probably close to being expelled. “This class is too fucking hard,” she smoked and shook her head by a bus stop on Tate Street. “I’m not about to lose my freetime over it.”
“Right.” I imagined her at parties. Black silhouettes against colored lights and deafening music. Like The Social Network. “We should be partners for the next assignment,” she got out her phone and passed it to me for my number. I typed it in. I waved her off on the bus. We did the assignment together. We texted each other about our studies. We joked about finding the guy who got the perfect score and beating him senseless. I thought about talking to her about my art or what we were making in other classes, but never did.
Towards the end of the semester I had to plan the next. A whirlpool churned in my stomach as I clicked on “grades” on my campus’ online portal. I had an A+ in a single course. 
Media Law.
My friend from class texted me that she was dreading the final. I texted her that if we failed I would kill Mr. Perfect Score. She texted “lol.”
She passed the course. I got my degree so I assume I did too. We stopped texting.
That professor emailed me asking me to take a course at the law school down the road. He said he would let me sit in and see if I wanted to change majors a third time. I never replied.
A law degree would just make Mr. Perfect Score a hundred times more punchable.
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ilikekidsshows · 25 days
Hello, I have a couple Adrien-related questions I'd love to get your thoughts on, if you don't mind? I'll send the other separately, but for now: 1. In your opinion, how does one differentiate between Adrien's trauma response and him more generally being kind, forgiving, etc.? Not to create a false dichotomy, but I figured you might have some interesting insight.
2. At the end of season 5 Adrien is saying things like "Marinette and I are forever" and "I'm angry at myself for falling short of [her] love". I initially interpreted this as a sign that the boy needs therapy, for his own wellbeing (and I mean that in the best way possible). Things like Plagg responding with "forever!?" told me this was intentional, that the writing team is aware and will address it one day. But now I have my doubts, that it's just supposed to be "romantic." Thoughts?
And I'm sorry, but one more thing to add to my second question: they go out of their way to show things beyond his control preventing him from telling Marinette about London (Marinette interrupting him, Chloe interrupting him, etc.). It seems like the narrative isn't really blaming him, then? For struggling to tell her? Unless I misinterpreted. But regardless this was another thing that, at least initially, led me to believe the writers were intentional in writing his trauma response.
I’ll preface this by stating that I’m not the originator of the “Adrien’s fawning is a response to abuse” reading, so this might not cover all there is to it, but here’s my take: it's about how Adrien responds specifically to himself being wronged and how it differs from the way he acts in other conflict situations.
I'll use a comparison to illustrate. Adrien doesn't react to Chloé's behavior the same way he does to Gabriel's and Ladybug's. This is the key difference between thinking “Adrien is just nice/forgiving” and “this reaction has been conditioned through abuse”. Adrien can talk back to Chloé, disagree with her vehemently and will hold his ground even when she doesn't want to budge. Adrien also doesn't make excuses for her because he can admit she's in the wrong. Even when Chloé pushes his boundaries, like trying to kiss him, Adrien can enforce said boundaries by pulling away or pushing her back.
Meanwhile, with Gabriel and Ladybug, Adrien doesn't feel safe in arguing back. He used to do so with Ladybug, but the more unreasonable she's become, the more he backs down. Furthermore, even when he doesn't think the way he’s being treated is right, he makes excuses for Gabriel and Ladybug. “My father is busy”, “you were perfect, as you always are” are things Adrien has to tell himself so that he doesn't have to say: “they don't care about how I feel”. Attempting to enforce his own boundaries with these people almost every time leads to those boundaries being crossed anyway, and that's when Adrien bothers to even try.
As for the second part, I’ve been wondering similar things, and the wisemen of the groupchat have come to the consensus that someone in the writing team knows what they're doing, but they have to go with what Astruc wants in terms of the big picture so that the working environment doesn't become unbearable. Astruc ghosted and blocked a friend he liked so much he based a character on them when they agreed with some criticism of the show. Imagine being employed under this man, and trying to tell him his main romance is toxic and both parties need therapy. Yeah.
There are so many throwaway lines in Miraculous that acknowledge how unhealthy and blatantly wrong the things depicted in it are, that the story at large ignores. It honestly feels like someone on staff is sneaking that stuff in to give the audience at least a minor cue that what they're seeing isn't fine even as Astruc insists it is and carries on like it is. So, basically, someone on the writing team is aware of it, but it still won't ever get addressed because Astruc is ignoring the issues.
As for the “things beyond Adrien's control stopping him” part, that's the metaphorical tower. The writers have called Adrien the “princess in the tower”, and the show gets in on this association with the princess/knight Adrinette imagery. Adrien isn't being blamed for the tower he’s trapped in because Marinette will save him. Can't save him from something that's his own fault, so, for once, Adrien doesn't get victim blamed.
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taocc-updates · 2 months
TAOCC but it’s 14 by Peter Clines because I am NOT NORMAL ABOUT 14
After all being offered what might be the lowest apartment rent in LA, a group of mismatched tenants start noticing some weird stuff about their new home. Bright green cockroaches with too many legs, a wall that’s freezing cold, apartments that are huge or have weird layouts, complex population calculations and circuitry below the painted walls, a massive geothermal generator miles below the ground, and whatever’s going on with the completely blocked off Apartment number 14.
(If you’re wondering why they’re all so random, that was on purpose)
Nathan “Nate” Tucker: Caleb A very normal guy with a very boring job in Data Entry in LA. After being offered an apartment for a ridiculously low rate, he moves into the Kavach Building. He ends up as the impromptu leader of the tenants, who slowly shift from a vaguely acquainted group of random people to a makeshift apocalypse prevention team.
Malavika "Veek" Vishwanath: Felicia A woman who works from home as a “call center employee”. In actuality, hacking and web investigation pays the bills. She’s closed-off and snarky, but does care for the group. She ends up with Caleb by the end.
Xela (Zeila?? Literally what is this girl’s name): Conny A bubbly, blue-haired Artist with massive social anxiety and a liking for the Greek Mythos. Has a large snarky streak, meaning she tends to bicker with Felicia.
Roger: Starro A outgoing wannabe actor who is stuck in set design. He does like his job, even if it isn’t his dream. Says “dude” a lot and has a hopeless crush on Conny.
Tim Farr: Charles A “retired publisher” who knows way too much about survival and has an arsenal of weapons big and varied enough to rival a police station. Turns out, his “publishing job” was probably the CIA. He’s being tracked by a PI because of his past.
Debbie: Elysia A very quiet ballet dancer who’s getting a degree in biology. She’s a good baker and very sweet, although she doesn’t handle the dangers of the Kavach building very well. At least she has her husband around.
Clive: Blaze A self-employed carpenter and the third guy who knows how to use power tools in the building. He’s upbeat and a bit dumb, but beloved by and super supportive of everyone.
Mandy: Umbra A nervous wreck who wants NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with the group’s investigations. Period. She ends up getting dragged into it anyways.
Ms. Linda(?) Knight: Sun The oldest tenant and everyone’s favorite snarky grandma. Nobody is spared. She also gets thrown into space. No, you don’t get context for that.
Oskar: Jacob The kind but a bit intimidating manager for the Kavach building. Very German. He knows both more and less than he’s letting on. Keeps telling everyone to stop investigating the horrors, to literally no success.
Andrew: Vamp A cleanly dressed member of some congregation. Everyone assumes she’s hardcore Mormon or something. But it gets more and more apparent as time goes on that whatever she worships, it sure isn’t a god we’re familiar with.
-The Cool Old People-
Alexander Kotorovich (please tell me I spelled that right): Dusk Saw beyond the veil, single-handedly figuring out the interdimensional threat to the world. She was called crazy, but she was right, and with her colleagues, she created the Kavach building. She died brutally inside the machine that she adored in the 1800’s.
Nikola Tesla yes that Nikola Tesla: Dialtone Dusk’s business partner and one of the people who helped turn her ideas into a physical reality.
W.P. (I can’t remember his name help): Uhhhhh like freaking Abayomi or smth Funded the Kavach building. He told his grandson (H.P. Lovecraft, yes THAT H.P. Lovecraft) the stories of Dusk’s theories after being minorly traumatized. Poor guy.
-the Horrors-
The Great Old One (“The Squale”): Clown Termed “the Squale (squid-whale)” by Conny in an attempt to make it less threatening. Whatever it is, it really wants worship and to eat all of humanity. The Kavach building is the only thing standing in its way.
The Kavach Building: It’d be really silly if it was House A huge machine created by Dusk, Dialtone, and Abayomi. Not alive in the original, buuuut heck why not make it House. It is benevolent, and saves the world every second that it exists. It is studied closely by the government and the manager. The control center is in Blaze and Elysia’s room, and apartment 14 just straight up leads to deep space as a counterweight for all of the dimension shifting that the control room does.
Anne: Niko Caleb’s coworker. Likes pizza. Thinks he’s pretty cool.
Eddie: Zachariah Caleb’s boss. Not too good at his job but goodness is he trying. Eddie sucks in the original but Zach in this version is a seriously cool guy.
Carmichael: Calamity Investigating Charles at the behest of the government. May or may not be dead by the end of the novel. Oops.
uhhh tags I guess because I used y’all’s sillies
@sh4tt3rg1rl @star-on-a-beach @feiar @silhouette-anon
Read 14.
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thelooniemoonie · 1 year
OK against my better judgement I have to ask which one is the worst god that exists in the game would you care to share a ranked list? (But also be kind to my sanity fjfjdjfjf)
Major spoilers for both games btw, (and also as a warning if you or anyone else wants to check out these games please take note of the trigger warnings because man. There are a lot of them) I'm gonna try to cover what I can:
Okay before I get into it I might have to put some context because there are 3 god types in the lore of the games:
Old gods: the original ancient gods, who typically represent universal concepts in the world like life and death. Basically eldritch in nature and otherworldly. Even if they aren't present directly they have lot's of influence, and there are a handful of them.
New gods: all once-humans that ascended into godhood, but are unable to ascend to the level that of the old gods. They are weaker and don't have a lot of influence, as there are probably hundreds of them that have withered away.
Ascended gods: only 2 (technically 4?) gods fall into this category. It's not clear from the game how they are created, but the leading theory is that a human ends up taking the place of an old god or absorbing their soul and becoming one. It's also theorized they split into 2 with the old god and the human forming 2 new forms?? Not sure. They actually rival the old gods in terms of power.
RANKINGS (From biggest asshole to actually pretty okay):
Rher - The Moon God, and an old god. He's a trickster and a huge prick, as not only is one of the villains in the 2nd game but his entire motivation is "hey, humans want to ascend to the old gods like us? you want to improve your lives and yourselves? fuck you." canonically thinks humanity trying to ascend is a mockery and a joke, and is jealous of humans to even try. Literally employs grand schemes to prevent humanity from doing anything, including orchestrating the Termina festival (which is a "kill everyone now" festival) and literally hires servants to kill children to prevent them from becoming gods too. Actively hostile to humans.
The Sulfur God - The 2nd half of Alll-Mer (Jesus), and an ascended god. Basically the other villain of the second game, and essentially a stand in figure for Satan. It's unclear from the lore which actions were done by him or by Alll-Mer, but if so he essentially killed off an entire city of their rulers and sultans and then ruled in their place. Also established the Sulfur Cult which in a weird process, turns people into crazed murderers who seek freedom through bloodshed. Not great at parties.
The Sun God - an old god we don't know a lot about, as Alll-Mer takes his place (so technically dead). Basically the evil god-king that ruled over humanity with an iron fist. Monarchists bad.
Francois the Dominating One - New god. Actively hated by people playing the game and by characters in the game. Ascended to godhood to try and unite warring lands and create a new age of gods, but got really selfish and actively blocks other people from ascending into gods as he tries to gain more power. Ruled over the god's city as a king with an iron fist. Also he's French, which is bad enough.
The Yellow King - The new god that forms from the character Le'garde. All ambition but no real substance. Tried to become a god and bring a new age of peace for humanity, failed because people literally didn't want to listen to him. Tried to build a new god in the second game by using the sister of one of the protagonists (the outcome of this is still unknown). Literally a washed up Griffith clone and a failgirl. Also French.
Nas'hrah - New god, and an obtainable character to get for your party in the first game. I was gonna put him lower on here but I forgot how actively hostile he is to you and everyone around him, especially other gods. When he became a god he realized nothing changes, so he's now an absolute chaos creature. While he helpful at times there are some interacts where he straight up kills you. He's a lot for a guy that's just a floating head.
5. Sylvian and Gro-Goroth: the old gods of life and death, respectfully. Literally embodiments of life and death, so it's not really accurate to say "life is evil" or "death is evil". Both of them don't quite understand humanity due to being eldritch beings so a lot of their love and acts of help can come across as cruel and harmful, so by the events of the first game they're kinda distant.
6. God of the Depths - old god, currently dead by the end of the first game, and little is known about them. Is quoted in game to be "worshipped by those who are forsaken and forgotten", and kinda represents oppressive darkness. Kinda in a weird zone because a good chunk of their followers are literally bugs? Just kinda vibing.
7. Vinushka - God of nature, and the child of Sylvian and Gro-Goroth. Again just kinda vibing because they literally are the embodiment of nature, and like nature they can either help or harm humans. Was kinda considered an equal to humanity, but through a secret in the second game it's revealed that they are "dead" or gone. Kinda sad. :(
(The next three are kinda on the same level tbh for me, but I'll list them separately)
8. Valteil the Enlightened One - New god and one of the group buddies with Francois. Just kinda an academic and studies in the library all the time, and creates new life that are some of the enemies you encounter. He's a little mean to his creations but okay I guess.
9. Chambara the Tormented One - New god and one of the group buddies with Francois and Valteil. Used to be a poet and believed that great art comes from suffering?? So he's literally a flayed alive dude being tormented for all eternity???? I don't think the guy learned much from Van Gogh.
10. Nosramus the Forgotten One - New god and one of the group buddies mentioned prior. How he acts around you entirely depends on how you interact with him in the game, but at worst he just ignores you and prevents getting an ending for one of the characters. Actively helpful at times so he's lower on here.
11. The God of Fear and Hunger - The only Ascended god other than Alll-Mer and the Sulfur God. Once a little girl with no name, born form the deepest darkest depths of the dungeon and raised only knowing fear and hunger, with no hope. She's actually a recruitable party member and is required if you want to reach the true ending of the first game. If you take down the God of the Depths she will absorb it's soul and transform in the new god, and wipe out your entire party. Even though she is a new god, she does pity you for taking care of her the entire game and let's you pass away peacefully, and brings on a new age of enlightenment for humanity by the time of the second game. Kinda a sad and bittersweet end for a little girl that never knew happiness, but does display mercy.
12. The Heartless One - this one is kinda weird because she's a secret boss in the second game, and actually inspired from a real life content creator and community member who beta tested the second game. Because she's known for being really good at battles, this god is basically a challenge boss to challenge the player. Although if you beat her, she is kind enough to reward you with really good equipment (which frankly, is actually a lot more since most battles in these games don't reward you with anything at all).
13. Betel and Nilvan, The New God of Enlightenment and The Endless One respectfully - putting these two together because they're kinda similar but I also don't care about them. Betel just creates giant libraries of Alexandria to help enlighten humanity and collect knowledge, and Nilvan just kinda believes in the endless potential of humanity. Although Nilvan does get bonus points because she's the only one of the Fellowship you don't have to fight (excluding the Forgotten One).
14. Logic - The Machine God, currently unknown if fully ascended by the end of the second game. Also because of the circumstances it's unknown what to categorize her as. She is actively kind though to an extent, as even though she is a boss, it's more so because your character is actively stopping her from ascending, so it's more self-defence. Merciful to an extent, was literally created to connect all of humanity together through the ascension and development of technology, although again the level of success is unknown at this point.
Gods I couldn't categorize here because there's so little info or I just don't care: the other hundreds of unnamed New Gods, Vitruvia, The Radiating One, The Tainted One, The Mourning One, Yggaegetsu, the unknown other half that formed from the God of Fear and Hunger, the unnamed wolf deity, and the unnamed rat deity.
This literally took me all morning to write akdjhgakl
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dsumpsbluey · 1 year
Unofficial Bluey Timeline: Part I
This post will be covering the beginning of season 1 of Bluey, starting from Magic Xylophone to Shadowlands. As a reminder, as we are at the beginning of the show, we start at Period 1, where Bluey and Bingo are 6 and 4 respectively. Period 1 won't take until season 2 to end, so there's not much to worry about.
The Magic Xylophone - Episode 1
Bluey and Bingo make use of a supernatural xylophone to control their dad. It's here where they learn to take turns.
Debuts & Details:
Aside from debuting the main Heeler family, Chloe's mum and her newborn baby appear for a scene (before Chloe which is odd).
Chilli describes Bandit picking his nose when they first met.
We get a first look at the Selfie portrait in the kids' bedroom. It stays the same throughout the series, but this episode uses the first iteration of the image, which lasts until about season 2.
In terms of the timeline, this automatically gets the first position, being that this is the first episode. There's nothing else to it, pretty much.
Favorite Part: When Bingo freezes Bluey to discuss her feelings is a great moment
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Hospital - Episode 2
Bluey and Bingo operate on their dad using their doctor knowledge.
Debuts & Details:
No character debuts, but we do see that cat plush in later episodes; We also see 'Polly Puppy' appear, and has prickles that need to be removed
We get a first look at the kitchen fridge, which is one of the frequent locations we'll look for throughout the timeline. However, the view in this episode is blocked by Bandit
We learn that cats can sneak inside a dog's belly button while asleep.
Bandit uses the alias 'Telemachus', making it the first play name used in the series; meanwhile Bluey and Bingo are referred to as 'Doctor' and 'Nurse' respectively.
Nothing much to say about this episode, as there's little detail about its placement in the timeline. Therefore, it gets placed after Magic Xylophone.
Favorite Part: That part where Bluey says "STING!" That's gotta be my favorite part. You'll never guess which instance I'm referring to. ever.
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Keepy Uppy - Episode 3
Bluey and Bingo engage in a game of "Keepy Uppy", where they prevent the premature death of a poor, red balloon.
Debuts and Details:
We see the debut of Lucky and Pat (aka Lucky's Dad, he's done his hammy)
We get a clear look at the fridge, which contains three papers held by a blue, red, and yellow magnet, as well as letter magnets of 'B' and 'C'
Again, another episode that's pretty timeless and fun with it's idea. A certified Bluey classic, if you will.
Favorite Part: "She saying Good Morniiiing!"
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Daddy Robot - Episode 4
Bluey and Bingo employ a so-called "Daddy Robot" to tidy their room. It goes exactly as expected.
Debuts & Details:
Debut of 'Daddy Robot' as well as 'Mummy Robot', who suspiciously look just like Bandit and Chilli 🤔
This marks the first instance of a 'fluffy' by Bandit
Bandit is seen eating a bowl of leftover fried rice, possibly from the 'Takeaway' place.
Just noticed the fridge handles are flipped in this episode compared to the previous episode. I believe this is the only instance of this, making it an error, though I think it's so the audience could see Bandit eating. Don't quote me on that tho.
Pretty goofy episode, I enjoy the character of 'Daddy Robot'. Such a shame we never see him ever again. Depending on the interpretation, this could take place either before or after 'Takeaway'.
Favorite Part: The first smoochy kiss
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Shadowlands - Episode 5
Bluey, Coco, and Snickers learn to play by the rules of Shadowlands, or risk being eaten by crocodiles.
Debuts & Details:
Coco, Snickers, and their respective mums make their debut
First episode to take place outside of the house
Chilli will eat your cupcakes
Very highly important episode, as it establishes the importance the rules have within an imaginary game. Quite literally the backbone of the show.
Favorite Part: The problem solving during Shadowlands is neat to witness.
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With that, thus completes part 1 of the Unofficial Bluey Timeline. This is generally how every post will be structured. Leave any comments about any episode discussed, or about the structure of these posts. Being as I'm new to blogging, any feedback would be helpful.
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dracomeir · 11 months
Just 'cause I'm really intrigued by this (and more or less tempted to draw..) do you have any designs/references for your Renegade Detective AU gang? Could help to also ramble a bit on their world and setting, even if you don't write it out. Always cool to get info about these fellas, might even help you brainstorm on plots and such for later whenever : )
Luckily for me, this is literally the only AU I have planned start to finish. I could write a whole essay, but I don't want to drop everything at once right now. :3
Also to anyone reading this, spoilers but not really since all of this would be in the prologue/chapter one, and I'm like 70% sure I'll never write this fanfic, but still.
So I'm lazy, and can't be bothered to redraw OG Pico into what Soft Pico is wearing, but that's basically what the uniform of the SCF (Special Crime Forces) is. This squad was created with Detective Pico as its leader, and they deal with any crimes where demons are involved. Forensics scientist Darnell wears a purple shirt. He's also the one who creates weapons, sprays, tranquilizers, and any other means of self defense that are effective against demons. Criminal analyst Nene wears pink. She gathers intel from less legitimate sources, keeps an eye on the black market for items of interests, and helps Pico determine what a suspect's next course of an action could be. She also tore the sleeves off of her blazer since she gives no fucks, and the higher ups can't do shit about it since Pico and his crew are the only one with the balls to deal with demons.
Pico is the only one of the trio to have dual pistols. One is a black one called Noir. He uses this gun for humans, and other creatures that don't require magical means to be harmed. His runic pistol is white, and is called Blanc. BF gave this to him back in college, and its enchanted by magical runes that allow him to harm demons, or any other entity that can't be harmed by non-magical means. He is considered a renegade in the force since he will break protocols/the law, and disobey orders if it meant saving the lives of others. Due to him and his squad being the only ones capable of dealing with demons, he hasn't gotten fired for his insubordination yet.
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I quickly drew BF's design since I never drew him in full yet, but just imagine him with his usual hair, and pants matching his vest. The lines on his horns represent his energy level. This energy is required for him to live, and incubi/succubi can regain this energy by simply seeing certain thoughts/desires of those around them. Unfortunately for BF, he is unable to gain the energy he needs like others of his kind. This is due to an arch demon punishing him with a curse for betraying the clan, and preventing them from killing Pico, Darnell, Nene, and other students at college. This curse harms him if he doesn't actively block out the desires of others, and the only way for him to regain energy is to take the souls of others, killing them in the process. No one else knows about this until way later in the story. This demon attack on the college was also the reason why BF was forced to drop his human illusion, and his use of charm magic in combat causes Pico to jump to the conclusion that the incubus charmed him to make him fall in love, and breaks up with him. With the bad reputation of his kind at this point of time, BF had no chance to explain himself.
BF doesn't see Pico again until a few years later where a new program that employs demons as emotional support was made. This program is an attempt to improve the reputation of demons, and to show the general public that not all demons are a threat. With the help of the ginger's father (tank dad, yippee!), BF convinces the ginger to put an anti-magic bracelet on him to prove that no magic will get in the way of regaining his trust. He also cooks for him, plays his saxophone for BGM despite Pico's annoyance, and helps him fight demons once the detective trusts him enough to not use magic on him or his friends.
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To give you a better idea what BF and Pico's dynamic will be like, here's a short dialogue exchange between the two of them when the ginger trusts BF enough to use lower level magic. A level of magic that allows him to see the thoughts/desires of others.
"Thanks, Pico. I promise to only look when I really need the ener- Wait. Why is your head empty?"
Pico simply shrugged in response despite knowing he had protection against the magic BF was using.
"Has your standards gotten higher since we broke up? Is my ass too small? Too big? Is my chest window not big enough? Is lean and muscular not good enough for you now? Do I have to work out?" He looked at himself in the mirror. "Actually, fuck everything I just said. I'm perfect the way I am. Still though, there's a hottie right in front of you, and you don't even have the smallest dirty thought of him?"
"Hm... Maybe you're not trying hard enough."
"Excuse me? You have no fucking idea how hard it is," he gestured to himself as he walked away to question his abilities as an incubus. "To look this good. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to... Do maintenance on my saxophone."
The moment the door closed, Pico chuckled to himself. "Fucking idiot."
Edit: I forgor that Pico wears reading glasses.
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thetomorrowshow · 2 years
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I posted 2,047 times in 2022
That's 851 more posts than 2021!
423 posts created (21%)
1,624 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,811 of my posts in 2022
Only 12% of my posts had no tags
#q - 983 posts
#minecraft stuff - 737 posts
#art - 589 posts
#empires smp - 202 posts
#ask - 176 posts
#jimmy solidarity - 120 posts
#empires superpowers au - 116 posts
#3rd life smp - 116 posts
#mas speaks - 106 posts
#esh au - 103 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#like he walked in. 'hey guys keeping it short today bc i have to go to the dentist on tuesday. were there any questions abt the work?'
My Top Posts in 2022:
TFC's sister posted a link to his obituary on twitter. It's very lovely, but I wanted to point out this specific part:
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[ID: Edward moved to Tulsa in 1972. He went out on his own for many years, without contacting friends or family. Much about where he was and what he was doing during this time remains a mystery. In fact, Edward was not seen again until 1992, when it was discovered that he was living in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he was employed by Pizza Hut, as a delivery driver. He had also lived in Arkansas, before returning to Tulsa. End ID]
I can't get over this. This is the most TFC thing I've ever seen
1,980 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Jimmy has murdered a human on rats smp. Jimmy killed the gardener and has now promised scott the gardening job in exchange for keeping quiet about it. jimmy has yelled at the janitor that he's going to cut his arms off and threatened to kill him too. I repeat jimmy solidarity has murdered a human. this is the LEAST SAFEST RAT
3,150 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
Got my dad to watch mcc (scar pov) with me, here are some highlights of the occasion
he's colorblind and struggled telling teams apart, but appreciated color indicators on some blocks in games
did not understand survival games until he saw the border and then went "oh it's like fortnite!!"
asked questions about every ten seconds which was actually quite lovely, but included:
asking me how mcc teams are decided
asking me who scott smajor was no less than five times
asking me to explain the concept of hermitcraft.
did not care about the game chat until he realized that's where i was getting stats from and then started leaning as far forward as possible to read it
i don't think he ever really grasped the concept of rocket spleef. he had fun watching though
thought antfrost's skin was a bird
asked me if ace race was only for ace people (definitely trying to connect with me after i recently came out as ace. much appreciated, very sweet)
complained if people punched scar off during tgttos
asked if scar would be interested in coming to our family server to build
desperately wants minecraft slushies. i wouldn't be surprised if i joined the family server tomorrow to find he'd added a texture pack for them
i think his favorite game was meltdown, he got very excited about scar's killer aim
he says that most of the streamers he watches are british and hearing american accents on twitch was weird. ok
got happy every time scar wasn't last in team rankings for a game
guys he got so into dodgebolt. he was jumping up with every hit. he was very disappointed when i accidentally changed the channel during the second round and wouldn't let me touch the remote again. he actually cheered at the final shot
he didn't know anyone playing but he still really enjoyed it. he wants to watch again next time :)
3,197 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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new copypasta dropped and this is my favorite one
6,304 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You know what makes me the most angry about the hbo max ordeal?
Librarians saw this coming years ago and tried to prevent it. Corporations refused to work with them, afraid of the loss in profits there might be.
27,396 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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boyfrogsims · 1 year
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intro to my beloved sims 2 family 🫶 
the initial premise was supposed to be vampire romeo and werewolf juliet but then i remembered i hate sims 2 vampires so instead it’s werewolf juliet with her rockstar twink boyfriend and their many kids. 
more info below the cut, if you’re curious
romeo has made it to the top of the music career but then he got demoted so he’s working his way back up lol. juliet is a self-employed artist as her lycanthropy prevented her from working a normal job but gave her ample time to paint through the night. she has maxed painting but taking care of two toddlers at once is a bit much, and since they’re no longer dirt poor it’s not as necessary as it used to be. 
(the repo man keeps coming, but that’s a me problem 💀)
anne and desdemona are twins and for the most part they get along well. not friends but sisters kind of vibe. they’re newly aged up into college - anne is into bodybuilding while juliet is into singing. anne had a steady girlfriend although high school but has left her behind for college. desdemona on the other hand had four boyfriends, and is hoping to have even more in college. she is majoring in drama (to follow in her dad’s footsteps) while anne is majoring biology. 
i dont have much interesting to say about helena, she mostly got shoved to the side while trying to take care of the rest of the family, oops. she’s a knowledge sim (who really wants to be struck by lightning). i have nothing to say about the youngest twins, horatio and ophelia, bc they have literally done nothing yet. horatio’s been grinding the blocks while ophelia tickles the rainbow xylophone and neither of them have been taught a single toddler skill 👍
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nickbeauty123 · 8 hours
Another factor that is always taken lightly is sunscreen for the oily skin type, though it is a conditioning aid to the skin. Most individuals with oily skin base their perception that sunscreen will only make them shinier and will avoid it all together. However, the right formula of the sunscreen can not only give you protection against the UV radiation but also control the oily skin. Olivia Beauty is antediluvian for you to discover the reason why sunscreen is imperative for your oily skin type.
That is why you need to take sunscreen for oily skin.
Prevents Premature Aging: Sunscreen is essential in order to avoid sun damage that results in skin aging, fine lines, and wrinkles. Purchasing a quality sunscreen for oily skin is a step to making sure that you do not age before time.
Reduces Risk of Breakouts: Evidently, the opposite of ‘gloomy’ is not skin friendly; taking the so-called sunbath’ can trigger acne too. When you put on your skin, radiation from UV rays causes inflammation and overproduction of sebum on the skin. An oil-free, non-acnegenic formula for sun protection for your face will help to protect the skin without clogging the pores.
Even Skin Tone: Daily sunscreen has a function in protecting the skin area from getting dark spots while at the same time correcting the skin tone that was caused by sun damage. This is especially the case for people who have oily skin since acne creases are more easily seen when the skin is oily.
How to Select the Appropriate SunScreen for Oily Skin
When selecting a sunscreen for oily skin, look for products that are:
Oil-Free: Be careful with the glistening components employed in holding the creams and lotions, as you would not wish to boost the glow on your skin.
Non-Comedogenic: Make absolutely sure that the product will not in any way block the pores of the skin, as this should be essential for skin clarity.
Lightweight Gel or Fluid: Cosmetic products such as gel or fluid sunscreens assure the skin that they do not feel heavy going by their slim texture, and they do not leave the skin oily.
The sun protection products at the Olivia Beauty specialty shop are designed to suit the oily skin type. With no oils, this non-greasy formula dries quickly and offers the protection of both UVA and UVB filters.
How to Add Sunscreen Into Your Daily Skin Regimen 
To maximize the benefits of sunscreen for oily skin, follow these steps:
Cleanse Your Skin: Wash with a mild soap to begin with to wash off all the excess oil and dirt.
Moisturize: Moisturize your skin using a non-greasy water-based moisturizer.
Apply Sunscreen: Olivia Beauty sunscreen for oily skin should be applied in liberal amounts to your face and your neck.
Reapply: If you are outside, make sure to apply EVERY 2 HOURS OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER SWIMMING OR EXERCISING.
Final Thoughts
It is crucial to try to find a good oil-free sunscreen that would be a part of the skin care regimen and help to maintain beautiful and healthy skin. I truly believe that when you use the product from Olivia Beauty, you can be sure you’re using a product that has been created especially for your skin type. If you have oily skin, that should not stop you from getting the best out of the sun; use our lightweight yet very efficient sun protection products.
The path towards getting well-toned and naturally glowing skin is with the right protection. Choose Olivia Beauty as your skin care ally and let me remind you about the functions of sunscreen for oily skin.
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Lisa Needham and Andy Hirschfeld at Public Notice:
During Tuesday’s debate, as Donald Trump tried to take credit for the demise of Roe while pretending a second Trump administration wouldn’t obliterate abortion protections at a national level, he blurted out what he surely thought sounded like a winning statement: “Every legal scholar, every Democrat, every Republican, liberal, conservative, they all wanted this issue to be brought back to the states where the people could vote.”
This is, of course, exceedingly not true. 74 percent of women oppose leaving abortion up to the states, which is the same amount of women who believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. There is no evidence Democrats or legal scholars who aren’t employed by Fox News wanted this balkanized nightmare where less than half of reproductive-age women in the country are aware of the current status of abortion policy in their state, millions live in states with bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, and infant mortality is spiking.  Despite their unwillingness to be frank about it, conservatives don’t want abortion returned to the states either. Sure, that’s what Justice Samuel Alito smugly declared was happening when he wrote the Dobbs opinion overturning Roe, and sure, that’s what both Trump and JD Vance are running around saying. But it’s the actions of red states — actions that seek to impose their anti-choice views on the entire nation — that speak far louder. 
Ken Paxton thinks your business is his business
Look at Texas, where state Attorney General Ken Paxton just sued the Biden administration to block a new rule that protects the medical records of people who cross state lines to obtain abortions. As Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra explained when announcing the rule, “Many Americans are scared their private medical information will be shared, misused, and disclosed without permission ... the Biden-Harris Administration is providing stronger protections to people seeking lawful reproductive health care regardless of whether the care is in their home state or if they must cross state lines to get it.” Texas’s lawsuit alleges that the rule interferes with its ability to enforce its own laws on reproductive health. Of course, the rule does no such thing. Texas remains fully able to enforce its extreme abortion ban within its borders. All the rule does is prevent Texas from reaching into other states to demand patient records when people obtain reproductive health care that is legal in that state.
Texas Republicans are also mad that the rule requires reproductive health care to be “interpreted broadly and inclusive of all types of health care related to an individual’s reproductive system” — which means it could also protect the records of people seeking gender-affirming care outside the state. 
The Biden administration enacted the rule amid provider concerns that patient records would be sought and that such a threat would chill people from seeking reproductive health care in other states. This isn’t an abstract fear. Earlier this year, Texas demanded detailed patient information from Seattle Children’s Hospital in Washington, asking for the number of Texas children treated, the medications prescribed to them, and individual diagnoses. The state made a similar demand of a Georgia telehealth clinic, even asking for records from before Texas banned gender-affirming healthcare for trans youth.  Notably, when it comes to abortion, Texas’s ban very carefully does not make it a crime for a pregnant person to have an abortion, nor does it impose any civil liability on them. Providers face felony charges if they perform an abortion, and anyone who helps someone obtain an abortion can be civilly sued by literally anyone under Texas’s vigilante law, SB8, but the actual patient is free and clear. That’s because even the most hardline anti-choicers have shied away from prosecuting people for abortions — though Trump has mused that “there has to be some form of punishment” for women who get one. 
So, having an abortion outside Texas’s borders definitely does not violate Texas’s current abortion ban, which makes the assertion that Texas needs to be able to get patient records to enforce its abortion ban absolutely false. No charges could be brought against the patient, so there’s nothing to enforce. What Texas is trying to do here is functionally nationalize its extreme abortion ban by violating the medical privacy of its own citizens and terrorize out-of-state abortion providers into refusing to provide services to patients from Texas.  If this sounds like fear-mongering, it’s not. The architect of SB8, Jonathan Mitchell, has sought to depose two women he claims traveled out of state for an abortion. In both instances, Mitchell represents an ex-boyfriend who disagreed with the woman’s decision. Mitchell is also working with at least one city in Texas, Amarillo, to try to get an ordinance passed that would ban the use of the city’s roads and highways to leave the state to get an abortion. Four counties and a handful of cities in Texas already have such laws.  Texas isn’t the only state trying to criminalize the right to travel out of state for reproductive health care. Last year, Idaho passed a law that would have made it a felony for someone to help a minor who is not their own child to obtain an abortion in another state where the procedure is legal. Tennessee passed a similar law this year, and Republican legislators have proposed bills along these lines in Alabama, Mississippi, and Oklahoma. 
The Republicans’ hypocrisy on “states’ rights” continues to amuse me.
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will netflix ban me for using a vpn
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will netflix ban me for using a vpn
Netflix VPN ban policy
Title: Navigating the Netflix VPN Ban: What You Need to Know
In recent years, Netflix has become synonymous with streaming entertainment, offering a vast library of movies and TV shows to subscribers worldwide. However, accessing Netflix content from certain regions has proven to be a challenge for some users due to the platform's VPN (Virtual Private Network) ban policy.
A VPN allows users to mask their IP address and appear as though they are accessing the internet from a different location. This can be useful for accessing content that is restricted based on geographical location, such as Netflix libraries exclusive to certain countries.
Netflix, however, has taken a firm stance against the use of VPNs to bypass regional restrictions. The company employs sophisticated technology to detect and block VPN traffic, preventing users from accessing content not available in their region.
The reasons behind Netflix's VPN ban are multi-faceted. Firstly, content licensing agreements vary from country to country, and Netflix must abide by these agreements to legally distribute content. Allowing users to bypass regional restrictions via VPNs could potentially violate these agreements and lead to legal repercussions.
Moreover, Netflix aims to maintain a level playing field for all subscribers, ensuring that everyone has access to the same content regardless of their location. Allowing VPN usage could disrupt this balance and result in an unequal streaming experience for users in different regions.
While the Netflix VPN ban may be frustrating for some users, it underscores the complexities of content licensing and distribution in the digital age. As streaming platforms continue to expand globally, navigating these challenges will remain a priority for both providers and subscribers alike.
VPN detection methods by Netflix
Netflix, one of the world's leading streaming platforms, is known for its strict policies when it comes to the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to access geo-restricted content. VPNs are commonly used to bypass regional restrictions and access content not available in certain countries. However, Netflix employs various methods to detect and block users who attempt to use VPNs to access their service.
One of the primary methods that Netflix uses to detect VPNs is through IP address blacklisting. VPN servers often use a range of IP addresses that can be identified by Netflix. When Netflix detects a large number of users accessing their service from the same IP address, it raises a red flag, leading to the blocking of that IP address. This blocks not only the user using the VPN but also other legitimate users who might be sharing the same server.
Another method Netflix employs is analyzing the traffic and behavior patterns of users. By studying the data packets transmitted between users and their servers, Netflix can identify characteristics commonly associated with VPN usage. This allows them to block suspicious traffic and prevent VPN users from accessing their content.
Furthermore, Netflix regularly updates its algorithms and technologies to stay ahead of VPN users. This ongoing cat-and-mouse game means that VPN services often have to adapt and change their strategies to evade detection by Netflix.
In conclusion, while VPNs can provide users with enhanced privacy and access to geo-restricted content, using them to access Netflix can be challenging due to the platform's robust VPN detection methods. Users looking to access Netflix from different regions should be aware of the risks involved and the potential consequences of using a VPN to bypass regional restrictions.
Consequences of using VPN with Netflix
Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with Netflix might seem like a smart way to access content from different regions or enhance privacy, but it can come with its fair share of consequences. While VPNs encrypt your internet connection and mask your IP address, allowing you to bypass geographical restrictions, Netflix actively combats VPN usage due to licensing agreements and content distribution rights.
One of the primary consequences of using a VPN with Netflix is the risk of getting blocked. Netflix employs advanced detection methods to identify and block VPN traffic, resulting in error messages or restricted access to the platform. This can be frustrating for users who rely on VPNs to access specific shows or movies unavailable in their region.
Moreover, even if a VPN successfully bypasses Netflix's restrictions momentarily, there's no guarantee it will work consistently. Netflix continually updates its detection mechanisms, making it a constant game of cat and mouse between VPN providers and the streaming service.
Another consequence is the potential violation of Netflix's terms of service. While Netflix doesn't explicitly prohibit the use of VPNs, its terms state that users must only access content available in their region. By using a VPN to access content from other regions, users may technically breach these terms, putting their Netflix accounts at risk of suspension or termination.
Furthermore, using a VPN with Netflix can impact streaming quality. VPNs may slow down internet speeds due to the encryption and rerouting of traffic, leading to buffering and lower video resolution.
In conclusion, while using a VPN with Netflix can offer temporary benefits like accessing geo-blocked content, users should be aware of the potential consequences, including account blocks, violation of terms of service, and degraded streaming quality. It's essential to weigh the pros and cons before deciding to use a VPN with Netflix.
How to bypass Netflix VPN ban
Title: Unlocking Netflix: A Guide to Bypassing VPN Restrictions
In an era where streaming services reign supreme, Netflix stands as a titan among them. However, its library availability varies greatly from region to region due to licensing agreements, leaving many users frustrated with restricted content. To combat this, Netflix employs VPN detection technology to prevent users from accessing content outside their designated region. But fear not, as there are ways to bypass this VPN ban and unlock the full potential of Netflix's catalog.
One method to bypass the Netflix VPN ban is by using a reputable VPN service that constantly updates its servers and IP addresses to evade detection. Look for VPN providers that offer dedicated IP addresses or specialized servers optimized for streaming to increase your chances of success.
Another approach is to utilize Smart DNS services, which reroute your internet traffic through proxy servers located in countries where the desired Netflix content is available. Smart DNS does not encrypt your data like a VPN, but it effectively disguises your location to bypass geo-blocks.
Furthermore, consider using lesser-known VPN protocols such as Shadowsocks or obfuscated servers, which are designed to conceal VPN usage and make it harder for Netflix to detect and block VPN traffic.
It's important to note that while bypassing Netflix's VPN ban is technically possible, it may violate the platform's terms of service. Netflix actively monitors and blocks VPN usage, so there's always a risk of being caught and facing consequences such as account suspension or termination.
In conclusion, while bypassing Netflix's VPN ban is feasible with the right tools and techniques, it's essential to proceed with caution and be aware of the potential risks involved. Always prioritize your online privacy and security, and consider the legal implications before attempting to access restricted content.
Legal implications of VPN use with Netflix
Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access Netflix can raise several legal implications, primarily concerning copyright infringement and breach of Netflix's terms of service. While VPNs themselves are legal tools used for online privacy and security, their use with Netflix may violate the streaming service's policies and potentially infringe upon copyright laws.
Netflix offers different libraries of content in various regions due to licensing agreements with content providers. By using a VPN to bypass geo-restrictions and access content from another country's library, users may be violating Netflix's terms of service, which strictly prohibit circumventing regional restrictions. Furthermore, streaming content that is not licensed for distribution in a particular region could constitute copyright infringement.
From a legal standpoint, Netflix has the right to enforce its terms of service and take action against users who violate them. This can include banning the user's account or restricting access to certain content. While Netflix does not actively pursue legal action against individual users for VPN use, they may take measures to block VPN IP addresses or collaborate with copyright holders to enforce their rights.
It's essential for users to understand the legal risks associated with using a VPN with Netflix and to carefully consider the potential consequences. While many users may use VPNs to access content not available in their region, they should be aware that they are operating in a legal gray area and could face repercussions.
In conclusion, while using a VPN with Netflix may provide access to additional content, it also carries legal risks such as violating Netflix's terms of service and copyright laws. Users should weigh these risks carefully and consider the potential consequences before engaging in such activities.
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canthefbitrackavpn · 5 months
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does opera vpn hide me from isp
Opera VPN privacy features
Opera VPN offers several privacy features that make it a reliable choice for users concerned about safeguarding their online activities. One of its standout features is its no-log policy, which means that Opera does not collect or log any data transmitted through its VPN servers. This ensures that users' browsing history, connection timestamps, IP addresses, and other sensitive information remain private and secure.
Furthermore, Opera VPN employs strong encryption protocols to protect data as it travels between the user's device and the VPN server. It utilizes AES-256 encryption, which is widely recognized as one of the most secure encryption standards available. This ensures that even if someone were to intercept the data, it would be virtually impossible to decipher.
In addition to encryption, Opera VPN offers a built-in ad blocker and malware protection feature. This not only enhances the user experience by blocking intrusive ads and speeding up browsing, but it also helps prevent users from inadvertently accessing malicious websites that could compromise their privacy and security.
Opera VPN also includes a feature called "Virtual Locations," which allows users to select from a range of virtual server locations around the world. This can help users bypass geo-restrictions and access content that may be blocked in their region, further enhancing their online privacy and freedom.
Overall, Opera VPN's privacy features make it a compelling choice for users seeking a secure and reliable VPN service. With its no-log policy, strong encryption, ad blocking, malware protection, and virtual locations, Opera VPN provides users with peace of mind knowing that their online activities are protected and their privacy is respected.
ISP monitoring evasion methods
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) play a crucial role in facilitating our online activities by providing internet access. However, with this access comes the potential for ISPs to monitor our online behavior, raising concerns about privacy and surveillance. Fortunately, there are several methods individuals can employ to evade ISP monitoring and protect their privacy.
One effective method is to use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN encrypts internet traffic, making it difficult for ISPs to monitor users' online activities. By routing internet traffic through a secure server, VPNs effectively mask users' IP addresses and location, enhancing privacy and anonymity.
Another evasion method is using encrypted communication protocols such as HTTPS. Secure websites encrypt data transmitted between the user's device and the website's server, preventing ISPs from intercepting and monitoring the content of communications. Additionally, using encrypted messaging apps and email services adds an extra layer of security to online communication, further thwarting ISP monitoring efforts.
Tor, short for The Onion Router, is another powerful tool for evading ISP monitoring. Tor routes internet traffic through a series of volunteer-operated servers, encrypting data multiple times and bouncing it around the world before reaching its destination. This complex routing process makes it extremely difficult for ISPs to track users' online activities.
Furthermore, individuals can utilize DNS over HTTPS (DoH) or DNS over TLS (DoT) to encrypt DNS queries, preventing ISPs from monitoring which websites users visit. By encrypting DNS traffic, users can bypass ISP-level DNS filtering and logging, enhancing privacy and evading monitoring.
In conclusion, while ISPs have the capability to monitor users' online activities, there are several effective methods for evading such monitoring and protecting privacy. By utilizing tools such as VPNs, encrypted communication protocols, Tor, and encrypted DNS, individuals can safeguard their online privacy and maintain anonymity in an increasingly surveilled digital landscape.
Network data encryption solutions
Network data encryption solutions are crucial for safeguarding sensitive information transmitted over networks from unauthorized access and interception. In today's digital landscape, where cyber threats are ever-evolving, implementing robust encryption measures is essential to ensure the security and integrity of data.
Encryption works by converting plain text data into ciphertext, which can only be deciphered with the appropriate decryption key. This process effectively renders the data unreadable to anyone without the proper authorization, thwarting potential cyberattacks and data breaches.
One popular encryption solution is Transport Layer Security (TLS), which is commonly used to secure communication over the internet. TLS encrypts data exchanged between clients and servers, ensuring confidentiality and integrity. It is widely employed in various applications such as web browsing, email communication, and file transfers.
Another effective encryption method is Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), which create a secure tunnel for data transmission over public networks. By encrypting data traffic, VPNs prevent eavesdropping and interception, making them indispensable for remote workers, businesses, and individuals seeking to protect their online activities.
For organizations handling highly sensitive data, end-to-end encryption (E2EE) provides an extra layer of protection by encrypting data from the sender's device until it reaches the intended recipient, with decryption only possible at the recipient's end. E2EE is commonly used in messaging apps, cloud storage services, and collaboration platforms to ensure the confidentiality of communications and files.
In addition to these solutions, implementing strong cryptographic algorithms, regularly updating encryption protocols, and adhering to best practices in key management are essential for maintaining the security of network data. By investing in robust encryption solutions and staying vigilant against emerging threats, organizations can mitigate the risks associated with data breaches and safeguard their sensitive information.
Internet service provider anonymity
When it comes to browsing the internet, many users are concerned about their online privacy and security. Internet service provider (ISP) anonymity is a topic that is gaining increasing importance in today's digital age. An ISP is a company that provides access to the internet to individuals and businesses. However, these ISPs have the ability to monitor and track users’ online activities, raising concerns about privacy invasion.
ISP anonymity refers to the concept of protecting one's online identity and activities from being monitored or traced by their internet service provider. With the growing number of cyber threats and privacy breaches, many users are seeking ways to mask their online presence and maintain their anonymity while using the internet.
One common method of achieving ISP anonymity is through the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). VPNs encrypt users’ internet traffic and mask their IP addresses, making it difficult for ISPs to track their online activities. By connecting to a VPN server, users can browse the internet anonymously and securely, without revealing their true identity to their ISP.
Another way to enhance ISP anonymity is by using proxy servers or Tor browser, which route users’ internet traffic through different servers, making it challenging for ISPs to monitor their online activities. Additionally, practicing good online habits such as using encrypted websites (HTTPS) and avoiding sharing sensitive information can further protect one's online anonymity.
In conclusion, internet service provider anonymity is essential for safeguarding one's online privacy and security. By utilizing tools like VPNs, proxy servers, and practicing good online habits, users can effectively protect their online identity and activities from being monitored by their ISPs. Prioritizing ISP anonymity is crucial in today's digital landscape to ensure a safe and secure browsing experience.
Virtual private network functionality
A virtual private network (VPN) serves as a secure tunnel for your online activities, safeguarding your privacy and data integrity. The functionality of a VPN is multifaceted, offering several key benefits to users worldwide.
First and foremost, a VPN encrypts your internet connection, rendering your online activities unreadable to hackers, government agencies, or internet service providers (ISPs). By encrypting data traffic, VPNs ensure that sensitive information such as passwords, credit card details, and personal messages remain confidential.
Moreover, VPNs allow users to bypass geo-restrictions and censorship by masking their IP addresses. This enables access to region-locked content, streaming services, and websites that may be inaccessible from certain locations. Whether you're traveling abroad or residing in a country with strict internet regulations, a VPN empowers you to browse the web freely and anonymously.
Additionally, VPNs enhance online security by shielding users from malicious threats such as malware, phishing attacks, and man-in-the-middle (MITM) assaults. By routing traffic through secure servers, VPNs add an extra layer of defense against cyber threats, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access to personal or corporate networks.
Furthermore, VPNs enable users to maintain anonymity and privacy online by masking their real IP addresses. This prevents websites, advertisers, and third-party trackers from monitoring and profiling user behavior for targeted advertising or data mining purposes.
In summary, the functionality of a virtual private network encompasses encryption, IP address masking, bypassing geo-restrictions, enhancing online security, and preserving user anonymity. Whether for personal privacy or business security, VPNs have become indispensable tools in safeguarding online activities in an increasingly interconnected world.
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VPN encryption technology
VPN encryption technology is a crucial aspect of ensuring online privacy and security for internet users. By encrypting data transmitted over a Virtual Private Network (VPN), individuals can protect their sensitive information from being intercepted by malicious parties.
One of the key components of VPN encryption technology is the use of cryptographic protocols to scramble data to make it unreadable to anyone without the decryption key. These protocols include OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, and IKEv2, among others, each with its own level of security and performance.
OpenVPN, for example, is an open-source protocol known for its strong encryption standards and overall reliability. L2TP/IPsec, on the other hand, combines the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) with Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) to provide a robust security solution for VPN connections.
In addition to protocol options, VPN encryption technology also relies on encryption algorithms such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) to secure data. AES, in particular, is widely used for its ability to offer high-level encryption while maintaining efficient performance.
Overall, VPN encryption technology plays a vital role in safeguarding online communications, protecting sensitive data, and ensuring anonymity for users. Whether for personal privacy or business security, utilizing a VPN with strong encryption measures can help individuals stay safe and secure in an increasingly digital world.
Online tracking prevention
Online tracking prevention refers to the measures taken to limit or block the collection of user data while browsing the internet. With the proliferation of online services and websites, user privacy has become a growing concern. Many companies use various tracking technologies to monitor user behavior, collect personal information, and target advertisements. However, this practice raises significant privacy issues and can lead to potential misuse of sensitive data.
To address these concerns, various online tracking prevention methods have been developed. One common approach is the use of browser extensions or plugins that block third-party tracking cookies. These cookies are often used by advertisers to track users across different websites and build detailed profiles of their online activities. By blocking these cookies, users can significantly reduce the amount of data collected about them without their consent.
Another effective method of online tracking prevention is the use of privacy-focused browsers that come with built-in tracking protection features. These browsers often employ techniques such as blocking tracking scripts, enforcing strict privacy settings by default, and providing options for users to control their privacy preferences easily.
Furthermore, some operating systems and internet security software also include built-in tracking prevention features. These tools may offer additional layers of protection against online tracking, such as blocking known tracking domains or providing real-time alerts about potential tracking attempts.
Overall, online tracking prevention is essential for safeguarding user privacy and maintaining control over personal data online. By using a combination of browser extensions, privacy-focused browsers, and other tracking prevention tools, users can minimize their exposure to online tracking and protect their sensitive information from being exploited for targeted advertising or other purposes.
Anonymous browsing benefits
Anonymous browsing offers a myriad of benefits, ranging from privacy protection to enhanced security and unrestricted access to content. One of the primary advantages is the safeguarding of personal information. By concealing your IP address and other identifying details, anonymous browsing prevents websites, advertisers, and malicious entities from tracking your online activities. This helps in avoiding targeted ads, reducing the risk of identity theft, and maintaining confidentiality.
Moreover, anonymous browsing promotes freedom of expression and access to information. In regions with strict internet censorship, individuals can bypass restrictions and access blocked websites or content without fear of repercussions. This is particularly significant for journalists, activists, and citizens seeking to share or gather information in oppressive environments.
Furthermore, anonymous browsing contributes to enhanced security by minimizing the risk of cyberattacks and malware infections. Without revealing personal information, users are less susceptible to phishing attempts, malicious tracking, and data breaches. Additionally, it allows users to explore the internet without leaving a digital footprint, thereby reducing the likelihood of being targeted by hackers or cybercriminals.
Additionally, anonymous browsing facilitates unbiased research and protects user anonymity. Individuals can explore sensitive topics or controversial subjects without fear of judgment or surveillance. This is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking information on sensitive health issues, political dissent, or marginalized communities.
In conclusion, anonymous browsing offers a multitude of benefits, including privacy protection, enhanced security, freedom of expression, and unrestricted access to information. By prioritizing anonymity and confidentiality, users can navigate the internet securely and freely, without compromising their privacy or safety.
Internet privacy safeguards
In an era where digital footprints are omnipresent and cyber threats loom large, safeguarding internet privacy has become paramount. With the proliferation of online platforms and services, users often leave behind a trail of personal data, making them vulnerable to exploitation by malicious entities. However, several measures can be adopted to bolster internet privacy and mitigate risks.
Firstly, utilizing robust encryption protocols is crucial in securing data transmitted over the internet. Encryption scrambles information into unreadable code, ensuring that even if intercepted, it remains unintelligible to unauthorized parties. Employing virtual private networks (VPNs) further enhances privacy by masking users' IP addresses and encrypting their internet traffic, rendering it indecipherable to eavesdroppers.
Secondly, practicing stringent password hygiene is imperative for safeguarding online accounts. Utilizing complex, unique passwords for each account and enabling two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, thwarting unauthorized access attempts.
Moreover, exercising discretion while sharing personal information online is paramount. Being mindful of the data shared on social media platforms and refraining from divulging sensitive details can mitigate the risk of identity theft and privacy breaches.
Additionally, regularly updating software and applications helps patch vulnerabilities that cybercriminals exploit to infiltrate systems. This includes operating system updates, antivirus software, and application patches, which fortify defenses against evolving cyber threats.
Furthermore, embracing privacy-focused browsers and search engines can curtail data collection practices employed by tech giants. These platforms prioritize user privacy by minimizing tracking cookies and limiting data collection, thereby fostering a more secure browsing experience.
In conclusion, safeguarding internet privacy necessitates a multi-faceted approach encompassing encryption, password security, data discretion, software updates, and the adoption of privacy-centric tools. By implementing these measures, users can navigate the digital landscape with greater confidence and protect their sensitive information from prying eyes.
Digital footprint concealment
In today's digital age, our online activities leave behind a trail of information known as a digital footprint. This footprint consists of the data generated through our interactions on the internet, including social media posts, online purchases, website visits, and more. While having a digital footprint is inevitable in the modern world, there are steps that individuals can take to conceal or minimize their online presence for privacy and security reasons.
One of the most effective ways to conceal your digital footprint is to be mindful of the information you share online. Think twice before posting personal details such as your address, phone number, or financial information on social media or other websites. Additionally, regularly review your privacy settings on social media platforms to control who can see your posts and personal information.
Using tools like virtual private networks (VPNs) and encrypted messaging apps can also help conceal your digital footprint by masking your online activity and communications from potential prying eyes. These tools encrypt your data and help protect your privacy while browsing the internet or communicating with others online.
Furthermore, regularly deleting old accounts, clearing cookies and browser history, and using private browsing modes can also help minimize the digital trail you leave behind. By being proactive and vigilant about your online presence, you can take control of your digital footprint and protect your privacy in an increasingly connected world.
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VPN encryption
Title: Understanding VPN Encryption: Safeguarding Your Online Privacy
In an age where cybersecurity threats loom large, the importance of VPN encryption cannot be overstated. VPN, short for Virtual Private Network, employs encryption techniques to secure your internet connection, ensuring that your online activities remain private and protected from prying eyes.
So, what exactly is VPN encryption? At its core, encryption involves encoding data in a way that only authorized parties can access it. In the context of VPNs, encryption scrambles the data you transmit over the internet, making it unreadable to anyone attempting to intercept it. This process creates a secure "tunnel" through which your data travels, shielding it from hackers, government surveillance, and other threats.
There are several encryption protocols commonly used by VPN providers, including OpenVPN, L2TP/IPsec, and IKEv2/IPsec. Each protocol utilizes different encryption algorithms and key exchange methods, but the goal remains the same: to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.
AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is one of the most widely used encryption algorithms in VPN services today. Renowned for its robust security and efficiency, AES encrypts data in varying key lengths, typically 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit. The longer the key length, the stronger the encryption, making it exponentially more difficult for adversaries to decrypt your data.
In addition to encryption, VPNs also employ authentication and tunneling protocols to further enhance security. Authentication verifies the identity of both the user and the VPN server, while tunneling encapsulates your data in a protective outer layer, preventing it from being tampered with or intercepted en route.
By encrypting your internet traffic and routing it through secure servers around the world, VPNs offer a powerful defense against cyber threats and uphold your right to online privacy. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming content, or accessing sensitive information, VPN encryption provides peace of mind in an increasingly interconnected world.
IP address masking
Title: Understanding the Importance of IP Address Masking
In the digital age, where privacy concerns loom large and online security is paramount, understanding the concept of IP address masking is crucial. An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier assigned to each device connected to a network, allowing it to communicate with other devices. However, this identifier also exposes your device's location and other sensitive information, making it a potential target for hackers, advertisers, and other prying eyes.
IP address masking, also known as IP masking or IP anonymization, is the process of hiding your true IP address by routing your internet traffic through a proxy server. This proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and the websites or services you access, effectively masking your IP address and replacing it with the proxy server's IP address. This makes it appear as though your internet activity is originating from a different location, enhancing your online privacy and security.
There are several reasons why individuals and businesses may choose to mask their IP addresses. For one, it helps protect against online tracking and surveillance by preventing websites and advertisers from identifying your true location and monitoring your online activities. Additionally, IP address masking can bypass geo-restrictions imposed by certain websites or streaming services, allowing users to access content that may be blocked in their region.
Furthermore, IP masking can also be used to enhance cybersecurity by making it more difficult for hackers to target your device or network. By hiding your IP address, you reduce the risk of becoming a victim of cyber attacks such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks or phishing scams.
In conclusion, IP address masking is a valuable tool for safeguarding your online privacy, security, and freedom. Whether you're concerned about intrusive tracking, geo-restrictions, or cybersecurity threats, masking your IP address can provide an added layer of protection and peace of mind in an increasingly interconnected world.
Data security
Data security is a critical aspect of modern-day digital operations, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. With the exponential growth of data generation and exchange across various platforms, ensuring robust data security measures is paramount for businesses, organizations, and individuals alike.
One of the fundamental components of data security is encryption, which involves encoding data in such a way that only authorized parties can access and decipher it. Encryption algorithms utilize complex mathematical formulas to scramble data, making it unreadable to anyone without the corresponding decryption key. This method is commonly employed to protect sensitive information during transmission over networks or while stored on devices.
Implementing access controls is another vital aspect of data security. By defining and enforcing user permissions and authentication mechanisms, organizations can restrict access to data based on user roles and responsibilities. This helps prevent unauthorized users from gaining entry to sensitive data repositories, reducing the risk of data breaches.
Regular data backups are essential for mitigating the impact of unforeseen events such as hardware failures, cyberattacks, or natural disasters. By maintaining redundant copies of critical data in secure offsite locations, organizations can ensure data integrity and facilitate swift recovery in the event of data loss.
Furthermore, comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training for employees is crucial in fostering a culture of security consciousness within an organization. Educating staff about common cyber threats, best practices for handling sensitive information, and recognizing phishing attempts can significantly reduce the likelihood of security incidents stemming from human error or negligence.
In conclusion, prioritizing data security through robust encryption, access controls, regular backups, and employee training is essential for safeguarding valuable information assets in today's interconnected digital landscape. By adopting a proactive approach to data security, organizations can mitigate risks and maintain trust with their stakeholders.
Privacy protection
Privacy protection is a vital aspect of our digital age, where personal data is constantly at risk of being misused or leaked. In today's world, where information is readily available online, ensuring the security of our intimate details has become more important than ever.
One of the key ways to safeguard privacy is by using strong and unique passwords for different online accounts. A combination of letters, numbers, and special characters can help create a robust barrier against potential hackers. It's also crucial to regularly update passwords and avoid using easily guessable information, such as birthdays or pet names.
Furthermore, enabling two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security by requiring users to confirm their identity through a secondary device or method. This additional step can deter unauthorized access even if passwords are compromised.
Another effective tactic to protect privacy is to be mindful of the information shared on social media platforms. Oversharing personal details, such as vacation plans or home addresses, can make individuals vulnerable to identity theft or physical harm. Adjusting privacy settings to limit the audience for posts and being cautious about accepting friend requests from unknown users are essential precautions.
In conclusion, prioritizing privacy protection in the digital realm is essential for safeguarding personal information and maintaining online security. By implementing strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and exercising caution on social media, individuals can create a more secure and private online presence.
Online anonymity
Online anonymity refers to the ability of users to surf the internet, engage in online activities, and communicate with others without revealing their real identity. This concept has become increasingly important in today's digital age where privacy concerns are at an all-time high. There are various tools and methods that individuals can use to maintain their anonymity online.
One of the most commonly used tools for online anonymity is a Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN creates a secure and encrypted connection to the internet, allowing users to mask their IP address and browse the web anonymously. By using a VPN, individuals can keep their online activities private from hackers, websites, and even government surveillance.
Another popular method for achieving online anonymity is through the use of Tor, short for The Onion Router. Tor is a network that helps users conceal their location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. By routing internet traffic through a series of encrypted relays, Tor enables users to browse the web anonymously and access blocked websites.
Online anonymity can be beneficial for various reasons, such as protecting one's privacy, avoiding targeted advertising, bypassing online censorship, and ensuring secure communication. However, it is essential to note that while online anonymity can provide a sense of security, it is not foolproof. Users should still exercise caution and practice safe online habits to protect themselves from potential threats.
In conclusion, online anonymity plays a vital role in safeguarding user privacy and security on the internet. By utilizing tools like VPNs and Tor, individuals can take control of their online identity and protect themselves from unwanted surveillance and data tracking.
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VPN ad blocking effectiveness
When it comes to online advertising, pop-up ads, banners, and autoplay videos can be extremely annoying and disruptive to one's browsing experience. This is where VPN ad blocking comes into play to enhance the user's online experience by blocking these intrusive ads.
A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, encrypts your internet connection and routes it through a remote server, masking your IP address and location. Many VPN services also come with built-in ad blocking features, which prevent ads from appearing on your screen while browsing online.
The effectiveness of VPN ad blocking can vary depending on the VPN service provider and the technology they use. Some VPNs employ blacklists that block known ad servers and trackers, while others use more advanced algorithms to identify and block ads in real-time.
While VPN ad blocking can significantly reduce the number of annoying ads you see online, it's essential to note that it may not eliminate all ads entirely. Some websites have implemented anti-ad-blocking measures that can detect and bypass VPN ad blockers.
Overall, VPN ad blocking can be a useful tool for those looking to enhance their online privacy and security while enjoying an ad-free browsing experience. It's essential to choose a reputable VPN service that offers robust ad blocking features to ensure maximum effectiveness.
VPN privacy and ad protection
In the digital age, protecting your privacy online has become more crucial than ever before. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have emerged as powerful tools that not only provide anonymity and security but also offer ad protection to users.
When you connect to the internet through a VPN, your traffic is encrypted, making it nearly impossible for hackers, ISPs, or government authorities to monitor your online activities. This encryption ensures that your personal information, such as your IP address and browsing history, remains private and secure.
Moreover, VPNs play a significant role in protecting users from targeted advertising. Online advertisers often track your browsing habits and preferences to deliver personalized ads. By using a VPN, you can mask your IP address and location, making it challenging for advertisers to track you across different websites and target you with intrusive ads.
Additionally, some VPN providers offer features like ad blockers and malware protection to further enhance your online privacy and browsing experience. These tools help in blocking ads and preventing malicious software from infecting your devices while you surf the web.
Overall, using a VPN not only safeguards your privacy and data but also shields you from unwanted advertisements and potential cyber threats. Whether you are concerned about online tracking, targeted ads, or data breaches, incorporating a VPN into your online routine can significantly enhance your digital security and provide you with peace of mind while exploring the vast realms of the internet.
Advertisements bypassing VPN security
In the digital age, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) have become popular tools for protecting online privacy and security. By encrypting internet traffic and masking IP addresses, VPNs help users browse the web anonymously and access geo-restricted content. However, recent concerns have emerged about advertisements bypassing VPN security measures.
Advertisements are an integral part of the online ecosystem, serving as a primary source of revenue for many websites and platforms. Advertisers utilize various techniques to target users based on their browsing behavior and preferences. Some ads may contain tracking codes or scripts that can potentially bypass VPN protection, exposing users to privacy risks.
One common way ads bypass VPN security is through DNS (Domain Name System) leaks. When a user connects to a VPN server, their DNS requests should also be routed through the encrypted tunnel. However, poorly configured websites or ad networks may directly query the user's DNS server, bypassing the VPN and revealing the user's true IP address.
Another concern is malvertising, where malicious actors inject harmful code into legitimate ad networks. These malicious ads can deliver malware, ransomware, or phishing attempts directly to users, circumventing VPN defenses and putting sensitive information at risk.
To mitigate the risks of advertisements bypassing VPN security, users can take several precautions. They can use ad blockers, regularly update their VPN software, and choose reputable VPN providers that offer built-in ad-blocking features. Additionally, users should be cautious about clicking on ads and avoid interacting with suspicious or unverified content.
In conclusion, while VPNs offer essential protection against online threats, users should remain vigilant about potential vulnerabilities introduced by advertisements. By staying informed and implementing best practices, users can enhance their online security and privacy while browsing the web.
VPN encryption against ad tracking
In the digital age, privacy concerns have become increasingly prevalent, particularly with the rise of online advertising and tracking. As internet users navigate the web, they leave behind digital footprints that advertisers exploit to target them with personalized ads. However, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) offer a powerful solution to mitigate ad tracking and enhance online privacy through robust encryption protocols.
VPNs encrypt users' internet traffic, creating a secure tunnel between their device and the VPN server. This encryption scrambles data, making it unreadable to anyone attempting to intercept it, including advertisers and trackers. By masking users' IP addresses and encrypting their online activities, VPNs effectively shield them from invasive tracking techniques employed by advertisers.
One of the key advantages of VPN encryption against ad tracking is its ability to prevent third parties from monitoring users' browsing habits and collecting sensitive information. With encryption in place, advertisers cannot trace users' online behavior or access their personal data, thwarting targeted advertising efforts.
Moreover, VPNs offer additional layers of protection by routing users' traffic through secure servers located in different geographic locations. This further anonymizes users' online activities, making it virtually impossible for advertisers to pinpoint their exact whereabouts or track their digital footprint across various websites.
However, it's essential for users to choose reputable VPN providers that prioritize user privacy and employ robust encryption standards. Additionally, users should be aware that while VPNs offer significant privacy benefits, they may not provide complete anonymity, particularly if users engage in other identifying activities online.
In conclusion, VPN encryption serves as a formidable defense against ad tracking and enhances users' online privacy by encrypting their internet traffic and masking their digital identities. By leveraging VPN technology, users can reclaim control over their personal data and enjoy a more secure and private browsing experience.
VPN impact on online ad targeting
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on online ad targeting. By using a VPN, users can hide their IP address and encrypt their internet connection, making it difficult for advertisers to track their online activities and target them with personalized ads.
One of the key ways in which VPNs affect online ad targeting is by masking the user's true location. Advertisers often use IP addresses to determine a user's location and tailor ads based on their geographic location. However, when a user is connected to a VPN, their IP address appears to be from a different location, making it challenging for advertisers to accurately target them based on their actual location.
Furthermore, VPNs enhance user privacy by encrypting their internet traffic, making it difficult for advertisers to track their online behavior. Advertisers rely on tracking technologies like cookies to monitor users' activities and serve them targeted ads. However, when users are connected to a VPN, their internet traffic is encrypted, preventing advertisers from gathering valuable data about their browsing habits.
As a result, the use of VPNs can lead to a less personalized online advertising experience for users. While this may be beneficial for privacy-conscious individuals who want to avoid targeted ads, it can also impact advertisers who rely on precise targeting to reach their desired audience.
In conclusion, VPNs play a significant role in disrupting online ad targeting by masking users' true locations and encrypting their internet traffic. While this can enhance user privacy, it can also pose challenges for advertisers looking to deliver personalized ads. Ultimately, the impact of VPNs on online ad targeting highlights the ongoing tension between privacy and targeted advertising in the digital age.
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